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  • cause — cause1 W1S2 [ko:z US ko:z] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: Latin causa] 1.) a person, event, or thing that makes something happen →↑effect cause of ▪ Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for American women in their forties.… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cause — I n. movement objective 1) to advance, champion, fight for, promote; serve a cause 2) to espouse, plead a cause 3) to take up a cause 4) a common; good, just, worthwhile, worthy cause (to make common cause with smb.) 5) a lost cause reason 6) to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • give somebody pause — verb To give somebody cause for concern. Here is a fact that will give you pause. Many states do not publish the voting records of their legislators …   Wiktionary

  • Cause — • Cause, as the correlative of effect, is understood as being that which in any way gives existence to, or contributes towards the existence of, any thing; which produces a result; to which the origin of any thing is to be ascribed Catholic… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • give — [giv] vt. gave, given, giving [ME given (with g < ON gefa, to give), yeven < OE giefan, akin to Ger geben < IE base * ghabh , to grasp, take > L habere, to have: the special Gmc sense of this base results from its use as a substitute… …   English World dictionary

  • cause — 1 n 1: something that brings about an effect or result the negligent act which was the cause of the plaintiff s injury ◇ The cause of an injury must be proven in both tort and criminal cases. actual cause: cause in fact in this entry but–for… …   Law dictionary

  • Give — (g[i^]v), v. t. [imp. {Gave} (g[=a]v); p. p. {Given} (g[i^]v n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Giving}.] [OE. given, yiven, yeven, AS. gifan, giefan; akin to D. geven, OS. ge[eth]an, OHG. geban, G. geben, Icel. gefa, Sw. gifva, Dan. give, Goth. giban. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cause of action — 1: the grounds (as violation of a right) that entitle a plaintiff to bring a suit an amended pleading reiterating a cause of action for lost profits J. H. Friedenthal et al.; also: the part of a suit brought on those grounds removed the cause of… …   Law dictionary

  • give — ► VERB (past gave; past part. given) 1) freely transfer the possession of; cause to receive or have. 2) yield as a product or result. 3) carry out (an action). 4) cause to experience or suffer. 5) state or put forward (information or argument) …   English terms dictionary

  • cause — cause, causal explanation In non specialist contexts, to ask for the cause of some particular happening is to ask what made it happen, or brought it about. To give a causal explanation is to answer such questions, usually by specifying some prior …   Dictionary of sociology

  • give someone gyp — To cause someone pain • • • Main Entry: ↑gyp * * * give someone gyp phrase to be very painful Her new shoes were giving her gyp. Thesaurus: to feel or cause physical pain and sufferingsynonym pain and pains …   Useful english dictionary

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