1 skulle
be, go, be meant to, must, need, should* * *vb (skal, skulle, skullet)(især F) shall;( i direkte ordre) will, is (, are) to ( fx you will (el. are to)report at headquarters at once; you must (el. shall el. are to) do what you are told);b) ( om nødvendighed) have (got) to,( skal: også om personlig opfattelse) must ( fx I have (got) to buy a new car, I smashed up the old one; I must buy a new car soon);[du ` skal ikke gøre det] you don't have to do it; you need not do it;[han skulle bruge $1000] he needed $1000;c) ( om pligt: burde) should, ought to ( fx I should (el. ought to) have been more careful; should I open the door? you ought to know better; it ought not to be allowed; you should not speak so loud; you should have seen him);(i 2. og 3. person) will,F shall;[ hvis du er artig skal du få bogen] if you are a good boy, I'll give you the book (, F: you shall have the book);e) ( om bestemmelse, besked, aftale) be to ( fx I am to inform you that...; we are to meet at 5 o'clock);f) ( om hensigt) be meant to ( fx this was meant to make it easier for you);g) ( om bestemmelsessted) be going ( fx I am going home; he is going to London (, to school));( være på vej til) be bound (for) ( fx he (, the ship) is bound for England);h) ( om det umiddelbart forestående) be about to, be going to ( fx I was just about to (el. going to) begin), be on the point of -ing ( fx he was on the point of leaving);i) ( om forlydende: siges at) be said to, be supposed to ( fx he is said(el. supposed) to be rich); be reported to;[ du skal altid kritisere] you are always criticizing; you have always got to criticize;[ hvorfor skal du altid kritisere?] why must you always criticize?[ det skulle gøre mig ondt hvis] I should be sorry if;[ skal jeg gøre det?] shall I do it? would you like me to do it?[ skulle have], se II. have;[ hvad skal jeg gøre?] what am I to (el. shall I) do?T what do I do (now)?[ hvad vil du have jeg skal gøre?] what do you want me to do?[ jeg vidste ikke hvad jeg skulle gøre] I did not know what to do;[ hvis jeg skulle forklare hvad det er] if I was (, F: were) asked to explain what it is;[ hvis vi skulle tabe (el. skulle vi tabe)] if we should be defeated,F should we be defeated;[ for at hun ikke skulle høre det] in order that she should not hear it;[ det skal du ikke være sikker på] don't be too sure of that;[ skal du noget i aften?] are you doing anything (el. have you anything on) this evening? are you going out tonight?[ det skal jeg ikke kunne sige] I couldn't tell (el. say);[ alt gik som det skulle] everything went right;[ så skulle da også!] oh bother![ skulle tro], se II. tro;[ du skulle vel ikke have (, vide etc)] do you by any chance have (, know etc);that he would turn up);[ hvad det skal være] anything;( i butik) what can I do for you, sir (, madam)? yes please?[ hvis det skal være] if necessary; if need be;[ hvor det skal være] anywhere;[ nu skal jeg være der!] coming![` når det skal være] any time;[ det skulle ikke så være] it was not to be;[ det skulle da være i Kina] except perhaps in China;[ skulle det være en anden gang] any other time you like;[ det skulle være en vittighed] it was meant for a joke;[ med præp & adv:][ jeg skal af her] I want to get off here, this is where I get off;[ hvad skal jeg der?] what am I to do there?[ hvor skal du hen?] where are you going? where are you off to?[ hvad skal du her?] what are you doing here?[ jeg skal med] I am going with them (, him etc);[ jeg skal med toget] I am going by train,( om bestemt tog) I am going on that train (, on the 8.15 etc);[ hvad skal du med det?] what do you want with that?[ hvad skal jeg med det?] what am I to do with that? what do you want me to do with that?[ skulle op til], se op;( behøves) be required, be necessary;T that is just what the doctor ordered!( hvad nytter det?) what is the good of that?( hvad skal det gøre godt for) what's the idea?T what's that in aid of?[ der skal så lidt til at glæde et barn] it takes so little to make a child happy;[ der skulle 4 mand til at holde ham] it took 4 men to hold him;[ jeg skal ud i aften] I'm going out tonight;[ jeg skal ud at gå en tur] I am going out for a walk. -
2 vente
hang on, hold, hold it, hold on, wait* * *I.:[ være i vente] be to be expected ( fx great events are to be expected),( umiddelbart forestående, især om noget truende) be imminent;[ han har skuffelser i vente] he has disappointments coming to him, there are disappointments in store for him.II. vb( uden objekt) wait ( fx wait and see! wait here till I come; it will have to wait till tomorrow);T hold on, hang on;(tlf) wait, hold the line, hold on ( fx will you hold on or would you like him to call you back?);( være i vente for) be in store for ( fx there are disappointments in store for him),F await ( fx a hearty welcome awaits you),(se også ndf: der venter ham);( om gravid) be expecting ( fx she is expecting a baby); be pregnant with( fx she was pregnant with our first child at that time);[ han ventes om få timer] he is expected to arrive in a few hours;[ det kan næppe ventes] it is hardly to be expected;[ skibet ventes i aften] the ship is due (to arrive) this evening;[ vente at han vil gøre det] expect him to do it, expect that he will do it;[ vente at enhver gør sin pligt] expect everyone to do his duty;[ den skæbne der venter ham] the fate in store for him;[ der venter ham en ubehagelig overraskelse] he is in for a nasty surprise; he has got a nasty surprise coming to him;[ det kan vente] that can wait, there is no hurry about that;[ vi kan vente godt vejr i dag] we are in for a fine day;[ lade ham vente] keep him waiting; let him wait;[ med præp & sig:][ vente noget af en] expect something of (el. from) somebody ( fx it is just what I expected of him; expect too much from somebody);[ vente med](dvs opsætte) delay, put off;[ vente med at sende] put off sending;[ vente på] wait for;( afvente også, F) await ( fx instructions);[ vente på at uret skal slå] wait for the clock to strike;[ vente på ham med middagsmaden] wait dinner for him;[ de lader vente på sig] they are long in coming, they keep us (, me etc) waiting;[ vente sig noget] expect something;[ du kan vente dig!] you'll catch it![ hun venter sig ( et barn)] she is expecting;[ han kan vente sig en overraskelse], se ovf: der venter ham;[ en forsmag på hvad man kan vente sig] a foretaste of what is to come;[ vente sig noget af], se ovf: vente noget af.
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