101 einfallen
v/i (unreg., trennb., ist -ge-)1. Idee: mir fällt gerade ein it has just occurred to me; mir fällt nichts Besseres ein I can’t think of anything better; da musst du dir schon was Besseres einfallen lassen you’ll have to do ( oder come up with something) better than that; ihm fällt immer was ein he always comes up with ( oder thinks of) something, he’s never at a loss for ideas ( oder an excuse etc.); zu dem Thema fällt mir nichts mehr ein I can’t think of anything else to say on the subject; dazu fällt mir gar nichts ein my mind’s a blank (on that); ich werde mir schon was einfallen lassen I’ll think of ( oder come up with) something; was fällt dir ein? vorwurfsvoll: what do you think you’re doing?; abwehrend: you must be joking!; lass dir ja nicht einfallen, mich anzulügen! don’t you even think about lying to me!; wie’s ihm gerade einfällt just as the mood takes him; wo’s mir gerade einfällt while I think of it; fällt mir gar nicht ein! umg. who do you think I am?, you must be joking!; so etwas würde mir nie oder im Traum nicht einfallen I wouldn’t dream of it2. Erinnerung: es fällt mir im Moment nicht ein I can’t think of it right now; mir fällt gerade ein I’ve just remembered; es wird mir schon wieder einfallen it’ll come back to me (eventually)3. einfallen (in + Akk) Vögel, Insektenschwärme: come in(to), settle (in); in ein Land einfallen MIL. invade a country5. einfallen (in + Akk) (einstimmen) join in; in ein Lied: come in; in ein Gespräch: butt ( oder break) in (on)6. (einstürzen) collapse, cave in; eingefallen* * *(einstimmen) to join in;(einströmen) to come in; to enter;(einstürzen) to cave in; to collapse* * *ein|fal|lenvi sep irreg aux sein1)das ist mir nicht eingefallen — I didn't think of that, that didn't occur to me
jetzt fällt mir ein, wie/warum... — I've just thought of how/why..., it's just occurred to me how/why...
das fällt mir nicht im Traum ein! — I wouldn't dream of it!
etw éínfallen lassen — to think of sth, to come up with sth
hast du dir etwas éínfallen lassen? — have you had any ideas?, have you thought of anything?
da musst du dir schon etwas anderes/Besseres éínfallen lassen! — you'll really have to think of something else/better
was fällt Ihnen ein! — what are you thinking of!
2)(= in Erinnerung kommen)
jdm éínfallen — to come to sbdabei fällt mir mein Onkel ein, der... — that reminds me of my uncle, who...
es fällt mir jetzt nicht ein — I can't think of it at the moment, it won't come to me at the moment
es wird Ihnen schon wieder éínfallen — it will come back to you
3) (= einstürzen) to collapse, to cave in; (Gesicht, Wangen) to become sunken or haggardSee:→ auch eingefallen4)(= eindringen)
in ein Land éínfallen — to invade a countryin die feindlichen Reihen éínfallen —
in +acc -to)Wölfe sind in die Schafherde eingefallen (liter) — wolves fell upon the flock of sheep (liter)
6) (= mitsingen, mitreden) to join in; (= einsetzen Chor, Stimmen) to come in; (= dazwischenreden) to break in (in +acc on)* * *((with to) to come into one's mind: An idea occurred to him; It occurred to me to visit my parents.) occur* * *ein|fal·lenvi irreg Hilfsverb: sein1. (in den Sinn kommen)▪ etw fällt jdm ein sb thinks of sthwas fällt Ihnen ein! what do you think you're doing!▪ etw fällt jdm ein sb remembers sthder Name will mir einfach nicht \einfallen! the name just won't come to me!3. (einstürzen) to collapse [or cave in4. (eindringen)in ein Land \einfallen to invade a countryin die feindlichen Reihen \einfallen to penetrate enemy lines5. (hereinströmen)6. (einsetzen)▪ [in etw akk] \einfallen Chor, Instrument, Singstimmen to join in [sth]; (dazwischenreden) to interrupt [sth] [or break in [on sth]7. (einsinken) to become sunken [or hollow]* * *unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein1)jemandem fällt etwas ein — somebody thinks of something; something occurs to somebody
ihm fallen immer wieder neue Ausreden ein — he can always think of or (coll.) come up with new excuses
was fällt dir denn ein! — what do you think you're doing?; how dare you?
es wird dir schon [wieder] einfallen — it will come [back] to you
plötzlich fiel ihr ein, dass... — suddenly she remembered that...
3) (von Licht) come in4) (gewaltsam eindringen)5) (einstimmen, mitreden usw.) join in* * *einfallen v/i (irr, trennb, ist -ge-)1. Idee:mir fällt gerade ein it has just occurred to me;mir fällt nichts Besseres ein I can’t think of anything better;da musst du dir schon was Besseres einfallen lassen you’ll have to do ( oder come up with something) better than that;ihm fällt immer was ein he always comes up with ( oder thinks of) something, he’s never at a loss for ideas ( oder an excuse etc);ich werde mir schon was einfallen lassen I’ll think of ( oder come up with) something;lass dir ja nicht einfallen, mich anzulügen! don’t you even think about lying to me!;wie’s ihm gerade einfällt just as the mood takes him;wo’s mir gerade einfällt while I think of it;fällt mir gar nicht ein! umg who do you think I am?, you must be joking!;im Traum nicht einfallen I wouldn’t dream of it2. Erinnerung:es fällt mir im Moment nicht ein I can’t think of it right now;mir fällt gerade ein I’ve just remembered;es wird mir schon wieder einfallen it’ll come back to me (eventually)3.in +akk) Vögel, Insektenschwärme: come in(to), settle (in);in ein Land einfallen MIL invade a country4.5.* * *unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein1)jemandem fällt etwas ein — somebody thinks of something; something occurs to somebody
ihm fallen immer wieder neue Ausreden ein — he can always think of or (coll.) come up with new excuses
was fällt dir denn ein! — what do you think you're doing?; how dare you?
es wird dir schon [wieder] einfallen — it will come [back] to you
plötzlich fiel ihr ein, dass... — suddenly she remembered that...
3) (von Licht) come in5) (einstimmen, mitreden usw.) join in* * *v.to dip v.to occur v. -
102 Ernst
I Adj.1. Person, Worte etc.: serious; (feierlich) solemn, grave; (streng) severe; (wichtig) grave; ernste Musik serious music; ernstes Gesicht serious expression ( oder face), straight face; ernst bleiben (nicht lachen) keep a straight face; jemandem ist (es) ernst (mit etw.) s.o. is serious (about s.th.); ernste Absichten haben have hono(u)rable intentions; ich muss ein ernstes Wort mit dir reden I need to have a serious word with you2. (wichtig, bedrohlich) serious, grave; das ist eine sehr ernste Sache that is a very serious matter; die Lage ist ernst, aber nicht hoffnungslos the situation is serious, but not hopeless; sich (Dat) ernste Gedanken machen über (+ Akk) be really worried about; es ist doch hoffentlich nichts Ernstes? I hope it’s nothing serious?; jetzt wird’s ernst! this is where it gets serious, this is where we get down to the nitty grittyII Adv. seriously etc.; siehe II; ernst nehmen take seriously; du darfst die Dinge nicht so ernst nehmen you mustn’t take things so seriously; ein ernst zu nehmendes Problem etc. a serious problem; ein ernst zu nehmender Gegner an opponent to be reckoned with; ich meine es ernst I’m serious ( mit about), I mean it, I’m not joking; das war nicht ernst gemeint he etc. was etc. only joking, it was etc. (said) tongue-in-cheek; ernst gemeint Ratschlag etc.: serious, genuine, seriously ( oder sincerely) meant; es steht ernst um things aren’t looking too good for; siehe auch ernsthaft* * *der Ernstgravity; ernest; severity; sternness; earnestness; earnest; seriousness* * *Ẹrnst I [ɛrnst]m -s(= Name) Ernest IIm -(e)s, no plseriousness; (= Bedenklichkeit auch) gravity; (= Dringlichkeit, Ernsthaftigkeit von Gesinnung) earnestnessallen Ernstes — in all seriousness, quite seriously
meinen Sie das allen Ernstes?, ist das Ihr Ernst? — are you (really) serious?, you're not serious, are you?
das kann doch nicht dein Ernst sein! — you can't mean that seriously!, you can't be serious!
das ist mein (völliger or voller) Ernst — I'm quite serious
mit etw Ernst machen — to put sth into action
wir sollten endlich Ernst machen — let's get down to business
mit einer Drohung Ernst machen — to carry out a threat
der Ernst des Lebens — the serious side of life, the real world
damit wird es jetzt Ernst — now it's serious, now it's for real (inf)
mit Ernst bei der Sache sein — to do sth seriously
* * *der1) earnestness2) earnestly4) gravely5) (serious, dangerous: grave news.) grave6) (serious, sad: a grave expression.) grave7) seriousness8) (grave or solemn: a quiet, serious boy; You're looking very serious.) serious9) ((often with about) in earnest; sincere: Is he serious about wanting to be a doctor?) serious10) (intended to make people think: He reads very serious books.) serious11) (causing worry; dangerous: a serious head injury; The situation is becoming serious.) serious12) (serious and earnest: a solemn question; He looked very solemn as he announced the bad news.) solemn* * *<-[e]s>[ˈɛrnst]1. (ernster Wille, aufrichtige Meinung) seriousness▪ etw ist jds \Ernst sb is serious about sthist das dein \Ernst? are you serious [about it/that]?, do you mean it/that [seriously]?das kann doch nicht dein/Ihr \Ernst sein! you can't be serious!, you must be joking!allen \Ernstes in all seriousnessfeierlicher \Ernst dead seriousnessjds voller [o völliger] \Ernst sein sb is completely serious about sthetw ist \Ernst sth is seriousim \Ernst seriouslydas kannst du doch nicht im \Ernst glauben! you can't seriously believe that!2. (Ernsthaftigkeit) seriousnessmit \Ernst bei der Sache sein to take sth seriously3. (Bedrohlichkeit) seriousness, gravityder \Ernst des Lebens the serious part of life* * *der; Ernst[e]s1) seriousnessdas ist mein [voller] Ernst — I mean that [quite] seriously
es ist mir [bitterer] Ernst damit — I'm [deadly] serious about it
2)daraus wurde [blutiger/bitterer] Ernst — it became [deadly] serious
er wird mit seiner Drohung Ernst machen — he will carry out his threat
3) (gemessene Haltung) gravity* * *allen Ernstes in all seriousness;ich meine es im Ernst I (really) mean it, I’m serious;blutiger Ernst I’m being really ( oder deadly) serious;soll das Ihr Ernst sein? are you serious?;allen Ernstes behaupten …? do you really mean to say …?;im Ernst? seriously?, you’re kidding umg;das kann doch nicht dein Ernst sein! you cannot ( oder can’t) be serious!, you’re joking, of course; you don’t really mean that, do you?;jetzt wird es endlich Ernst mit dem Bau der Straße now at last they’re actually going to get down to building the road;aus einem Scherz wurde plötzlich Ernst the joke suddenly turned serious2. (Wichtigkeit, Bedrohlichkeit) seriousness, gravity;der Ernst des Lebens the serious side of life;jetzt beginnt für dich der Ernst des Lebens life is going to get serious for you from now on;jetzt beginnt wieder der Ernst des Lebens life begins in earnest again, it’s back to the grindstone (again) umg; → tierisch* * *der; Ernst[e]s1) seriousnessdas ist mein [voller] Ernst — I mean that [quite] seriously
es ist mir [bitterer] Ernst damit — I'm [deadly] serious about it
2)daraus wurde [blutiger/bitterer] Ernst — it became [deadly] serious
3) (gemessene Haltung) gravity* * *nur sing. m.earnestness n.gravity n.seriousness n. -
103 wegen
Präp. because of, on account of; (infolge) auch due to, as a result of, owing to; (um... willen) for the sake of, for; wegen Mord(es) for murder; von Berufs wegen etc. for professional reasons; wegen meiner Dial. for my sake, on my account; von wegen! umg. you must be joking!; (ist verboten) no way!; von wegen faul! umg. lazy, my foot!, what do you mean, lazy?!; Amt, Recht etc.* * *owing to; because of; on account of; for sake of; concerning* * *we|gen ['veːgn]prep +gen or (inf) +datbecause of, on account of; (= infolge auch) due tojdn wégen einer Sache bestrafen/verurteilen/entlassen etc — to punish/sentence/dismiss etc sb for sth
von wégen! (inf) — you've got to be kidding! (inf); (Verbot auch) no way! (inf), no chance! (inf)
... aber von wégen! (inf) —... but not a bit of it! (inf)
er ist krank – von wégen krank! (inf) — he's ill – since when? (iro) or what do you mean "ill"? (iro)
See:= meinetwegen → Amt* * *1) (because of: She stayed indoors on account of the bad weather.) on account of2) (on account of: I can't walk because of my broken leg.) because of3) (because of: for this reason.) for4) (about: a quarrel over money.) over* * *we·gen[ˈve:gn̩]▪ \wegen jdm on account of sb3. (bezüglich)* * *1.Präposition mit Gen., in bestimmten Fällen auch mit Dat./mit endungslosem Nomen1) (zur Angabe einer Ursache, eines Grundes) because of; owing to[nur] wegen Peter/ (ugs.) euch — all because of Peter/you
wegen Hochwasser[s] — owing to flooding
wegen mir — (ugs., bes. südd.) because of me; (was mich betrifft) as far as I'm concerned
wegen Umbau[s] geschlossen — closed for alterations
wegen Mangel[s] an Beweisen — owing to lack of evidence
2) (zur Angabe eines Zwecks, Ziels) for [the sake of]3) (um... willen) for the sake ofwegen der Kinder/ (ugs.) dir — for the children's/your sake
4) (bezüglich) about; regarding2.(ugs.)* * *wegen präp because of, on account of; (infolge) auch due to, as a result of, owing to; (um … willen) for the sake of, for;wegen Mord(es) for murder;von Berufs wegen etc for professional reasons;wegen meiner dial for my sake, on my account;* * *1.Präposition mit Gen., in bestimmten Fällen auch mit Dat./mit endungslosem Nomen1) (zur Angabe einer Ursache, eines Grundes) because of; owing to[nur] wegen Peter/ (ugs.) euch — all because of Peter/you
wegen Hochwasser[s] — owing to flooding
wegen mir — (ugs., bes. südd.) because of me; (was mich betrifft) as far as I'm concerned
wegen Umbau[s] geschlossen — closed for alterations
wegen Mangel[s] an Beweisen — owing to lack of evidence
2) (zur Angabe eines Zwecks, Ziels) for [the sake of]3) (um... willen) for the sake ofwegen der Kinder/ (ugs.) dir — for the children's/your sake
4) (bezüglich) about; regarding2.(ugs.)* * *adj.concerning adj. adv.präp.= on account of expr. konj.because conj. präp.because of prep. -
104 ¿estás de cachondeo?
= you must be joking!, you must be kidding!Ex. The first-blush reaction to their astonishing long-term strategy for achieving national energy independence is that they must be joking.Ex. To those illogical beings with warped sense of humor, I say, they must be kidding.* * *= you must be joking!, you must be kidding!Ex: The first-blush reaction to their astonishing long-term strategy for achieving national energy independence is that they must be joking.
Ex: To those illogical beings with warped sense of humor, I say, they must be kidding. -
105 ¿lo dices en broma?
= you must be joking!, you must be kidding!Ex. The first-blush reaction to their astonishing long-term strategy for achieving national energy independence is that they must be joking.Ex. To those illogical beings with warped sense of humor, I say, they must be kidding.* * *= you must be joking!, you must be kidding!Ex: The first-blush reaction to their astonishing long-term strategy for achieving national energy independence is that they must be joking.
Ex: To those illogical beings with warped sense of humor, I say, they must be kidding. -
106 chacota
f.joking.* * *1 joking, banter\hacer chacota de algo to make a joke of somethingtomar algo a chacota to take something as a joke* * *femenino (fam)* * *femenino (fam)* * *( fam)para él todo es motivo de chacota everything is just a (big) joke to him ( colloq)tomar(se) algo a (la) chacota to treat sth as a joke* * *chacota nfFamtomar algo a chacota to take sth as a joke* * *f famjoke;hacer chacota de make fun of;tomarse algo a chacota treat sth as a joke -
107 chunga
f.jest, joke.* * *1 familiar joke, fun\estar de chunga familiar to be jokingtomar a chunga / tomar en chunga to take as a joke* * *femenino (fam)* * *femenino (fam)* * *( fam)se lo toma todo a chunga he treats everything as a jokeno le hagas caso, te lo dijo en chunga don't take any notice, he was only joking o he only said it in funestar de chunga to be in high spirits* * *chunga nfEsp Famtomarse algo a chunga to take sth as a joke, not to take sth seriously* * *f famjoke;tomar algo a chunga treat sth as a joke -
108 embromar
v.1 to make fun of (informal).2 to annoy.4 to tease, to make fun of, to banter.* * *1 to play jokes on, play a trick on, tease* * *1. VT1) (=burlarse de) to tease, make fun of2) (=engañar) to hoodwink3) (=engatusar) to wheedle, cajole5) Chile (=atrasar) to delay unnecessarily2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivoa) (AmS fam) ( molestar) to pesterc) (AmS fam) ( perjudicar)d) (CS fam) ( tomar el pelo) to fool, trick; (timar, estafar) to rip... off2.no me embromes! — you're kidding o joking! (colloq)
embromar vi (CS fam)3.no embromes! — ( no molestes) stop being a pest o a pain! (colloq); ( no digas) you're kidding!
embromarse v prona) (AmS fam) ( jorobarse)si no te gusta, te embromas — if you don't like it, tough!
b) (AmS fam) ( hacerse daño) to hurt oneself; <rodilla/hígado> to damage, to do... in (BrE colloq)c) (AmS fam) aparato/frenos to go wrongd) (AmS fam) ( enfermarse) to get ill (colloq)* * *1.verbo transitivoa) (AmS fam) ( molestar) to pesterc) (AmS fam) ( perjudicar)d) (CS fam) ( tomar el pelo) to fool, trick; (timar, estafar) to rip... off2.no me embromes! — you're kidding o joking! (colloq)
embromar vi (CS fam)3.no embromes! — ( no molestes) stop being a pest o a pain! (colloq); ( no digas) you're kidding!
embromarse v prona) (AmS fam) ( jorobarse)si no te gusta, te embromas — if you don't like it, tough!
b) (AmS fam) ( hacerse daño) to hurt oneself; <rodilla/hígado> to damage, to do... in (BrE colloq)c) (AmS fam) aparato/frenos to go wrongd) (AmS fam) ( enfermarse) to get ill (colloq)* * *embromar [A1 ]vt2(CS fam) (tomar el pelo, engañar): lo embromamos, le hicimos creer que … we fooled o tricked him into believing that …¡no me embromes! you're kidding o joking! ( colloq), you're putting me on! ( AmE colloq), you're having me on! ( BrE colloq)me embromó, me lo cobró carísimo he ripped me off, he charged me a fortune ( colloq)la lluvia nos embromó los planes the rain ruined o spoiled our planslos antibióticos me embromaron el estómago the antibiotics played havoc with my stomach ( colloq)4no te lo puedo pagar hoy — ¡me embromaste! I can't pay you for it today — now you've really landed me in it! ( colloq)■ embromarvi(CS fam)1¡no embromes! you're kidding o joking!, you're putting o having me on!1( AmS fam) (fastidiarse): no estaba en casa así que se embromaron they were out of luck because he wasn't at homeque se embrome por estúpido it serves him right o that's what he gets for being so stupidsi no te gusta, te embromas if you don't like it, tough! o tough luck! o you'll just have to lump it! ( colloq)me embromé por no presentarlo a tiempo I messed things up for myself o ruined my chances by not sending it in on time ( colloq)2 ( AmS fam) (hacerse daño) to hurt oneself; ‹rodilla› to hurt, to screw up ( AmE colloq), to do … in ( BrE colloq)* * *
embromar ( conjugate embromar) verbo transitivo (AmS fam)
‹ plan› to ruin, spoilc) ( perjudicar):
¡me embromaste! now you've really landed me in it! (colloq)
embromarse verbo pronominal (AmS fam)a) ( jorobarse):
si no te gusta, te embromas if you don't like it, tough!
‹rodilla/hígado› to screw up (AmE colloq), to do … in (BrE colloq)
* * *♦ vt1. [tomar el pelo a] to make fun of, Br to take the mickey out of;la embroman por sus distracciones they make fun of her o Br take the mickey out of her because she's so absent-minded2. [fastidiar] to annoy;deja de embromar a tu hermano stop annoying your brother3. Andes, Carib, RP [engañar] to rip off, to cheat;ahí siempre embroman a los clientes they always rip the customers off there4. Andes, Carib, RP [estropear] to ruin;la computadora le embromó la vista the computer ruined his eyesight5. Andes, Carib, RP [para expresar sorpresa]se ganó la lotería – ¡no me embromes! he won the lottery – you're kidding!♦ viAndes, Carib, RP1. [fastidiar]¡pará de embromar! stop being such a pest o pain!;parás de llorar ya mismo, ¡qué embromar! stop crying this minute, I'm not having this!2. [para expresar sorpresa]nos divorciamos – ¡no embromes! we're getting divorced – you're kidding!* * * -
109 medio
adj.1 half a, half, half an, mid.2 average.3 half-way, halfway.4 one-half.adv.half-way, half, kind of, partially.m.1 means, manner, mode, way.2 center, midway, midst.3 medium, instrument, means.4 environment.5 halfback.6 medium.pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: mediar.* * *► adjetivo1 (mitad) half2 (intermedio) middle3 (de promedio) average■ una velocidad media de... an average speed of...► adverbio1 half■ medio terminado,-a half-finished1 (mitad) half2 (centro) middle3 (contexto - físico) environment4 (social) circle1 (recursos) means\equivocarse de medio a medio to get it all wrongestar (todo) por el medio to be in the wayponerse en medio to get in the waypor medio de through, by means ofpor todos los medios by all meansquitar algo/alguien de en medio to get something/somebody out of the waymedia aritmética arithmetic meanmedio ambiente environmentmedio fondo middle-distancemedios de comunicación (mass) mediamedios de transporte means of transport————————1 (mitad) half2 (centro) middle3 (contexto - físico) environment4 (social) circle* * *1. (f. - media)adj.1) middle2) half3) average4) medium2. adv.1) half2) rather3. noun m.1) middle2) element3) medium4) means•* * *1. ADJ1) (=la mitad de) halfmedia pensión — [en hotel] half-board
media luna — (Astron) half-moonasta, luz 1), mundo 2), naranja 1., 3), palabra 1), voz 1), vuelta 1)la Media Luna — [en el Islam] the Crescent
2) (=intermedio)plazo•
a medio camino, estamos a medio camino — we're halfway there3) (=promedio) averagetérmino 2)4) (=normal) average5)• a medias, lo dejó hecho a medias — he left it half-done
lo pagamos a medias — we share o split the cost
2. ADV1) [con adjetivo] halfes medio tonto — he's not very bright, he's a bit on the slow side
2) [con verbo, adverbio]está a medio escribir/terminar — it is half-written/finished
3) LAm (=bastante) rather, quite, pretty *3. SM1) (=centro) middle, centre, center (EEUU)justo en el medio de la plaza hay una fuente — there's a fountain right in the middle o centre of the square
de en medio, la casa de en medio — the middle house•
de por medio, hay droga de por medio — drugs are involveddía (de) por medio — LAm every other day
en medio, iba a besarla, pero él se puso en medio — I was going to kiss her, but he got between us•
por medio de, pasar por medio de — to go through (the middle of)de medio a medio —
2) (Dep) midfieldermedio apertura — (Rugby) fly-half
medio (de) melé — (Rugby) scrum-half
3) (=método) means pl, wayno hay medio de conseguirlo — there is no way of getting it, it's impossible to get
poner todos los medios para hacer algo, no regatear medios para hacer algo — to spare no effort to do sth
por medio de, se mueve por medio de poleas — it moves by means of o using a pulley systemrespira por medio de las agallas — it breathes through o using o by means of its gills
lo consiguió por medio de chantajes — he obtained it by o through blackmail
5) pl medios (=recursos) means, resources6) (Bio) (tb: medio ambiente) environment7) (=círculo) circleencontrarse en su medio — to be in one's element o milieu
* * *I- dia adjetivo1) (delante del n) ( la mitad de)medio litro — half a liter, a half-liter
pagar medio pasaje — to pay half fare o half price
media hora — half an hour, a half hour (AmE)
a media mañana/tarde dio un paseo — he went for a mid-morning/mid-afternoon stroll
2) (mediano, promedio) averageIIel ciudadano/mexicano medio — the average citizen/Mexican
adverbio halfIIIestá medio loca/dormida — she's half crazy/asleep
1) (Mat) ( mitad) half2)a) ( centro) middleen (el) medio de la habitación — in the middle o center of the room
el asiento de en or del medio — the middle seat, the seat in the middle
quitarse de en or del medio — to get out of the way
quitar a alguien de en medio — (euf) to bump somebody off (colloq)
b) los medios masculino plural (Taur) center* ( of the ring)3)a) (recurso, manera) means (pl)no hay medio de localizarlo — there's no way o means of locating him
b) (Art) ( vehículo) tbc) medios masculino plural ( recursos económicos) tbmedios económicos — means (pl), resources (pl)
no cuenta con los medios necesarios para hacerlo — she does not have the means o resources to do it
4) (en locs)de por medio: no puedo dejarlo, están los niños de por medio I can't leave him, there are the children to think of; hay intereses creados de por medio there are vested interests involved; había un árbol de por medio there was a tree in the way; en medio de: en medio de tanta gente (in) among so many people; cómo puedes trabajar en medio de este desorden how can you work in all this mess; en medio de la confusión in o amid all the confusion; en medio de todo all things considered; por medio (CS, Per): día/semana por medio every other day/week; dos o tres casas por medio every two or three houses; por medio de by means of; se comunicaban por medio de este sistema they communicated by means of this system; por medio de tu primo from o through your cousin; de medio a medio: te equivocas de medio a medio you're completely wrong; le acertó de medio a medio — she was absolutely right
5)a) (círculo, ámbito)en medios literarios/políticos — in literary/political circles
es desconocido en nuestro medio — he's unknown here (o in our area etc)
en medios bien informados se comenta que... — informed opinion has it that...
b) (Biol) environmentla adaptación al medio — adaptation to one's environment o surroundings
•* * *I- dia adjetivo1) (delante del n) ( la mitad de)medio litro — half a liter, a half-liter
pagar medio pasaje — to pay half fare o half price
media hora — half an hour, a half hour (AmE)
a media mañana/tarde dio un paseo — he went for a mid-morning/mid-afternoon stroll
2) (mediano, promedio) averageIIel ciudadano/mexicano medio — the average citizen/Mexican
adverbio halfIIIestá medio loca/dormida — she's half crazy/asleep
1) (Mat) ( mitad) half2)a) ( centro) middleen (el) medio de la habitación — in the middle o center of the room
el asiento de en or del medio — the middle seat, the seat in the middle
quitarse de en or del medio — to get out of the way
quitar a alguien de en medio — (euf) to bump somebody off (colloq)
b) los medios masculino plural (Taur) center* ( of the ring)3)a) (recurso, manera) means (pl)no hay medio de localizarlo — there's no way o means of locating him
b) (Art) ( vehículo) tbc) medios masculino plural ( recursos económicos) tbmedios económicos — means (pl), resources (pl)
no cuenta con los medios necesarios para hacerlo — she does not have the means o resources to do it
4) (en locs)de por medio: no puedo dejarlo, están los niños de por medio I can't leave him, there are the children to think of; hay intereses creados de por medio there are vested interests involved; había un árbol de por medio there was a tree in the way; en medio de: en medio de tanta gente (in) among so many people; cómo puedes trabajar en medio de este desorden how can you work in all this mess; en medio de la confusión in o amid all the confusion; en medio de todo all things considered; por medio (CS, Per): día/semana por medio every other day/week; dos o tres casas por medio every two or three houses; por medio de by means of; se comunicaban por medio de este sistema they communicated by means of this system; por medio de tu primo from o through your cousin; de medio a medio: te equivocas de medio a medio you're completely wrong; le acertó de medio a medio — she was absolutely right
5)a) (círculo, ámbito)en medios literarios/políticos — in literary/political circles
es desconocido en nuestro medio — he's unknown here (o in our area etc)
en medios bien informados se comenta que... — informed opinion has it that...
b) (Biol) environmentla adaptación al medio — adaptation to one's environment o surroundings
•* * *medio1= middle, one-half (1/2).Ex: The purpose of the insert key is to allow the insertion of one or more characters in the middle of a field without disturbing the information already displayed.
Ex: The output of paperbacks accounted for one-third of the total US book production by 1962; nearly one-half of the fiction produced and a quarter of the available titles.* Alta Edad Media, la = Early Middle Ages, the, High Middle Ages, the, Dark Ages, the.* a media asta = at half-mast, at half staff.* a media mañana = mid-morning.* a medias entre... y... = betwixt and between.* a medio abrir = half-opened.* a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].* a medio comprender = half-understood.* a medio formar = half-formed.* a medio fuego = medium heat.* a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.* a medio plazo = near-term, in the medium term, medium-term, in the mid-term, mid-term [midterm].* a medio rimar = half-rhymed.* a medio vestir = partly dressed, half dressed.* arco de medio punto = round arch.* baja Edad Media, la = late Middle Ages, the.* barba de media tarde = five o'clock shadow.* clase media = middle class.* cocer a medias = parboil.* comprendido a medias = half-understood.* dar media vuelta = do + an about-face.* darse media vuelta = turn on + Posesivo + heel.* de la edad media = dark-age.* del medio = middle.* del Medio Oriente = Middle Eastern.* de media jornada = half-day [half day].* de media mañana = mid-morning.* de medio día de duración = half-day [half day].* de medio pelo = small-time.* de talla media = middle-sized.* dividir por medio = rend in + two.* Edad Media = mediaeval ages [medieval ages, -USA], Middle Ages.* edición media = medium edition.* en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.* en medio de = amidst, in the midst of, in the throes of, right in, amid.* entender a medias = pick up + the fag-ends.* enterarse a medias = pick up + the fag-ends.* entre medias = in between.* estar a medio camino entre... y... = lie + midway between... and....* estar en medio de = caught in the middle.* estar justo en medio de = stand + squarely in.* foto de medio cuerpo = mugshot [mug shot].* haber dinero de por medio = money + change hands.* haber una transacción económica de por medio = money + change hands.* habitante del Medio Oriente = Middle Easterner.* histeria a medias = semi-hysteria.* Hora + y media = half past + Hora.* IME (Integración a Media Escala) = MSI (Medium Scale Integration).* justo en el medio (de) = plumb in the middle (of).* letra rota o a medio imprimir = broken letter.* línea de medio campo = halfway line.* media docena = half a dozen, half-dozen.* media hora = half-hour.* Media Luna Roja, la = Red Crescent, the.* media luz = half-light.* media pensión = half board.* media tinta = Mezzotint.* media verdad = half truth, half-fact.* media vuelta = about-face.* medio abierto = half-opened, half-way open.* medio administrativo = quasi-clerical.* medio adormilado = bleary-eyed.* medio despierto = drowsily, groggily, bleary-eyed.* medio día = one-half day.* medio dormido = drowsily, groggily, groggy [groggier -comp., groggiest -sup.].* medio en broma = tongue-in-cheek.* medio + Expresión Temporal = half + a + Expresión Temporal.* medio hecho = halfway done, half done.* Medio Oeste, el = Midwest, the.* Medio Oriente = Middle East.* medio pliego = half-sheet.* medio sumergido = half-submerged.* medio vacío = half-empty.* medio vestido = partly dressed, half dressed.* nacido en medio = middleborn.* nivel medio de gestión = middle management.* pantalones de media caña = knee breeches, jodhpurs.* partir por medio = rend in + two.* Pasado = half + Pasado/Participio.* ponerse en medio = get in + the way (of).* Posesivo + media naranja = Posesivo + significant other, Posesivo + better half, Posesivo + other half.* punto medio = mid-point.* quedarse a medias = fall (between/through) + the cracks.* quitarse de en medio = take + Nombre + out.* quitarse del medio = run for + cover.* sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.* tener un problema medio resuelto = have + problem half licked.* tentempié de media mañana = elevenses.* un día y medio = one and a half days.* verdad a medias = half truth, half-fact.* verse en medio de = caught in the middle.medio22 = average, mainline, mainstream.Ex: The average family does have very real information needs, even though these may not be immediately recognized as such.
Ex: This is 'scientific journalism' at its worst, but its standards are not wholly different from those of the mainline press.Ex: Some children may be constrained by a mainstream curriculum that does not match their ability level.* ciudadano medio, el = average man, the.* como término medio = on average.* de nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].* de nivel medio = medium level [medium-level], middle-range.* de precio medio = medium-priced.* de talle medio = medium-length.* de tamaño medio = medium-sized, mid-sized [midsized], middle-sized, mid-size [midsize].* de tipo medio = middle-range.* el ciudadano medio = the average Joe.* hombre medio, el = average person, the.* la ciudadana media = the average Jane.* nivel de dominio medio = working knowledge.* persona con nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].* por término medio = on average.* precio medio = average price.* tener por término medio = average.* término medio = compromise, balance.* valor medio = midrange, mean value.medio33 = instrumentality, means, vehicle.Nota: Sentido figurado.Ex: But there are signs of a change as new and powerful instrumentalities come into use.
Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.Ex: This journal serves as a vehicle for the continuing education of librarians, as a showcase for current practice and as a spotlight for significant activities.* alfabetización en los medios de comunicación = media literacy.* anuncios en los medios de comunicación = media releases.* aprendizaje a través de medios electrónicos = online learning.* aprendizaje por medio del ordenador = computer-based learning (CBL).* bibliotecario de medios audiovisuales = library media specialist.* bien dotado de medios = well-resourced.* bien equipado de medios = well-resourced.* búsqueda por medio de menús = menu-assisted searching.* búsqueda por medio de órdenes = command search.* codificación por medio de códigos de barras = barcoding [bar-coding].* codificar por medio de códigos de barras = barcode [bar-code].* conducir por medio de tubos = duct.* confundir los medios con el fin = confuse + the means with the ends.* con medios insuficientes = on a shoestring (budget).* con medios muy escasos = on a shoestring (budget).* con medios muy exiguos = on a shoestring (budget).* con muy pocos medios = on a shoestring (budget).* con todos los medios a + Posesivo + alcance = with all the means at + Posesivo + disposal.* desplazamiento por medio del ordenador = computer commuting.* documentalista de los medios de comunicación = news librarian.* dotar de medios = resource.* el fin justifica los medios = the end justifies the means.* empresa de medios de comunicación = media company.* enseñanza a través de medios electrónicos = online education.* enseñanza por medio del ordenador (CBI) = computer-based instruction (CBI).* entrevista en los medios de comunicación = media interview.* equipar de medios = resource.* exceso de medios = overkill.* expansión de una búsqueda por medio del tesauro = thesaurus expansion.* industria de los medios de comunicación de masas = mass communications industry.* interfaz por medio de gráficos = graphics interfacing.* máquina de registro de préstamos por medio de la fotografía = photocharger, photocharging machine.* medio de ahorro = economy measure.* medio de almacenamiento = storage medium.* medio de almacenamiento físico = physical storage media.* medio de comunicación = medium [media, -pl.].* medio de interpretación = medium of performance.* medio de transmisión = conduit.* medio físico = physical medium.* medios = ways and means.* medios de almacenamiento digital = digital media.* medios de almacenamiento óptico = optical storage media.* medios de comunicación = news media.* medios de comunicación de masas = mass media, mass communications media, communications media, communications media.* medios de comunicación social = mass media.* medios de microalmacenamiento de la información = microstorage media.* medios de producción = means of production.* medios digitalizados de almacenamiento de información = digitised media.* medios económicos = economic resources.* medios, los = wherewithal, the, means, the.* medios oficiales = official channels.* medios técnicos = IT capabilities.* medios visuales = visual media.* mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brillo = flash up.* multimedia = multimedia [multi-media].* mundo de los medios de comunicación, el = mediascape, the.* por medio = out of.* por medio de = by means of, by way of, in the form of, through, via, via the medium of, by dint of.* por medio de isótopos = isotopically.* por medio de otro(s) = by proxy.* por medio de una agencia = on a bureau basis.* por todos los medios = by all means.* proporcionar los medios para = provide + the material for.* ser un medio para llegar a un fin = be the means to an end.* streaming media = streaming media.* técnica de recuperación por medio de la lógica difusa = fuzzy IR technique.* terapia por medio de aromas = aroma therapy.* tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.* tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.* un medio para alcanzar un fin = a means to an end.* un medio para conseguir un fin = a means to an end.* un medio para llegar a fin = a means to an end.* utilizar al máximo por medio del ordenador = explode.* * *A ( delante del n)(la mitad de): medio litro half a liter, a half-litermedio kilo de harina half a kilo of flourmedia docena de huevos half a dozen eggs, a half-dozen eggs¿quieres media manzana? do you want half an apple?los niños pagan medio billete or pasaje children pay half fare o half priceun retrato de medio cuerpo a half-length portraitllevo media hora esperando I've been waiting for half an hourla última media hora es muy divertida the last half hour is very entertaininghay trenes a y cinco y a y media there are trains at five past and half past (the hour)aún faltan dos horas y media para que empiece la función there are still two and a half hours to go before the show startssi se lo dices a él mañana lo sabe medio Buenos Aires if you tell him, half (of) Buenos Aires will know by tomorrowla bandera ondea a media asta the flag is flying at half-mastla falda le llega a media pierna she's wearing a calf-length skirta media mañana/tarde siempre da un paseo he always goes for a mid-morning/mid-afternoon stroll, he always goes for a stroll mid-morning/mid-afternoon¿qué haces aquí leyendo a media luz? what are you doing in here reading in such poor light?la habitación estaba a media luz the room was dimly litCompuestos:habla con or (CS) en medioa lengua he talks in baby languagela deliciosa medioa lengua de los dos años the delightful way a two-year-old talksA ( Astron) half-moonen forma de medioa luna crescent-shapedla Medio Luna de las tierras fértiles the Fertile CrescentB (de las uñas) half-moonD(organización): la Medioa Luna Roja the Red Crescentfeminine short sleevellevaba un vestido de medioa manga she was wearing a dress with short sleeves o a short-sleeved dresstodavía no ha encontrado su medioa naranja (el hombre ideal) Mr Right hasn't come along yet; (la mujer ideal) he hasn't found his ideal woman yetvino con su medioa naranja he/she came along with his/her better half ( colloq hum)feminine (en hoteles) half board(en colegios): los alumnos en régimen de medioa pensión pupils who have school dinnersfpl:me lo dijo con medioas palabras she didn't say it in so many wordsfeminine half sole, solefeminine half volleya medioa voz in a low voicehablaban a medioa voz they were talking in low voices(se) dio medioa vuelta y se fue she turned on her heel o she turned around and leftmasculine and feminine fly half, outside halfmasculine midfieldmasculine and feminine scrum halfmasculine and feminine middle-distance runnermasculine middle-distance● medio hermano, media hermanamasculine, femininemasculine half-mourning● medio pupilo, media pupila or medio pupilamasculine, feminine (CS) day pupillos medio pupilos the day pupils( AmL) half-timeB (mediano, promedio) averageel cuidadano/mexicano medio the average citizen/Mexicanbarrios madrileños de standing alto a medio middle to upper-class districts of Madrida medio y largo plazo in the medium and long termtécnico de grado medio technician who has taken a three-year course rather than a five-year degree coursela temperatura media es de 22 grados the average temperature is 22 degreesC1(de manera incompleta): dejó el trabajo a medios he left the work half-finishedme dijo la verdad a medios she didn't tell me the whole truth o storylo arregló a medios he didn't fix it properly2(entre dos): voy a comprar un número de lotería ¿vamos a medios? I'm going to buy a lottery ticket. Do you want to go halves?pagar a medios to pay half each, go halveslo hicimos a medios we did it between usD( Chi fam) ( delante del n) (uso enfático): el medio auto que se gasta just look at the car he drives!halfestá medio borracha/loca she's half drunk/crazylo dejaron allí medio muerto they left him there half deadfue medio violento encontrármelo ahí it was rather awkward meeting him thereme lo dijo medio en broma medio en serio she said it half joking and half serioustodo lo deja a medio hacer he never finishes anything, he leaves everything half finishedmedio como que se molestó cuando se lo dije (CS fam); she got kind of o sort of annoyed when I told her ( colloq)B1 (centro) middleen (el) medio de la habitación in the middle o center of the roomel botón de en or del medio the middle button, the button in the middleel justo medio the happy mediumquítate de en or del medio, que no me dejas ver get out of the way, I can't seeC1 (recurso, manera) means (pl)lo intentaron por todos los medios they tried everything they couldno hay medio de localizarlo there's no way o means of locating himhizo lo que pudo con los medios a su alcance she did everything she could with the resources at her disposalcomo medio de coacción as a means of coercion2 ( Art) (vehículo) tbmedio de expresión mediumno escatimó medios he spared no expensea pesar de los escasos medios de que dispone in spite of his limited meansno cuenta con los medios necesarios para hacerlo she does not have the means o resources to do itCompuestos:la entrevista concedida a un medio de comunicación francés the interview given to a French newspaper ( o television station etc)los medios de comunicación the medialos medios de comunicación sociales or de masas the mass mediameans of transport( Méx) legal challengempl audiovisual aids (pl)mpl:los medio de producción the means of productionD ( en locs):de por medio: no puedo dejarlo, están los niños de por medio I can't leave him, there are the children to think ofhay muchos intereses creados de por medio there are a lot of vested interests involveden medio de: en medio de tanta gente (in) among so many peopleno sé cómo puedes trabajar en medio de este desorden I don't know how you can work in all this messen medio de la confusión in o amid all the confusionen medio de todo all things considereden medio de todo más vale así all things considered, it's probably better this waypor medio (CS, Per): día/semana por medio every other day/weekdos o tres casas por medio every two or three housespor medio de: nos enteramos por medio de tu primo we found out from o through your cousinatrapa su presa por medio de estas pinzas it catches its prey by using these pincersse comunicaban por medio de este sistema they communicated by means of this systemobtuvo el puesto por medio de estas influencias she got the job through these contactsde medio a medio: te equivocas de medio a medio you're completely wrong o utterly mistakenle acertó de medio a medio she was absolutely rightE1(círculo, ámbito): en medios literarios/políticos in literary/political circlesno está en su medio he's out of his elementun artista prácticamente desconocido en nuestro medio (Col, CS); an artist who is practically unknown here o in our country ( o area etc)en medios bien informados se comenta que … informed opinion has it that …2 ( Biol) environmentestos animales no sobreviven fuera de su medio natural these animals do not survive if removed from their natural habitatla adaptación al medio adaptation to one's environment o surroundingsCompuesto:environmentque no daña el medio ambiente eco-friendly, environmentally friendlyF (dedo) middle fingerG (moneda) five centavo or centésimo coin formerly used in some Latin American countriesel que nace para medio nunca llega a real if you don't have what it takes, you won't get on in the world* * *
Del verbo mediar: ( conjugate mediar)
medio es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
medió es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
mediar ( conjugate mediar) verbo intransitivo
medio EN algo ‹en conflicto/negociaciones› to mediate in sth, to act as mediator in sthb) ( interceder) medio POR algn to intercede for sb;
medio ANTE algn to intercede o intervene with sb
medio 1◊ - dia adjetivo
1 ( delante del n) ( la mitad de):
media manzana half an apple;
pagar medio pasaje to pay half fare o half price;
media hora half an hour, a half hour (AmE);
dos horas y media two and a half hours;
a las cinco y media at half past five;
a media mañana/tarde in the middle of the morning/afternoon;
a medio camino halfway;
media pensión ( en hoteles) half board;
(se) dio medio vuelta y se fue she turned on her heel and left;
un jugador de medio campo a midfield player;
medio tiempo (AmL) half-time;
mi media naranja (fam &
hum) my better half (colloq & hum)
2 (mediano, promedio) average;
a medio y largo plazo in the medium and long term
medio 2 adverbio
todo lo deja a medio terminar he leaves everything half finished
■ sustantivo masculino
1 (Mat) ( mitad) half
2 ( centro) middle;◊ en (el) medio de la habitación in the middle o center of the room;
quitarse de en or del medio to get out of the way
los medios de comunicación the media;
medio de transporte means of transportb)◊ medios sustantivo masculino plural ( recursos económicos) tb medios económicos means (pl), resources (pl)
4 ( en locs)◊ en medio de: en medio de tanta gente (in) among so many people;
en medio de la confusión in o amid all the confusion;
por medio (CS, Per): día/semana por medio every other day/week;
dos casas por medio every two houses;
por medio de (de proceso/técnica) by means of;
por medio de tu primo from o through your cousin
5a) (círculo, ámbito):◊ en medios literarios/políticos in literary/political circles;
no está en su medio he's out of his elementb) (Biol) environment;
medio ambiente environment;
que no da daña el medio ambiente eco-friendly, environmentally friendly
mediar verbo intransitivo
1 (arbitrar, intervenir) to mediate: España mediará en el conflicto, Spain will mediate in the conflict
2 (interceder) to intercede: mediará por ti, she'll intercede on your behalf
3 (interponerse) media la circunstancia de que..., you must take into account that...
4 (periodo de tiempo) to pass: mediaron un par de días, two days passed
I adjetivo
1 (mitad) half: sólo queda medio melón, there is only half a melon left
una hora y media, an hour and a half
2 (no extremo) middle
a media tarde, in the middle of the afternoon
clase media, middle class
punto medio, middle ground
3 (prototípico) average: la calidad media es baja, the average quality is poor
la mujer media, the average woman
II adverbio half: el trabajo está medio hecho, the work is half done
III sustantivo masculino
1 (mitad) half
2 (centro) middle
en medio de la batalla, in the midst of the battle
en medio de los árboles, among the trees
(entre dos) in between the trees
un barco en medio del desierto, a ship in the middle of the desert
sal de ahí en medio, get out of the way
3 (instrumento, vía) means: el fin no justifica los medios, the aim doesn't justify the means
4 (entorno) enviroment
un medio hostil, a hostile enviroment
' medio' also found in these entries:
- adivinarse
- ambiente
- calle
- camino
- coger
- conducto
- coralina
- coralino
- cuerpo
- Ecuador
- elemento
- en
- entorno
- habitar
- lado
- locomoción
- media
- ocupante
- odisea
- oriente
- perder
- por
- radical
- recurso
- sacar
- tener
- término
- tierra
- través
- a
- alzado
- arma
- atontado
- caja
- canal
- derruido
- destruir
- día
- efectivo
- gusto
- hombre
- hostil
- instrumento
- ir
- loco
- Medio Oriente
- mejor
- menos
- meter
- air
- and
- average
- backdrop
- between
- bread
- call away
- canter
- centre
- cobble together
- discern
- East
- end
- environment
- environmentalist
- envoy
- freight
- half
- half-dead
- half-dressed
- half-empty
- half-full
- half-open
- half-serious
- half-way
- mean
- means
- medium
- medium-term
- mid
- middle
- Middle East
- middleweight
- midst
- moderate
- on
- over
- part
- resource
- Roman arch
- rough up
- sandwich course
- scrum-half
- semiliterate
- shelf
- slush
- slushy
- stimulate
- television
* * *medio, -a♦ adj1. [igual a la mitad] half;media docena half a dozen;media hora half an hour;medio litro half a litre;el estadio registra media entrada the stadium is half full;medio pueblo estaba allí half the town was there;medio Quito se quedó sin electricidad half of Quito was left without electricity;la bandera ondeaba a media asta the flag was flying at half mast;a medio camino [en viaje] halfway there;[en trabajo] halfway through;a media luz in the half-light;como algo a media mañana I have something to eat halfway through the morning, I have a mid-morning snack;docena y media one and a half dozen;un kilo y medio one and a half kilos;son las dos y media it's half past two;son y media it's half pastAndes, Méx, Ven medio fondo waist petticoat o slip;la media luna the crescent;la Media Luna Roja the Red Crescent;Fam Fig media naranja:media pensión half board;CSur medio pupilo [que va a dormir a casa] day pupil; [que va a casa el fin de semana] boarder;media suela half-sole;media volea half volley2. [intermedio] [estatura, tamaño] medium;[posición, punto] middle;de una calidad media of average quality;a medio plazo in the medium term;de clase media middle-class;a media distancia in the middle distancemedio campo midfield; Am medio tiempo half-time3. [de promedio] [temperatura, velocidad] average;Mat mean;el consumo medio de agua por habitante the average water consumption per head of the population;a una velocidad media de 50 km/h at an average speed of 50 km/h4. [corriente] ordinary, average;el ciudadano medio the average person, ordinary people♦ advhalf;medio borracho half drunk;estaba medio muerto he was half dead;a medio hacer half done;han dejado la obra a medio hacer they've left the building half finished;aún estoy a medio arreglar I'm only half ready;pasé la noche medio en vela I barely slept all night, I spent half the night awake♦ nm1. [mitad] half;uno y medio one and a half2. [centro] middle, centre;en medio (de) in the middle (of);estaba incómoda en medio de toda aquella gente I felt uncomfortable among all those people;está en medio de una profunda depresión she's in the middle of a deep depression;no se oía nada en medio de tanto ruido you couldn't hear a thing with all that noise;han puesto una valla en medio they've put a fence in the way;si te pones en medio no veo la tele I can't see the TV if you're in the way;quítate de en medio get out of the way;siempre tienes todas tus cosas por medio your things are always lying around all over the place;estar por (en) medio [estorbar] to be in the way;hay muchos intereses de por medio there are a lot of interests involved;Fig [entrometerse] to interfere;equivocarse de medio a medio to be completely wrong;Famquitar de en medio a alguien to get rid of sb;quitarse de en medio [suicidarse] to do away with oneself3. [sistema, manera] means [singular or plural], method;utilice cualquier medio a su alcance use whatever means are available, use every means available;encontró un medio para pagar menos impuestos she found a way of paying less tax;no hay medio de convencerla she refuses to be convinced;por medio de by means of, through;ha encontrado trabajo por medio de un conocido she got a job through an acquaintance;por todos los medios by all possible means;intentaré conseguir ese trabajo por todos los medios I'll do whatever it takes to get that job;su medio de vida es la chatarra he earns his living from scrap metallos medios de comunicación the media;medios de comunicación electrónicos electronic media;los medios de comunicación de masas the mass media;los medios de difusión the media;medio de expresión medium;los medios de información the media;medios de producción means of production;4.medios [recursos] means, resources;no cuenta con los medios económicos para realizarlo she lacks the means o the (financial) resources to do it5. [elemento físico] environment;animales que viven en el medio acuático animals that live in an aquatic environmentmedio ambiente environment; Biol medio de cultivo culture medium;medio físico physical environment6. [ámbito]el medio rural/urbano the countryside/city;en medios financieros/políticos in financial/political circles;en medios bien informados in well-informed circles[en rugby] halfback medio (de) apertura [en rugby] fly half, stand-off;medio (de) melé [en rugby] scrum half9. CompCSur Famni medio: no oye ni medio he's as deaf as a post;no entiende ni medio she hasn't got a clue;por medio: nado día por medio I swim every other day* * *I adj1 half;las tres y media half past three, three-thirty;a medio camino halfway2 tamaño medium3 (de promedio) average4 posición middleII m1 ( entorno) environment2 en fútbol midfielder3 ( centro) middle;en medio de in the middle of4 ( manera) means;por medio de by means of;III adv half;hacer algo a medias half do sth;ir a medias go halves;a medio hacer half done;de medio a medio completely;día por medio L.Am. every other day;quitar de en medio algo fam move sth out of the way;quitarse de en medio get out of the way* * *medio adv1) : halfestá medio dormida: she's half asleep2) : rather, kind ofestá medio aburrida esta fiesta: this party is rather boring1) : halfuna media hora: half an hourmedio hermano: half brothera media luz: in the half-lightson las tres y media: it's half past three, it's three-thirty2) : midway, halfwaya medio camino: halfway there3) : middlela clase media: the middle class4) : averagela temperatura media: the average temperaturemedio nm1) centro: middle, centeren medio de: in the middle of, amid2) ambiente: milieu, environment3) : medium, spiritualist4) : means pl, waypor medio de: by means oflos medios de comunicación: the media5) medios nmpl: means, resources* * *medio1 adj1. (mitad) half2. (promedio, normal) averagemedio2 adv halfmedio3 n1. (centro) middle2. (entorno) environment3. (recurso, método) means -
110 blague
feminine nouna. ( = histoire, plaisanterie) joke ; ( = farce) practical joke• sans blague ? you're kidding! (inf)• non mais sans blague, tu me prends pour qui ? come on, what do you take me for?• c'est de la blague tout ça ! it's all talkb. ( = erreur) attention, pas de blagues ! be careful!* * *blag1) (colloq) (plaisanterie, histoire) joke; ( mensonge) fib (colloq)c'est pas des blagues — I'm not kidding (colloq)
sans blague! — no kidding! (colloq)
blague à part — seriously, joking apart
2) (colloq) ( farce) trick3) ( tabatière)* * *blaɡ nf1) (= propos) joke2) (= farce) trick* * *blague nf1 ○(plaisanterie, histoire) joke; ( mensonge) fib○; c'est pas des blagues I'm not kidding○, no kidding○; ne me raconte pas de blagues tell me the truth; sans blague! no kidding○!; blague à part seriously, joking apart;2 ○( farce) practical joke, trick; faire une blague à qn to play a joke ou a trick on sb; pas de blague! no messing around!;3 ( tabatière) blague (à tabac) tobacco pouch.[blag] nom féminin1. [histoire] jokec'est une blague? are you kidding?, you can't be serious!blague à part kidding ou joking apart, in all seriousness[sottise] silly ou stupid thing (to do)blague à tabac nom féminin -
111 penser
penser [pɑ̃se]➭ TABLE 11. intransitive verb• il vient ? -- penses-tu ! is he coming? -- you must be joking! (inf)• mais vous n'y pensez pas, c'est bien trop dangereux ! don't even think about it, it's much too dangerous!► penser à [+ ami, problème, offre] to think about ; ( = prévoir) to think of ; ( = se souvenir de) to remember• tu vois à qui/à quoi je pense ? you see who/what I'm thinking of?• faire/dire qch sans y penser to do/say sth without thinking• n'y pensons plus ! let's forget it!2. transitive verba. ( = avoir une opinion) to think (de of, about)• penser du bien/du mal de qn to have a high/poor opinion of sb• que pense-t-il du film ? what does he think of the film?• je ne dis rien mais je n'en pense pas moins I am not saying anything but that doesn't mean that I don't have an opinionb. ( = supposer, imaginer) to think• pensez-vous qu'il viendra ? do you think he'll come?• c'est bien ce que je pensais ! I thought as much!• vous pensez bien qu'elle a refusé as you might have thought, she refusedc. penser faire qch ( = avoir l'intention de) to be thinking of doing sth ; ( = espérer) to hope to do sthd. ( = concevoir) [+ problème, projet] to think out* * *pɑ̃se
1) ( avoir une opinion) to think (de of, about)penser du bien/du mal de quelqu'un/quelque chose — to think well/badly ou ill of somebody/something
qu'est-ce que tu penserais d'un week-end en Normandie? — what would you say to a weekend in Normandy?
2) ( croire) to thinktout laisse or porte à penser que — there's every indication that
je pense bien! — you bet! (colloq), for sure!
‘il s'est excusé?’ - ‘penses-tu!’ — ‘did he apologize?’ - ‘you must be joking!’ ou ‘some hope!’
3) ( se rappeler)ça me fait penser qu'il faut que je lui écrive — that reminds me that I must write to him/her
4) ( avoir l'intention de)penser faire — to be thinking of doing, to intend to do
5) ( concevoir) to think [something] up [dispositif, projet]
penser à verbe transitif indirect1) ( songer)penser à — to think of ou about [personne, endroit]; ( réfléchir à)
penser à — to think about [problème, proposition]
c'est simple, il fallait y penser or il suffisait d'y penser — it's simple, it just required some thinking
il a reçu le ballon où je pense — (colloq) the ball hit him you know where (colloq)
il ne pense qu'à ça! — (colloq) he's got a one-track mind!
2) ( se souvenir)mais j'y pense, c'est ton anniversaire aujourd'hui! — now I come to think of it, it's your birthday today!
3) ( envisager)
verbe intransitif to thinkje lui ai dit ma façon de penser! — I gave him/her a piece of my mind!
* * *pɑ̃se1. viJe pense donc je suis. — I think, therefore I am.
penser à qch [problème, vacances, projet] — to think about sth
Je pense à mes vacances. — I'm thinking about my holidays.
penser à qn [ami] — to think of sb, to think about sb
Tu penseras à moi, quand je passerai mon examen! — You'll think of me when I pass my exam!
faire penser qn à qch [photo] — to remind sb of sth
Cette photo me fait penser à la Grèce. — This photo reminds me of Greece.
faire penser qn à faire qch [personne] — to remind sb to do sth
Fais-moi penser à téléphoner à Claire. — Remind me to phone Claire.
2. vtto think, [solution, concept] to think outOn ne sait jamais ce qu'il pense. — You never know what he's thinking.
Je pense que Yann a eu raison de partir. — I think Yann was right to leave.
penser faire qch — to be thinking of doing sth, to be planning to do sth
Ils pensent partir en Espagne en juillet. — They're thinking of going to Spain in July.
* * *penser verb table: aimerA vtr1 ( avoir une opinion) to think (de of, about); penser du bien/du mal de qn/qch to think well/badly ou ill of sb/sth; qu'est-ce que tu en penses? what do you think of it?; il m'a dit ce qu'il pensait du professeur/film he told me what he thought of the teacher/film; je ne sais pas quoi penser de ce livre/de lui/de la situation I don't know what to make ou think of this book/of him/of the situation; je n'en pense rien I have no opinion about it; dire ce que l'on pense to say what one thinks, to speak one's mind; qu'est-ce que tu penserais d'un week-end en Normandie? what would you say to a weekend in Normandy?; il ne disait rien mais n'en pensait pas moins he said nothing but it didn't mean that he agreed;2 ( croire) to think; penser que to think that; je pense qu'il a raison I think (that) he's right; c'est bien ce que je pensais! I thought as much!; je (le) pense, je pense que oui I think so; je ne (le) pense pas, je pense que non I don't think so; je le pensais plus intelligent I thought he was more intelligent than that; je pense avoir fait du bon travail I think I did a good job; je n'aurais jamais pensé ça de lui I would never have thought that of him; il n'est pas aussi bête qu'on le pense he's not as stupid as people think (he is); je te le dis comme je le pense I'm telling you (just) what I think; quand on dit ‘culture’ il pense ‘ennui’ to him culture spells boredom; elle ne pense pas un mot de ce qu'elle dit she doesn't believe a word of what she's saying; tu penses vraiment ce que tu dis? do you really mean what you're saying?; tout laisse or porte à penser que there's every indication that; je pense bien! you bet○!, for sure; vous pensez (bien) que si j'avais su ça… you can well imagine that if I'd known that…; vous pensez si j'étais content/furieux! you can imagine how pleased/angry I was!; ‘il s'est excusé?’-‘penses-tu!’ ‘did he apologize?’-‘you must be joking!’, ‘some hope!’; pensez donc! just imagine!;3 ( se rappeler) pense que ça ne sera pas facile remember that it won't be easy; ça me fait penser qu'il faut que je lui écrive that reminds me that I must write to him/her;4 ( avoir l'intention de) penser faire to be thinking of doing, to intend to do; il pense venir demain he's thinking of coming tomorrow, he intends to come tomorrow; elle pense déménager bientôt she intends to move soon; qu'est-ce que tu penses faire maintenant? what do you think you'll do now?, what do you intend to do now?;5 ( concevoir) to think [sth] up [appareil, dispositif, projet]; c'est bien pensé! it's well thought out!; il faut penser l'avenir, non l'improviser we've got to plan for the future, not improviseGB it.B penser à vtr ind1 ( songer) penser à to think of ou about [personne, endroit]; ( réfléchir à) to think about [problème, proposition, offre]; à quoi penses-tu? what are you thinking about?; je pense à elle I'm thinking of ou about her; on ne peut pas penser à tout you can't think of everything; faire/dire qch sans y penser to do/say sth without thinking; il ne pense qu'à lui/à l'argent/à s'amuser he only thinks of himself/about money/about enjoying himself; il faudrait penser à rentrer, il se fait tard we'd better think about going back, it's getting late; pense à ce que tu dis! think about what you're saying!; pensez aux conséquences/à votre carrière! think of the consequences/of your career!; maintenant que j'y pense now that I (come to) think of it; ça me rend malade rien que d'y penser it makes me ill just thinking about it; c'est simple, il fallait y penser or il suffisait d'y penser it's simple, it just required some thinking; regardez le pendule et ne pensez plus à rien look at the pendulum and empty your mind; sans penser à mal without meaning any harm; tu n'y penses pas! c'est trop dangereux! you can't be serious! it's too dangerous!; n'y pensons plus! let's forget about it!; votre argent vous pouvez vous le mettre où je pense◑! you can stuff your money you know where○!; il a reçu le ballon où je pense○ the ball hit him you know where○; il ne pense qu'à ça○! he's got a one-track mind!;2 ( se souvenir) penser à to remember; pense à écrire à ton grand-père/changer l'ampoule remember to write to your grandfather/change the lightbulb; est-ce que tu as pensé à arroser les plantes? did you remember to water the plants?; pense à ton rendez-vous remember your appointment; pense à ce que t'a dit le docteur! remember what the doctor told you!; mais j'y pense, c'est ton anniversaire aujourd'hui! now I come to think of it it's your birthday today!; tant que j'y pense while I think of it; il me fait penser à mon père he reminds me of my father; fais-moi penser à acheter du beurre remind me to buy some butter;3 ( envisager) penser à faire to be thinking of doing; elle pense à s'installer en France she's thinking of moving to France.C vi to think; je pense donc je suis I think therefore I am; avec mes films, j'essaie de faire penser le public in my films, I try to make people think; façon de penser way of thinking; je lui ai dit ma façon de penser! I gave him a piece of my mind!; penser tout haut to think out loud; je pense comme vous I agree with you.[pɑ̃se] verbe transitifje ne sais qu'en penser I don't know what to think ou I can't make up my mind about itje pense que oui (yes,) I think soje pense que non (no,) I don't think so ou I think notje n'en pense que du bien/mal I have the highest/lowest opinion of itje le pensais diplomate I thought him tactful, I thought he was tactfulje pensais la chose faisable, mais on me dit que non I thought it was possible (to do), but I'm told it's not2. [escompter]je pense partir demain I'm thinking of ou planning on ou reckoning on leaving tomorrowje pense avoir réussi [examen] I think I passed3. [avoir à l'esprit] to thinkje ne sais jamais ce que tu penses I can never tell what you're thinking ou what's on your minddire tout haut ce que certains ou d'autres pensent tout bas to say out loud what others are thinking in privateson contrat, il peut se le mettre (là) où je pense! (très familier) he can stuff his bloody contract! (très familier)je n'ai plus pensé que c'était lundi I forgot ou I never thought it was Monday6. [pour exprimer la surprise, l'approbation, l'ironie]je n'aurais/on n'aurait jamais pensé que... I'd never/nobody'd ever have thought that...qui aurait pu penser que... who'd have thought ou guessed that...quand je pense que... to think that...quand on pense qu'il n'y avait pas le téléphone à l'époque! when you think that there was no such thing as the phone in those days!lui, me dire merci? tu penses ou penses-tu ou pense donc! (familier) him? thank me? I should be so lucky ou you must be joking!tu penses bien que je lui ai tout raconté! (familier) I told him everything, as you can well imaginetu viendras à la fête? — je pense bien! (familier) will you come to the party? — just (you) try and stop me!tu penses bien que le voleur ne t'a pas attendu! you can bet your life the thief didn't leave his name and address!7. [concevoir] to think out ou through (separable)une architecture bien pensée a well-planned ou well-thought out architectural design8. (littéraire) [être sur le point de]————————[pɑ̃se] verbe intransitifpenser tout haut to think aloud ou out louddonner ou laisser à penser to make one think, to start one thinking2. [avoir une opinion]je n'ai jamais pensé comme toi I never did agree with you ou share your views————————penser à verbe plus préposition1. [envisager] to think about ou of (inseparable)vous éviteriez des ennuis, pensez-y you'd save yourself a lot of trouble, think it over!c'est simple mais il fallait y penser it's a simple enough idea but somebody had to think of it (in the first place)sans y penser [par automatisme] without thinkingsans penser à mal without ou not meaning any harm (by it)2. [rêver à] to think about ou of (inseparable)je pense à toi [dans une lettre] I'm thinking of you4. [se remémorer] to think ou to remember toet mon livre? — j'y pense, je te le rapporte demain what about my book? — I haven't forgotten (it), I'll bring it back tomorrowdis donc, j'y pense, qu'est devenu le vieux Georges? by the way, whatever happened to old George? -
112 plaisanterie
plaisanterie [plεzɑ̃tʀi]feminine noun• la plaisanterie a assez duré ! this has gone beyond a joke!b. ( = raillerie) joke* * *plɛzɑ̃tʀi1) gén joke2) ( chose facile à faire)* * *plɛzɑ̃tʀi nf1) (= anecdote, propos) joke2) (= action) joking no pl* * *plaisanterie nf1 ( fait de plaisanter) il ne comprend pas la plaisanterie he can't take a joke; aimer la plaisanterie to be fond of a joke; pousser trop loin la plaisanterie to take ou carry the joke too far; plaisanterie (mise) à part joking aside;2 ( blague) joke; une plaisanterie de bon/mauvais goût a joke in good/bad taste; faire/lancer des plaisanteries to make/to crack jokes; être l'objet des plaisanteries de qn to be a figure of fun to sb; être en butte aux plaisanteries de qn to be the butt of sb's jokes; les plaisanteries les plus courtes sont les meilleures the shortest jokes are the best; la plaisanterie a assez duré! this has gone on long enough!;3 ( chose facile à faire) c'est une plaisanterie it's a piece of cake○.plaisanterie de corps de garde barrack room joke.[plɛzɑ̃tri] nom féminin1. [parole amusante] jokec'est une plaisanterie j'espère? I trust ou hope you're jokingune plaisanterie de mauvais goût a joke in bad ou poor taste2. [parole, action non sérieuse] jokec'est une ou ça a l'air d'une plaisanterie! [ça ne peut être sérieux] it must be a joke!faire des plaisanteries sur le nom/l'allure de quelqu'un to make fun of somebody's name/appearance4. [chose facile] child's play (substantif non comptable) -
113 parte
f part( porzione) portion( lato) sidelaw partyparte civile plaintifffar parte di una società belong to a society, be a member of a societyprendere parte a take part ina parte separatescherzi a parte joking apartmettere da parte qualcosa put something asidedall'altra parte della strada on the other side of the streetda nessuna parte nowhereda tutte le parti everywhereda parte mia for my part, as far as I'm concernedregalo et cetera from mein parte in part, partlyin gran parte largely* * *parte s.f.1 part; ( porzione) share, portion: mi è piaciuta la prima parte, I liked the first part; una parte della casa andò distrutta dal fuoco, part of the house was destroyed by the fire; ho avuto la mia parte di fortuna, I have had my share of luck; non ho ancora avuto la mia parte dei profitti, I have not had my share of the profits yet; dividere in due parti, to divide into two parts; fare le parti, to divide up (o to share out); essere parte integrante di qlco., to be an integral part of sthg. // (mat.) integrazione per parti, integration by parts // parte, ( alcuni) some: una parte di loro non venne, some of them did not come // gran parte di, a lot of (o a large part of); (pl.) a great many (of) (o a lot of): gran parte della gente..., a great many people...; gran parte del mio denaro va per mangiare, a lot of my money goes on food // in parte, in part (o partly): in parte con la forza, in parte con la persuasione, partly by force, partly by persuasion; contribuire in parte alle spese di produzione, to contribute in part towards the expenses of production // in gran parte, largely (o to a great extent) // la maggior parte di, most (of) (o the majority of): la maggior parte della gente, most people; la maggior parte dei miei studenti, most of my students; per la maggior parte, for the most part // aver parte in qlco., to have a hand in sthg. // essere a parte di qlco., to be informed of sthg. (o to be in on sthg.); mettere qlcu. a parte di qlco., to inform s.o. of (o about) sthg. // far parte di qlco., to be (o to form) part of sthg.: far parte della famiglia, to be one of the family; far parte di un partito, to be a member of a party // prender parte a qlco., to take part (o to join) in sthg., ( dividere) to share sthg.: voglio prendere parte alle spese con te, I want to share the expenses with you; prender parte a una congiura, alle celebrazioni, a un affare, to take part in a conspiracy, in the celebrations, in a business-deal; prender parte alla conversazione, to join in the conversation; prendere parte alla gioia di qlcu., to participate in (o to share) s.o.'s joy3 ( luogo, regione) part, region: da qualche parte, somewhere; da che parte viene quell'uomo?, where does that man come from?; dalle mie parti si parla in dialetto, in my part of the country dialect is spoken; devo andare da quelle parti, vuoi un passaggio?, I've got to go over there; if you want I'll give you a lift; non conosco nessuno da queste parti, I don't know anybody in these parts4 ( lato) side, part: dall'altra parte, on the other side; dalla parte destra, sinistra, on the right, left (o on the right-hand, left-hand side); da questa parte della montagna, della strada, on this side of the mountain, of the road; nell'altra parte della città, on the other side of the city; da che parte viene il vento?, which way is the wind blowing from?; questa parte del foglio deve rimanere vuota, this side of the paper must be left blank; il quadro pende da una parte, the picture is hanging down on one side; da che parte arriva il treno?, on which side does the train come in?; da questa parte, signori, this way, gentlemen // da una parte all'altra, from one side to the other // a parte, apart (from): a parte ciò, apart from that; a parte qualche eccezione, apart from a few exceptions; in una lista a parte, in a separate list; scherzi a parte, joking apart; questa è una cosa a parte, that's another matter (o a different thing altogether); il servizio è a parte, the service is extra; le telefonate le pago a parte, I pay for the telephone calls separately // da parte, aside: farsi, tirarsi da parte, to step aside (o to get out of the way); tirare da parte, to draw apart; ho alcune migliaia di sterline da parte, I have a few thousand pounds put aside; mettere da parte, ( risparmiare) to put aside (o to save), ( trascurare) to put on one side; sentirsi messo da parte, to feel left out // da una parte..., dall'altra..., on (the) one hand..., on the other... // d'altra parte..., on the other hand... // da parte a parte, right through: la freccia gli passò il braccio da parte a parte, the arrow went right through his arm // da parte di, from, ( di parentela) on one's father's, mother's side: un parente da parte di mio padre, a relative on my father's side; ci sono molte lamentele da parte degli studenti, there are many complaints from the students; da parte mia farò il possibile, for my part (o as for me) I shall do my best; da parte mia non ci sono problemi, there are no problems on my side; da parte sua non ho ricevuto niente, I haven't received anything from him; digli da parte mia che..., tell him from me that...; questo è molto gentile da parte tua, this is very kind of you; salutalo da parte mia, give him my regards // da ogni parte, da tutte le parti, on all sides (o in every direction), ( moto) from all sides: da tutte le parti si vedeva il mare, the sea could be seen on all sides (o in every direction); il forte fu attaccato da ogni parte, da tutte le parti, the fort was attacked from all sides // da tutte e due le parti, on both sides // da due mesi a questa parte non lo vedo, I have not seen him for two months (o I have not seen him these last two months) // sono dalla tua parte, I'm on your side; essere dalla parte del torto, to be in the wrong; mettersi dalla parte del torto, to put oneself in the wrong5 (ruolo in opere teatrali, in un affare ecc.) part, rôle: la parte principale di una commedia, the leading rôle of a play; distribuzione delle parti, cast of the play; ( il distribuirle) casting of the play; fece la parte di Otello, he played Othello; assegnare la parte a qlcu., to cast s.o. for a part; sostenere una parte, to act (o to sustain) a rôle; avere una parte importante in un affare, to play (o to take) a prominent part in an affair; fare una parte secondaria, to play a minor (o secondary) rôle // fa sempre la parte dello stupido, he is always playing the fool // ha fatto la sua parte fino alla fine, he played his part to the end // fare una ( brutta) parte a qlcu., ( trattarlo male) to bite s.o.'s head off, ( giocargli un brutto tiro) to play the dirty on s.o.7 (comm., dir.) party; side: parte civile, plaintiff; costituirsi parte civile contro qlcu., to bring an action against s.o. (o to sue s.o.); le parti in causa, the parties to the case; la parte lesa, interessata, the injured, interested party; le due parti in un contratto, the two parties to a contract; convocare, udire le parti, to summon, to hear the parties8 (mus.) part.* * *['parte]sostantivo femminile1) (di un intero) partdividere in -i uguali — to divide equally o evenly
2) (porzione) part, share3) (componente) part4) (lato) side (anche fig.)d'altra parte — fig. then again, on the other hand
da parte a parte — [attraversare, trafiggere] right o straight through
5) (direzione) way, direction6) (luogo)da qualche parte — somewhere; (in frasi interrogative) anywhere
da qualsiasi parte — anywhere, anywhere and everywhere
da un'altra parte — elsewhere, somewhere else
da nessuna parte — nowhere; (con altra negazione) anywhere
7) (zona)da queste -i — (nei dintorni) somewhere about o around here
da parte sua ha dichiarato che... — for his part he declared that...
da una parte... dall'altra... — on the one hand... on the other hand
9) (fazione, campo) sidedi parte — [spirito, discorso] partisan
essere dalla parte di qcn. — to be on sb.'s side
10) dir. party11) (difese)prendere le -i di qcn. — to take sb.'s part, to side with sb., to stand o stick up for sb
12) teatr. telev. cinem. (ruolo) part, role (anche fig.)parte da protagonista — lead o leading role
fare la propria parte — fig. to do one's part o bit
13) mus. part14) da parte dida parte di qcn. — (per quanto riguarda) by o from sb., on the part of sb.; (per incarico di) on behalf of sb.; (del ramo familiare di) on sb.'s side
15) da parte (in serbo) aside; (in disparte) apartmettere, lasciare qcs. da parte — to put, leave sth. to one side o aside
prendere qcn. da parte — to take sb. to one side, to get sb. alone
farsi da parte — to step o move aside
16) a parte (separatamente) apart, separately; (eccetto, tranne) apart, besidesscherzi a parte — joking aside o apart
nessuno lo sa, a parte Mary — nobody knows, besides Mary
a parte i cani, gli animali non mi piacciono — dogs apart, I don't like animals
17) in parte (in) part, partlyin parte era paura, in parte avidità — it was part fear, part greed
18) prendere parte a to take* part in, to join in [manifestazione, gioco, attività]; to be* engaged in, to join in [discussione, negoziati]•parte del discorso — ling. part of speech
- i intime — private parts, privates colloq.
••* * *partein large measure, to a large o great extent\→ largo————————parte/'parte/sostantivo f.1 (di un intero) part; un romanzo in tre -i a three-part novel; per la maggior parte for the most part; la maggior parte della gente most people; dividere in -i uguali to divide equally o evenly2 (porzione) part, share; pagare la propria parte to pay one's share; dedica loro una parte del suo tempo libero he devotes some of his free time to them; la maggior parte del tempo most of the time3 (componente) part; le -i del corpo the parts of the body; far parte di to be part of; fa parte della famiglia he's one of the family4 (lato) side (anche fig.); da ogni parte from all sides; d'altra parte fig. then again, on the other hand; da parte a parte [attraversare, trafiggere] right o straight through; dalla stessa parte on the same side; abita dall'altra parte della strada he lives across the street; il tempo è dalla nostra parte time is on our side5 (direzione) way, direction; da che parte andate? which way are you going?6 (luogo) da qualche parte somewhere; (in frasi interrogative) anywhere; da qualsiasi parte anywhere, anywhere and everywhere; da un'altra parte elsewhere, somewhere else; da nessuna parte nowhere; (con altra negazione) anywhere; da tutte le -i everywhere7 (zona) da queste -i (nei dintorni) somewhere about o around here; dalle -i della stazione in the neighbourhood of the station; se per caso capiti dalle nostre -i if you're ever down our way; un dolce tipico delle nostre -i one of our local cakes8 (punto di vista) da parte sua ha dichiarato che... for his part he declared that...; da una parte... dall'altra... on the one hand... on the other hand...9 (fazione, campo) side; di parte [spirito, discorso] partisan; essere dalla parte di qcn. to be on sb.'s side; essere dalla parte del torto to be in the wrong11 (difese) prendere le -i di qcn. to take sb.'s part, to side with sb., to stand o stick up for sb.12 teatr. telev. cinem. (ruolo) part, role (anche fig.); parte da protagonista lead o leading role; fare la parte del cattivo to play the villain ; fare la propria parte fig. to do one's part o bit13 mus. part14 da parte di da parte di qcn. (per quanto riguarda) by o from sb., on the part of sb.; (per incarico di) on behalf of sb.; (del ramo familiare di) on sb.'s side; salutalo da parte mia give him my best regards; è stupido da parte sua fare it is stupid of him to do; ho un regalo per te da parte di mia sorella I've got a present for you from my sister15 da parte (in serbo) aside; (in disparte) apart; mettere, lasciare qcs. da parte to put, leave sth. to one side o aside; prendere qcn. da parte to take sb. to one side, to get sb. alone; farsi da parte to step o move aside16 a parte (separatamente) apart, separately; (eccetto, tranne) apart, besides; scherzi a parte joking aside o apart; un mondo a parte a world apart; a parte il giardino apart from the garden; nessuno lo sa, a parte Mary nobody knows, besides Mary; a parte i cani, gli animali non mi piacciono dogs apart, I don't like animals; preparate una salsa a parte prepare a sauce separately17 in parte (in) part, partly; in parte era paura, in parte avidità it was part fear, part greed18 prendere parte a to take* part in, to join in [manifestazione, gioco, attività]; to be* engaged in, to join in [ discussione, negoziati]; prendiamo parte al vostro dolore we share your grieffare la parte del leone to take the lion's share; anche l'occhio vuole la sua parte you should also please the eye\parte del discorso ling. part of speech; - i basse groin; - i intime private parts, privates colloq. -
114 scherzo
m jokemusic scherzoessere uno scherzo ( facile) be child's playscherzi a parte joking asideper scherzo fare, dire qualcosa as a joke* * *scherzo s.m.1 joke, jest; ( tiro) trick: uno scherzo di cattivo gusto, a bad joke; era solo uno scherzo, it was only a joke; non sa stare allo scherzo, he cannot take a joke; fare un brutto scherzo a qlcu., to play a nasty trick on s.o.; fare scherzi, to fool around (o to joke); fare uno scherzo a qlcu., to play a joke on s.o.; spingere lo scherzo troppo oltre, to carry the joke too far; volgere qlco. in scherzo, to laugh a thing off // (fam.) scherzo da prete, stupid joke // scherzi a parte, joking aside // gli scherzi della fortuna, the tricks of fortune // la stanchezza gioca brutti scherzi, tiredness does funny things to you // scherzo di natura, (fig.) freak of nature // per scherzo, for fun (o for a joke); fare, dire qlco. per scherzo, to do, to say sthg. for a joke (o in jest) // a carnevale ogni scherzo vale, (prov.) at Carnival anything goes2 ( cosa da nulla) child's play, (fam.) cinch: è stato uno scherzo risolvere il problema, solving the problem was child's play (o a cinch); non è proprio uno scherzo affrontare questa situazione, dealing with this situation isn't exactly child's play3 pl. ( effetti) effects, works: scherzi d'acqua, waterworks; scherzi di colori, colour effects; scherzi di immagini, imagery; (teatr.) scherzi di luce, lighting effects // questi sono gli scherzi del vino, (fig.) these are the effects of wine4 (mus.) scherzo (pl. -os).* * *['skertso]sostantivo maschile1) jokefare uno scherzo a qcn. — to play a joke o trick on sb.
per scherzo — for o in fun, as a joke
- i a parte — joking apart o aside
2) (impresa da nulla) joke3) (tiro) trickgiocare brutti -i a qcn. — to play nasty tricks on sb.
4) mus. scherzo•* * *scherzo/'skertso/sostantivo m.1 joke; uno scherzo di cattivo gusto a bad joke; fare uno scherzo a qcn. to play a joke o trick on sb.; per scherzo for o in fun, as a joke; - i a parte joking apart o aside; non dirlo neanche per scherzo! you should not joke about certain things! stare allo scherzo to take a joke2 (impresa da nulla) joke; è stato uno scherzo it was a bit of a joke; trovare lavoro non è uno scherzo it's no joke trying to find a job3 (tiro) trick; giocare brutti -i a qcn. to play nasty tricks on sb.; uno scherzo del destino a twist of fate; niente -i! no messing around!4 mus. scherzoscherzo della natura freak of nature; scherzo da preti silly prank. -
115 шутка
ж.1) (то, что призвано вызвать смех) joke; jestзла́я шу́тка — spiteful / malicious / mean joke
не обижа́ться на шу́тку — not to take offence at a joke, not to take it seriously
отде́лываться шу́тками от чего́-л — laugh smth away / off
2) (шалость, проказа) trick, prankсыгра́ть шу́тку с кем-л — play a trick [practical joke] on smb
га́дкие шу́тки — dirty / shabby tricks
3) театр jest, farce••шу́тки в сто́рону, кро́ме шу́ток — joking apart
шу́тка сказа́ть, шу́тка ли — it's no joke / trifle; it's not something to be brushed aside; just think
с ним шу́тки пло́хи — he is not one to be trifled with; he is a tough customer идиом.
не на шу́тку — considerably; seriously
он не на шу́тку рассерди́лся — he is downright angry
не шу́тка — no trifle, no laughing matter
шу́тки шу́тками, а... — joking apart
в шу́тку, ра́ди шу́тки — in jest, jokingly, as a joke; just for fun / kicks sl
я сказа́л э́то в шу́тку — I was only joking / kidding, I wasn't serious
(мне) не до шу́ток — I am in no laughing mood; it's no time for joking
сыгра́ть злу́ю шу́тку (с тв.) — play a mean / nasty trick (on)
в ка́ждой шу́тке есть до́ля пра́вды посл. — there's many a true word spoken in jest
116 Ш-106
ШУТКИ ШУТКАМИ (ШУТКА ШУТКОЙ), а ( но)... coll these forms only usu. a clause in a compound sent fixed WO(used to introduce a response to, or as a rejoinder for, an exaggerated, humorous, or nonserious statement) speaking seriously, without exaggerationjoking aside (apart)kidding aside itfs all very well to joke, but...«Канцлер на меня сердится, - сказал прокурор. - Мне это чертовски неприятно». — «Хорошо, — сказал Странник. — Я ему это передам». - «Шутки шутками, - сказал прокурор, -а если бы ты замолвил словечко...» (Стругацкие 2). "Chancellor is angry with me," said the prosecutor. "It's damned unpleasant for me." "All right, I'll tell him that." "Joking aside, if you could put in a word for me..." (2a).(Чебутыкин:) Соленый воображает, что он Лермонтов, и даже стихи пишет. Вот шутки шутками, а уж у него третья дуэль (Чехов 5). (Ch.:) Solyony imagines he's a second Lermontov. He even writes poetry. Joking apart, though, it's his third duel (5b). -
117 Ш-111
КРОМЕ ШУТОК PrepP Invar sent adv (parenth) or indep. remark) speaking in earnest: (all) joking (kidding) aside joking apart (speaking) seriously (when questioning or confirming sth. stated previously) no kidding? (!) you're kidding! (are you kidding? etc) really? (!)«Но кроме шуток, ведь протоплазма эта состоит из людей, из отдельных личностей...» (Аксёнов 6). "But all joking aside, this protoplasm of yours consists of human beings, of individual personalities..." (6a).«Вчера моя сестра родила тройню». -«Кроме шуток?» — «Кроме шуток». "Yesterday my sister had triplets." "No kidding?" "No kidding." -
118 Ш-113
HE ШУТИ ( Verbal Adv Invar1.advin a serious way, genuinelyseriouslyin all seriousness (quite) in earnest earnestly (one Is) serious.«Как? Вы не шутя думаете сладить с целым народом?» (Тургенев 2). "What? Do you seriously think you can take on the whole nation?" (2c).«Ваше имя в списке. Говорю это не шутя, я сам видел...» (Пастернак 1). "Your name is on the list-I am telling you this in all seriousness, I've seen it myself" (1a).Иные ужасно обиделись, и не шутя, что им ставят в пример такого безнравственного человека, как Герой Нашего Времени (Лермонтов 1). Some were dreadfully offended, quite in earnest, that such an immoral person as the Hero of Our Time should be set as a model to them (1a).От отца своего он перенял смотреть на всё в жизни, даже на мелочи, не шутя... (Гончаров 1). Не had his father's way of looking earnestly at everything-even the trivia of life... (1b).2. (sent adv (parenth)) speaking in earnest: (all) joking (kidding) asidejoking apart (speaking) seriously.(Анна Петровна (смеётся):) Вы даже простого каламбура не можете сказать без злости. Злой вы человек. (Серьёзно.) Не шутя, граф, вы очень злы (Чехов 4). (А.Р (laughs):) You can't even make a simple joke without malice. You're a malicious person. (Seriously.) Joking aside, Count, you are exceedingly malicious (4a). -
119 Ha, ha, just kidding !
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Ha, ha, just kidding !
120 шутка шуткой
• ШУТКИ ШУТКАМИ < ШУТКА ШУТКОЙ>, а <но>... coll[these forms only; usu. a clause in a compound sent; fixed WO]=====⇒ (used to introduce a response to, or as a rejoinder for, an exaggerated, humorous, or nonserious statement) speaking seriously, without exaggeration:- it's all very well to joke, but...♦ "Канцлер на меня сердится, - сказал прокурор. - Мне это чертовски неприятно". - "Хорошо, - сказал Странник. - Я ему это передам". - "Шутки шутками, - сказал прокурор, - а если бы ты замолвил словечко..." (Стругацкие 2). "Chancellor is angry with me," said the prosecutor. "It's damned unpleasant for me." "All right, I'll tell him that." "Joking aside, if you could put in a word for me..." (2a).♦ [Чебутыкин:] Соленый воображает, что он Лермонтов, и даже стихи пишет. Вот шутки шутками, а уж у него третья дуэль (Чехов 5). [Ch.:] Solyony imagines he's a second Lermontov. He even writes poetry. Joking apart, though, it's his third duel (5b).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > шутка шуткой
См. также в других словарях:
Joking Apart Theater — is a small theater company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The name of the company is taken from the title of the play, Joking Apart by British playwright Alan Ayckbourn. While Joking Apart has performed several of Ayckbourne s plays, the… … Wikipedia
joking\ apart — • joking aside • joking apart v. phr. informal No fooling; without exaggerating: seriously. Joking aside, although the conditions were not very comfortable, we had a wonderful time. Joking apart, there must have been over a hundred people in the… … Словарь американских идиом
joking\ aside — • joking aside • joking apart v. phr. informal No fooling; without exaggerating: seriously. Joking aside, although the conditions were not very comfortable, we had a wonderful time. Joking apart, there must have been over a hundred people in the… … Словарь американских идиом
joking aside — (or Brit joking apart) used to introduce a serious statement that follows a humorous statement It looks like this is a job for Superman! But joking aside, this is a serious problem and we re going to need help. • • • Main Entry: ↑joke * * *… … Useful english dictionary
joking — adj. intended as a joke; of communications. Syn: jesting, jocose, jocular, jocund. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] {no joking matter} a serious matter. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
joking apart — ● joke * * * ˌjoking aˈpart/aˈside idiom (BrE) used to show that you are now being serious after you have said sth funny Main entry: ↑jokeidiom … Useful english dictionary
Joking Apart (play) — Joking Apart is a 1978 play by British playwright Alan Ayckbourn … Wikipedia
joking — index jocular Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
joking relationship — joking relationships … Dictionary of sociology
Joking Apart — Infobox Television show name = Joking Apart caption = The opening title is superimposed over a stack of legal documents. format = Sitcom picture format = 4:3 runtime = 30 minutes creator = Steven Moffat director = Bob Spiers starring = Robert… … Wikipedia
joking relationship — ▪ sociology relationship between two individuals or groups that allows or requires unusually free verbal or physical interaction. The relationship may be mutual (symmetrical) or formalized in such a way that one person or group does the… … Universalium