1 unarmed aircraft
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > unarmed aircraft
2 aircraft
воздушное судно [суда], атмосферный летательный аппарат [аппараты]; самолёт (ы) ; вертолёты); авиация; авиационный; см. тж. airplane, boostaircraft in the barrier — самолёт, задержанный аварийной (аэродромной) тормозной установкой
aircraft off the line — новый [только что построенный] ЛА
B through F aircraft — самолёты модификаций B, C, D, E и F
carrier(-based, -borne) aircraft — палубный ЛА; авианосная авиация
conventional takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт с обычными взлетом и посадкой (в отличие от укороченного или вертикального)
keep the aircraft (headed) straight — выдерживать направление полёта ЛА (при выполнении маневра); сохранять прямолинейный полет ЛА
keep the aircraft stalled — сохранять режим срыва [сваливания] самолёта, оставлять самолёт в режиме срыва [сваливания]
nearly wing borne aircraft — верт. ЛА в конце режима перехода к горизонтальному полёту
pull the aircraft off the deck — разг. отрывать ЛА от земли (при взлете)
put the aircraft nose-up — переводить [вводить] ЛА на кабрирование [в режим кабрирования]
put the aircraft through its paces — определять предельные возможности ЛА, «выжимать все из ЛА»
reduced takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт укороченного взлета и посадки (с укороченным разбегом и пробегом)
rocket(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ракетный ЛА, ЛА с ракетным двигателем
roll the aircraft into a bank — вводить ЛА в крен, накренять ЛА
rotate the aircraft into the climb — увеличивать угол тангажа ЛА для перехода к набору высоты, переводить ЛА в набор высоты
short takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт короткого взлета и посадки (с коротким разбегом и пробегом)
single vertical tail aircraft — ЛА с одинарным [центральным] вертикальным оперением
strategic(-mission, -purpose) aircraft — ЛА стратегического назначения; стратегический самолёт
take the aircraft throughout its entire envelope — пилотировать ЛА во всем диапазоне полётных режимов
trim the aircraft to fly hands-and-feet off — балансировать самолёт для полёта с брошенным управлением [с брошенными ручкой и педалями]
turbofan(-engined, -powered) aircraft — ЛА с турбовентиляторными двигателями, ЛА с ТРДД
turbojet(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ЛА с ТРД
undergraduate navigator training aircraft — учебно-тренировочный самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки штурманов
water(-based, takeoff and landing) aircraft — гидросамолёт
3 missile
управляемая ракета, УР; летящий осколок [обломок]; обстреливать ракетами; применять ракеты ( по цели) ; см. тж. rocketantiarmor(ed fighting vehicle) missile — противотанковая ракета, ПТУР
dual-capability (surface-to-air /surface-to-surface) missile — ракета наземного РК для поражения воздушных и наземных целей
forward area (air) defense missile — ракета войскового ЗРК; ракета комплекса ПВО передового района
HEAT-mine (scattering) multiple warhead AT missile — ПТУР с КБЧ, разбрасывающей ПТ кумулятивные мины
look-down, shoot-down missile — ракета, управляемая системой обеспечения, обнаружения и поражения целей в нижней полусфере (на фоне земли)
passive-radar homing warhead.air-toair missile — ракета воздушного боя с пассивной РЛ ГСН
— air interceptor missile— air-to-ground guided missile— antiair warfare missile— anti-antiaircraft missile— artillery ballistic missile— AT guided missile— battlefield support missile— chemical warhead missile— command guidance missile— counter-air-to-surface missile missile— counterballislic missile missile— counterradar homing missile— counterradiation homing missile— fast-reaction type missile— fire-and-forget guidance missile— fixed based missile— fixed land-based missile— free-flight missile— infantry-launched missile— mobile-based missile— multiple warheaded missile— nuclear warheaded missile— nuclear-armed missile— nuclear-fueled missile— penetration aid missile— radar-seeking standoff missile— rolling airframe missile— turbojet-propelled missile* * *• ракета• ракетный -
4 UA
1) Общая лексика: Украина2) Компьютерная техника: Unnumbered Acknowledge, Unnumbered Acknowledgement3) Медицина: ОАМ, общий анализ мочи, общий клинический анализ мочи, общеклинический анализ мочи, clinical urine analysis, common urine analysis, common urine examination, clinical urine examination4) Американизм: Unified Agenda5) Спорт: Ultimate Adventure, Unreal Annihilation6) Военный термин: Un Authorized, Underground Area, Unit Attack, Unit Authorization, Universal Army, Universe Of Actions, Unlimited Ammo7) Техника: ultra-audible, ultrasonic attenuation, unauthorized absence, unipole antenna, unsafe action8) Юридический термин: User Authored9) Страхование: Underwriting account10) Грубое выражение: U Asshole11) Телекоммуникации: Universal Access, Unlimited Access, Unbalanced Asynchronous (HDLC), Unnumbered Acknowledgment (HDLC)12) Сокращение: United Artists, urbanized area, urinalysis, Harley-Davidson World War II 74 cubic inch V-twin military motorcycle model, Routine( pilot report message type), U'ltimos Adictos (Guatemala rock group), Ukraine (ISO Country Identifier), Ulkomaankaupan Agenttiliitto (Suomeksi) (Finnish Foreign Trade Agents' Federation, aka: FFTAF), Ultimate Adventures, Ultimate Adversaries (D20 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook), Unable to Approve Arrival for the Time Specified, Unaddressed, Unarmed (gaming), Unarmored (gaming), Unattended, Unauthorized Absence (Article 86 UCMJ), Unavailable, Unbalanced Asynchronous, Unbelievably Amazing, Und Andere (German: and others), Under Age, Under Armour (stock symbol), Underactive, Underground Atlanta, Underwriters Accepted, Unfair Advantage (CSI Data), Uniform Act (Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970, as amended), Uniform Allowance, Unique Address, Unique Applications, Unit Administration, Unit Administrator (military term), Unit Area, Unit of Action, Unitary Authority (local government area, UK), United Airlines, United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (Union), Units of Account (banking), Universal Adversary, Universal Architecture, Universidad de Alicante (Spain), Universidade da Amazo^nia (Brasil), Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), University Archives, University at Albany (SUNY), University of Aberdeen (UK), University of Akron (Ohio), University of Alabama, University of Alaska, University of Alberta, University of Antwerp, University of Arizona, University of Arkansas, University of California Audits, University of the Arctic, Unmanned Aircraft, Unmarried America, Unnecessary Acronym, Unnumbered Acknowledge (telecommunications), Unnumbered Acknowledgment, Unstable Angina, Unter Anderem (German: Among Other Things), Update Analysis, Upper Air, Upper Arlington (Ohio), Upper Arm, Uracil-Adenine (RNA base pairing), Urban Area, Urine Analysis, User Account, User Activity, User Agency, User Agent (web browser), User Agreement, User Assistance, User Authentication, Utility Accrual, Uto-Aztecan (language)13) Университет: The University Of Alabama, Undergraduate Association14) Физиология: Umbilical Artery, Uric Acid15) Вычислительная техника: user area, User Agent (MHS, OSI), Upgrade Advantage (MS)16) Банковское дело: соглашение о размещении ценных бумаг (underwriting agreement), расчётная единица (unit of account)17) Фирменный знак: Unlimited Adventures18) Деловая лексика: Underlying Asset, Union Avoidance, расчётная денежная единица (unit of account)19) Инвестиции: underwriting agreement, unit of account20) Сетевые технологии: абонентская служба, агент пользователя, пользовательский агент21) Программирование: Update Attribute22) Расширение файла: User Agent23) Должность: Undercover Agent, Undergraduate Assistant24) НАСА: Underground Access -
5 ua
1) Общая лексика: Украина2) Компьютерная техника: Unnumbered Acknowledge, Unnumbered Acknowledgement3) Медицина: ОАМ, общий анализ мочи, общий клинический анализ мочи, общеклинический анализ мочи, clinical urine analysis, common urine analysis, common urine examination, clinical urine examination4) Американизм: Unified Agenda5) Спорт: Ultimate Adventure, Unreal Annihilation6) Военный термин: Un Authorized, Underground Area, Unit Attack, Unit Authorization, Universal Army, Universe Of Actions, Unlimited Ammo7) Техника: ultra-audible, ultrasonic attenuation, unauthorized absence, unipole antenna, unsafe action8) Юридический термин: User Authored9) Страхование: Underwriting account10) Грубое выражение: U Asshole11) Телекоммуникации: Universal Access, Unlimited Access, Unbalanced Asynchronous (HDLC), Unnumbered Acknowledgment (HDLC)12) Сокращение: United Artists, urbanized area, urinalysis, Harley-Davidson World War II 74 cubic inch V-twin military motorcycle model, Routine( pilot report message type), U'ltimos Adictos (Guatemala rock group), Ukraine (ISO Country Identifier), Ulkomaankaupan Agenttiliitto (Suomeksi) (Finnish Foreign Trade Agents' Federation, aka: FFTAF), Ultimate Adventures, Ultimate Adversaries (D20 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook), Unable to Approve Arrival for the Time Specified, Unaddressed, Unarmed (gaming), Unarmored (gaming), Unattended, Unauthorized Absence (Article 86 UCMJ), Unavailable, Unbalanced Asynchronous, Unbelievably Amazing, Und Andere (German: and others), Under Age, Under Armour (stock symbol), Underactive, Underground Atlanta, Underwriters Accepted, Unfair Advantage (CSI Data), Uniform Act (Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970, as amended), Uniform Allowance, Unique Address, Unique Applications, Unit Administration, Unit Administrator (military term), Unit Area, Unit of Action, Unitary Authority (local government area, UK), United Airlines, United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (Union), Units of Account (banking), Universal Adversary, Universal Architecture, Universidad de Alicante (Spain), Universidade da Amazo^nia (Brasil), Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), University Archives, University at Albany (SUNY), University of Aberdeen (UK), University of Akron (Ohio), University of Alabama, University of Alaska, University of Alberta, University of Antwerp, University of Arizona, University of Arkansas, University of California Audits, University of the Arctic, Unmanned Aircraft, Unmarried America, Unnecessary Acronym, Unnumbered Acknowledge (telecommunications), Unnumbered Acknowledgment, Unstable Angina, Unter Anderem (German: Among Other Things), Update Analysis, Upper Air, Upper Arlington (Ohio), Upper Arm, Uracil-Adenine (RNA base pairing), Urban Area, Urine Analysis, User Account, User Activity, User Agency, User Agent (web browser), User Agreement, User Assistance, User Authentication, Utility Accrual, Uto-Aztecan (language)13) Университет: The University Of Alabama, Undergraduate Association14) Физиология: Umbilical Artery, Uric Acid15) Вычислительная техника: user area, User Agent (MHS, OSI), Upgrade Advantage (MS)16) Банковское дело: соглашение о размещении ценных бумаг (underwriting agreement), расчётная единица (unit of account)17) Фирменный знак: Unlimited Adventures18) Деловая лексика: Underlying Asset, Union Avoidance, расчётная денежная единица (unit of account)19) Инвестиции: underwriting agreement, unit of account20) Сетевые технологии: абонентская служба, агент пользователя, пользовательский агент21) Программирование: Update Attribute22) Расширение файла: User Agent23) Должность: Undercover Agent, Undergraduate Assistant24) НАСА: Underground Access -
6 missile
См. также в других словарях:
Idflieg aircraft designation system — The Idflieg designation system was used to generate German military aircraft designations prior to the end of World War I. Each designation consisted of one of the following letters, followed by a roman numeral. For example, the first D class… … Wikipedia
Liaison aircraft — A liaison aircraft is a small, usually unarmed aircraft developed before World War II and primarily used by military forces for artillery observation or transporting commanders and messengers. The aircraft were also used for battlefield… … Wikipedia
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List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft, 1975-1999 — This is a list of notable accidents and incidents involving military aircraft grouped by the year in which the accident or incident occurred. For more exhaustive lists, see the [http://www.baaa acro.com/ Aircraft Crash Record Office] or the [http … Wikipedia
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Military transport aircraft — For freight and cargo aircraft, see Cargo aircraft. C 17 Globemaster III transport aircraft Military transport aircraft are typically fixed and rotary wing cargo aircraft which are used to deliver troops, weapons and other military equipment by a … Wikipedia
List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft, 2000 - — This is a list of notable accidents and incidents involving military aircraft grouped by the year in which the accident or incident occurred. For more exhaustive lists, see the [http://www.baaa acro.com/ Aircraft Crash Record Office] or the [http … Wikipedia
Scout (aircraft) — The term scout was used by several European air forces up to the inter war period to refer to a light reconnaissance aircraft, initially unarmed. The earliest air to air encounters were between opposing scouts, and generally involved little more… … Wikipedia
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P-38 Lightning — infobox Aircraft name =P 38 Lightning type =Heavy fighter manufacturer =Lockheed caption = designer =Kelly Johnson first flight =27 January 1939 introduction = 1941 retired = 1949 primary user = United States Army Air Force more users = produced … Wikipedia
Atlantique Incident — The Atlantique Incident was an event in which a Pakistan Navy Breguet Atlantique patrol plane, carrying 16 people on board, was shot down by the Indian Air Force citing violation of airspace. The episode took place in the Rann of Kutch on August… … Wikipedia