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  • 101 урочи

    to cast a spell over, to charm one, to bewitch

    Македонско-англиски речник > урочи

  • 102 ITTA

    itta > itta-.
    *\ITTA v.t. tla-.,
    1. \ITTA voir
    " niquittaznequi nicmâhuizôznequi ", je veux voir cela, je veux l'admirer. Sah12,16.
    " in yehhuântin in quittaqueh âcalli in achto huâllah ", ceux qui ont vu le navire venu en premier. Sah12,9.
    " quilhuîcoh in moteuczoma in quittaqueh ", ils sont venus dire à Moctezuma ce qu'ils avaient vu. Sah12,17.
    " inic quimittazqueh in quênamihqueh in ahzo huel quintlâcatecolohuîzqueh, quintlachîhuîzqueh ", pour qu'ils les voient tels qu'ils sont, sils peuvent les ensorceler ou leur jeter un sort - that they might see of what sort (the Spaniards) were: that they might perhaps use their wizardry upon them, cast a spell over them. Est dit des magiciens et sorciers envoyés par Moctezuma. Sah12,22.
    " at canah anquittah chîlchonâmacac tohuenyo ", peut-être quelque part voyez vous le vendeur de chili vert, le huaxtèque. Sah3,20.
    2. \ITTA regarder
    " zan oc yehhuântin in in quîmittatoh ", alors, ceux-ci sont simplement partis les regarder - for the time being these went only to look at (the Spaniards). Sah12,5.
    " mochi tlâcatl quimonitta in tlatzintlân mani ", tous les gens répandus au pied de la pyramide les regardent - all those spread out at the (pyramid) base watched them. Sah9,67.
    3. \ITTA comprendre
    " ahômpa quittah in tlahtôlli ", ils comprennent le discours de travers. Sah2,107.
    4. \ITTA s'apercevoir que, decouvrir.
    " ye tlahchiquih, ye ôquittaqueh in metl in cualli îtech quîza ", ils se mettent à racler (le maguey), et ils s'aperçurent que du maguey provient quelque chose de bon. Launey II 274.
    " in achtopa quittac tlahchiquiliztli, îtocâ mâyahuel, ca cihuâtl ", celle qui la première découvrit le raclage était une femme nommée Mayahuel. Launey II 274.
    " in quittac tlacotl, tlanelhuatl in ic mochîhua octli, îtôca pantecatl ", celui qui découvrit les tiges et les racines avec lesquelles on produit.le pulque s'appelait Pantecatl.
    Launey II 274.
    5. \ITTA examiner quelque chose.
    " tlapallahcuilôlpan in quipôhuayah, in quittayah netêilhuilli ", ils lisaient dans des écrits, ils examinaient les plaintes - in the picture writing which recorded the case, they studied the complaints. Est dit de juges. Sah8,42.
    6. \ITTA trouver
    " mochi quitta, mochi quîximati in nepapan tlazohtetl in maquîztetl ", il trouve, il identifie les différentes pierres précieuses, les joyaux. Est dit du vendeur de jade. Sah10,60.
    " quittaya, quimahcêhuaya in îneyôllaliliz, in înetlamachtil ", il trouvait et méritait sa consolation, ses richesses - he found and merited his consolation, his riches. Sah4,23.
    " tel quittaya in îneyollâlîliz ", mais il trouvait sa consolation - though he found his consolation. Sah4,55.
    " quitta in înecuiltonôl, îneyôllaliliz ", il trouve sa fortune, sa consolation - he attained his wealth and his contentment. Sah4,128.
    " inic huel quittaz tlahmachtli, cencah tlamahcêhuaya, mozâhuaya, mihzôya in ihcuâc moquetzaya ce xôchitl tônalli ", pour qu'elle puisse trouver la (belle) broderie, elle faisait de grandes pénitences, elle jeûnait, elle se saignait quand arrivait le signe Un Fleur - in order to achieve skill in embroidering, she should do great penances, and fast, and draw blood when the day sign One Flower set in. Est dit de celle qui est née sous le signe ce xôchitl. Sah4,25.
    " in ahtle quitta octli iuhquin nêntlamati îyôllo ", quand il ne trouve pas de vin son cœur est comme mécontent - when he found no wine, he seemed anguished of heart. Sah4,12.
    7. \ITTA être exposé à.
    " in tletl quitta, in tleco motlâza centlâlli momana in îahhuiyaca ", quand il est exposé au feu, quand il est jetté dans le feu sont odeur se répand sur tout le pays. Est dit du bitume, chapopohtli. Sah10,89.
    * expression.
    " ahcân quittaz teuhtli tlazôlli ", il s'abstiendra du vice. Lit. nulle part il ne verra la poussière ou l'ordure. Sah6,209.
    * avec le préf.obj.inanimé indéfini tla-.,
    " in ahquên tlatta ", celui qui est impudent. Sah12,53.
    " ahquên tlatta, ahquên tlahtlatta, ayâc îxco tlachiya ", il est impudent, il est très impudent, il méprise tout le monde - debauched, evil, and daring.
    Est dit de celui né sous le signe ce cuâuhtli. Sah4,108.
    *\ITTA v.t. tê-., voir, regarder quelqu'un, faire attention à quelqu'un.
    " âcaltica in yahqueh inic quimittatoh ", c'est en barques qu'ils sont allés pour les voir -it was in boats that they went in ordre to go to see them. Sah12,5.
    " namechittaznequi namêchyehyecôznequi ", je voudrais vous voir, je voudrais vous mettre à l'épreuve. Sah12,16.
    " ca ôquimittatoh îmîxco îmicpac otlachiyatoh ", ils étaient venus les voir, ils étaient venus les regarder. Sah 12,18.
    " in ihcuâc ôquimittaqueh têteoh, in zan nenêuhqui întlachiyaliz ", quand les dieux les virent avec leur aspect semblable. Il s'agit du soleil et de la lune. Launey II 188 = Sah7,7.
    " mochi tlâcatl quimonitta in tlatzintlan mani ", tout le monde dispersé au pied de la pyramide les regarde. Sah9,67.
    " in têtlamacayah in quimittayah pîpiltzitzintin ", ceux qui servaient les gens faisaient attention aux enfants. Sah2,97.
    * expressions.
    " ahîel nitêitta ", je hais les gens. R.Andrews Introd 445.
    " cencah quincocôlia ahîel quimittaz in oquichtli ", elle hait, elle déteste les hommes à l'excès. Sah10,56.
    " ahtle îpan têittani, ahtle îpan têitta, ahtle îpan tlachiya ", elle n'est respectueuse de personne elle ne respecte personne. Sah10,45.
    " aoc tle îpan quitta ", il le méprise. Sah4,24.
    " âtlân têitta ", elle voit dans l'eau le destin des gens. Sah10,53. Cf. âtlân.
    *\ITTA v.réfl. à sens passif, être vu.
    " in ayîc iuhqui ômottac ", jamais on n'a vu quelque chose de cette sorte. Sah12,17.
    " in mihtoa in motta in mocaqui ", ce qu'on dit, ce qu'on regarde, ce qu'on écoute. Sah6,125.
    *\ITTA v.réfl., se voir, se regarder (dans un miroir).
    " mâ ximîxihmati, mâ ximotta ", reconnais toi, regarde toi.
    Launey II 194 = W.Lehmann 1938,81.
    " mottac in Quetzalcôâtl, cencah momâuhtih ", Quetzalcoatl se vit et eut très peur.
    Launey II 194 = W.Lehmann 1938,82.
    " onmottac, onmotezcahuih ", il se regarda, il se vit dans le miroir. Sah3,33.
    " in ômottac cencah mocualittac ", quand il se vit, il se trouva très bien.
    Launey II 194 = W.Lehmann 1938,84.
    * passif. Cf. itto.
    Note: itta est parfois utilisé comme s'il était intransitif, sans préfixe objet. R.Anders Rules 59.
    itta possède un radical de remplacement *itzti qui est intransitif. R.Andrews Introd 93.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > ITTA

  • 103 QUENAMIH

    quênamih, honorifique quênamihcâtzintli.
    Comment, de quelle nature?
    " oncân mihtoa âquin îhuân quênamihcâtzintli in hueyi teôyôtica cemânâhuac tlahtoâni ", dort wird gesagt wer und ehrwürdig (ist) der große Geistliche Weltherr. Sah 1949,78.
    " îtech cântiuh in quênamih machiyôtl ", il le copie juste comme est le
    modèle - copying just as was the (black line) pattern.
    Est dit des orfèvres qui réalisent un modèle. Sah9,76.
    " ahcân quênamih ", qui n'a pas de défaut. Sah9,46.
    " huel mocenquîxtia in ahcân quênamih, in huel tetzcaltic tônacâyôtl ", on choisit soigneusement ce qui n'a pas de défaut, le maïs qui brille bien - the perfect, the glossy maize is carefully chose. Sah11,283.
    " auh niman ahcân quênamih in înacayo, in mâ tlaxolêhualli ", mais son corps est entièrement sans défaut, de sorte qu'il ne soit pas écorché - but his body is completely unblemished, his skin uninjured. Sah11,98.
    * plur., 'quênamihqueh'
    " inic quimittazqueh in quênamihqueh in ahzo huel quintlâcatecolohuîzqueh, quintlachîhuîzqueh ", pour qu'ils les voient tels qu'ils sont, sils peuvent les ensorceler ou leur jeter un sort - that they might see of what sort (the Spaniards) were: that they might perhaps use their wizardry upon them, cast a spell over them. Est dit des magiciens et sorciers envoyés par Moctezuma. Sah12,22.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > QUENAMIH


    tlâcatecolohuia > tlâcatecelohuih.
    *\TLACATECOLOHUIA v.t. tê-., ensorceler quelqu'un.
    " têtlâcatecolohuia ", il ensorcelle les gens - he causes them to be possessed.
    Est dit du mauvais sorcier, nâhualli et du tlâcatecolotl. Sah10,31.
    Dans une liste de sorciers et de magiciens malfaisants. Prim.Mem. f. 58r col. a.
    " inic quimittazqueh in quênamihqueh in ahzo huel quintlâcatecolohuîzqueh, quintlachîhuîzqueh ", pour qu'ils les voient tels qu'ils sont, sils peuvent les ensorceler ou leur jeter un sort - that they might see of what sort (the Spaniards) were: that they might perhaps use their wizardry upon them, cast a spell over them. Est dit des magiciens et sorciers envoyés par Moctezuma. Sah12,22.
    Form: sur tlâcatecolo-tl.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > TLACATECOLOHUIA


    tlachîhua > tlachîhuih.
    *\TLACHIHUIA v.t. tê-., fasciner, enchanter, jeter un sort sur quelqu'un.
    " inic quimittazqueh in quênamihqueh in ahzo huel quintlâcatecolohuîzqueh, quintlachîhuîzqueh ", pour qu'ils les voient tels qu'ils sont, sils peuvent les ensorceler ou leur jeter un sort - that they might see of what sort (the Spaniards) were: that they might perhaps use their wizardry upon them, cast a spell over them. Est dit des magiciens et sorciers envoyés par Moctezuma. Sah12,22.
    Cf. le nom d'objet tlatlachîhuîlli.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > TLACHIHUIA

  • 106 XOXA

    xôxa > xôx.
    *\XOXA v.t. tê-., jeter le mauvais oeil à quelqu'un, l'ensorceler.
    Fasciner, enchanter, observer quelqu'un (S).
    Angl., to give someone the evil eye, to bewitch someone (K).
    Esp., aojar o hechizar o ojear a otro (M).
    M.Leon Portilla. ECN10,102.
    " têxôxa ", il ensorcèle - he charms them.
    Est dit du mauvais sorcier, nâhualli. Sah10,31.
    de la mauvaise guérisseuse, tîcîtl. Sah10,53.
    " ic têmôtlaya ic texôxaya yehhuatl quitêmacaya in totomôniliztli ", ainsi il lapidait les gens, ainsi il les ensorcelait, il leur donnait des pustules - he struck people, he bewitched people he visited people with blisters. Est dit de Xipe Totec. Sah1,39.
    " quixôxa ", elle l'ensorcèle. Est dit de l'amaryllis, omixôchitl, qui provoque chez celui qui a uriné sur elle la maladie du même nom. Sah5,183.
    " quinxôxazqueh ", ils les ensorcelèrent. Sah12,22.
    *\XOXA v.t. tla-., ensorceler quelque chose.
    " quixôxa quihpîtza in tlapalli ", il ensorcèle, il jette un mauvais sort au colorant - thay would cast a spell over it ; they would blow the colors off. Sah5,195.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > XOXA

  • 107 jemanden in seinen Bann ziehen

    to cast a spell over someone expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > jemanden in seinen Bann ziehen

  • 108 jemanden verzaubern

    to cast a spell over someone expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > jemanden verzaubern

  • 109 heksen

    v. bewitch, cast a spell over

    Holandés-inglés dicionario > heksen

  • 110 заговаривать

    без доп.
    1) (с кем-л.) begin/start/try to talk/speak
    2) (что-л.; разг.)
    tire with one's talk; talk smb.'s head off
    3) (кого-л./что-л.; разг.)
    exorcise; cast a spell (over, on)
    * * *
    begin/start/try to talk/speak

    Новый русско-английский словарь > заговаривать

  • 111 заклинать

    несовер.; (кого-л./что-л.)
    1) (умолять)
    2) (колдовать)
    bewitch, charm; cast a spell (over)
    * * *
    * * *
    conjure, adjure, entreat, implore
    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > заклинать

  • 112 завораживать

    несов. - завора́живать, сов. - заворожи́ть; (вн.)
    1) ( заколдовывать) cast a spell (over)
    2) (очаровывать, пленять) charm (d), bewitch (d)

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > завораживать

  • 113 заговаривать

    несовер. - заговаривать; совер. - заговорить
    без доп.
    1) (с кем-л.) begin/start/try to talk/speak
    2) (что-л.; разг.)
    tire with one's talk; talk smb.'s head off
    3) (кого-л./что-л.; разг.)
    exorcise; cast a spell (over, on)

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > заговаривать

  • 114 заклинать

    conjure, adjure, entreat, implore
    bewitch, charm; cast a spell (over)

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > заклинать

  • 115 заколдовывать

    vt; св - заколдова́ть
    to cast a spell over sb, to bewitch, см перен

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > заколдовывать

  • 116 околдовывать

    vt; св - околдова́ть
    to bewitch sb/sth, to cast a spell over sb/sth; завораживать to fascinate sb/sth

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > околдовывать

  • 117 κατακηλέω

    A charm, cast a spell over,

    τήνδ' ἄτην S.Tr. 1002

    (anap.):—[voice] Pass., Pl.Cra. 403e, Plu.Num.20, Ath.4.174b, Dam.Isid. 48.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > κατακηλέω

  • 118 menyiring

    cast a sleeping spell over s.o. 2 k.r(Java) calm s.o.

    Malay-English dictionary > menyiring

  • 119 encantar

    1 to bewitch, to cast a spell on.
    La bruja encantó a Allan The witch put a spell on Allan.
    2 to like very much, to like, to be keen on.
    Me encantan las flores I like flowers very much.
    3 to love to, to be delighted to.
    Me encanta cantar I love to sing.
    4 to like it.
    Me encanta I like it.
    5 to delight, to enchant, to charm.
    Mis palabras encantaron a Ricardo My words enchanted=delighted Richard.
    Su delicadeza encanta a Ricardo Her daintiness enchants Richard.
    6 to be pleasing to everybody.
    El pollo frito encanta Fried chicken is pleasing to everybody.
    * * *
    1 (hechizar) to cast a spell on, bewitch
    2 familiar (gustar) to delight, love
    * * *
    1) to delight, charm
    2) enchant, bewitch
    3) love
    * * *
    VI [con complemento personal] to love

    me encantan las floresI adore o love flowers

    me encantaría que vinieras — I'd be delighted if you come, I'd love you to come

    VT to cast a spell on o over, bewitch
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo (+ me/te/le etc)

    me encantó la obraI loved o I thoroughly enjoyed the play

    encantar vt to cast o put a spell on, bewitch
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo (+ me/te/le etc)

    me encantó la obraI loved o I thoroughly enjoyed the play

    encantar vt to cast o put a spell on, bewitch
    * * *
    1 = love, relish, thrill, get off on, love + every minute of it, get + a buzz from, get + a kick, catch + Posesivo + fancy, take + a fancy to, take + a shine to, take + a liking to, smite, be tickled pink, be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits.

    Ex: All these novels are about young women meeting handsome men, at first disliking them and then discovering that they love them, with the inescapable 'happy ending' which means matrimony in these cases.

    Ex: They all relish a fast paced working environment, rapid change and constant challenges to traditional notions of what a library and library work should be.
    Ex: The abundance of information on the World Wide Web has thrilled some, but frightened others.
    Ex: She sounds like she enjoys having people under her thumb and gets off on the whole control thing.
    Ex: I loved every minute of it and it made me see just how poverty stricken Jamaica really is!.
    Ex: How anyone can get a buzz from laying into someone is beyond me; it's not nice to see it happen - too many times have I seen people beaten up over nothing.
    Ex: I get a kick when I'm on my racing bike, and when I have my skates on it's out of this world.
    Ex: At nightfall, drop anchor at any place that catch your fancy and the lullaby of the gentle waves put you to sleep.
    Ex: He is a collector who wants to form a collection by making his own paintings of pictures he has taken a fancy to in other people's houses.
    Ex: She took a shine to Sheldon, and before he knows what has happened, the misanthropic physicist finds himself with a girlfriend.
    Ex: He quickly took a liking to American clothing stores and acquired a taste for fast-food restaurants.
    Ex: It's hard to imagine a red-blooded man anywhere in the world who could look at her and not be ' smitten' with her.
    Ex: She will be tickled pink with these French ticklers.
    Ex: Obviously I' m chuffed to bits that I'm getting so many visitors and that the word's getting out.
    Ex: The critics are divided but Rolf Harris says he's thrilled to bits with the finished product.
    * encantaría = would + love to.
    * ser lo que a Uno le encanta = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.

    2 = charm, enchant, weave + magic spell, cast + a (magic) spell, bewitch.

    Ex: We will see the mountains of lobster traps and the charming crooked streets and hazy seascapes that charmed painter Fitzhugh Lane.

    Ex: The article 'The power to enchant: puppets in the public library' describes the construction of a puppet theatre in a public library.
    Ex: These love boats and the romantic Bahamas will no doubt continue to weave their magic spell.
    Ex: The player makes choices for his characters (such as whether to fight, cast a magic spell, or run away), and then the enemy takes a turn.
    Ex: In legend a potion is a concoction used to heal, bewitch or poison people, made by a magician, sorcerer or witch.

    * * *
    encantar [A1 ]
    (+ me/te/le etc):
    me encantó la obra I loved o I thoroughly enjoyed the play
    me encanta como habla I love the way he talks
    me encantaría que me acompañaras I'd love o I'd really like you to come with me, it would be lovely if you could come with me
    ■ encantar
    to cast o put a spell on, bewitch
    * * *


    encantar ( conjugate encantar) verbo intransitivo (+ me/te/le etc):
    me encantó la obra I loved o I really enjoyed the play;

    me encantaría que me acompañaras I'd love you to come with me
    verbo transitivo
    to cast o put a spell on, bewitch
    I vi (gustar mucho) to love: les encanta viajar, they love travelling
    su manera de recitar encantó al público, the audience were enraptured by his recital ➣ Ver nota en love
    II vt (embrujar) to bewitch, cast o put a spell on

    ' encantar' also found in these entries:
    - charm
    - delight
    - enchant
    - entrance
    * * *
    1. [gustar]
    me encanta el chocolate I love chocolate;
    le encanta ir al cine he loves going to the cinema;
    ¡me encanta! I love it/him/her!;
    me encantaría asistir, pero tengo otros compromisos I'd love to go, but I've got other things on
    2. [embrujar] to bewitch, to cast a spell on
    * * *
    me/le encanta I love/he loves it;
    me encanta el chocolate I love chocolate
    * * *
    1) : to enchant, to bewitch
    2) : to charm, to delight
    me encanta esta canción: I love this song
    * * *
    1. (gustar mucho) to love
    2. (hechizar) to cast a spell on [pt. & pp. cast]

    Spanish-English dictionary > encantar

  • 120 очаровать

    1) General subject: allure, beglamor, bewitch, captivate, cast a glamor over, cast a spell on, cast a spell on somebody, cast a spell upon, charm, enamour, enchant, enthrall, entrance, fascinate, philter, philtre, ravish, sirenize, spell, spellbind, witch, take by storm, cast a spell (кого-л.-on), cast a spel upon (кого-л.), cast a spell on (кого-л.), cast a spell
    2) Colloquial: fetch
    3) Literal: mesmerize
    4) Makarov: cast a glamour over, cast a spell upon (кого-л.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > очаровать

См. также в других словарях:

  • cast a spell over someone — …   Useful english dictionary

  • over — [ō′vər] prep. [ME ouer < OE ofer, akin to Ger über, ober < IE * uper (orig. a compar. of * upo, up) > L super, Gr hyper] 1. a) in, at, or to a position up from; higher than; above [a canopy over the bed, in water over his knees] b) on… …   English World dictionary

  • cast — cast1 [ kæst ] (past tense and past participle cast) verb *** ▸ 1 choose actor for part ▸ 2 describe someone as a type ▸ 3 look at someone/something ▸ 4 give light/a shadow ▸ 5 throw ▸ 6 move fishing line/net ▸ 7 make something in a mold ▸ 8 tell …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • spell — [[t]spe̱l[/t]] ♦♦♦ spells, spelling, spelled, spelt (American English uses the form spelled as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either spelled or spelt.) 1) VERB When you spell a word, you write or speak each letter in the …   English dictionary

  • cast — I UK [kɑːst] / US [kæst] verb Word forms cast : present tense I/you/we/they cast he/she/it casts present participle casting past tense cast past participle cast *** 1) a) [transitive] to choose a performer for a particular part or for a… …   English dictionary

  • spell — spell1 S2 [spel] v past tense and past participle spelt [spelt] BrE also spelled especially AmE [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: espeller] 1.) [I and T] to form a word by writing or naming the letters in order ▪ How do you spell juice ? ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • spell — 1 verb past tense and past participle spelt, especially BrE spelled especially AmE 1 (I, T) to form a word by writing or naming the letters in the correct order: “How do you spell your name?” “S M Y T H.” | can spell (=be good at spelling words… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • cast — cast1 W3 [ka:st US kæst] v past tense and past participle cast ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1 cast light on/onto something 2 cast doubt(s) on something 3¦(light and shade)¦ 4 cast a shadow/cloud over something 5¦(look)¦ 6 cast an eye on/over something 7 cast a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cast — 1 verb past tense and past participle cast 1 cast (a) light on/onto a) to provide new information which makes something easier to understand: research findings that cast new light on the origin of our universe b) literary to send light onto a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • spell — n. incantation 1) to cast a spell on, over 2) to break, remove a spell 3) a magic spell 4) under a spell * * * [spel] remove a spell [ incantation ] to cast a spell on. over a magic spell to break under a spell …   Combinatory dictionary

  • spell — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 period of time ADJECTIVE ▪ lengthy (esp. BrE), long, prolonged ▪ brief, short ▪ five minute, ten day …   Collocations dictionary

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Нажмите правой клавишей мыши и выберите «Копировать ссылку»