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См. также в других словарях:

  • flatten — late 14c., to prostrate oneself, also to fall flat, from FLAT (Cf. flat) + EN (Cf. en) (1). Meaning to make flat is 1620s. Related: Flattened; flattening …   Etymology dictionary

  • flatten — verb 1》 make or become flat or flatter. 2》 press (oneself) against a surface. 3》 raze to the ground. 4》 informal strike (someone) so as to make them fall down. 5》 Music lower (a note) in pitch by a semitone. Derivatives flattened adjective… …   English new terms dictionary

  • упираться — УПИРАТЬСЯ1, несов. (сов. упереться), чем во что. Жать (сжать), давить (сдавить) какой л. частью тела или концом, краем какого л. предмета во что л. (для опоры, отталкивания, преодоления сопротивления чего л. и т.п.); Син.: прижиматься [impf. to… …   Большой толковый словарь русских глаголов

  • Pipil grammar — This article provides a grammar sketch of the Nawat or Pipil language, an endangered language spoken by the Pipils of western El Salvador, belonging to the Nahua group within the Uto Aztecan language family. There also exists a brief typological… …   Wikipedia

  • Gramática pipil — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Con Gramática pipil se refiere al conjunto de reglas y princios que regulan el uso del idioma pipil. Este artículo muestra un esquema gramatical del idioma náhuat o pipil, una lengua perteneciente a la familia… …   Wikipedia Español

  • relax — v 1. loose, slacken, untighten, relieve tension, Obs. slake; relinquish one s grip or hold, let go of, release, free, liberate. 2. lessen, diminish, lower, decrease, decline; abate, bate, subside, recede, ebb, lull, quell, slake; flag, wane, fade …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • lay — I v 1. put, place, set, rest, Inf. stick, leave, park, plant; set down, seat, settle; incline, lean. 2. drop, floor, lay low, prostrate; fell, knock or cut or strike down, sink. 3. lodge, submit, present, prefer, bring forward. 4. repose, impute …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Anarcho-primitivism — is an anarchist critique of the origins and progress of civilization. According to anarcho primitivism, the shift from hunter gatherer to agricultural subsistence gave rise to social stratification, coercion, and alienation. Anarcho primitivists… …   Wikipedia

  • Character mask — Part of a series on Marxism …   Wikipedia

  • beat — verb (past beat; past participle beaten) 1》 strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or punish them.     ↘strike repeatedly so as to make a noise.     ↘flatten or shape (metal) by striking it repeatedly with a hammer …   English new terms dictionary

  • prostrate — v 1.(all of oneself) fall at [s.o. s] feet, throw or cast oneself at [s.o. s] feet; bow before, bow down to, bend the knee to, fall on one s knees before; kowtow, bow and scrape, truckle, grovel, crouch, crawl, snivel; eat crow, eat dirt, Sl.… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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