Перевод: с английского на болгарский

с болгарского на английский


  • 1 positive discrimination

    positive discrimination[´pɔzitivdis ¸krimi´neiʃən] n преференциално отношение към хора, които преди това са били дискриминирани.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > positive discrimination

  • 2 positive

    I. 1. положителен (и физ.), позитивен
    POSITIVE philosophy позитивизъм
    POSITIVE sign мат. знак плюс
    POSITIVE electron позитрон
    2. определен, категоричен, подчертан, недвусмислен
    3. сигурен, уверен, положителен (about)
    4. положителен (за влияние и пр.), творчески, деен
    5. разг. същински, истински, кръгъл, стопроцентов
    6. тех. който е с принудително задвижване, който се върти в посока на ча совниковата стрелка
    7. грам. положителен (за степен на сравнение)
    II. 1. грaм. положителна степен/форма (на прилагателно, наречие)
    2. фот. позитив
    3. реалност, действителност
    4. мат. положителна величина
    * * *
    {'pъzitiv} I. a 1. положителен (и физ.); позитивен; positive philos
    * * *
    убеден; уверен; самоуверен; растящ; самонадеян; определен; aбсолютен; категоричен; недвусмислен;
    * * *
    1. i. положителен (и физ.), позитивен 2. ii. грaм. положителна степен/форма (на прилагателно, наречие) 3. positive electron позитрон 4. positive philosophy позитивизъм 5. positive sign мат. знак плюс 6. грам. положителен (за степен на сравнение) 7. мат. положителна величина 8. определен, категоричен, подчертан, недвусмислен 9. положителен (за влияние и пр.), творчески, деен 10. разг. същински, истински, кръгъл, стопроцентов 11. реалност, действителност 12. сигурен, уверен, положителен (about) 13. тех. който е с принудително задвижване, който се върти в посока на ча совниковата стрелка 14. фот. позитив
    * * *
    positive[´pɔzitiv] I. adj 1. положителен, позитивен; \positive philosophy филос. позитивизъм; \positive sign знак плюс; 2. категоричен; определен, подчертан, недвусмислен, несъмнение, неоспорим; абсолютен; дефинитивен; a \positive character подчертан характер; proof \positive неопровержимо (неоспоримо) доказателство; 3. положителен, уверен, сигурен; самоуверен; самонадеян, самомнителен; 4. разг. същински, стопроцентов, истински, неподправен, абсолютен; a \positive fool кръгъл идиот; FONT face=Times_Deutsch◊ adv positively; 5.: \positive laws установени закони; 6. растящ, възходящ, развиващ се, прогресивен; 7. тех. нагнетателен, с принудително движение; \positive draught изкуствена тяга; II. n 1. ез. положителна степен; 2. фот. позитив.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > positive

  • 3 positive-positive tool

    режещ инструмент с положителни преден и заден ъгъл

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive-positive tool

  • 4 positive-positive tools

    режещ инструмент с положителни преден и заден ъгъл

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive-positive tools

  • 5 positive absorption

    положително поглъщане

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive absorption

  • 6 positive acceleration

    положително ускорение

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive acceleration

  • 7 positive accelerations

    положително ускорение

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive accelerations

  • 8 positive allowance


    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive allowance

  • 9 positive allowances


    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive allowances

  • 10 positive angle

    положителен ъгъл

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive angle

  • 11 positive angles

    положителен ъгъл

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive angles

  • 12 positive bias

    положително преднапрежение

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive bias

  • 13 positive blower

    нагнетателен вентилатор

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive blower

  • 14 positive blowers

    нагнетателен вентилатор

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive blowers

  • 15 positive carrier

    положителен носител

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive carrier

  • 16 positive carriers

    положителен носител

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive carriers

  • 17 positive charge

    положителен заряд

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive charge

  • 18 positive charges

    положителен заряд

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive charges

  • 19 positive closing

    принудително затваряне

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive closing

  • 20 positive clutch

    твърд съединител

    English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > positive clutch

См. также в других словарях:

  • Positive pedalers — is a group of people living with HIV/AIDS committed to building a supportive and inclusive community for others and themselves through participation in bicycle related activities. Positive Pedalers comprises nearly 600 men and women with HIV/AIDS …   Wikipedia

  • Positive psychology — is a recent branch of psychology that studies the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. Positive psychologists seek to find and nurture genius and talent, and to make normal life more fullfilling, not to cure… …   Wikipedia

  • Positive psychological capital — is defined as the positive and developmental state of an individual as characterized by high Self Efficacy, Optimism, Hope and Resiliency. [‏• Luthans F., Youssef, C.M. (2004). Human, social, and now positive psychological capital management:… …   Wikipedia

  • positive — pos‧i‧tive [ˈpɒztɪv ǁ ˈpɑːz ] adjective 1. good or useful: • When interest rates fall, there is a positive effect on business confidence. • He felt that these meetings did not make any sort of positive contribution to branch performance. 2.… …   Financial and business terms

  • Positive psychotherapy — is a psychodynamic method of psychotherapy founded by Dr. Nossrat Peseschkian in 1968 in Germany. It is based on a positive conception of humanity, and has an integral and holistic approach. It is today spread in many countries. The main center… …   Wikipedia

  • Positive — Pos i*tive, a. [OE. positif, F. positif, L. positivus. See {Position}.] 1. Having a real position, existence, or energy; existing in fact; real; actual; opposed to negative. Positive good. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. Derived from an object by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Positive crystals — Positive Pos i*tive, a. [OE. positif, F. positif, L. positivus. See {Position}.] 1. Having a real position, existence, or energy; existing in fact; real; actual; opposed to negative. Positive good. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. Derived from an object… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Positive degree — Positive Pos i*tive, a. [OE. positif, F. positif, L. positivus. See {Position}.] 1. Having a real position, existence, or energy; existing in fact; real; actual; opposed to negative. Positive good. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. Derived from an object… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Positive electricity — Positive Pos i*tive, a. [OE. positif, F. positif, L. positivus. See {Position}.] 1. Having a real position, existence, or energy; existing in fact; real; actual; opposed to negative. Positive good. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. Derived from an object… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Positive eyepiece — Positive Pos i*tive, a. [OE. positif, F. positif, L. positivus. See {Position}.] 1. Having a real position, existence, or energy; existing in fact; real; actual; opposed to negative. Positive good. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. Derived from an object… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Positive law — Positive Pos i*tive, a. [OE. positif, F. positif, L. positivus. See {Position}.] 1. Having a real position, existence, or energy; existing in fact; real; actual; opposed to negative. Positive good. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. Derived from an object… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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