Перевод: с английского на румынский

с румынского на английский


  • 1 with one's eyes open

    (with full awareness of what one is doing: I knew what the job would involve - I went into it with my eyes open.) în cunoştinţă de cauză

    English-Romanian dictionary > with one's eyes open

  • 2 close one's eyes to

    (to ignore (especially something wrong): She closed her eyes to the children's misbehaviour.) a închide ochii la

    English-Romanian dictionary > close one's eyes to

  • 3 before/under one's very eyes

    (in front of one, usually with no attempt at concealment: It happened before my very eyes.) sub ochii (cuiva)

    English-Romanian dictionary > before/under one's very eyes

  • 4 eye

    1. noun
    1) (the part of the body with which one sees: Open your eyes; She has blue eyes.) ochi
    2) (anything like or suggesting an eye, eg the hole in a needle, the loop or ring into which a hook connects etc.) gaură; ureche
    3) (a talent for noticing and judging a particular type of thing: She has an eye for detail/colour/beauty.) ochi
    2. verb
    (to look at, observe: The boys were eyeing the girls at the dance; The thief eyed the policeman warily.) a se uita la; a ob­serva
    - eyebrow
    - eye-catching
    - eyelash
    - eyelet
    - eyelid
    - eye-opener
    - eye-piece
    - eyeshadow
    - eyesight
    - eyesore
    - eye-witness
    - before/under one's very eyes
    - be up to the eyes in
    - close one's eyes to
    - in the eyes of
    - keep an eye on
    - lay/set eyes on
    - raise one's eyebrows
    - see eye to eye
    - with an eye to something
    - with one's eyes open

    English-Romanian dictionary > eye

  • 5 twinkle

    ['twiŋkl] 1. verb
    1) (to shine with a small, slightly unsteady light: The stars twinkled in the sky.) a licări
    2) ((of eyes) to shine in this way usually to express amusement: His eyes twinkled mischievously.) a luci
    2. noun
    1) (an expression of amusement (in one's eyes).) licărire
    2) (the act of twinkling.) scânteiere

    English-Romanian dictionary > twinkle

  • 6 avert

    1) (to turn away, especially one's eyes: She averted her eyes from the dead animal.) a întoarce
    2) (to prevent: to avert disaster.) a preveni

    English-Romanian dictionary > avert

  • 7 roll

    I 1. [rəul] noun
    1) (anything flat (eg a piece of paper, a carpet) rolled into the shape of a tube, wound round a tube etc: a roll of kitchen foil; a toilet-roll.) rulou, sul
    2) (a small piece of baked bread dough, used eg for sandwiches: a cheese roll.) franzeluţă
    3) (an act of rolling: Our dog loves a roll on the grass.) rostogolire
    4) (a ship's action of rocking from side to side: She said that the roll of the ship made her feel ill.) (mişcare de) ruliu
    5) (a long low sound: the roll of thunder.) bubuit
    6) (a thick mass of flesh: I'd like to get rid of these rolls of fat round my waist.) halcă
    7) (a series of quick beats (on a drum).) duruit
    2. verb
    1) (to move by turning over like a wheel or ball: The coin/pencil rolled under the table; He rolled the ball towards the puppy; The ball rolled away.) a (se) rostogoli
    2) (to move on wheels, rollers etc: The children rolled the cart up the hill, then let it roll back down again.) a se mişca/a merge pe roţi
    3) (to form (a piece of paper, a carpet) into the shape of a tube by winding: to roll the carpet back.) a face sul
    4) ((of a person or animal in a lying position) to turn over: The doctor rolled the patient (over) on to his side; The dog rolled on to its back.) a (se) întoarce
    5) (to shape (clay etc) into a ball or cylinder by turning it about between the hands: He rolled the clay into a ball.) a face în formă de minge
    6) (to cover with something by rolling: When the little girl's dress caught fire, they rolled her in a blanket.) a înfăşura
    7) (to make (something) flat or flatter by rolling something heavy over it: to roll a lawn; to roll pastry (out).) a netezi; a întinde (cu un rulou)
    8) ((of a ship) to rock from side to side while travelling forwards: The storm made the ship roll.) a se legăna
    9) (to make a series of low sounds: The thunder rolled; The drums rolled.) a bubui; a durui
    10) (to move (one's eyes) round in a circle to express fear, surprise etc.) a roti
    11) (to travel in a car etc: We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst.) a rula, a merge cu maşina
    12) ((of waves, rivers etc) to move gently and steadily: The waves rolled in to the shore.) a se rostogoli (pe)
    13) ((of time) to pass: Months rolled by.) a se scurge
    - rolling
    - roller-skate
    3. verb
    (to move on roller-skates: You shouldn't roller-skate on the pavement.)
    - roll in
    - roll up
    (a list of names, eg of pupils in a school etc: There are nine hundred pupils on the roll.) catalog, listă

    English-Romanian dictionary > roll

  • 8 feature

    ['fi: ə] 1. noun
    1) (a mark by which anything is known; a quality: The use of bright colours is one of the features of her painting.) caracteristică
    2) (one of the parts of one's face (eyes, nose etc): She has very regular features.) trăsătură
    3) (a special article in a newspaper: `The Times' is doing a feature on holidays.) articol (de ziar)
    4) (the main film in a cinema programme etc: The feature begins at 7.30; ( also adjective) a feature film.) film (de lung metraj)
    2. verb
    (to give or have a part (especially an important one): That film features the best of the British actresses.) a prezenta/a avea în rolul principal

    English-Romanian dictionary > feature

  • 9 head

    [hed] 1. noun
    1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) cap
    2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) minte
    3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) (o lungime de) cap
    4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) lider; şef
    5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) capăt
    6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) izvor
    7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) cap, partea de sus, început
    8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) în fruntea
    9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) aptitudine
    10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) director
    11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) de fiecare
    12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) promontoriu
    13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) guler (de spumă)
    2. verb
    1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) a fi în fruntea
    2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) a con­duce
    3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) a se îndrepta (spre)
    4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) a intitula
    5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) a lovi cu capul
    - - headed
    - header
    - heading
    - heads
    - headache
    - headband
    - head-dress
    - headfirst
    - headgear
    - headlamp
    - headland
    - headlight
    - headline
    - headlines
    - headlong
    - head louse
    - headmaster
    - head-on
    - headphones
    - headquarters
    - headrest
    - headscarf
    - headsquare
    - headstone
    - headstrong
    - headwind
    - above someone's head
    - go to someone's head
    - head off
    - head over heels
    - heads or tails?
    - keep one's head
    - lose one's head
    - make head or tail of
    - make headway
    - off one's head

    English-Romanian dictionary > head

  • 10 wide

    1. adjective
    1) (great in extent, especially from side to side: wide streets; Her eyes were wide with surprise.) larg
    2) (being a certain distance from one side to the other: This material is three metres wide; How wide is it?) larg
    3) (great or large: He won by a wide margin.) considerabil
    4) (covering a large and varied range of subjects etc: a wide experience of teaching.) mare
    2. adverb
    (with a great distance from top to bottom or side to side: He opened his eyes wide.) mare; larg
    - widen
    - wideness
    - width
    - wide-ranging
    - widespread
    - give a wide berth to
    - give a wide berth
    - wide apart
    - wide awake
    - wide open

    English-Romanian dictionary > wide

  • 11 death

    1) (the act of dying: There have been several deaths in the town recently; Most people fear death.) moarte, deces
    2) (something which causes one to die: Smoking too much was the death of him.) cauză a morţii
    3) (the state of being dead: eyes closed in death.) moarte
    - death-bed
    - death certificate
    - at death's door
    - catch one's death of cold
    - catch one's death
    - put to death
    - to death

    English-Romanian dictionary > death

  • 12 here

    [hiə] 1. adverb
    1) ((at, in or to) this place: He's here; Come here; He lives not far from here; Here they come; Here is / Here's your lost book.) aici; iată
    2) (at this time; at this point in an argument: Here she stopped speaking to wipe her eyes; Here is where I disagree with you.) aici
    3) (beside one: My colleague here will deal with the matter.) care poate fi văzut aici
    2. interjection
    1) (a shout of surprise, disapproval etc: Here! what do you think you're doing?) Hei!
    2) (a shout used to show that one is present: Shout `Here!' when I call your name.) prezent!
    - hereabouts
    - hereabout
    - hereafter
    - the hereafter
    - hereby
    - herein
    - herewith
    - here and there
    - here goes
    - here's to
    - here
    - there and everywhere
    - here you are
    - neither here nor there

    English-Romanian dictionary > here

  • 13 hook

    [huk] 1. noun
    1) (a small piece of metal shaped like a J fixed at the end of a fishing-line used for catching fish etc: a fish-hook.) cârlig
    2) (a bent piece of metal etc used for hanging coats, cups etc on, or a smaller one sewn on to a garment, for fastening it: Hang your jacket on that hook behind the door; hooks and eyes.) cârlig, copcă
    3) (in boxing, a kind of punch with the elbow bent: a left hook.) croşeu
    2. verb
    1) (to catch (a fish etc) with a hook: He hooked a large salmon.) a prinde
    2) (to fasten or to be fastened by a hook or hooks: He hooked the ladder on (to the branch); This bit hooks on to that bit; Could you hook my dress up down the back?) a (se) prinde; a în­cheia
    3) (in golf, to hit (the ball) far to the left of where it should be (or to the right if one is left-handed).) a lovi cu efect
    - by hook or by crook
    - off the hook

    English-Romanian dictionary > hook

  • 14 run

    1. present participle - running; verb
    1) ((of a person or animal) to move quickly, faster than walking: He ran down the road.) a alerga
    2) (to move smoothly: Trains run on rails.) a merge
    3) ((of water etc) to flow: Rivers run to the sea; The tap is running.) a curge
    4) ((of a machine etc) to work or operate: The engine is running; He ran the motor to see if it was working.) a porni; a funcţiona
    5) (to organize or manage: He runs the business very efficiently.) a conduce
    6) (to race: Is your horse running this afternoon?) a alerga, a participa la o cursă
    7) ((of buses, trains etc) to travel regularly: The buses run every half hour; The train is running late.) a merge; a veni
    8) (to last or continue; to go on: The play ran for six weeks.) a (se) juca
    9) (to own and use, especially of cars: He runs a Rolls Royce.) a ad­mi­nistra, a con­duce; a merge
    10) ((of colour) to spread: When I washed my new dress the colour ran.) a ieşi
    11) (to drive (someone); to give (someone) a lift: He ran me to the station.) a(-şi) trece
    12) (to move (something): She ran her fingers through his hair; He ran his eyes over the letter.) a deveni
    13) ((in certain phrases) to be or become: The river ran dry; My blood ran cold (= I was afraid).)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of running: He went for a run before breakfast.) alergare
    2) (a trip or drive: We went for a run in the country.) plimbare
    3) (a length of time (for which something continues): He's had a run of bad luck.) pe­rioadă
    4) (a ladder (in a stocking etc): I've got a run in my tights.) gaură
    5) (the free use (of a place): He gave me the run of his house.) drept de folosire
    6) (in cricket, a batsman's act of running from one end of the wicket to the other, representing a single score: He scored/made 50 runs for his team.) coteţ
    7) (an enclosure or pen: a chicken-run.)
    - running 3. adverb
    (one after another; continuously: We travelled for four days running.) la rând
    - runaway
    - rundown
    - runner-up
    - runway
    - in
    - out of the running
    - on the run
    - run across
    - run after
    - run aground
    - run along
    - run away
    - run down
    - run for
    - run for it
    - run in
    - run into
    - run its course
    - run off
    - run out
    - run over
    - run a temperature
    - run through
    - run to
    - run up
    - run wild

    English-Romanian dictionary > run

  • 15 inwards

    adverb (towards the inside or the centre: When one of the eyes turns inwards, we call the effect a squint.) spre interior

    English-Romanian dictionary > inwards

  • 16 look

    [luk] 1. verb
    1) (to turn the eyes in a certain direction so as to see, to find, to express etc: He looked out of the window; I've looked everywhere, but I can't find him; He looked at me (angrily).) a privi, a se uita
    2) (to seem: It looks as if it's going to rain; She looks sad.) a părea
    3) (to face: The house looks west.) a da spre
    2. noun
    1) (the act of looking or seeing: Let me have a look!) privire
    2) (a glance: a look of surprise.) privire
    3) (appearance: The house had a look of neglect.) aspect
    - - looking
    - looks
    - looker-on
    - looking-glass
    - lookout
    - by the looks of
    - by the look of
    - look after
    - look ahead
    - look down one's nose at
    - look down on
    - look for
    - look forward to
    - look here!
    - look in on
    - look into
    - look on
    - look out
    - look out!
    - look over
    - look through
    - look up
    - look up to

    English-Romanian dictionary > look

  • 17 meet

    [mi:t] 1. past tense, past participle - met; verb
    1) (to come face to face with (eg a person whom one knows), by chance: She met a man on the train.) a (se) întâlni
    2) ((sometimes, especially American, with with) to come together with (a person etc), by arrangement: The committee meets every Monday.) a se reuni
    3) (to be introduced to (someone) for the first time: Come and meet my wife.) a face cunoştinţă cu
    4) (to join: Where do the two roads meet?) a se întâlni, a se încrucişa
    5) (to be equal to or satisfy (eg a person's needs, requirements etc): Will there be sufficient stocks to meet the public demand?) a satisface, a corespunde
    6) (to come into the view, experience or presence of: A terrible sight met him / his eyes when he opened the door.) a apărea
    7) (to come to or be faced with: He met his death in a car accident.) a înfrunta
    8) ((with with) to experience or suffer; to receive a particular response: She met with an accident; The scheme met with their approval.) a avea, a primi
    9) (to answer or oppose: We will meet force with greater force.) a răspunde (cu); a opune
    2. noun
    (a gathering, especially of sportsmen: The local huntsmen are holding a meet this week.) reuniune
    - meet someone halfway
    - meet halfway

    English-Romanian dictionary > meet

  • 18 own

    [əun] 1. verb
    1) (to have as a possession: I own a car.) a poseda
    2) (to admit that something is true: I own that I have not been working very hard.) a recu­noaşte
    2. adjective, pronoun
    (belonging to (the person stated): The house is my own; I saw it with my own eyes.)
    - ownership
    - get one's own back
    - own up

    English-Romanian dictionary > own

  • 19 rest

    I 1. [rest] noun
    1) (a (usually short) period of not working etc after, or between periods of, effort; (a period of) freedom from worries etc: Digging the garden is hard work - let's stop for a rest; Let's have/take a rest; I need a rest from all these problems - I'm going to take a week's holiday.) odihnă
    2) (sleep: He needs a good night's rest.) somn, odihnă
    3) (something which holds or supports: a book-rest; a headrest on a car seat.) suport; tetieră
    4) (a state of not moving: The machine is at rest.) (în) repaus
    2. verb
    1) (to (allow to) stop working etc in order to get new strength or energy: We've been walking for four hours - let's stop and rest; Stop reading for a minute and rest your eyes; Let's rest our legs.) a (se) odihni
    2) (to sleep; to lie or sit quietly in order to get new strength or energy, or because one is tired: Mother is resting at the moment.) a se odihni
    3) (to (make or allow to) lean, lie, sit, remain etc on or against something: Her head rested on his shoulder; He rested his hand on her arm; Her gaze rested on the jewels.) a (se) sprijini (pe); a-şi aţinti (asupra)
    4) (to relax, be calm etc: I will never rest until I know the murderer has been caught.) a se li­nişti, a avea tihnă
    5) (to (allow to) depend on: Our hopes now rest on him, since all else has failed.) a depinde (de)
    6) ((with with) (of a duty etc) to belong to: The choice rests with you.) a aparţine
    - restfully
    - restfulness
    - restless
    - restlessly
    - restlessness
    - rest-room
    - at rest
    - come to rest
    - lay to rest
    - let the matter rest
    - rest assured
    - set someone's mind at rest
    II [rest]

    English-Romanian dictionary > rest

  • 20 shade

    [ʃeid] 1. noun
    1) (slight darkness caused by the blocking of some light: I prefer to sit in the shade rather than the sun.) umbră; umbrar
    2) (the dark parts of a picture: light and shade in a portrait.) umbră
    3) (something that screens or shelters from light or heat: a large sunshade; a shade for a light.) parasolar; abajur; jaluzea
    4) (a variety of a colour; a slight difference: a pretty shade of green; shades of meaning.) ton
    5) (a slight amount: The weather is a shade better today.) (un) pic, puţin
    2. verb
    1) ((sometimes with from) to shelter from light or heat: He put up his hand to shade his eyes.) a (se) adăposti
    2) (to make darker: You should shade the foreground of that drawing.) a umbri
    3) ((with into) to change very gradually eg from one colour to another.) a se deco­lora
    - shades
    - shading
    - shady
    - shadiness
    - put in the shade

    English-Romanian dictionary > shade

См. также в других словарях:

  • one's eyes are bigger than one's stomach — one has asked for or taken more food than one can actually eat …   Useful english dictionary

  • stars in one's eyes — {n. phr.} 1. An appearance or feeling of very great happiness or expectation of happiness. * /Mary gets stars in her eyes when she thinks of her boyfriend./ 2. A belief in the possibility of quick and lasting reforms in people and life and an… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • stars in one's eyes — {n. phr.} 1. An appearance or feeling of very great happiness or expectation of happiness. * /Mary gets stars in her eyes when she thinks of her boyfriend./ 2. A belief in the possibility of quick and lasting reforms in people and life and an… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • keep one's eyes open — verb pay attention; be watchful Keep your eyes peeled for any policemen • Syn: ↑keep one s eyes peeled, ↑keep one s eyes skinned • Usage Domain: ↑colloquialism • Hypernyms: ↑watch, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep one's eyes peeled — verb pay attention; be watchful Keep your eyes peeled for any policemen • Syn: ↑keep one s eyes skinned, ↑keep one s eyes open • Usage Domain: ↑colloquialism • Hypernyms: ↑watch, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • close\ one's\ eyes — • close one s eyes • shut one s eyes v. phr. To refuse to see or think about. The park is beautiful if you shut your eyes to the litter. The ice was very thin, but the boys shut their eyes to the danger and went skating. Compare: open one s eyes …   Словарь американских идиом

  • shut\ one's\ eyes — • close one s eyes • shut one s eyes v. phr. To refuse to see or think about. The park is beautiful if you shut your eyes to the litter. The ice was very thin, but the boys shut their eyes to the danger and went skating. Compare: open one s eyes …   Словарь американских идиом

  • keep one's eyes skinned — verb pay attention; be watchful Keep your eyes peeled for any policemen • Syn: ↑keep one s eyes peeled, ↑keep one s eyes open • Usage Domain: ↑colloquialism • Hypernyms: ↑watch, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep\ one's\ eyes\ peeled — • keep one s eyes peeled • keep one s eyes skinned v. phr. informal To watch carefully; be always looking. The bird watcher kept his eyes peeled for bluebirds. When the boys walked through the roads, they kept their eyes skinned for snakes.… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • keep\ one's\ eyes\ skinned — • keep one s eyes peeled • keep one s eyes skinned v. phr. informal To watch carefully; be always looking. The bird watcher kept his eyes peeled for bluebirds. When the boys walked through the roads, they kept their eyes skinned for snakes.… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • close one's eyes — or[shut one s eyes] {v. phr.} To refuse to see or think about. * /The park is beautiful if you shut your eyes to the litter./ * /The ice was very thin, but the boys shut their eyes to the danger and went skating./ Compare: OPEN ONE S EYES …   Dictionary of American idioms

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