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  • 121 Agriculture

       Historically, Portugal's agricultural efficiency, measured in terms of crop yields and animal productivity, has been well below that of other European countries. Agricultural inefficiency is a consequence of Portugal's topography and climate, which varies considerably from north to south and has influenced farm size and farming methods. There are three major agricultural zones: the north, center, and south. The north (the area between the Douro and Minho Rivers, including the district of Trás-os-Montes) is mountainous with a wet (180-249 cm of rainfall/year), moderately cool climate. It contains about 2 million hectares of cultivated land excessively fragmented into tiny (3-5 hectares) family-owned farms, or minifúndios, a consequence of ancient settlement patterns, a strong attachment to the land, and the tradition of subdividing land equally among family members. The farms in the north produce the potatoes and kale that are used to make caldo verde soup, a staple of the Portuguese diet, and the grapes that are used to make vinho verde (green wine), a light sparkling white wine said to aid the digestion of oily and greasy food. Northern farms are too small to benefit from mechanization and their owners too poor to invest in irrigation, chemical fertilizers, or better seeds; hence, agriculture in the north has remained labor intensive, despite efforts to regroup minifúndios to increase farm size and efficiency.
       The center (roughly between the Douro and the Tagus River) is bisected by the Mondego River, the land to either side of which is some of the most fertile in Portugal and produces irrigated rice, corn, grapes, and forest goods on medium-sized (about 100 hectares) farms under a mixture of owner-cultivation and sharecropping. Portugal's center contains the Estrela Mountains, where sheep raising is common and wool, milk, and cheese are produced, especially mountain cheese ( Queijo da Serra), similar to French brie. In the valley of the Dão River, a full-bodied, fruity wine much like Burgundy is produced. In the southern part of the center, where the climate is dry and soils are poor, stock raising mixes with cereal crop cultivation. In Estremadura, the area north of Lisbon, better soils and even rainfall support intensive agriculture. The small farms of this area produce lemons, strawberries, pears, quinces, peaches, and vegetables. Estremadura also produces red wine at Colares and white wine at Buçelas.
       The south (Alentejo and Algarve) is a vast rolling plain with a hot arid climate. It contains about 2.6 million hectares of arable land and produces the bulk of Portugal's wheat and barley. It also produces one of Portugal's chief exports, cork, which is made from bark cut from cork oaks at nine-year intervals. There are vast groves of olive trees around the towns of Elvas, Serpa, and Estremoz that provide Portugal's olives. The warm climate of the Algarve (the most southern region of Portugal) is favorable for the growing of oranges, pomegranates, figs, and carobs. Almonds are also produced. Farms in the south, except for the Algarve, are large estates (typically 1,000 hectares or more in size) known as latifúndios, worked by a landless, wage-earning rural work force. After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, these large estates were taken over by the state and turned into collective farms. During the 1990s, as the radicalism of the Revolution moderated, collectivized agriculture was seen as counterproductive, and the nationalized estates were gradually returned to their original owners in exchange for cash payments or small parcels of land for the collective farm workers.
       Portugal adopted the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) when it joined the European Union (EU) in 1986. The CAP, which is based on the principles of common pricing, EU preferences, and joint financing, has shifted much of Portugal's agricultural decision making to the EU. Under the CAP, cereals and dairy products have experienced declines in prices because these are in chronic surplus within the EU. Alentejo wheat production has become unprofitable because of poor soils. However, rice, tomatoes, sunflower, and safflower seed and potatoes, as well as Portuguese wines, have competed well under the CAP system.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Agriculture

  • 122 Economy

       Portugal's economy, under the influence of the European Economic Community (EEC), and later with the assistance of the European Union (EU), grew rapidly in 1985-86; through 1992, the average annual growth was 4-5 percent. While such growth rates did not last into the late 1990s, portions of Portugal's society achieved unprecedented prosperity, although poverty remained entrenched. It is important, however, to place this current growth, which includes some not altogether desirable developments, in historical perspective. On at least three occasions in this century, Portugal's economy has experienced severe dislocation and instability: during the turbulent First Republic (1911-25); during the Estado Novo, when the world Depression came into play (1930-39); and during the aftermath of the Revolution of 25 April, 1974. At other periods, and even during the Estado Novo, there were eras of relatively steady growth and development, despite the fact that Portugal's weak economy lagged behind industrialized Western Europe's economies, perhaps more than Prime Minister Antônio de Oliveira Salazar wished to admit to the public or to foreigners.
       For a number of reasons, Portugal's backward economy underwent considerable growth and development following the beginning of the colonial wars in Africa in early 1961. Recent research findings suggest that, contrary to the "stagnation thesis" that states that the Estado Novo economy during the last 14 years of its existence experienced little or no growth, there were important changes, policy shifts, structural evolution, and impressive growth rates. In fact, the average annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate (1961-74) was about 7 percent. The war in Africa was one significant factor in the post-1961 economic changes. The new costs of finance and spending on the military and police actions in the African and Asian empires in 1961 and thereafter forced changes in economic policy.
       Starting in 1963-64, the relatively closed economy was opened up to foreign investment, and Lisbon began to use deficit financing and more borrowing at home and abroad. Increased foreign investment, residence, and technical and military assistance also had effects on economic growth and development. Salazar's government moved toward greater trade and integration with various international bodies by signing agreements with the European Free Trade Association and several international finance groups. New multinational corporations began to operate in the country, along with foreign-based banks. Meanwhile, foreign tourism increased massively from the early 1960s on, and the tourism industry experienced unprecedented expansion. By 1973-74, Portugal received more than 8 million tourists annually for the first time.
       Under Prime Minister Marcello Caetano, other important economic changes occurred. High annual economic growth rates continued until the world energy crisis inflation and a recession hit Portugal in 1973. Caetano's system, through new development plans, modernized aspects of the agricultural, industrial, and service sectors and linked reform in education with plans for social change. It also introduced cadres of forward-looking technocrats at various levels. The general motto of Caetano's version of the Estado Novo was "Evolution with Continuity," but he was unable to solve the key problems, which were more political and social than economic. As the boom period went "bust" in 1973-74, and growth slowed greatly, it became clear that Caetano and his governing circle had no way out of the African wars and could find no easy compromise solution to the need to democratize Portugal's restive society. The economic background of the Revolution of 25 April 1974 was a severe energy shortage caused by the world energy crisis and Arab oil boycott, as well as high general inflation, increasing debts from the African wars, and a weakening currency. While the regime prescribed greater Portuguese investment in Africa, in fact Portuguese businesses were increasingly investing outside of the escudo area in Western Europe and the United States.
       During the two years of political and social turmoil following the Revolution of 25 April 1974, the economy weakened. Production, income, reserves, and annual growth fell drastically during 1974-76. Amidst labor-management conflict, there was a burst of strikes, and income and productivity plummeted. Ironically, one factor that cushioned the economic impact of the revolution was the significant gold reserve supply that the Estado Novo had accumulated, principally during Salazar's years. Another factor was emigration from Portugal and the former colonies in Africa, which to a degree reduced pressures for employment. The sudden infusion of more than 600,000 refugees from Africa did increase the unemployment rate, which in 1975 was 10-15 percent. But, by 1990, the unemployment rate was down to about 5-6 percent.
       After 1985, Portugal's economy experienced high growth rates again, which averaged 4-5 percent through 1992. Substantial economic assistance from the EEC and individual countries such as the United States, as well as the political stability and administrative continuity that derived from majority Social Democratic Party (PSD) governments starting in mid-1987, supported new growth and development in the EEC's second poorest country. With rapid infrastruc-tural change and some unregulated development, Portugal's leaders harbored a justifiable concern that a fragile environment and ecology were under new, unacceptable pressures. Among other improvements in the standard of living since 1974 was an increase in per capita income. By 1991, the average minimum monthly wage was about 40,000 escudos, and per capita income was about $5,000 per annum. By the end of the 20th century, despite continuing poverty at several levels in Portugal, Portugal's economy had made significant progress. In the space of 15 years, Portugal had halved the large gap in living standards between itself and the remainder of the EU. For example, when Portugal joined the EU in 1986, its GDP, in terms of purchasing power-parity, was only 53 percent of the EU average. By 2000, Portugal's GDP had reached 75 percent of the EU average, a considerable achievement. Whether Portugal could narrow this gap even further in a reasonable amount of time remained a sensitive question in Lisbon. Besides structural poverty and the fact that, in 2006, the EU largesse in structural funds (loans and grants) virtually ceased, a major challenge for Portugal's economy will be to reduce the size of the public sector (about 50 percent of GDP is in the central government) to increase productivity, attract outside investment, and diversify the economy. For Portugal's economic planners, the 21st century promises to be challenging.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Economy

  • 123 модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

    1. modular data center


    модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    [ http://loosebolts.wordpress.com/2008/12/02/our-vision-for-generation-4-modular-data-centers-one-way-of-getting-it-just-right/]

    [ http://dcnt.ru/?p=9299#more-9299]

    Data Centers are a hot topic these days. No matter where you look, this once obscure aspect of infrastructure is getting a lot of attention. For years, there have been cost pressures on IT operations and this, when the need for modern capacity is greater than ever, has thrust data centers into the spotlight. Server and rack density continues to rise, placing DC professionals and businesses in tighter and tougher situations while they struggle to manage their IT environments. And now hyper-scale cloud infrastructure is taking traditional technologies to limits never explored before and focusing the imagination of the IT industry on new possibilities.

    В настоящее время центры обработки данных являются широко обсуждаемой темой. Куда ни посмотришь, этот некогда малоизвестный аспект инфраструктуры привлекает все больше внимания. Годами ИТ-отделы испытывали нехватку средств и это выдвинуло ЦОДы в центр внимания, в то время, когда необходимость в современных ЦОДах стала как никогда высокой. Плотность серверов и стоек продолжают расти, все больше усложняя ситуацию для специалистов в области охлаждения и организаций в их попытках управлять своими ИТ-средами. И теперь гипермасштабируемая облачная инфраструктура подвергает традиционные технологии невиданным ранее нагрузкам, и заставляет ИТ-индустрию искать новые возможности.

    At Microsoft, we have focused a lot of thought and research around how to best operate and maintain our global infrastructure and we want to share those learnings. While obviously there are some aspects that we keep to ourselves, we have shared how we operate facilities daily, our technologies and methodologies, and, most importantly, how we monitor and manage our facilities. Whether it’s speaking at industry events, inviting customers to our “Microsoft data center conferences” held in our data centers, or through other media like blogging and white papers, we believe sharing best practices is paramount and will drive the industry forward. So in that vein, we have some interesting news to share.

    В компании MicroSoft уделяют большое внимание изучению наилучших методов эксплуатации и технического обслуживания своей глобальной инфраструктуры и делятся результатами своих исследований. И хотя мы, конечно, не раскрываем некоторые аспекты своих исследований, мы делимся повседневным опытом эксплуатации дата-центров, своими технологиями и методологиями и, что важнее всего, методами контроля и управления своими объектами. Будь то доклады на отраслевых событиях, приглашение клиентов на наши конференции, которые посвящены центрам обработки данных MicroSoft, и проводятся в этих самых дата-центрах, или использование других средств, например, блоги и спецификации, мы уверены, что обмен передовым опытом имеет первостепенное значение и будет продвигать отрасль вперед.

    Today we are sharing our Generation 4 Modular Data Center plan. This is our vision and will be the foundation of our cloud data center infrastructure in the next five years. We believe it is one of the most revolutionary changes to happen to data centers in the last 30 years. Joining me, in writing this blog are Daniel Costello, my director of Data Center Research and Engineering and Christian Belady, principal power and cooling architect. I feel their voices will add significant value to driving understanding around the many benefits included in this new design paradigm.

    Сейчас мы хотим поделиться своим планом модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения. Это наше видение и оно будет основанием для инфраструктуры наших облачных дата-центров в ближайшие пять лет. Мы считаем, что это одно из самых революционных изменений в дата-центрах за последние 30 лет. Вместе со мной в написании этого блога участвовали Дэниел Костелло, директор по исследованиям и инжинирингу дата-центров, и Кристиан Белади, главный архитектор систем энергоснабжения и охлаждения. Мне кажется, что их авторитет придаст больше веса большому количеству преимуществ, включенных в эту новую парадигму проектирования.

    Our “Gen 4” modular data centers will take the flexibility of containerized servers—like those in our Chicago data center—and apply it across the entire facility. So what do we mean by modular? Think of it like “building blocks”, where the data center will be composed of modular units of prefabricated mechanical, electrical, security components, etc., in addition to containerized servers.

    Was there a key driver for the Generation 4 Data Center?

    Наши модульные дата-центры “Gen 4” будут гибкими с контейнерами серверов – как серверы в нашем чикагском дата-центре. И гибкость будет применяться ко всему ЦОД. Итак, что мы подразумеваем под модульностью? Мы думаем о ней как о “строительных блоках”, где дата-центр будет состоять из модульных блоков изготовленных в заводских условиях электрических систем и систем охлаждения, а также систем безопасности и т.п., в дополнение к контейнеризованным серверам.
    Был ли ключевой стимул для разработки дата-центра четвертого поколения?

    If we were to summarize the promise of our Gen 4 design into a single sentence it would be something like this: “A highly modular, scalable, efficient, just-in-time data center capacity program that can be delivered anywhere in the world very quickly and cheaply, while allowing for continued growth as required.” Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, keep in mind that these concepts have been in initial development and prototyping for over a year and are based on cumulative knowledge of previous facility generations and the advances we have made since we began our investments in earnest on this new design.

    Если бы нам нужно было обобщить достоинства нашего проекта Gen 4 в одном предложении, это выглядело бы следующим образом: “Центр обработки данных с высоким уровнем модульности, расширяемости, и энергетической эффективности, а также возможностью постоянного расширения, в случае необходимости, который можно очень быстро и дешево развертывать в любом месте мира”. Звучит слишком хорошо для того чтобы быть правдой, не так ли? Ну, не забывайте, что эти концепции находились в процессе начальной разработки и создания опытного образца в течение более одного года и основываются на опыте, накопленном в ходе развития предыдущих поколений ЦОД, а также успехах, сделанных нами со времени, когда мы начали вкладывать серьезные средства в этот новый проект.

    One of the biggest challenges we’ve had at Microsoft is something Mike likes to call the ‘Goldilock’s Problem’. In a nutshell, the problem can be stated as:

    The worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is not have enough capacity online, thus limiting the growth of our products and services.

    Одну из самых больших проблем, с которыми приходилось сталкиваться Майкрософт, Майк любит называть ‘Проблемой Лютика’. Вкратце, эту проблему можно выразить следующим образом:

    Самое худшее, что может быть при строительстве ЦОД для бизнеса, это не располагать достаточными производственными мощностями, и тем самым ограничивать рост наших продуктов и сервисов.

    The second worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is to have too much capacity online.

    А вторым самым худшим моментом в этой сфере может слишком большое количество производственных мощностей.

    This has led to a focus on smart, intelligent growth for the business — refining our overall demand picture. It can’t be too hot. It can’t be too cold. It has to be ‘Just Right!’ The capital dollars of investment are too large to make without long term planning. As we struggled to master these interesting challenges, we had to ensure that our technological plan also included solutions for the business and operational challenges we faced as well.
    So let’s take a high level look at our Generation 4 design

    Это заставило нас сосредоточиваться на интеллектуальном росте для бизнеса — refining our overall demand picture. Это не должно быть слишком горячим. И это не должно быть слишком холодным. Это должно быть ‘как раз, таким как надо!’ Нельзя делать такие большие капиталовложения без долгосрочного планирования. Пока мы старались решить эти интересные проблемы, мы должны были гарантировать, что наш технологический план будет также включать решения для коммерческих и эксплуатационных проблем, с которыми нам также приходилось сталкиваться.
    Давайте рассмотрим наш проект дата-центра четвертого поколения

    Are you ready for some great visuals? Check out this video at Soapbox. Click here for the Microsoft 4th Gen Video.

    It’s a concept video that came out of my Data Center Research and Engineering team, under Daniel Costello, that will give you a view into what we think is the future.

    From a configuration, construct-ability and time to market perspective, our primary goals and objectives are to modularize the whole data center. Not just the server side (like the Chicago facility), but the mechanical and electrical space as well. This means using the same kind of parts in pre-manufactured modules, the ability to use containers, skids, or rack-based deployments and the ability to tailor the Redundancy and Reliability requirements to the application at a very specific level.

    Посмотрите это видео, перейдите по ссылке для просмотра видео о Microsoft 4th Gen:

    Это концептуальное видео, созданное командой отдела Data Center Research and Engineering, возглавляемого Дэниелом Костелло, которое даст вам наше представление о будущем.

    С точки зрения конфигурации, строительной технологичности и времени вывода на рынок, нашими главными целями и задачами агрегатирование всего дата-центра. Не только серверную часть, как дата-центр в Чикаго, но также системы охлаждения и электрические системы. Это означает применение деталей одного типа в сборных модулях, возможность использования контейнеров, салазок, или стоечных систем, а также возможность подстраивать требования избыточности и надежности для данного приложения на очень специфичном уровне.

    Our goals from a cost perspective were simple in concept but tough to deliver. First and foremost, we had to reduce the capital cost per critical Mega Watt by the class of use. Some applications can run with N-level redundancy in the infrastructure, others require a little more infrastructure for support. These different classes of infrastructure requirements meant that optimizing for all cost classes was paramount. At Microsoft, we are not a one trick pony and have many Online products and services (240+) that require different levels of operational support. We understand that and ensured that we addressed it in our design which will allow us to reduce capital costs by 20%-40% or greater depending upon class.

    Нашими целями в области затрат были концептуально простыми, но трудно реализуемыми. В первую очередь мы должны были снизить капитальные затраты в пересчете на один мегаватт, в зависимости от класса резервирования. Некоторые приложения могут вполне работать на базе инфраструктуры с резервированием на уровне N, то есть без резервирования, а для работы других приложений требуется больше инфраструктуры. Эти разные классы требований инфраструктуры подразумевали, что оптимизация всех классов затрат имеет преобладающее значение. В Майкрософт мы не ограничиваемся одним решением и располагаем большим количеством интерактивных продуктов и сервисов (240+), которым требуются разные уровни эксплуатационной поддержки. Мы понимаем это, и учитываем это в своем проекте, который позволит нам сокращать капитальные затраты на 20%-40% или более в зависимости от класса.

    For example, non-critical or geo redundant applications have low hardware reliability requirements on a location basis. As a result, Gen 4 can be configured to provide stripped down, low-cost infrastructure with little or no redundancy and/or temperature control. Let’s say an Online service team decides that due to the dramatically lower cost, they will simply use uncontrolled outside air with temperatures ranging 10-35 C and 20-80% RH. The reality is we are already spec-ing this for all of our servers today and working with server vendors to broaden that range even further as Gen 4 becomes a reality. For this class of infrastructure, we eliminate generators, chillers, UPSs, and possibly lower costs relative to traditional infrastructure.

    Например, некритичные или гео-избыточные системы имеют низкие требования к аппаратной надежности на основе местоположения. В результате этого, Gen 4 можно конфигурировать для упрощенной, недорогой инфраструктуры с низким уровнем (или вообще без резервирования) резервирования и / или температурного контроля. Скажем, команда интерактивного сервиса решает, что, в связи с намного меньшими затратами, они будут просто использовать некондиционированный наружный воздух с температурой 10-35°C и влажностью 20-80% RH. В реальности мы уже сегодня предъявляем эти требования к своим серверам и работаем с поставщиками серверов над еще большим расширением диапазона температур, так как наш модуль и подход Gen 4 становится реальностью. Для подобного класса инфраструктуры мы удаляем генераторы, чиллеры, ИБП, и, возможно, будем предлагать более низкие затраты, по сравнению с традиционной инфраструктурой.

    Applications that demand higher level of redundancy or temperature control will use configurations of Gen 4 to meet those needs, however, they will also cost more (but still less than traditional data centers). We see this cost difference driving engineering behavioral change in that we predict more applications will drive towards Geo redundancy to lower costs.

    Системы, которым требуется более высокий уровень резервирования или температурного контроля, будут использовать конфигурации Gen 4, отвечающие этим требованиям, однако, они будут также стоить больше. Но все равно они будут стоить меньше, чем традиционные дата-центры. Мы предвидим, что эти различия в затратах будут вызывать изменения в методах инжиниринга, и по нашим прогнозам, это будет выражаться в переходе все большего числа систем на гео-избыточность и меньшие затраты.

    Another cool thing about Gen 4 is that it allows us to deploy capacity when our demand dictates it. Once finalized, we will no longer need to make large upfront investments. Imagine driving capital costs more closely in-line with actual demand, thus greatly reducing time-to-market and adding the capacity Online inherent in the design. Also reduced is the amount of construction labor required to put these “building blocks” together. Since the entire platform requires pre-manufacture of its core components, on-site construction costs are lowered. This allows us to maximize our return on invested capital.

    Еще одно достоинство Gen 4 состоит в том, что он позволяет нам разворачивать дополнительные мощности, когда нам это необходимо. Как только мы закончим проект, нам больше не нужно будет делать большие начальные капиталовложения. Представьте себе возможность более точного согласования капитальных затрат с реальными требованиями, и тем самым значительного снижения времени вывода на рынок и интерактивного добавления мощностей, предусматриваемого проектом. Также снижен объем строительных работ, требуемых для сборки этих “строительных блоков”. Поскольку вся платформа требует предварительного изготовления ее базовых компонентов, затраты на сборку также снижены. Это позволит нам увеличить до максимума окупаемость своих капиталовложений.
    Мы все подвергаем сомнению

    In our design process, we questioned everything. You may notice there is no roof and some might be uncomfortable with this. We explored the need of one and throughout our research we got some surprising (positive) results that showed one wasn’t needed.

    В своем процессе проектирования мы все подвергаем сомнению. Вы, наверное, обратили внимание на отсутствие крыши, и некоторым специалистам это могло не понравиться. Мы изучили необходимость в крыше и в ходе своих исследований получили удивительные результаты, которые показали, что крыша не нужна.
    Серийное производство дата центров

    In short, we are striving to bring Henry Ford’s Model T factory to the data center. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford#Model_T. Gen 4 will move data centers from a custom design and build model to a commoditized manufacturing approach. We intend to have our components built in factories and then assemble them in one location (the data center site) very quickly. Think about how a computer, car or plane is built today. Components are manufactured by different companies all over the world to a predefined spec and then integrated in one location based on demands and feature requirements. And just like Henry Ford’s assembly line drove the cost of building and the time-to-market down dramatically for the automobile industry, we expect Gen 4 to do the same for data centers. Everything will be pre-manufactured and assembled on the pad.

    Мы хотим применить модель автомобильной фабрики Генри Форда к дата-центру. Проект Gen 4 будет способствовать переходу от модели специализированного проектирования и строительства к товарно-производственному, серийному подходу. Мы намерены изготавливать свои компоненты на заводах, а затем очень быстро собирать их в одном месте, в месте строительства дата-центра. Подумайте о том, как сегодня изготавливается компьютер, автомобиль или самолет. Компоненты изготавливаются по заранее определенным спецификациям разными компаниями во всем мире, затем собираются в одном месте на основе спроса и требуемых характеристик. И точно так же как сборочный конвейер Генри Форда привел к значительному уменьшению затрат на производство и времени вывода на рынок в автомобильной промышленности, мы надеемся, что Gen 4 сделает то же самое для дата-центров. Все будет предварительно изготавливаться и собираться на месте.
    Невероятно энергоэффективный ЦОД

    And did we mention that this platform will be, overall, incredibly energy efficient? From a total energy perspective not only will we have remarkable PUE values, but the total cost of energy going into the facility will be greatly reduced as well. How much energy goes into making concrete? Will we need as much of it? How much energy goes into the fuel of the construction vehicles? This will also be greatly reduced! A key driver is our goal to achieve an average PUE at or below 1.125 by 2012 across our data centers. More than that, we are on a mission to reduce the overall amount of copper and water used in these facilities. We believe these will be the next areas of industry attention when and if the energy problem is solved. So we are asking today…“how can we build a data center with less building”?

    А мы упоминали, что эта платформа будет, в общем, невероятно энергоэффективной? С точки зрения общей энергии, мы получим не только поразительные значения PUE, но общая стоимость энергии, затраченной на объект будет также значительно снижена. Сколько энергии идет на производство бетона? Нам нужно будет столько энергии? Сколько энергии идет на питание инженерных строительных машин? Это тоже будет значительно снижено! Главным стимулом является достижение среднего PUE не больше 1.125 для всех наших дата-центров к 2012 году. Более того, у нас есть задача сокращения общего количества меди и воды в дата-центрах. Мы думаем, что эти задачи станут следующей заботой отрасли после того как будет решена энергетическая проблема. Итак, сегодня мы спрашиваем себя…“как можно построить дата-центр с меньшим объемом строительных работ”?
    Строительство дата центров без чиллеров

    We have talked openly and publicly about building chiller-less data centers and running our facilities using aggressive outside economization. Our sincerest hope is that Gen 4 will completely eliminate the use of water. Today’s data centers use massive amounts of water and we see water as the next scarce resource and have decided to take a proactive stance on making water conservation part of our plan.

    Мы открыто и публично говорили о строительстве дата-центров без чиллеров и активном использовании в наших центрах обработки данных технологий свободного охлаждения или фрикулинга. Мы искренне надеемся, что Gen 4 позволит полностью отказаться от использования воды. Современные дата-центры расходуют большие объемы воды и так как мы считаем воду следующим редким ресурсом, мы решили принять упреждающие меры и включить экономию воды в свой план.

    By sharing this with the industry, we believe everyone can benefit from our methodology. While this concept and approach may be intimidating (or downright frightening) to some in the industry, disclosure ultimately is better for all of us.

    Делясь этим опытом с отраслью, мы считаем, что каждый сможет извлечь выгоду из нашей методологией. Хотя эта концепция и подход могут показаться пугающими (или откровенно страшными) для некоторых отраслевых специалистов, раскрывая свои планы мы, в конечном счете, делаем лучше для всех нас.

    Gen 4 design (even more than just containers), could reduce the ‘religious’ debates in our industry. With the central spine infrastructure in place, containers or pre-manufactured server halls can be either AC or DC, air-side economized or water-side economized, or not economized at all (though the sanity of that might be questioned). Gen 4 will allow us to decommission, repair and upgrade quickly because everything is modular. No longer will we be governed by the initial decisions made when constructing the facility. We will have almost unlimited use and re-use of the facility and site. We will also be able to use power in an ultra-fluid fashion moving load from critical to non-critical as use and capacity requirements dictate.

    Проект Gen 4 позволит уменьшить ‘религиозные’ споры в нашей отрасли. Располагая базовой инфраструктурой, контейнеры или сборные серверные могут оборудоваться системами переменного или постоянного тока, воздушными или водяными экономайзерами, или вообще не использовать экономайзеры. Хотя можно подвергать сомнению разумность такого решения. Gen 4 позволит нам быстро выполнять работы по выводу из эксплуатации, ремонту и модернизации, поскольку все будет модульным. Мы больше не будем руководствоваться начальными решениями, принятыми во время строительства дата-центра. Мы сможем использовать этот дата-центр и инфраструктуру в течение почти неограниченного периода времени. Мы также сможем применять сверхгибкие методы использования электрической энергии, переводя оборудование в режимы критической или некритической нагрузки в соответствии с требуемой мощностью.
    Gen 4 – это стандартная платформа

    Finally, we believe this is a big game changer. Gen 4 will provide a standard platform that our industry can innovate around. For example, all modules in our Gen 4 will have common interfaces clearly defined by our specs and any vendor that meets these specifications will be able to plug into our infrastructure. Whether you are a computer vendor, UPS vendor, generator vendor, etc., you will be able to plug and play into our infrastructure. This means we can also source anyone, anywhere on the globe to minimize costs and maximize performance. We want to help motivate the industry to further innovate—with innovations from which everyone can reap the benefits.

    Наконец, мы уверены, что это будет фактором, который значительно изменит ситуацию. Gen 4 будет представлять собой стандартную платформу, которую отрасль сможет обновлять. Например, все модули в нашем Gen 4 будут иметь общепринятые интерфейсы, четко определяемые нашими спецификациями, и оборудование любого поставщика, которое отвечает этим спецификациям можно будет включать в нашу инфраструктуру. Независимо от того производите вы компьютеры, ИБП, генераторы и т.п., вы сможете включать свое оборудование нашу инфраструктуру. Это означает, что мы также сможем обеспечивать всех, в любом месте земного шара, тем самым сводя до минимума затраты и максимальной увеличивая производительность. Мы хотим создать в отрасли мотивацию для дальнейших инноваций – инноваций, от которых каждый сможет получать выгоду.
    Главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen4

    To summarize, the key characteristics of our Generation 4 data centers are:

    Plug-and-play spine infrastructure
    Factory pre-assembled: Pre-Assembled Containers (PACs) & Pre-Manufactured Buildings (PMBs)
    Rapid deployment
    Reduce TTM
    Reduced construction
    Sustainable measures

    Ниже приведены главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen 4:

    Готовая к использованию базовая инфраструктура;
    Изготовление в заводских условиях: сборные контейнеры (PAC) и сборные здания (PMB);
    Быстрота развертывания;
    Возможность демонтажа;
    Снижение времени вывода на рынок (TTM);
    Сокращение сроков строительства;

    Map applications to DC Class

    We hope you join us on this incredible journey of change and innovation!

    Long hours of research and engineering time are invested into this process. There are still some long days and nights ahead, but the vision is clear. Rest assured however, that we as refine Generation 4, the team will soon be looking to Generation 5 (even if it is a bit farther out). There is always room to get better.

    Использование систем электропитания постоянного тока.

    Мы надеемся, что вы присоединитесь к нам в этом невероятном путешествии по миру изменений и инноваций!

    На этот проект уже потрачены долгие часы исследований и проектирования. И еще предстоит потратить много дней и ночей, но мы имеем четкое представление о конечной цели. Однако будьте уверены, что как только мы доведем до конца проект модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения, мы вскоре начнем думать о проекте дата-центра пятого поколения. Всегда есть возможность для улучшений.

    So if you happen to come across Goldilocks in the forest, and you are curious as to why she is smiling you will know that she feels very good about getting very close to ‘JUST RIGHT’.

    Generations of Evolution – some background on our data center designs

    Так что, если вы встретите в лесу девочку по имени Лютик, и вам станет любопытно, почему она улыбается, вы будете знать, что она очень довольна тем, что очень близко подошла к ‘ОПИМАЛЬНОМУ РЕШЕНИЮ’.
    Поколения эволюции – история развития наших дата-центров

    We thought you might be interested in understanding what happened in the first three generations of our data center designs. When Ray Ozzie wrote his Software plus Services memo it posed a very interesting challenge to us. The winds of change were at ‘tornado’ proportions. That “plus Services” tag had some significant (and unstated) challenges inherent to it. The first was that Microsoft was going to evolve even further into an operations company. While we had been running large scale Internet services since 1995, this development lead us to an entirely new level. Additionally, these “services” would span across both Internet and Enterprise businesses. To those of you who have to operate “stuff”, you know that these are two very different worlds in operational models and challenges. It also meant that, to achieve the same level of reliability and performance required our infrastructure was going to have to scale globally and in a significant way.

    Мы подумали, что может быть вам будет интересно узнать историю первых трех поколений наших центров обработки данных. Когда Рэй Оззи написал свою памятную записку Software plus Services, он поставил перед нами очень интересную задачу. Ветра перемен двигались с ураганной скоростью. Это окончание “plus Services” скрывало в себе какие-то значительные и неопределенные задачи. Первая заключалась в том, что Майкрософт собиралась в еще большей степени стать операционной компанией. Несмотря на то, что мы управляли большими интернет-сервисами, начиная с 1995 г., эта разработка подняла нас на абсолютно новый уровень. Кроме того, эти “сервисы” охватывали интернет-компании и корпорации. Тем, кому приходится всем этим управлять, известно, что есть два очень разных мира в области операционных моделей и задач. Это также означало, что для достижения такого же уровня надежности и производительности требовалось, чтобы наша инфраструктура располагала значительными возможностями расширения в глобальных масштабах.

    It was that intense atmosphere of change that we first started re-evaluating data center technology and processes in general and our ideas began to reach farther than what was accepted by the industry at large. This was the era of Generation 1. As we look at where most of the world’s data centers are today (and where our facilities were), it represented all the known learning and design requirements that had been in place since IBM built the first purpose-built computer room. These facilities focused more around uptime, reliability and redundancy. Big infrastructure was held accountable to solve all potential environmental shortfalls. This is where the majority of infrastructure in the industry still is today.

    Именно в этой атмосфере серьезных изменений мы впервые начали переоценку ЦОД-технологий и технологий вообще, и наши идеи начали выходить за пределы общепринятых в отрасли представлений. Это была эпоха ЦОД первого поколения. Когда мы узнали, где сегодня располагается большинство мировых дата-центров и где находятся наши предприятия, это представляло весь опыт и навыки проектирования, накопленные со времени, когда IBM построила первую серверную. В этих ЦОД больше внимания уделялось бесперебойной работе, надежности и резервированию. Большая инфраструктура была призвана решать все потенциальные экологические проблемы. Сегодня большая часть инфраструктуры все еще находится на этом этапе своего развития.

    We soon realized that traditional data centers were quickly becoming outdated. They were not keeping up with the demands of what was happening technologically and environmentally. That’s when we kicked off our Generation 2 design. Gen 2 facilities started taking into account sustainability, energy efficiency, and really looking at the total cost of energy and operations.

    Очень быстро мы поняли, что стандартные дата-центры очень быстро становятся устаревшими. Они не поспевали за темпами изменений технологических и экологических требований. Именно тогда мы стали разрабатывать ЦОД второго поколения. В этих дата-центрах Gen 2 стали принимать во внимание такие факторы как устойчивое развитие, энергетическая эффективность, а также общие энергетические и эксплуатационные.

    No longer did we view data centers just for the upfront capital costs, but we took a hard look at the facility over the course of its life. Our Quincy, Washington and San Antonio, Texas facilities are examples of our Gen 2 data centers where we explored and implemented new ways to lessen the impact on the environment. These facilities are considered two leading industry examples, based on their energy efficiency and ability to run and operate at new levels of scale and performance by leveraging clean hydro power (Quincy) and recycled waste water (San Antonio) to cool the facility during peak cooling months.

    Мы больше не рассматривали дата-центры только с точки зрения начальных капитальных затрат, а внимательно следили за работой ЦОД на протяжении его срока службы. Наши объекты в Куинси, Вашингтоне, и Сан-Антонио, Техас, являются образцами наших ЦОД второго поколения, в которых мы изучали и применяли на практике новые способы снижения воздействия на окружающую среду. Эти объекты считаются двумя ведущими отраслевыми примерами, исходя из их энергетической эффективности и способности работать на новых уровнях производительности, основанных на использовании чистой энергии воды (Куинси) и рециклирования отработанной воды (Сан-Антонио) для охлаждения объекта в самых жарких месяцах.

    As we were delivering our Gen 2 facilities into steel and concrete, our Generation 3 facilities were rapidly driving the evolution of the program. The key concepts for our Gen 3 design are increased modularity and greater concentration around energy efficiency and scale. The Gen 3 facility will be best represented by the Chicago, Illinois facility currently under construction. This facility will seem very foreign compared to the traditional data center concepts most of the industry is comfortable with. In fact, if you ever sit around in our container hanger in Chicago it will look incredibly different from a traditional raised-floor data center. We anticipate this modularization will drive huge efficiencies in terms of cost and operations for our business. We will also introduce significant changes in the environmental systems used to run our facilities. These concepts and processes (where applicable) will help us gain even greater efficiencies in our existing footprint, allowing us to further maximize infrastructure investments.

    Так как наши ЦОД второго поколения строились из стали и бетона, наши центры обработки данных третьего поколения начали их быстро вытеснять. Главными концептуальными особенностями ЦОД третьего поколения Gen 3 являются повышенная модульность и большее внимание к энергетической эффективности и масштабированию. Дата-центры третьего поколения лучше всего представлены объектом, который в настоящее время строится в Чикаго, Иллинойс. Этот ЦОД будет выглядеть очень необычно, по сравнению с общепринятыми в отрасли представлениями о дата-центре. Действительно, если вам когда-либо удастся побывать в нашем контейнерном ангаре в Чикаго, он покажется вам совершенно непохожим на обычный дата-центр с фальшполом. Мы предполагаем, что этот модульный подход будет способствовать значительному повышению эффективности нашего бизнеса в отношении затрат и операций. Мы также внесем существенные изменения в климатические системы, используемые в наших ЦОД. Эти концепции и технологии, если применимо, позволят нам добиться еще большей эффективности наших существующих дата-центров, и тем самым еще больше увеличивать капиталовложения в инфраструктуру.

    This is definitely a journey, not a destination industry. In fact, our Generation 4 design has been under heavy engineering for viability and cost for over a year. While the demand of our commercial growth required us to make investments as we grew, we treated each step in the learning as a process for further innovation in data centers. The design for our future Gen 4 facilities enabled us to make visionary advances that addressed the challenges of building, running, and operating facilities all in one concerted effort.

    Это определенно путешествие, а не конечный пункт назначения. На самом деле, наш проект ЦОД четвертого поколения подвергался серьезным испытаниям на жизнеспособность и затраты на протяжении целого года. Хотя необходимость в коммерческом росте требовала от нас постоянных капиталовложений, мы рассматривали каждый этап своего развития как шаг к будущим инновациям в области дата-центров. Проект наших будущих ЦОД четвертого поколения Gen 4 позволил нам делать фантастические предположения, которые касались задач строительства, управления и эксплуатации объектов как единого упорядоченного процесса.




    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

  • 124 Arbeit

    Arbeit f 1. GEN task, work, workmanship; 2. PERS work, job, employment; 3. WIWI (AE) labor, (BE) labour aktiv nach Arbeit suchen PERS, SOZ actively looking for work (such as contacting employers or public or private employment agencies) an die Arbeit gehen PERS start work an der Arbeit sein PERS be at work Arbeit annehmen PERS take employment, take a job, accept a job Arbeit aufgeben PERS give up work Arbeit aufnehmen PERS take up employment, take up work, start a job Arbeit ausführen PERS carry out work, perform work Arbeit beginnen PERS start a job, start work, begin work Arbeit durchführen PERS carry out work, perform work Arbeit finden PERS find work, find employment, find a job Arbeit haben PERS have a job, be employed, be in work Arbeit muss sich lohnen POL, WIWI make work pay (strategischer Ansatz zur Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit) Arbeit nach Vorschrift machen PERS work to rule, go slow, (AE) work to contract Arbeit schaffen PERS create work Arbeit suchen PERS seek work, look for work, look for a job, seek a job Arbeit verrichten PERS do one’s work, carry out one’s work Arbeit wieder aufnehmen PERS, SOZ resume work, return to work Arbeiten auslagern GEN, PERS outsource, contract out Arbeiten nach außen vergeben GEN, PERS outsource, contract out, put out to contract auf Arbeit gehen PERS go to work bei der Arbeit fehlen PERS be off work der Arbeit abgeneigt GEN, PERS, MGT disinclined to work, work-shy (arbeitsscheu) die Arbeit antreten PERS report for work die Arbeit beenden 1. GEN finish work; 2. PERS cease work, stop working die Arbeit einstellen GEN finish work die Arbeit im Griff haben PERS be on top of one’s job die Arbeit niederlegen PERS down tools, walk out gute Arbeit leisten PERS do a good job in der Arbeit sein PERS be at work in Arbeit bleiben PERS stay in employment, continue to work, remain in employment, stay in the job, remain in the job in Arbeit sein 1. GEN, IND, MGT be in process, be in progress; 2. PERS be employed in Arbeit verbleiben PERS stay in employment, stay in the job, remain in the job, continue to work, remain in employment in Arbeit vermitteln SOZ place in work, place people in work, place in jobs, place people in jobs jmdn. wieder in Arbeit bringen PERS bring sb back to work, get sb back into work mit Arbeit eingedeckt sein PERS (infrml) be up to one’s neck in work, have lots to do mit der Arbeit anfangen PERS begin work, begin to work, start work, start to work ohne Arbeit sein PERS be out of work, be without employment schlechte Arbeit leisten PERS do a bad job seine Arbeit verlieren PERS lose one’s work, lose one’s job sich an die Arbeit machen GEN get down to work sich seine Arbeit einteilen PERS organize one’s work, divide up one’s work von der Arbeit freistellen PERS release from work, give time off zur Arbeit gehen PERS go to work
    * * *
    f 1. < Geschäft> task, work, workmanship; 2. < Person> work, job, employment; 3. <Vw> labor (AE), labour (BE) ■ Arbeit annehmen < Person> take employment, take a job, accept a job ■ Arbeit aufgeben < Person> give up work ■ Arbeit aufnehmen < Person> take up employment, take up work, start a job ■ Arbeit beginnen < Person> start a job, start work, begin work ■ Arbeit finden < Person> find work, find employment ■ Arbeit haben < Person> have a job, be employed ■ Arbeit muss sich lohnen <Pol, Vw> strategischer Ansatz zur Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit make work pay ■ Arbeit suchen < Person> seek work, look for work, look for a job, seek a job ■ Arbeit wieder aufnehmen < Person> resume work, return to work ■ der Arbeit abgeneigt <Geschäft, Person, Mgmnt> arbeitsscheu disinclined to work, work-shy ■ die Arbeit beenden < Geschäft> finish work < Person> cease work, stop working ■ die Arbeit einstellen < Geschäft> finish work ■ die Arbeit im Griff haben < Person> be on top of one's job ■ die Arbeit niederlegen < Person> down tools, walk out ■ in Arbeit sein 1. <Geschäft, Ind, Mgmnt> be in process, be in progress; 2. < Person> be employed ■ in Arbeit vermitteln < Sozial> place in work, place people in work, place in jobs, place people in jobs ■ mit Arbeit eingedeckt sein < Person> be up to one's neck in work infrml, have lots to do ■ ohne Arbeit sein < Person> be out of work, be without employment ■ seine Arbeit verlieren < Person> lose one's work, lose one's job ■ sich an die Arbeit machen < Geschäft> get down to work ■ von der Arbeit freistellen < Person> release from work
    * * *
    work, labo(u)r, (Aufgabe) task, assignment, (Ausführung) workmanship, craftsmanship, handiwork, (Beschäftigung) employment, achievement, job, occupation, (Dienst) service, (Erzeugnis) product, make, (Geschäft) concern, business, (Leistung) performance, output, (Mühe) effort, trouble, pains, toil, exertion, (Stück) piece of work, job, (Tätigkeit) activity, operation;
    auf dem Weg zur Arbeit (Versicherungsrecht) on the way to business;
    bei der Arbeit on the job, at work;
    mit Arbeit überlastet overwhelmed with work;
    nach umfangreicher und harter Arbeit after much hard work;
    ohne Arbeit out of work;
    während der Arbeit in course of one’s employment;
    über Gemeinkosten abgerechnete Arbeit indirect labo(u)r;
    in der Qualität abweichende Arbeit spotty piece of work;
    auferlegte Arbeit task;
    wieder aufgenommene Arbeit return to plant;
    auserwählte Arbeit delicate workmanship;
    schlampig ausgeführte Arbeit slipshod (shoddy, ragged) [piece of] work;
    ausgezeichnete Arbeit excellent piece of work;
    in der Ausführung begriffene Arbeit work in progress;
    bequeme und lukrative Arbeit sweet job;
    bezahlte Arbeit paid work;
    im Akkord bezahlte Arbeit work at piece rates;
    schlecht bezahlte Arbeit badly paid (journeyman) work, tight job;
    nach Stunden (stundenweise) bezahlte Arbeit time work, work at time rates;
    untertariflich bezahlte Arbeit scab work;
    eigene Arbeit personal labo(u)r;
    in den Tarif einbezogene Arbeit bargain work;
    einträgliche Arbeit fat [job];
    entfremdete Arbeit alienation of labo(u)r;
    noch zu erledigende Arbeiten jobs awaiting attention;
    erstklassige Arbeit finest workmanship;
    fachmännische Arbeit professional job;
    fertig gestellte Arbeit [accomplished] work;
    freiwillige Arbeit labo(u)r of love;
    ganztägige Arbeit full-time job;
    geistige Arbeit brainwork, headwork;
    im Stücklohn geleistete Arbeit contract work;
    tatsächlich geleistete Arbeit hours worked;
    in Angriff genommene Arbeit job in hand;
    gewöhnliche Arbeit ordinary labo(u)r;
    gleichwertige Arbeit equal work;
    grenzüberschreitende Arbeit transnational work;
    harte Arbeit hard work;
    hervorragende Arbeit first-rate workmanship, excellent piece of work;
    hochwertige Arbeit high-class workmanship;
    kinderleichte Arbeit child’s play;
    körperliche Arbeit manual labo(u)r;
    langweilige Arbeit dry work, boring job, a chore (US);
    laufende Arbeit work in progress;
    liederliche Arbeit slipshod work;
    mechanische Arbeit unskilled labo(u)r, routine job;
    minderwertige Arbeit inferior workmanship;
    monotone Arbeit humdrum work;
    niedrige Arbeit menial work;
    öffentliche Arbeiten public works;
    Zeit raubende Arbeit time-consuming work;
    saisonbedingte Arbeit seasonality of work;
    schlampige Arbeit a lick and a promise (coll.), slipshod (shoddy, ragged) [piece of] work;
    schlechte Arbeit poor workmanship;
    schludrige Arbeit badly finished (rush, slovenly) work, slapdash, slopwork;
    schmutzige Arbeit dirty work;
    schweres Stück (schwierige) Arbeit tough job, difficult task;
    selbstständige Arbeit occupation of a professional nature;
    termingebundene Arbeit (Werbung) traffic;
    überflüssige Arbeit unnecessary labo(u)r;
    global übernommene Arbeit lump work;
    vertraglich übernommene Arbeit contract labo(u)r;
    unbezahlte Arbeit unremunerative work;
    unerledigte Arbeit unfinished work;
    ungelernte Arbeit common labo(u)r, manual (unskilled) work;
    unselbstständige Arbeit wagework, employment [work], (Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen) dependent personal service;
    vergütete Arbeit work against payment;
    vorausbezahlte Arbeit horse (sl.);
    vorbereitete Arbeit dead work;
    vordringliche Arbeit priority (key) job;
    ziemliche Arbeit lot of work;
    nicht zusagende Arbeit uncongenial job;
    mit dem Euro zusammenhängende Arbeit euro-related work;
    Arbeit im Akkord task wages (work), job work, piecework,
    Arbeit am laufenden Band work on the assembly line, serial production;
    Arbeit für den Fachmann skilled job;
    Arbeit von Führungskräften managerial work;
    Arbeit als landwirtschaftlicher Gehilfe farm labo(u)ring;
    Arbeit und Kapital Capital and Labo(u)r;
    Arbeit auf Prämienbasis work on the bonus system;
    Arbeit außerhalb der Saison off-season work;
    Arbeit in wechselnden Schichten split shift;
    Arbeit unter Tage underground work;
    Arbeit im Tagelohn daywork;
    Arbeit unter Tariflohn scab work;
    Arbeit mit geringer Verdienstspanne low-profit work;
    Arbeit nach Vorschrift go-slow (Br.), work-to-rule (Br.);
    Arbeit sparend labo(u)r-saving;
    Arbeit an einen Untergebenen abgeben to devolve work on a subordinate;
    j. bei einer Arbeit ablösen to give s. o. a spell;
    zur Arbeit anhalten to keep in harness;
    ganz in seiner Arbeit aufgehen to burn with love for one’s work;
    mit der Arbeit aufhören to knock off work;
    Arbeit wieder aufnehmen to go back to work,to fall to work again;
    Arbeit bei Fortsetzung der Lohnverhandlungen wieder aufnehmen to negotiate a return to work pending further talks;
    Arbeit aufteilen to divide up the work;
    Arbeit auf mehrere Leute aufteilen to break up a piece of work among several people;
    Arbeiten und Lieferungen ausschreiben to invite tenders;
    Arbeit aussetzen to stop working, to walk out (US);
    von der Arbeit befreien to release from working;
    bei der Ernte Arbeit bekommen to get a turn of work at the harvest;
    großen Teil der Arbeit hinter sich bringen to get through a lot of work;
    Arbeit einstellen to stop working, to knock off, (streiken) to lay down tools, to cease work, (kündigen) to quit work, (streiken) to turn out, to come out on strike, to walk out (US);
    Arbeit erledigen to manage a piece of work;
    seine Arbeit flüchtig erledigen to scurry through one’s work;
    Arbeit innerhalb einer Woche erledigen to finish a job within (inside of, US) a week;
    in Arbeit ersticken to be smothered with work;
    der Arbeit fernbleiben to absent o. s. from work;
    scharenweise der Arbeit fernbleiben to stay away from the assembly line in droves;
    während der Arbeit schnell etw. futtern to put on the nose bag (fam.);
    Auftrag in Arbeit geben to put an order in hand;
    an die Arbeit gehen to proceed to business;
    auf Arbeit gehen to go out (take) to work;
    ernsthaft an die Arbeit gehen to go roundly to work;
    seine Arbeit lieb gewinnen to reconcile o. s. to one’s work;
    neues Buch in Arbeit haben to have a new book on the stocks;
    keine Arbeit haben to be out of work (unemployed);
    Arbeit wieder aufgenommen haben to be back on the job;
    unerledigte Arbeit liegen haben to fall behind with one’s work;
    sein Äußerstes bei der Arbeit hergeben to work to the full at one’s task;
    durch seine Arbeit hinzulernen to learn on the job;
    von seiner Hände Arbeit leben to live by one’s hands (by the sweat of one’s brow), to be left to one’s purchase;
    ausgezeichnete Arbeit leisten to do a first-class job;
    bahnbrechende Arbeit leisten to do pioneer work;
    gute Arbeit leisten to give good service, to make a good job of it;
    schlechte Arbeit leisten to tinker;
    schludrige Arbeit leisten to scamp;
    Arbeit leiten to direct a job;
    im Rahmen einer Arbeit liegen to fall within the scope of a job;
    sich an die Arbeit machen to get (settle) down to work, to hitch up to a job (US), to get down to it, to roll up one’s sleeves;
    sich eifrig an die Arbeit machen to buckle down to work;
    sich selbst an die Arbeit machen to put one’s hand to the plough (plow, US);
    seiner täglichen Arbeit nachgehen to go about one’s usual work (business), to do one’s daily stint;
    seiner Arbeit im Ausland nachgehen to work on assignment abroad;
    seine Arbeit niederlegen to drop one’s work, to stay off one’s job, to down tools (Br.), to walk out (US);
    sehr nach Arbeit riechen to smell of the lamp (midnight oil);
    Arbeit sabotieren to make a bad job of s. th.;
    auf Arbeit sein to be out at work;
    in Arbeit sein to be in hand (process) of manufacture;
    mit ganzer Seele (ganzem Herzen) bei der Arbeit sein to have one’s heart in (lend one’s soul to) one’s work;
    an selbstständige Arbeit gewöhnt sein to be accustomed to working independently;
    Arbeit sparend sein (Maschinen) to be real labo(u)r savers;
    mit seiner Arbeit im Rückstand sein to be behind (in arrears) with one’s work;
    bei jem. in Lohn und Arbeit stehen to be in s. one’s employ;
    Arbeit fertig stellen to finish off a job;
    sich in die Arbeit stürzen to plunge into business;
    Arbeit suchen to look for (seek) a job, to seek work (employment);
    bei der Arbeit trödeln to slack at one’s job;
    Arbeit übernehmen to [under]take a job;
    zusätzliche Arbeiten übernehmen to take on extra work;
    Arbeit im Akkord vergeben to let out a job of work on contract;
    Arbeiten und Lieferungen vergeben to let out a work in contract, to give on contract;
    seine Arbeit vernachlässigen to be negligent in one’s work;
    Arbeit verpfuschen to butcher a job;
    allerlei Arbeiten verrichten to do odd jobs;
    Arbeit seiner Angestellten verrichten to keep a dog and bark o. s.;
    Arbeit verschaffen to procure labo(u)r;
    jem. Arbeit verschaffen to find s. o. work;
    Arbeit vollenden to execute a job of work;
    mit niedrigen Arbeiten beschäftigt werden to be employed at a lower status;
    mit seiner Arbeit fertig werden to get through one’s work;
    Material für eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit zusammenstellen to collect material for a scientific work.
    scheuen, Arbeit
    to shirk one’s share of work;
    keine Kosten scheuen to spare no expense.
    verrichten, Arbeit
    to operate;
    Gelegenheitsarbeiten verrichten to char.

    Business german-english dictionary > Arbeit

  • 125 Arbeitsteilig

    1. adj
    based on the division of labour (Brit) or labor (US)
    2. adv
    on the principle of the division of labour (Brit) or labor (US)
    * * *
    I. adj based on job-sharing [or the division of labour
    II. adv
    sie sind \arbeitsteilig beschäftigt they work under the principle of job-sharing
    * * *
    Adjektiv <society, mode of production, etc.> based on the division of labour
    * * *
    Adjektiv <society, mode of production, etc.> based on the division of labour

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Arbeitsteilig

  • 126 abogado

    f. & m.
    1 lawyer, attorney, attorney-at-law, advocate.
    2 public attorney, solicitor.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: abogar.
    * * *
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 lawyer, solicitor (tribunal supremo) barrister
    2 figurado advocate, champion
    ejercer de abogado to practise law, be a lawyer
    abogado de oficio legal -aid lawyer
    abogado defensor counsel for the defense
    abogado del diablo devil's advocate
    abogado del Estado public prosecutor, US attorney general
    abogado laborista union lawyer
    * * *
    (f. - abogada)
    lawyer, attorney
    * * *
    abogado, -a
    SM / F
    1) lawyer, attorney(-at-law) (EEUU)

    ejercer de abogadoto practise o (EEUU) practice law

    recibirse de abogado esp LAm to qualify as a lawyer

    abogado/a auxiliar — Méx junior lawyer

    abogado/a criminalista — criminal lawyer

    abogado/a defensor(a) — defending counsel

    abogado/a del Estado — public prosecutor, attorney general (EEUU)

    abogado/a de oficio — court-appointed counsel, duty solicitor, public defender (EEUU)

    abogado/a de secano — barrack-room lawyer

    abogado/a laboralista — labour lawyer, labor lawyer (EEUU)

    abogado/a matrimonialista — divorce lawyer

    abogado/a penalista — Méx criminal lawyer

    2) (=defensor, partidario) champion, advocate
    * * *
    - da masculino, femenino ( en general) lawyer, solicitor ( in UK); ( ante un tribunal superior) attorney ( in US), barrister ( in UK)
    * * *
    = attorney, lawyer, prosecutor, barrister-at-law, barrister, trial lawyer.
    Ex. For example, an unwed woman who fears she is pregnant may have appointments made with an attorney in a legal assistance society and conselors in abortion clinics or maternity homes.
    Ex. Conceived initially to demonstrate a potential tool to assist lawyers in adjudicatory proceedings, the system appears to have potential for addressing a broad spectrum of record management requirements.
    Ex. This article discusses one case that illustrates how even well trained federal prosecutors can grow confused about how to apply the intellectual property law.
    Ex. A barrister-at-law Barry quickly adjusted himself to the particular problems of the library profession.
    Ex. An MP, a barrister, and a financial consultant present the case for charging Value Added Tax (VAT) on books.
    Ex. All this deterioration has been to complicate and thereby fatten the pockets of trial lawyers in collusion with our judges.
    * abogado civil = civilian lawyer, people's lawyer.
    * abogado defensor = defence attorney [defense attorney, -USA].
    * abogado de la corona = Queen's Counsel (QC).
    * abogado del diablo = devil's advocate.
    * abogado del estado = Queen's Counsel (QC).
    * abogado de oficio = legal aid.
    * abogado especializado en divorcios = divorce lawyer.
    * abogado fiscal = prosecuting attorney, district attorney, district counsel.
    * abogado general = advocate-general.
    * abogado matrimonialista = divorce lawyer.
    * abogado procurador = solicitor.
    * abogado que asesora a los presos = jailhouse lawyer.
    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster, shark lawyer.
    * ayudante de abogado = paralegal [para-legal].
    * bufete de abogados = law centre, law firm, law office.
    * Colegio de Abogados = Law Society.
    * despacho de abogados = law centre, law office.
    * firma de abogados = legal assistance society, law firm.
    * jerga de los abogados = legalease.
    * * *
    - da masculino, femenino ( en general) lawyer, solicitor ( in UK); ( ante un tribunal superior) attorney ( in US), barrister ( in UK)
    * * *
    = attorney, lawyer, prosecutor, barrister-at-law, barrister, trial lawyer.

    Ex: For example, an unwed woman who fears she is pregnant may have appointments made with an attorney in a legal assistance society and conselors in abortion clinics or maternity homes.

    Ex: Conceived initially to demonstrate a potential tool to assist lawyers in adjudicatory proceedings, the system appears to have potential for addressing a broad spectrum of record management requirements.
    Ex: This article discusses one case that illustrates how even well trained federal prosecutors can grow confused about how to apply the intellectual property law.
    Ex: A barrister-at-law Barry quickly adjusted himself to the particular problems of the library profession.
    Ex: An MP, a barrister, and a financial consultant present the case for charging Value Added Tax (VAT) on books.
    Ex: All this deterioration has been to complicate and thereby fatten the pockets of trial lawyers in collusion with our judges.
    * abogado civil = civilian lawyer, people's lawyer.
    * abogado defensor = defence attorney [defense attorney, -USA].
    * abogado de la corona = Queen's Counsel (QC).
    * abogado del diablo = devil's advocate.
    * abogado del estado = Queen's Counsel (QC).
    * abogado de oficio = legal aid.
    * abogado especializado en divorcios = divorce lawyer.
    * abogado fiscal = prosecuting attorney, district attorney, district counsel.
    * abogado general = advocate-general.
    * abogado matrimonialista = divorce lawyer.
    * abogado procurador = solicitor.
    * abogado que asesora a los presos = jailhouse lawyer.
    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster, shark lawyer.
    * ayudante de abogado = paralegal [para-legal].
    * bufete de abogados = law centre, law firm, law office.
    * Colegio de Abogados = Law Society.
    * despacho de abogados = law centre, law office.
    * firma de abogados = legal assistance society, law firm.
    * jerga de los abogados = legalease.

    * * *
    abogado -da
    masculine, feminine
    (en general) lawyer, solicitor ( BrE); (ante un tribunal superior) attorney ( AmE), barrister ( BrE)
    no necesito abogados, yo me sé defender ( fam); I don't need anyone to defend me, I can stand up for myself
    abogado criminalista, abogada criminalista
    masculine, feminine criminal lawyer
    abogado defensor, abogada defensora
    masculine, feminine defense lawyer ( AmE), defence counsel ( BrE), counsel for the defence ( BrE)
    masculine devil's advocate
    abogado de oficio, abogada de oficio
    masculine, feminine lawyer provided under the legal aid scheme, public defender ( AmE)
    abogado general, abogada general
    (UE) masculine, feminine advocate general
    abogado del estado, abogada del estado
    masculine, feminine ≈ district attorney ( AmE); ≈ public prosecutor ( BrE)
    abogado laboralista, abogada laboralista
    masculine, feminine labor* lawyer ( AmE), employment lawyer
    abogado matrimonialista, abogada matrimonialista
    masculine, feminine divorce lawyer
    abogado penalista, abogada penalista
    masculine, feminine criminal lawyer
    abogado procesalista, abogada procesalista
    masculine, feminine lawyer in a court of first instance, trial lawyer ( AmE)
    * * *


    Del verbo abogar: ( conjugate abogar)

    abogado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da sustantivo masculino, femenino ( en general) lawyer, solicitor ( in UK);

    ( ante un tribunal superior) attorney ( in US), barrister ( in UK);

    abogado del diablo devil's advocate
    abogado,-a sustantivo masculino y femenino lawyer, solicitor, US attorney, US counsellor
    (en tribunal supremo) barrister
    abogado criminalista, criminal lawyer
    abogado de oficio, legal aid lawyer
    abogado del diablo, Devil's advocate
    abogado del Estado, public prosecutor
    abogado defensor, counsel for the defense
    abogado laboralista, union lawyer
    El término general es lawyer. Un solicitor prepara documentos legales, representa a su cliente en los tribunales inferiores y ayuda al barrister, quien representa a su cliente en los tribunales superiores. En algunos Estados de EE. UU. se emplea la palabra attorney y en otros counsellor, aunque las dos significan lo mismo: lawyer, abogado.
    abogar verbo transitivo to plead
    abogar en favor de, to plead for, defend
    abogar por una causa, to advocate o champion sthg

    ' abogado' also found in these entries:
    - bufete
    - criminalista
    - defensor
    - defensora
    - diablo
    - estado
    - estudiar
    - laboralista
    - letrada
    - letrado
    - minuta
    - monta
    - notaria
    - notario
    - oficio
    - casar
    - cliente
    - clientela
    - consultorio
    - ejercer
    - licenciado
    - patrocinar
    - preciarse
    - procurador
    - qué
    - advocate
    - attorney
    - barrister
    - charge
    - client
    - contact
    - counsel
    - counsellor
    - counselor
    - cross-examine
    - dispose
    - draw up
    - lawyer
    - local
    - prosecution
    - see
    - service
    - solicitor
    - strike off
    - brief
    - from
    - legal
    - prosecutor
    * * *
    abogado, -a nm,f
    1. Der lawyer, US attorney
    abogado criminalista criminal lawyer;
    abogado defensor counsel for the defence;
    abogado del Estado public prosecutor;
    abogado de familia family lawyer;
    abogado laboralista labour lawyer;
    abogado matrimonialista divorce lawyer;
    abogado de oficio legal aid lawyer
    2. [intercesor] intermediary;
    [defensor] advocate;
    siempre ha sido un abogado de los pobres he has always stood up for the poor
    abogado del diablo devil's advocate;
    hacer de abogado del diablo to play devil's advocate
    * * *
    m, abogada f lawyer, Br
    solicitor; en tribunal superior attorney, Br
    no le faltaron abogados fig there were plenty of people who defended him
    * * *
    abogado, -da n
    : lawyer, attorney
    * * *
    1. (en general) lawyer / solicitor

    Spanish-English dictionary > abogado

  • 127 barato

    1 cheap, inexpensive, low in price, cheaply.
    2 bad-quality, bad-taste, tacky, brassy.
    cheaply, at a low price, low.
    * * *
    1 cheap
    1 cheaply, cheap
    1 cheaply, cheap
    * * *
    (f. - barata)
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=económico) cheap
    2) (=de mala calidad) [música, imitación] cheap; [novela] trashy
    3) (=indigno) [demagogia, electoralismo] cheap
    ADV cheap, cheaply
    SM (=mercadillo) street market
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) <vestido/restaurante/viaje> cheap, low-priced
    b) < periodismo> cheap; < música> commercial
    c) ( como adv) <costar/comprar>
    adverbio <comer/vivir> cheaply
    * * *
    = cheap [cheaper -comp., cheapest -sup.], low-cost, low-priced, lower-cost, pulp, inexpensively, on the cheap, cheapo, low-budget, no-frills, cut-price, cut-rate, a dime a dozen.
    Ex. These indexes are both cheap and quick to produce.
    Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS is designed to give fast efficient, and low-cost assistance to librarians.
    Ex. Permission has been granted to introduce a system of surveillance licensing for the purpose of monitoring imports of low-priced goods, such as clothing and footwear originating in non-EC countries.
    Ex. Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
    Ex. There are pulp detective novels and 'Simenon'; there are pulp Western films and 'High Noon'.
    Ex. This has enabled libraries to acquire materials more quickly and almost as inexpensively as in the past.
    Ex. The author provides a selected list of Internet sites covering various aspects of travel and tourism such as accommodation, restaurants, entertainment, travelling abroad, and touring on the cheap.
    Ex. I just put the DVD in my cheapo DVD player connected to my TV and it played without a hitch.
    Ex. Lodge Kerrigan's 'Clean, Shaven' is a blistering piece of cinematic inventiveness and a young director's low-budget first feature.
    Ex. This is a good guide for independent travellers looking for cheap, no-frills intercity transport around the country.
    Ex. Turkey is heavily promoted by tour operators as an idyllic holiday destination, the cut-price alternative to Greece or Cyprus.
    Ex. Most of these cut-rate laptops include a one-year parts and labor warranty.
    Ex. The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.
    * alojamiento barato = budget accommodation.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * compañía aérea barata = low-cost airline.
    * de novela barata = novelettish.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * edición barata = trade paperback.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * escritura barata = hack writing.
    * hotel barato = budget hotel.
    * humor barato = cheap laughs.
    * literatura barata = pulp fiction.
    * lo barato = inexpensiveness.
    * novela barata = novelette.
    * oratoria barata = soapbox.
    * rollo barato = soapbox.
    * tarifa especial más barata = discount charge.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender más barato = undercut.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.
    * vuelo barato = budget flight.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) <vestido/restaurante/viaje> cheap, low-priced
    b) < periodismo> cheap; < música> commercial
    c) ( como adv) <costar/comprar>
    adverbio <comer/vivir> cheaply
    * * *
    = cheap [cheaper -comp., cheapest -sup.], low-cost, low-priced, lower-cost, pulp, inexpensively, on the cheap, cheapo, low-budget, no-frills, cut-price, cut-rate, a dime a dozen.

    Ex: These indexes are both cheap and quick to produce.

    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS is designed to give fast efficient, and low-cost assistance to librarians.
    Ex: Permission has been granted to introduce a system of surveillance licensing for the purpose of monitoring imports of low-priced goods, such as clothing and footwear originating in non-EC countries.
    Ex: Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
    Ex: There are pulp detective novels and 'Simenon'; there are pulp Western films and 'High Noon'.
    Ex: This has enabled libraries to acquire materials more quickly and almost as inexpensively as in the past.
    Ex: The author provides a selected list of Internet sites covering various aspects of travel and tourism such as accommodation, restaurants, entertainment, travelling abroad, and touring on the cheap.
    Ex: I just put the DVD in my cheapo DVD player connected to my TV and it played without a hitch.
    Ex: Lodge Kerrigan's 'Clean, Shaven' is a blistering piece of cinematic inventiveness and a young director's low-budget first feature.
    Ex: This is a good guide for independent travellers looking for cheap, no-frills intercity transport around the country.
    Ex: Turkey is heavily promoted by tour operators as an idyllic holiday destination, the cut-price alternative to Greece or Cyprus.
    Ex: Most of these cut-rate laptops include a one-year parts and labor warranty.
    Ex: The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.
    * alojamiento barato = budget accommodation.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * compañía aérea barata = low-cost airline.
    * de novela barata = novelettish.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * edición barata = trade paperback.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * escritura barata = hack writing.
    * hotel barato = budget hotel.
    * humor barato = cheap laughs.
    * literatura barata = pulp fiction.
    * lo barato = inexpensiveness.
    * novela barata = novelette.
    * oratoria barata = soapbox.
    * rollo barato = soapbox.
    * tarifa especial más barata = discount charge.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender más barato = undercut.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.
    * vuelo barato = budget flight.

    * * *
    barato1 -ta
    1 ‹vestido/restaurante/viaje› cheap
    lo barato sale caro if you buy cheaply, you pay dearly, cheap things work out expensive in the long run
    2 ‹periodismo› cheap; ‹música› commercial
    3 ( como adv) ‹costar/comprar›
    el viaje no costó tan barato como pensaba the trip wasn't as cheap as I thought it would be, the trip cost me more than I thought it would
    las compré baratísimas en una liquidación I got them really cheap in a clearance sale
    al final, el coche me salió baratísimo I got the car really cheap in the end
    ‹comer/vivir› cheaply
    en esa tienda venden muy barato things are very cheap in that shop
    se compra más barato en el mercado prices are lower o things are cheaper in the market, you can get things cheaper in the market
    ver tb barato1 adj 3. (↑ barato (1))
    * * *


    barato 1
    ◊ -ta adjetivo

    a)vestido/restaurante/viaje cheap, low-priced

    b) ( como adv) ‹costar/comprar cheap

    barato 2 adverbio ‹comer/vivir cheaply;

    I adjetivo cheap: necesito comprar un piso barato, I need to buy an inexpensive flat
    II adverbio cheaply: ¡hija mía, qué barato compras!, my dear, what a bargain!

    ' barato' also found in these entries:
    - barata
    - económica
    - económico
    - flete
    - más
    - obcecarse
    - salir
    - tirada
    - tirado
    - botado
    - regalado
    - regalar
    - resultar
    - cheap
    - cheaply
    - cut-rate
    - dirt-cheap
    - down-market
    - inexpensive
    - low-cost
    - popular
    - deal
    - downmarket
    - trashy
    - under
    - whichever
    * * *
    barato, -a
    1. [objeto] cheap;
    ser muy barato to be very cheap;
    los tomates están muy baratos tomatoes are very cheap at the moment;
    lo barato sale caro buying cheap is a false economy
    2. [sentimentalismo] cheap;
    [literatura] trashy;
    déjate de filosofía barata cut the half-baked philosophizing
    cheap, cheaply;
    me costó barato it was cheap, I got it cheap;
    vender algo barato to sell sth cheaply;
    en este bar se come muy barato you can eat very cheaply in this bar, the food's very cheap in this bar
    * * *
    adj cheap
    * * *
    barato adv
    : cheap, cheaply
    te lo vendo barato: I'll sell it to you cheap
    barato, -ta adj
    : cheap, inexpensive
    * * *
    barato1 adj cheap
    es bueno, bonito y barato it's nice, pretty and cheap
    barato2 adv cheaply

    Spanish-English dictionary > barato

  • 128 policía

    1 policeman, patrol man, cop, police officer.
    2 police, boys in blue, police department, police force.
    * * *
    1 police, police force
    1 (gen) police officer; (hombre) policeman; (mujer) policewoman
    policía judicial (cuerpo) judicial police
    policía militar (cuerpo) military police
    policía secreta (cuerpo) secret police
    * * *
    1. noun mf.
    policeman / policewoman
    2. noun f.
    * * *
    SMF policeman/policewoman, police officer

    policía de tránsito LAm traffic police

    policía informático/a — police officer specializing in computer crime

    policía local, policía municipal — local policeman/policewoman


    policía acostado Ven (Aut) * speed bump, sleeping policeman

    SF (=organización) police

    ¡llama a la policía! — call the police!

    Cuerpo Nacional de Policía Esp the Police Force

    policía autonómicapolice force of a regional autonomy

    POLICÍA In Spain the policía nacional is the force in charge of national security and general public order while the policía municipal deals with regulating traffic and policing the local community. The Basque Country and Catalonia also have their own police forces, the Ertzaintza and the Mossos d'Esquadra respectively. In rural areas it is the Guardia Civil that is responsible for policing duties.
    ver nota culturelle GUARDIA CIVIL in guardia,
    * * *
    1) ( cuerpo) police
    2) policía ( agente) (m) policeman, police officer; (f) policewoman, police officer
    * * *
    = police, constable, cop, policeman [policemen, -pl.], police officer, patrolman, bobby, police force.
    Ex. For example, WOMEN AS police becomes POLICEWOMEN, or SPANISH AMERICA is changed to LATIN AMERICA.
    Ex. Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.
    Ex. Playground games show that children like a clear differentiation between cowboys, cops and spacemen who are good, and Indians, robbers and space monsters who are bad.
    Ex. As a rule, a message-switching computer is not used to provide general computational or text processing facilities, it is more like a policeman directing traffic at a busy intersection of 'data highways'.
    Ex. This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.
    Ex. Arabs who played a role in the Holocaust included those who personally took part in the persecution of Jews, and patrolmen who tracked down Jewish escapees from forced labor camps.
    Ex. The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.
    Ex. The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.
    * cadete de policía = police cadet.
    * corrupción de la policía = police corruption.
    * jefe de policía = chief constable, police chief.
    * mujer policía = policewoman [policewomen, -pl.].
    * película de policías = crime film.
    * perro policía = police dog.
    * policía antidisturbios = riot police.
    * policía de tráfico = traffic officer, highway patrol, traffic cop.
    * policía estatal = state police, state troops, state trooper, trooper.
    * policía, la = police service.
    * policía local = Constabulary.
    * policía militar = military police.
    * policía municipal = traffic warden.
    * policía secreta = secret police.
    * policía secreto = undercover police officer.
    * * *
    1) ( cuerpo) police
    2) policía ( agente) (m) policeman, police officer; (f) policewoman, police officer
    * * *
    la policía

    Ex: This programme is designed for those hoping to follow a career in one of the uniformed services -- army, navy, RAF, police service, fire service or ambulance.

    = police, constable, cop, policeman [policemen, -pl.], police officer, patrolman, bobby, police force.

    Ex: For example, WOMEN AS police becomes POLICEWOMEN, or SPANISH AMERICA is changed to LATIN AMERICA.

    Ex: Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.
    Ex: Playground games show that children like a clear differentiation between cowboys, cops and spacemen who are good, and Indians, robbers and space monsters who are bad.
    Ex: As a rule, a message-switching computer is not used to provide general computational or text processing facilities, it is more like a policeman directing traffic at a busy intersection of 'data highways'.
    Ex: This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.
    Ex: Arabs who played a role in the Holocaust included those who personally took part in the persecution of Jews, and patrolmen who tracked down Jewish escapees from forced labor camps.
    Ex: The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.
    Ex: The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.
    * cadete de policía = police cadet.
    * corrupción de la policía = police corruption.
    * jefe de policía = chief constable, police chief.
    * mujer policía = policewoman [policewomen, -pl.].
    * película de policías = crime film.
    * perro policía = police dog.
    * policía antidisturbios = riot police.
    * policía de tráfico = traffic officer, highway patrol, traffic cop.
    * policía estatal = state police, state troops, state trooper, trooper.
    * policía, la = police service.
    * policía local = Constabulary.
    * policía militar = military police.
    * policía municipal = traffic warden.
    * policía secreta = secret police.
    * policía secreto = undercover police officer.

    * * *
    Policía Nacional (↑ policía a1)
    A (cuerpo) police
    llamar a la policía to call the police
    la policía está investigando el caso the police are investigating the case
    riot police
    ( RPl); traffic police, highway patrol ( AmE)
    policía de tráfico or ( AmL) de tránsito
    traffic police, highway patrol ( AmE)
    officers of court (pl)
    local o city police
    military police
    mounted police
    local o city police
    police, state police
    secret police
    ( Col) traffic police, highway patrol ( AmE)
    policía (agente) ( masculine) policeman, police officer;
    ( feminine) policewoman, police officer
    masculine ( Ven) speed ramp, sleeping policeman ( BrE)
    policía de tráfico or ( AmL) de tránsito
    ( masculine) traffic officer, traffic policeman, highway patrol officer ( AmE); ( feminine) traffic officer, traffic policewoman, highway patrol officer ( AmE)
    ( masculine) military police officer, military policeman; ( feminine) military police officer, military policewoman
    ( masculine) city o local police officer, city o local policeman; ( feminine) city o local police officer, city o local policewoman
    ( masculine) police officer, policeman; ( feminine) police officer, policewoman
    policía secreto, policía secreta
    ( masculine) secret police officer o policeman; ( feminine) secret police officer o policewoman
    * * *


    policía sustantivo femenino
    1 ( cuerpo) police;

    policía antidisturbios riot police;
    policía de tráfico or (AmL) de tránsito traffic police, highway patrol (AmE);
    policía municipal local o city police;
    policía nacional (state) police

    (f) policewoman, police officer
    I sustantivo femenino police (force)
    policía municipal, city police
    policía nacional, national police force
    II mf (hombre) policeman
    (mujer) policewoman
    ' policía' also found in these entries:
    - academia
    - agente
    - avisar
    - civil
    - comisaria
    - comisario
    - confidente
    - confiscación
    - control
    - denunciar
    - desalojar
    - desarmar
    - entregarse
    - fichar
    - fichada
    - fichado
    - gancho
    - intervenir
    - irrupción
    - jefatura
    - madero
    - montada
    - montado
    - municipal
    - paisana
    - paisano
    - parte
    - PM
    - porra
    - registrar
    - rendirse
    - responsable
    - sigilo
    - superior
    - acto
    - acudir
    - allanar
    - amenazar
    - archivo
    - aviso
    - brigada
    - burlar
    - cana
    - carabinero
    - carga
    - cargar
    - chapa
    - chivarse
    act on
    - alert
    - apprehend
    - apprise
    - audacious
    - baffle
    - be
    - beat
    - blitz
    - block off
    - bobby
    - bust
    - call on
    - call out
    - catch up
    - check
    - check up on
    - clamp down
    - clash
    - clear up
    - compelling
    - confiscate
    - confuse
    - constable
    - cop
    - corrupt
    - cover-up
    - crack down
    - demonstration
    - detain
    - detect
    - disturb
    - divert
    - dossier
    - eject
    - else
    - enquiry
    - examine
    - extend
    - fed
    - ferocious
    - fit
    - flag down
    - flee
    - force
    - full-scale
    - grievous
    - heel
    - hiding
    - Interpol
    * * *
    police officer, policeman, f policewoman;
    un policía de paisano a plain-clothes policeman
    Ven Fam policía acostado speed bump, Br sleeping policeman;
    policía municipal local policeman, f local policewoman;
    policía nacional = officer of the national police force;
    policía de tráfico traffic policeman, f traffic policewoman
    la policía the police;
    viene la policía the police are coming
    policía antidisturbios riot police; Esp policía autónoma = police force of one of Spain's autonomous regions;
    policía de barrio community police;
    RP policía caminera traffic police;
    policía judicial = division of police which carries out the orders of a court;
    Méx policía judicial federal = police force that acts under the orders of federal judges;
    policía militar military police;
    policía montada mounted police;
    policía municipal local police;
    policía nacional national police force;
    Esp policía de proximidad community police;
    policía secreta secret police;
    policía de tráfico traffic police;
    Am policía de tránsito traffic police;
    policía urbana local police;
    Arg, Col, Méx policía vial traffic police
    * * *
    I f
    1 cuerpo police
    2 agente police officer, policewoman
    II m police officer, policeman
    * * *
    : police
    : police officer, policeman m, policewoman f
    * * *
    1. (cuerpo) police
    2. (agente) policeman [pl. policemen] / policewoman [pl. policewomen]

    Spanish-English dictionary > policía

См. также в других словарях:

  • labor under a delusion/misapprehension/misconception — ◇ If you continue to believe something that is not true, you are laboring under a delusion/misapprehension/misconception. He still labors under the delusion that other people value his opinion. • • • Main Entry: ↑labor …   Useful english dictionary

  • labor under a misapprehension — see ↑labor, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑misapprehension …   Useful english dictionary

  • labor under a misconception — see ↑labor, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑misconception …   Useful english dictionary

  • labor under — index bear (tolerate) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • labor under a misapprehension — index err, miscalculate, misconceive, mistake, misunderstand Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • labor under an error — index miscalculate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • labor under — {v. phr.} To be the victim of; suffer from. * /Ken is obviously laboring under the delusion that Jennifer will marry him out of love./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • labor under — {v. phr.} To be the victim of; suffer from. * /Ken is obviously laboring under the delusion that Jennifer will marry him out of love./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • labor under — Synonyms and related words: ail, be affected with, be exposed to, be subjected to, complain of, encounter, endure, experience, feel, feel ill, go through, have, know, meet, meet up with, meet with, pass through, pay, run up against, spend, stand… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • labor\ under — v. phr. To be the victim of; suffer from. Ken is obviously laboring under the delusion that Jennifer will marry him out of love …   Словарь американских идиом

  • labor under — 1) carry (a heavy load or object) with difficulty 2) be deceived or misled by (a mistaken belief) you ve been laboring under a misapprehension …   Useful english dictionary

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