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  • 1 adaequo

    ădaequo, āre, āvi, ātum - tr. - [st2]1 [-] mettre de niveau avec, rendre égal. [st2]2 [-] égaler, atteindre (qqch.). [st2]3 [-] comparer.    - aliquem cum aliquo adaequare: rendre qqn égal à qqn.    - rem rei adaequare: rendre qqch égal à qqch, comparer une chose à une autre.    - avec dat. tecta adaequare solo, Liv.: raser les maisons (les mettre au niveau du sol).    - urbem adaequare (s.-ent. solo), Flor.: raser une ville.    - rem rei adaequare, Tac. An. 2, 73; Sil. 12, 278: comparer une chose à une autre.    - aetatem, genus mortis magni Alexandri fatis adaequare, Tac. An. 2: comparer à la destinée d'Alexandre la vie et le genre de mort (de Germanicus).    - nomen adaequare cum omni posteritate, Cic.: faire vivre son nom aussi longtemps que la dernière postérité.    - adaequare altitudinem muri, Caes.: atteindre le sommet du mur.    - adaequare famam alicujus, Sall. J. 4, 6: égaler la renommée de qqn.    - adaequare aliquem gratiā apud Caesarem, Caes. BG. 5, 12, 7: égaler qqn en crédit auprès de César (égaler qqn dans la faveur de César).    - absol. senatorum urna absolvit, equitum adaequavit, Cic.: les votes des sénateurs furent pour l'acquittement, ceux des chevaliers se répartirent par moitié.    - emploi intr., exceptionnel, avec dat. être égal à, égaler: Hirt. BG. 8, 41, 5; B. Alex. 16, 5.
    * * *
    ădaequo, āre, āvi, ātum - tr. - [st2]1 [-] mettre de niveau avec, rendre égal. [st2]2 [-] égaler, atteindre (qqch.). [st2]3 [-] comparer.    - aliquem cum aliquo adaequare: rendre qqn égal à qqn.    - rem rei adaequare: rendre qqch égal à qqch, comparer une chose à une autre.    - avec dat. tecta adaequare solo, Liv.: raser les maisons (les mettre au niveau du sol).    - urbem adaequare (s.-ent. solo), Flor.: raser une ville.    - rem rei adaequare, Tac. An. 2, 73; Sil. 12, 278: comparer une chose à une autre.    - aetatem, genus mortis magni Alexandri fatis adaequare, Tac. An. 2: comparer à la destinée d'Alexandre la vie et le genre de mort (de Germanicus).    - nomen adaequare cum omni posteritate, Cic.: faire vivre son nom aussi longtemps que la dernière postérité.    - adaequare altitudinem muri, Caes.: atteindre le sommet du mur.    - adaequare famam alicujus, Sall. J. 4, 6: égaler la renommée de qqn.    - adaequare aliquem gratiā apud Caesarem, Caes. BG. 5, 12, 7: égaler qqn en crédit auprès de César (égaler qqn dans la faveur de César).    - absol. senatorum urna absolvit, equitum adaequavit, Cic.: les votes des sénateurs furent pour l'acquittement, ceux des chevaliers se répartirent par moitié.    - emploi intr., exceptionnel, avec dat. être égal à, égaler: Hirt. BG. 8, 41, 5; B. Alex. 16, 5.
    * * *
        Adaequo, adaequas, pen. prod. adaequare. Reduire à equalité, Esgaler, Adjuster, Justifier.
        Tecta adaequare solo. Liu. Raser, Mettre rez pied, rez terre.
        Longarum nauium cursum adaequauerunt. Caes. Ont couru aussi viste.
        Vt prope summam muri, aggerisque altitudinem, acerui armorum adaequarent. Caesar. Presque aussi haults que le sommet des murailles.
        Adaequare cum virtute fortunam. Cic. Estre aussi heureux que vaillant.
        Cum familiarissimis eius est adaequatus. Cic. Il fut mis au ranc de ses plus privez, et de ceuls qu'il aimoit le mieulx.
        Adaequare memoriam nominis nostri cum omni posteritate. Cic. Rendre nostre memoire et renommee aussi durable que les hommes qui viendront apres nous, Perpetuer nostre nom jusques à la fin du monde, Faire nostre renommee immortelle.
        Adaequare aliquem sibi. Cic. Esgaler à soy, Faire esgal et pareil à soy.
        Iudices adaequarunt. Cic. Les juges sont ad aequalia, sont partis, La moitié des juges est d'une opinion, et l'autre moitié d'autre.

    Dictionarium latinogallicum > adaequo

  • 2 ambitus

    [st1]1 [-] ambĭtus, a, um: part. passé de ambio. - [abcl][b]a - entouré. - [abcl]b - circonvenu, courtisé, sollicité, brigué, à qui l'on fait la cour.[/b] [st1]2 [-] ambĭtŭs, ūs, m.: - [abcl][b]a - action de tourner, mouvement circulaire, révolution (d'un astre), circuit, détour, tour, pourtour, enceinte, circonférence. - [abcl]b - circonlocution, période; périphrase. - [abcl]c - recherche (illégale) des dignités, brigue (illégale), intrigue, cabale, ambition, manoeuvres. - [abcl]d - ostentation, faste, pompe, parade, appareil, vanité, affectation de grandeur, emphase.[/b]    - ambitus stellarum: révolution des astres.    - ambitus aedium: le chemin qui fait le tour de la maison.    - ambitus (verborum): la période.    - ambitum destinare muris, Curt.: tracer une enceinte pour les remparts.    - lex de ambitu (lex ambitus): loi sur la brigue.    - nonnulli ambitus Pompeia lege damnati, Caes.: quelques personnes condamnées pour brigue en vertu de la loi Pompéia.    - accusare aliquem ambitus: accuser qqn de brigue.    - ambitus suffragiorum: l'achat des votes.    - ambitio: brigue (légale) [] ambitus: brigue (illégale).
    * * *
    [st1]1 [-] ambĭtus, a, um: part. passé de ambio. - [abcl][b]a - entouré. - [abcl]b - circonvenu, courtisé, sollicité, brigué, à qui l'on fait la cour.[/b] [st1]2 [-] ambĭtŭs, ūs, m.: - [abcl][b]a - action de tourner, mouvement circulaire, révolution (d'un astre), circuit, détour, tour, pourtour, enceinte, circonférence. - [abcl]b - circonlocution, période; périphrase. - [abcl]c - recherche (illégale) des dignités, brigue (illégale), intrigue, cabale, ambition, manoeuvres. - [abcl]d - ostentation, faste, pompe, parade, appareil, vanité, affectation de grandeur, emphase.[/b]    - ambitus stellarum: révolution des astres.    - ambitus aedium: le chemin qui fait le tour de la maison.    - ambitus (verborum): la période.    - ambitum destinare muris, Curt.: tracer une enceinte pour les remparts.    - lex de ambitu (lex ambitus): loi sur la brigue.    - nonnulli ambitus Pompeia lege damnati, Caes.: quelques personnes condamnées pour brigue en vertu de la loi Pompéia.    - accusare aliquem ambitus: accuser qqn de brigue.    - ambitus suffragiorum: l'achat des votes.    - ambitio: brigue (légale) [] ambitus: brigue (illégale).
    * * *
        Ambitus, pen. prod. Participium. Ouid. Environné.
        Ambitus. Cic. Populus mouetur plerunque gratia, facit eos a quibus est maxime ambitus. Baille les offices et magistrats à ceulx par lesquels il a esté le plus fort prié et sollicité.
        Ambiti honores a principe. Clau. Honneurs et estats qu'on a demandez au prince par grandes brigues et pourchaz.
        Ambitus, huius ambitus, pe. cor. m. g. Cic. Le circuit, ou le tour.
        Ambitus aedium. Cic. Le circuit d'une maison.
        In ambitu nominum est haec herba. Plin. Ceste herbe a divers noms et differentes appellations.
        Ambitus verborum. Colum. Circuition de parolles.
        Ambitus nominum. Plin. Diversité de noms, Quand une chose ha plusieurs noms differens.
        Ambitus. Quintil. La brigue et pourchaz qu'on faict pour quelques honneurs et offices.
        Ambitus acrior. Tacit. Brigue fort aspre.
        Immanis ambitus. Cic. Grande brigue.
        Accusari ambitus. Cic. Estre accusé d'avoir brigué.

    Dictionarium latinogallicum > ambitus

  • 3 pons

    [st1]1 [-] pons, pontis, m.: - [abcl][b]a - pont. - [abcl]b - pont-levis, pont d'attaque (dans les sièges). - [abcl]c - pont (pour débarquer ou embarquer). - [abcl]d - pont, chaussée étroite (pratiquée dans les lieux marécageux). - [abcl]e - pont (de bateau), pont volant. - [abcl]f - plancher d'une tour; étage, pont de communication entre les tours. - [abcl]g - pont qui, dans les comices, conduisait l'un après l'autre les votants dans l'enceinte où ils déposaient leurs votes.[/b]    - pons versatilis, Luc.: pont-levis. [st1]2 [-] Pons Campanus, m.: Pont Campanien (ville d'Apulie).
    * * *
    [st1]1 [-] pons, pontis, m.: - [abcl][b]a - pont. - [abcl]b - pont-levis, pont d'attaque (dans les sièges). - [abcl]c - pont (pour débarquer ou embarquer). - [abcl]d - pont, chaussée étroite (pratiquée dans les lieux marécageux). - [abcl]e - pont (de bateau), pont volant. - [abcl]f - plancher d'une tour; étage, pont de communication entre les tours. - [abcl]g - pont qui, dans les comices, conduisait l'un après l'autre les votants dans l'enceinte où ils déposaient leurs votes.[/b]    - pons versatilis, Luc.: pont-levis. [st1]2 [-] Pons Campanus, m.: Pont Campanien (ville d'Apulie).
    * * *
        Pons, pontis, m. g. Plin. Un pont.
        Roboreus. Ouid. Pont de bois.
        Saxeus. Lucan. Pont de pierre.
        Solutus. Claud. Rompu.
        Versatilis. Un pont levis.
        Iungere ponte fluuium. Curtius. Faire un pont sur une riviere.
        Pons. Virgil. L'eschele d'une navire.

    Dictionarium latinogallicum > pons

  • 4 ferō

        ferō tulī (tetulī, T., Ct.), lātus, ferre    [1 FER-; TAL-], to bear, carry, support, lift, hold, take up: aliquid, T.: arma, Cs.: sacra Iunonis, H.: cadaver umeris, H.: Pondera tanta, O.: oneri ferendo est, able to carry, O.: pedes ferre recusant Corpus, H.: in Capitolium faces: ventrem ferre, to be pregnant, L.: (eum) in oculis, to hold dear.—To carry, take, fetch, move, bear, lead, conduct, drive, direct: pisciculos obolo in cenam seni, T.: Caelo supinas manūs, raisest, H.: ire, pedes quocumque ferent, H.: opertā lecticā latus per oppidum: signa ferre, put in motion, i. e. march, Cs.: huc pedem, come, T.: pedem, stir, V.: ferunt sua flamina classem, V.: vagos gradūs, O.: mare per medium iter, pursue, V.: quo ventus ferebat, drove, Cs.: vento mora ne qua ferenti, i. e. when it should blow, V.: itinera duo, quae ad portum ferebant, led, Cs.: si forte eo vestigia ferrent, L.: corpus et arma tumulo, V.—Prov.: In silvam non ligna feras, coals to Newcastle, H.—With se, to move, betake oneself, hasten, rush: mihi sese obviam, meet: me tempestatibus obvium: magnā se mole ferebat, V.: ad eum omni studio incitatus ferebatur, Cs.: alii perterriti ferebantur, fled, Cs.: pubes Fertur equis, V.: (fera) supra venabula fertur, springs, V.: quocumque feremur, are driven: in eam (tellurem) feruntur pondera: Rhenus per finīs Nantuatium fertur, flows, Cs.—Praegn., to carry off, take by force, snatch, plunder, spoil, ravage: rapiunt incensa feruntque Pergama, V.: puer fertur equis, V.— To bear, produce, yield: quae terra fruges ferre possit: flore terrae quem ferunt, H. — To offer, bring (as an oblation): Sacra matri, V.: tura superis, O.— To get, receive, acquire, obtain, earn, win: donum, T.: fructūs ex sese: partem praedae: crucem pretium sceleris, Iu.: Plus poscente, H.—Fig., to bear, carry, hold, support: vina, quae vetustatem ferunt, i. e. are old: Scripta vetustatem si ferent, attain, O.: Insani sapiens nomen ferat, be called, H.: finis alienae personae ferendae, bearing an assumed character, L.: secundas (partīs), support, i. e. act as a foil, H.— To bring, take, carry, render, lead, conduct: mi auxilium, bring help: alcui subsidium, Cs.: condicionem, proffer, Cs.: matri obviae complexum, L.: fidem operi, procure, V.: mortem illis: ego studio ad rem p. latus sum, S.: numeris fertur (Pindar) solutis, H.: laudibus alquem in caelum, praise: (rem) supra quam fieri possit, magnify: virtutem, ad caelum, S.: in maius incertas res, L.— To prompt, impel, urge, carry away: crudelitate et scelere ferri, be carried away: furiatā mente ferebar, V.: quo animus fert, inclination leads, S.: si maxime animus ferat, S.: fert animus dicere, impels, O.— To carry off, take away, remove: Omnia fert aetas, V.—With se, to carry, conduct: Quem sese ore ferens! boasting, V.: ingentem sese clamore, paraded, V.— To bear, bring forth, produce: haec aetas oratorem tulit: tulit Camillum paupertas, H.— To bear away, win, carry off, get, obtain, receive: omnium iudicio primas: ex Etruscā civitate victoriam, L.: laudem inter suos, Cs.: centuriam, tribūs, get the votes: Omne tulit punctum, H.: repulsam a populo, experience: Haud inpune feres, escape, O.— To bear, support, meet, experience, take, put up with, suffer, tolerate, endure: alcius desiderium: voltum atque aciem oculorum, Cs.: multa tulit fecitque puer, H.: iniurias civium, N.: quem ferret, si parentem non ferret suom? brook, T.: tui te diutius non ferent: dolores fortiter: iniurias tacite: rem aegerrume, S.: tacite eius verecundiam non tulit senatus, quin, etc., i. e. did not let it pass, without, etc., L.: servo nubere nympha tuli, O.: moleste tulisti, a me aliquid factum esse, etc.: gravissime ferre se dixit me defendere, etc.: non ferrem moleste, si ita accidisset: casum per lamenta, Ta.: de Lentulo sic fero, ut debeo: moleste, quod ego nihil facerem, etc.: cum mulier fleret, homo ferre non potuit: iratus atque aegre ferens, T.: patior et ferendum puto: non tulit Alcides animis, control himself, V.—Of feeling or passion, to bear, experience, disclose, show, exhibit: dolorem paulo apertius: id obscure: haud clam tulit iram, L.—In the phrase, Prae se ferre, to manifest, profess, show, display, declare: cuius rei facultatem secutum me esse, prae me fero: noli, quaero, prae te ferre, vos esse, etc.: speciem doloris voltu prae se tulit, Ta.—Of speech, to report, relate, make known, assert, celebrate, say, tell: haec omnibus ferebat sermonibus, Cs.: pugnam laudibus, L.: quod fers, cedo, say, T.: quae nunc Samothracia fertur, is called, V.: si ipse... acturum se id per populum aperte ferret, L.: homo ut ferebant, acerrimus, as they said: si, ut fertur, etc., as is reported: non sat idoneus Pugnae ferebaris, were accounted, H.: utcumque ferent ea facta minores, will regard, V.: hunc inventorem artium ferunt, they call, Cs.: multa eius responsa acute ferebantur, were current: quem ex Hyperboreis Delphos ferunt advenisse: qui in contione dixisse fertur.—Of votes, to cast, give in, record, usu. with suffragium or sententiam: de me suffragium: sententiam per tabellam (of judges): aliis audientibus iudicibus, aliis sententiam ferentibus, i. e. passing judgment, Cs.: in senatu de bello sententiam.—Of a law or resolution, to bring forward, move, propose, promote: legem: lege latā: nihil erat latum de me: de interitu meo quaestionem: rogationes ad populum, Cs.: te ad populum tulisse, ut, etc., proposed a bill: de isto foedere ad populum: cum, ut absentis ratio haberetur, ferebamus.— Impers: lato ad populum, ut, etc., L.— With iudicem, to offer, propose as judge: quem ego si ferrem iudicem, etc.: iudicem illi, propose a judge to, i. e. go to law with, L.—In book-keeping, to enter, set down, note: minus quam Verres illi expensum tulerit, etc., i. e. set down as paid.—To require, demand, render necessary, allow, permit, suffer: dum aetatis tempus tulit, T.: si tempus ferret: incepi dum res tetulit, nunc non fert, T.: graviora verba, quam natura fert: sicut hominum religiones ferunt: ut aetas illa fert, as is usual at that time of life: si ita commodum vestrum fert: si vestra voluntas feret, if such be your pleasure: uti fors tulit, S.: natura fert, ut, etc.
    * * *
    ferre, tuli, latus V
    bring, bear; tell speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get

    Latin-English dictionary > ferō

  • 5 ambio

    amb-ĭo, īvi, and ii, ītum, 4, v.n. and a. (although from the root eo, it is regularly conjugated throughout; hence part. perf. ambītus; but ambitio and 2. ambĭtus follow the quantity of the simple verb, eo, ĭtum; in the imperf. ambiebat;

    also ambibat,

    Ov. M. 5, 361; cf. Prisc. p. 910 P.; Zumpt, Gram. § 215).
    Lit.: aliquid, to go round or about a thing (syn. circumeo):

    ut terram lunae cursus proxime ambiret,

    Cic. Tim. 9:

    ambibat Siculae cautus fundamina terrae,

    Ov. M. 5, 361:

    jubet urbem ambiri,

    Luc. 1, 592.—
    To surround, encircle, encompass (syn.:

    circumdo, cingo): insula, quam amnis Euphrates ambiebat,

    Vell. 2, 101:

    ambitae litora terrae,

    Ov. M. 1, 37:

    Thracam nec purior ambiat Hebrus,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 13; Verg. A. 6, 550 (cf. Sen. Ben. 4, 5: flumina campos cingentia;

    v. ambitus, I.): funiculus ambiebat gyrum ejus,

    Vulg. 2 Par. 4, 2:

    muros praealtum mare ambiebat,

    Curt. 4, 2; so Tac. A. 1, 68; 15, 43; Suet. Aug. 95:

    (clipei) oras ambiit auro,

    Verg. A. 10, 243:

    ambiente (gemmam) circulo coloris aurei,

    Plin. 37, 10, 60, § 166:

    Judam suo ambiebat exercitu,

    Vulg. 2 Par. 13, 13.—
    T. t. to designate the manner in which candidates for office sought to procure votes (v. ambitio), to go round after, to solicit, canvass for votes (syn. peto):

    virtute ambire oportet, non fautoribus,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 18:

    quod si comitia placet in senatu habere, petamus, ambiamus,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 8:

    ambiuntur, rogantur,

    id. Rep. 1, 31; id. Planc. 4:

    singulos ex senatu ambiundo nitebantur, ne etc.,

    Sall. J. 13, 8.—With acc. of the office:

    magistratum sibi,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 74.—
    In gen., to solicit one for something, for his favor, friendship, etc., to strive for, seek to gain (syn.:

    peto, sector): qui ambīssent palmam histrionibus,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 69: nisi senis amicos oras, ambis, * Ter. And. 2, 2, 36:

    reginam ambire affatu,

    Verg. A. 4, 284:

    conubiis ambire Latinum,

    id. ib. 7, 333:

    te pauper ambit sollicitā prece Ruris colonus,

    Hor. C. 1, 35, 5:

    ambiebat Jason summum sacerdotium,

    Vulg. 2 Macc. 4, 7.—With ut or ne:

    ambienti, ut legibus solveretur,

    Suet. Caes. 18:

    ambirent multi, ne filias in sortem darent,

    id. Aug. 31.—With inf.:

    donec ultro ambiretur consulatum accipere,

    Tac. A. 2, 43:

    pauci, qui ob nobilitatem plurimis nuptiis ambiuntur,

    Tac. G. 18.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ambio

  • 6 rogator

    rŏgātor, ōris, m. [rogo].
    In publicists' lang., *
    One who proposes a law to the people, the proposer of a law, presenter of a bill: legum, Lucil. ap. Non. 383, 14 (v. infra, II. A.). —
    An officer in the voting comitia who asked the people for their votes, a collector of votes, a polling-clerk, Cic. N. D. 2, 4, 11:

    justus comitiorum rogator,

    id. Div. 1, 17, 33; 2, 35, 74:

    vos rogatores, vos diribitores, vos custodes fuisse tabularum,

    id. Pis. 15, 36.—
    Transf., in gen., *
    One who makes a proposal, a proposer (in allusion to the signif. I. A.):

    haec epistula non suasoris est sed rogatoris,

    Cic. Att. 16, 16, B, 9. —
    A beggar, mendicant, Mart. 4, 30, 13; 10, 5, 4.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > rogator

  • 7 ambiō

        ambiō (imperf. ambibat, O., L., Ta.), īvī and iī, ītus, īre    [ambi + eo], to go round, go about: terram lunae cursus: Siculae fundamina terrae, O.—To surround, encircle, encompass: ambitae litora terrae, O.: Thracam ambiat Hebrus, H.: moenia, Quae flammis ambit amnis, V.: vallum armis, Ta. —Fig., to canvass for votes: singulos ex senatu, S.: ambiuntur, rogantur cives.—To secure by canvassing, win by solicitation, entreat, solicit, court: senis amicos, T.: connubiis Latinum, V.: te prece, H.: nuptiis ambiri, to be sought in marriage, Ta.
    * * *
    ambire, ambivi, ambitus V
    go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace

    Latin-English dictionary > ambiō

  • 8 ambitiō

        ambitiō ōnis, f    [ambio], a going about.— Esp., of candidates for office, the soliciting of votes (by lawful means): mea me ambitio cogitatione abstrahebat: tanta exarsit ambitio, ut, etc., L.: Quid de nostris ambitionibus loquer? — A striving for favor, courting, flattery, adulation: ambitione adducti: in Scipione ambitio maior, vita tristior: Platonem magnā ambitione perduxit, ostentatiously, N.: ambitione relegatā, without flattery, H.: ius sibi per ambitionem dictum, favoritism, L.—A desire for honor, thirst for popularity: ambitio honorumque contentio: mala, S.: miserā, H.: inanis, H.: funerum, pomp, Ta.
    * * *
    ambition; desire for/currying favor/popularity, flattery; vote canvassing; pomp

    Latin-English dictionary > ambitiō

  • 9 ambitus

        ambitus ūs, m    [ambio], a going round, moving about, revolution: aquae per amoenos agros, H.: saeculorum, Ta.—Fig., of speech, circumlocution: circa unam rem ambitūs facere, L. —Meton., a circuit, circumference, border: castra lato ambitu, Ta.—In rhet., a period: verborum.— Esp., a suing for office, canvassing for votes (usu. by unlawful means): legem ambitūs flagitasti: accusare alqm ambitūs: ambitūs largitiones, N.
    * * *
    circuit, edge, extent; orbit, cycle; canvass, bribery; circumlocution; show

    Latin-English dictionary > ambitus

  • 10 Caeres

        Caeres itis or ētis, adj.    [Caere], of Caere: populus, L.: domus, V.—The people of Caere were Roman citizens, but without votes; hence, cera, the rolls of imperfect citizenship, to which Romans might be degraded by the censor, H.

    Latin-English dictionary > Caeres

  • 11 cōnficiō

        cōnficiō fēcī, fectus, ere    [com- + facio], to make ready, make, prepare, bring about, complete, accomplish, execute, consummate, fulfil: soccos suā manu: vestem: tabulae litteris Graecis confectae, written, Cs.: libri Graeco sermone confecti, composed, N.: librum Graece, N.: tabulas, to keep accounts: nuptias, T.: bello confecto, ended, S.: duella, H.: facinus: caedem, N.: mandata brevi, S.: spes conficiendi negotii, Cs.: quibus rebus confectis, S.—To settle, close, finish: cum Apellā de columnis: de negotio.—To pass over, accomplish, traverse, go over, make: magno itinere confecto, Cs.: iter anno, N.: ubi confecti cursūs, V.: inmensum spatiis aequor, V.: tecta facturi, ut mille passuum conficiatur, covered.—To diminish, lessen, weaken, sweep away, destroy, kill, subdue, wear out, consume: Atheniensīs, N.: provincias: exercitūs, L.: me (sica) paene confecit, killed: dentes escas conficiunt, grind: cibum, L.: cibos, to digest: fame confici: patrimonium: suam rem. —P. perf., impaired, weakened, overcome, reduced, exhausted: equus senio, Enn. ap. C.: aetate, S.: aevo, V.: malis res p.: volneribus, Cs.: curā, T.: confectus et saucius: (captivos) ignominiis, worn out, L.—To prepare, provide, procure, bring together: tribum necessariis suis, the votes of: armata milia centum, Cs.: pauxillulum nummorum, T.: pecuniam ex illā re: conficiendae pecuniae rationes.—Fig., to produce, cause, make, bring about, effect: aliquid gnato mali, T.: motūs animorum: animum mitem, render: causae conficiunt, are efficient.—Of time, to complete, finish, end, spend, pass: sexaginta annos: noctis partem ibi: hieme confectā, Cs.: vitae cursum.—To show, deduce: ex alquā re alqd: ex quo conficitur, ut, etc.: id quod conficiatur ex ratiocinatione; see also confio.
    * * *
    conficere, confeci, confectus V TRANS
    make, construct; prepare, complete, accomplish; cause; perform; do thoroughly; compose; amass, collect; raise (troops); traverse; eat up, consume; expend; finish off; kill, dispatch; defeat finally, subdue/reduce/pacify; chop/cut up

    Latin-English dictionary > cōnficiō

  • 12 dis-cēdō

        dis-cēdō cessī, cessus, ere,    to go apart, part asunder, divide, separate, disperse, scatter: ex hac fugā auxilia discesserunt, Cs.: lignationis causā in silvas, Cs.: ut sodalitates decuriatique discederent: cum discedere populum iussissent tribuni, L.: in duas partīs, S.: cum terra discessisset: caelum, opens: scaena ut versis discedat frontibus, open, V.—To go away, depart, leave: petebat ut discedere liceret, Cs.: misere discedere quaerens, H.: ab exercitu, Cs.: a senis latere: e Galliā: ex contione, Cs.: de foro: templo, O.: longius ab agmine discedi, Cs.: de colloquio discessum, L.: in loca occulta, S.: ad urbem, V.: ex castris domum, Cs.: domos suas, N.—Of troops, to march off, march away, decamp: discessit a Brundisio, Cs.: ex hibernis, Cs.: Tarracone, Cs.: ab signis, to leave the standard, Cs.: exercitus ab signis discessit, disbanded, L.: ab armis, to lay down their arms, Cs.: in itinere ab eo, desert, Cs. — From a battle, to get away, come away, come off, be left, remain: se superiores discessisse existimare, Cs.: victor discessit ab hoste, H.: victus, S.: graviter volneratus, S.: ut inanes discederent: aequā manu, S.: aequo Marte, L.: sine detrimento, Cs. —From a trial or struggle, to come off, get off, be left, remain: ut spoliis ex hoc iudicio ornati discedant: se superiorem discessurum: liberatus, N.: si istius haec iniuria inpunita discesserit: pulchre, T.: turpissime: a iudicio capitis maximā gloriā, N.: Discedo Alcaeus puncto illius, he votes me an Alcaeus, H.—Fig., to depart, deviate, swerve from, leave, forsake, give up, abandon: nihil a statu naturae: a fide: a suā sententiā, Cs.: ab amicis in magnā re peccantibus.—To pass away, vanish, cease: audivi quartanam a te discessisse: ex animo illius memoria: hostibus spes potiundi oppidi discessit, Cs.: ubi hae sollicitudines discessere, L.—In the phrase, in sententiam discedere, to adopt a view, pass over to a party, vote for a measure: senatus in Catonis sententiam discessit, S.: senatus in alia omnia discessit: in hanc sententiam ut discederetur, L.: illud SC, quo numquam ante discessum est, Cs.—To leave in thought, depart: cum a vobis discesserim, i. e. except you: ut cum ab illo discesserint, me habeant proximum.

    Latin-English dictionary > dis-cēdō

  • 13 expleō

        expleō ēvī (explēris, C., V.; explēssent, L.; explēsse, V.), ētus, ēre    [PLE-], to fill up, fill full, fill, stuff: fossam aggere, Cs.: rimas: bovem frondibus, H.: locum (cohortes), Cs.—Of number or quantity, to fill, make up, complete: numerum, Cs.: ut numerus legionum expleretur, L.: centurias, have the full number of votes, L.: iustam muri altitudinem, Cs. — To supply, make good: His rebus id, quod Avarici deperierat, expletur, Cs.: cetera, quae fortuna minuerat, L.: quod utrique defuit.— To traverse, pass over, go through: orbīs cursu, V.: urbīs erroribus, Tb.—Fig., to fill up, complete, finish, perfect, accomplish: vitam beatam: annum: supremum diem, Ta.: sententias mollioribus numeris.— To supply, make good, make up for: partem relictam: damna, L. — To fill, satisfy, sate: me unum, T.: animum gaudio, T.: scribendo te: amicos muneribus, S.: ut expleti decederent: animum Ultricis flammae, V. — To appease, fill, satisfy, glut, sate: sitim: odium factis dictisque, L.: avaritiam pecuniā: expletur lacrimis dolor, O.: patrias sanguine poenas, V.— To fulfil, discharge, execute, perform, accomplish: amicitiae munus: meum opus, O.
    * * *
    explere, explevi, expletus V
    fill out; fill, fill up, complete, finish; satisfy, satiate

    Latin-English dictionary > expleō

  • 14 ovīle

        ovīle is, n    [ovis], a sheepfold: circumgemit ursus ovile, H.: Non lupus insidias explorat ovilia circum, V.— A fold for goats: aliis in ovilibus haedi, O.—An enclosure in the Campus Martius, where the votes were cast at the comitia, L., Iu.
    * * *

    Latin-English dictionary > ovīle

  • 15 rogator

        rogator ōris, m    [rogo].—In the comitia, a collector of votes, polling-clerk: comitiorum.— One who makes a proposal, a proposer.

    Latin-English dictionary > rogator

  • 16 rogō

        rogō āvī    (rogāssint, for rogāverint, C.), ātus, āre, to ask, question, interrogate: My. quid vis? Da. At etiam rogas? can you ask? T.: de istac rogas Virgine, T.: de te ipso: Dictura es quod rogo? T.: omnia rogabat: quem igitur rogem? T.: cum eos nemo rogaret: quae te de te ipso rogaro: Hanc (colubram) alia cum rogaret causam facinoris, Ph.: ad ea, quae rogati erunt, respondere: Quodsi me populus R. roget, cur Non, etc., H.: quae sit, rogo, T.: rogavi pervenissentne Agrigentum?: Quid verum atque decens, curo et rogo, H.—In public life, to ask an opinion, call upon to vote: de re p. sententiam rogo: qui ordo in sententiis rogandis servari solet, in calling the roll (of senators): quos priores sententiam rogabat: omnes ante me rogati: primus sententiam rogatus, S.—Of a bill or resolution, to question concerning, bring forward for approval, propose, move, introduce: consules populum iure rogaverunt: ego hanc legem, uti rogas, iubendam censeo, L.: nunc rogari, ut populus consules creet, L.—To propose for election, offer as a candidate, nominate: populus regem, interrege rogante, creavit, on the nomination of: ut consules roget praetor: praetores, cum ita rogentur, ut collegae consulibus sint, etc.: comitia rogando conlegae, L.: ad magistratūs rogandos proficiscitur, S.: ut duo viros aedilīs ex patribus dictator populum rogaret, L. —Of soldiers, with sacramento, to require answer under oath, bind by oath: (milites) consulis sacramento, Cs.: sacramento rogatos arma capere cogebat, swore them into the service and forced them, etc., L.—To ask, beg, request, solicit, implore: neque enim ego sic rogabam, ut, etc., did not solicit in such a way.—Prov.: malo emere quam rogare, i. e. it is absurdly cheap.—With acc: hoc te vehementer: res turpīs: Otium divos rogat, H.: ab Metello missionem, S.: ambiuntur, rogantur, are asked for their votes: etiamsi precario essent rogandi: non suā sponte sed rogatus a Gallis, Cs.: cum consulatus petebatur, non rogabatur, etc., was not begged for: legatos ad Caesarem mittunt rogatum auxilium, Cs.: etiam atque etiam te rogo atque oro, ut eum iuves: ut temptes dissimulare rogat, O.: Caesar consolatus rogat, finem orandi faciat, Cs.: rogat frater, ne abeas longius, T.: ne quid invitus meā causā facias: euntem (eum) morari, Ct.—To invite, ask a visit from: Tertia aderit, modo ne Publius rogatus sit: Pomponiam.
    * * *
    rogare, rogavi, rogatus V
    ask, ask for; invite; introduce

    Latin-English dictionary > rogō

  • 17 suffrāgor

        suffrāgor ātus, ārī, dep.    [* suffragus; FRAG-]. —In an election, to vote for, support, favor: ut suffragentur, nihil valent gratiā ipsi: convenerant suffragandi causā, L.: domus suffragata domino ad consulatum putabatur, i. e. was supposed to have secured the votes for its owner.—To be favorable, favor, recommend, support: fortunā suffragante videris res maximas consecutus: suffragante Theramene, N.: tibi: huic consilio suffragabatur ctiam illa res, quod, etc., Cs.
    * * *
    suffragari, suffragatus sum V DEP
    express public support (for), canvass/vote for; lend support (to), favor

    Latin-English dictionary > suffrāgor

  • 18 absum

    ab-sum, āfui (better than abfui), āfŭtārus (aforem, afore), v. n., in its most general signif., to be away from, be absent.
    In gen.
    Absol. without designating the distance (opp. adsum):

    num ab domo absum?

    Plaut. Ep. 5, 2, 16:

    me absente atque insciente,

    id. Trin. 1, 2, 130:

    domini ubi absunt,

    are not at home, not present, Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 53: facile aerumnam ferre possum, si inde abest injuria, Caecil. ap. Non. 430, 18.—
    With reference to the distance in space or time; which is expressed either by a definite number, or, in gen., by the advs. multum, paulum (not parum, v. below) longe, etc.:

    edixit, ut ab urbe abesset milia pass. ducenta,

    Cic. Sest. 12, 29:

    castra, quae aberant bidui,

    id. Att. 5, 16:

    hic locus aequo fere spatio ab castris Ariovisti et Caesaris aberat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43:

    haud longe abesse oportet,

    he ought not to be far hence, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 166:

    legiones magnum spatium aberant,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 17:

    menses tres abest,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 66:

    haud permultum a me aberit infortunium,

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 2, 1; Cic. Fam. 2, 7.—With the simple abl. for ab:

    paulumque cum ejus villa abessemus,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 1 Görenz; but, ab ejus villa, B. and K.; cf.:

    nuptā abesse tuā,

    Ov. R. Am. 774.— With inter:

    nec longis inter se passibus absunt,

    Verg. A. 11, 907.—With prope, propius, proxime, to denote a short distance:

    nunc nobis prope abest exitium,

    is not far from, Plaut. Aul. 2, 3, 8;

    so with est: prope est a te Deus, tecum est,

    Sen. Ep. 41:

    loca, quae a Brundisio propius absunt, quam tu, biduum,

    Cic. Att. 8, 14:

    quoniam abes propius,

    since you are nearer, id. ib. 1, 1:

    existat aliquid, quod... absit longissime a vero,

    id. Ac. 2, 11, 36; so id. Deiot. 13; Caes. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 16 al.—Hence the phrase: tantum abest, ut—ut, so far from that, etc. (Zumpt, §

    779), the origin of which is evident from the following examples from Cic. (the first two of which have been unjustly assailed): id tantum abest ab officio, ut nihil magis officio possit esse contrarium, Off. 1, 14 (with which comp. the person. expression: equidem tantum absum ab ista sententia, ut non modo non arbitrer... sed, etc.,

    id. de Or. 1, 60, 255):

    tantum abest ab eo, ut malum mors sit, ut verear, ne, etc.,

    id. Tusc. 1, 31, 76: ego vero istos tantum abest ut ornem, ut effici non possit, quin eos oderim, so far am I from that, id. Phil. 11, 14; sometimes etiam or quoque is added to the second clause, Lentul. ap. Cic. Fam. 12, 15, 2; Suet. Tib. 50; more rarely contra, Liv. 6, 31, 4. Sometimes the second ut is left out:

    tantum afuit, ut inflammares nostros animos: somnum isto loco vix tenebamus,

    Cic. Brut. 80, 278; on the contrary, once in Cic. with a third ut: tantum abest ut nostra miremur, ut usque eo difficiles ac morosi simus, ut nobis non satisfaciat ipse Demosthenes, Or. 29, 104.
    To be away from any thing unpleasant, to be freed or free from:

    a multis et magnis molestiis abes,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 3:

    a culpa,

    id. Rosc. Am. 20: a reprehensione temeritatis, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 23.
    To be removed from a thing by will, inclination, etc.; to be disinclined to (syn. abhorreo)' a consilio fugiendi, Cic. Att. 7, 24:

    ab istis studiis,

    id. Planc. 25:

    ceteri a periculis aberant,

    kept aloof from, avoided, Sall. C. 6, 3. toto aberant bello, Caes. B. G. 7, 63.
    To be removed from a thing in regard to condition or quality, i. e. to be different from, to differ = abhorrere abest a tua virtute et fide, Brut. et Cass. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 2: istae kolakeiai non longe absunt a scelere, id. Att. 13, 30:

    haec non absunt a consuetudine somniorum,

    id. Divin. 1, 21, [p. 13] 42.—Since improvement, as well as deterioration, may constitute the ground of difference, so absum may, according to its connection, designate the one or the other:

    nullā re longius absumus a naturā ferarum,

    in nothing are we more elevated above the nature of the brute, Cic. Off. 1, 16, 50;

    so also the much-contested passage,

    Cic. Planc. 7, 17: longissime Plancius a te afuit, i. e. valde, plurimis suffragiis, te vicit, was far from you in the number of votes, i. e. had the majority; v. Wunder ad Planc. proleg. p. 83 sq.; on the other hand, to be less, inferior: longe te a pulchris abesse sensisti, Cic. Fragm. ap. Non. 339, 23:

    multum ab eis aberat L. Fufius,

    id. Brut. 62, 222; so Hor. A. P. 370.
    Not to be suitable, proper, or fit for a thing:

    quae absunt ab forensi contentione,

    Cic. Or. 11, 37:

    ab principis personā,

    Nep. Ep. 1, 2.
    To be wanting, = desum, Pac. ap. Cic. Fin. 5, 11, 31 (Trag. Rel. p. 122 Rib.):

    unum a praeturā tuā abest,

    one thing is wanting to your praetorship, Plaut. Ep. 1, 1, 25: quaeris id quod habes;

    quod abest non quaeris,

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 4, 16; cf. Lucr. 3, 970 and 1095.—After Cicero, constr. in this signif. with dat.:

    quid huic abesse poterit de maximarum rerum scientiā?

    Cic. de Or. 1, 11, 48:

    abest enim historia litteris nostris,

    history is yet wanting to our literature, id. Leg. 2, 5.—So esp. in the poets:

    donec virenti canities abest morosa,

    Hor. C. 1, 9, 17; 3, 24, 64; Ov. M. 14, 371.—Hence the phrase non multum (neque multum), paulum, non (haud) procul, minimum, nihil abest, quin. not much, little, nothing is wanting that (Zumpt, Gr. § 540); but not parum, since parum in good classical authors does not correspond in meaning with non multum, but with non satis (v. parum):

    neque multum abesse ab eo, quin, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 2, 2; and absol.:

    neque multum afuit quin,

    id. B. C. 2, 35, 4:

    paulumque afuit quin, ib. § 2: legatos nostros haud procul afuit quin violarent,

    Liv. 5, 4 fin.:

    minimum afuit quin periret,

    was within a little of, Suet. Aug. 14:

    nihil afore credunt quin,

    Verg. A. 8, 147 al.
    Abesse alicui or ab aliquo, to be wanting to any one, to be of no assistance or service to (opp. adsum):

    ut mirari Torquatus desinat, me, qui Antonio afuerim, Sullam defendere,

    Cic. Sull. 5: facile etiam absentibus nobis ( without our aid) veritas se ipsa defendet, id. Ac. 2, 11, 36:

    longe iis fraternum nomen populi Romani afuturum,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 36. So also Cic. Planc. 5, 13: et quo plus intererat, eo plus aberas a me, the more I needed your assistance, the more you neglected me, v. Wunder ad h. l.; cf. also Sall. C. 20 fin.
    Cicero uses abesse to designate his banishment from Rome (which he would never acknowledge as such):

    qui nullā lege abessem,

    Cic. Sest. 34, 37; cf.: discessus. —Hence, absens, entis ( gen. plur. regul. absentium;


    Plaut. Stich. 1, 1, 5), P. a., absent (opp. praesens).
    In gen.:

    vos et praesentem me curā levatis et absenti magna solatia dedistis,

    Cic. Brut. 3, 11; so id. Off. 3, 33, 121; id. Verr. 2, 2, 17:

    quocirca (amici) et absentes adsunt et egentes abundant,

    id. Lael. 7, 23:

    ut loquerer tecum absens, cum coram id non licet,

    id. Att. 7, 15:

    me absente,

    id. Dom. 3; id. Cael. 50:

    illo absente,

    id. Tull. 17; id. Verr. 2, 60:

    absente accusatore,

    id. ib. 2, 99 al.— Sup.:

    mente absentissimus,

    Aug. Conf. 4, 4.—Of things (not thus in Cic.):

    Romae rus optas, absentem rusticus urbem tollis ad astra,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 28; so,


    id. Ep. 1, 11, 21:


    Mart. 9, 77, 8:


    Stat. Th. 5, 87:

    imagines rerum absentium,

    Quint. 6, 2, 29:


    Gell. 20, 10.—
    In partic.
    In conversat. lang.
    Praesens absens, in one's presence or absence:

    postulo ut mihi tua domus te praesente absente pateat,

    Ter. Eun. 5, 8, 29.—
    Absente nobis turbatumst, in our absence (so also:

    praesente nobis, v. praesens),

    Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 7; Afran. ap. Non. 76, 19 (Com. Rel. p. 165 Rib.).—
    In polit. lang., not appearing in public canvassings as a competitor:

    deligere (Scipio) iterum consul absens,

    Cic. Rep. 6, 11; so Liv. 4, 42, 1; 10, 22, 9.—
    = mortuus, deceased, Plaut. Cas. prol. 20; Vitr. 7, praef. § 8.—
    Ellipt.: absens in Lucanis, absent in Lucania, i. e. absent and in Lucania, Nep. Hann. 5, 3; so id. Att. 8, 6.

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  • 19 adaequo

    ăd-aequo, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. and n.
    To make equal to, to equalize, to level with; hence,
    In Cic. usually with cum (cf. aequare cum, Verg. A. 1, 193):

    qui cum virtute fortunam adaequavit,

    Cic. Arch. 10, 24:

    quae... admonet, commemorationem nominis nostri, cum omni posteritate adaequandam,

    id. ib. 11, 29:

    in summa amicorum copia cum familiarissimis ejus est adaequatus (i. e. par habitus),

    id. Balb. 28, 63.—
    In the histt. alicui rei (cf.:

    aequo and aequiparo): molibus ferme (oppidi) moenibus adaequatis,

    on a level with, Caes. B. G. 3, 12:

    omnia tecta solo adaequare,

    to level with the ground, Liv. 1, 29:

    quibus duobus operibus vix nova haec magnificentia quidquam adaequare potuit,

    id. ib. 56; and with solo understood:

    Alesiam flammis adaequare,

    Flor. 3, 10, 23:

    cum Claudius libertos sibique et legibus adaequaverit,

    Tac. A. 12, 60:

    colonias jure et dignatione urbi... adaequavit,

    Suet. Aug. 46; so Dom. 2.—
    Trop., to compare to or with:

    qui formam, aetatem, genus mortis magni Alexandri fatis adaequarent,

    Tac. Ann. 2, 73.—
    To attain to, or reach, by equalling. —With acc. (cf.:

    aequo and aequiparo): ne quid absit quod deorum vitam possit adaequare,

    Cic. Univ. 11:

    longarum navium cursum adaequaverunt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 8:

    ut muri altitudinem acervi armorum adaequarent,

    id. ib. 2, 32; cf. id. B. C. 2, 16, and Sall. J. 4.
    Neut., to be equal.
    Absol.: senatorum urna copiose absolvit, equitum adaequavit, the votes of the equites were equally divided, there was an equal number for acquitting and for condemning, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 6, 6.—
    With dat.:

    turris quae moenibus adaequaret, Auct. B. G. 8, 41: se virtute nostris adaequare non posse intellegunt,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 16 Dinter, where some read nostros: adaequare apud Caesarem gratiā, sc. Aeduis, id. B: G. 6, 12.

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  • 20 censeo

    cēnseo (on the long e, v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, p. 257 sq.), ui, censum (late Lat. censitum, Cod. Just. 11, 47 tit.; 11, 49 tit.; 11, 47, 4 al.; but not in Monum. Ancyr.; cf. Neue, Formenl. 2, 557), 2, v. a. [etym. dub.; often referred to root cas-, whence carmen, camoenus; but prob. from centum, orig. centere, to hundred or number the people; cf. Fischer, Gram. 1, p. 373].
    To tax, assess, rate, estimate.
    In reference to the census (v. census).
    Of the censor (v. censor).
    Rarely act. with acc. of the persons or objects assessed or rated; but usu. pass., with subj. -nom.:

    censores populi aevitates, suboles, familias, pecuniasque censento,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 3, 7:

    census quom sum, juratori recte rationem dedi,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 30:

    censor ad quojus censionem, id est arbitrium, populus censeretur,

    Varr. L. L. 5, § 81 Mull.:

    census... indicat eum qui sit census se jam tum gessisse pro cive,

    Cic. Arch. 5, 11: absentis censere jubere, P. Scipio ap. Gell. 5, 19, 16: ne absens censeare. Cic. Att. 1, 18, 8:

    sub lustrum censeri,

    id. ib.:

    milia octoginta eo lustro civium censa dicuntur,

    Liv. 1, 44, 2:

    censa civium capita centum septendecim milia trecenta undeviginti,

    id. 3, 24, 10; id. Epit. lib. 11; 13; 14:

    censebantur ejus aetatis lustris ducena quinquagena milia capitum,

    id. 9, 19, 2:

    cum capitum liberorum censa essent CLII. milia,

    Plin. 33, 1, 5, § 16: quid se vivere, quid in parte civium censeri, si... id obtinere universi non possint? Liv 7, 18, 5.—
    With the amount at which the property was rated, in the acc.: or abl.:

    praesertim census equestrem Summam nummorum,

    being assessed with the estate necessary to a Roman knight, Hor. A. P. 383:

    primae classis homines quicentum et viginti quinque milia aeris ampliusve censi erant... Ceterarumque omnium classium qui minore summa aeris censebantur,

    Gell. 7 (6), 13, 1 sq.—Hence, capite censi, those who were assessed ac cording to their ability to labor: qui nullo [p. 312] aut perquam parvo aere censebantur capite censi vocabantur. Extremus autem census capite censorum aeris fuit trecentis septuaginta quinque, Jul. Paul. ap. Gell. 16, 10, 10; Sall. J. 86, 2; Gell. 16, 10, 11; 16, 10, 14; Val. Max. 2, 3, 1; 7, 6, 1;

    and in the finite verb: omnia illius (i. e. sapientis) esse dicimus, cum... capite censebitur,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 8, 1. —
    Absol. in gerund.: censendi, censendo, ad censendum = census agendi, censui agendo, etc.: haec frequentia quae convenit ludorum censendique causa (i.e. census agendi causa, for the sake of the census), Cic. Verr. 1, 18, 54:

    mentio inlata apud senatum est, rem operosam... suo proprio magistratu egere... cui arbitrium formulae censendi subiceretur,

    the scheme for taking the census, Liv. 4, 8, 4:

    quia is censendo finis factus est,

    id. 1, 44, 2:

    civis Romanos ad censendum ex provinciis in Italiam revocarunt,

    Vell. 2, 15:

    aetatem in censendo significare necesse est... aetas autem spectatur censendi tempore,

    Dig. 50, 15, 3.—
    Censum censere = censum agere, only in the gerundial dat.:

    illud quaero, sintne illa praedia censui censendo, habeant jus civile,

    are they subject to the census, Cic. Fl. 32, 80: censores... edixerunt, legem censui censendo dicturos esse ut, etc., that he would add a rule for the taking of the census, according to which, etc., Liv. 43, 14, 5: censui censendo agri proprie appellantur qui et emi et venire jure civili possunt, Paul. ex Fest. p. 58, 5 Mull.—
    Of the assessment of the provinces under provincial officers (censores, and, under the later emperors, censitores).
    Pass., with the territory as subject-nom.: quinto quoque anno Sicilia tota censetur;

    erat censa praetore Paeducaeo... quintus annus cum in te praetorem incidisset, censa denuo est,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 56, § 139:

    omne territorium censeatur quoties, etc.,

    Cod. Just. 11, 58 (57), 4.—
    The persons assessed as subject:

    ubi (coloni) censiti atque educati natique sunt,

    Cod. Just. 11, 48 (47), 6:

    quos in locis eisdem censitos esse constabit,

    ib. 11, 48 (47), 4.—With part. as attribute:

    rusticos censitosque servos vendi,

    Cod. Just. 11, 48 (47), 7.—
    To determine by the census:

    cum antea per singulos viros, per binas vero mulieres capitis norma sit censa,

    Cod. Just. 11, 48 (47), 10:

    nisi forte privilegio aliquo materna origo censeatur,

    Dig. 50, 1, 1, § 2.—
    Act. with acc.:

    vos terras vestras levari censitione vultis, ego vero etiam aerem vestrum censere vellem,

    Spart. Pescen. Nig. 7.—
    Of the person assessed, to value, make a statement of one ' s property in the census.
    Act. with acc.:

    in qua tribu ista praedia censuisti?

    Cic. Fl. 32, 80.—
    Censeri, as dep. with acc.:

    census es praeterea numeratae pecuniae CXXX. Census es mancipia Amyntae... Cum te audisset servos suos esse censum, constabat inter omnes, si aliena censendo Decianus sua facere posset, etc.,

    Cic. Fl. 32, 80; cf. Ov. P. 1, 2, 140; v. B. 2. c.—
    Hence, subst.: cēnsum, i, n.: quorum luxuries fortunata censa peperit, i.e. high estimates of property in the census, Cic. ap. Non. 202, 23 (Fragm. vol. xi. p. 134 B. and K.).
    Transf., of things and persons in gen., to value, estimate, rate.
    By a figure directly referring to the Roman census: aequo mendicus atque ille opulentissimus Censetur censu ad Acheruntem mortuus, will be rated by an equal census, i.e. in the same class, without considering their property, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 93: vos qui potestis ope vostra censerier, referring to a part of the audience, you, who may be rated according to your intelligence, analog. to capite censi (v. I. A. 1. b), id. Capt. prol. 15:

    nam argumentum hoc hic censebitur,

    will be rated, its census-class will be determined here, id. Poen. prol. 56: id in quoque optimum esse debet cui nascitur, quo censetur, according to which he is rated, i.e. his worth is determined, Sen. Ep. 76, 8.—And with two acc.: quintus Phosphorus, Junonia, immo Veneris stella censetur, is ranked as the fifth, App. de Mundo, p. 710.—
    With direct reference to the census.
    = aestimo, to estimate, weigh, value, appreciate.
    With gen. of price:

    dic ergo quanti censes?

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 8, 8.—
    In the pass.: si censenda nobis atque aestimanda res sit, utrum tandem pluris aestimemus pecuniam Pyrrhi? etc., if we have to weigh and estimate a thing, etc., Cic. Par. 6, 2, 48:

    anule... In quo censendum nil nisi dantis amor,

    Ov. Am. 2, 15, 2:

    interim autem facta sola censenda dicit atque in judicium vocanda,

    Gell. 7 (6), 3, 47.—
    = honorari, celebrari, with de aliquo, = for the sake of somebody (in Ovid):

    pro quibus ut maneat, de quo censeris, amicus, Comprecor, etc.,

    the friend for the sake of whom you are celebrated, who is the cause of your renown, Ov. P. 2, 5, 73:

    hoc domui debes de qua censeris,

    id. ib. 3, 1, 75.—
    Censeri, dep., = to distinguish, with acc. only once or twice in Ovid (v. I. A. 3. b):

    hanc semper... Est inter comites Marcia censa suas,

    has always distinguished her, Ov. P. 1, 2, 140.—
    Censeri aliqua re.
    = to be appreciated, distinguished, celebrated for some quality, as if the quality were a standard determining the census, analog. to capite censeri (v. I. A. 1. b), very freq. in post-class. writings:

    Democritus cum divitiis censeri posset,

    when he might have been celebrated for his wealth, Val. Max. 8, 7, ext. 4:

    Aristides quo totius Graeciae justitia censetur (quo = cujus justitia),

    id. 5, 3, ext. 3 med.: te custode matronalis stola censetur ( = tua, i.e. pudicitiae, custodia), the stola, etc., is appreciated for thy custody, id. 6, 1 prooem.:

    una adhuc victoria Carius Metius censebatur,

    Tac. Agr. 45:

    ut ipsi quoque qui egerunt non aliis magis orationibus censeantur,

    id. Dial. 39 fin.: non vitibus tantum censeri Chium, sed et operibus Anthermi filiorum, is celebrated not only for its grapes, but, etc., Plin. 36, 5, 2, § 12:

    et Galliae censentur hoc reditu,

    id. 19, 1, 2, § 7:

    quisquis paulo vetustior miles, hic te commilitone censetur,

    is distinguished for the fact that you were his fellow-soldier, Plin. Pan. 15 fin.:

    multiplici variaque doctrina censebatur,

    Suet. Gram. 10:

    felix quae tali censetur munere tellus,

    Mart. 9, 16, 5: censetur Apona Livio suo tellus, = for the fact that Livy was born there, id. 1, 61, 3:

    hi duo longaevo censentur Nestore fundi,

    for the fact that Nestor used them, id. 8, 6, 9:

    nec laude virorum censeri contenta fuit (Iberia),

    Claud. Laud. Seren. 67:

    libri mei non alia laude carius censentur, quam quod judicio vestro comprobantur,

    App. Flor. 4, 18, 3.—Hence,
    = to be known by something (Appuleian):

    hoc nomine censebatur jam meus dominus,

    App. M. 8, p. 171:

    nomen quo tu censeris aiebat,

    id. ib. 5, p. 106: pro studio bibendi quo solo censetur, either known by, or distinguished for, id. Mag. p. 499:

    globorum caelestium supremum esse eum qui inerrabili meatu censetur,

    which is known by its unerring course, id. Phil. Nat. 1, p. 582.— And,
    As gram. t. t., to be marked by some peculiarity, according to which a word is classified: neque de armis et moeniis infitias eo quin figura multitudinis perpetua censeantur, that they are marked by the form of constant plurality, i. e. that they are pluralia tantum, Gell. 19, 8, 5; 10, 20, 8; 19, 13, 3.
    Of transactions in and by the Senate, to judge (in the meanings II. and III. the passive voice is not in class. use, while in I. the passive voice is by far the most freq.).
    To be of opinion, to propose, to vote, to move, referring to the votes of the senators when asked for their opinions (sententiam dicere).
    With a (passive) inf.-clause, denoting what should be decreed by the Senate (esse usu. omitted): rex his ferme verbis patres consulebat... Dic, inquit ei, quid censes? tum ille Puro pioque duello quaerendas (res) censeo, I am of the opinion ( I move, propose) that satisfaction should be sought, etc., ancient formula ap. Liv. 1, 32, 11 sq.:

    primum igitur acta Caesaris servanda censeo,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 7, 16:

    hoc autem tempore ita censeo decernendum,

    id. ib. 5, 17, 45; 5, 6, 16; 5, 12, 31; 5, 12, 34; 5, 13, 36; 5, 14, 38; 5, 19, 53; 6, 1, 2; 9, 6, 14; 11, 15, 40; 12, 7, 17; 14, 1, 1; 14, 13, 35; cf.

    Regulus's advice in the Senate, being represented as a vote: captivos in senatu reddendos non censuit,

    Cic. Off. 1, 13, 39; 3, 31, 111:

    quare ita ego censeo... de confessis more majorum supplicium sumendum,

    Sall. C. 52, 36; 51, 8; 52, 14:

    Appius imperio consulari rem agendam censebat,

    Liv. 2, 23, 15:

    ut multi (senatores) delendam urbem censerent,

    id. 9, 26, 3; 2, 29, 7; 3, 40, 13; 10, 12, 1; 34, 4, 20; 38, 54, 6: cum ejus diei senatus consulta aureis litteris figenda in curia censuisset, Tac. A. 3, 57:

    ut nonnulli dedendum eum hostibus censuerint,

    Suet. Caes. 24; so id. ib. 14; id. Aug. 100; id. Tib. 4; id. Calig. 60; id. Claud. 26; id. Ner. 2; id. Vesp. 2. Of the emperor's vote in the Senate:

    commutandam censuit vocem, et pro peregrina nostratem requirendam,

    Suet. Tib. 71; so id. ib. 34; id. Aug. 55.—And with the copula expressed (very rare):

    qui censet eos... morte esse multandos,

    Cic. Cat. 4, 4, 7.—Sometimes referring to sententia as subject:

    sententia quae censebat reddenda bona (inst. of eorum qui censebant),

    Liv. 2, 4, 3.—Sometimes with oportere for the gerundial predic. inf.:

    quibusdam censentibus (eum) Romulum appellari oportere,

    Suet. Aug. 7.—With pres. inf., inst. of a gerundial:

    hac corona civica L. Gellius in senatu Ciceronem consulem donari a re publica censuit,

    Gell. 5, 6, 15 (cf. II. B. 1. b.).—If the opinion of the senator does not refer to the chief question, but to incidental points, the predic. inf. may have any form:

    eas leges quas M. Antonius tulisse dicitur omnes censeo per vim et contra auspicia latas, eisque legibus populum non teneri,

    Cic. Phil. 5, 4, 10:

    cum magna pars senatus... cum tyrannis bellum gerendum fuisse censerent... et urbem recipi, non capi, etc.,

    Liv. 26, 32, 2.—
    With ut, and negatively, ut ne or ne, generally when the clause has an active predicate, but also with passives instead of the gerundial inf.-clause:

    de ea re ita censeo uti consules designati dent operam uti senatus Kal. Jan. tuto haberi possit,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 15, 37:

    censeo ut iis qui in exercitu Antonii sunt, ne sit ea res fraudi, si, etc.,

    id. ib. 5, 12, 34:

    censebant omnes fere (senatores) ut in Italia supplementum meis et Bibuli legionibus scriberetur,

    id. Fam. 3, 3, 1:

    Cn. Pompeius (in senatu) dixit, sese... censere ut ad senatus auctoritatem populi quoque Romani beneficium erga me adjungeretur,

    id. Sest. 34, 74:

    quas ob res ita censeo: eorum qui cum M. Antonio sunt, etc.... iis fraudi ne sit quod cum M. Antonio fuerint,

    id. Phil. 8, 11, 33:

    Calidius, qui censebat ut Pompeius in suas provincias proficisceretur,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 2:

    censuerunt quidam (senatores) ut Pannonicus, alii ut Invictus cognominaretur,

    Suet. Tib. 17:

    iterum censente ut Trebianis... concederetur (of the emperor's vote in the Senate),

    id. ib. 31.—And an inf.-clause, with neu or ut:

    sed ita censeo: publicandas eorum pecunias, etc.: neu quis postea de his ad senatum referat, etc.,

    Sall. C. 51, 43:

    qui partem bonorum publicandam, pars ut liberis relinqueretur, censuerat,

    Tac. A. 4, 20.—
    With a subj.-clause, without ut (rare in this connection;

    v. III. C. 3.): K. Fabius censuit... occuparent patres ipsi suum munus facere, captivum agrum plebi quam maxime aequaliter darent,

    Liv. 2, 48, 2.— And ironically with regard to incidental points: vereamini censeo ne... nimis aliquid severe statuisse videamini, I propose you should be afraid of having decreed too severe a punishment = of course, you will not be afraid, etc., Cic. Cat. 4, 6, 13: misereamini censeo—deliquere homines adulescentuli per ambitionem—atque etiam armatos dimittatis, I propose that you pity them, etc., or I advise you to be merciful, Sall. C. 52, 26.—
    Ellipt., with a gerundial clause understood:

    dic quid censes (i. e. decernendum),

    Liv. 1, 32, 11: quod ego mea sententia censebam (i.e. decernendum), Cato ap. Cic. Fam. 15, 5, 2:

    senati decretum fit, sicut ille censuerat,

    Sall. C. 53, 1:

    quas ob res ita censeo... senatui placere, etc. ( = ita decernendum censeo, etc.),

    Cic. Phil. 9, 7, 15, § 17 sq.; 10, 11, 25 sq.; 11, 12, 29 sq.; 14, 14, 36 sq.—
    = sententiam dicere, to tell, to express one ' s opinion in the Senate (post-class.).
    Absol.: Priscus Helvidius.. contra studium ejus (sc. Vitellii) censuerat, had voted, or had expressed an opinion against his wishes, Tac. H. 2, 91:

    cum parum sit, in senatu breviter censere, nisi, etc.,

    id. Dial. 36 fin.:

    sententias... prout libuisset perrogabat... ac si censendum magis quam adsentiendum esset,

    Suet. Aug. 35:

    igitur Cn. Piso, quo, inquit, loco censebis, Caesar? si primus, etc.,

    Tac. A. 1, 74.—
    With adjectives in the neuter, substantively used: nec quoquam reperto (in senatu) qui... referre aut censere aliquid auderet, who dared to express an opinion on any [p. 313] thing, Suet. Caes. 20:

    per dissensionem diversa censentium,

    of the senators who expressed different opinions, id. Claud. 10.—
    With interrog. or rel.-clause:

    deinde ageret senatorem et censeret quid corrigi aut mutari vellet,

    Tac. A. 16, 28:

    cum censeat aliquis (in senatu) quod ex parte mihi placeat,

    Sen. Ep. 21, 9.
    Of the decrees or resolutions of the Senate, = decernere, placere, to resolve, decree.
    With inf.-clause.
    With gerund, without copula (v. II. A. 1.):

    eum, cujus supplicio senatus sollennes religiones expiandas saepe censuit,

    Cic. Mil. 27, 73:

    eos senatus non censuit redimendos,

    id. Off. 3, 32, 114; so id. N. D. 2, 4, 10; id. Verr. 2, 3, 6, § 15:

    senatus Caelium ab republica removendum censuit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 21:

    senatus censuit frequens coloniam Labicos deducendam,

    Liv. 4, 47, 6; 5, 24, 4:

    cum bello persequendos Tusculanos patres censuissent,

    id. 6, 25, 5; 3, 42, 6; 3, 49, 8; 7, 19, 7 et saep.—
    With pres. inf. pass. or act., with the force of a gerundial:

    de bonis regiis quae reddi antea censuerant ( = reddenda),

    Liv. 2, 5, 1:

    munera mitti legatis ex binis milibus aeris censuerunt (i.e. patres),

    id. 43, 5, 8; so id. 45, 44, 15 (v. 2. b.):

    eundem jus dicere Romae... patres censuerant,

    id. 45, 12, 13:

    cum senatus unum consulem, nominatimque Gnaeum Pompeium fieri censuisset,

    Suet. Caes. 26.—With both act. and pass. inf.:

    censuere patres, duas provincias Hispaniam rursus fieri... et Macedoniam Illyricumque eosdem... obtinere,

    Liv. 45, 16, 1.—With both pres. pass. and gerund. inff.:

    haec ita movere senatum, ut non expectanda comitia consuli censerent, sed dictatorem... dici,

    Liv. 27, 5, 14.—

    And with velle: senatus verbis nuntient, velle et censere eos ab armis discedere, etc.,

    Sall. J. 21, 4.—
    With ut or ne.
    In the words of the Senate, according to formula: quod L. Opimius verba fecit de re publica, de ea re ita censuerunt uti L. Opimius consul rem publicam defenderet, etc., ancient S. C. ap. Cic. Phil. 8, 4, 14: quod, etc., de ea re ita censuerunt ut M. Pomponius praetor animadverteret curaretque ut si, etc., S. C. ap. Suet. Rhet. 1; Gell. 15, 4, 1.—And with gerundial inf.-clause: quod C. Julius pontifex... de ea re ita censuerunt, uti M. Antonius consul hostiis majoribus... procuraret... Ibus uti procurasset satis habendum censuerunt, S. C. ap. Gell. 4, 6, 2.—
    As related by the historians, etc.:

    quoniam senatus censuisset, uti quicunque Galliam provinciam obtineret... Aeduos defenderet,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 35:

    patres censuerunt uti consules provincias inter se compararent,

    Liv. 30, 40, 12:

    senatus censuit ut domus ei... publica impensa restitueretur,

    Suet. Claud. 6;

    so with reference to the civil law,

    Dig. 49, 14, 15 quater. —With ne:

    senatum censuisse, ne quis illo anno genitus educaretur,

    Suet. Aug. 94.—And with inf -clause:

    filio regis Nicomedi ex ea summa munera dari censuerunt, et ut victimae... praeberentur,

    Liv. 45, 44, 15.—
    With a subj.-clause (very rare):

    senatus consulto quo censeretur, darent operam consules, etc.,

    Aur. Vict. Vir. Ill. 73, 10.—
    With neutr. acc. pron. in place of a clause:

    cum vero id senatus frequens censuisset (sc. faciendum),

    Cic. Pis. 8, 18:

    ite in suffragium, et quae patres censuerunt vos jubete,

    Liv. 31, 7, 14:

    quodcunque vos censueritis,

    id. 34, 7, 15:

    quodpatres censuissent,

    id. 28, 45, 2.—
    With accusative of a noun, or a noun as passive subject, to decree or vote a thing (postclass.):

    nec tamen repertum nisi ut effigies principum, aras deum, templa et arcus aliaque solita... censuere,

    Tac. A. 3, 57:

    aram Clementiae, aram Amicitiae, effigiesque... censuere,

    id. ib. 4, 74: cum censeretur clipeus auro et magnitudine insignis inter auctores eloquentiae ( to be placed among, etc.), id. ib. 2, 83.—
    With both acc. and dat.
    The dat. = against:

    bellum Samnitibus et patres censuerunt et populus jussit,

    Liv. 10, 12, 3.—
    The dat. = in behalf of:

    censentur Ostorio triumphi insignia,

    Tac. A. 12, 38.—And with ut:

    sententiis eorum qui supplicationes et... vestem Principi triumphalem, utque ovans urbem iniret, effigiesque ejus... censuere,

    id. ib. 13, 8.
    Of the opinions and resolutions of other deliberating bodies, or of their members, to resolve, or to be of opinion.
    With inf.-clause.

    erant qui censerent de tertia vigilia in castra Cornelia recedendum (council of war),

    Caes. B. C. 2, 30:

    erant sententiae quae conandum omnibus modis castraque Vari oppugnanda censerent,

    id. ib.; so id. ib. 2, 31; id. B. G. 2, 31 fin.; 7, 21; 7, 77:

    pontifices, consules, patres conscripti mihi... pecunia publica aedificandam domum censuerunt,

    Cic. Pis. 22, 52: nunc surgendum censeo, I move we adjourn (in a literary meeting), id. de Or. 2, 90, 367:

    cum... pontifices solvendum religione populum censerent,

    Liv. 5, 23, 9:

    nunc has ruinas relinquendas non censerem (in an assembly of the people),

    id. 5, 53, 3:

    ego ita censeo, legatos extemplo Romam mittendos (in the Carthaginian Senate),

    id. 21, 10, 13:

    ante omnia Philippum et Macedonas in societatem belli... censeo deducendos esse (Hannibal in a council of war),

    id. 36, 7, 3; 5, 36, 8; Curt. 10, 6, 22; 10, 8, 12:

    cum septem judices cognovissent, duo censuerunt, reum exilio multandum, duo alii pecunia, tres reliqui capite puniendum,

    Gell. 9, 15, 7.—And with oportere inst. of a gerundial clause (referring to duty):

    neque sine gravi causa eum locum quem ceperant, dimitti censuerant oportere,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 44.—With opus esse ( = expediency):

    Parmenio furto, non proelio opus esse censebat,

    Curt. 10, 8, 12.—
    With ordinary pres. inf.
    In place of a gerundial:

    Antenor censet belli praecidere = praecidendam causam (in a council of war),

    Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 9.—
    Denoting opinion about an existing state:

    Hasdrubal ultimam Hispaniae oram... ignaram adhuc Romanorum esse, eoque Carthaginiensibus satis fidam censebat,

    Liv. 27, 20, 6:

    Parmenio non alium locum proelio aptiorem esse censebat,

    Curt. 3, 7, 8.—
    With ut or ne:

    censeo ut satis diu te putes requiesse et iter reliquum conficere pergas (in a literary meeting),

    Cic. de Or. 2, 71, 290:

    plerique censebant ut noctu iter facerent (council of war),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 67:

    et nunc magnopere censere, ut unam anum... triginta milibus talentum auri permutet (council of war),

    Curt. 4, 11, 12:

    censeout D. Claudius ex hac die deus fiat (council of the gods),

    Sen. Lud. Mort. Claud. 9, 5: antiquos audio censuisse, ne (praenomina) cui ejusdem gentis patricio inderentur, resolved (family council), Gell. 9, 2, 11 (cf. Liv. 6, 20, 14).—
    With subj.-clause:

    nunc quoque arcessas censeo omnes navalis terrestrisque copias (Hannibal in council of war),

    Liv. 36, 7, 17: censeo relinquamus nebulonem hunc, eamus hinc protinus Jovi Optimo Maximo gratulatum (assembly of the people), Scipio Afric. ap. Gell. 4, 18, 3.—
    With acc. neutr. of a pron. or adj. substantively used:

    ego pro sententia mea hoc censeo: quandoquidem, etc.,

    Sen. Lud. Mort. Claud. 11, 4:

    nec dubitavere quin vera censeret,

    that his opinion was correct, Curt. 10, 6, 18.—

    sententiis quarum pars deditionem, pars eruptionem censebat (i.e. faciendam),

    Caes. B. G. 7, 77 init.:

    ita uti censuerant Italici deditionem facit,

    Sall. J. 26, 2; so Caes. B. G. 7, 75.
    Of the orders of persons in authority (cf. II. B.).
    Of commanders, etc., by courtesy, inst. of velle, imperare, or a direct imperative sentence.
    With gerundial inf. - clause: non tam imperavi quam censui sumptus legatis quam maxime ad legem Corneliam decernendos, I said, not strictly as an order, but as an opinion that, etc. (Cicero as proconsul), Cic. Fam. 3, 10, 6.—
    With subj.-clause: arma quae ad me missuri eratis, iis censeo armetis milites quos vobiscum habetis, you had better, etc., Pomp. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 12, A, 4. —
    Of an order by the people (rare;

    gen. populus jubet): ita id (foedus) ratum fore si populus censuisset (i. e. confirmandum esse),

    Liv. 21, 19, 3.—
    Of the later emperors, in their ordinances (censemus = placet nobis, sancimus, imperamus, from the custom of the earlier emperors, who conveyed their commands in the form of an opinion in the senate; v. II. A. 1.).—With inf.clause, ut, ne, and subj.-clause:

    sex mensium spatium censemus debere servari,

    Cod. Just. 11, 48 (47), 7:

    censemus ut, etc.,

    ib. 12, 37 (38), 13:

    censemus ne, etc.,

    ib. 12, 44 (45), 1: censemus vindicet, remaneat, ib. 11, 48 (47), 23:

    in commune jubes si quid censesve tenendum, Primus jussa subi,

    Claud. IV. Cons. Hon. 296.
    Of advice, given by one person to another (further development of III. A.).
    Ante-class. formula: faciundum censeo = I advise, with ut-clause, with quid, sic, etc.: censeo faciundum ut quadringentos aliquos milites ad verrucam illam ire jubeas, etc., I advise you to order, etc., Cato ap. Gell. 3, 7, 6:

    ego Tiresiam... consulam, Quid faciundum censeat,

    consult Tiresias as to what he advises, for his advice, Plaut. Am. 5, 1, 80:

    consulam hanc rem amicos quid faciundum censeant,

    id. Men. 4, 3, 26; id. Most. 3, 1, 23:

    sic faciundum censeo: Da isti cistellam, etc.,

    id. Cist. 4, 2, 104:

    ego sic faciundum censeo: me honestiu'st Quam te, etc.,

    id. As. 4, 2, 11; id. Ep. 2, 2, 91:

    sane faciundum censeo,

    id. Stich. 4, 2, 38.—
    With ordinary gerundial inf.-clauses:

    narrandum ego istuc militi censebo,

    I advise you to let the soldier know that, Plaut. Mil. 2, 4, 42:

    exorando sumendam operam censeo,

    id. Stich. 1, 2, 22:

    quid nunc consili captandum censes?

    id. As. 2, 2, 91; id. Mil. 5, 25; id. Most. 1, 3, 115:

    idem tibi censeo faciendum,

    Cic. Off. 10, 1, 3:

    quos quidem tibi studiose et diligenter tractandos magno opere censeo,

    id. Fin. 4, 28, 79; id. Fam. 12, 28, 2.—Sometimes by aequum censere with an inf.-clause (in the comic poets):

    amicos consulam quo me modo Suspendere aequom censeant potissumum,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 5, 50: qui homo cum animo... depugnat suo, Utrum ita se esse mavelit ut eum animus aequom censeat, An ita potius ut parentes... velint i. e. as his mind prompts him, id. Trin. 2, 2, 29; cf. E. 1. b. 8.—
    With a subj.clause (so esp. with censeo in 1 st pers.): censen' hominem interrogem? do you advise me to ask the man? etc., Plaut. Poen. 3, 4, 20:

    tu, si videbitur, ita censeo facias ut... supersedeas hoc labore itineris (cf.: faciundum censeo ut, 1. supra),

    Cic. Fam. 4, 2, 4:

    immo plane, inquam, Brute, legas (Gracchum) censeo,

    id. Brut. 33, 125:

    tu, si forte quid erit molestiae te ad Crassum et Calidium conferas censeo,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 7:

    tu, censeo, tamen adhibeas Vettium,

    id. Att. 2, 4, 7:

    quae disputari de amicitia possunt, ab iis censeo petatis qui ista profitentur,

    id. Lael. 5, 17: tu, censeo, Luceriam venias: nusquam eris tutius, Pomp. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 1, 1; 8, 11, A:

    censeo Via Appia iter facias, et celeriter Brundusium venias,

    id. ib. 8, 11, C: ad Caesarem mittas censeo, et ab eo hoc petas, Anton. ib. 10, 10, 2: sed hos tamen numeros censeo videas hodou parergon, Gell. 17, 20, 5:

    quam scit uterque, libens censebo exerceat artem,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 14, 44 (cf. Liv. 36, 7, 17, and Gell. 4, 18, 3, quoted III. A. 3.).—Of an advice given to an adversary, with irony:

    cetera si qua putes te occultius facere posse... magnopere censeo desistas,

    I strongly advise you to give up that idea, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 68, § 174:

    sed tu, Acci, consideres censeo diligenter, utrum censorum judicium grave esse velis an Egnatii,

    id. Clu. 48, 135:

    postulant ut excipiantur haec inexplicabilia. Tribunum censeant: aliquem adeant: a me... numquam impetrabunt,

    id. Ac. 2, 30, 97:

    ibi quaeratis socios censeo, ubi Saguntina clades ignota est,

    Liv. 21, 19, 10:

    solvas censeo, Sexte, creditori,

    Mart. 2, 13, 2.—And in jest:

    Treviros vites censeo, audio capitalis esse,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 13, 2:

    hi Plebei fuerunt, quos contemnas censeo... qua re ad patres censeo revertare,

    id. ib. 9, 21, 3:

    vites censeo porticum Philippi: si te viderit Hercules, peristi,

    Mart. 5, 49, 13; so id. ib. 11, 99, 8; 12, 61, 7.—For ironical senatorial advice, by which the contrary is meant, v. Cic. Cat. 4, 6, 13; Sall. C. 52, 26, quoted II. A. 3.—
    With an ut-clause (with monere;

    very rare): illud tamen vel tu me monuisse vel censuisse puta... ut tu quoque animum inducas, etc.,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 8, 2.—
    With a clause understood: quo me vortam nescio: Pa. Si deos salutas, dextrovorsum censeo (i.e. id facias or faciundum censeo), Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 70: quo redeam? Pe. Equidem ad phrygionem censeo (i. e. redeas), id. Men. 4, 2, 53:

    quid nunc censes, Chrysale? (i. e. faciundum),

    id. Bacch. 4, 8, 112:

    ita faciam ut frater censuit,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 2, 11:

    tibi igitur hoc censeo (i. e. faciendum): latendum tantisper ibidem, etc.,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 2, 4: tu [p. 314] potes Kalendis spectare gladiatores, et ita censeo, id. ib. 16, 20:

    quid censes igitur? Ecquidnam est tui consilii ad? etc.,

    id. Att. 9, 12, 4: quid igitur censet (sapientia)? What is wisdom ' s advice? id. Phil. 13, 3, 6:

    scribi quid placeat, quid censeas,

    id. Att. 9, 19,4:

    ibitur igitur, et ita quidem ut censes,

    id. ib. 10, 15, 3:

    disce, docendus adhuc, quae censet amiculus,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 3.
    Of opinions and views on general questions, to be of opinion, think, believe, hold (cf.: statuo, existimo, puto, aio, dico; freq. in class. prose; very rare in post-class. writers except Gellius; never with ut, ne, or subj.-clause).
    With inf.-clause:

    Plato mundum esse factum censet a deo sempiternum,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 37, 118:

    Cyrenaici non omni malo aegritudinem effici censent, sed insperato,

    id. Tusc. 3, 13, 28:

    (Hieronymus) censet summum bonum esse sine ulla molestia vivere,

    id. Fin. 2, 5, 16:

    Aristoteles eos qui valetudinis causa furerent, censebat habere aliquid in animis praesagiens,

    id. Div. 1, 38, 81:

    Pythagoras censuit animum esse per naturam rerum omnem intentum et commeantem,

    id. ib. 1, 11, 27; so id. Ac. 1, 11, 40; 2, 42, 131; id. Fin. 1, 6, 20; 3, 15, 49; 3, 19, 64; 3, 21, 70; 4, 7, 17; 5, 7, 17; id. N. D. 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 4; 1, 12, 29; 1, 13, 35 and 37; 1, 43, 120; 1, 44, 121; 2, 22, 57; 2, 16, 44; id. Sen. 12, 41; id. Leg. 1, 13, 36; id. Tusc. 1, 9, 18; 1, 10, 22; 1, 30, 72; 1, 45, 108; 3, 5, 11; 3, 22, 52; 4, 7, 14; id. Off. 1, 25, 88:

    Plato in civitate communis esse mulieres censuit,

    Gell. 18, 2, 8; 14, 5, 2; 18, 1, 4; 19, 12, 6.—If the opinion refers to what should be observed, oportere or debere is used, or a gerundial predicate with esse (so in Cic., but in Gell. 7, 15, 3, without esse):

    oportere delubra esse in urbibus censeo,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 10, 26:

    M. Varro aeditumum dici oportere censet,

    Gell. 12, 10, 4; 14, 5, 2;

    so with debere,

    id. 17, 5, 5; 13, 8, 4:

    Cyrenaici... virtutem censuerunt ob eam rem esse laudandam,

    Cic. Off. 3, 33, 116:

    (Ennius) non censet lugendam esse mortem quam immortalitas consequatur,

    id. Sen. 20, 73.—
    An inf.-clause understood:

    (dissensio est), a quibus temporibus scribendi capiatur initium. Ego enim ab ultimis censeo (i. e. exordiendum esse),

    Cic. Leg. 1, 3, 8:

    si, Mimnermus uti censet, sine amore jocisque Nil est jucundum,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 65:

    sic enim censuit,

    Cic. Off. 3, 33, 117.—
    With neutr. acc. of a pron.: hoc amplius censeo, in addition to the opinions mentioned I hold, etc., Sen. Vit. Beat. 3, 2:

    nullo (medico) idem censente,

    Plin. 29, 1, 5, § 11.—
    With a rel.-clause:

    Aesopus quae utilia... erant, non severe neque imperiose praecepit et censuit,

    he imparted his teachings and views, Gell. 2, 29, 1.—

    non adligo me ad unum aliquem ex Stoicis proceribus. Est et mihi censendi jus,

    the right to impart my opinions, Sen. Vit. Beat. 3, 2.
    In gen., = arbitror, puto, existimo, judico (cf.: idem enim valet censere et arbitrari, Varr. ap. Non. p. 519, 29: censere nunc significat putare, nunc suadere, nunc decernere, Paul. ex Fest. p. 54, 11 Mull.).
    To judge, think, believe, suppose (freq. in ante-class. writings; very rare in Cic. except in the particular meanings, a.—ironically—and d.; always with inf.-clause expressed or understood).
    In gen.:

    atque ego censui abs te posse hoc me impetrare,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 6, 12 sq.:

    satis jam delusam censeo: rem, ut est, nunc eloquamur,

    id. As. 3, 3, 141:

    nam si honeste censeam te facere posse, suadeam,

    id. Mil. 4, 8, 60:

    neque ego hac noctem longiorem me vidisse censeo,

    id. Am. 1, 1, 126:

    saluti quod tibi esse censeo,

    id. Merc. 1, 35; so id. Am. 4, 3, 2; id. Most. 1, 3, 127; id. Pers. 1, 1, 9; 2, 2, 8; 2, 3, 75 sq.; id. Truc. 2, 2, 60; id. As. 2, 2, 33; id. Aul. 2, 4, 30; 2, 4, 36; id. Cas. 2, 8, 38; Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 53; id. Phorm. 2, 2, 13: aut domino, cujum id censebis esse, reddes, Cincius, Re Mil. l. iii., de ap. Gell. 16, 4, 2:

    eo namque omnem belli molem inclinaturam censebant (consules),

    Liv. 7, 32, 3:

    nec facturum aequa Samnitium populum censebant, si... oppugnarent,

    id. 7, 31, 7:

    quaeso ut ea quae dicam non a militibus imperatori dicta censeas,

    id. 7, 13, 8:

    at illa purgare se, quod quae utilia esse censebat... suasisset,

    Curt. 8, 3, 7: Alexander, tam memorabili victoria laetus, qua sibi Orientis fines apertos esse censebat, id. 9, 1, 1; so id. 10, 8, 22.—
    With reference to an erroneous opinion, to imagine, suppose, falsely believe:

    censebam me effugisse a vita marituma Ne navigarem, etc.,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 108:

    omnes eum (sc. Jovem) esse (Amphitruonem) censent servi,

    id. Am. prol. 122, 134:

    jam hic ero, quom illic censebis esse me,

    id. ib. 3, 3, 14:

    ardere censui aedes,

    id. ib. 5, 1, 15:

    ego hunc censebam esse te,

    id. Men. 5, 9, 13; so id. As. 5, 2, 20; id. Aul. 3, 5, 55; id. Bacch. 1, 2, 14; id. Men. 3, 3, 32; 5, 9, 76; id. Merc. 1, 2, 87; id. Poen. 1, 1, 54; 3, 1, 60; 3, 4, 25; id. Rud. 2, 4, 31; 4, 7, 35; id. Stich. 4, 2, 24; id. Truc. 1, 1, 72 et saep.: censuit se regem Porsenam occidere, Cass. Hem. ap. Non. p. 4, 88:

    non ipsa saxa magis sensu omni vacabant quam ille... cui se hic cruciatum censet optare,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 44, 107.—And ironically:

    nisi forte Diagoram aut Theodorum... censes superstitiosos fuisse,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 42, 117:

    nisi forte etiam illi Semproniano senatus consulto me censes adfuisse, qui ne Romae quidem fui,

    id. Fam. 12, 29, 2:

    neminem me fortiorem esse censebam,

    Curt. 8, 14, 42.—
    Referring to what should take place.
    With gerundial inf.-clause:

    navis praedatoria, Abs qua cavendum nobis sane censeo,

    Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 70:

    soli gerundum censeo morem,

    id. Most. 1, 3, 69:

    neque vendundam censeo Quae libera est,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 39; so id. Eun. 4, 4, 53; 5, 8, 42; id. Hec. 4, 4, 94; id. Phorm. 2, 4, 17:

    ceterum ei qui consilium adferret opem quoque in eam rem adferendam censebant esse,

    Liv. 25, 11, 14.—
    With oportere, debere, or an ordinary inf.-clause:

    solam illi me soli censeo esse oportere obedientem,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 47:

    quibus declaraveram, quo te animo censerem esse oportere, et quid tibi faciendum arbitrarer,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 9, 1:

    rursus interrogatus quid ipse victorem statuere debere censeret,

    Curt. 8, 14, 43: impudens postulatio visa est, censere... ipsos id (bellum) advertere in se, agrosque suos pro alienis populandos obicere, to entertain the idea that they should direct that war against themselves and their own lands, etc., Liv. 21, 20, 4:

    munere eum fungi prioris censet amici = eum fungi oportere,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 9, 5:

    quae nos quoque sustinere censebat,

    App. M. 11, p. 253.—
    By aequum censere with ordinary inf.clause, expressed or understood, either = it is fair ( right) to do something, or something ought or should be done (so very freq. in the comic poets and Livy; rare in other writers): non ego istunc me potius quam te metuere aequom censeo, I do not think it right to fear him, etc., Plaut. Capt. 2, 2, 51: quid me aequom censes pro illa tibi dare? What do you think I should give as a fair price? etc., id. As. 1, 3, 76: meum animum tibi servitutem servire aequom censui, I thought it my duty that my mind should, etc., id. Trin. 2, 2, 27: ecquis est tandem qui vestrorum... aequom censeat poenas dare ob eam rem quod arguatur male facere voluisse? Cato ap. Gell. 6 (7), 3, 36:

    quis aequum censeret... receptos in fidem non defendi?

    Liv. 21, 19, 5; so id. 24, 37, 7; 5, 3, 8; 22, 32, 6.—And without emphasis upon the idea of fairness or right:

    si sunt ita ut ego aequom censeo,

    as I think they ought to be, Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 55; so id. Trin. 3, 2, 87; 2, 3, 1; id. Merc. 3, 3, 8; id. Aul. 4, 1, 11; id. Ep. 4, 1, 29; id. Stich. 2, 2, 20; 4, 1, 42:

    qui aequom esse censeant, nos jam a pueris ilico nasci senes,

    who believe that we should be born as old men right from childhood, Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 2; so id. ib. 5, 5, 11; id. Ad. 4, 3, 10:

    qui aequom censeant rem perniciosam utili praeponi,

    Auct. Her. 2, 14, 22: (tribuni) intercedebant;

    senatum quaerere de pecunia non relata in publicum... aequum censebant,

    Liv. 38, 54, 5:

    cives civibus parcere aequum censebat,

    Nep. Thras. 2, 6.—
    Very freq., esp. in Cic., when a question, rhetorical or real, is addressed to a second person, often referring to erroneous opinions:

    an fores censebas nobis publicitus praeberier?

    Plaut. Am. 4, 2, 7:

    clanculum istaec te flagitia facere censebas potesse?

    id. Men. 4, 2, 47:

    hicine nos habitare censes?

    id. Trin. 4, 3, 72:

    omnes cinaedos esse censes, tu quia es?

    id. Men. 3, 2, 48; so id. As. 2, 4, 78; 5, 2, 37; id. Bacch. 4, 6, 41; 5, 2. 82; id. Capt. 4, 2, 66; 4, 2, 74; 5, 2, 16; id. Cas. 2, 6, 29; id. Men. 5, 5, 25: continuo dari Tibi verba censes? Ter. And. 3, 2, 25; so id. ib. 3, 3, 13; 4, 4, 55; id. Heaut. 4, 3, 38; id. Hec. 4, 1, 32; 4, 4, 53; id. Phorm. 5, 6, 35:

    adeone me delirare censes ut ista esse credam?

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 6, 10:

    nam cum in Graeco sermone haec... non videbantur, quid censes in Latino fore?

    id. Fin. 3, 4, 15:

    quid igitur censes? Apim illum nonne deum videri Aegyptiis?

    id. N. D. 1, 29, 82:

    quis haec neget esse utilia? quem censes?

    id. Off. 3, 26, 99:

    an censes me tantos labores... suscepturum fuisse, si, etc.,

    id. Sen. 23, 82:

    an vos Hirtium pacem velle censetis?

    id. Phil. 12, 4, 9; so id. Brut. 50, 186; 85, 294; id. Tusc. 1, 5, 10 fin.; 2, 4, 11; 3, 13, 27; id. Fin. 1, 10, 34; id. N. D. 1, 8, 20; 1, 28, 78; 1, 44, 122; id. Leg. 2, 10, 23; id. Div. in Caecil. 16, 54; id. Phil. 1, 6, 13; 4, 3, 7; 7, 4, 14; 11, 1, 3; 11, 5, 10; 12, 3, 7; 12, 6, 13; 12, 8, 21; 12, 9, 22; 13, 2, 4; 14, 4, 10; id. Att. 10, 11, 4:

    quid censes munera terrae?... quo spectanda modo, quo sensu credis et ore?

    Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 5 sqq.; so id. ib. 2, 2, 65; Lucr. 1, 973 (with obj.inf.).—With conditional period inst. of an inf.-clause:

    num censes faceret, filium nisi sciret eadem haec velle,

    Ter. And. 3, 3, 46.—

    Sometimes censemus? is used in the same way as censes?

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 2, 4; id. Off. 2, 7, 25; id. Fam. 4, 9, 2.—
    With an inf.clause understood: itane tu censes? Pa. Quid ego ni ita censeam? Plaut. Mil. 4, 3, 27: quid ergo censes? Tr. Quod rogas, Censeo, id. Rud. 4, 8, 7 sq.: quid illum censes? (i. e. eo loco facere?) Ter. And. 5, 2, 12:

    quid illas censes? (i. e. posse dicere),

    id. Ad. 4, 5, 22; so Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 59; Ter. Heaut. 3, 3, 9; 5, 3, 21.—So, very freq. in the comic poets, censeo, absol., as an approving answer; also sic censeo, istuc censeo, ita censeo (Cic.) to be variously rendered: ego divinam rem intus faciam... So. Censeo, that will be right! Plaut. Am. 3, 3, 11: auscultemus quid agat: Ph. Sane censeo, so we will, indeed, id. Curc. 2, 2, 29: quid si recenti re aedis pultem? Ad. Censeo, do so! id. Poen. 3, 4, 18: quin eloquamur? Ag. Censeo, hercle, patrue, id. ib. 5, 4, 93: patri etiam gratulabor? Tr. Censeo, I think so (and after answering several questions with censeo): etiamne complectar ejus patrem? Tr. Non censeo. Pl. Nunc non censet quom volo, id. Rud. 4, 8, 6 sqq.; id. Ps. 2, 2, 69; id. Stich. 5, 4, 53; id. Truc. 2, 4, 73; id. Cas. 4, 3, 14; Ter. Eun. 2, 1, 11; id. Heaut. 3, 3, 27: male habeas! Mu. Sic censeo, Plaut. Men. 4, 1, 11: aliquem arripiamus, etc.: Ly. Hem, istuc censeo, id. Merc. 3, 3, 19 (cf.:

    prorsus ita censeo, referring to general questions, as in D.,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 10, 23);

    once similarly censeas: Quid gravare? censeas!

    Say yes, Plaut. Stich. 3, 2, 22.—
    To resolve, as a merely mental act, with gerundial inf.-clause (rare; cf. II. B.): quibus rebus cognitis, Caesar maturandum sibi censuit, resolved to hasten, lit., thought he must hasten ( = statuit, existimavit), Caes. B. G. 7, 56 init.:

    censuimus igitur amplius quaerendum,

    Gell. 12, 14, 7.—
    To consider, i. e. after carefully weighing the circumstances, with inf.-clause (rare):

    sed cum censerem... me et periculum vitare posse, et temperatius dicere... ea causa mihi in Asiam proficiscendi fuit,

    Cic. Brut. 91, 314.—
    = pu tare, habere, judicare, to consider as, to hold, with two acc., or inf.-clause.
    With double acc.:

    quom dispicias tristem, frugi censeas (i.e. eum),

    you would consider him thrifty, Plaut. Cas. 3, 2. 32:

    auxilio vos dignos censet senatus,

    considers you worthy of help, Liv. 7, 31, 2:

    has... indagines cuppediarum majore detestatione dignas censebimus si, etc.,

    Gell. 7 (6), 16, 6: cum Priscum nobilitas hostem patriae censuisset, judged, declared him the enemy, etc., Aur. Vict. Caes. 29, 4.—
    In the pass. with nom. and inf., = haberi (in Manil. and Gell.):

    praeter illas unam et viginti (comoedias) quae consensu omnium Plauti esse censebantur,

    Gell. 3, 3, 3:

    quae terrena censentur sidera sorte (i. e. esse),

    are considered as being of the terrestrial kind, Manil. 2, 226; so id. 2, 293; 2, 653; 2, 667; 3, 96; so, sub aliquo censeri, to be considered as being under one ' s influence, id. 4, 246; 4, 705; cf. id. 3, 598 (with per).—
    To wish, with subj.-clause or ne (in App.):

    de coma pretiosi velleris floccum mihi confestim adferas censeo,

    App. M. 6. [p. 315] p. 117:

    censeo ne ulla cura os percolat,

    id. Mag. p. 411.
    censeo, ēre, = succenseo, to be angry: ne vobis censeam, si, etc., Varr. ap. Non. p. 267, 24.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > censeo

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