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  • 1 parcel

    (thing(s) wrapped and tied, usually to be sent by post: I got a parcel in the post today.) pacote
    * * *
    [p'a:səl] n 1 arch parcela, porção, quinhão. 2 quantidade, quantia. 3 pacote, embrulho. 4 remessa, grupo de objetos. 5 pedaço de terra, lote. • vt 1 parcelar. 2 Brit lotear. 3 embrulhar, empacotar. 4 Naut percintar. • adj em parcelas. • adv parceladamente. bill of parcels fatura. by parcels ou in parcel parceladamente. to parcel out dividir em partes. to parcel up empacotar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > parcel

  • 2 parcel

    (thing(s) wrapped and tied, usually to be sent by post: I got a parcel in the post today.) pacote

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > parcel

  • 3 parcel post

    par.cel post
    [p'a:səl poust] n encomenda postal.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > parcel post

  • 4 parcel-room

    [p'a:səl ru:m] n porta-bagagem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > parcel-room

  • 5 parcel

    bagagem, embrulho, porção, pacote, parcela

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > parcel

  • 6 parcel\ post

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > parcel\ post

  • 7 by parcels/in parcel

    by parcels/in parcel

    English-Portuguese dictionary > by parcels/in parcel

  • 8 to parcel out

    to parcel out
    dividir em partes.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to parcel out

  • 9 to parcel up

    to parcel up

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to parcel up

  • 10 tie

    1. present participle - tying; verb
    1) ((often with to, on etc) to fasten with a string, rope etc: He tied the horse to a tree; The parcel was tied with string; I don't like this job - I hate being tied to a desk.) amarrar
    2) (to fasten by knotting; to make a knot in: He tied his shoelaces.) amarrar
    3) (to be joined by a knot etc: The belt of this dress ties at the front.) atar-se
    4) (to score the same number of points etc (in a game, competition etc): Three people tied for first place.) empatar
    2. noun
    1) (a strip of material worn tied round the neck under the collar of a shirt: He wore a shirt and tie.) gravata
    2) (something that joins: the ties of friendship.) laços
    3) (an equal score or result (in a game, competition etc); a draw.) empate
    4) (a game or match to be played.) jogo
    - tie someone down
    - tie down
    - tie in/up
    * * *
    [tai] n 1 laço: a) laçada. b) vínculo. 2 nó. 3 gravata. 4 ligadura: a) corda, corrente, cinta etc. b) Mus sinal que une duas notas. 5 tirante. 6 Amer dormente. 7 Sport empate. • vt+vi 1 ligar, amarrar, atar. we are tied to time / estamos presos ao fator tempo. 2 ancorar. 3 fixar, juntar. 4 dar nó, dar laço. 5 limitar, restringir. 6 confinar, reter. 7 contratar. 8 empatar. our hands were tied fig estávamos de mãos atadas. this work is a great tie coll este trabalho é um grande sacrifício. tied down by much work muito ocupado pelo trabalho. to tie down a) amarrar, prender. b) submeter. to tie in a bow fazer um laço. to tie oneself to ligar-se a, comprometer-se com. to tie up amarrar. I tied up my shoe / amarrei meu sapato. she tied up the parcel / ela amarrou o pacote. he tied up the horse to a pole / ele amarrou o cavalo a um poste. to tie up with ligar-se a, juntar-se com. to tie with a) estar em igualdade com. b) Sport empatar com.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tie

  • 11 address

    1. [ə'dres] verb
    1) (to put a name and address on (an envelope etc): Address the parcel clearly.) endereçar
    2) (to speak or write to: I shall address my remarks to you only.) dirigir(-se a)
    2. ( American[) 'ædres] noun
    1) (the name of the house, street, town etc where a person lives: His address is 30 Main St, Edinburgh.) endereço
    2) (a speech: He made a long and boring address.) discurso
    * * *
    [ədr'es; 'ædrəs] n 1 discurso. 2 sede (de uma firma), residência, local. 3 endereço. what’s your home/business address? / qual o seu endereço residencial/comercial? 4 trato, atitude, maneiras. 5 pl addresses corte, atenções. • [ədr'es] vt 1 discursar, dirigir-se a (oralmente ou por escrito). 2 tratar, intitular. 3 chamar a atenção. 4 falar ou recorrer a. 5 endereçar, indicar o destinatário. 6 devotar(-se), dedicar(-se). to address a meeting fazer uso da palavra numa reunião. to adress oneself to dirigir-se a, interessar-se por. to give an adress fazer um discurso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > address

  • 12 arrive

    (to reach (a place, the end of a journey etc): They arrived home last night; The parcel arrived yesterday.) chegar
    - arrive at
    * * *
    [ər'aiv] vi 1 chegar, vir. 2 alcançar, atingir (uma resolução, o resultado ou fim de uma jornada). 3 ter sucesso, tornar-se célebre. 4 ocorrer, suceder. 5 aparecer, nascer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > arrive

  • 13 bulk

    1. noun
    1) (the greater part: The bulk of his money was spent on food.) maior parte
    2) ((great) size or mass: the bulk of a parcel; His huge bulk appeared round the corner.) vulto
    2. adjective
    (in bulk: bulk buying.) em grosso
    - in bulk
    * * *
    [b∧lk] n 1 tamanho, volume, massa, magnitude. 2 parte principal, parte maior. 3 monte, pilha. 4 estatura. 5 Naut porão do navio, carga. • vt+vi 1 ter tamanho, ser volumoso. 2 ter importância. 3 crescer, aumentar, inchar. 4 fazer aumentar, fazer inchar. 5 empilhar, amontoar. 6 avaliar o volume de uma mercadoria. by the bulk no total. in bulk solto, a granel, em grande quantidade. in the bulk por atacado. they broke bulk Naut começaram a descarregar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bulk

  • 14 bulky

    adjective (large in size, awkward to carry etc: a bulky parcel; This is too bulky to send by post.) volumoso
    * * *
    [b'∧lki] adj grande, volumoso, corpulento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bulky

  • 15 by hand

    1) (with a person's hand or tools held in the hands, rather than with machinery: furniture made by hand.) à mão
    2) (not by post but by a messenger etc: This parcel was delivered by hand.) em mão própria
    * * *
    by hand

    English-Portuguese dictionary > by hand

  • 16 delivery

    plural - deliveries; noun
    1) ((an act of) handing over (letters, parcels etc): There are two parcel deliveries a week.) entrega
    2) (the process of the birth of a child: the delivery of the twins.) parto
    * * *
    [dil'ivəri] n 1 libertação, livramento, resgate, soltura. 2 modo de recitar, falar, pronunciar, elocução, dicção. 3 entrega. 4 distribuição (de cartas, etc.), expedição. 5 transferência, remessa. 6 rendição. 7 delivramento, parto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > delivery

  • 17 express

    [ik'spres] 1. verb
    1) (to put into words: He expressed his ideas very clearly.) expressar/exprimir
    2) ((with oneself etc) to put one's own thoughts into words: You haven't expressed yourself clearly.) exprimir-se
    3) (to show (thoughts, feelings etc) by looks, actions etc: She nodded to express her agreement.) demonstrar/manifestar
    4) (to send by fast (postal) delivery: Will you express this letter, please?) mandar expresso/...por...?
    2. adjective
    1) (travelling, carrying goods etc, especially fast: an express train; express delivery.) expresso
    2) (clearly stated: You have disobeyed my express wishes.) explícito
    3. adverb
    (by express train or fast delivery service: Send your letter express.) por expresso
    4. noun
    1) (an express train: the London to Cardiff express.) rápido
    2) (the service provided eg by the post office for carrying goods etc quickly: The parcel was sent by express.) expresso
    - expression
    - expressionless
    - expressive
    - expressiveness
    - expressively
    - expressway
    * * *
    [ikspr'es] n 1 mensagem urgente, carta ou encomenda expressa. 2 serviço postal rápido. 3 Amer empresa de remessas rápidas de dinheiro, valores e encomendas. 4 expresso: trem rápido. • vt despachar como encomenda, enviar por mensageiro, remeter com urgência. • adj expresso, claro, definido, categórico, explícito.
    [ikspr'es] vt 1 expressar, enunciar por palavras ou gestos. 2 simbolizar, representar. 3 manifestar, externar. to express oneself / dar vazão aos seus sentimentos, manifestar sua opinião. 4 espremer, comprimir. to express the juice of grapes / extrair o suco de uvas.
    [ikspr'es] adv por via expressa. I sent the package express / enviei o volume por via expressa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > express

  • 18 feel

    past tense, past participle - felt; verb
    1) (to become aware of (something) by the sense of touch: She felt his hand on her shoulder.) sentir
    2) (to find out the shape, size, texture etc of something by touching, usually with the hands: She felt the parcel carefully.) apalpar
    3) (to experience or be aware of (an emotion, sensation etc): He felt a sudden anger.) sentir
    4) (to think (oneself) to be: She feels sick; How does she feel about her work?) sentir-se
    5) (to believe or consider: She feels that the firm treated her badly.) achar
    - feeling
    - feel as if / as though
    - feel like
    - feel one's way
    - get the feel of
    * * *
    [fi:l] n 1 tato, o sentido do tato. 2 sensação, percepção, impressão. • vt+vi (ps e pp: felt) 1 sentir, perceber, notar. the measure was felt to be premature / a providência foi considerada prematura. 2 ter, experimentar (sentimento, sensação física ou moral). I felt that his hand was cold / senti que sua mão estava fria. I felt as if something were near me / alguma coisa parecia estar perto de mim. 3 ter consciência de. 4 tocar, examinar pelo tato, apalpar, tatear. he felt around in his coat / ele procurou dentro de seu casaco (usando as mãos), apalpou. 5 ressentir(-se), magoar-se com, melindrar-se. I feel hurt / sinto-me ofendido. 6 ser sensível a. he feels the cold / ele se sente infeliz quando está com frio. 7 pressentir, ter impressão ou palpite, achar, considerar. I feel ill / sinto-me doente. it feels like rain / acho que vai chover. 8 reconhecer, aperceber-se de. he feels sure of himself / ele está seguro de si. she is feeling her way / ela está agindo cautelosamente (numa nova situação). 9 ter tato, ter sensibilidade. 10 parecer, dar impressão ou sensação. I feel like taking a walk / tenho vontade de dar um passeio. the grass feels soft / a grama é macia ao tato. by the feel pelo tocar. feel free! fique à vontade! to feel angry irar-se. to feel cold estar com frio. to feel for an object procurar um objeto usando as mãos. to feel good coll estar levemente tocado, bêbado. to feel grieved estar aflito. to feel lonely sentir-se sozinho. to feel no pain coll estar bêbado. to feel one’s way andar às palpadelas. to feel quite oneself sentir-se bem, estar bem-disposto. to feel sorry for ter pena de. to feel strongly that ter forte impressão de que. to feel sure that ter certeza de que. to feel the pulse tomar o pulso de, fig sondar. to feel up to sentir-se à altura de, capaz de enfrentar. you may feel sure of it pode estar certo de que.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > feel

  • 19 gross

    [ɡrəus] 1. adjective
    1) (very bad: gross errors/indecency.) crasso
    2) (vulgar: gross behaviour/language.) indecente
    3) (too fat: a large, gross woman.) gordo
    4) (total: The gross weight of a parcel is the total weight of the contents, the box, the wrapping etc.) bruto
    2. noun
    (the total amount (of several things added together).) total
    * * *
    [grous] n 1 o grosso, a parte principal. 2 grosa: doze dúzias. • adj 1 tudo, inteiro, geral, total, bruto. 2 grave, grosso, grande (erro). 3 grosseiro, vulgar, indecente. 4 gordo repulsivo. 5 ignorante, bronco. 6 interj terrível! a gross error um erro grave. great gross doze grosas. gross domestic product Econ produto interno bruto. gross national income n Econ renda nacional bruta. gross national product n Econ produto nacional bruto. gross working capital n Econ capital de giro bruto. in gross Jur peculiar à pessoa, pessoal. in the gross no total, por grosso. two gross duas grosas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gross

  • 20 heavy

    1) (having great weight; difficult to lift or carry: a heavy parcel.) pesado
    2) (having a particular weight: I wonder how heavy our little baby is.)
    3) (of very great amount, force etc: heavy rain; a heavy blow; The ship capsized in the heavy seas; heavy taxes.) forte
    4) (doing something to a great extent: He's a heavy smoker/drinker.) excessivo
    5) (dark and dull; looking or feeling stormy: a heavy sky/atmosphere.) pesado
    6) (difficult to read, do, understand etc: Books on philosophy are too heavy for me.) difícil
    7) ((of food) hard to digest: rather heavy pastry.) pesado
    8) (noisy and clumsy: heavy footsteps.) pesado
    - heaviness
    - heavy-duty
    - heavy industry
    - heavyweight
    - heavy going
    - a heavy heart
    - make heavy weather of
    * * *
    [h'evi] n 1 pessoa ou coisa pesada. 2 Cin, Theat vilão, bandido. 3 figurão: pessoa importante. • adj 1 pesado. 2 de grande quantidade, força ou intensidade. 3 forte, violento. 4 carregado ( with com). 5 triste, abatido. 6 opressivo, cansativo. 7 lerdo. 8 intransitável. 9 pastoso, que não cresce (pão). 10 grosso, rústico. 11 inerte, preguiçoso, sonolento. 12 difícil. 13 sério, grave. 14 nubloso, nebuloso. 15 insípido, enfadonho. 16 indigesto. 17 grávida. 18 Typogr negrito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > heavy

См. также в других словарях:

  • Parcel post — is a service of a postal administration for sending parcels through the post. It is generally one of the less expensive ways to ship packages that are too heavy to be sent by regular letter post and is usually a slower method of transportation.… …   Wikipedia

  • Parcel — Par cel, n. [F. parcelle a small part, fr. (assumed) LL. particella, dim. of L. pars. See {Part}, n., and cf. {Particle}.] 1. A portion of anything taken separately; a fragment of a whole; a part. [Archaic] A parcel of her woe. Chaucer. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parcel office — Parcel Par cel, n. [F. parcelle a small part, fr. (assumed) LL. particella, dim. of L. pars. See {Part}, n., and cf. {Particle}.] 1. A portion of anything taken separately; a fragment of a whole; a part. [Archaic] A parcel of her woe. Chaucer.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parcel post — Parcel Par cel, n. [F. parcelle a small part, fr. (assumed) LL. particella, dim. of L. pars. See {Part}, n., and cf. {Particle}.] 1. A portion of anything taken separately; a fragment of a whole; a part. [Archaic] A parcel of her woe. Chaucer.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parcel — Par cel, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Parceled}or {Parcelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Parceling} or {Parcelling}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To divide and distribute by parts or portions; often with out or into. Their woes are parceled, mine are general. Shak. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • parcel off — ˌparcel ˈoff [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they parcel off he/she/it parcels off present participle parcelling off past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • parcel up — ˌparcel ˈup [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they parcel up he/she/it parcels up present participle parcelling up past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • parcel — par·cel / pär səl/ n: a tract or plot of land Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. parcel I …   Law dictionary

  • Parcel — Par cel, a. & adv. Part or half; in part; partially. Shak. [Sometimes hyphened with the word following.] [1913 Webster] The worthy dame was parcel blind. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] One that . . . was parcel bearded [partially bearded]. Tennyson …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parcel poet — Parcel Par cel, a. & adv. Part or half; in part; partially. Shak. [Sometimes hyphened with the word following.] [1913 Webster] The worthy dame was parcel blind. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] One that . . . was parcel bearded [partially bearded].… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parcel InterCity — (PIC) wurde als spezieller Güterzug von Railion (heute DB Schenker Rail) und Danzas konzipiert. Er verkehrt regelmäßig zwischen wichtigen Paketzentren in Deutschland (daher der Name) und ist einer der schnellsten Güterzüge Deutschlands. Der PIC… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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