1 ♦ verb
♦ verb /vɜ:b/n.(gramm.) verbo: irregular verb, verbo irregolare● verb ending, terminazione (o desinenza) verbale □ a verb phrase, una locuzione verbale. -
2 verb n
[vɜːb] -
3 verb
4 phrasal verb
5 phrasal verb phras·al verb n
[ˌfreɪz(ə)l'vɜːb] -
6 adverb ad·verb n
['ædvɜːb] -
7 strong verb
n Gram -
8 auxiliary verb
9 skyjack
verb (to hijack a plane.) dirottare* * *skyjack /ˈskaɪdʒæk/n.(to) skyjack /ˈskaɪdʒæk/v. t.skyjackern.dirottatore; pirata dell'ariaskyjackingn. [uc]dirottamento; pirateria aerea. -
10 acclimatise
(to make or become accustomed to a new climate, new surroundings etc: It took him several months to become acclimatized to the heat.) acclimatarsi- acclimatisation -
11 anaesthetise
verb (to make (someone) unable to feel pain etc (by giving an anaesthetic to).) anestetizzare -
12 anglicise
(to make English or more like English: After living in England for ten years, he had become very anglicized.) anglicizzare -
13 antagonise
verb (to make an enemy of (someone): You are antagonizing her by your rudeness.) inimicarsi -
14 apologise
(to say that one is sorry, for having done something wrong, for a fault etc: I must apologize to her for my rudeness.) scusarsi- apologetically
- apology -
15 authorise
(to give the power or right to do something: I authorized him to sign the documents; I authorized the payment of $100 to John Smith.) autorizzare- authorisation -
16 backbite
verb (to criticize a person when he is not present.) sparlare, fare maldicenze -
17 baptise
18 breastfeed
verb (to feed (a baby) with milk from the breast.) allattare al seno -
19 canonise
verb (to place in the list of saints: Joan of Arc was canonized in 1920.) canonizzare -
20 carouse
См. также в других словарях:
Verb- — Verb … Deutsch Wörterbuch
Verb — (von lat. verbum (temporale) „Zeitwort“) ist ein fachsprachlicher Ausdruck der traditionellen Grammatik für eine Wortart, die eine Tätigkeit, ein Geschehen oder einen Zustand ausdrückt, und erfasst Wörter wie gehen, denken, segeln und wandern.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
verb — VERB, verbe, s.n. 1. Parte de vorbire care exprimă o acţiune sau o stare şi care se caracterizează prin flexiune proprie. 2. (livr.; la sg.) Mijloc, fel de exprimare; limbaj; cuvânt. – Din fr. verbe, lat. verbum. Trimis de RACAI, 04.02.2009.… … Dicționar Român
Verb — Verb, n. [F. verbe, L. verbum a word, verb. See {Word}.] 1. A word; a vocable. [Obs.] South. [1913 Webster] 2. (Gram.) A word which affirms or predicates something of some person or thing; a part of speech expressing being, action, or the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Verb T — is a UK hip hop artist based in London.He has released three albums and two EPs as well as numerous singles.His first release was the 16 track EP Backhand Slap Talk / Technical Illness which was a shared release featuring songs from fellow London … Wikipedia
verb — [və:b US və:rb] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: verbe, from Latin verbum word, verb ] a word or group of words that describes an action, experience, or state, such as come , see , and put on →↑auxiliary verb, ↑linking verb, ↑modal verb … Dictionary of contemporary English
Verb — Sn Zeitwort erw. fach. (15. Jh., Form 18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Zunächst in lateinischer Form entlehnt aus l. verbum, auch: Wort, Ausdruck, Rede . Adjektiv: verbal. Ebenso nndl. verbum, ne. verb, nfrz. verbe, nschw. verb, nnorw. verb. Zur… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
verb — late 14c., from O.Fr. verbe part of speech that expresses action or being, from L. verbum verb, originally a word, from PIE root *were (Cf. Avestan urvata command; Skt. vrata command, vow; Gk. rhetor public speaker, rhetra agreement, covenant … Etymology dictionary
verb — ► NOUN Grammar ▪ a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, such as hear, become, or happen. ORIGIN Latin verbum word, verb … English terms dictionary
verb — [vʉrb] n. [ME verbe < OFr < L verbum,WORD (used as transl. of Gr rhēma, verb, orig., word)] any of a class of words expressing action, existence, or occurrence, or used as an auxiliary or copula, and usually constituting the main element of … English World dictionary
verb — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català