1 onaantastbaar
adj. unassailable, unimpeachable, untouchable, inalterable, indefeasible, impregnable, imprescriptible -
2 onberispelijk
adj. irreproachable, impeccable, blameless, unblamable, faultless, unexceptionable, unimpeachable, unobjectionable, immaculate--------adv. faultlessly -
3 onaantastbaar
1 [niet betwist/in bezit genomen kunnende worden] inviolable ⇒ unassailable, unimpeachable, sacrosanct♦voorbeelden:onaantastbare rechten • inviolable rights -
4 onkreukbaar
5 onverdacht
♦voorbeelden:van onverdachte zijde hoorde ik het • I had it on unimpeachable authority -
6 van onverdachte zijde hoorde ik het
van onverdachte zijde hoorde ik hetVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > van onverdachte zijde hoorde ik het
См. также в других словарях:
Unimpeachable — Un im*peach a*ble, a. Not impeachable; not to be called in question; exempt from liability to accusation; free from stain, guilt, or fault; irreproachable; blameless; as, an unimpeachable reputation; unimpeachable testimony. Burke. {Un im*peach… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unimpeachable — I adjective above reproach, approved, believable, beyond reproach, blameless, commendable, credible, creditable, excellent, faultless, guiltless, ideal, impeccable, incontestable, incontrovertible, inculpable, indefeasable, innocent, irrefragable … Law dictionary
unimpeachable — 1784, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + IMPEACHABLE (Cf. impeachable) … Etymology dictionary
unimpeachable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ beyond reproach. DERIVATIVES unimpeachably adverb … English terms dictionary
unimpeachable — [un΄im pēch′ə bəl] adj. not impeachable; that cannot be doubted, questioned, or discredited; irreproachable unimpeachably adv … English World dictionary
unimpeachable — adjective Date: 1784 not impeachable: as a. reliable beyond a doubt < unimpeachable evidence > < an unimpeachable source > b. not liable to accusation ; irreproachable < an unimpeachable reputation > • unimpeachably adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
unimpeachable — [[t]ʌ̱nɪmpi͟ːtʃəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ If you describe someone as unimpeachable, you mean that they are completely honest and reliable. [FORMAL] He said all five were men of unimpeachable character. ...an unimpeachable source. Syn: reliable … English dictionary
unimpeachable — unimpeachability, unimpeachableness, n. unimpeachably, adv. /un im pee cheuh beuhl/, adj. above suspicion; impossible to discredit; impeccable: unimpeachable motives. [1775 85; UN 1 + IMPEACHABLE] * * * … Universalium
unimpeachable — un|im|peach|a|ble [ˌʌnımˈpi:tʃəbəl] adj formal so good or definite that criticism or doubt is impossible ▪ unimpeachable morals >unimpeachably adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
unimpeachable — adjective formal so good or definite that criticism or doubt is impossible: unimpeachable moral principles unimpeachably adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
unimpeachable — adjective a) not able to be impeached or reproached b) blameless … Wiktionary