1 threshold
threshold nпорогapproach threshold lightsвходные огни ВППclearance over the thresholdбезопасная высота пролета порогаdamage thresholdпредел разрушенияdisplaced runway thresholdсмещенный порог ВППexposed threshold lipвыступающий торец порога ВППeye height over the thresholdуровень положения глаз над порогом ВППmaximum threshold speedмаксимально допустимая скорость прохождения порога ВППminimum threshold speedминимально допустимая скорость прохождения порога ВППrunway threshold lightsвходные огни ВППrunway threshold markingмаркировка порога ВППskid thresholdпредел сцепленияthreshold crossing heightвысота пролета порога ВППthreshold elevationпревышение порога ВППthreshold levelуровень превышения порога ВППthreshold lightsвходные огниthreshold midpointсредняя точка порогаthreshold speedскорость прохождения порога ВППthreshold wheel clearanceдопустимый запас высоты от колес до порога ВПП -
2 threshold
threshold порог, предел; мера чувствительностиthreshold number пороговое количествоthreshold of reaction порог реакцииthreshold of stimulation порог раздраженияcooling temperature threshold предел охлажденияdifferential threshold разностный порог (раздражения)empirical threshold пороговая величина, установленная эмпирическим путёмhemolytic threshold гемолитический порогmetrazol-flicker threshold пороговая (электрическая) реакция при действии метразола и световых мельканийmyoclonic threshold судорожный порогstimulus threshold абсолютный порог раздраженияEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > threshold
3 threshold
- threshold
- nпорог; пороговая величина; предел
- nuisance threshold
- odor threshold
- runway threshold
- susceptibility threshold
- vision threshold
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 threshold
threshold [ˊθreʃhəυld] n1) поро́г2) преддве́рие, отправно́й пункт, нача́ло;to stumble on ( или at) the threshold пло́хо нача́ть ( дело)
3) психол. поро́г ( сознания) -
5 threshold
threshold; THRThe beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing.(AN 3; AN 4; AN 14/I; PANS-ATM; PANS-OPS/I; PANS-OPS/II)порог ВПП; THRHaчaлo учaсткa BПП, кoтoрый мoжeт испoльзoвaться для пoсaдки.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > threshold
6 threshold
7 threshold
Пороговый сигналНаименьший сигнал на входе приемного устройства, при котором обеспечивается его регистрация с заданной достоверностью. -
8 threshold
1) порог3) пороговая величина, порог || сравнивать с порогом4) выбирать [задавать\] порог5) предел; граница•-
absolute threshold
adjustable threshold
brightness-difference threshold
chatter threshold
chromatic threshold
clipping threshold
coagulation threshold
cold-shortness threshold
contrast threshold
decision threshold
detection threshold
difference threshold
displaced runway threshold
energy threshold
external friction threshold
flicker threshold
gain-control threshold
hearing threshold
identification threshold
instrument threshold
intelligibility threshold
jamming threshold
lasing threshold
limiting threshold
luminance threshold
luminescence threshold
muting threshold
noise threshold
odour threshold
odor threshold
offset threshold
oscillation threshold
perceptibility threshold
photoelectric threshold
preset threshold
reaction threshold
receiver threshold
recognition threshold
recrystallized threshold
resolution threshold
riding threshold
runway threshold
self-adjusting threshold
signal threshold
speech intelligibility threshold
stability threshold
susceptibility threshold
thermoelastic instability threshold
threshold of action
threshold of audibility
threshold of discomfort
threshold of feeling
threshold of hearing
threshold of pain
threshold of response
tracking threshold
vision threshold
visual threshold
voltage threshold -
9 threshold
1) порог; пороговая величина; пороговое значение || пороговый2) предел; граница || предельный; граничный3) исходная точка; начало4) вход ( в помещение)•- threshold of companding
- threshold of degeneracy
- threshold of detectability
- threshold of discomfort
- threshold of feeling
- threshold of hearing
- threshold of instability
- threshold of pain
- threshold of parametric excitation
- threshold of sensitivity
- threshold of tickle
- absolute luminance threshold
- achromatic luminance threshold
- adaptive threshold
- adjustable threshold
- brightness difference threshold
- chromatic threshold
- clipping threshold
- contrast threshold
- damage threshold
- decision threshold
- detection threshold
- difference threshold
- differential threshold of loudness
- differential threshold of pitch
- energy threshold
- flicker-fusion threshold
- Geiger-Muller threshold
- identification threshold
- improvement threshold
- instrument threshold
- intelligibility threshold
- inversion threshold
- jumming threshold
- laser-damage threshold
- lasing threshold
- likelihood threshold
- long-wavelength threshold of photoeffect
- luminance threshold
- luminance difference threshold
- luminescence threshold
- muting threshold
- noise threshold
- odor threshold
- odour threshold
- off threshold
- offset threshold
- on threshold
- oscillation threshold
- perception threshold
- photodetachment threshold
- photoelectric threshold
- photoemission threshold
- preset threshold
- receiver threshold
- receiver noise threshold
- recognition threshold
- resolution threshold
- riding threshold
- signal threshold
- speech intelligibility threshold
- stability threshold
- susceptibility threshold
- tracking threshold
- variable threshold
- visual perception threshold -
10 threshold
1) порог
2) пороговый
3) <engin.> точка граничная
– absolute threshold
– counting threshold
– detection threshold
– energy threshold
– excitation threshold
– fission threshold
– hearing threshold
– intelligibility threshold
– inversion threshold
– lasing-action threshold
– oscillation threshold
– photoelectric threshold
– reaction threshold
– resolution threshold
– runway threshold
– self-excitation threshold
– self-focusing threshold
– signal threshold
– signal-detection threshold
– threshold audiogram
– threshold detector
– threshold effect
– threshold element
– threshold energy
– threshold frequency
– threshold function
– threshold gain
– threshold intensity
– threshold inversion
– threshold level
– threshold logic
– threshold of audibility
– threshold of detectability
– threshold of feeling
– threshold of generation
– threshold of luminesence
– threshold of pain
– threshold of sensitivity
– threshold pulse
– threshold range
– threshold reaction
– threshold sensitivity
– threshold value
– threshold voltage
– threshold wave-length
threshold logic unit — <comput.> блок логический пороговый
11 threshold
1) порог || пороговый2) машиностр. точка ограничная• -
12 threshold
13 threshold
сущ.мет. порог, пороговая величина (точка, в которой происходит смена одного процесса или состояния другим процессом или состоянием, качественно отличным от него; напр., точка насыщения в прогнозе спроса на некоторый товар)hearing [auditory\] threshold — порог слышимости
threshold level [value\]— пороговый уровень
See:threshold price, threshold parameter, threshold price CHILD [type\]: absolute threshold, differential threshold CHILD [object\]: advertising threshold, awareness threshold, earnings threshold, inflation threshold unemployment rate, primary threshold, secondary threshold, sustainability threshold, tax threshold -
14 threshold
[ˈθreʃhəuld]calculation threshold расчетное пороговое значение operation threshold порог срабатывания resolution threshold порог разрешения threshold перен. преддверие, отправной пункт, начало; to stumble on (или at) the threshold плохо начать (дело) switching threshold порог переключения tax threshold нижняя граница доходов, облагаемых налогом tax threshold нижняя граница налогообложения tax-exempt minimum threshold минимальная сумма, не облагаемая налогом threshold граница threshold критический уровень threshold психол. порог (сознания) threshold порог threshold пороговая величина threshold перен. преддверие, отправной пункт, начало; to stumble on (или at) the threshold плохо начать (дело) threshold предел threshold for payment минимальная сумма платежа -
15 threshold
- depolarization threshold
- flux-density threshold
- FM-improvement threshold
- illuminance threshold
- intelligibility threshold
- noise threshold
- oscillation threshold
- photoemission threshold
- pulse-improvement threshold
- quantized threshold
- receiver-noise threshold
- self-adjusting threshold
- signal threshold
- susceptibility threshold
- voltage thresholdEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > threshold
16 threshold
порог; пороговое значение; предел; граница; отправной пункт; задняя кромка платформы кузова (напр. у санитарных или похоронных автомобилей)- threshold behavior - threshold extension - threshold friction - threshold leveler - threshold limit value - threshold luminous flux - threshold of action - threshold of audibility - threshold of failure - threshold parameter - threshold pump intensity - threshold setting - threshold strength -
17 threshold
1) пороговая величина, порог2) граница; предел•- Gunn threshold
- information threshold
- input threshold
- intelligibility threshold
- logic threshold
- operation threshold
- photoelectric threshold
- recognition threshold
- resolution threshold
- signal threshold
- switching threshold
- threshold for display
- threshold of sensivityEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > threshold
18 threshold
1. n преддверие, канун, заря, начало2. n спец. порог, пороговая величина; пределthreshold of sensitivity, sensitivity threshold — порог чувствительности
3. n ав. критический уровеньСинонимический ряд:1. doorsill (noun) door; doorsill; doorway; entrance; gate; gateway; groundsel; groundsill; portal2. point (noun) borderline; brink; edge; point; verge3. starting point (noun) beginning; bottom; ground zero; onset; origin; outset; square one; starting point -
19 threshold
порог, предел; мера чувствительности- absolute threshold
- differential threshold
- empirical threshold
- metrazol-flicker threshold
- myoclonic threshold
- pain threshold
- stimulus threshold
- threshold of reaction
- threshold of stimulation
- threshold of visual acuity
- visual threshold* * * -
20 threshold
n1) предел, критический уровень-2) перен. преддверие, начало•
См. также в других словарях:
Threshold — may refer to:Books and comics* Threshold (novel), a 1985 science fiction novel by David R. Palmer * Threshold (Sara Douglass novel), a 1997 fantasy novel by Sara Douglass * Threshold , a 2001 science fiction novel by Caitlín R. KiernanFilm and… … Wikipedia
threshold — thresh‧old [ˈθreʆhəʊld, ʆəʊld ǁ oʊld] noun [countable] the level at which something belongs in a particular class or is affected by a particular rule: • Many large mortgages were taken out, on the assumption that interest rates would remain below … Financial and business terms
threshold — thresh·old 1 / thresh ˌhōld/ n: a point of beginning: a minimum requirement for further action; specif: a determination (as of fact or the existence of a reasonable doubt) upon which something else (as further consideration or a right of action)… … Law dictionary
Threshold — (engl. für „Schwelle“) bezeichnet einen Begriff aus der Teilchenphysik, siehe Schwellenergie einen Arbeitspunkt in MOS Transistoren (dt. Schwellspannung), siehe Metall Oxid Halbleiter Feldeffekttransistor einen Optimierungsalgorithmus, siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
threshold — [thresh′ōld΄, thresh′hōld΄] n. [ME threschwold < OE therscwold (akin to ON threskǫlder) < base of therscan (see THRASH) + ?] 1. DOORSILL 2. the entrance or beginning point of something [at the threshold of a new career] 3. Physiol. Psychol … English World dictionary
Threshold — Thresh old, n. [OE. threswold, [thorn]reshwold, AS. [thorn]rescwald, [thorn]erscwald, [thorn]erscold, [thorn]rescold, fr. [thorn]rescan, [thorn]erscan, to thresh; akin to Icel. [thorn]reskj[ o]de, [thorn]r[ o]skuldr, Sw. tr[ o]skel, Dan.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
threshold — O.E. þrescold, þærscwold, þerxold doorsill, point of entering, first element related to O.E. þrescan (see THRESH (Cf. thresh)), with its original sense of tread, trample. Second element of unknown origin and much transformed in all the Germanic… … Etymology dictionary
threshold — threshold. См. порог. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Threshold — [englisch, θreʃəʊld; wörtlich »Schwelle«], an bestimmten Effektgeräten (Flanger, Limiter, Noisegate u. a.) einstellbarer Pegel (Schwellwert), bei dessen Erreichen der beabsichtigte Effekt ausgelöst wird … Universal-Lexikon
threshold — Threshold Пороговый сигнал Наименьший сигнал на входе приемного устройства, при котором обеспечивается его регистрация с заданной достоверностью … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
threshold — is spelt with one h (contrast withhold), and the h is optionally silent or aspirated in speech … Modern English usage