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с албанского на английский


  • 1 whipping top

    ['hwiping /'w- top] n. verrle, fugë

    English-Albanian dictionary > whipping top

  • 2 whipping

    ['hwiping /'w-] n. fshikullim, rrahje me kamzhik
    whipping boy ['hwiping /'w- boi] n. fig. dash i kurbanit
    whipping post ['hwiping /'w- pëust] n. shtyllë e të dënuarve
    whipping top ['hwiping /'w- top] n. verrle, fugë

    English-Albanian dictionary > whipping

  • 3 whip

    [hwip /wip] n.,v. -n 1. kamzhik. 2. fshikullim, rrahje me kamzhik. 3. krem; ëmbëlsirë me vezë të rrahura. 4. pol. kryetar grupi parlamentar. 5. pol. porosi për votim të detyruar; three-line whip urdhër për votim të detyruar. 6. karrocier; drejtues slite /-v 1. qëlloj me kamzhik, fshikulloj. 2. heq me vrull (pallton etj). 3. fig. nxis, cys. 4. fig. fshikulloj, kritikoj ashpër. 5. fig. mund. 6. rrah (vezët). 7. hedh (grepin). 8. peshkoj me kallam. 9. rrëmbej. 10. Br. zhrg. qëroj, përlaj. 11. lidh rreth diçkaje.
    whip along [hwip /wip ë'long] iki si shigjetë
    whip away [hwip /wip ë'wei] a) turrem, iki si shigjetë; b) heq, zhduk në çast; c) merr, rrëmben (era)
    whip back [hwip /wip bæk] kthehet mbrapsht (litari etj)
    whip in [hwip /wip in] a) hyj si shigjetë; b) sjell (zagari); c) pol. mbledh (deputetët); d) përziej kremin (me diçka)
    whip off [hwip /wip of] heq në cast (kapakun, kapelën)
    vwhip on [hwip /wip on] a) vesh në çast; b) fshikulloj, nxis (kalin)
    whip over [hwip /wip 'ëuvë:(r)] hidhem një hop
    whip round [hwip /wip raund] a) kthehem në çast; b) rrotullohet vrik; c) hidhem një hop
    whip-round ['hwipraund /wipraund] n. mbledhje ndihmash
    whip through [hwip /wip thru:] a) kaloj me shpejtësi, i hedh një sy fluturimthi (fletës); b) e bëj sa hap e mbyll sytë (një punë)
    whip up [hwip /wip ap] a) nxis; b) rrah (vezë); c) kap, rrëmbej; d) sajoj shpejt e shpejt
    whipcord ['hwipko:d /'wipko:d] n. litar i fortë (për kamzhik)
    whip hand [hwip /wip hænd] n. fig. komande; have the whip hand over others komandoj të tjerët
    whiplash ['hwiplæsh /'wiplæsh] n 1. fije/litar kamzhiku. 2. goditje kamzhiku. 3. aut. dëmtim i zverkut (nga aksidenti)
    whipper-snapper ['hwipë:snæpë: /'w-] n. mburravec
    whipping ['hwiping /'w-] n. fshikullim, rrahje me kamzhik
    whipping boy [hwip /wip boi] n. fig. dash i kurbanit
    whipping post [hwip /wip pëust] n. shtyllë e të dënuarve
    whipping top [hwip /wip top] n. verrle, fugë
    whipsaw ['hwipso: /'w-] n.,v -n. sharrë e tendosur (në skelet) -v 1. sharroj. 2. gj.fol. ia kaloj, lë në bisht

    English-Albanian dictionary > whip

См. также в других словарях:

  • whipping top — noun a top that is spun by whipping • Syn: ↑whip top • Hypernyms: ↑top, ↑whirligig, ↑teetotum, ↑spinning top * * * noun or whip to …   Useful english dictionary

  • whipping-top — whippˈing top (or whipˈ top) noun A top kept spinning by means of a whip • • • Main Entry: ↑whip …   Useful english dictionary

  • whipping top — /ˈwɪpɪŋ tɒp/ (say wiping top) noun a top spun by striking with a whip …  

  • whipping top — spinning toy, dreidel, top used at Hanukkah …   English contemporary dictionary

  • whipping — n. 1 a beating, esp. with a whip. 2 cord wound round in binding. Phrases and idioms: whipping boy 1 a scapegoat. 2 hist. a boy educated with a young prince and punished instead of him. whipping cream cream suitable for whipping. whipping post… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Top — A top, or spinning top, is a toy that can be spun on an axis, balancing on a point. This motion is produced by holding the axis firmly while pulling a string. An internal weight then rotates, producing an overall circular motion. The top is one… …   Wikipedia

  • top — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. crown, head; acme, summit, pinnacle; pick, elite; lid, cover. v. crown, cap; prune, excel, dominate. See superiority, height. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Highest] Syn. topmost, uppermost, highest, on… …   English dictionary for students

  • top — top1 /top/, n., adj., v., topped, topping. n. 1. the highest or loftiest point or part of anything; apex; summit. 2. the uppermost or upper part, surface, etc., of anything. 3. the higher end of anything on a slope. 4. Brit. a. a part considered… …   Universalium

  • Whipping — Whip Whip, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Whipped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Whipping}.] [OE. whippen to overlay, as a cord, with other cords, probably akin to G. & D. wippen to shake, to move up and down, Sw. vippa, Dan. vippe to swing to and fro, to shake, to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whip top — noun a top that is spun by whipping • Syn: ↑whipping top • Hypernyms: ↑top, ↑whirligig, ↑teetotum, ↑spinning top * * * variant of whipping top …   Useful english dictionary

  • spinning top — noun a conical child s plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin he got a bright red top and string for his birthday • Syn: ↑top, ↑whirligig, ↑teetotum • Derivationally related forms: ↑whirligig (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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