1 send round the hat
to ask for or collect money on someone's behalf.يَجْمَع مالا بالنيابَة عن شَخْصٍ آخر -
2 fazer um peditório
hat, to pass/send round the hatDicionário português (brasileiro)-Inglês > fazer um peditório
3 lade hatten gå rundt
pass / send round the hat -
4 vybírat na
pass / send round the hat -
5 safna fjárframlögum
pass/send round the hat -
6 vyberať na
pass/send round the hat -
7 faire la quête
pass/send round the hat -
8 парса
collectionедин бие тъпъна, друг събира парсата вж. тъпан* * *па̀рса,ж., само ед. разг. collection; • обирам \парсата take the gate-money; събирам \парса pass/send round the hat, go round with the hat, make the hat go round.* * *1. collection 2. един бие тъпъна, друг събира Пapcaта вж, тъпан 3. обирам Пapcaта take the gate-money 4. събирам Пapca pass/send round the hat, go round with the hat, make the hat go round -
9 пускать шапку по кругу
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > пускать шапку по кругу
10 собирать пожертвования
1) General subject: go round with the hat, hand round the box, hand round the hat, pass round the hat, pass round the plate, send round the hat, take round the plate, to( for) contributions, hand around the box, raise money2) Religion: go a-beggingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > собирать пожертвования
11 пустить шапку по кругу
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > пустить шапку по кругу
12 gyûjt
to pass round the hat, to send round the hat -
13 gyûjtést rendez
to send round the hat, to pass round the hat -
14 tányéroz
to go round with the hat, to send round the hat -
15 a umbla cu cheta
to take up the collectionto send / to hand / to pass / to take round the plateto pass round the hat. -
16 poner
v.1 to put.Ella puso el mantel She set the tablecloth.Ella puso su mejor esfuerzo She exerted her best effort.2 to give, to set (asignar) (tarea, examen).le pusieron Mario they called him Mariole pusieron un cinco en el examen he got five out of ten in the exam3 to switch or put on (conectar) (televisión, radio).4 to send (comunicar) (telegrama, fax).¿me pones con él? can you put me through to him? (peninsular Spanish)5 to show (Cine, Teatro & TV).¿qué ponen en la tele? what's on the telly?6 to set up.ha puesto una tienda she has opened a shopponer la mesa to lay the table7 to do up.han puesto su casa con mucho lujo they've done up their house in real style8 to put in.poner dinero en el negocio to put money into the businessponer algo de mi/tu/etc. parte to do my/your/etc bitponer mucho empeño en (hacer) algo to put a lot of effort into (doing) somethingPonga más sal Put in more salt.9 to suppose.pongamos que sucedió así (let's) suppose that's what happenedpon que necesitemos cinco días suppose we need five daysponiendo que todo salga bien assuming everything goes according to plan10 to say (decir). (peninsular Spanish)¿qué pone ahí? what does it say?11 to lay (eggs) (ave).12 to make, to render, to turn, to get.13 to apply, to put on.Ella puso desinfectante She applied disinfectant.14 to lay eggs, to lay.La gallina puso The hen laid eggs.15 to say about.* * *Present Indicativepongo, pones, pone, ponemos, ponéis, ponen.Past IndicativeFuture IndicativeConditionalPresent SubjunctiveImperfect SubjunctiveFuture SubjunctiveImperativePast Participlepuesto,-a.* * *verb1) to put2) place3) set4) set up, establish5) add6) switch on, put on7) lay8) install•- ponerse* * *Para las expresiones poner cuidado, poner en duda, poner por las nubes, poner a parir, poner como un trapo, poner verde, poner de vuelta y media, poner por testigo, ponerse por delante, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO TRANSITIVO1) (=colocar, situar) to put¿dónde pongo mis cosas? — where shall I put my things?
ponle un poco de mantequilla y verás qué bueno — put some butter in it and you'll see how good it is
poner algo [aparte] — to put sth aside, put sth to one side•
ponlo en su [sitio] — put it back2) [+ ropa, calzado] to put on3) (=añadir) to addponle más sal — add some salt, put some more salt in it
4) (=aplicar, administrar) to put5) (=disponer, preparar)•
poner la [mesa] — to lay {o} set the table6) (=instalar)a) [+ teléfono, calefacción] to put inb) [+ tienda] to open; [+ casa] to furnish7) (=exponer)ponlo al sol — leave {o} put it out in the sun
8) (=hacer funcionar) [+ radio, televisión, calefacción] to put on, turn on; [+ disco] to put on, play¿pongo música? — shall I put some music on?
9) (=ajustar) [+ despertador] to set•
poner el reloj [en hora] — to put one's watch right•
ponlo [más alto] — turn it up10) (=adoptar)¿por qué pones esa voz tan tonta? — why are you speaking in that silly voice?
¡no pongas esa [cara]! — don't look at me like that!11) (=volver) + adj, adv to makepara no ponerle de mal humor — so as not to make him cross, so as not to put him in a bad mood
¡cómo te han puesto! — (=te han manchado) look what a mess you are!; (=te han pegado) they've given you a right thumping!
12) (=servir)¿qué te pongo? — what can I get you?, what would you like?
¿me pones más patatas? — could I have some more potatoes?
13) (=conectar por teléfono) to put through¿me pone con el Sr. García, por favor? — could you put me through to Mr García, please?
14) (=exhibir)¿qué ponen en el cine? — what's on at the cinema?
¿ponen alguna película esta noche? — is there a film on tonight?
15) (=enviar) to send16) (=escribir) to put¿qué pongo en la carta? — what shall I put in the letter?
¿te has acordado de poner el remite? — did you remember to put the return address on it?
17) (=decir, estar escrito) to say¿qué pone aquí? — what does it say here?
18) (=imponer) [+ examen, trabajo] to give, setnos pone mucho trabajo — he gives {o} sets us a lot of work
me han puesto una [multa] — I've been fined, I've been given a fine19) (=oponer) [+ inconvenientes] to raise•
le pone [peros] a todo — he's always finding fault with everything20) (=aportar, contribuir)[+ dinero]yo pongo el dinero pero ella escoge — I do the paying, but she does the choosing
21) (=invertir) to put in22) (=apostar)23) (=llamar) to call¿qué nombre {o} cómo le van a poner? — what are they going to call him?, what name are they giving him?
24) (=criticar, alabar)•
te puso muy [bien] ante el jefe — she was very nice about you to the boss•
¡[cómo] te han puesto! — (=te han criticado) they had a real go at you!; (=te han alabado) they were really nice about you!•
tu cuñada te ha puesto muy [mal] — your sister-in-law was very nasty about you25) (=tildar)•
poner a algn [de], la han puesto de idiota para arriba — they called her an idiot and worse26) (=suponer)•
pongamos [que] ganas la lotería — suppose {o} supposing you win the lotteryponiendo que... — supposing that...
27)• poner a algn [a] + infin —
nada más llegar nos pusieron a barrer — no sooner had we arrived than we were set to sweeping the floor
28)• poner a Juan [bien] con Pedro — to make things up between Juan and Pedro
poner a Juan [mal] con Pedro — to make Juan fall out with Pedro, cause a rift between Juan and Pedro29) [en trabajo]•
poner a algn [de], puso a su hija de sirvienta — she got her daughter a job as a servant30)31) [gallina] [+ huevos] to lay2. VERBO INTRANSITIVO1) [aves] to lay (eggs)2) (=apostar)3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( colocar) to putlo pusieron en el curso avanzado — he was put o placed in the advanced class
b) <anuncio/aviso> to place, put2) ( agregar) to put¿cuándo se le pone el agua? — when do you put the water in?, when do you add the water?
¿le pones azúcar al café? — do you take sugar in your coffee?
3) <ropa/calzado> (+ me/te/le etc)¿me pones los zapatos? — can you put my shoes on (for me)?
4) <inyección/supositorio> to give5)poner la mesa — to lay o set the table
6)a) (instalar, montar) <oficina/restaurante> to openb) <cocina/teléfono/calefacción> to installc) cerradura/armario to fit8) (Esp) (servir, dar)¿qué le pongo? — what can I get you?
póngame un café, por favor — I'll have a coffee, please
¿cuántos le pongo? — how many would you like?
9)a) ( contribuir)b) ( proporcionar) autobús/tren to lay on10) < atención> to pay; <cuidado/interés> to take11)b) ( oponer)no puso inconveniente — he didn't have o raise any objections
a todo le pone peros or pegas — she finds fault with everything
¿qué nota te puso? — what mark did he give you?
¿qué título le pusiste? — what title did you give it?
le pusieron el apodo de `el cojo' — they nicknamed him `el cojo'
14) ( escribir) to put15) (esp Esp) ( expresar por escrito) to say16) (Esp) (exhibir, dar) <obra/película>¿ponen algo interesante en la tele? — is there anything interesting on TV?
¿qué ponen en el Royal? — what's on o what's showing at the Royal?
17) (RPl) ( tardar) to take18) (en estado, situación) (+ compl)19) ( adoptar) cara/voz20)a) ( hacer empezar)poner a alguien a + inf: puso a las hijas a trabajar he sent his daughters out to work; lo puse a hacer los deberes — I made him do his homework
b)poner a alguien de algo: la pusieron de jefa de sección they made her head of department; lo pusieron de ángel he was given the part of an angel; siempre te pone de ejemplo — he always holds you up as an example
21) ( suponer)pon que perdemos ese tren... — say we miss that train o if we (were to) miss that train...
pongamos (por caso) que están equivocados — suppose o let's just say they're wrong
ponerle — (esp AmL)
¿cuánto se tarda? - ponle dos horas — how long does it take? - about two hours o reckon on two hours
22)a) (conectar, encender) <televisión/calefacción> to turn on, switch on, put on; <programa/canal> to put on; < disco> to put onpuso el motor en marcha — she switched on o started the engine
b) (ajustar, graduar)23) (Esp) ( al teléfono)en seguida le pongo — I'm just putting you through o connecting you
poner a alguien con algo/alguien — to put somebody through to something/somebody
2.¿me pone con la extensión 24? — could you put me through to extension 24, please?
vi gallina to lay3.1) ponerse v pron2)a) (refl) ( colocarse)pongámonos a la sombra — let's sit (o lie etc) in the shade
ponerse de rodillas — to kneel (down), get down on one's knees
ponte ahí, junto al árbol — stand over there, by the tree
se me/le puso que... — (AmS fam) I/he had a feeling that... (colloq)
se le pone cada cosa... — he gets the strangest ideas into his head
b) (Esp) ( llegar)3) sol to set4) (refl) <calzado/maquillaje/alhaja> to put onme puse el collar de perlas — I wore o put on my pearl necklace
5) (en estado, situación) (+ compl)cómo te has puesto de barro! — look at you, you're covered in mud!
6)a) ( empezar)ponerse a + inf — to start -ing, to start + inf
se puso a llover — it started raining o started to rain
b) (CS arg) ( contribuir dinero)cuando llega la cuenta hay que ponerse — when the bill comes, everyone has to cough up (colloq)
yo me pongo con cien — I'll put in o chip in a hundred
7) (Esp) ( al teléfono)¿Pepe? sí, ahora se pone — Pepe? OK, I'll just get him for you
* * *= affix, fit, put, set, lay, set up, lay out on, lay down, deposit, play, lay out, plant, bung + Nombe + in, get on.Ex. Some libraries use small stickers affixed to the spines which have cartoons or ideograms indicating a special genre.Ex. One such method requires that each book has a magnetic strip inserted into the spine and a special exit door is fitted across which an electric signal is beamed.Ex. If you encounter an unlabeled document during charge-out, peel off one of the preprinted labels and put it in the document.Ex. If no fines are to be charged for a particular combination of borrower and material type, set the maximum fine to zero.Ex. By such mutual assistance, the wits and endeavours of the world may no longer be as so many scattered coals, or firebrands, which, for want of union are soon quenched, whereas, being but laid together, they would have yielded a comfortable light and heat.Ex. A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.Ex. A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.Ex. A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.Ex. The run-off paper must be thick and absorbent to cope with the thick layer of ink deposited on it by the duplicator.Ex. In another style of lesson, the book is approached through film clips, dramatizations on TV, or played on records or tapes made commercially.Ex. There should be plenty of space to lay out all the books attractively and for people to move about without feeling too crowded.Ex. The article is entitled 'To everything there is a season...a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted: a life-cycle analysis of education for librarianship'.Ex. Instead of bunging it in the washing machine, clean it carefully by hand using lukewarm water.Ex. The full-length, two-direction zipper makes it easy to get on and off, and the bottom is easy to unzip for diaper changes.----* con la mirada puesta en = in + Posesivo + sights.* cosas + ponerse feas = things + get rough.* costes + ponerse por las nubes = costs + spiral.* de quita y pon = burn-'em-down-build-'em-up, removable.* encargado de poner en práctica = implementor [implementer].* no poner en duda = be unquestioned.* poner a Alguien al cargo de = put + Nombre + in charge of.* poner a Alguien al frente de = put + Nombre + in charge of.* poner a Alguien al mando de = put + Nombre + in charge of.* poner a Alguien al tanto de = fill + Alguien + in on.* poner a Alguien contra las cuerdas = put + Nombre + on the spot.* poner a Alguien en contacto con = put + Nombre + in touch with.* poner a Alguien en el compromiso de = leave + Nombre + with the choice of.* poner a Alguien en guardia = put + Nombre + on + Posesivo + guard.* poner a Alguien en su sitio = cut + Nombre + down to size, knock + Nombre + off + Posesivo + pedestal, cut + Nombre + down to size.* poner a Alguien en un aprieto = put + Nombre + on the spot.* poner a Alguien en un apuro = put + Alguien + on the spot, put + Nombre + on the spot.* poner a Alguien en un compromiso = put + Alguien + on the spot.* poner a Alguien en un pedestal = put + Nombre + on a pedestal.* poner a cargo de = put in + charge of.* poner a disposición = keep within + reach.* poner a disposición de = make + available to, put at + the disposal of, place + at the disposal of, bring within + reach.* poner a la altura de las circunstancias = bring + Nombre + up to par.* poner a la defensiva = put on + the defensive.* poner al alcance = bring within + reach.* poner al día = bring + Nombre + up to date, bring + Nombre + up to scratch.* poner al día (de) = bring + Nombre + up to speed (on), get + Nombre + up to speed on.* poner Algo a disposición = put + Nombre + within reach.* poner Algo al alcance = put + Nombre + within reach.* poner Algo al descubierto = bring + Nombre + to the surface.* poner Algo a mano = put + Nombre + within reach.* poner Algo a prueba = push + Nombre + to + Posesivo + limits.* poner Algo en = stick + Nombre + on.* poner Algo en Internet = put (out) + Nombre + on the web.* poner Algo patas arriba = turn + Nombre + inside-out.* poner Algo por delante de = put + Nombre + ahead of.* poner Alguien al descubierto = blow + Posesivo + cover.* poner + Alguien + frenético = make + Alguien + furious.* poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.* poner al revés = upend.* poner al tanto (de) = bring into + the swim of, bring + Nombre + up to speed (on), get + Nombre + up to speed on.* poner al tanto sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.* poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.* poner a + Nombre + a la cabeza de = put + Nombre + ahead in.* poner a + Número = set to + Número.* poner aparte = set + apart.* poner a + Posesivo + disposición = put at + Posesivo + fingertips.* poner a prueba = stretch, tax, try, strain, overtax, pilot, put to + the test, test, plumb + the depths of, trial, overstretch, push + the envelope, put + Nombre + to the test, try + Nombre + on, push + Nombre + to the edge.* poner a prueba la paciencia de Alguien = test + Posesivo + patience, try + Nombre + patience.* poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = try + the patience of a saint.* poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = test + the patience of a saint.* poner a prueba una idea = test + idea, pilot + idea.* poner a punto = overhaul, hone, fine tune [fine-tune], tune-up.* poner atención = lend + an ear, listen (to).* poner a un lado = lay + Nombre + aside, set + aside.* poner bonito = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.* poner carnada = bait.* poner cebo = bait.* poner como ejemplo = instance, cite + as an example, showcase.* poner con chinchetas = thumbtack.* poner delante de = lay before.* poner de manifiesto = bring into + relief, highlight, show, state, throw into + relief, throw up, evince, illustrate, underscore, underline, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], bring to + light, make + it + clear, lay + bare, provide + insight into, reveal, flag + Nombre + up.* poner de manifiesto las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.* poner demasiado énfasis en Algo = overemphasise [over-emphasise] [overemphasize, -USA].* poner de patitas en la calle = give + Nombre + the boot, sack, boot (out), give + Nombre + the sack, turf out.* poner de pie = stand + upright.* poner de pie apoyado sobre un costado = stand on + Posesivo + side.* poner de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + bit.* poner de relieve = bring into + relief, throw into + relief, underscore, highlight, show, state, throw up, evince, illustrate, underline, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], flag + Nombre + up, reveal.* poner de relieve la importancia = underscore + importance.* poner doble acristalamiento = double glaze.* poner el candado = padlock.* poner el centro de atención = put + focus.* poner el colofón final = bookend.* poner el culo = take + Nombre + lying down.* poner el dedo en la llaga = hit + a (raw) nerve, touch on + raw nerve, hit + the nail on the head, strike + home, strike + a nerve, touch on + a sore spot, touch + a (raw) nerve.* poner el despertador = set + the alarm clock.* poner el énfasis = put + focus.* poner el grito en el cielo = be (all) up in arms, kick up + a stink, kick up + a fuss, blow + Posesivo + top, make + a row, make + a ruckus, kick up + a row, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack, scream + blue murder, froth at + the mouth, shout + blue murder.* poner el matasellos a una carta = postmark.* poner el precio = price.* poner el sello = stamp.* poner el sello a = place + a stamp on.* poner el sello de = rubber stamp.* poner empeño = strive.* poner en adobo = marinade.* poner en alerta = put on + standby, put on + alert, place + Nombre + on standby.* poner en alquiler = rent out.* poner en apuros = cast + a shadow over, put + Nombre + in difficulties.* poner encima = top with.* poner en circulación = circulate.* poner en claro = clear up.* poner en cola = queue.* poner en cola de espera = place + in queue.* poner en contacto = bring into + relationship, contact, provide + an interface, bring into + contact.* poner en contenedor = containerise [containerize, -USA].* poner en cuarentena = quarantine.* poner en cuestión = call into + question, render + questionable.* poner en cuestión la validez de = bring into + question the validity of, question + the validity of.* poner en dificultades = put + Nombre + in difficulties.* poner en duda = challenge, be flawed, question, render + suspect, unsettle, cast + doubt on, regard + with suspicion, put in + doubt, call into + question, shed + doubt, throw into + doubt, throw + doubt on.* poner en duda la validez de = bring into + question the validity of.* poner en duda unos principios = shake + foundations.* poner en el haber de = credit.* poner en entredicho = challenge, cast + doubt on, subvert, compromise, cast + aspersions on, challenge + Posesivo + assumptions, doubt, question, call into + question, impugn.* poner en entredicho una postura = compromise + position.* poner en escena = stage.* poner en estado de alerta = put on + standby, put on + alert, place + Nombre + on standby.* poner en evidencia = make + it + clear, underline, bring to + light, put + Nombre + to shame, call + Posesivo + bluff, bring to + the fore.* poner énfasis = put + emphasis.* poner énfasis en = lay + stress on, place + emphasis on, lay + emphasis on.* poner en forma = buff up.* poner en funcionamiento = activate, set in + action, set up, trip, put into + working order, put in + place, put in + place, put into + place, set in + motion.* poner en funcionamiento un programa = implement + program(me).* poner en garantía = pawn.* poner en hielo = ice.* poner en juego = tap.* poner en la calle = evict.* poner en la pared = pin up.* poner en la red + Documento Impreso = webify + Documento Impreso.* poner en libertad = release from + jail.* poner en libertad bajo fianza = release on + bail.* poner en libertad condicional = release on + bail.* poner en libertad condicional, poner en libertad bajo fianza = release on + bail.* poner en lista de espera = put + on a waiting list.* poner en marcha = implement, set up, trip, set out on, crank up.* poner en marcha un proyecto = mobilise + effort.* poner en órbita = place into + orbit.* poner en orden = tidy up, put in + order, clear up.* poner en peligro = jeopardise [jeopardize, -USA], put into + jeopardy, imperil, put at + risk, compromise, endanger, pose + risk.* poner en peligro la seguridad = breach + security.* poner en peligro la vida = risk + Posesivo + life, risk + life and limb.* poner en práctica = exercise, implement, put into + practice, put to + work, put into + effect, put into + practical effect, put in + place, put into + place, translate into + practical action, bring to + bear, deploy.* poner en práctica una idea = put + Posesivo + idea + into practice.* poner en práctica una normativa = carry out + policy.* poner en práctica un arte = practise + art.* poner en préstamo = circulate.* poner en primer plano = foreground.* poner en relación = bring into + relationship.* poner en remojo = steep.* poner en ridículo = poke + fun at.* poner en riesgo = put at + risk.* poner en su sitio = put in + place.* poner en tela de juicio = throw + doubt on, contest.* poner en tensión = put + Nombre + under pressure.* poner entre comillas = enclose + in quotation marks.* poner entre corchetes = bracket.* poner entre la espada y la pared = press to + the point.* poner entre paréntesis = bracket.* poner entre rejas = put + Nombre + behind bars.* poner en uso = bring into + use, take in + use.* poner en venta = put on + sale.* poner esfuerzo = give + effort.* poner fin = curb, bring to + a close, draw to + a close.* poner fin a = put + paid to, put + an end to, put + a stop to, call + a halt on, bring + an end to, bring to + an end, sound + the death knell for, kill off.* poner fin a un embarazo = terminate + pregnancy.* poner freno = curb.* poner freno a = place + a curb on, clamp down on.* poner fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.* poner guiones = hyphenate.* poner huevos = lay + eggs, oviposit.* poner impuestos = impose + VAT.* poner la brida = bridle.* poner la casa al revés = turn + everything upside down.* poner la casa patas arriba = turn + the house upside down.* poner la dirección en un sobre = address + envelope.* poner ladrillos = laying of bricks, lay + bricks.* poner la fecha = date-stamp.* poner la mesa = lay + the table.* poner la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.* poner la responsabilidad en = put + the burden on.* poner las antenas = prick (up) + Posesivo + ears, Posesivo + antennas + go up.* poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.* poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.* poner las cartas sobre la mesa = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.* poner las cosas en marcha = get + the ball rolling, set + the ball rolling, start + the ball rolling, get + things rolling, get + things going, set + the wheels in motion.* poner las cosas en movimiento = get + the ball rolling, set + the ball rolling, start + the ball rolling, get + things rolling, get + things going, set + the wheels in motion.* poner las cosas en su lugar = set + the record straight.* poner las esposas = handcuff.* poner la vida en peligro = put + Posesivo + life at risk.* ponerle el cascabel al gato = stick + Posesivo + neck out (for), stick out + Posesivo + neck.* ponerle la guinda = put + icing on the cake.* ponerle la mano encima a = lay + a finger on.* ponerle los cuernos a = cuckold.* ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.* poner lo pelos de punta = frighten + the living daylights out of.* poner los ojos en blanco = roll + Posesivo + eyes.* poner los pelos de punta = bristle, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + Nombre + to death, make + Posesivo + hair stand on end, scare + the hell out of.* poner los pies en alto = put + Posesivo + feet up.* poner los pies en + Posesivo + casa = darken + Posesivo + door.* poner los pies sobre la tierra = come down + to earth.* poner más fuerte = crank up.* poner mucho ahínco = try + Posesivo + heart out.* poner mucho ahínco en = put + Posesivo + heart into.* poner mucho empeño = try + Posesivo + heart out.* poner mucho empeño en = put + Posesivo + heart into.* poner mucho empeño en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.* poner mucho empeño por = take + (great) pains to.* poner mucho esmero por = take + (great) pains to.* poner negro = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend.* poner nervioso = rattle.* poner nervioso a Alguien = give + Nombre + the screaming abdabs.* poner + Nombre + a dieta = put + Nombre + on a diet.* poner + Nombre + a + Nombre = place + Nombre + against + Nombre.* poner objeciones = object.* poner objeciones a = object to.* poner obstáculos = cramp.* poner orden = bring + order, tidying (up), create + order, clear out, clear up.* poner orden en el caos = create + order out of chaos, create + order out of chaos.* poner papel en la impresora = load + printer.* poner parches = patch up, patch.* poner patas arriba = upend.* poner pegas = cavil (about/at), baulk [balk, -USA], quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.* poner peros = baulk [balk, -USA], cavil (about/at), quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.* poner por las nubes = praise + highly, wax + lyrical, wax + rapturous, praise + Nombre + to the skies, sing + Posesivo + praises.* poner por los suelos = slate, slag + Nombre + off, mouth off, say + nasty things about, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, trash, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, rubbish.* poner + Posesivo + granito de arena = do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + bit.* poner precio a la cabeza de = declare + open season on.* poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = put + a price on + Posesivo + head.* poner punto final a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end, close + the book on.* poner punto y final a = put + a stop to, sound + the death knell for.* poner reparos = cavil (about/at), baulk [balk, -USA], quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.* poner sal = salt.* ponerse = don, pull on, wax.* ponerse a = set about + Gerundio, get (a)round to, settle down to, get down to + Nombre.* ponerse a cero = roll over to + zero.* ponerse a cubierto = run for + cover.* ponerse a dieta = go on + a diet.* ponerse a hacer = set out to + do.* ponerse a hacer Algo en serio = buckle down to.* ponerse al corriente = come up to + speed.* ponerse al corriente de = catch up with, catch up on.* ponerse al día = catching up, come up to + speed, get + up to speed.* ponerse al día de = get up to + speed on.* ponerse al día de un atraso = clear + backlog.* ponerse al día en = catch up with, catch up on.* ponerse Algo = slip + Nombre + on.* ponerse al rojo vivo = reach + boiling point, fire up.* ponerse al tanto = get + up to speed, wise up.* ponerse al tanto de = get up to + speed on.* ponerse a malas con = run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.* ponerse amarillo de envidia = turn + green with envy.* ponerse a temblar con sólo pensar en = shudder at + the thought of.* ponerse a trabajar en serio = get on with + Posesivo + work, buckle down to, pull up + Posesivo + socks, pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out.* ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia = strike out on + Posesivo + own.* ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.* ponerse blanco = turn + white, whiten.* ponerse borroso = blur.* ponerse ciego = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).* ponerse + Color = go + Color.* ponerse colorado = get + red in the face, go + bright red.* ponerse colorado como un tomate = go + bright red.* ponerse como loco = go + crazy, get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.* ponerse como una fiera = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + Posesivo + stack.* ponerse como unas castañuelas = be tickled pink, be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits.* ponerse como un energúmeno = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + a fuse, wax + indignant, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler, tear + Posesivo + hair out, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.* ponerse contentísimo = be tickled pink, be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits.* ponerse de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).* ponerse del lado de = side with.* ponerse del lado de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* ponerse de lleno a = buckle down to.* ponerse de mil colores = go + bright red.* ponerse de moda = come into + vogue, come into + fashion.* ponerse de parte de = side with.* ponerse de parte de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* ponerse de pie = rise, stand up, get to + Posesivo + feet, rise to + Posesivo + feet.* ponerse de punta = stand out.* ponerse, el = donning, the.* ponerse el cinturón = buckle up.* ponerse en cola = queue up, line up.* ponerse en contacto = make + contact.* ponerse en contacto con = be in touch (with), interact (with), get in + touch with.* ponerse en contra de = turn against.* ponerse en cuclillas = squat (down), crouch (down).* ponerse en el lugar de = place + Reflexivo + in the position of, put + Reflexivo + in the position of.* ponerse en el lugar de Alguien = put + Reflexivo + in + Nombre/Posesivo + shoes, wear + Posesivo + shoes, walk in + Posesivo + shoes.* ponerse enfermo = get + sick.* ponerse en fila = line up.* ponerse en forma = get + fit.* ponerse en forma para la lucir el cuerpo en la playa = get + beach-fit.* ponerse en lugar de Alguien = stand in + Posesivo + shoes.* ponerse en marcha = set off, get off + the ground, swing into + action.* ponerse en medio = get in + the way (of).* ponerse en pie de guerra = dig up + the tomahawk, dig up + the hatchet, dig up + the war axe.* ponerse en práctica = go into + effect.* ponerse en ridículo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.* ponerse en tensión = tense up.* ponerse firme = stand to + attention.* ponerse frenético = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, work up + a lather, tear + Posesivo + hair out, be furious.* ponerse fresco con = act + fresh with.* ponerse furioso = infuriate, get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.* ponerse gallito = bluster.* ponerse hecho una fiera = go + ballistic, go + berserk, blow + Posesivo + top, go + postal, go + crazy, blow + a fuse, lose + Posesivo + temper, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.* ponerse hecho una furia = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.* ponerse hecho un basilisco = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.* ponerse hecho un energúmeno = go + ballistic, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.* ponerse histérico = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler.* ponerse la ropa rápidamente = slip into + Posesivo + clothes.* ponerse las medallas = take + the credit (for).* ponerse las orejeras = put on + blinkers.* ponerse las pilas = buckle down to, pull up + Posesivo + socks, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out.* ponerse las pilas, ponerse de lleno a, ponerse a trabajar en serio = buckle down to.* ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.* ponerse manos a la obra = get down to + business, swing into + action.* ponerse marrón = turn + brown.* ponerse morado = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).* ponerse nervioso = get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, be in a tizz(y), get in(to) a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.* ponerse por las nubes = go + ballistic.* ponerse rígido = stiffen.* ponerse rojo = get + red in the face, go + bright red.* ponerse rojo como un tomate = go + bright red.* ponerse seriamente a = settle to.* ponerse tenso = tense up, stress + Nombre + out.* ponerse tibio = pig out (on).* ponerse una tarea = set + Reflexivo + task.* poner sobre aviso = alert to.* poner término a = put + paid to.* poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.* poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = give + Posesivo + best, do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.* poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.* poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.* poner trabas = cramp.* poner una bomba = plant + bomb.* poner una demanda = face + legal action.* poner una denuncia = file + police report.* poner una marca de comprobación = check-mark.* poner una nota en un sitio público = post.* poner una reclamación = appeal.* poner una señal = put up + a sign, put up + a notice.* poner una señal de aviso = post + a warning, post + a warning sign.* poner una tienda = pitch + tent.* poner un círculo alrededor = circle.* poner un ejemplo = take + an example, draw + example.* poner un letrero = put up + a sign, post + a notice, put up + a notice.* poner un pie = set + foot (inside/in/on).* poner un poquito de picante = pep up.* poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.* poner verde = mouth off, get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue, trash, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, slate, rubbish.* poner vertical = stand + upright, upend.* poner y quitar = get on and off.* pongamos el caso de que = for the sake of + argument.* pongamos, por ejemplo,... = let us say, take, for example,..., take, for instance,....* por poner un ejemplo + Adjetivo = to take a + Adjetivo + example.* por poner un ejemplo sobre + Nombre = to take + Nombre.* precio + ponerse por las nubes = price + go through the roof, price + spiral out of control, price + soar through the roof.* precios + ponerse por las nubes = prices + spiral.* que pone la vida en peligro = life threatening.* que pone obstáculos = obstructive.* quita o pon = give or take.* sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.* sin poner en escena = unproduced.* sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.* sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.* sólo con la ropa interior puesta = in + Posesivo + underclothes.* sol + ponerse (por) = sun + set (on).* volver a ponerse al día = be back on track, be on track.* ya lo quitas, ya lo pones = burn-'em-down-build-'em-up.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( colocar) to putlo pusieron en el curso avanzado — he was put o placed in the advanced class
b) <anuncio/aviso> to place, put2) ( agregar) to put¿cuándo se le pone el agua? — when do you put the water in?, when do you add the water?
¿le pones azúcar al café? — do you take sugar in your coffee?
3) <ropa/calzado> (+ me/te/le etc)¿me pones los zapatos? — can you put my shoes on (for me)?
4) <inyección/supositorio> to give5)poner la mesa — to lay o set the table
6)a) (instalar, montar) <oficina/restaurante> to openb) <cocina/teléfono/calefacción> to installc) cerradura/armario to fit8) (Esp) (servir, dar)¿qué le pongo? — what can I get you?
póngame un café, por favor — I'll have a coffee, please
¿cuántos le pongo? — how many would you like?
9)a) ( contribuir)b) ( proporcionar) autobús/tren to lay on10) < atención> to pay; <cuidado/interés> to take11)b) ( oponer)no puso inconveniente — he didn't have o raise any objections
a todo le pone peros or pegas — she finds fault with everything
¿qué nota te puso? — what mark did he give you?
¿qué título le pusiste? — what title did you give it?
le pusieron el apodo de `el cojo' — they nicknamed him `el cojo'
14) ( escribir) to put15) (esp Esp) ( expresar por escrito) to say16) (Esp) (exhibir, dar) <obra/película>¿ponen algo interesante en la tele? — is there anything interesting on TV?
¿qué ponen en el Royal? — what's on o what's showing at the Royal?
17) (RPl) ( tardar) to take18) (en estado, situación) (+ compl)19) ( adoptar) cara/voz20)a) ( hacer empezar)poner a alguien a + inf: puso a las hijas a trabajar he sent his daughters out to work; lo puse a hacer los deberes — I made him do his homework
b)poner a alguien de algo: la pusieron de jefa de sección they made her head of department; lo pusieron de ángel he was given the part of an angel; siempre te pone de ejemplo — he always holds you up as an example
21) ( suponer)pon que perdemos ese tren... — say we miss that train o if we (were to) miss that train...
pongamos (por caso) que están equivocados — suppose o let's just say they're wrong
ponerle — (esp AmL)
¿cuánto se tarda? - ponle dos horas — how long does it take? - about two hours o reckon on two hours
22)a) (conectar, encender) <televisión/calefacción> to turn on, switch on, put on; <programa/canal> to put on; < disco> to put onpuso el motor en marcha — she switched on o started the engine
b) (ajustar, graduar)23) (Esp) ( al teléfono)en seguida le pongo — I'm just putting you through o connecting you
poner a alguien con algo/alguien — to put somebody through to something/somebody
2.¿me pone con la extensión 24? — could you put me through to extension 24, please?
vi gallina to lay3.1) ponerse v pron2)a) (refl) ( colocarse)pongámonos a la sombra — let's sit (o lie etc) in the shade
ponerse de rodillas — to kneel (down), get down on one's knees
ponte ahí, junto al árbol — stand over there, by the tree
se me/le puso que... — (AmS fam) I/he had a feeling that... (colloq)
se le pone cada cosa... — he gets the strangest ideas into his head
b) (Esp) ( llegar)3) sol to set4) (refl) <calzado/maquillaje/alhaja> to put onme puse el collar de perlas — I wore o put on my pearl necklace
5) (en estado, situación) (+ compl)cómo te has puesto de barro! — look at you, you're covered in mud!
6)a) ( empezar)ponerse a + inf — to start -ing, to start + inf
se puso a llover — it started raining o started to rain
b) (CS arg) ( contribuir dinero)cuando llega la cuenta hay que ponerse — when the bill comes, everyone has to cough up (colloq)
yo me pongo con cien — I'll put in o chip in a hundred
7) (Esp) ( al teléfono)¿Pepe? sí, ahora se pone — Pepe? OK, I'll just get him for you
* * *= affix, fit, put, set, lay, set up, lay out on, lay down, deposit, play, lay out, plant, bung + Nombe + in, get on.Ex: Some libraries use small stickers affixed to the spines which have cartoons or ideograms indicating a special genre.
Ex: One such method requires that each book has a magnetic strip inserted into the spine and a special exit door is fitted across which an electric signal is beamed.Ex: If you encounter an unlabeled document during charge-out, peel off one of the preprinted labels and put it in the document.Ex: If no fines are to be charged for a particular combination of borrower and material type, set the maximum fine to zero.Ex: By such mutual assistance, the wits and endeavours of the world may no longer be as so many scattered coals, or firebrands, which, for want of union are soon quenched, whereas, being but laid together, they would have yielded a comfortable light and heat.Ex: A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.Ex: A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.Ex: A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.Ex: The run-off paper must be thick and absorbent to cope with the thick layer of ink deposited on it by the duplicator.Ex: In another style of lesson, the book is approached through film clips, dramatizations on TV, or played on records or tapes made commercially.Ex: There should be plenty of space to lay out all the books attractively and for people to move about without feeling too crowded.Ex: The article is entitled 'To everything there is a season...a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted: a life-cycle analysis of education for librarianship'.Ex: Instead of bunging it in the washing machine, clean it carefully by hand using lukewarm water.Ex: The full-length, two-direction zipper makes it easy to get on and off, and the bottom is easy to unzip for diaper changes.* con la mirada puesta en = in + Posesivo + sights.* cosas + ponerse feas = things + get rough.* costes + ponerse por las nubes = costs + spiral.* de quita y pon = burn-'em-down-build-'em-up, removable.* encargado de poner en práctica = implementor [implementer].* no poner en duda = be unquestioned.* poner a Alguien al cargo de = put + Nombre + in charge of.* poner a Alguien al frente de = put + Nombre + in charge of.* poner a Alguien al mando de = put + Nombre + in charge of.* poner a Alguien al tanto de = fill + Alguien + in on.* poner a Alguien contra las cuerdas = put + Nombre + on the spot.* poner a Alguien en contacto con = put + Nombre + in touch with.* poner a Alguien en el compromiso de = leave + Nombre + with the choice of.* poner a Alguien en guardia = put + Nombre + on + Posesivo + guard.* poner a Alguien en su sitio = cut + Nombre + down to size, knock + Nombre + off + Posesivo + pedestal, cut + Nombre + down to size.* poner a Alguien en un aprieto = put + Nombre + on the spot.* poner a Alguien en un apuro = put + Alguien + on the spot, put + Nombre + on the spot.* poner a Alguien en un compromiso = put + Alguien + on the spot.* poner a Alguien en un pedestal = put + Nombre + on a pedestal.* poner a cargo de = put in + charge of.* poner a disposición = keep within + reach.* poner a disposición de = make + available to, put at + the disposal of, place + at the disposal of, bring within + reach.* poner a la altura de las circunstancias = bring + Nombre + up to par.* poner a la defensiva = put on + the defensive.* poner al alcance = bring within + reach.* poner al día = bring + Nombre + up to date, bring + Nombre + up to scratch.* poner al día (de) = bring + Nombre + up to speed (on), get + Nombre + up to speed on.* poner Algo a disposición = put + Nombre + within reach.* poner Algo al alcance = put + Nombre + within reach.* poner Algo al descubierto = bring + Nombre + to the surface.* poner Algo a mano = put + Nombre + within reach.* poner Algo a prueba = push + Nombre + to + Posesivo + limits.* poner Algo en = stick + Nombre + on.* poner Algo en Internet = put (out) + Nombre + on the web.* poner Algo patas arriba = turn + Nombre + inside-out.* poner Algo por delante de = put + Nombre + ahead of.* poner Alguien al descubierto = blow + Posesivo + cover.* poner + Alguien + frenético = make + Alguien + furious.* poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.* poner al revés = upend.* poner al tanto (de) = bring into + the swim of, bring + Nombre + up to speed (on), get + Nombre + up to speed on.* poner al tanto sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.* poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.* poner a + Nombre + a la cabeza de = put + Nombre + ahead in.* poner a + Número = set to + Número.* poner aparte = set + apart.* poner a + Posesivo + disposición = put at + Posesivo + fingertips.* poner a prueba = stretch, tax, try, strain, overtax, pilot, put to + the test, test, plumb + the depths of, trial, overstretch, push + the envelope, put + Nombre + to the test, try + Nombre + on, push + Nombre + to the edge.* poner a prueba la paciencia de Alguien = test + Posesivo + patience, try + Nombre + patience.* poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = try + the patience of a saint.* poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = test + the patience of a saint.* poner a prueba una idea = test + idea, pilot + idea.* poner a punto = overhaul, hone, fine tune [fine-tune], tune-up.* poner atención = lend + an ear, listen (to).* poner a un lado = lay + Nombre + aside, set + aside.* poner bonito = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.* poner carnada = bait.* poner cebo = bait.* poner como ejemplo = instance, cite + as an example, showcase.* poner con chinchetas = thumbtack.* poner delante de = lay before.* poner de manifiesto = bring into + relief, highlight, show, state, throw into + relief, throw up, evince, illustrate, underscore, underline, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], bring to + light, make + it + clear, lay + bare, provide + insight into, reveal, flag + Nombre + up.* poner de manifiesto las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.* poner demasiado énfasis en Algo = overemphasise [over-emphasise] [overemphasize, -USA].* poner de patitas en la calle = give + Nombre + the boot, sack, boot (out), give + Nombre + the sack, turf out.* poner de pie = stand + upright.* poner de pie apoyado sobre un costado = stand on + Posesivo + side.* poner de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + bit.* poner de relieve = bring into + relief, throw into + relief, underscore, highlight, show, state, throw up, evince, illustrate, underline, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], flag + Nombre + up, reveal.* poner de relieve la importancia = underscore + importance.* poner doble acristalamiento = double glaze.* poner el candado = padlock.* poner el centro de atención = put + focus.* poner el colofón final = bookend.* poner el culo = take + Nombre + lying down.* poner el dedo en la llaga = hit + a (raw) nerve, touch on + raw nerve, hit + the nail on the head, strike + home, strike + a nerve, touch on + a sore spot, touch + a (raw) nerve.* poner el despertador = set + the alarm clock.* poner el énfasis = put + focus.* poner el grito en el cielo = be (all) up in arms, kick up + a stink, kick up + a fuss, blow + Posesivo + top, make + a row, make + a ruckus, kick up + a row, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack, scream + blue murder, froth at + the mouth, shout + blue murder.* poner el matasellos a una carta = postmark.* poner el precio = price.* poner el sello = stamp.* poner el sello a = place + a stamp on.* poner el sello de = rubber stamp.* poner empeño = strive.* poner en adobo = marinade.* poner en alerta = put on + standby, put on + alert, place + Nombre + on standby.* poner en alquiler = rent out.* poner en apuros = cast + a shadow over, put + Nombre + in difficulties.* poner encima = top with.* poner en circulación = circulate.* poner en claro = clear up.* poner en cola = queue.* poner en cola de espera = place + in queue.* poner en contacto = bring into + relationship, contact, provide + an interface, bring into + contact.* poner en contenedor = containerise [containerize, -USA].* poner en cuarentena = quarantine.* poner en cuestión = call into + question, render + questionable.* poner en cuestión la validez de = bring into + question the validity of, question + the validity of.* poner en dificultades = put + Nombre + in difficulties.* poner en duda = challenge, be flawed, question, render + suspect, unsettle, cast + doubt on, regard + with suspicion, put in + doubt, call into + question, shed + doubt, throw into + doubt, throw + doubt on.* poner en duda la validez de = bring into + question the validity of.* poner en duda unos principios = shake + foundations.* poner en el haber de = credit.* poner en entredicho = challenge, cast + doubt on, subvert, compromise, cast + aspersions on, challenge + Posesivo + assumptions, doubt, question, call into + question, impugn.* poner en entredicho una postura = compromise + position.* poner en escena = stage.* poner en estado de alerta = put on + standby, put on + alert, place + Nombre + on standby.* poner en evidencia = make + it + clear, underline, bring to + light, put + Nombre + to shame, call + Posesivo + bluff, bring to + the fore.* poner énfasis = put + emphasis.* poner énfasis en = lay + stress on, place + emphasis on, lay + emphasis on.* poner en forma = buff up.* poner en funcionamiento = activate, set in + action, set up, trip, put into + working order, put in + place, put in + place, put into + place, set in + motion.* poner en funcionamiento un programa = implement + program(me).* poner en garantía = pawn.* poner en hielo = ice.* poner en juego = tap.* poner en la calle = evict.* poner en la pared = pin up.* poner en la red + Documento Impreso = webify + Documento Impreso.* poner en libertad = release from + jail.* poner en libertad bajo fianza = release on + bail.* poner en libertad condicional = release on + bail.* poner en libertad condicional, poner en libertad bajo fianza = release on + bail.* poner en lista de espera = put + on a waiting list.* poner en marcha = implement, set up, trip, set out on, crank up.* poner en marcha un proyecto = mobilise + effort.* poner en órbita = place into + orbit.* poner en orden = tidy up, put in + order, clear up.* poner en peligro = jeopardise [jeopardize, -USA], put into + jeopardy, imperil, put at + risk, compromise, endanger, pose + risk.* poner en peligro la seguridad = breach + security.* poner en peligro la vida = risk + Posesivo + life, risk + life and limb.* poner en práctica = exercise, implement, put into + practice, put to + work, put into + effect, put into + practical effect, put in + place, put into + place, translate into + practical action, bring to + bear, deploy.* poner en práctica una idea = put + Posesivo + idea + into practice.* poner en práctica una normativa = carry out + policy.* poner en práctica un arte = practise + art.* poner en préstamo = circulate.* poner en primer plano = foreground.* poner en relación = bring into + relationship.* poner en remojo = steep.* poner en ridículo = poke + fun at.* poner en riesgo = put at + risk.* poner en su sitio = put in + place.* poner en tela de juicio = throw + doubt on, contest.* poner en tensión = put + Nombre + under pressure.* poner entre comillas = enclose + in quotation marks.* poner entre corchetes = bracket.* poner entre la espada y la pared = press to + the point.* poner entre paréntesis = bracket.* poner entre rejas = put + Nombre + behind bars.* poner en uso = bring into + use, take in + use.* poner en venta = put on + sale.* poner esfuerzo = give + effort.* poner fin = curb, bring to + a close, draw to + a close.* poner fin a = put + paid to, put + an end to, put + a stop to, call + a halt on, bring + an end to, bring to + an end, sound + the death knell for, kill off.* poner fin a un embarazo = terminate + pregnancy.* poner freno = curb.* poner freno a = place + a curb on, clamp down on.* poner fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.* poner guiones = hyphenate.* poner huevos = lay + eggs, oviposit.* poner impuestos = impose + VAT.* poner la brida = bridle.* poner la casa al revés = turn + everything upside down.* poner la casa patas arriba = turn + the house upside down.* poner la dirección en un sobre = address + envelope.* poner ladrillos = laying of bricks, lay + bricks.* poner la fecha = date-stamp.* poner la mesa = lay + the table.* poner la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.* poner la responsabilidad en = put + the burden on.* poner las antenas = prick (up) + Posesivo + ears, Posesivo + antennas + go up.* poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.* poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.* poner las cartas sobre la mesa = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.* poner las cosas en marcha = get + the ball rolling, set + the ball rolling, start + the ball rolling, get + things rolling, get + things going, set + the wheels in motion.* poner las cosas en movimiento = get + the ball rolling, set + the ball rolling, start + the ball rolling, get + things rolling, get + things going, set + the wheels in motion.* poner las cosas en su lugar = set + the record straight.* poner las esposas = handcuff.* poner la vida en peligro = put + Posesivo + life at risk.* ponerle el cascabel al gato = stick + Posesivo + neck out (for), stick out + Posesivo + neck.* ponerle la guinda = put + icing on the cake.* ponerle la mano encima a = lay + a finger on.* ponerle los cuernos a = cuckold.* ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.* poner lo pelos de punta = frighten + the living daylights out of.* poner los ojos en blanco = roll + Posesivo + eyes.* poner los pelos de punta = bristle, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + Nombre + to death, make + Posesivo + hair stand on end, scare + the hell out of.* poner los pies en alto = put + Posesivo + feet up.* poner los pies en + Posesivo + casa = darken + Posesivo + door.* poner los pies sobre la tierra = come down + to earth.* poner más fuerte = crank up.* poner mucho ahínco = try + Posesivo + heart out.* poner mucho ahínco en = put + Posesivo + heart into.* poner mucho empeño = try + Posesivo + heart out.* poner mucho empeño en = put + Posesivo + heart into.* poner mucho empeño en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.* poner mucho empeño por = take + (great) pains to.* poner mucho esmero por = take + (great) pains to.* poner negro = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend.* poner nervioso = rattle.* poner nervioso a Alguien = give + Nombre + the screaming abdabs.* poner + Nombre + a dieta = put + Nombre + on a diet.* poner + Nombre + a + Nombre = place + Nombre + against + Nombre.* poner objeciones = object.* poner objeciones a = object to.* poner obstáculos = cramp.* poner orden = bring + order, tidying (up), create + order, clear out, clear up.* poner orden en el caos = create + order out of chaos, create + order out of chaos.* poner papel en la impresora = load + printer.* poner parches = patch up, patch.* poner patas arriba = upend.* poner pegas = cavil (about/at), baulk [balk, -USA], quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.* poner peros = baulk [balk, -USA], cavil (about/at), quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.* poner por las nubes = praise + highly, wax + lyrical, wax + rapturous, praise + Nombre + to the skies, sing + Posesivo + praises.* poner por los suelos = slate, slag + Nombre + off, mouth off, say + nasty things about, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, trash, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, rubbish.* poner + Posesivo + granito de arena = do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + bit.* poner precio a la cabeza de = declare + open season on.* poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = put + a price on + Posesivo + head.* poner punto final a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end, close + the book on.* poner punto y final a = put + a stop to, sound + the death knell for.* poner reparos = cavil (about/at), baulk [balk, -USA], quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.* poner sal = salt.* ponerse = don, pull on, wax.* ponerse a = set about + Gerundio, get (a)round to, settle down to, get down to + Nombre.* ponerse a cero = roll over to + zero.* ponerse a cubierto = run for + cover.* ponerse a dieta = go on + a diet.* ponerse a hacer = set out to + do.* ponerse a hacer Algo en serio = buckle down to.* ponerse al corriente = come up to + speed.* ponerse al corriente de = catch up with, catch up on.* ponerse al día = catching up, come up to + speed, get + up to speed.* ponerse al día de = get up to + speed on.* ponerse al día de un atraso = clear + backlog.* ponerse al día en = catch up with, catch up on.* ponerse Algo = slip + Nombre + on.* ponerse al rojo vivo = reach + boiling point, fire up.* ponerse al tanto = get + up to speed, wise up.* ponerse al tanto de = get up to + speed on.* ponerse a malas con = run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.* ponerse amarillo de envidia = turn + green with envy.* ponerse a temblar con sólo pensar en = shudder at + the thought of.* ponerse a trabajar en serio = get on with + Posesivo + work, buckle down to, pull up + Posesivo + socks, pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out.* ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia = strike out on + Posesivo + own.* ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.* ponerse blanco = turn + white, whiten.* ponerse borroso = blur.* ponerse ciego = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).* ponerse + Color = go + Color.* ponerse colorado = get + red in the face, go + bright red.* ponerse colorado como un tomate = go + bright red.* ponerse como loco = go + crazy, get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.* ponerse como una fiera = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + Posesivo + stack.* ponerse como unas castañuelas = be tickled pink, be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits.* ponerse como un energúmeno = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + a fuse, wax + indignant, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler, tear + Posesivo + hair out, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.* ponerse contentísimo = be tickled pink, be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits.* ponerse de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).* ponerse del lado de = side with.* ponerse del lado de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* ponerse de lleno a = buckle down to.* ponerse de mil colores = go + bright red.* ponerse de moda = come into + vogue, come into + fashion.* ponerse de parte de = side with.* ponerse de parte de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* ponerse de pie = rise, stand up, get to + Posesivo + feet, rise to + Posesivo + feet.* ponerse de punta = stand out.* ponerse, el = donning, the.* ponerse el cinturón = buckle up.* ponerse en cola = queue up, line up.* ponerse en contacto = make + contact.* ponerse en contacto con = be in touch (with), interact (with), get in + touch with.* ponerse en contra de = turn against.* ponerse en cuclillas = squat (down), crouch (down).* ponerse en el lugar de = place + Reflexivo + in the position of, put + Reflexivo + in the position of.* ponerse en el lugar de Alguien = put + Reflexivo + in + Nombre/Posesivo + shoes, wear + Posesivo + shoes, walk in + Posesivo + shoes.* ponerse enfermo = get + sick.* ponerse en fila = line up.* ponerse en forma = get + fit.* ponerse en forma para la lucir el cuerpo en la playa = get + beach-fit.* ponerse en lugar de Alguien = stand in + Posesivo + shoes.* ponerse en marcha = set off, get off + the ground, swing into + action.* ponerse en medio = get in + the way (of).* ponerse en pie de guerra = dig up + the tomahawk, dig up + the hatchet, dig up + the war axe.* ponerse en práctica = go into + effect.* ponerse en ridículo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.* ponerse en tensión = tense up.* ponerse firme = stand to + attention.* ponerse frenético = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, work up + a lather, tear + Posesivo + hair out, be furious.* ponerse fresco con = act + fresh with.* ponerse furioso = infuriate, get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.* ponerse gallito = bluster.* ponerse hecho una fiera = go + ballistic, go + berserk, blow + Posesivo + top, go + postal, go + crazy, blow + a fuse, lose + Posesivo + temper, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.* ponerse hecho una furia = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.* ponerse hecho un basilisco = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.* ponerse hecho un energúmeno = go + ballistic, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.* ponerse histérico = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler.* ponerse la ropa rápidamente = slip into + Posesivo + clothes.* ponerse las medallas = take + the credit (for).* ponerse las orejeras = put on + blinkers.* ponerse las pilas = buckle down to, pull up + Posesivo + socks, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out.* ponerse las pilas, ponerse de lleno a, ponerse a trabajar en serio = buckle down to.* ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.* ponerse manos a la obra = get down to + business, swing into + action.* ponerse marrón = turn + brown.* ponerse morado = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).* ponerse nervioso = get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, be in a tizz(y), get in(to) a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.* ponerse por las nubes = go + ballistic.* ponerse rígido = stiffen.* ponerse rojo = get + red in the face, go + bright red.* ponerse rojo como un tomate = go + bright red.* ponerse seriamente a = settle to.* ponerse tenso = tense up, stress + Nombre + out.* ponerse tibio = pig out (on).* ponerse una tarea = set + Reflexivo + task.* poner sobre aviso = alert to.* poner término a = put + paid to.* poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.* poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = give + Posesivo + best, do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.* poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.* poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.* poner trabas = cramp.* poner una bomba = plant + bomb.* poner una demanda = face + legal action.* poner una denuncia = file + police report.* poner una marca de comprobación = check-mark.* poner una nota en un sitio público = post.* poner una reclamación = appeal.* poner una señal = put up + a sign, put up + a notice.* poner una señal de aviso = post + a warning, post + a warning sign.* poner una tienda = pitch + tent.* poner un círculo alrededor = circle.* poner un ejemplo = take + an example, draw + example.* poner un letrero = put up + a sign, post + a notice, put up + a notice.* poner un pie = set + foot (inside/in/on).* poner un poquito de picante = pep up.* poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.* poner verde = mouth off, get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue, trash, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, slate, rubbish.* poner vertical = stand + upright, upend.* poner y quitar = get on and off.* pongamos el caso de que = for the sake of + argument.* pongamos, por ejemplo,... = let us say, take, for example,..., take, for instance,....* por poner un ejemplo + Adjetivo = to take a + Adjetivo + example.* por poner un ejemplo sobre + Nombre = to take + Nombre.* precio + ponerse por las nubes = price + go through the roof, price + spiral out of control, price + soar through the roof.* precios + ponerse por las nubes = prices + spiral.* que pone la vida en peligro = life threatening.* que pone obstáculos = obstructive.* quita o pon = give or take.* sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.* sin poner en escena = unproduced.* sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.* sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.* sólo con la ropa interior puesta = in + Posesivo + underclothes.* sol + ponerse (por) = sun + set (on).* volver a ponerse al día = be back on track, be on track.* ya lo quitas, ya lo pones = burn-'em-down-build-'em-up.* * *■ poner (verbo transitivo)A1 colocar2 poner: anuncio, avisoB agregarC ropa, calzado etcD ‹inyección/supositorio›E poner la mesaF1 instalar, montar2 poner: cocina, teléfono etc3 poner: cerradura etcG poner: huevosH servir, darA1 contribuir2 proporcionarB poner: atención, cuidadoC1 imponer2 oponer3 adjudicarD poner: nombreE enviarF escribirG1 expresar por escrito2 impersonalH exhibir, darI tardarA en un estado, una situaciónB poner: cara, voz, etcC1 hacer empezar2 poner a alguien de algoD suponerA1 conectar, encender2 ajustar, graduarB poner al teléfono■ poner (verbo intransitivo)A1 apostar2 contribuir dineroB poner: gallinasC México: vulg■ ponerse (verbo pronominal)A1 colocarse2 llegarB ponerse: el solC ponerse: calzado etcA en un estado, una situaciónB1 empezar2 esforzarse, esmerarse3 contribuir dineroSentido III ponerse al teléfonovtA1 (colocar) to put¿dónde habré puesto las llaves? where can I have put the keys?¿dónde vas a poner este cuadro? where are you going to put o hang this picture?pon ese cuadro derecho put that picture straight, straighten that picturelo pusieron en el curso avanzado he was put o placed in the advanced classponle la cadena a la puerta put the chain on the doorpon agua a calentar put some water on to boil2 ‹anuncio/aviso› to place, putpusieron un anuncio en el periódico they put o placed an advertisement in the newspaperB (agregar) to put¿cuándo se le pone el agua? when do you put the water in?, when do you add the water?¿le has puesto sal a la sopa? have you put any salt in the soup?¿le pones azúcar al café? do you take sugar in your coffee?C ‹ropa/calzado› (+ me/te/le etc):¿me pones los zapatos? can you put my shoes on (for me)?le puse el vestido rojo I dressed her in her red dressD ‹inyección/supositorio› to giveel dentista le puso una inyección the dentist gave him an injectionEponer la mesa to lay o set the tableF1 (instalar, montar) ‹oficina/restaurante› to openpuso un estudio junto con otra arquitecta she set up in business with another architectconsiguió permiso para poner una autoescuela he got permission to open a driving schoolles ayudó a poner la casa he helped them set up house o homepusieron la casa/oficina a todo lujo they furnished the house/fitted the office out in stylele puso un apartamento a su amante he set his mistress up in an apartment2 ‹cocina/teléfono/calefacción› to installvan a poner cocinas de gas they are going to install o fit gas cookers3 ‹cerradura/armario› to fitG «ave» ‹huevos› to layH( Esp) (servir, dar): ¿qué le pongo? what can I get you?póngame un café, por favor I'll have a coffee, please¿cuántos le pongo, señora? how many would you like, madam?A1 (contribuir):él pone el capital y yo el trabajo he puts up the capital and I supply the laborpusimos 500 pesos cada uno we put in 500 pesos eachque cada uno ponga lo que pueda each person should give what he or she can afford2 (proporcionar) ‹autobús/tren› to lay onla empresa puso la comida y la bebida food and drink was laid on by the companyB ‹atención› to pay; ‹cuidado› to takepon más atención en lo que estás haciendo pay more attention to what you're doingno ha puesto ningún cuidado en este trabajo she hasn't taken any care at all over this piece of workpone mucho entusiasmo en todo lo que hace he's very enthusiastic about everything he does, he puts a lot of enthusiasm into everything he doesC1 (imponer) ‹deberes› to give, set; ‹examen› to setnos pusieron 20 preguntas we were given o set 20 questionsle pusieron una multa por exceso de velocidad he was fined for speeding2(oponer): no me puso ningún inconveniente he didn't have o raise any objectionsa todo le tiene que poner peros or pegas she finds fault with everything3 (adjudicar) ‹nota› to give¿qué (nota) te puso en la redacción? what (mark) did he give you for your essay?le pusieron un cero he got nought out of tenD (dar) ‹nombre/apodo› to give¡qué nombre más feo le pusieron! what a horrible name to give him!le pusieron Eva they called her Eva¿qué título le vas a poner al poema? what title are you going to give the poem?, what are you going to call the poem?le pusieron el sobrenombre de `el cojo' they nicknamed him `el cojo'F (escribir) to putno has puesto ningún acento you haven't put any of the accents inno sé qué más ponerle I don't know what else to put o writepuso mi nombre en la lista she put my name down on the listG ( esp Esp)1 (expresar por escrito) to sayel periódico no pone nada sobre el robo the newspaper doesn't say anything about the robbery2 ( impersonal):mira a ver lo que pone en esa nota see what that note saysallí pone que no se puede pasar it says there that you can't go in¿qué pone aquí? what does it say here?, what does this say?H ( Esp) (exhibir, dar)‹obra/película› ¿ponen algo interesante en la tele? is there anything interesting on TV?¿qué ponen en el Trocadero? what's on o what's showing at the Trocadero?en el teatro ponen una obra de Casares there's a play by Casares on at the theaterno pusieron ninguna película buena en Navidad there wasn't a single good film on over Christmas, they didn't show a single good film over Christmasel avión pone media hora de Montevideo a Buenos Aires the plane takes half an hour from Montevideo to Buenos Airesde allí a Salta pusimos tres horas it took us three hours from there to SaltaA (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl):me pones nerviosa you're making me nervousya la has puesto de mal humor now you've put her in a bad mood¿por qué me pusiste en evidencia así? why did you show me up like that?lo pusiste en un aprieto you put him in an awkward positionnos puso al corriente de lo sucedido he brought us up to date with what had happened¡mira cómo has puesto la alfombra! look at the mess you've made on the carpet!me estás poniendo las cosas muy difíciles you're making things very difficult for meB (adoptar) ‹cara/voz›no pongas esa cara there's no need to look like thatpuso cara de enfado he looked annoyedpuso voz de asustado he sounded scaredC1(hacer empezar): el médico me puso a régimen the doctor put me on a dietponer a algn A + INF:tuvo que poner a las hijas a trabajar he had to send his daughters out to worklo puso a estudiar guitarra con Rodríguez she sent him to have guitar lessons with Rodríguezlo puso a pelar cebollas she set him to work peeling onions2 poner a algn DE algo:la pusieron de jefa de sección they made her head of departmentlo pusieron de ángel he was given a part as an angel, he was given the part of an angelsu padre lo puso de botones en la oficina his father gave him a job as an office boysiempre te pone de ejemplo he always holds you up as an exampleD(suponer): pon que perdemos ese tren, no podríamos volver say we miss that train o if we (were to) miss that train, then we wouldn't be able to get backpon que es cierto ¿qué harías entonces? say o suppose o supposing it is true, then what would you do?pongamos (por caso) que están equivocados suppose o let's just say they're wrongponerle ( AmL): ¿cuánto se tarda? — ponle dos horas how long does it take? — about two hours o in the region of two hours o reckon on two hours¿cuánto nos costará? — y … pónganle alrededor de $200 how much will it cost us? — well, … you'd better reckon on about $200A1 (conectar, encender) ‹televisión/calefacción› to turn o switch o put on; ‹programa/canal› to put onpon un disco put on a recordpuso el motor en marcha she switched on o started the enginetodavía no nos han puesto la luz we haven't had our electricity connected yet2(ajustar, graduar): pon el despertador a las siete set the alarm (clock) for seven¿puedes poner la música un poco más alta? can you turn the music up a bit?puso el reloj en hora she put the clock right, she set the clock to the right timeponer el motor a punto to tune up the engineBponer a algn CON algn/algo to put sb THROUGH TO sb/sth¿me puede poner con el director, por favor? could you put me through to o could I speak to the director, please?¿me pone con la extensión 24? could you put me through to o can I have extension 24, please?■ ponerviA2 (contribuir dinero) to contribute¿vas a poner para el regalo de Pilar? are you going to give something o contribute toward(s) Pilar's present?B «gallina» to lay■ ponerseA1 ( refl)ponerse de pie to stand up, standponerse de rodillas to kneel, kneel down, get down on one's kneesponte ahí, junto al árbol stand over there, by the treeponérsele a algn algo ( AmL fam): se le puso que tenía que escalar la montaña he got it into his head that he had to climb the mountaina ese viejo se le pone cada cosa that old man gets the strangest ideas into his head2B «sol» to setC ( refl) ‹calzado/maquillaje/alhaja› to put onponte el abrigo put your coat onno tengo nada que ponerme I don't have a thing to wearmi hermano siempre se pone mi ropa my brother is always borrowing my clothesponte un poco de sombra de ojos put on a little eyeshadowme puse el collar de perlas I wore o put on my pearl necklaceA (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl):me puse furiosa I got very angrycuando lo vio se puso muy contenta she was so happy when she saw itadelante, pónganse cómodos come in, make yourselves comfortableno te pongas así, que no es para tanto don't get so worked up, it's not that bad¡mira cómo te has puesto de barro! just look at you, you're covered in mud!no te imaginas cómo se puso, hecha una fiera you wouldn't believe the way she reacted, she went absolutely wildla vida se está poniendo carísima everything's getting so expensiveB1 (empezar) ponerse A + INF to start -INGse va a poner a llover de un momento a otro it's going to start raining o to start to rain any minutea ver si te pones a trabajar you'd better start workingse puso a llorar sin motivo aparente she started crying o to cry for no apparent reason2 ( fam) (esforzarse, esmerarse) to try, make an effortsi te pones lo acabas hoy mismo if you make an effort o if you try o if you put your mind to it, you'll finish it today3(CS arg) (contribuir dinero): cuando se casaron el viejo se puso con $5.000 when they got married, her old man shelled out $5,000 ( colloq)cuando llega la cuenta hay que ponerse when the check comes, everyone has to cough up ( colloq)yo me pongo con cien I'll put in o chip in a hundred ( colloq)( Esp) (al teléfono): ¿Pepe? sí, ahora se pone Pepe? OK, I'll just get him for youdile a tu madre que se ponga tell your mother I want to speak to her, ask your mother to come to the phone* * *
poner ( conjugate poner) verbo transitivo
ponle el collar al perro put the dog's collar on;
poner una bomba to plant a bomb
2 ( agregar) to put
3 ‹inyección/supositorio› to give
4◊ poner la mesa to lay o set the table
5 (instalar, montar)
6 [ ave] ‹ huevo› to lay
7 (Esp) (servir, dar):◊ póngame un café, por favor I'll have a coffee, please;
¿cuántos le pongo? how many would you like?
1 ‹ dinero› ( contribuir) to put in;
2 ‹ atención› to pay;
‹cuidado/interés› to take;
‹examen/problema› to set;
4 ( dar) ‹nombre/apodo› to give;
‹ ejemplo› to give;
5 ( enviar) ‹ telegrama› to send
6 ( escribir) ‹dedicatoria/líneas› to write
7 (Esp) (exhibir, dar) ‹ película› to show;◊ ¿ponen algo interesante en la tele? is there anything interesting on TV?;
¿qué ponen en el Royal? what's on o what's showing at the Royal?
‹programa/canal› to put on;
‹cinta/disco/música› to put on;◊ puso el motor en marcha she switched on o started the engine
puso el reloj en hora she put the clock right
2 (Esp) ( al teléfono): poner a algn con algo/algn to put sb through to sth/sb
(en estado, situación) (+ compl):
poner a algn en un aprieto to put sb in an awkward position
vi [ ave] to lay
ponerse verbo pronominal
1 ( refl) ( colocarse):
ponerse de pie to stand (up);
ponerse de rodillas to kneel (down), get down on one's knees
2 [ sol] to set
3 ( refl) ‹calzado/maquillaje/alhaja› to put on;
1 (en estado, situación) (+ compl):
se puso triste she became sad;
cuando lo vio se puso muy contenta she was so happy when she saw it;
se puso como loco he went mad;
ponerse cómodo to make oneself comfortable
2 ( empezar) ponerse a + inf to start -ing, to start + inf;
poner verbo transitivo
1 (en un lugar, una situación) to put: me puso en un aprieto, he put me in a tight corner
(seguido de adjetivo) to make: me pone contento, he makes me happy
2 (hacer funcionar) to turn o switch on
3 (un fax, telegrama) to send
poner una conferencia, to make a long-distance call
4 (una multa, un castigo) to impose
5 (abrir un negocio) to set up
6 (vestir) to put on
7 (exponer) tienes que poner la planta al sol/a la sombra, you have to put the plant in the sun/shade
8 (aportar) yo puse mil pesetas, I contributed a thousand pesetas
9 (conjeturar, imaginar) to suppose: pongamos que..., supposing (that)...
10 (estar escrito) lo pone aquí, it's written here
no pone nada de eso, it doesn't say anything about that
11 TV Cine to put on, show
12 Tel ponme con él, put me through to him
13 (un nombre) le pondremos Tadeo, we are going to call him Tadeo
ya le puso título a la novela, he has already given the novel a title
♦ Locuciones: poner a alguien a caldo, to pull sb to pieces
poner a cien, to make sb nervous: me pone a cien cuando habla de ese modo, when he talks that way I get nervous
poner en duda, to call into question: los inversores pusieron su competencia en duda, the investors questioned his competence
poner a alguien en evidencia, to show sb up
poner en evidencia, to show up: la situación pone en evidencia la falta de justicia del sistema, the situation exposes the system's unfairness
poner a alguien en su sitio, to put sb in his place
' poner' also found in these entries:
- alinear
- alta
- alto
- altura
- antecedente
- antena
- arreglar
- arrinconar
- aunar
- bandeja
- brete
- cabeza
- calzar
- caldo
- calle
- cara
- cargar
- carta
- caso
- cien
- codificar
- comprometer
- confiar
- coto
- crecer
- cuenco
- cuestión
- dejar
- denuncia
- depositar
- descomponer
- descubierta
- descubierto
- desesperar
- diente
- dirigir
- discutir
- distribuir
- enchufar
- enderezar
- enervar
- enfermar
- enfrentar
- enmascarar
- entregar
- entregarse
- escenificar
- escobilla
- esmerarse
- action
- apply
- arm
- arrange
- aside
- best
- blur
- bond
- box
- bracket
- bundle
- bung
- cap
- cast
- cheek
- claim
- code
- collect
- compromise
- connect
- cork
- crack
- cross
- crown
- curb
- date
- dip
- discomfit
- dishwasher
- egg
- end
- endanger
- excite
- face
- fault
- feature
- fetter
- fill in
- fit
- fluster
- follow up
- forewarn
- free
- gather
- get
- glaze
- go
- gown
- grin
* * *♦ vt1. [situar, agregar, meter] to put;me pusieron en la última fila I was put in the back row;ponle un poco más de sal put some more salt in it, add a bit of salt to it;pon los juguetes en el armario put the toys (away) in the cupboard;¿dónde habré puesto la calculadora? where can I have put o left the calculator?;poner un anuncio en el periódico to put an advert in the paper;poner un póster en la pared to put a poster up on the wall;poner una inyección a alguien to give sb an injection;hubo que ponerle un bozal al perro we had to put a muzzle on the dog, we had to muzzle the dog3. [servir]¿qué le pongo? what can I get you?, what would you like?;póngame una cerveza, por favor I'd like o I'll have a beer, please;¿cuánto le pongo? how much would you like?;póngame un kilo give me a kilo4. [contribuir, aportar] to put in;poner dinero en el negocio to put money into the business;poner mucho empeño en (hacer) algo to put a lot of effort into (doing) sth;pon atención en lo que digo pay attention to what I'm saying;5. [hacer estar de cierta manera]poner a alguien en un aprieto/de mal humor to put sb in a difficult position/in a bad mood;le has puesto colorado/nervioso you've made him blush/feel nervous;ponérselo fácil/difícil a alguien to make things easy/difficult for sb;lo puso todo perdido she made a real mess;el profesor nos puso a hacer cuentas the teacher gave us some sums to do;llegó y nos puso a todos a trabajar she arrived and set us all to work;pon la sopa a calentar warm the soup up;me pusieron de aprendiz de camarero they had me work as a trainee waiter;poner cara de tonto/inocente to put on a stupid/an innocent faceme pusieron de mentiroso they called me a liar;poner bien algo/a alguien to praise sth/sb;poner mal algo/a alguien to criticize sth/sbponer pegas a algo to raise objections to sth8. [asignar] [precio] to fix, to settle on;[multa] to give; [deberes, examen, tarea] to give, to set;le pusieron (de nombre) Mario they called him Mario;me han puesto (en el turno) de noche I've been assigned to the night shift, they've put me on the night shift;le pusieron un cinco en el examen he got five out of ten in the exam9. [comunicar] [telegrama, fax, giro postal] to send;[conferencia] to make; Esp¿me pones con él? can you put me through to him?;Espno cuelgue, ahora le pongo don't hang up, I'll put you through in a second10. [conectar, hacer funcionar] [televisión, radio] to switch o put on;[despertador] to set; [instalación, gas] to put in; [música, cinta, disco] to put on;pon la lavadora put the washing machine on;pon el telediario put the news on;puse el despertador a las seis/el reloj en hora I set my alarm clock for six o'clock/my watch to the right time;¿te han puesto ya el teléfono? are you on the phone yet?, have they connected your phone yet?;ponlo más alto, que no se oye turn it up, I can't hear it11. [en el cine, el teatro, la televisión] to show;anoche pusieron un documental muy interesante last night they showed a very interesting documentary;¿qué ponen en la tele/en el Rialto? what's on the TV/on at the Rialto?;en el Rialto ponen una de Stallone there's a Stallone movie on at the Rialto12. [montar] to set up;poner la casa to set up home;poner un negocio to start a business;ha puesto una tienda she has opened a shop;hemos puesto moqueta en el salón we've had a carpet fitted in the living-room;poner la mesa to lay the table;pusieron la tienda (de campaña) en un prado they pitched their tent o put their tent up in a meadow13. [decorar] to do up;han puesto su casa con mucho lujo they've done up their house in real style14. [suponer] to suppose;pongamos que sucedió así (let's) suppose that's what happened;pon que necesitemos cinco días suppose we need five days;poniendo que todo salga bien assuming everything goes according to plan;¿cuándo estará listo? – ponle que en dos días when will it be ready? – reckon on it taking two days¿qué pone ahí? what does it say there?16. [escribir] to put;¿qué pusiste en la segunda pregunta? what did you put for the second question?17. [huevo] to lay18. RP [demorar] to take;el tren pone media hora en llegar allá the train takes half an hour to get there♦ vi[gallina, aves] to lay (eggs)♦ v impersonalAm Fam [parecer]se me pone que… it seems to me that…* * *<part puesto> v/t1 put;poner en escena stage;poner en marcha set in motion;pongamos que let’s suppose o assume that2 ropa put on3 ( añadir) put in4 RAD, TV turn on, switch on5 la mesa set6 ( escribir) put downla crítica puso muy bien su última película the critics gave his last film very good reviews8 negocio set up9 telegrama send10 huevos lay12 dinero deposit13:poner a alguien furioso make s.o. angry;ponerle a alguien con alguien TELEC put s.o. through to s.o.;ponerle una multa a alguien fine s.o.* * *poner {60} vt1) colocar: to put, to placepon el libro en la mesa: put the book on the table2) agregar, añadir: to put in, to add3) : to put on (clothes)4) contribuir: to contribute5) escribir: to put in writingno le puso su nombre: he didn't put his name on it6) imponer: to set, to impose7) exponer: to put, to exposelo puso en peligro: she put him in danger8) : to prepare, to arrangeponer la mesa: to set the table9) : to namele pusimos Ana: we called her Ana10) establecer: to set up, to establishpuso un restaurante: he opened up a restaurant11) instalar: to install, to put insiempre lo pones de mal humor: you always put him in a bad mood13) : to turn on, to switch on14) suponer: to supposepongamos que no viene: supposing he doesn't come15) : to lay (eggs)poner a : to start (someone doing something)lo puse a trabajar: I put him to workponer de : to place asla pusieron de directora: they made her directorponer en : to put in (a state or condition)poner en duda: to call into questionponer vi1) : to contribute2) : to lay eggs* * *poner vb2. (ropa, etc) to put on3. (añadir) to put¿le has puesto sal a las patatas? have you put any salt on the potatoes?¿te pones azúcar? do you take sugar?6. (encender) to put on / to turn on / to switch on7. (establecer) to open9. (comunicar) to put through¿me pones con Asunción, por favor? can you put me through to Asunción, please?en el periódico pone que la película está muy bien it says in the newspaper that the film is very good11. (proyectar) to be on¿qué ponen en el Renoir? what's on at the Renoir?12. (dar un nombre) to call14. (servir) to give¿qué te pongo? what can I get you?¿me pone un kilo de tomates? can I have a kilo of tomatoes, please?pongamos por caso... suppose... / let's say... -
17 Haus
n; -es, Häuser1. house; (Gebäude) building; im Haus inside, indoors; im nächsten Haus oder ein Haus weiter bei Einfamilienhäusern: next door; bei größeren: in the next block (of flats) (Am. the next [apartment] building); zwei Häuser weiter bei Einfamilienhäusern: next door but one, Am. two houses down ( oder up); bei größeren: two blocks (Am. buildings) (further) down ( oder up); Haus an Haus wohnen live next door to each other, be next-door neighbo(u)rs; Haus an Haus mit jemandem wohnen live next door to s.o.; von Haus zu Haus gehen etc.: from door to door; jemanden durchs Haus führen show s.o. (a)round (the house); Haus und Hof oder Haus und Herd house and home; er hat an der Börse Haus und Hof verspekuliert he lost everything he had speculating on the stock exchange; ihm steht eine Versetzung ins Haus fig. he’s got a posting (Am. transfer) coming up, he’s due for a posting (Am. transfer); es oder uns stehen Neuwahlen ins Haus fig. elections are coming up, there are elections ahead ( oder on the doorstep)2. (Zuhause) home, house, place umg.; (Haushalt) household; das väterliche Haus one’s father’s home; außer Haus essen eat out; er ist außer Haus(e) he’s out, he’s not in, he’s gone out; im Haus meiner Tante at my aunt’s (house); im Hause Müller at the Müllers’ (house); jemandem das Haus bestellen oder führen keep house for s.o.; ein großes Haus führen entertain lavishly; ein offenes Haus haben keep open house; das Haus hüten ( müssen) (have to) stay at home ( oder indoors); Haus halten haushalten; jemandem das Haus verbieten not allow s.o. in the ( oder one’s) house; zu jemandem ins Haus kommen Friseur, Lehrer etc.: come to the ( oder one’s) house; das kommt mir nicht ins Haus! I’m not having that in the ( oder my) house; der / die kommt mir nicht ins Haus (wird als Familienmitglied nicht akzeptiert) he / she will never be welcome in this family; sich (Dat) einen Hund etc. ins Haus holen take ( oder bring) home a dog etc.; in zehn Jahren werden die Kinder aus dem Haus sein (ihre eigene Wohnung haben) in ten years the children will be out of the house ( oder won’t be living with us any more); einrennen, frei I 10, Herr 3, schneien etc.3. nach Hause home; jemanden nach Hause bringen take ( oder see) s.o. home; komm du mir nur nach Hause! drohend: just wait till I get you home!; komm mir ja nicht mit einer kaputten Hose nach Hause! don’t come home with your trousers torn; komm mir ja nicht mit einem Kind nach Hause! don’t come home pregnant; den Typen brauchst du nicht mehr nach Hause bringen you needn’t bring that one home again; den Sieg nach Hause fahren SPORT fig. come home ( oder back) victorious4. zu Hause at home (auch SPORT); zu Hause sein auch be in; wieder zu Hause sein be back home again; für ihn sind wir nicht zu Hause we’re not at home to him; er ist in X zu Hause his home is (in) X, he comes from X; bei uns zu Hause (in meinem Heim) in my family, at our place umg.; (in meiner Heimat etc.) where I come from; wohnst du noch zu Hause? (bei deinen Eltern) are you still living at home?; fühlt euch ganz zu Hause make yourselves at home; diese Arbeit kann ich von zu Hause aus machen this is a job I can do from home; in etw. (Dat) zu Hause sein fig. (sich auskennen) be well up ( oder at home) in s.th.5. für Firma etc.: house; im Hause auf Briefen: in house; außer Haus geben WIRTS. contract out, bes. Am. outsource; ist Frau X schon im Hause? is Ms ( oder Ms.) X in yet?; ich möchte mich im Namen unseres Hauses bedanken I’d like to thank you on behalf of the firm (bes. Am. company); das erste Haus am Platz(e) the best hotel ( oder restaurant, store) in town, the number one hotel etc. around here; Empfehlung des Hauses Gericht etc.: our recommendation, the house special; fig. bei Geschenk an einen Kunden: compliments of the management6. THEAT. house; ausverkauftes oder volles Haus THEAT. full house; immer volles Haus oder volle Häuser haben always be sold out; vor leeren Häusern spielen play to empty houses7. (Familie, Herkunft) family, home; (Herrscherhaus) house; (Geschlecht) dynasty; das Haus Hannover the House of Hanover; aus gutem Hause sein come from a good family; von Haus aus by birth; fig. (eigentlich) actually; (ursprünglich) originally; (seit jeher) always, (von Natur her) by nature; er ist von Haus aus Chirurg fig. (eigentlich) he’s (actually) a qualified surgeon; (ursprünglich) he was originally a surgeon; (seit jeher) he’s always been a surgeon; du meinst wohl, du hast von Haus aus Recht? umg., fig. I suppose you think you’re always bound to be right8. in Eigennamen etc.: das Weiße Haus POL., in Washington: the White House; wie aus dem Weißen Haus verlautet... according to White House sources; das Haus Gottes oder das Haus des Herrn RELI., geh. the House of God ( oder the Lord); das Haus des Sports / Handwerks etc. the house of sports / craft etc.9. PARL. House; Hohes Haus! hono(u)rable members (of the House)!; die beiden Häuser des Parlaments both houses of Parliament; das Haus ist ( nicht) beschlussfähig the house is (not) quorate10. umg. Koll.: das halbe Haus war auf dem Fest (viele Bewohner) half the building was at the party; das ( ganze) Haus tobte im Theater etc.: the (whole) audience went wild, they nearly brought the house down11. umg., hum. (Person): altes Haus old chap; fideles etc. Haus cheerful type; gelehrtes Haus scholarly type* * *das Haushome; building; house* * *das1) (a building in which people, especially a single family, live: Houses have been built on the outskirts of the town for the workers in the new industrial estate.) house2) (a place or building used for a particular purpose: a hen-house; a public house.) house3) (a theatre, or the audience in a theatre: There was a full house for the first night of the play.) house4) (the space round which a staircase winds: He fell down the stair-well.) well* * *<-es, Häuser>[haus, pl ˈhɔyzɐ]nt1. (Wohngebäude) housedas Internat bestand aus mehreren Häusern the boarding school consisted of several buildingses wird schon kühl, lass uns ins \Haus gehen it's getting cool, let's go indoors [or inside]meine Klavierlehrerin kommt immer ins \Haus my piano teacher always comes to our housebei der Kälte bleibe ich lieber im \Haus I prefer to stay indoors [or inside] when it's cold\Haus an \Haus next doorwir wohnen \Haus an \Haus we live next door to each otheraus dem \Haus gehen to leave the housevon \Haus zu \Haus gehen/wandern/ziehen to go/wander/roam from house to house [or door to door]\Haus und Hof verlieren to loose house and home\Haus der Jugend youth centrejd/etw kommt jdm nicht ins \Haus sb does not allow sb/sth in the houseeine Katze kommt mir nicht ins \Haus! I'm not having a cat in the house!das Weiße \Haus the White Houseaus dem \Haus sein to have left homeaußer \Haus essen to eat outam Wochenende essen sie außer \Haus they eat out at weekendsfrei \Haus liefern ÖKON to deliver free of chargenichts mehr im \Haus haben to have nothing [left] [to eat/drink] in the house[etw] ins \Haus liefern ÖKON to deliver [sth] to the doorliefern Sie ins \Haus? do you make home deliveries?jdn ins \Haus nehmen to take sb in[to one's home]jdm das \Haus verbieten to not allow sb in the house▪ nach \Hause [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. nachhauseRR] homekomm nicht so spät nach \Hause! don't come home so late!es ist nicht mehr weit bis nach \Hause! we're not far from home now!ich muss nach \Hause! I must [or have to] go home!jdn nach \Hause bringen to see [or take] sb homekannst du mich mit dem Auto nach \Hause bringen? can you drive me home?ich habe den Vertreter gleich wieder nach \Hause geschickt I sent the rep packing straight awaydie Lehrerin schickte den Schüler nach \Hause the teacher sent the pupil home▪ zu \Hause [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. zuhauseRR] at homeseid unbedingt vor Mitternacht wieder zu \Hause! make sure you're back home before midnight!wir können schon in drei Stunden zu \Hause sein we can be home in three hourswie geht's zu \Hause? how are things at home?ich bin für niemanden zu \Hause I'm not at home to anybodyvon zu \Hause aus arbeiten to work from homebei euch zu \Hause ist es so gemütlich there's such a relaxed atmosphere in your homebei uns zu \Hause wurde vor dem Essen gebetet we always said prayers before a meal in our housefühlen Sie sich wie zu \Hause! make yourself at homeirgendwo zu \Haus[e] sein to live [or come from] somewherewo sind Sie eigentlich zu \Hause? tell me, where are you from?der Pandabär ist nur in China zu \Hause the panda bear can only be found in China3. (Familie) householder ist ein alter Freund des \Hauses he's an old friend of the familyaus adligem \Hause from a noble familyaus angesehenem \Hause from a respectable familyaus bürgerlichem/gutem/schlechtem \Hause stammend from a middle-class/good/bad familydie Dame/der Herr des \Hauses the lady/master of the housenicht mehr Herr im eigenen \Haus sein to not be master in one's own house any morevon \Hause aus by birthvon \Hause aus ist sie musikalisch she comes from a musical family4. (Dynastie) housedie Kaiser von Österreich stammten aus dem \Hause Habsburg the Emperors of Austria came from the House of the Hapsburgs5. (Haushalt) housesein \Haus bestellen to put [or set] one's house in orderjdm das \Haus führen to keep house for sbein großes \Haus führen (geh) to entertain in style6. (Gesamtheit der Hausbewohner)das ganze \Haus rannte auf die Straße the whole house ran onto the street„\Haus Talblick“ “Talblick House”das erste \Haus am Platze the best hotel in townein gepflegtes [o gut geführtes] \Haus a well-run restauranteine Spezialität des \Hauses a speciality of the houseRauchen ist im ganzen \Haus verboten! smoking is not allowed anywhere in the company buildingsdas erste \Haus am Platze the best firm in the areaim \Hause sein to be inSie können mich jederzeit im Büro erreichen, ich bin den ganzen Tag im \Hause you can get me at the office any time, I'm in [or there] all daydas große/kleine \Haus the large/small theatrevor vollem [o ausverkauftem] /leerem \Hause spielen to play to a full [or packed]/empty housedas Gesetz passierte das \Haus ohne Gegenstimmen the act passed through the House without opposition14.▶ das europäische \Haus the family of Europe▶ jdn ans \Haus fesseln to confine sb to the houseseit sie krank ist, ist sie ans \Haus gefesselt since she's been ill she's been confined to the housewir müssen mit den Vorräten \Haus halten we have to be careful with our provisionssie kann nicht \Haus halten she cannot hold onto her money; (dosiert einsetzen) to conserveich muss mit meinen Kräften \Haus halten I must conserve my strength▶ das \Haus hüten müssen to have to stay at homeich muss wegen einer Grippe das \Haus hüten I have to stay in due to a bout of flu▶ für jdn ein offenes \Haus haben to keep open house for sbin der Physik bin ich nicht so zu \Hause wie Sie! I'm not as much at home in physics as you are!▶ [jdm] ins \Haus stehen to be in store [for sb]vielleicht steht uns ein großer Lottogewinn ins \Haus perhaps we're in store for a big win on the lottery* * *das; Hauses, Häuser1) house; (Firmengebäude) buildinger ist gerade aus dem Haus gegangen — he has just gone out
kommt ins Haus, es regnet — come inside, it's raining
Haus und Hof — (fig.) house and home
jemandem ins Haus stehen — (fig. ugs.) be in store for somebody
2) (Heim) homejemandem das Haus verbieten — not allow somebody in one's or the house
etwas ins Haus/frei Haus liefern — deliver something to somebody's door/free of charge
das Haus auf den Kopf stellen — (ugs.) turn the place upside down
außer Haus[e] sein/essen — be/eat out
ist Ihre Frau im Haus[e]? — is your wife at home?
das Haus hüten — stay at home or indoors
jemandem das Haus einrennen — (ugs.) be constantly on somebody's doorstep
auf einem Gebiet/in etwas (Dat.) zu Hause sein — (ugs.) be at home in a field/in something
3) (Theater) theatre; (Publikum) housedas große/kleine Haus — the large/small theatre
vor vollen/ausverkauften Häusern spielen — play to full or packed houses
4) (Gasthof, Geschäft)das erste Haus am Platze — the best shop of its kind/hotel in the town/village etc.
5) (Firma) firm; business house6) (geh.): (Parlament)7) (geh.): (Familie) householdder Herr/die Dame des Hauses — the master/lady of the house
aus gutem Hause kommen — come from a or be of good family
von Haus[e] aus — (von der Familie her) by birth; (eigentlich) really; actually
8) (Haushalt) household9) (Dynastie)das Haus Tudor/[der] Hohenzollern — the House of Tudor/Hohenzollern
10)ein gelehrtes/lustiges usw. Haus — (ugs. scherzh.) a scholarly/ amusing etc. sort (coll.)
11) (SchneckenHaus) shell12)Haus halten — be economical ( mit with)
* * *1. house; (Gebäude) building;im Haus inside, indoors;ein Haus weiter bei Einfamilienhäusern: next door; bei größeren: in the next block( of flats) (US the next [apartment] building);zwei Häuser weiter bei Einfamilienhäusern: next door but one, US two houses down ( oder up); bei größeren: two blocks (US buildings) (further) down ( oder up);Haus an Haus wohnen live next door to each other, be next-door neighbo(u)rs;Haus an Haus mit jemandem wohnen live next door to sb;von Haus zu Haus gehen etc: from door to door;jemanden durchs Haus führen show sb (a)round (the house);Haus und Herd house and home;er hat an der Börse Haus und Hof verspekuliert he lost everything he had speculating on the stock exchange;ihm steht eine Versetzung ins Haus fig he’s got a posting (US transfer) coming up, he’s due for a posting (US transfer);es oderuns stehen Neuwahlen ins Haus fig elections are coming up, there are elections ahead ( oder on the doorstep)das väterliche Haus one’s father’s home;außer Haus essen eat out;er ist außer Haus(e) he’s out, he’s not in, he’s gone out;im Haus meiner Tante at my aunt’s (house);im Hause Müller at the Müllers’ (house);führen keep house for sb;ein großes Haus führen entertain lavishly;ein offenes Haus haben keep open house;das Haus hüten (müssen) (have to) stay at home ( oder indoors);jemandem das Haus verbieten not allow sb in the ( oder one’s) house;das kommt mir nicht ins Haus! I’m not having that in the ( oder my) house;der/die kommt mir nicht ins Haus (wird als Familienmitglied nicht akzeptiert) he/she will never be welcome in this family;sich (dat)einen Hund etcin zehn Jahren werden die Kinder aus dem Haus sein (ihre eigene Wohnung haben) in ten years the children will be out of the house ( oder won’t be living with us any more); → einrennen, frei A 10, Herr 3, schneien etc3.nach Hause home;jemanden nach Hause bringen take ( oder see) sb home;komm mir ja nicht mit einer kaputten Hose nach Hause! don’t come home with your trousers torn;komm mir ja nicht mit einem Kind nach Hause! don’t come home pregnant;den Typen brauchst du nicht mehr nach Hause bringen you needn’t bring that one home again;4.zu Hause sein auch be in;wieder zu Hause sein be back home again;für ihn sind wir nicht zu Hause we’re not at home to him;er ist in X zu Hause his home is (in) X, he comes from X;bei uns zu Hause (in meinem Heim) in my family, at our place umg; (in meiner Heimat etc) where I come from;wohnst du noch zu Hause? (bei deinen Eltern) are you still living at home?;fühlt euch ganz zu Hause make yourselves at home;diese Arbeit kann ich von zu Hause aus machen this is a job I can do from home;in etwas (dat)5. für Firma etc: house;im Hause auf Briefen: in house;ist Frau X schon im Hause? is Ms ( oder Ms.) X in yet?;ich möchte mich im Namen unseres Hauses bedanken I’d like to thank you on behalf of the firm (besonders US company);das erste Haus am Platz(e) the best hotel ( oder restaurant, store) in town, the number one hotel etc around here;Empfehlung des Hauses Gericht etc: our recommendation, the house special; fig bei Geschenk an einen Kunden: compliments of the management6. THEAT house;volles Haus THEAT full house;volle Häuser haben always be sold out;vor leeren Häusern spielen play to empty housesdas Haus Hannover the House of Hanover;aus gutem Hause sein come from a good family;von Haus aus by birth; fig (eigentlich) actually; (ursprünglich) originally; (seit jeher) always, (von Natur her) by nature;er ist von Haus aus Chirurg fig (eigentlich) he’s (actually) a qualified surgeon; (ursprünglich) he was originally a surgeon; (seit jeher) he’s always been a surgeon;du meinst wohl, du hast von Haus aus recht? umg, fig I suppose you think you’re always bound to be right8. in Eigennamen etc:wie aus dem Weißen Haus verlautet … according to White House sources;das Haus des Sports/Handwerks etc the house of sports/craft etc9. PARL House;Hohes Haus! hono(u)rable members (of the House)!;die beiden Häuser des Parlaments both houses of Parliament;das Haus ist (nicht) beschlussfähig the house is (not) quorate10. umg koll:das halbe Haus war auf dem Fest (viele Bewohner) half the building was at the party;das (ganze) Haus tobte im Theater etc: the (whole) audience went wild, they nearly brought the house down11. umg, hum (Person):altes Haus old chap;fideles etcHaus cheerful type;gelehrtes Haus scholarly type13. ASTROL house;im siebten Haus in the seventh houseohne Haus naked* * *das; Hauses, Häuser1) house; (Firmengebäude) buildingkommt ins Haus, es regnet — come inside, it's raining
Haus und Hof — (fig.) house and home
jemandem ins Haus stehen — (fig. ugs.) be in store for somebody
2) (Heim) homejemandem das Haus verbieten — not allow somebody in one's or the house
etwas ins Haus/frei Haus liefern — deliver something to somebody's door/free of charge
das Haus auf den Kopf stellen — (ugs.) turn the place upside down
außer Haus[e] sein/essen — be/eat out
ist Ihre Frau im Haus[e]? — is your wife at home?
das Haus hüten — stay at home or indoors
jemandem das Haus einrennen — (ugs.) be constantly on somebody's doorstep
auf einem Gebiet/in etwas (Dat.) zu Hause sein — (ugs.) be at home in a field/in something
3) (Theater) theatre; (Publikum) housedas große/kleine Haus — the large/small theatre
vor vollen/ausverkauften Häusern spielen — play to full or packed houses
4) (Gasthof, Geschäft)das erste Haus am Platze — the best shop of its kind/hotel in the town/village etc.
5) (Firma) firm; business house6) (geh.): (Parlament)7) (geh.): (Familie) householdder Herr/die Dame des Hauses — the master/lady of the house
aus gutem Hause kommen — come from a or be of good family
von Haus[e] aus — (von der Familie her) by birth; (eigentlich) really; actually
8) (Haushalt) household9) (Dynastie)das Haus Tudor/[der] Hohenzollern — the House of Tudor/Hohenzollern
10)ein gelehrtes/lustiges usw. Haus — (ugs. scherzh.) a scholarly/ amusing etc. sort (coll.)
11) (SchneckenHaus) shell12)Haus halten — be economical ( mit with)
* * *Häuser n.home n.house n. -
18 schießen
n; -s, kein Pl.; (Wettschießen) shooting match; es geht aus wie das Hornberger Schießen umg. it’ll all come to nothing; es / er ist zum Schießen umg. it’s / he’s a (real) scream* * *das Schießenshooting; firing* * *schie|ßen ['ʃiːsn] pret scho\#ss [ʃɔs] ptp gescho\#ssen [gə'ʃɔsn]1. vtto shoot; Kugel, Rakete to fire (auf jdn/etw at sb/sth); (FTBL ETC) to kick; Tor to score; (mit Stock, Schläger) to hitjdn in den Kopf schíéßen — to shoot sb in the head
etw an der Schießbude schíéßen — to win sth at the shooting gallery
ein paar Bilder schíéßen (Phot inf) — to shoot a few pictures, to take a few shots
eine Filmszene schíéßen (inf) — to shoot a film scene
2. vi1) (mit Waffe, Ball) to shootauf jdn/etw schíéßen — to shoot at sb/sth
nach etw schíéßen — to shoot at sth
aufs Tor/ins Netz schíéßen — to shoot or kick at goal/into the net
das ist zum Schießen (inf) — that's a scream (inf)
2) aux sein (= in die Höhe schießen) to shoot up; (BOT = Samenstand entwickeln) to run (Brit) or go to seeddie Pflanzen/Kinder sind in die Höhe geschossen — the plants/children have shot up
(wie Pilze) aus dem Boden schíéßen (lit, fig) — to spring or sprout up
See:→ Kraut3) aux sein inf = sich schnell bewegen) to shootjdm durch den Kopf schíéßen (fig) — to flash through sb's mind
4) aux sein (Flüssigkeit) to shoot; (= spritzen) to spurt5) aux sein S Ger, Aus = verbleichen) to fade3. vrto have a shoot-out* * *1) ((often with at) to send or fire (bullets, arrows etc) from a gun, bow etc: The enemy were shooting at us; He shot an arrow through the air.) shoot2) (to move swiftly: He shot out of the room; The pain shot up his leg; The force of the explosion shot him across the room.) shoot3) (to kick or hit at a goal in order to try to score.) shoot* * *schie·ßen<schoss, geschossen>[ˈʃi:sn̩]I. vi1. Hilfsverb: haben (feuern)▪ auf jdn/etw \schießen to shoot at sb/sth\schießen [o zum S\schießen] gehen to go shooting2. Hilfsverb: haben FBALLdaneben, genau an die Latte geschossen! missed, it hit the crossbar!aufs Tor \schießen to shoot [for goal]neben das Tor \schießen to miss the goaldas Auto kam um die Ecke geschossen the car came flying round the cornerjdm durch den Kopf \schießen to flash through sb's mind5. Hilfsverb: sein (spritzen) to shootdas Blut schoss aus der Wunde the blood shot out of the wound6.▶ wie das Hornberger S\schießen ausgehen to come to nothingII. vt Hilfsverb: haben1. (etw feuern)▪ etw \schießen to shoot sth2. FBALL▪ etw [irgendwohin] \schießen to shoot sth [somewhere]den Ball ins Netz \schießen to put the ball in the netden Ball ins Tor \schießen to score [or shoot] a goal; s.a. KrüppelIII. vr* * *1.unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb1) shoot; <pistol, rifle> shoot, fireauf jemanden/etwas schießen — shoot/fire at somebody/something
gut/schlecht schießen — < person> be a good/bad shot
2) (Fußball) shoot3) mit sein (ugs.): (schnellen) shootein Gedanke schoß ihr durch den Kopf — (fig.) a thought flashed through her mind
zum Schießen sein — (ugs.) be a scream (coll.)
4) mit sein (fließen, herausschießen) gush; (spritzen) spurtich spürte, wie mir das Blut in den Kopf schoß — I felt the blood rush to my head
5) mit sein (schnell wachsen) shoot up2.die Preise schießen in die Höhe — prices are shooting up or rocketing
unregelmäßiges transitives Verb1) shoot; fire <bullet, missile, rocket>das 3:2 schießen — make it 3-2
3) (ugs.): (fotografieren)* * *schießen; schießt, schoss, hat oder ist geschossenA. v/ischarf schießen shoot with live ammunition;wild um sich schießen shoot out wildly in all directions;Hände hoch/stehen bleiben, oder ich schieße! hands up,/stop (right there), or I’ll shoot;2. (hat) bei Ballspielen: shoot;aufs Tor schießen shoot at goal, take a shot at goal;er kann gut schießen he’s got a good shot on him;links schießen normalerweise: be a left-footer ( oder left-hander); in diesem Fall: take a left-foot ( oder left-hand) shot3. (ist) (sausen) shoot;schießen durch Schmerz: shoot through;plötzlich schoss mir der Gedanke durch den Kopf the thought suddenly occurred to me ( oder flashed across my mind);das Blut schoss ihr ins Gesicht the blood rushed to her face;er kam um die Ecke geschossen umg he shot (a)round the corner; mit dem Auto: auch he came zooming (a)round the corner;in die Höhe schießen Pflanze, Kind etc: shoot up;4. umg:lass den Typ doch schießen! can’t you ditch that guy?5. (hat) sl (Rauschgift spritzen) shoot (up), mainlineB. v/t (hat)1. shoot; (Rakete, Kugel) fire;sich eine Kugel durch den Kopf schießen put a bullet through one’s head;jemanden zum Krüppel schießen shoot and maim sb;einen Teddybären schießen shoot o.s. a teddy bear;einen Satelliten in die Umlaufbahn schießen launch a satellite into orbit;Blicke auf jemanden schießen fig look daggers at sb;jemandem eine schießen umg, fig sock sb one2. Fußball etc: (Ball) kick, shoot;ein Tor schießen score a goalC. v/r:sich mit jemandem schießen (duellieren) have a shoot-out with sb* * *1.unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb1) shoot; <pistol, rifle> shoot, fireauf jemanden/etwas schießen — shoot/fire at somebody/something
gut/schlecht schießen — < person> be a good/bad shot
2) (Fußball) shoot3) mit sein (ugs.): (schnellen) shootein Gedanke schoß ihr durch den Kopf — (fig.) a thought flashed through her mind
zum Schießen sein — (ugs.) be a scream (coll.)
4) mit sein (fließen, herausschießen) gush; (spritzen) spurtich spürte, wie mir das Blut in den Kopf schoß — I felt the blood rush to my head
5) mit sein (schnell wachsen) shoot up2.die Preise schießen in die Höhe — prices are shooting up or rocketing
unregelmäßiges transitives Verb1) shoot; fire <bullet, missile, rocket>das 3:2 schießen — make it 3-2
3) (ugs.): (fotografieren)* * *(nach) v.to shoot (at) v. v.(§ p.,pp.: schoß, geschossen)= to fire v.to shoot v.(§ p.,p.p.: shot) -
19 schlagen
das Schlagenbeat; beating* * *schla|gen ['ʃlaːgn] pret schlug [ʃluːk] ptp geschlagen [gə'ʃlagn]1. vti1) (= zuschlagen, prügeln) to hit; (= hauen) to beat; (= einmal zuschlagen, treffen) to hit, to strike; (mit der flachen Hand) to slap, to smack; (leichter) to pat; (mit der Faust) to punch; (mit Schläger) to hit; (= treten) to kick; (mit Hammer, Pickel etc) Loch to knockjdn bewusstlos schlágen — to knock sb out or unconscious; (mit vielen Schlägen) to beat sb unconscious
etw in Stücke or kurz und klein schlágen — to smash sth up or to pieces
nach jdm/etw schlágen — to hit out or lash out at sb/sth
um sich schlágen — to lash out
mit dem Hammer auf den Nagel schlágen — to hit the nail with the hammer
mit der Faust an die Tür/auf den Tisch schlágen — to beat or thump on the door/table with one's fist
gegen die Tür schlágen — to hammer on the door
jdn auf die Schulter schlágen — to slap sb on the back; (leichter) to pat sb on the back
jdn auf den Kopf schlágen — to hit sb on the head
jdm ein Buch or mit einem Buch auf den Kopf schlágen — to hit sb on the head with a book
jdm etw aus der Hand schlágen — to knock sth out of sb's hand
jdn ins Gesicht schlágen — to hit/slap/punch sb in the face
ihm schlug das Gewissen — his conscience pricked (Brit) or bothered him
ins Gesicht schlágen (fig) — to be a slap in the face for sth
na ja, ehe ich mich schlágen lasse! (hum inf) — yes, I don't mind if I do, I suppose you could twist my arm (hum inf)
See:→ grün, Fass2) (= läuten) to chime; Stunde to strikewissen, was es or die Uhr or die Glocke or die Stunde geschlagen hat (fig inf) — to know what's what (inf)
See:→ dreizehn3)(= heftig flattern)
mit den Flügeln schlágen, die Flügel schlágen (liter) — to beat or flap its wings2. vt1) (= besiegen, übertreffen) Gegner, Konkurrenz, Rekord to beatschlágen — to beat sb at sth
unsere Mannschaft schlug den Gegner (mit) 2:1 — our team beat their opponents (by) 2-1
sich geschlagen geben — to admit that one is beaten, to admit defeat
ein Ei in die Pfanne schlágen — to crack an egg into the pan
ein Ei in die Suppe schlágen — to beat an egg into the soup
3) (CHESS) to take, to capture4) (liter = treffen)5) (BIBL = bestrafen) to strike (down), to smite (BIBL)mit Blindheit geschlagen sein (lit, fig) — to be blind
6) (= fällen) to fell7) (= fechten) Mensuren to fight8)(
liter: = krallen, beißen) schlágen — to sink one's talons/teeth into sth9) (HUNT = töten) to kill10) (= spielen) Trommel to beat; (liter) Harfe, Laute to pluck, to play11) (dated = prägen) Münzen etc to mint, to coin12) (= hinzufügen) to add (auf +acc, zu to); Gebiet to annexe13) (in Verbindung mit n siehe auch dort) Kreis, Bogen to describe; Purzelbaum, Rad to do; Alarm, Funken to raise; Krach to makeProfit aus etw schlágen — to make a profit from sth; (fig) to profit from sth
eine Schlacht schlágen — to fight a battle
14)den Kragen nach oben schlágen — to turn up one's collar
die Hände vors Gesicht schlágen — to cover one's face with one's hands
15) (= wickeln) to wrap3. vi1) (Herz, Puls) to beat; (heftig) to pound, to throbSee:2) aux sein(= auftreffen)
schlágen — to hit one's head on/against sth3) aux sein(= gelangen)
ein leises Wimmern schlug an sein Ohr — he could hear a faint whimperingSee:→ Welle6) (Blitz) to strike (in etw acc sth)7) (=singen Nachtigall, Fink) to sing8)aux sein (inf: = ähneln) er schlägt sehr nach seinem Vater — he takes after his father a lot
See:→ Art9)(= betreffen)
schlágen — to be in sb's field/line10) aux sein(ESP MED: = in Mitleidenschaft ziehen)
auf die Augen/Nieren etc schlágen — to affect the eyes/kidneys etcjdm auf die Augen etc schlágen — to affect sb's eyes etc
See:→ Magen4. vr1) (= sich prügeln) to fight; (= sich duellieren) to duel (auf +dat with)sich mit jdm schlágen — to fight (with) sb, to have a fight with sb
sich um etw schlágen (lit, fig) — to fight over sth
er schlägt sich nicht um die Arbeit — he's not too keen on work (Brit), he's not crazy about work (inf)
2) (= sich selbst schlagen) to hit or beat oneself3) (= sich bewähren) to do, to faresich tapfer or gut schlágen — to make a good showing
4)(= sich begeben)
sich nach rechts/links/Norden schlágen — to strike out to the right/left/for the Northschlágen — to side with sb
sich zu einer Partei schlágen — to throw in one's lot with a party
See:→ Leben5) (MECH)schlágen — to affect sth
* * *1) (to use a bat: He bats with his left hand.) bat2) (to strike (the ball) with a bat: He batted the ball.) bat3) bag4) (to hit or strike violently, often making a loud noise: The child banged his drum; He banged the book down angrily on the table.) bang5) (to beat or strike with a club: They clubbed him to death.) club6) (to strike or hit repeatedly: Beat the drum.) beat7) (to win against: She beat me in a contest.) beat8) (to mix thoroughly: to beat an egg.) beat9) (to move in a regular rhythm: My heart is beating faster than usual.) beat10) beating11) (to strike with the fist.) buffet12) ((of a clock) to indicate the time by chiming: The clock chimed 9 o'clock.) chime13) (to strike (someone) with the palm of the hand, often in a friendly way: He clapped him on the back and congratulated him.) clap14) (to strike sharply: She clipped him over the ear.) clip15) (to hit hard: He drove a nail into the door; He drove a golf-ball from the tee.) drive16) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) hit17) (to put into a certain state or position by hitting: He knocked the other man senseless.) knock18) (to hit with the fist: He punched him on the nose.) punch19) (to signal (something) by making a sound: Sound the alarm!) sound20) strike21) (to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc).) strike22) (to whip: I'm whipping up eggs for the dessert.) whip up23) (to beat (eggs etc).) whip24) (to beat (eggs etc) with a fork or whisk.) whisk* * *schla·gen[ˈʃla:gn̩]1.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (hauen)▪ jdn \schlagen to hit [or form strike] sb; (mit der Faust) to punch sb; (mit der flachen Hand) to slap sbsie schlug ihm das Heft um die Ohren she hit him over the head with the magazinemit der Faust auf den Tisch \schlagen to hammer on the table with one's fistden Gegner zu Boden \schlagen to knock one's opponent downjdm etw aus der Hand \schlagen to knock sth out or sb's handetw kurz und klein [o in Stücke] \schlagen to smash sth to piecesjdn mit der Peitsche \schlagen to whip sbjdn mit einem Schlagstock \schlagen to club [or hit] [or beat] sb with a stickjdm [wohlwollend] auf die Schulter \schlagen to give sb a [friendly] slap on the back2.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (prügeln)▪ jdn \schlagen to beat sbschlägt dich dein Mann? does your husband beat you [up] [or hurt] you?jdn bewusstlos \schlagen to beat sb senseless [or unconscious]jdn blutig \schlagen to leave sb battered and bleedingjdn halb tot \schlagen to leave sb half deadjdn zum Krüppel \schlagen to cripple sb3.<schlug, geschlagen>▪ jdn \schlagen:mit einer Krankheit geschlagen sein to be afflicted by an illness4.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (besiegen)den Feind mit Waffengewalt \schlagen to defeat the enemy with force of armsden Gegner vernichtend \schlagen to inflict a crushing defeat on one's opponentjd ist nicht zu \schlagen sb is unbeatable5.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (Spielfiguren eliminieren)▪ etw \schlagen to take sthLäufer schlägt Bauern! bishop takes pawn!ich brauche drei Augen, um deinen Spielstein zu \schlagen I need a three to take you[r counter]6.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben KOCHK▪ etw \schlagen to beat sthSahne \schlagen to whip creamEiweiß steif [o zu Schnee] \schlagen to beat the egg white until stiffEier in die Pfanne \schlagen to crack eggs into the pandie Soße durch ein Sieb \schlagen to pass the gravy through a sieve7.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben MUS (zum Erklingen bringen)die Saiten \schlagen to pluck the stringsden Takt \schlagen to beat timedie Trommel \schlagen to beat the drums8.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (läuten)▪ etw \schlagen to strike sthdie Stunde der Rache/Wahrheit hat ge\schlagen the moment of revenge/truth has come; (fig)jetzt schlägt's aber dreizehn! that's a bit much [or thick]!eine ge\schlagene Stunde warten to wait for a whole hour9.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (treiben)▪ etw [irgendwohin] \schlagen to hit sth [somewhere]den Ball ins Aus \schlagen to kick the ball out of playein Loch ins Eis \schlagen to break [or smash] a hole in the iceeinen Nagel in die Wand \schlagen to knock [or hammer] a nail into the wall10.<schlug, geschlagen>die Fänge/Krallen/Zähne in die Beute \schlagen to dig [or sink] its claws/talons/teeth into the prey11.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (legen)▪ etw irgendwohin \schlagen to throw sth somewheredie Arme um jdn \schlagen to throw one's arms around sbein Bein über das andere \schlagen to cross one's legsdie Decke zur Seite \schlagen to throw off the blanketdie Hände vors Gesicht \schlagen to cover one's face with one's handsden Kragen nach oben \schlagen to turn up one's collar12.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben POL, ÖKON (hinzufügen)die Unkosten auf den Verkaufspreis \schlagen to add the costs to the retail priceein Gebiet zu einem Land \schlagen to annex a territory to a country13.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (wickeln)das Geschenk in Geschenkpapier \schlagen to wrap up the presentdas Kind in die Decke \schlagen to wrap the child in the blanket14.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (ausführen)▪ etw \schlagen:das Kleid schlägt Falten the dress gets creasedeinen Bogen um das Haus \schlagen to give the house a wide berthdas Kreuz \schlagen to make the sign of the crossmit dem Zirkel einen Kreis \schlagen to describe a circle with compasses15.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (fällen)einen Baum \schlagen to fell a tree16.<schlug, geschlagen>ein Tier \schlagen to take an animal17.<schlug, geschlagen>Medaillen \schlagen to strike medalsMünzen \schlagen to mint coins18.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (fechten)eine Mensur \schlagen to fight a dueleine \schlagende Verbindung a duelling [or AM dueling] fraternity19.<schlug, geschlagen>Funken \schlagen to send out sparks sepeine Schlacht \schlagen to fight a battle20.▶ jdn in die Flucht \schlagen to put sb to flight1.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (hauen)▪ nach jdm \schlagen to hit out at sber schlug [wie] wild um sich he lashed [or hit] out wildly all round himmit der Faust gegen eine Tür \schlagen to beat at a door with one's fist[jdm] [mit der Hand] ins Gesicht \schlagen to slap sb's facegegen das Tor \schlagen to knock at the gate2.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: sein (auftreffen)der Stein schlug hart auf das Straßenpflaster the stone landed with a thud on the roaddie schweren Brecher schlugen gegen die Hafenmauer the heavy breakers broke [or crashed] against the harbour wallhörst Du, wie der Regen gegen die Fensterläden schlägt? can you hear the rain [beating] against the shutters?der Regen schlug heftig gegen die Fensterscheibe the rain lashed against the windowich habe doch irgendwo eine Tür \schlagen hören! but I heard a door slam somewhere!3.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: sein (explodieren) to strikeein Blitz ist in den Baum ge\schlagen the tree was struck by lightning4.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (pochen) to beatihr Puls schlägt ganz schwach/unregelmäßig/kräftig her pulse is very weak/irregular/strongnach dem Lauf hier hoch schlägt mir das Herz bis zum Hals my heart's pounding after running up heresein Herz hat aufgehört zu \schlagen his heart has stoppedvor Angst schlug ihr das Herz bis zum Hals she was so frightened that her heart was in her mouth; (fig)ihr Herz schlägt ganz für Bayern München she's a whole-hearted Bayern Munich fan5.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (läuten)▪ etw schlägt sth is strikinghör mal, das Glockenspiel schlägt listen, the clock is chimingdie Kirchglocken \schlagen the church bells are ringing; s.a. Stunde6.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: sein o haben (emporlodern)aus dem Dach schlugen die Flammen the flames shot up out of the roof7.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben ORN (singen) Nachtigalle, Fink to sing8.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (bewegen)mit den Flügeln \schlagen to beat its wings9.<schlug, geschlagen>▪ nach jdm \schlagen to take after sber schlägt überhaupt nicht nach seinem Vater he doesn't take after his father at all; s.a. Art10.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: sein (in Mitleidenschaft ziehen)das schlechte Wetter schlägt mir langsam aufs Gemüt the bad weather is starting to get me downder Streit ist ihr auf den Magen ge\schlagen the quarrel upset her stomach11.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: sein (zugehören)in jds Fach \schlagen to be in sb's field12.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: sein (dringen)Lärm schlug an meine Ohren the noise reached my earsdas Blut schlug ihm ins Gesicht the blood rushed to his facedie Röte schlug ihr ins Gesicht she turned quite redIII. REFLEXIVES VERB1.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (sich prügeln)2.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (sich duellieren)3.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (rangeln)das Konzert ist ausverkauft, die Leute haben sich um die Karten geradezu ge\schlagen the tickets went like hot cakes and the concert is sold out; (iron fam)ich schlage mich nicht darum, das Geschirr zu spülen I'm not desperate to do the washing up4.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (sich wenden)5.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (in Mitleidenschaft ziehen)etw schlägt sich jdm auf den Magen sth affects sb's stomach6.<schlug, geschlagen>Hilfsverb: haben (sich anstrengen)wie war die Prüfung? — ich denke, ich habe mich ganz gut geschlagen how was the exam? — I think I've done pretty well* * *1.unregelmäßiges transitives Verb1) hit; beat; strike; (mit der Faust) punch; hit; (mit der flachen Hand) slap; (mit der Peitsche) lashein Kind schlagen — smack a child; (aufs Hinterteil) spank a child
jemanden bewusstlos/zu Boden schlagen — beat somebody senseless/to the ground; (mit einem Schlag) knock somebody senseless/to the ground
ein Loch ins Eis schlagen — break or smash a hole in the ice; s. auch grün 1)
einen Nagel in etwas (Akk.) schlagen — knock a nail into something
eine geschlagene Stunde — (ugs.) a whole hour; s. auch dreizehn; Stunde 1)
5) (legen) throw6) (einwickeln) wrap (in + Akk. in)7) (besiegen, übertreffen) beatjemanden in etwas (Dat.) schlagen — beat somebody at something
eine Mannschaft [mit] 2:0 schlagen — beat a team [by] 2-0
8) auch itr. (bes. Schach) take < chessman>den Takt/Rhythmus schlagen — beat time
11)2.etwas in etwas/auf etwas (Akk.) schlagen — add something to something
unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb1) (hauen)jemandem auf die Hand/ins Gesicht schlagen — slap somebody's hand/hit somebody in the face
um sich schlagen — lash or hit out
2)mit den Flügeln schlagen — < bird> beat or flap its wings
mit dem Kopf auf etwas (Akk.) /gegen etwas schlagen — bang one's head on/against something
4) mit sein7) auch mit sein (auftreffen)gegen/an etwas (Akk.) schlagen — <rain, waves> beat against something
8) meist mit sein (einschlagen)in etwas (Akk.) schlagen — <lightning, bullet, etc.> strike or hit something
9) mit sein3.nach dem Onkel usw. schlagen — take after one's uncle etc
1) (sich prügeln) fightsich um etwas schlagen — (auch fig.) fight over something
2) (ugs.): (sich behaupten) hold one's ownsich tapfer schlagen — hold one's own well; put up a good showing
* * *schlagen; schlägt, schlug, hat oder ist geschlagenA. v/t (hat)1. hit; wiederholt, (verprügeln) beat; mit der Faust: hit, punch; mit der offenen Hand: hit, whack umg; klatschend: slap; (besonders Kinder) smack; mit dem Stock: hit, beat; mit der Peitsche: whip; (Eier, Sahne etc) beat;jemanden zu Boden schlagen knock sb down, floor sb; (k.o. schlagen) knock sb out;jemanden blutig/krankenhausreif schlagen hit sb until he ( oder she) bleeds/needs hospital treatment; stärker: beat sb to a bleeding pulp/reduce sb to a hospital case;sie schlagen ihre Kinder they beat their children;er schlägt seine Frau he beats (up) his wife;an die Wand schlagen mit Nägeln: nail to the wall;jemandem etwas aus der Hand schlagen knock sth out of sb’s hand;jemandem etwas um die Ohren schlagen slap sb (a)round the ears with sth;eine Notiz ans Brett schlagen put a notice up on the board, pin a notice (up) onto the board;die Trommel schlagen beat the drum; Fußball etc:den Ball zu … schlagen pass the ball to …;Erbsen etcdurch ein Sieb schlagen pass through a sieve;ein Loch in die Wand schlagen knock a hole in the wall;ein Ei in die Pfanne schlagen break an egg into the pan;die Zähne schlagen in (+akk) Tier: sink its teeth into;die Augen zu Boden schlagen cast one’s eyes down2. (Bäume) fell, cut down3. (Tür) bang, slamwir haben sie 3:0 geschlagen we beat them 3-0;sich geschlagen geben admit defeat, give up;ich gebe mich geschlagen auch umg okay, you win5.sich (dat)Sinn schlagen put sth out of one’s mind, forget (about) sth umg6.schlagen WIRTSCH add on to7.die Uhr schlug zehn the clock struck ten;jetzt schlägt’s dreizehn! umg, fig that’s overdoing it8.in Papier schlagen (einwickeln) wrap (up) in paper;zur Seite schlagen (Decke etc) push aside9. Raubvogel etc: (Beutetier) kill; → Alarm, Brücke 1, Flucht1 1, geschlagen, Glocke 1, Kapital 2, Kreuz 1, Rad 1, Schaum, Waffe, WurzelB. v/i1. (hat) hit sb, sth, strike; Herz, Puls: beat; heftig: throb; Uhr: strike; Tür: bang, slam; Segel: flap; Rad: run untrue, pull; Pferd: kick; Nachtigall: sing;schlagen an (+akk) odergegen hit;mit etwas auf/gegen etwas schlagen bang sth on/against sth;gegen die Tür schlagen hammer at the door;jemandem ins Gesicht/in den Magen schlagen punch sb in the face/stomach;jemandem auf die Finger schlagen rap sb’s knuckles;schlagen hit out at;um sich schlagen lash out (in all directions), thrash about (US around);mit den Flügeln schlagen Vogel: beat its wings;sein Puls schlägt regelmäßig his pulse is regular2. (hat oder ist):schlagen an (+akk) oder3. (ist):gegen etwas schlagen hit ( oder bump, knock, bang) one’s head against sth;auf (+akk) den Kreislauf etcschlagen affect;schlug ihm auf den Magen auch went to his stomach;die Arbeit etcschlägt mir auf den Magen is upsetting my stomach;das schlägt mir aufs Gemüt it affects my state of mind, it gets me down4. (ist):der Blitz schlug in den Baum the lightning struck the tree5. (hat/ist):Ressort schlagen (not) be part of sb’s job6. (ist):schlagen nach (arten nach) take after;sie schlägt ganz nach ihrer Mutter she’s just like her motherC. v/r (hat)1. (kämpfen) (have a) fight (mit with);sich mit jemandem schlagen fight it out with sb; (duellieren) fight a duel with sb;sich schlagen um fight over;sich gut schlagen fig hold one’s own, give a good account of o.s.2.sich auf jemandes Seite schlagen side with sb; weitS. (überwechseln) go over to sb;sich in die Büsche schlagen slip away3.sich auf den Magen/das Gemüt schlagen affect one’s stomach/state of mind* * *1.unregelmäßiges transitives Verb1) hit; beat; strike; (mit der Faust) punch; hit; (mit der flachen Hand) slap; (mit der Peitsche) lashein Kind schlagen — smack a child; (aufs Hinterteil) spank a child
jemanden bewusstlos/zu Boden schlagen — beat somebody senseless/to the ground; (mit einem Schlag) knock somebody senseless/to the ground
ein Loch ins Eis schlagen — break or smash a hole in the ice; s. auch grün 1)
einen Nagel in etwas (Akk.) schlagen — knock a nail into something
eine geschlagene Stunde — (ugs.) a whole hour; s. auch dreizehn; Stunde 1)
5) (legen) throw6) (einwickeln) wrap (in + Akk. in)7) (besiegen, übertreffen) beatjemanden in etwas (Dat.) schlagen — beat somebody at something
eine Mannschaft [mit] 2:0 schlagen — beat a team [by] 2-0
8) auch itr. (bes. Schach) take < chessman>den Takt/Rhythmus schlagen — beat time
11)2.etwas in etwas/auf etwas (Akk.) schlagen — add something to something
unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb1) (hauen)jemandem auf die Hand/ins Gesicht schlagen — slap somebody's hand/hit somebody in the face
um sich schlagen — lash or hit out
2)mit den Flügeln schlagen — < bird> beat or flap its wings
mit dem Kopf auf etwas (Akk.) /gegen etwas schlagen — bang one's head on/against something
4) mit sein7) auch mit sein (auftreffen)gegen/an etwas (Akk.) schlagen — <rain, waves> beat against something
8) meist mit sein (einschlagen)in etwas (Akk.) schlagen — <lightning, bullet, etc.> strike or hit something
9) mit sein3.nach dem Onkel usw. schlagen — take after one's uncle etc
1) (sich prügeln) fightsich um etwas schlagen — (auch fig.) fight over something
2) (ugs.): (sich behaupten) hold one's ownsich tapfer schlagen — hold one's own well; put up a good showing
* * *v.(§ p.,pp.: schlug, geschlagen)= to bang v.to bash v.to batter v.to beat v.(§ p.,p.p.: beat, beaten)to blast v.to hit v.(§ p.,p.p.: hit)to knock (at) v.to pommel v.to pummel v.to punch v.to rap v.to slap v.to slat v.to strike v.(§ p.,p.p.: struck)or p.p.: stricken•) -
20 rundt
adv( i en kreds: hele vejen rundt) round ( fx send it round; turn round), around,(am især) around;( hid og did; i forskellige retninger) about, around ( fx travel (, rush, wander, look) about (el. around)), round,(am især) around;præp round ( fx round the world; all the year round);[ forb med gå, løbe:][ gå rundt] walk about, go round,( dreje sig) turn round,( rotere) rotate, revolve;[ lade noget gå rundt] pass something round;[ gå rundt i huset (, gaderne)] walk about (el. around) (in) the house (, the streets);[ flasken gik rundt] the bottle went round;[ lade flasken gå rundt] pass round the bottle;(se også hat);[ løbe rundt] run about,( dreje sig) turn round,( rotere) rotate, revolve;[ få det til at løbe (el. gå) rundt](dvs få pengene til at slå til) make (both) ends meet ( fx it isdifficult to make ends meet these days),( få regnskabet til at balancere) break even ( fx the company will probably just break even);(dvs betale sig) it only just pays;(dvs svimler) his head is swimming,( han er forvirret) his head (el. he) is in a whirl,( han er småtosset) he is dotty;flytte, II. regne);[ med præp & adv:][ rundt i] about, around,(am især) around ( fx look (, wander) about (el. around) thehouse; clothes were lying about (el. around) the room);[ rundt om](præp) round ( fx they were sitting round the table; walk round the lake), on all sides of;(adv) = rundt omkring;[ rundt om i] = rundt i;[ rundt om på] = rundt på;[rundt omkring adv] all around; round about ( fx they were sitting round about, on chairs and benches), around, about ( fx they were just standing around (el. about)), on all sides,( hist og her) here and there;(præp) = rundt om.
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