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  • 81 Ц-22

    ЦЕЛЫЙ И НЕВРЕДИМЫЙ (ЦЕЛ И НЕВРЕДИМ) AdjP usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human or concr), occas. detached modif ( var. with long-form Adj only) fixed WO
    unhurt, in fine condition
    safe and sound
    unharmed (all) in one piece (of a person only) alive and well alive and in one piece (of a thing only) undamaged intact.
    Ему бы этот год перетерпеть в горах, и он целым и невредимым вернулся бы в свою семью (Искандер 4). Не should have waited out the year in the mountains, and he would have come back to his family safe and sound (4a).
    (Вершинин:) Когда начался пожар, я побежал скорей домой подхожу, смотрю - дом наш цел и невредим и вне опасности... (Чехов 5). (V.:) When the fire began, I ran home fast, got there, looked...our house was unharmed and out of danger... (5c).
    К их удивлению, у двери, ведущей со сцены в переулок, лежал на спине целый и невредимый гамб-совский стул. Издав собачий визг, Ипполит Матвеевич вцепился в него мёртвой хваткой (Ильф и Петров 1). То their surprise, the Hambs chair was lying on its back, undamaged, at the exit from the stage to the street. Growling like a dog, Ippo lit Matveyevich seized it in a death-grip (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ц-22

  • 82 в целости и невредимости

    В ЦЕЛОСТИ И СОХРАННОСТИ < НЕВРЕДИМОСТИ> быть, доставить кого-что, вернуть что и т.п.; В ЦЕЛОСТИ-СОХРАННОСТИall coll
    [PrepP; these forms only; usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human or concr) or obj-compl with доставить etc (obj: human or concr); fixed WO]
    (a person or thing is, to deliver a person or thing, return a thing etc) unhurt, undamaged:
    - [of a person only] alive and well;
    - [of a thing only] intact;
    - in (good) working order.
         ♦ Под утро все новоиспечённые офицеры... частично своим собственным ходом, частично с помощью товарищей и аборигенов вернулись в казарму в целости и сохранности... (Зиновьев 1). By morning all the newly fledged officers had returned to barracks safe and sound, partly under their own steam and partly with the help of their comrades and the aboriginal population (1a).
         ♦ Мансурову даже казалось, что если он перестанет запрещать - завтра же всё рухнет, полетит в тартарары, вся семья погибнет, разве только он один и останется в целости и сохранности, так что он вовсе и не о себе заботился, запрещая, а о других (Залыгин 1). It actually seemed to him that if he once stopped forbidding things everything would crumble into ruins the next day, everything would fall to pieces, the family would perish. He himself would remain unharmed, which proved that it wasn't himself he was concerned about when he exercised his right of veto. It was others (1a).
         ♦ Вот твой велосипед, возвращаю его в целости и сохранности. Here's your bike-I'm returning it all in one piece.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в целости и невредимости

  • 83 в целости и сохранности

    В ЦЕЛОСТИ И СОХРАННОСТИ < НЕВРЕДИМОСТИ> быть, доставить кого-что, вернуть что и т.п.; В ЦЕЛОСТИ-СОХРАННОСТИall coll
    [PrepP; these forms only; usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human or concr) or obj-compl with доставить etc (obj: human or concr); fixed WO]
    (a person or thing is, to deliver a person or thing, return a thing etc) unhurt, undamaged:
    - [of a person only] alive and well;
    - [of a thing only] intact;
    - in (good) working order.
         ♦ Под утро все новоиспечённые офицеры... частично своим собственным ходом, частично с помощью товарищей и аборигенов вернулись в казарму в целости и сохранности... (Зиновьев 1). By morning all the newly fledged officers had returned to barracks safe and sound, partly under their own steam and partly with the help of their comrades and the aboriginal population (1a).
         ♦ Мансурову даже казалось, что если он перестанет запрещать - завтра же всё рухнет, полетит в тартарары, вся семья погибнет, разве только он один и останется в целости и сохранности, так что он вовсе и не о себе заботился, запрещая, а о других (Залыгин 1). It actually seemed to him that if he once stopped forbidding things everything would crumble into ruins the next day, everything would fall to pieces, the family would perish. He himself would remain unharmed, which proved that it wasn't himself he was concerned about when he exercised his right of veto. It was others (1a).
         ♦ Вот твой велосипед, возвращаю его в целости и сохранности. Here's your bike-I'm returning it all in one piece.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в целости и сохранности

  • 84 в целости-сохранности

    В ЦЕЛОСТИ И СОХРАННОСТИ < НЕВРЕДИМОСТИ> быть, доставить кого-что, вернуть что и т.п.; В ЦЕЛОСТИ-СОХРАННОСТИall coll
    [PrepP; these forms only; usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human or concr) or obj-compl with доставить etc (obj: human or concr); fixed WO]
    (a person or thing is, to deliver a person or thing, return a thing etc) unhurt, undamaged:
    - [of a person only] alive and well;
    - [of a thing only] intact;
    - in (good) working order.
         ♦ Под утро все новоиспечённые офицеры... частично своим собственным ходом, частично с помощью товарищей и аборигенов вернулись в казарму в целости и сохранности... (Зиновьев 1). By morning all the newly fledged officers had returned to barracks safe and sound, partly under their own steam and partly with the help of their comrades and the aboriginal population (1a).
         ♦ Мансурову даже казалось, что если он перестанет запрещать - завтра же всё рухнет, полетит в тартарары, вся семья погибнет, разве только он один и останется в целости и сохранности, так что он вовсе и не о себе заботился, запрещая, а о других (Залыгин 1). It actually seemed to him that if he once stopped forbidding things everything would crumble into ruins the next day, everything would fall to pieces, the family would perish. He himself would remain unharmed, which proved that it wasn't himself he was concerned about when he exercised his right of veto. It was others (1a).
         ♦ Вот твой велосипед, возвращаю его в целости и сохранности. Here's your bike-I'm returning it all in one piece.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в целости-сохранности

  • 85 цел и невредим

    [AdjP; usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human or concr), occas. detached modif (var. with long-form Adj only); fixed WO]
    unhurt, in fine condition:
    - [of a person only] alive and well;
    - [of a thing only] undamaged;
    - intact.
         ♦ Ему бы этот год перетерпеть в горах, и он целым и невредимым вернулся бы в свою семью (Искандер 4). He should have waited out the year in the mountains, and he would have come back to his family safe and sound (4a).
         ♦ [Вершинин:] Когда начался пожар, я побежал скорей домой; подхожу, смотрю - дом наш цел и невредим и вне опасности... (Чехов 5). [V.:] When the fire began, I ran home fast; got there, looked...our house was unharmed and out of danger... (5c).
         ♦ К их удивлению, у двери, ведущей со сцены в переулок, лежал на спине целый и невредимый гамбсовский стул. Издав собачий визг, Ипполит Матвеевич вцепился в него мёртвой хваткой (Ильф и Петров 1). То their surprise, the Hambs chair was lying on its back, undamaged, at the exit from the stage to the street. Growling like a dog, Ippolit Matveyevich seized it in a death-grip (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > цел и невредим

  • 86 целый и невредимый

    [AdjP; usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human or concr), occas. detached modif (var. with long-form Adj only); fixed WO]
    unhurt, in fine condition:
    - [of a person only] alive and well;
    - [of a thing only] undamaged;
    - intact.
         ♦ Ему бы этот год перетерпеть в горах, и он целым и невредимым вернулся бы в свою семью (Искандер 4). He should have waited out the year in the mountains, and he would have come back to his family safe and sound (4a).
         ♦ [Вершинин:] Когда начался пожар, я побежал скорей домой; подхожу, смотрю - дом наш цел и невредим и вне опасности... (Чехов 5). [V.:] When the fire began, I ran home fast; got there, looked...our house was unharmed and out of danger... (5c).
         ♦ К их удивлению, у двери, ведущей со сцены в переулок, лежал на спине целый и невредимый гамбсовский стул. Издав собачий визг, Ипполит Матвеевич вцепился в него мёртвой хваткой (Ильф и Петров 1). То their surprise, the Hambs chair was lying on its back, undamaged, at the exit from the stage to the street. Growling like a dog, Ippolit Matveyevich seized it in a death-grip (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > целый и невредимый

  • 87 heil

    Adj. (unversehrt) Person: unhurt, unharmed, safe and sound; Sache: undamaged, intact; (geheilt) healed, cured; heile Welt intact ( oder ideal, iro. sugar-coated) world; etw. heil überstehen come through (s.th.) unscathed; da bist du noch mal mit heiler Haut davongekommen iro. you got off lightly this time; wieder heil machen fix, mend; Kinderspr. (einen verletzten Finger etc.) make s.th. better; wieder heil sein be better; die Vase etc. ist heil geblieben didn’t break, is still intact ( oder in one piece)
    * * *
    das Heil
    * * *
    1. nt -s,
    no pl
    1) (= Wohlergehen) wellbeing, good

    sein Héíl bei jdm versuchen (inf)to try one's luck with sb

    jdm Héíl und Segen wünschen — to wish sb every blessing

    2) (ECCL fig) salvation

    sein Héíl in der Flucht suchen —

    sie warteten auf den Héíl bringenden Regen — they were waiting for the vitally needed rain

    zu jds Héíl(e) gereichen (geh)to be sb's salvation

    im Jahr des Héíls 1848 (old)in the year of grace 1848 (old)

    2. interj

    Héíl! — hail! (old)

    Héíl dem König! — long live or God save the King!

    Héíl Hitler! (NS)heil Hitler!

    Berg/Ski/Petri Héíl! — good climbing/skiing/fishing!

    * * *
    I. nt
    kein pl welfare no pl, well-being
    sein \Heil in der Flucht suchen to seek refuge in flight
    jds seelisches \Heil sb's spiritual well-being
    sein \Heil in etw dat suchen to seek one's salvation in sth
    sein \Heil bei jdm versuchen (fam) to try one's luck with sb
    II. interj
    \Heil Hitler! HIST heil Hitler!
    \Heil! hail!
    \Heil dem Kaiser! hail to the emperor!
    \Heil dir! hail to thee! old
    * * *
    das; Heils
    1) (Wohlergehen) benefit

    bei jemandem/irgendwo sein Heil versuchen — try one's luck with somebody/somewhere

    2) (Rel.) salvation
    * * *
    heil adj (unversehrt) Person: unhurt, unharmed, safe and sound; Sache: undamaged, intact; (geheilt) healed, cured;
    heile Welt intact ( oder ideal, iron sugar-coated) world;
    etwas heil überstehen come through (sth) unscathed;
    da bist du noch mal mit heiler Haut davongekommen iron you got off lightly this time;
    wieder heil machen fix, mend; kinderspr (einen verletzten Finger etc) make sth better;
    wieder heil sein be better;
    die Vase etc
    ist heil geblieben didn’t break, is still intact ( oder in one piece)
    * * *
    das; Heils
    1) (Wohlergehen) benefit

    bei jemandem/irgendwo sein Heil versuchen — try one's luck with somebody/somewhere

    2) (Rel.) salvation
    * * *
    nur sing. n.
    salvation n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > heil

  • 88 salvo

    ['salvo] I salvo (-a)
    1. agg
    (persona) safe, unhurt, unharmed, (fuori pericolo) safe, out of danger
    2. sm

    essere in salvo(persona, cosa) to be safe

    non preoccuparti, ora sei in salvo — don't worry, you're safe now

    II ['salvo] prep
    1) (eccetto) except (for)

    salvo errori, la somma ammonta a... — unless I am (o we are ecc) mistaken, it amounts to...

    ci vediamo domani, salvo imprevisti — I'll see you tomorrow, all being well


    salvo che (eccetto che) except (that), (a meno che) unless

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > salvo

  • 89 salama

    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] peace
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Example] salama njema
    [English Example] good peace
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] tranquility
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] peaceful
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] calm
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] peacefully
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Swahili Example] lala salama
    [English Example] sleep peacefully
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] calmly
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] safety
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] security
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Example] salama ya watu
    [English Example] security of the people
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] safe
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] secure
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Example] mtaa huu kuna salama
    [English Example] this neighborhood is secure
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] securely
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] health
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] sound health
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Example] wakimsikiliza akipaparika na kumwombea salama [Moh]
    [English Example] they were listening to him/her as (s)he quivered and prayed for his/her good health
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] well-being
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] favorable
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Example] mwisho salama
    [English Example] favorable outcome
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] satisfactory
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] favorably
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] satisfactorily
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] unharmed
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] safely
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Example] Tunaishi kwa salama sasa baada ya mwivi kushikwa
    [English Example] we are now living safely after the thief was arrested
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] in perfectly good order
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [English Word] salvation
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] salamu, salimu, usalama
    [Swahili Word] salama salimini
    [English Word] safe and sound
    [Part of Speech] phrase
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Swahili Example] kishajifungua salama usalimini [Moh]
    [English Example] she gave birth safe and sound
    [Swahili Word] salama salimini
    [English Word] in perfectly good order
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Swahili Word] salama
    [Swahili Plural] salama
    [English Word] condom (brand)
    [English Plural] condoms
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Swahili Example] ukinunua "salama kondom" ndani ya pakiti, kuna maelekezo kuhusu matumizi ya kondomu [ http://chezasalama.com/article.php?id=125 chezasalama.com]
    [English Example] if you buy "salama condoms" inside the packet is an explanation of how to use condoms

    Swahili-english dictionary > salama

  • 90 sospes

    sospĕs, ĭtis ( fem. collat. form sospĭ-ta, ae, and arch. SISPITA, ae, and SEISPES, ĭtis; v. infra), adj. [for sos-pets; root saos, sôs; and pa-, to nourish, protect; cf. pasco].
    Act., saving, delivering; subst., a savior, deliverer, preserver (so only in the foll. examples):

    Ennius sospitem pro servatore posuit, Fest. pp. 300 and 301 Müll.: templum Junonis Sospitae,

    Cic. Div. 1, 2, 4; so, Sospita, an epithet of Juno (the Gr. Hygieia). id. N. D. 1, 29, 82; id. Mur. 41, 90; Ov. F. 2, 56;

    in the form SISPITA,

    Inscr. Orell. 1309; Num. ap. Eckh. D. N. V. 7, pp. 14 and 107; cf.:

    sispitem Junonem, quam vulgo sospitem appellant, antiqui usurpabant,

    Fest. p. 343 Müll.:


    Inscr. Orell. 5659 a;

    the same abbreviated I. S. M. R. (IVNO SISPITA MATER REGINA),

    ib. 1308; 2503; 3324; 4014.—
    Pass., saved, i.e. safe and sound, safe, unhurt, unharmed, uninjured; happy, lucky, fortunate (syn.: salvus, incolumis, sanus, salvus; mostly poet. and in postAug. prose;

    not in Cic.): filium tuum modo in portu vivum, salvum et sospitem vidi,

    Plaut. Capt. 4, 2, 93:

    exagoga (with salva),

    id. Rud. 3, 2, 17: ita mihi salvam ac sospitem rempublicam sistere in sede suā liceat August. ap. Suet. Aug. 28:

    sospes et superstes gnatus,

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 2;

    sospes incolumisque (Caesar),

    Plin. Pan. 67, 5:

    sospes Iter incipe hoc,

    Plaut. Cas. 4, 4, 1:

    sospites in patriam restituere,

    Liv. 2, 49, 7; 5, 28, 4;

    virginum matres juvenumque nuper Sospitum,

    Hor. C. 3, 14, 10:

    Hesperiā sospes ab ultima,

    id. ib. 1, 36, 4:

    vix una sospes navis ab ignibus,

    id. ib. 1, 37, 13:

    fortuna do. musque Sospes ab incursu est,

    Ov. M. 10, 401: Juppiter, da diem hunc sospitem Rebus meis agundis, favorable, auspicious, [p. 1734] Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 15:

    mutare lares et urbem Sospite cursu,

    Hor. C. S. 40.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > sospes

  • 91 sospita

    sospĕs, ĭtis ( fem. collat. form sospĭ-ta, ae, and arch. SISPITA, ae, and SEISPES, ĭtis; v. infra), adj. [for sos-pets; root saos, sôs; and pa-, to nourish, protect; cf. pasco].
    Act., saving, delivering; subst., a savior, deliverer, preserver (so only in the foll. examples):

    Ennius sospitem pro servatore posuit, Fest. pp. 300 and 301 Müll.: templum Junonis Sospitae,

    Cic. Div. 1, 2, 4; so, Sospita, an epithet of Juno (the Gr. Hygieia). id. N. D. 1, 29, 82; id. Mur. 41, 90; Ov. F. 2, 56;

    in the form SISPITA,

    Inscr. Orell. 1309; Num. ap. Eckh. D. N. V. 7, pp. 14 and 107; cf.:

    sispitem Junonem, quam vulgo sospitem appellant, antiqui usurpabant,

    Fest. p. 343 Müll.:


    Inscr. Orell. 5659 a;

    the same abbreviated I. S. M. R. (IVNO SISPITA MATER REGINA),

    ib. 1308; 2503; 3324; 4014.—
    Pass., saved, i.e. safe and sound, safe, unhurt, unharmed, uninjured; happy, lucky, fortunate (syn.: salvus, incolumis, sanus, salvus; mostly poet. and in postAug. prose;

    not in Cic.): filium tuum modo in portu vivum, salvum et sospitem vidi,

    Plaut. Capt. 4, 2, 93:

    exagoga (with salva),

    id. Rud. 3, 2, 17: ita mihi salvam ac sospitem rempublicam sistere in sede suā liceat August. ap. Suet. Aug. 28:

    sospes et superstes gnatus,

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 2;

    sospes incolumisque (Caesar),

    Plin. Pan. 67, 5:

    sospes Iter incipe hoc,

    Plaut. Cas. 4, 4, 1:

    sospites in patriam restituere,

    Liv. 2, 49, 7; 5, 28, 4;

    virginum matres juvenumque nuper Sospitum,

    Hor. C. 3, 14, 10:

    Hesperiā sospes ab ultima,

    id. ib. 1, 36, 4:

    vix una sospes navis ab ignibus,

    id. ib. 1, 37, 13:

    fortuna do. musque Sospes ab incursu est,

    Ov. M. 10, 401: Juppiter, da diem hunc sospitem Rebus meis agundis, favorable, auspicious, [p. 1734] Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 15:

    mutare lares et urbem Sospite cursu,

    Hor. C. S. 40.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > sospita

  • 92 невредимый

    1. uninjured
    2. unhurt
    3. unscathed
    4. sound; unhurt

    живой и невредимый — safe in life and limb, safe and sound

    5. safe
    6. scot-free
    7. unharmed
    8. whole

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > невредимый

  • 93 uscire

    come out
    ( andare fuori) go out
    information technology close, exit, quit
    * * *
    uscire v. intr.
    1 ( andare fuori) to go* out; ( venire fuori) to come* out (anche fig.); to get* out; ( lasciare) to leave* (a place): uscite!, ( andate fuori) go out!, ( venite fuori) come out!; usciamo insieme!, let us go out together!; esce ogni sera, he goes out every evening; non esce molto, she does not go out much (into society, to parties); uscire all'aperto, to go outdoors; uscì a piedi, he went out on foot; uscire a cavallo, to ride off; uscire in automobile, to go out in the car; uscire precipitosamente, to rush out; uscire furtivamente, di soppiatto, to steal out; far uscire qlcu., ( accompagnandolo alla porta) to show s.o. out, ( mandandolo via) to send s.o. out: non fatelo uscire!, don't let him out!; far uscire da un paese merce di contrabbando, to smuggle goods out of a country; impedire a qlcu. di uscire, to stop s.o. from going out; uscì dall'automobile, he got out of the car; uscendo da teatro, lo incontrai, on leaving the theatre I met him; uscire dal letto, to get out of bed (o to get up); ( di fiume) to overflow; uscire dall'ospedale, to come out of the hospital; uscire dal carcere, di prigione, to come out of prison; il ciclista uscì dal gruppo, the cyclist emerged from the group; esco dal lavoro alle 6, I knock off work at 6; quando uscii da quel labirinto, da quella folla, when I got out of that maze, of that crowd; il treno uscì dal tunnel, the train emerged from the tunnel; il sangue gli usciva di bocca, blood was coming out his mouth; la luna uscì dalle nubi, the moon emerged from the clouds
    2 ( di pubblicazioni) to come* out, to be issued, to be published: quando uscirà il prossimo numero?, when will the next number come out?; questa rivista esce il martedì, this magazine comes out (o appears) on Tuesdays; è uscito un nuovo libro, a new book has been published; questo libro è appena uscito, this book is just out
    3 ( essere estratto) to be drawn: per primo uscì il numero cinque, number five was drawn first
    4 ( essere prodotto) to be produced, to be turned out: dalla fabbrica escono cento macchine al giorno, the factory turns out a hundred cars a day
    5 ( provenire) to come*: esce da un'antica famiglia, he comes of an old family; esce da un'ottima scuola, he comes out of (o went to) an excellent school
    6 ( sboccare) to lead* (to sthg.), to end (at sthg.): la strada esce su una piazza, the road leads to a square; questo sentiero esce sulla strada principale, this path ends at the main road
    7 ( cavarsela) to get* out; to come* out: uscire da un imbroglio, dai pasticci, da una situazione difficile, to get out of a scrape, of trouble, of a difficult situation; uscirne bene, male, con onore, to come out well, badly, honourably; uscire sano e salvo da un'incidente, to come out of an accident safe and sound
    8 ( a carte) to lead* (a card): uscire a, di fiori, to lead clubs
    9 (terminare, di parola) to end: questa parola esce in 't', this word ends in 't'
    10 (inform.) to exit.
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: esce, escono, ( nei copioni teatrali) exit, exeunt; escono tutti, exeunt all; uscire di scena, to leave the stage (anche fig.) // uscire dal mondo, (fig.) to die // uscire dai limiti, to pass the limit: questo esce dai limiti dei tuoi diritti, this exceeds your rights; la sua impudenza uscì dai limiti, his impudence passed all bounds // uscire dal seminato, to wander from the subject (o point) // uscire di strada, to go off the road // uscire dalla retta via, to go off the straight and narrow path (o to go astray) // uscire dall'ordinario, to be out of the ordinary (o to be exceptional) // questi discorsi mi escono dagli occhi, dalle orecchie, I'm fed up with this talk // gli occhi gli uscivano dalla testa, his eyes were popping out of his head // di qui non si esce, o è stupido o fa finta, there are no two ways about it; either he is a fool or he's pretending // uscire di sé, di senno, di sentimento, to be beside oneself, to lose one's wits (o to go mad) // mi è proprio uscito di, dalla mente, it went clean out of my mind // uscire di mano, to slip out of s.o.'s hands; un vestito uscito dalle mani di Dior, a dress made by Dior; da quello scampolo esce una gonna, that cloth will do for a skirt // uscire di bocca, (fig.) to let slip: gli uscì di bocca una parolaccia, he let slip a swearword // una parola uscita dal cuore, a heartfelt word // uscire dalla vista, to disappear from view // uscire dall'inverno, to come out of winter // uscire dal riserbo, to drop one's reserve // uscire di minorità, to come of age // uscire da un partito, to leave a party // uscire dai ranghi, to fall out of line // (comm.): uscire sul mercato, to come on the market; uscire da una società, to leave (o to resign from) a company; uscire di carica, to leave office (o to retire from one's position) // uscire in mare, to put to sea // uscire allo scoperto, (fig.) to come out into the open // (sport) il portiere uscì ( dalla porta), the goalkeeper came off his line // uscì a dire che non era vero, he came out saying it wasn't true; uscì con osservazioni fuori di posto, he came out with remarks that were out of place; uscì in un fiume di insulti, he burst out into a flood of insults.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo (aus. essere)
    1) (andare fuori) to go* out, get* out; (venire fuori) to come* out

    lasciare, non lasciare uscire qcn. — to let sb. out, to keep sb. in

    fare uscire qcn. di prigione — to get sb. out of prison

    uscire da — to leave [stanza, porto]; fig. to come out of [ depressione]

    3) (fuoriuscire) [acqua, fumo, odore] to come* out (da of)

    uscire con qcn. — to go out with sb., to date sb

    6) (essere stampato) [giornale, libro] to come* out, go* out, to be* issued, to be* published

    fare uscire — to bring out [ edizione]

    7) (provenire) to come*

    è uscito da una buona scuolahe went to o graduated from a good school

    8) (sboccare) [ strada] to lead* to, to come out on [ piazza]
    9) (essere estratto) [ numero] to be* drawn
    10) inform.

    uscire da — to quit [ programma]

    11) teatr.

    "esce Iago" — "exit Iago"

    uscirne vivo — to (manage to) escape with one's life, to come out alive

    uscirsene con — to come out with [ stupidaggini]; to throw out [ commento]

    * * *
    /u∫'∫ire/ [106]
    (aus. essere)
     1 (andare fuori) to go* out, get* out; (venire fuori) to come* out; uscite di qui! get out of here! lasciare, non lasciare uscire qcn. to let sb. out, to keep sb. in; fare uscire qcn. di prigione to get sb. out of prison; uscire da to leave [stanza, porto]; fig. to come out of [ depressione]; uscire di casa to leave home; l'auto uscì di strada the car went off the road
     2 (passare del tempo fuori) to go* out; uscire con gli amici to go out with one's friends
     3 (fuoriuscire) [acqua, fumo, odore] to come* out (da of)
     4 (emergere) uscire deluso dall'incontro to come away from the meeting disappointed; uscire indenne to escape unharmed o uninjured
     5 (avere una relazione) uscire con qcn. to go out with sb., to date sb.
     6 (essere stampato) [giornale, libro] to come* out, go* out, to be* issued, to be* published; fare uscire to bring out [ edizione]
     7 (provenire) to come*; è uscito da una buona scuola he went to o graduated from a good school
     8 (sboccare) [ strada] to lead* to, to come out on [ piazza]
     9 (essere estratto) [ numero] to be* drawn
     10 inform. uscire da to quit [ programma]
     11 teatr. "esce Iago" "exit Iago"
     12 uscirne uscirne vivo to (manage to) escape with one's life, to come out alive; uscirne vincitore to emerge the victor; non c'è modo di uscirne we can't get out of o through it
     13 uscirsene (dire) uscirsene con to come out with [ stupidaggini]; to throw out [ commento]
    la pasta mi esce dagli occhi I'm fed up to the back teeth with pasta.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > uscire

  • 94 heelhuids

    unharmed, unscathed whole
    1   er heelhuids (van) afkomen escape unharmed
         hij kwam er heelhuids doorheen he came through unscathed/without a scratch
         heelhuids terugkomen return safe and sound

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > heelhuids

  • 95 sōspes

        sōspes itis (fem. collat. form sōspīta, ae), adj.    [SAV-, POT-], saved, safe, sound, unhurt, unharmed, uninjured: sospites in patriam restituere, L.: navis ab ignibus, H.— Fortunate, prosperous, happy: fortuna domusque, O.: mutare lares Sospite cursu, H.
    * * *
    (gen.), sospitis ADJ
    safe and sound; auspicious

    Latin-English dictionary > sōspes

  • 96 무사히

    adv. safe and sound, healthy and unharmed

    Korean-English dictionary > 무사히

  • 97 sano y salvo

    • in good cause
    • in good earnest
    • in good hands
    • in good part
    • in words
    • in writing
    • safe and sound
    • safely and soundly
    • undamaged
    • unharmed
    • unhurt
    • unscathed

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > sano y salvo

  • 98 Heil

    Adj. (unversehrt) Person: unhurt, unharmed, safe and sound; Sache: undamaged, intact; (geheilt) healed, cured; heile Welt intact ( oder ideal, iro. sugar-coated) world; etw. heil überstehen come through (s.th.) unscathed; da bist du noch mal mit heiler Haut davongekommen iro. you got off lightly this time; wieder heil machen fix, mend; Kinderspr. (einen verletzten Finger etc.) make s.th. better; wieder heil sein be better; die Vase etc. ist heil geblieben didn’t break, is still intact ( oder in one piece)
    * * *
    das Heil
    * * *
    1. nt -s,
    no pl
    1) (= Wohlergehen) wellbeing, good

    sein Héíl bei jdm versuchen (inf)to try one's luck with sb

    jdm Héíl und Segen wünschen — to wish sb every blessing

    2) (ECCL fig) salvation

    sein Héíl in der Flucht suchen —

    sie warteten auf den Héíl bringenden Regen — they were waiting for the vitally needed rain

    zu jds Héíl(e) gereichen (geh)to be sb's salvation

    im Jahr des Héíls 1848 (old)in the year of grace 1848 (old)

    2. interj

    Héíl! — hail! (old)

    Héíl dem König! — long live or God save the King!

    Héíl Hitler! (NS)heil Hitler!

    Berg/Ski/Petri Héíl! — good climbing/skiing/fishing!

    * * *
    I. nt
    kein pl welfare no pl, well-being
    sein \Heil in der Flucht suchen to seek refuge in flight
    jds seelisches \Heil sb's spiritual well-being
    sein \Heil in etw dat suchen to seek one's salvation in sth
    sein \Heil bei jdm versuchen (fam) to try one's luck with sb
    II. interj
    \Heil Hitler! HIST heil Hitler!
    \Heil! hail!
    \Heil dem Kaiser! hail to the emperor!
    \Heil dir! hail to thee! old
    * * *
    das; Heils
    1) (Wohlergehen) benefit

    bei jemandem/irgendwo sein Heil versuchen — try one's luck with somebody/somewhere

    2) (Rel.) salvation
    * * *
    Heil n; -s, kein pl
    1. welfare, well-being; KIRCHE salvation;
    Heil bringend REL, Botschaft etc: saving, redemptive, bringing salvation; Kur, Wirkung: therapeutic;
    sein Heil bei jemandem/in etwas (dat)
    versuchen try one’s luck with sb/sth;
    sein Heil in der Flucht/im Alkohol suchen take flight/take to drink
    2. Gruß: obs hail (+dat to);
    Berg/Ski Heil! traditional hearty greetings exchanged by mountain climbers/skiers;
    Heil Hitler! HIST, im Nationalsozialismus: Heil Hitler!; Petri Heil!
    * * *
    das; Heils
    1) (Wohlergehen) benefit

    bei jemandem/irgendwo sein Heil versuchen — try one's luck with somebody/somewhere

    2) (Rel.) salvation
    * * *
    nur sing. n.
    salvation n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Heil

  • 99 sānus

        sānus adj. with comp. and sup.    [2 SAV-], sound, whole, healthy, well: pars corporis: sensūs: Si noles sanus, curres hydropicus, H.: eo medicamento sanus factus.—Fig., of the state, sound, safe, whole, unharmed: res p.: civitas, L.—Of the mind, sound, rational, sane, sober, discreet, sensible: eos sanos intellegi necesse est, quorum mens, etc.: Satin' sanus es? in your senses? T.: mens bene, H.: vix sanae compos Mentis, O.: illum male sanum putare, of unsound mind: male sana (Dido), i. e. raving, V.: male sani poëtae, i. e. inspired, H.: excludit sanos Helicone poëtas, sober, H.: bene sanus Ac non incautus, discreet, H.: rem p. capessere hominem bene sanum non oportere: nihil pro sano facturus, i. e. rationally, Cs.: Solve senescentem sanus equum, H.: tumultu etiam sanos consternante animos, self-possessed, L.: ab illis (vitiis), i. e. free from, H.: qui sanior, ac si, etc., H.: quisquam sanissimus tam certa putat, quae videt, quam? etc.—Of style, sound, correct, sensible, sober, chaste: nihil erat in eius oratione, nisi sanum: (oratores) saniores.
    * * *
    sana, sanum ADJ
    sound; healthy; sensible; sober; sane

    Latin-English dictionary > sānus

  • 100 zdrav i čitav

    • nonaffected; non-affected; safe and sound; unharmed

    Serbian-English dictionary > zdrav i čitav

См. также в других словарях:

  • safe and sound — {adj. phr.} Not harmed; not hurt; safe and not damaged. * /The package arrived safe and sound./ * /The children returned from their trip safe and sound./ Compare: WITH A WHOLE SKIN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • safe and sound — {adj. phr.} Not harmed; not hurt; safe and not damaged. * /The package arrived safe and sound./ * /The children returned from their trip safe and sound./ Compare: WITH A WHOLE SKIN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • safe and sound — healthy and unharmed …   English contemporary dictionary

  • safe and sound — adjective Having come to no harm, especially after being exposed to danger. Fetch our stuff from thence: Syn: in one piece, unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, unscathed …   Wiktionary

  • safe — [adj1] free from harm buttoned up*, cherished, free from danger, guarded, homefree*, impervious, impregnable, in safety, intact, inviolable, invulnerable, maintained, okay*, out of danger, out of harm’s way*, preserved, protected, safe and sound* …   New thesaurus

  • unharmed — [adj] unhurt all right, free from danger, in one piece*, intact, not hurt, okay*, out of danger, out of harm’s way*, protected, safe, safe and sound*, sound, undamaged, uninjured, unscarred, unscathed, unscratched, untouched; concepts 314,587 …   New thesaurus

  • safe — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. secure, protected; unharmed, intact; trustworthy. See safety, security, trust. Ant., dangerous. n. repository, strongbox, locker, vault; slang, condom. See store, safety, hindrance. II (Roget s IV)… …   English dictionary for students

  • safe — [[t]se͟ɪf[/t]] ♦♦ safer, safest, safes 1) ADJ GRADED: oft it v link ADJ to inf Something that is safe does not cause physical harm or danger. Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies into the city... Most… …   English dictionary

  • safe — safe1 W2S2 [seıf] adj comparative safer superlative safest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not causing harm)¦ 2¦(not in danger)¦ 3 safe place 4 safe journey/arrival/return etc 5¦(no risk)¦ 6¦(subject)¦ 7 to be on the safe side …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • safe — 1 /seIf/ adjective 1 NOT CAUSING HARM not likely to cause any physical injury or harm: Flying is one of the safest forms of travel. | the safe disposal of radioactive waste | Don t go too near the edge it isn t safe. | it is safe to do sth: Is it …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • safe — Synonyms and related words: Fort Knox, OK, acceptable, all right, allowable, appropriate, armed, bank, bona fide, bursary, calculating, canny, careful, cash register, cashbox, cautious, chary, chest, circumspect, cloaked, coffer, coin box,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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