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с португальского на английский


  • 1 wicked

    (evil; sinful: He is a wicked man; That was a wicked thing to do.) malvado
    - wickedness
    * * *
    [w'ikid] adj 1 mau, ruim. 2 pecaminoso, vicioso. 3 malvado, perverso. 4 pernicioso. 5 muito bom, excelente. the Wicked One o capeta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wicked

  • 2 wicked

    (evil; sinful: He is a wicked man; That was a wicked thing to do.) mau, ruim
    - wickedness

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > wicked

  • 3 wicked

    malvado, duro, difícil, ofensivo, mau, ímpio

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > wicked

  • 4 the Wicked One

    the Wicked One
    o capeta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the Wicked One

  • 5 atrocity

    noun (an extremely cruel and wicked act: The invading army committed many atrocities.) atrocidade
    * * *
    [ətr'ɔsiti] n 1 atrocidade, crueldade, perversidade. 2 brutalidade, ação atroz ou desumana, bestialidade. 3 coll erro grande, disparate, sandice.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > atrocity

  • 6 bad

    comparative - worse; adjective
    1) (not good; not efficient: He is a bad driver; His eyesight is bad; They are bad at tennis (= they play tennis badly).) mau
    2) (wicked; immoral: a bad man; He has done some bad things.) mau
    3) (unpleasant: bad news.) mau
    4) (rotten: This meat is bad.) estragado
    5) (causing harm or injury: Smoking is bad for your health.) mau
    6) ((of a part of the body) painful, or in a weak state: She has a bad heart; I have a bad head (= headache) today.) doente
    7) (unwell: I am feeling quite bad today.) mal
    8) (serious or severe: a bad accident; a bad mistake.) grave
    9) ((of a debt) not likely to be paid: The firm loses money every year from bad debts.) não pago
    - badness
    - badly off
    - feel bad about something
    - feel bad
    - go from bad to worse
    - not bad
    - too bad
    * * *
    [bæd] n o que é ruim, qualidade má, quer física ou moral. • adj (compar worse, sup worst) 1 ruim, mau, inferior. 2 malvado, perverso, iníquo. 3 desagradável, incômodo, dolorido, pungente. 4 desfavorável, inoportuno. 5 ofensivo, injurioso. bad language / linguagem de baixo calão, palavrões. 6 sem valor, imprestável. 7 defeituoso, imperfeito, falho. 8 falso, não-válido. bad coin / moeda falsa. 9 estragado, podre. 10 Amer hostil, perigoso, assassino. bad blood / coll ser hostil, zangado. 11 nocivo, prejudicial. 12 enfermo, adoentado. bad finger / dedo ferido ou doente. she is very bad / ela está muito doente, ela está passando mal. 13 triste, pesaroso. 14 severo, intenso forte: a bad cold / um forte resfriado. act in bad faith agir desonestamente, de má fé. feel bad about estar aborrecido ou envergonhado. from bad to worse de mal a pior. he feels bad about sl ele fica zangado ou sentido. he had a bad time of it ele passou mal. he is badly off ele está em má situação (financeira). he went to the bad coll ele perdeu-se. I am in his bad books não sou cotado com ele. in a bad temper zangado, mal-humorado. I take the bad with the good tomo as coisas como são. not bad coll não é mau, serve. not a bad joke / uma boa piada. that is too bad é pena. that is very bad isto é muito mau. to make the best of a bad job fazer o melhor possível em circunstâncias difíceis. 3 £ to the bad (side of the account) 3 libras esterlinas de prejuízo. with a bad grace de má vontade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bad

  • 7 base

    I 1. [beis] noun
    1) (the foundation, support, or lowest part (of something), or the surface on which something is standing: the base of the statue; the base of the triangle; the base of the tree.) base
    2) (the main ingredient of a mixture: This paint has oil as a base.) base
    3) (a headquarters, starting-point etc: an army base.) base
    2. verb
    ((often with on) to use as a foundation, starting-point etc: I base my opinion on evidence; Our group was based in Paris.) assentar
    II [beis] adjective
    (wicked or worthless: base desires.) baixo
    - baseness
    * * *
    [beis] n 1 base, pé, fundamento, fundo. 2 princípio fundamental. 3 elemento principal, parte essencial. 4 pedestal. 5 Bot, Zool extremidade ligada ao tronco. 6 Chem base. 7 tento em certos jogos. 8 lugar de partida. 9 Mil base de operações ou de reaprovisionamento. 10 Arith, Geom base. 11 matéria-prima. 12 Archit fundamento, alicerce. 13 Gram raiz. • vt 1 fazer ou formar base, fundar. 2 estabelecer, basear. 3 servir de base a. • adj básico, de base. base tee Jur fideicomisso parcialmente anulado.
    [beis] adj 1 vil, abjeto, baixo, egoísta, ignóbil. 2 ordinário, comum, desprezível. 3 de nascença ou origem baixa ou modesta. 4 inferior, de pouco valor. 5 falsificado, ilegítimo. 6 baixo, grave (som). 7 degradante, aviltante. 8 servil, subserviente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > base

  • 8 criminal

    1) (concerned with crime: criminal law.) criminal
    2) (against the law: Theft is a criminal offence.) criminal
    3) (very wrong; wicked: a criminal waste of food.) criminoso
    * * *
    [kr'iminəl] n criminoso, malfeitor. • adj 1 criminoso. 2 criminal.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > criminal

  • 9 devil

    1) (the spirit of evil; Satan: He does not worship God - he worships the Devil.) diabo
    2) (any evil or wicked spirit or person: That woman is a devil!) demónio
    3) (a person who is bad or disapproved of: She's a lazy devil.) estafermo
    4) (an unfortunate person for whom one feels pity: Poor devils! I feel really sorry for them.) pobre diabo
    * * *
    [devəl] n 1 diabo, demônio, satã, satanás, gênio do mal, belzebu, anjo decaído, espíríto das trevas. 2 pessoa má, malvada, perversa, cruel, espírito maligno. 3 homem destemido, audaz, enérgico, intrépido, esperto. 4 Tech abrideira, máquina usada na indústria de fiação. a lazy devil um preguiçoso. a lucky devil um felizardo. a poor devil um pobre diabo. between the devil and the deep blue sea entre dois fogos, entre a cruz e a caldeirinha. like the devil extremamente, excessivamente. the devil! o diabo! the devil and all muita confusão, barulho. there is the devil to pay vai haver o diabo, haverá muitas preocupações no futuro. to go to the devil a) arruinar-se, levar o diabo. b) ir para o diabo! to play the devil fazer mal a. to raise the devil armar barulho, fazer confusão. to talk of the devil falar do diabo e apontar o rabo (aí vem a pessoa da qual estamos falando). what the devil! que diabo! com o diabo!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > devil

  • 10 evil

    ['i:vl] 1. adjective
    (very bad; wicked; sinful: evil intentions; an evil man; He looks evil; evil deeds; an evil tongue.) mau
    2. noun
    1) (wrong-doing, harm or wickedness: He tries to ignore all the evil in the world; Do not speak evil of anyone.) mal
    2) (anything evil, eg crime, misfortune etc: London in the eighteenth century was a place of crime, filth, poverty and other evils.) mal
    - evilly
    - evilness
    - evil-doer
    * * *
    [i:v2l] n 1 mal, maldade. wish no one any evil / não deseje o mal a outrem. of two evils choose the least! / de dois males, o menor! to speak evil of / falar mal de (alguém). 2 infortúnio, dano, pecado, desgraça. he did evil in the sight of the Lord / ele pecou perante Deus. • adj 1 mau, malvado, miserável. he’s an evil boy / ele é um menino malvado. 2 infeliz. 3 daninho, malfazejo, prejudicial, nocivo. The Evil one demônio, diabo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > evil

  • 11 fiend

    1) (a devil: the fiends of hell.) inimigo/diabo, demónio
    2) (a wicked or cruel person: She's an absolute fiend when she's angry.) demónio
    3) (a person who is very enthusiastic about something: a fresh air fiend; a fiend for work.) fanático
    - fiendishly
    * * *
    [fi:nd] n 1 demônio, diabo, espírito maligno. 2 the fiend o Satã. 3 coll viciado, fanático. dope fiend toxicômano. football fiend fanático por futebol.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fiend

  • 12 fiendish

    1) (wicked or devilish: a fiendish temper.) diabólico
    2) (very difficult, clever etc: a fiendish plan.) diabólico
    * * *
    [f'i:ndiʃ] adj 1 diabólico, demoníaco, satânico. 2 cruel, perverso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fiendish

  • 13 gloat

    (to look at or think about with wicked pleasure: He gloated over his rival's failure.) regozijar-se
    * * *
    [glout] n exultação maligna, regozijo. • vi olhar com satisfação maligna, regozijar-se, tripudiar, sentir-se triunfante com a desgraça alheia. to gloat on, upon, over exultar com malignidade sobre.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gloat

  • 14 hell

    ((according to some religions) the place or state of punishment of the wicked after death with much pain, misery etc.) inferno
    - hellbent on
    * * *
    [hel] n 1 inferno (também fig). 2 lugar de grande sofrimento e destruição. as hell absolutamente, muito. between hell and high water bras entre a cruz e a caldeirinha. come hell or high water venha o que vier. for the hell of it por prazer. hell of a legal, muito. hell to pay conseqüências desagradáveis. like hell a) muito, intensamente, excessivamente. it hurts like hell / está doendo incrivelmente. b) muito difícil. c) muito rápido. to give someone hell a) punir, castigar alguém severamente. b) infernizar. I gave him hell / infernizei-lhe a vida. to raise hell pintar o diabo. what the hell! que diabo!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hell

  • 15 immoral

    (wrong or wicked: immoral conduct.) imoral
    - immorality
    * * *
    [im'ɔrəl] adj imoral, desonesto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > immoral

  • 16 imp

    1) (a small devil or wicked spirit.) diabrete
    2) (a mischievous child: Her son is a little imp.) diabrete
    * * *
    [imp] n 1 criança levada, moleque. 2 diabinho, duende.
    [imp] abbr 1 imperfect (imperfeito). 2 imperative (imperativo).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > imp

  • 17 inherently

    adverb (basically: He may be mischievous, but he is not inherently wicked.)
    * * *
    [inh'iərəntli] adv inerentemente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > inherently

  • 18 malevolent

    (wishing evil to others: The wicked old woman gave a malevolent smile.) malévolo
    - malevolence
    * * *
    [məl'evələnt] adj malévolo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > malevolent

  • 19 nasty

    1) (unpleasant to the senses: a nasty smell.) desagradável
    2) (unfriendly or unpleasant in manner: The man was very nasty to me.) desagradável
    3) (wicked; evil: He has a nasty temper.) mau
    4) ((of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc.) desagradável
    5) ((of a wound, cut etc) serious: That dog gave her a nasty bite.) feio
    6) (awkward or very difficult: a nasty situation.) difícil
    - nastiness
    * * *
    [n'a:sti, n'æsti] adj 1 sórdido, torpe, vil. 2 desagradável, horrível. 3 indecente, repelente. 4 vexatório, odioso. don’t be nasty não seja malcriado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > nasty

  • 20 outrage

    1. noun
    (a wicked act, especially of great violence: the outrages committed by the soldiers; The decision to close the road is a public outrage.) atrocidade
    2. verb
    (to hurt, shock or insult: She was outraged by his behaviour.) insultar
    - outrageously
    - outrageousness
    * * *
    ['autreidʒ] n 1 ultraje, afronta, injúria, indignidade, ofensa. 2 excesso, abuso. • vt 1 ultrajar, insultar, injuriar. 2 exceder-se, abusar. 3 violar, estuprar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outrage

См. также в других словарях:

  • Wicked — may refer to:The arts* , a novel by Gregory Maguire based on L. Frank Baum s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz * Wicked (musical) , a Tony Award winning Broadway and West End musical, based on Maguire s novel ** Wicked (album) , the original cast… …   Wikipedia

  • Wicked — Wick ed (w[i^]k [e^]d), a. [OE. wicked, fr. wicke wicked; probably originally the same word as wicche wizard, witch. See {Witch}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Evil in principle or practice; deviating from morality; contrary to the moral or divine law;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wicked! — Альбом Дата выпуска 1996 Записан 1996 Жанр New Age, Транс, Рейв, Эмбиент Дл …   Википедия

  • Wicked — ist der Name: eines Romans von Gregory Maguire, siehe Wicked – Die Hexen von Oz (Roman) eines Musicals von Stephen Schwartz, siehe Wicked – Die Hexen von Oz (Musical) eines Liedes, siehe Wicked Game einer US amerikanischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Wicked — Wicked, ou Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, est le premier roman de Gregory Maguire sur l univers d Oz. Sommaire 1 Réappropriation de l univers d Oz 2 Suites 3 Adaptation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • wicked — [wik′id] adj. [ME < wikke, evil, akin to OE wicce, WITCH] 1. a) morally bad or wrong; acting or done with evil intent; depraved b) vicious; cruel [the wicked king] 2. painful, unpleasant, etc. [a wicked blow on the head] …   English World dictionary

  • Wicked — (w[i^]kt), a. Having a wick; used chiefly in composition; as, a two wicked lamp. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wicked — [adj1] corrupt, bad abandoned, abominable, amoral, arch, atrocious, bad news*, base, contemptible, debased, degenerate, depraved, devilish, dissolute, egregious, evil, fiendish, flagitious, foul, gross, guilty, heartless, heinous, immoral,… …   New thesaurus

  • wicked — index arrant (onerous), bad (offensive), base (bad), contemptible, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed) …   Law dictionary

  • wicked — late 13c., earlier wick (12c.), apparently an adj. use of O.E. wicca wizard (see WICCA (Cf. wicca)). For evolution, Cf. WRETCHED (Cf. wretched) from WRETCH (Cf. wretch). Slang ironic sense of wonderful first attested 1920, in F. Scott Fitzgerald …   Etymology dictionary

  • wicked — evil, *bad, ill, naughty Analogous words: *immoral, unmoral, amoral: iniquitous, *vicious, villainous: *abandoned, reprobate, profligate, dissolute Contrasted words: *moral, virtuous, righteous, ethical, noble …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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