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to beat smb

  • 1 beat smb. black and blue

    (beat smb. black and blue (тж. beat smb. to a jelly или to a mummy; амер. beat smb. to a frazzle или to a pulp; амер. жарг. beat the (living) hell out of smb.))
    зверски избить кого-л., избить кого-л. до бесчувствия, до полусмерти; ≈ живого места на ком-л. не оставить, пересчитать все кости или рёбра кому-л.; см. тж. beat the daylight out of smb. и beat the tar out of smb.

    ...do you know what I would do if I were Sir Charles?.. I would get a big stick to beat you black and blue, and then lock you up on bread and water for a week. (B. Shaw, ‘An Unsocial Socialist’, ch. XIV) —...знаете, что я сделала бы с вами, если бы была на месте сэра Чарльза?.. Я взяла бы большую палку, выбила из вас всю дурь и посадила на хлеб и воду на неделю.

    If you don't take off right now and go, I'll beat the living hell out of you. (J. Jones, ‘The Thin Red Line’, ch. II) — Если ты сейчас же не уберёшься отсюда, то я тебе все кости пересчитаю.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. black and blue

  • 2 beat smb. at his own game

    beat smb. at his own game бить кого-л. его же оружием, делать что-л. лучше,чем кто-л. By winning a prize for writing Tom beat his teacher at his owngame.

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > beat smb. at his own game

  • 3 beat smb. to it

    beat smb. to it выиграть соревнование We got our product onto the market asfast as we could, but the other firm still beat us to it!

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > beat smb. to it

  • 4 beat smb. to his knees

    beat smb. to his knees сильно побить кого-л. (чаще в переносном смысле)Since her husband died, the effort of working to support the children andrunning the home at the same time had beaten her to her knees, and she becameill.

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > beat smb. to his knees

  • 5 beat smb to the punch

    beat smb to the punch (to the draw) sl опереди́ть кого-л.

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > beat smb to the punch

  • 6 beat smb. with his own weapon

    (beat (или fight) smb. with his own weapon(s))
    бить кого-л. его же оружием

    Do you know, it seems to me that common methods are useless. The only chance is to fight him with his own weapons. (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Magician’, ch. XII) — Обычными методами, да будет вам известно, с Хаддо бороться бесполезно. Его надо бить его же оружием.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. with his own weapon

  • 7 beat smb. into fits

    (beat (или knock) smb. into fits)
    легко справиться с кем-л.; ≈ разбить кого-л. наголову; см. тж. give smb. fits 1)

    A: "I thought your Chief was an M. P.?" B: "He was once, but at the last election he was beaten into fits." (SPI) — А: "Я думал, что ваш шеф - член парламента." Б: "Был одно время; но на последних выборах потерпел сокрушительное поражение."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. into fits

  • 8 beat smb. on points

    (beat (или defeat) smb. on points (тж. win on points))
    выиграть встречу, матч по сумме очков (в боксе и т. п.); см. тж. lose on points

    Young Stribling, the American boxer, defeated Maurice Griselle, France, on points in a ten-round contest. (‘Daily Express’, OED) — Молодой американский боксер Стриблинг победил француза Мориса Гризелля по очкам во встрече из десяти раундов.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. on points

  • 9 beat smb. at his own game

       1) бить кoгo-л. eгo coбcтвeнным opужиeм
        George....You try it and I'll beat you at your own game (E. Albee)
       2) пpeвзoйти кoгo-л.; зaткнуть зa пoяc кoгo-л.
        The dinner was elaborate and grand. Roy had set out to beat apolaustic at their own game (C. P. Snow). Other Japanese manufactures are trying to beat Cray at its own game, by making computers that are essentially similar to the Cray design, only faster (The Atlantic)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. at his own game

  • 10 beat smb. at his own game

    бить кого-л. его собственным оружием

    George: "...You try it and I'll beat you at your own game." (E. Albee, ‘Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’, act 2) — Джордж: "...Только посмей, я побью тебя твоим же оружием."

    The dinner was elaborate and grand. Roy had set out to beat the apolaustic at their own game. (C. P. Snow, ‘The Light and the Dark’, ch. 30) — Обед был самый изысканный и обильный. Рой задался целью перещеголять самых заядлых гурманов и вообще любителей сладкой жизни.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. at his own game

  • 11 beat smb.'s time

    амер.; жарг.
    отбить дружка у кого-л.; отбить невесту у кого-л.

    After about a year we came to a parting of the ways. What made me so mad was that once again another woman beat my time. (E. S. Gardner, ‘Some Women Won't Wait’, ch. 18) — Примерно через год мы расстались. Меня особенно возмущало, что и на этот раз его увела какая-то женщина.

    He accused his brother of trying to beat his time. (RHD) — Он обвинил своего брата в том, что тот пытался отбить у него невесту.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb.'s time

  • 12 beat smb. black and blue

       звepcки избить кoгo-л., избить кoгo-л. дo бecчувcтвия; живoгo мecтa нa кoм-л. нe ocтaвить, пepecчитaть вce кocти или pёбpa кoму-л.
        Do you know what I would do if I were Sir Charles? I would get a big stick to beat you black and blue, and then lock you up on bread and butter for a week (G. B. Shaw) 'Damn you to hell! I'd like to beat you black and blue' (J. Braine)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. black and blue

  • 13 beat smb. at his own game

    бить кого-л. его же оружием, делать что-л. лучше, чем кто-л. By winning a prize for writing Tom beat his teacher at his own game. ≈ Том победил своего учителя его же оружием - он получил приз за свое сочинение.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > beat smb. at his own game

  • 14 beat smb. on the post

    выиграть у кого-л. с минимальным преимуществом [этим. спорт. post столб у финиша]

    A: "I thought you were certain to win that last race, especially as the three miles is your special distance; how much were you beaten by?" B: "Inehes! He just... beat me on the post." (SPI) — А: "Я думал, что вы наверняка выиграете последний заезд: три мили - это же ваша коронная дистанция. Сколько же вы проиграли? Б. Всего несколько дюймов! Он выиграл... с минимальным преимуществом."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. on the post

  • 15 beat smb. to the draw

    амер.; разг.
    опередить, превзойти, обскакать кого-л

    They beat us to the draw by signing up our potential star. (RHD) — Они опередили нас, подписав контракт с одной из наших актрис, будущей звездой.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. to the draw

  • 16 beat smb. all hollow

       см. beat hollow1

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. all hollow

  • 17 beat smb. all to pieces

       см. beat hollow1

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. all to pieces

  • 18 beat smb. all to ribands

       см. beat hollow1

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. all to ribands

  • 19 beat smb. hollow

       см. beat hollow1

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > beat smb. hollow

  • 20 beat smb. into fits

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > beat smb. into fits

См. также в других словарях:

  • beat — I n. a regularly traversed round 1) to patrol, walk one s beat 2) to cover one s beat 3) a policeman s beat rhythm 4) an irregular; regular, steady beat 5) to a beat (to dance to the beat of jungle music) unit of rhythm 6) a beat to (four beats… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • beat to the draw — • beat to the punch • beat to the draw (smb) do something before others He beat me to the punch and arrived at the interview first …   Idioms and examples

  • beat to the punch — • beat to the punch • beat to the draw (smb) do something before others He beat me to the punch and arrived at the interview first …   Idioms and examples

  • beat up — v. (slang) (AE) (d; intr.) to beat up on ( to beat ) (to beat up on smb.) * * * [ biːt ʌp] (slang) (AE) (d; intr.) to beat up on (to beat up on smb.; to beat ) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • go\ smb\ one\ better — v. phr. informal To do something better than (someone else); do more or better than; beat. Bill s mother gave the boys in Bill s club hot dogs for refreshments, so Tom s mother said that she would go her one better next time by giving them hot… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • draw — I n. act of drawing a weapon 1) on the draw (quick on the draw) 2) (misc.) to beat smb. to the draw lottery (esp. BE) 3) to hold a draw (AE has drawing) II v. 1) (C) ( to sketch ) draw a picture for me; or: draw me a picture 2) (D; tr.) to draw… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • pulp — n. to beat smb. to a pulp * * * [pʌlp] to beat smb. to a pulp …   Combinatory dictionary

  • punch — I n. blow 1) to deliver, give, land, throw a punch 2) to pull ( soften ) one s punches (also fig.) 3) to roll with a punch 4) a one two; rabbit; solid; Sunday punch 5) a punch in, on, to (a punch in the face; a punch on the nose) misc. 6) to pack …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Punch — I n. blow 1) to deliver, give, land, throw a punch 2) to pull ( soften ) one s punches (also fig.) 3) to roll with a punch 4) a one two; rabbit; solid; Sunday punch 5) a punch in, on, to (a punch in the face; a punch on the nose) misc. 6) to pack …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Petron Blaze Boosters — For the ASEAN Basketball League team that now carries the old name, see San Miguel Beermen (ABL). Petron Blaze Boosters Joined PBA 1975 History Royal Tru Oran …   Wikipedia

  • San Miguel Beermen — Infobox PBA team color1=#FFFFFF color2= #CE2029 name=San Miguel Beermen picsize=164px founded=1975 history=Royal Tru Orange 1975 1980 San Miguel Beermen 1980 1983; 1987 2007; 2008 present Gold Eagle 1984 Magnolia Ice Cream/Quench Plus/Cheese 1985 …   Wikipedia

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