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  • 1 town

    [taun] noun
    1) a group of houses, shops, schools etc, that is bigger than a village but smaller than a city:

    He's in town doing some shopping.


    The whole town turned out to greet the heroes.

    سُكّان المَدينَه
    3) towns in general as opposed to the countryside:

    Do you live in the country or the town?


    Arabic-English dictionary > town

  • 2 town

    بَلْدَة \ town: a large area of houses and other buildings forming a centre of living and working for more people than a village: Let’s go into town (the nearest town) and see a film. He went up to town (to London, from the country) for a special ceremony. \ مَدِينَة \ town: a large area of houses and other buildings forming a centre of living and working for more people than a village: Let’s go into town (the nearest town) and see a film. He went up to town (to London, from the country) for a special ceremony. They live in a seaside town. \ See Also بلدة (بَلْدَة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > town

  • 3 außerhalb wohnen

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > außerhalb wohnen

  • 4 in

    prep in
    in casa at home
    è in Scozia he is in Scotland
    va in Inghilterra he is going to England
    in italiano in Italian
    in campagna in the country
    essere in viaggio be travelling
    viaggiare in macchina travel by car
    nel 1999 in 1999
    una giacca in pelle a leather jacket
    in vacanza on holiday
    se fossi in te if I were you, if I were in your place
    * * *
    in prep.
    1 (stato in luogo, posizione) in, at; (dentro) inside; (su, sopra) on: in Italia, negli Stati Uniti, in Italy, in the United States; abitano in città, in campagna, in centro, in periferia, they live in town, in the country, in the centre, on the outskirts; in ufficio, at the office; in casa, in chiesa, at home, at church; nell'aria, in the air; la casa editrice ha sede in Milano, the publishing house has its headquarters in Milan; la statua sorge nel centro della piazza, the statue stands in the centre of the square; mio padre lavora in banca, my father works in a bank; stanotte dormiremo in albergo, we'll sleep in a hotel tonight; è stato due anni in prigione, he spent two years in prison; prendevano il sole in giardino, they were sunbathing in the garden; nel cielo erano apparse le prime stelle, the first stars had appeared in the sky; i fazzoletti sono nel primo cassetto, the handkerchieves are in the top drawer; nella stanza c'era molto fumo, there was a lot of smoke in the room; c'era gran festa nelle strade e nelle piazze, there were great celebrations in the streets and squares; siamo rimasti chiusi in casa tutto il giorno, we stayed in the house (o indoors) all day; ti aspetto in macchina, I'll wait for you in the car; non c'è niente in tavola?, isn't there anything on the table?; leggo sempre in treno, I always read on the train; hanno una casa proprio in riva al mare, they have a house right on the sea front; la notizia è apparsa in prima pagina, the news was on the front page; gli diede un bacio in fronte, she kissed him on the forehead; teneva in braccio un bambino, she was holding a baby in her arms; che cos'hai in mano?, what have you got in your hands?; ho sempre in mente le sue parole, his words are still in my mind; in lui ho trovato un vero amico, I found a real friend in him; questa espressione ricorre spesso in Dante, this expression often appears in Dante; nel lavoro non trova alcuna soddisfazione, he gets no satisfaction from his job // in fondo a, at the bottom of // in primo piano, in the foreground (o up close) // in bella mostra, in a prominent position // nel bel mezzo, right in the middle: s'interruppe nel bel mezzo del discorso, he stopped right in the middle of his speech // (non) avere fiducia in se stesso, (not) to be self-confident // credere in Dio, to believe in God
    2 (moto a luogo, direzione) to; (verso l'interno) into: è andato in Francia per lavoro, he went to France on business; domani andremo in campagna, we'll go to the country tomorrow; vorrei tornare in America, I'd like to go back to America; devo scendere in cantina, I must go down to the cellar; quando rientrerete in città?, when are you returning to town?; la nave era appena entrata in porto, the ship had just come into dock; la gente si riversò nelle strade, people poured into the streets; abbiamo mandato i bambini in montagna, we've sent the children to the mountains; questa merce va spedita in Germania, these goods are to be sent to Germany; non sporgerti troppo dalla barca, puoi cadere in acqua, don't lean too far out of the boat, you might fall in the water; puoi venire nel mio ufficio un attimo?, can you come into my office for a moment?; mise la mano in tasca e tirò fuori il portafoglio, he put his hand in his pocket and took out his wallet; rimetti quelle pratiche nel cassetto, put those papers back in the drawer; vai subito nella tua stanza!, go to your room at once!; hanno arrestato il ladro e l'hanno messo in prigione, the thief was arrested and put in prison; in quale direzione andate?, which way are you going?; sulle scale m'imbattei in uno sconosciuto, I bumped into a stranger on the stairs; ho inciampato in un gradino e sono caduto, I tripped over a step and fell down; si è messo in mente di fare l'attore, he's got it into his head that he wants to become an actor
    3 (moto per luogo) through, across: ha viaggiato molto in Europa, he has done a lot of travelling across Europe; il corteo sfilò nelle strade principali, the procession wound its way through the main streets; correre nei campi, to run across the fields; tanti pensieri le passavano nella mente, many thoughts went through her mind
    4 (cambiamento, passaggio, trasformazione) into: tradurre dall'inglese in italiano, to translate from English into Italian; convertire gli euro in dollari, to change euros into dollars; la proprietà è stata divisa in due, the property has been divided in half (o into two); il vaso cadde e andò in frantumi, the vase fell and broke into pieces // si è fatto in quattro per aiutarci, he bent over backwards to help us // il maltempo ha mandato in fumo tutti i nostri progetti, the bad weather put paid to all our plans // di bene in meglio, better and better; di male in peggio, from bad to worse // di tre in tre, in threes // Anita Rossi in De Marchi, (di donna coniugata) Anita De Marchi, née Rossi // andare in rovina, to go to (rack and) ruin (anche fig.) // andare in estasi, to be overjoyed // montare in collera, to fly into a rage
    5 (tempo) in; on; at: in marzo, in primavera, in March, in spring; in pieno inverno, in the middle of winter; in una mattina d'estate, one (o on a) summer morning; in quel giorno, on that day; in questo (preciso) momento, at this (very) moment; in tutta la mia vita, in all my life; nel pomeriggio, in the afternoon; si è laureato nel 1980, he graduated in 1980; tornerò a casa nel mese di settembre, I'll return home in September; nell'era atomica, in the atomic age; in gioventù, in (one's) youth; in tempo di guerra, di pace, in wartime, in peacetime; in epoca vittoriana, in the Victorian age; esamineranno otto candidati in un giorno, they will examine eight candidates in one day; ha fatto tutto il lavoro in due ore, he got through all the work in two hours; viene in Italia tre volte in un anno, he comes to Italy three times a year // arriverò in giornata, I'll arrive some time in the day // in serata, during the evening // nello stesso tempo, at the same time // nel frattempo, in the meantime // in un attimo, in un batter d'occhio, in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye // in men che non si dica, quick as a flash // in quattro e quattr'otto, in less than no time // di ora in ora, di giorno in giorno, from time to time, from day to day
    6 (modo, maniera) in; on: il pubblico ascoltava in silenzio, the audience listened in silence; mi guardava in un modo strano, he looked at me in a strange way (o strangely); parla in perfetto italiano, he speaks perfect Italian; scrivere in penna, in matita, in corsivo, in versi, to write in pen, in pencil, in italics, in verse; le istruzioni erano scritte in tedesco, the instructions were written in German; camminava in fretta, he was walking in a hurry; rispose in tono sgarbato, he answered rudely; entrammo in punta di piedi, we entered on tiptoe; procedevano in fila indiana, they walked single file; preferì rimanere in disparte, he preferred to stay on his own; stare in piedi, to stand on one's feet; tutti erano in abito da sera, they were all in evening dress; uscì in pantofole sul pianerottolo, he went on to the landing in his slippers // (resto) in attesa di una vostra cortese risposta, (nelle lettere) awaiting your reply // (comm.) assegno in bianco, blank cheque; pagare in contanti, in assegni, to pay cash, by cheque; 10.000 euro in biglietti da 10, 10,000 euros in 10 euro notes // una riproduzione in miniatura, a reproduction in miniature (o a miniature reproduction); trasmettere in diretta, to broadcast live // una partita in casa, in trasferta, a home, an away match // pomodori in insalata, tomato salad; pollo in gelatina, chicken in aspic
    7 (stato, condizione, circostanza) in, at: essere in pace, in guerra con qlcu., to be at peace, at war with s.o.; mi piace stare in compagnia, I like company; vivere nell'angoscia, to live in anxiety; in salute e in malattia, in sickness and in health; morì in miseria, he died in poverty; la sua vita era in pericolo, her life was in danger; ero in una situazione imbarazzante, I was in an embarrassing position; siamo nei pasticci!, we're in a mess!; ben presto si trovò nei guai fino al collo, he soon found himself up to his neck in trouble; non sono in condizioni di pagare una cifra simile, I'm not in a position to pay such a sum (of money) // essere in odio, in simpatia a qlcu., to be liked, to be hated by s.o.
    8 (limitazione, misura) in, at: (la) laurea in lingue, a degree in languages; dottore in legge, doctor of law; è bravo in matematica, ma è debole in francese, he's good at maths, but poor at French; un terzo della classe è stato rimandato in chimica, a third of the class is having to repeat chemistry; ha conseguito il diploma in ragioneria, he got a diploma in bookkeeping; ha intenzione di specializzarsi in pediatria, he is going to specialize in pediatrics; la nostra ditta commercia in pellami, our firm deals in leather goods; mio fratello è campione di salto in alto, my brother is high jump champion; la stanza era 5 metri in lunghezza, the room was 5 metres long
    9 (materia): una statua in bronzo, a bronze statue; una borsa in pelle, a leather handbag; rivestimento in legno, wood panelling; abito in puro cotone, an all cotton dress; poltrone in velluto, velvet armchairs; incisione in rame, copperplate engraving; un vassoio in argento, a silver tray ∙ Come si nota dagli esempi, in questo significato si usa spesso in inglese la forma aggettivale in luogo del compl. introdotto dalla prep. in
    10 (mezzo) by; in; on: viaggiare in treno, in aereo, in macchina, to travel by train, by air, by car; sei venuto a piedi o in autobus?, have you come on foot or by bus?; abbiamo fatto una gita in barca, we went out on the boat; pagare in euro, in dollari, in assegni, to pay in euros, in dollars, by cheque
    11 (fine, scopo): ho avuto in dono una macchina fotografica, I've been presented with a camera; il vincitore riceverà in premio un milione di dollari, the winner will receive a prize of a million dollars; mi ha dato in prestito la sua macchina per qualche giorno, he has lent me his car for a few days; mi hanno mandato in visione il primo volume dell'opera, they sent me the first volume of the work to look at; la festa era in onore del sindaco, the party was in honour of the mayor; parlare in difesa di qlcu., to speak in s.o.'s defence
    12 (seguito da inf.): nell'entrare mi accorsi subito che qualcosa non andava, on entering I realized at once there was something wrong; l'ho incontrato nel tornare, I met him on the way back; nel salire in macchina mi sono cadute le chiavi, I dropped my keys while getting into the car; il bicchiere si è rotto nel lavarlo, the glass broke while it was being washed; nel dire ciò fu preso da commozione, in saying this he was overcome by emotion
    13 (predicativo; in ingl. non si traduce): siamo rimasti in due, only two of us were left; fra tutti eravamo in quaranta, there were forty of us in all; erano in molti, in pochi, there were many of them, few of them; se fossi in te, if I were you; dipingere qlco. in rosso, to paint sthg. red.
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: in alto, up there; up (above); in basso, down there; down (below); in giù, downward (s); in su, upward (s) // in cerca di, in search of // in dettaglio, in detail; in forse, in doubt // in particolare, in particular // in quanto, in so far as: in quanto a ciò, as for that // in tutti i modi, in any case; in virtù di, as... // in rapporto a, as regards // in qualità di, in (one's) capacity as // nel caso che, (se, qualora) if; (nell'eventualità che) in case: portati l'ombrello, nel caso che piova, take your umbrella with you in case it rains; nel caso che torni prima di me, fatti dare le chiavi dal portinaio, if you should get back before I do, get the keys from the custodian // in fede, yours faithfully // in coscienza, truthfully // in lungo e in largo, far and wide.
    * * *
    1. prep in + il = nel, in + lo = nello, in + l'= nell', in + la = nella, in + i = nei, in + gli = negli, in + le = nelle

    sono rimasto in casa — I stayed at home, I stayed indoors

    è nell' editoria/nell' esercito — he is in publishing/in the army

    è in fondo all'armadio — it is at the back of the wardrobe

    in lei ho trovato una sorella — I found a sister in her

    in lui non c'era più speranza — there was no hope left in him

    nell' opera di Shakespeare — in Shakespeare's works

    un giornale diffuso in tutta Italia — a newspaper read all over o throughout Italy

    andare in campagna/in montagna — to go into the country/to the mountains

    andrò in Francia — I'm going to France

    entrare in casa — to go into the house

    entrare in macchina — to get into the car

    gettare qc in acqua — to throw sth into the water

    inciampò in una radice — he tripped over a root

    l'ho messo là in alto/basso — I put it up/down there

    spostarsi di città in città — to move from town to town


    (moto per luogo) il corteo è passato in piazza — the procession passed through the square

    4) (tempo) in

    negli anni ottanta — in the eighties

    in luglio, nel mese di luglio — in July

    5) (mezzo) by

    mi piace viaggiare in aereo — I like travelling by plane, I like flying

    pagare in contanti/in dollari — to pay cash/in dollars

    ci andremo in macchina — we'll go there by car, we'll drive there

    6) (modo, maniera) in

    in abito da sera — in evening dress

    in fiamme — on fire, in flames

    in piedi — standing, on one's feet

    7) (materia) made of

    in marmo — made of marble, marble attr


    (fine, scopo) spende tutto in divertimentihe spends all his money on entertainment

    in favore di — in favour of

    in onore di — in honour of

    9) (misura) in

    (con infinito) ha sbagliato nel rispondere male — he was wrong to be rude

    si è fatto male nel salire sull'autobus — he hurt himself as he was getting onto the bus

    nell' udire la notizia — on hearing the news

    2. avv

    essere in — (di moda, attuale) to be in

    3. agg inv

    la gente in — the in-crowd

    * * *
    1) (stato in luogo) in; (all'interno) in, inside; (sopra) on

    abito in via RomaI live in BE o on AE via Roma

    vivere in Italia, in città, in campagna — to live in Italy, in town, in the country

    andare in Francia, in città, in campagna — to go to France, to town, to the country

    viaggiare in Cina, negli Stati Uniti — to travel around o through Cina, the United States

    in settimana mangio alla mensa — during the week I eat at the canteen; (entro)

    5) (mezzo) by
    6) (modo, maniera)

    un'opera in versi, inglese, tre volumi — a work in verse, in English, in three volumes

    Enza Bianchi in Rossi — Enza Rossi, née Bianchi

    nel tornare a casa,... — on my way home,...

    nel dire così,... — saying this

    * * *
    (artcl. nel, nello, nella, nell'; pl. nei, negli, nelle)
     1 (stato in luogo) in; (all'interno) in, inside; (sopra) on; abito in via Roma I live in BE o on AE via Roma; vivere in Italia, in città, in campagna to live in Italy, in town, in the country; stare in casa to stay at home; essere in un taxi to be in a taxi; in televisione on TV; in questa storia in this story; nel suo discorso in his speech; che cosa ti piace in un uomo? what do you like in a man? un tema ricorrente in Montale a recurrent theme in Montale's work
     2 (moto a luogo) to; andare in Francia, in città, in campagna to go to France, to town, to the country; andare in vacanza to go on holiday; vado in macelleria I'm going to the butcher's; entrare in una stanza to go into a room; il treno sta per entrare in stazione the train is arriving at the station; salire in macchina to get into the car
     3 (moto per luogo) passeggiare in centro to walk in the city centre BE o around downtown AE; viaggiare in Cina, negli Stati Uniti to travel around o through Cina, the United States; correre nei prati to run across the fields; infilare il dito nella fessura to stick one's finger through the slit
     4 (tempo) (durante) in inverno in winter; nel 1991 in 1991; nel Medio Evo in the Middle Ages; negli ultimi giorni over the last few days; in settimana mangio alla mensa during the week I eat at the canteen; (entro) l'ho fatto in due giorni I did it in two days; lo farò in settimana I'll do it within the week
     5 (mezzo) by; sono venuto in taxi I came here by taxi; abbiamo fatto un giro in barca we went out on the boat
     6 (modo, maniera) un'opera in versi, inglese, tre volumi a work in verse, in English, in three volumes; parlare in spagnolo to speak Spanish; in piena forma in great shape; in contanti (in) cash
     7 (fine) ho avuto questo libro in regalo this book was given to me as a present; in vendita for sale
     8 (trasformazione) tradurre in italiano to translate into Italian; cambiare delle sterline in dollari to change pounds in dollars
     10 (materia) è in oro it's made of gold; un anello in oro a gold ring
     11 (limitazione) laurea in filosofia degree in philosophy; laureato in lettere arts graduate; essere bravo in storia to be good at history; malattia frequente nei bovini common disease in cattle; in politica in politics
     12 (misura) il muro misura tre metri in altezza e sei in lunghezza the wall is three metres high and six metres long
     13 (quantità) erano in venti there were twenty of them; siamo in pochi there are few of us; abbiamo fatto il lavoro in due two of us did the job
     14 (davanti a un infinito) nel tornare a casa,... on my way home,...; nel dire così,... saying this,...
    See also notes... (in.pdf)

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > in

  • 5 città sf inv

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > città sf inv

  • 6 città

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > città

  • 7 ville

    ville [vil]
    1. feminine noun
       a. ( = cité, habitants) town ; (plus importante) city
       b. ( = quartier) vieille ville old town
       c. ( = municipalité) ≈ local authority
       d. ( = vie urbaine) la ville town or city life
    * * *
    1) (agglomération, habitants) town, ( de grande importance) city

    la ville haute/basse — the upper/lower town

    de ville[vêtements, chaussures] town

    2) ( administration) town ou city council
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    vil nf
    1) (= milieu urbain) town

    Je vais en ville. — I'm going into town.

    3) (importante) city
    4) (= administration)
    * * *
    villeLes villes nf
    1 (agglomération, habitants) town, ( de grande importance) city; la ville de Brest the town of Brest; la ville de Paris the city of Paris; la deuxième ville du pays the country's second city; le meilleur restaurant de la ville the best restaurant in town; la vieille ville the old town; la ville haute/basse/neuve the upper/lower/new town; ville natale/adoptive/d'attache home/adoptive/base town; ville industrielle/olympique industrial/Olympic town ou city; ville minière mining town; ville universitaire university city ou town; ville portuaire port town; ville côtière/de province/frontière coastal/provincial/border town; une ville d'art a town of artistic interest; une ville sainte a holy city; ville forte or fortifiée fortified town; les gens des villes town ou city dwellers, townees péj; de ville [vêtements, chaussures] town; en ville [conduire, habiter] in town; aller en ville to go into town; la vie en ville town ou city life;
    2 ( administration) town ou city council.
    ville d'eau(x) spa town; ville franche free city; ville de garnison garrison town; ville libre semiautonomous city; ville nouvelle new town; ville ouverte open city; la Ville Éternelle the Eternal City; la Ville Lumière the City of Light.
    [vil] nom féminin
    1. [moyenne] town
    [plus grande] city
    ville industrielle/universitaire industrial/university town
    2. [quartier]
    ville haute/basse upper/lower part of town
    a. [administration] the local authority
    b. [représentants] the (town) council
    4. [milieu non rural]
    la ville towns, cities
    les gens de la ville city-dwellers, townspeople
    la vie à la ville town ou city life
    de ville locution adjectivale
    chaussures/tenue de ville shoes/outfit for wearing in town
    en ville locution adverbiale
    aller en ville to go to ou into town (UK), to go downtown (US)

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > ville

  • 8 habiter

    habiter [abite]
    ➭ TABLE 1
    1. transitive verb
       a. to live in ; [+ planète] to live on
       b. [sentiment] to haunt
    2. intransitive verb
    * * *
    1) ( résider à) to live in

    il habite une maison/Paris/la campagne — he lives in a house/in Paris/in the country

    2) fml [sentiment] to dwell in [personne, cœur]

    verbe intransitif
    1) ( résider)

    habiter à or en — to live in

    2) fig
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) [maison] to live in

    habiter qn [sentiment]to possess sb

    2. vi

    Il habite à Montpellier. — He lives in Montpellier.

    habiter chez qn; habiter avec qn — to live with sb

    * * *
    habiter verb table: aimer
    A vtr
    1 ( résider à) [personne, animal] to live in; il habite une maison/Paris/la campagne he lives in a house/in Paris/in the country; habiter une planète to live on a planet;
    2 fml [sentiment] to dwell in [personne, cœur, âme].
    B vi
    1 ( résider) [personne] habiter à or en to live in; habiter à Paris/à l'hôtel to live in Paris/in a hotel; habiter en banlieue to live in the suburbs; habiter rue Cardinet to live in the rue Cardinet; habiter à l'étranger to live abroad; habiter au 6 rue de la Paix to live at 6 rue de la Paix; habiter chez ses parents to live with one's parents;
    2 fml être habité par to be filled with.
    [abite] verbe transitif
    1. [maison, ville, quartier] to live in
    [ferme] to live on
    2. (figuré & soutenu) to inhabit, to be ou to dwell in
    les craintes/démons qui l'habitent the fears/demons within him
    3. (soutenu) [animaux] to inhabit
    [abite] verbe intransitif
    habiter à l'hôtel to live ou to stay in a hotel

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > habiter

  • 9 mieszka|ć

    impf vi 1. (w domu, mieszkaniu) to live
    - taki stary dom, ciekawe, czy ktoś tu mieszka what an old house, I wonder if anyone lives here/there
    - mieszkać z rodzicami to live with one’s parents
    - mieszkać kątem u kogoś to be put up at sb’s place
    - mieszkać z kimś przez ścianę to live next door to sb ⇒ zamieszkać
    2. (w kraju, mieście) to live, to dwell
    - mieszka na stałe w Niemczech he lives permanently in Germany
    - mieszkać w mieście/na wsi live in town/in the country
    - nadal mieszkasz przy ulicy Hożej? are you still living in a. on Hoża Street?
    - w lesie mieszka wiele zwierząt a lot of animals live in the forest ⇒ zamieszkać
    3. (nocować) to stay
    - w Paryżu zawsze mieszkałem w hotelu Savoy when I was in Paris I always stayed in the Savoy Hotel
    - mieszkam teraz w akademiku I’m staying in a hall of residence now
    - mieszkać u przyjaciela to stay with one’s friend ⇒ zamieszkać
    4. książk. (znajdować się) [myśl, uczucie] to live
    - spokój mieszkał w jego sercu he was at peace with the world

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > mieszka|ć

  • 10 byt|ować

    impf vi książk. to live; to dwell książk.
    - bytować w mieście/na wsi to live in town/in the country
    - bytować w skrajnej nędzy to live in abject poverty
    - warunki bytowania (ludzi) living conditions; (zwierząt) conditions of life
    - nasze ziemskie bytowanie our life here on earth

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > byt|ować

  • 11 Н-46

    (КАК (КАК БУДТО, БУДТО, СЛОВНО, ТОЧНО) С НЁБА СВАЛИТЬСЯ (УПАСТЬ) coll (как etc +) VP usu. past usu. this WO
    1. (subj: human, abstr, or concr) to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly
    X как с неба свалился - X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue
    X came (sprang up) (from) out of nowhere X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
    Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глу-повской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
    Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffc.was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. (subj: human
    most often 2nd pers) not to know things that are obvious, understood by all: ты что, с неба свалился? = where (on earth) have you been all this time? did you fall out of the skies? are you
    what are you,) from another planet?
    have you been living in a cave (all your life)? «Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету...» - «Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?» Она не удостоила меня ответом. «А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура» (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
    «А „Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?» - «Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. — Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?» (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
    ...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось». - «Я рассказал так, как я видел...» -«Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться...» - «Да что он, с неба свалился!» - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. ( subj: concr or abstr) to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise
    X (как) с неба упал - X appeared (happened) as if by magic
    X came (seemed to come) out of the blue X (just) landed (fell) in Y's lap (in limited contexts) (itfs as if (though)) X fell from heaven (the sky).
    «Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!» (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-46

  • 12 будто с неба свалиться

    [(как etc +) VP; usu. past; usu. this WO]
    1. [subj: human, abstr, or concr]
    to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly:
    - X как с неба свалился X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue;
    - X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
         ♦ Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глуповской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
         ♦ Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffe...was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. [subj: human; most often 2nd pers]
    not to know things that are obvious, understood by all:
    - ты что, с неба свалился? where (on earth) have you been all this time?;
    - did you fall out of the skies?;
    - are you <what are you,> from another planet?;
    - have you been living in a cave (all your life)?
         ♦ "Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету..." - "Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?" Она не удостоила меня ответом. "А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура" (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
         ♦ " А "Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?" - "Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. - Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?" (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
         ♦ "...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось". - "Я рассказал так, как я видел..." - "Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться..." - "Да что он, с неба свалился!" - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. [subj: concr or abstr]
    to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise:
    - X (как) с неба упал X appeared (happened) as if by magic;
    - [in limited contexts](it's as if < though>) X fell from heaven (the sky).
         ♦ "Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!" (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > будто с неба свалиться

  • 13 будто с неба упасть

    [(как etc +) VP; usu. past; usu. this WO]
    1. [subj: human, abstr, or concr]
    to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly:
    - X как с неба свалился X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue;
    - X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
         ♦ Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глуповской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
         ♦ Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffe...was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. [subj: human; most often 2nd pers]
    not to know things that are obvious, understood by all:
    - ты что, с неба свалился? where (on earth) have you been all this time?;
    - did you fall out of the skies?;
    - are you <what are you,> from another planet?;
    - have you been living in a cave (all your life)?
         ♦ "Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету..." - "Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?" Она не удостоила меня ответом. "А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура" (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
         ♦ " А "Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?" - "Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. - Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?" (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
         ♦ "...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось". - "Я рассказал так, как я видел..." - "Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться..." - "Да что он, с неба свалился!" - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. [subj: concr or abstr]
    to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise:
    - X (как) с неба упал X appeared (happened) as if by magic;
    - [in limited contexts](it's as if < though>) X fell from heaven (the sky).
         ♦ "Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!" (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > будто с неба упасть

  • 14 как будто с неба свалиться

    [(как etc +) VP; usu. past; usu. this WO]
    1. [subj: human, abstr, or concr]
    to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly:
    - X как с неба свалился X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue;
    - X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
         ♦ Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глуповской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
         ♦ Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffe...was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. [subj: human; most often 2nd pers]
    not to know things that are obvious, understood by all:
    - ты что, с неба свалился? where (on earth) have you been all this time?;
    - did you fall out of the skies?;
    - are you <what are you,> from another planet?;
    - have you been living in a cave (all your life)?
         ♦ "Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету..." - "Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?" Она не удостоила меня ответом. "А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура" (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
         ♦ " А "Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?" - "Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. - Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?" (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
         ♦ "...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось". - "Я рассказал так, как я видел..." - "Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться..." - "Да что он, с неба свалился!" - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. [subj: concr or abstr]
    to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise:
    - X (как) с неба упал X appeared (happened) as if by magic;
    - [in limited contexts](it's as if < though>) X fell from heaven (the sky).
         ♦ "Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!" (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > как будто с неба свалиться

  • 15 как будто с неба упасть

    [(как etc +) VP; usu. past; usu. this WO]
    1. [subj: human, abstr, or concr]
    to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly:
    - X как с неба свалился X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue;
    - X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
         ♦ Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глуповской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
         ♦ Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffe...was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. [subj: human; most often 2nd pers]
    not to know things that are obvious, understood by all:
    - ты что, с неба свалился? where (on earth) have you been all this time?;
    - did you fall out of the skies?;
    - are you <what are you,> from another planet?;
    - have you been living in a cave (all your life)?
         ♦ "Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету..." - "Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?" Она не удостоила меня ответом. "А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура" (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
         ♦ " А "Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?" - "Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. - Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?" (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
         ♦ "...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось". - "Я рассказал так, как я видел..." - "Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться..." - "Да что он, с неба свалился!" - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. [subj: concr or abstr]
    to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise:
    - X (как) с неба упал X appeared (happened) as if by magic;
    - [in limited contexts](it's as if < though>) X fell from heaven (the sky).
         ♦ "Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!" (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > как будто с неба упасть

  • 16 как с неба свалиться

    [(как etc +) VP; usu. past; usu. this WO]
    1. [subj: human, abstr, or concr]
    to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly:
    - X как с неба свалился X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue;
    - X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
         ♦ Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глуповской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
         ♦ Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffe...was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. [subj: human; most often 2nd pers]
    not to know things that are obvious, understood by all:
    - ты что, с неба свалился? where (on earth) have you been all this time?;
    - did you fall out of the skies?;
    - are you <what are you,> from another planet?;
    - have you been living in a cave (all your life)?
         ♦ "Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету..." - "Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?" Она не удостоила меня ответом. "А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура" (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
         ♦ " А "Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?" - "Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. - Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?" (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
         ♦ "...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось". - "Я рассказал так, как я видел..." - "Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться..." - "Да что он, с неба свалился!" - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. [subj: concr or abstr]
    to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise:
    - X (как) с неба упал X appeared (happened) as if by magic;
    - [in limited contexts](it's as if < though>) X fell from heaven (the sky).
         ♦ "Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!" (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > как с неба свалиться

  • 17 как с неба упасть

    [(как etc +) VP; usu. past; usu. this WO]
    1. [subj: human, abstr, or concr]
    to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly:
    - X как с неба свалился X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue;
    - X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
         ♦ Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глуповской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
         ♦ Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffe...was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. [subj: human; most often 2nd pers]
    not to know things that are obvious, understood by all:
    - ты что, с неба свалился? where (on earth) have you been all this time?;
    - did you fall out of the skies?;
    - are you <what are you,> from another planet?;
    - have you been living in a cave (all your life)?
         ♦ "Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету..." - "Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?" Она не удостоила меня ответом. "А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура" (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
         ♦ " А "Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?" - "Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. - Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?" (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
         ♦ "...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось". - "Я рассказал так, как я видел..." - "Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться..." - "Да что он, с неба свалился!" - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. [subj: concr or abstr]
    to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise:
    - X (как) с неба упал X appeared (happened) as if by magic;
    - [in limited contexts](it's as if < though>) X fell from heaven (the sky).
         ♦ "Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!" (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > как с неба упасть

  • 18 с неба свалиться

    [(как etc +) VP; usu. past; usu. this WO]
    1. [subj: human, abstr, or concr]
    to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly:
    - X как с неба свалился X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue;
    - X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
         ♦ Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глуповской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
         ♦ Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffe...was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. [subj: human; most often 2nd pers]
    not to know things that are obvious, understood by all:
    - ты что, с неба свалился? where (on earth) have you been all this time?;
    - did you fall out of the skies?;
    - are you <what are you,> from another planet?;
    - have you been living in a cave (all your life)?
         ♦ "Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету..." - "Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?" Она не удостоила меня ответом. "А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура" (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
         ♦ " А "Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?" - "Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. - Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?" (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
         ♦ "...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось". - "Я рассказал так, как я видел..." - "Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться..." - "Да что он, с неба свалился!" - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. [subj: concr or abstr]
    to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise:
    - X (как) с неба упал X appeared (happened) as if by magic;
    - [in limited contexts](it's as if < though>) X fell from heaven (the sky).
         ♦ "Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!" (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с неба свалиться

  • 19 с неба упасть

    [(как etc +) VP; usu. past; usu. this WO]
    1. [subj: human, abstr, or concr]
    to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly:
    - X как с неба свалился X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue;
    - X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
         ♦ Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глуповской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
         ♦ Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffe...was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. [subj: human; most often 2nd pers]
    not to know things that are obvious, understood by all:
    - ты что, с неба свалился? where (on earth) have you been all this time?;
    - did you fall out of the skies?;
    - are you <what are you,> from another planet?;
    - have you been living in a cave (all your life)?
         ♦ "Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету..." - "Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?" Она не удостоила меня ответом. "А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура" (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
         ♦ " А "Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?" - "Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. - Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?" (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
         ♦ "...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось". - "Я рассказал так, как я видел..." - "Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться..." - "Да что он, с неба свалился!" - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. [subj: concr or abstr]
    to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise:
    - X (как) с неба упал X appeared (happened) as if by magic;
    - [in limited contexts](it's as if < though>) X fell from heaven (the sky).
         ♦ "Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!" (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с неба упасть

  • 20 словно с неба свалиться

    [(как etc +) VP; usu. past; usu. this WO]
    1. [subj: human, abstr, or concr]
    to appear, occur unexpectedly, suddenly:
    - X как с неба свалился X appeared (came) (as if) out of the blue;
    - X appeared (came) like a bolt from the blue.
         ♦ Среди всех этих толков и пересудов, вдруг как с неба упала повестка, приглашавшая именитейших представителей глуповской интеллигенции, в такой-то день и час, прибыть к градоначальнику для внушения (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Suddenly, amid all this talk and gossip, out of the blue came a notice summoning the most distinguished representatives of Foolov's intelligentsia to appear at such-and-such a day and hour at the town governor's for reprimand (1a).
         ♦ Когда мошенник Тартюф... уже торжествовал и разорил честных людей и когда, казалось, от него уже нет никакого спасения, всё-таки спасение явилось... Добродетельный полицейский офицер, свалившийся как бы с неба, не только в самый нужный и последний момент схватывает злодея, но ещё и произносит внушительный монолог... (Булгаков 5). When the swindler Tartuffe...was already on the verge of triumph, when he had ruined honest men and there seemed to be no escape from his clutches, rescue appeared.... A virtuous police officer, who springs up from out of nowhere, not only arrests the hero at the last and most crucial moment, but also delivers a most instructive monologue... (5a).
    2. [subj: human; most often 2nd pers]
    not to know things that are obvious, understood by all:
    - ты что, с неба свалился? where (on earth) have you been all this time?;
    - did you fall out of the skies?;
    - are you <what are you,> from another planet?;
    - have you been living in a cave (all your life)?
         ♦ "Мы из оккупированной местности. Нам в городе прописки нету..." - "Вам сейчас сколько? Семнадцать? Девятнадцать? Так при немцах вам было восемь лет! Не больше! Столько, сколько Лёльке сейчас! - закричала я. - Какое же это может иметь значение?" Она не удостоила меня ответом. "А ты что, с неба свалилась? - выражала её спина. - Старая дура" (Чуковская 2). "...We're from occupied territory. They won't even give us permission to live in town...." "How old are you now? Seventeen? Nineteen? So when the Germans were here you were eight! Not more! As old as Lyolka is now!" I shouted. "How can that have any importance now?" She didn't deign to answer. "Where on earth have you been all this time, you old fool?" was what her back seemed to say (2a).
         ♦ " А "Кильдин", простите, что же, пришёл в Талый с острова Фиджи?" - "Прямым курсом из Марокко, - захохотал корреспондент. - Да вы что, ребята, с неба свалились?" (Аксёнов 1). "And the Kildinl Pardon me, but what'd it do, come to Slush from the Fiji Islands?" "A steady course from Morocco," laughed the correspondent. "But what's with you guys, you fall out of the skies?" (1a).
         ♦ "...Я уверен, что наш советский доктор не мог, покрывая убийцу, взять деньги или ещё что-то. Вам это просто показалось". - "Я рассказал так, как я видел..." - "Да, да, - повторил космонавт, - вам это показалось. Там и начальник милиции был, так что ему нечего было бояться..." - "Да что он, с неба свалился!" - воскликнул по-абхазски молодой хозяин... (Искандер 4). "...I'm sure our Soviet doctor couldn't have taken money or anything else to cover up a murder. That was just your imagination." "I told it as I saw it...." "Yes, yes," the cosmonaut repeated, "it was your imagination. The police chief was there too, so he had nothing to fear-" "What is he, from another planet?" the young host exclaimed in Abkhazian... (4a).
    3. [subj: concr or abstr]
    to be obtained, found unexpectedly, coming as a pleasant surprise:
    - X (как) с неба упал X appeared (happened) as if by magic;
    - [in limited contexts](it's as if < though>) X fell from heaven (the sky).
         ♦ "Ну что бы с нами было теперь, Дуня, без этих трёх тысяч! Господи, точно с неба упали!" (Достоевский 3). "Where would we be now, Dunya, without those three thousand roubles! Lord, just as though they fell from heaven!" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > словно с неба свалиться

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Town and Country (album) — Infobox Album | Name = Town and Country Type = Album Artist = Humble Pie Released = November 1969 Recorded = 1969, Olympic Studios London, England Genre = Folk rock Blues Rock Length = 37:51 Label = Immediate Producer = Andy Johns Reviews =… …   Wikipedia

  • Live from the Royal Albert Hall — Концертный альбом The Killers Дата выпуска 9 ноября 2009 Записан 5 6 июля 2009 года, Альберт холл Жанр Инди рок, новая волна, постпанк …   Википедия

  • town — W1S1 [taun] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(place)¦ 2¦(main centre)¦ 3¦(people)¦ 4¦(where you live)¦ 5¦(village)¦ 6¦(not country)¦ 7 go to town (on something) 8 (out) on the town 9 town and gown ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms — Cover of the first tankōbon edition of the manga, published by Futabasha 夕凪の街 桜の国 (Yūnagi no machi, Sakura no kuni) …   Wikipedia

  • Live In Barcelona — Portail du rock Principaux courants Scènes régionales Groupes et musiciens Par instrument Par natio …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Live in barcelona — Portail du rock Principaux courants Scènes régionales Groupes et musiciens Par instrument Par natio …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Live in Barcelona — est le premier DVD du rockeur américain Bruce Springsteen, sorti en 2003. Il contient, sur deux DVD, l intégralité de son concert au Palau Sant Jordi de Barcelone (Espagne) le 16 octobre 2002, lors de la tournée de promotion de son album The… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Town and gown — are two distinct communities of a university town; town being the non academic population and gown metonymically being the university community, especially in ancient seats of learning such as Oxford, Cambridge and St Andrews, though also in more …   Wikipedia

  • Live A Live — Cover art Developer(s) Square Publisher(s) Square …   Wikipedia

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