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  • 1 Person

    f; -, -en
    1. person; einzelne auch: individual; Personen people; 10 Euro pro Person 10 euros each ( oder a head); wir sind vier Personen there are four of us; eine aus zehn Personen bestehende Gruppe a group of ten; für vier Personen Kochrezept: serves four, makes four servings; keine einzige Person not one person, not a single person; ich für meine Person I for my part; as for me, I...; in ( eigener) Person in person, himself ( weiblich: herself); Angaben zur Person personal data; jemanden zur Person vernehmen question s.o. concerning his ( oder her) identity and particulars; sich in der Person irren mistake s.o. for s.o. else; man muss die Person von der Sache trennen you’ve got to keep personal factors out of it; so eine freche Person! umg. cheeky so-and-so; er ist die Geduld in Person he’s the epitome of patience
    2. THEAT. character, person; die Personen und ihre Darsteller the characters and performers, the cast Sg.; die Personen des Stücks fachspr. dramatis personae
    3. GRAM.: erste Person first person
    4. JUR.: natürliche Person natural person; juristische Person juristic person, corporation, body corporate
    * * *
    die Person
    person; character
    * * *
    Per|son [pɛr'zoːn]
    f -, -en
    1) (= Einzelperson) person, individual; (= Charakter) character

    Persónen — people, persons (form)

    jede Persón bezahlt... — each person or everybody pays...

    eine aus 6 Persónen bestehende Familie — a family of 6

    ein Vier-Persónen-Haushalt — a four-person household

    pro Persón — per person

    die eigene Persón — oneself

    was seine (eigene) Persón betrifft — as for himself

    ich für meine Persón... — I myself..., as for myself I..., I for my part...

    in (eigener) Persón erscheinen — to appear in person or personally

    er ist Vorsitzender und Schatzmeister in einer Persón — he's the chairman and treasurer rolled into one

    jdn zur Persón vernehmen (Jur)to question sb concerning his identity

    Angaben zur Persón machen — to give one's personal details

    von Persón bekannt (Jur)of known identity

    natürliche/juristische Persón (Jur) — natural/juristic or artificial person

    die drei göttlichen Persónen — the Holy Trinity, God in three persons

    eine hochgestellte Persón — a high-ranking personage or person

    2) (= Mensch) person; (pej = Frau) female

    sie ist die Geduld in Persón — she's patience personified

    Tiere treten in Fabeln als Persónen auf — animals figure in fables as human beings or as people

    die Persón des Königs ist unantastbar — (the person of) the king is inviolable

    es geht um die Persón des Kanzlers, nicht um das Amt — it concerns the chancellor as a person, not the office

    lassen wir seine Persón aus dem Spiel — let's leave personalities out of it

    wir müssen die Persón von der Sache trennen — we must keep the personal and the factual aspects separate

    3) (LITER, THEAT) character

    die Persónen der Handlung — the characters (in the action); (Theat auch) the dramatis personae

    eine stumme Persón — a nonspeaking part

    4) (GRAM) person

    das Verb steht in der ersten Persón Plural — the verb is in the first person plural

    * * *
    1) (a person: He's an untidy individual.) individual
    2) (a human being: There's a person outside who wants to speak to you.) person
    * * *
    <-, -en>
    1. (einzelner Mensch) person, individual
    eine hoch gestellte \Person a high-ranking person [or form personage]
    eine männliche/weibliche \Person a male/female
    eine öffentliche/politische \Person a public/political figure
    eine seltsam aussehende \Person an odd-looking individual
    eine mir unbekannte \Person an person unknown to me
    er ist eine führende \Person in der Musikbranche he's a leading figure in the music industry
    sie ist genau die \Person, die wir für die Stelle brauchen she's just the person we need for the job
    wir müssen die \Person von der Sache trennen we must keep the personal and the factual aspects apart
    es geht um die \Person des Präsidenten, nicht um das Amt it concerns the President as a person, not the office
    die \Person des Königs ist unantastbar [the person of] the king is inviolable
    du nimmst deine eigene \Person zu wichtig you take yourself too seriously
    deine \Person soll in dem Bericht nicht erwähnt werden you shall not be mentioned in the report
    sie ist unschuldig, sie haben sich in der \Person geirrt she is innocent, it was a case of mistaken identity
    ich/du etc. für meine/deine etc. \Person I/you [or as for] myself/yourself
    ich für meine \Person stimme zu for my part [or as for myself] I agree
    pro \Person per person
    der Eintritt kostet 3 Euro pro \Person the entrance fee is 3 euros per person
    2. (Leute)
    \Personen pl people pl, persons pl form
    es waren ungefähr zehn \Personen da there were about ten people
    Paella kostet 30 Euro für zwei \Personen paella costs 30 euros for two people
    \Personen sind bei dem Brand nicht umgekommen there was no loss of life in the fire
    die Familie besteht aus vier \Personen it is a family of four
    das Fahrzeug ist für 4 \Personen zugelassen the vehicle is licensed to carry 4 persons
    3. (Frau) person, female
    sie ist eine faszinierende/ausgesprochen nette \Person she's a fascinating/an extremely kind person
    sie mag eine nette \Person sein, aber sie ist nicht die Richtige für diese Arbeit she's nice enough as a person, but he's not the right woman for this job
    eine gewisse \Person hat mir das gesagt a certain person told me about it
    4. JUR (Rechtsperson) person, [contract] party
    in eigener \Person (ohne Anwalt) in person
    beschränkt geschäftsfähige \Person person of restricted capacity to contract
    juristische \Person legal entity, juristic person; (Körperschaft) corporate body
    natürliche \Person natural person
    von \Person bekannt of known identity
    zur \Person concerning a person's identity
    Angaben zur \Person machen to give one's personal details
    jdn zur \Person befragen to question sb concerning his identity
    Fragen zur \Person questions to sb on his/her identity
    5. LIT, THEAT (Handelnde) character
    die \Personen der Handlung the characters [in the action], the dramatis personae
    lustige \Person (veraltet) [stock] comic figure
    eine stumme \Person a non-speaking part
    6. kein pl LING (grammatische Form) person
    der Roman ist in der ersten \Person geschrieben the novel is written in the first person
    das Verb steht in der 3. \Person Singular the verb is in the third person singular
    7. REL
    die drei göttlichen \Personen the Holy Trinity, God in three persons
    8. (selten: Persönlichkeit)
    lassen wir ihre \Person aus dem Spiel let's leave personalities out of it
    ... in \Person personified
    er ist die Geduld/Güte in \Person he's patience/kindness personified
    in [eigener] \Person personally
    in [eigener] \Person erscheinen to appear personally [or in person]
    der Kanzler in eigener \Person the chancellor in person
    in einer \Person rolled into one
    er ist Politiker und Schauspieler in einer \Person he's a politician and an actor rolled into one
    * * *
    die; Person, Personen

    eine männliche/weibliche Person — a male/female

    Personen(als Gruppe) people

    ich für meine Person... — I for my part...

    der Minister in [eigener] Person — the minister in person

    sie ist die Güte/Geduld in Person — she is kindness/patience personified or itself

    2) (in der Dichtung, im Film) character
    3) (emotional): (Frau) female (derog./joc.)
    4) o. Pl. (Sprachw.) person
    * * *
    Person f; -, -en
    1. person; einzelne auch: individual;
    Personen people;
    10 Euro pro Person 10 euros each ( oder a head);
    wir sind vier Personen there are four of us;
    für vier Personen Kochrezept: serves four, makes four servings;
    keine einzige Person not one person, not a single person;
    ich für meine Person I for my part; as for me, I …;
    in (eigener) Person in person, himself ( weiblich: herself);
    Angaben zur Person personal data;
    jemanden zur Person vernehmen question sb concerning his ( oder her) identity and particulars;
    sich in der Person irren mistake sb for sb else;
    man muss die Person von der Sache trennen you’ve got to keep personal factors out of it;
    so eine freche Person! umg cheeky so-and-so;
    er ist die Geduld in Person he’s the epitome of patience
    2. THEAT character, person;
    die Personen und ihre Darsteller the characters and performers, the cast sg;
    die Personen des Stücks fachspr dramatis personae
    3. GRAM:
    erste Person first person
    4. JUR:
    natürliche Person natural person;
    juristische Person juristic person, corporation, body corporate
    * * *
    die; Person, Personen

    eine männliche/weibliche Person — a male/female

    ich für meine Person... — I for my part...

    der Minister in [eigener] Person — the minister in person

    sie ist die Güte/Geduld in Person — she is kindness/patience personified or itself

    2) (in der Dichtung, im Film) character
    3) (emotional): (Frau) female (derog./joc.)
    4) o. Pl. (Sprachw.) person
    * * *
    -en (Theater) f.
    character n. -en f.
    character n.
    person n.
    (§ pl.: people)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Person

  • 2 question

    1. noun
    1) something which is said, written etc which asks for an answer from someone:

    The question is, do we really need a computer?

    2) a problem or matter for discussion:

    There is the question of how much to pay him.

    3) a single problem in a test or examination:

    We had to answer four questions in three hours.

    4) criticism; doubt; discussion:

    He is, without question, the best man for the job.

    5) a suggestion or possibility:

    There is no question of our dismissing him.

    إحْتِمال، إمْكانِيَّه
    2. verb
    1) to ask (a person) questions:

    I'll question him about what he was doing last night.

    2) to regard as doubtful:

    He questioned her right to use the money.

    يَشُكُّ في

    Arabic-English dictionary > question

  • 3 question-master

    noun الشَّخْص الذي يُوَجِّه الأسْئِلَه في المُسابَقَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > question-master

  • 4 vedkommende person

    the person in question

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > vedkommende person

  • 5 angjeldende person

    subst. the person concerned, the person in question

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > angjeldende person

  • 6 orang yang tersebut

    the person in question

    Indonesia-Inggris kamus > orang yang tersebut

  • 7 Rede

    f; -, -n
    1. speech; (Ansprache) auch address; feierliche: oration; die Freiheit der Rede the freedom of speech; die Kunst der Rede the art of rhetoric; eine Rede halten make a speech; keine langen Reden halten come straight to the point, not beat about (Am. around) the bush; sich der Rede seines Vorgängers anschließen link up with what the previous speaker was saying; jemandem in die Rede fallen interrupt s.o. (in mid-speech); ( große) Reden schwingen umg. talk big; jemanden mit leeren / schönen Reden hinhalten put s.o. off with empty / fine words; der langen Rede kurzer Sinn to cut a long story short, in short, the long and the short of it
    2. (Redeweise) language, speech; sich einer sehr bildhaften Rede bedienen make use of many metaphors
    3. LING. (Sprechakt) speech utterance; die Unterscheidung von Sprache und Rede the distinction between language and speech
    4. GRAM. speech; direkte / indirekte Rede GRAM. direct / indirect ( oder reported) speech; erlebte Rede auch LIT. inner ( oder interior) monologue
    5. (Gespräch) talk; die Rede bringen auf (+ Akk) bring s.th. up; die Rede kam auf (+Akk) the conversation turned to; gerade war von dir die Rede we were just talking about you; es ist die Rede von 100 Entlassungen there is talk of 100 redundancies (Am. layoffs); es war einmal die Rede davon, dass sie schließen it was said at one time that they were closing down, there was talk at one time of their closing down; es geht die Rede, dass... rumo(u)r has it that...; davon kann keine Rede sein (das kommt nicht in Frage) that’s out of the question; (darum geht es nicht) that’s not the point; davon ist nicht die Rede that’s not what I’m talking about; davon war ( gar) nicht die Rede that’s not what it was all about; (das kam nicht in Frage) there was no question of that; wovon ist die Rede? what are you ( oder they) talking about? wovon ist eigentlich die Rede? what is this all about anyway?; ( das ist ja) meine Rede umg. that’s what I’ve been saying all along; ihm verschlug es die Rede it left him speechless; es ist nicht der Rede wert it’s hardly worth mentioning, it’s nothing to speak of; beim Danken: don’t mention it; ( jemandem) Rede und Antwort stehen justify o.s. (to s.o.); jemanden zur Rede stellen confront s.o.; (vornehmen) take s.o. to task ( wegen for)
    * * *
    die Rede
    oration; speech; address
    * * *
    Re|de ['reːdə]
    f -, -n
    1) speech; (= Ansprache) address

    die Kunst der Réde (form)the art of rhetoric

    eine Réde halten or schwingen (inf)to make or give a speech

    die Réde des Bundeskanzlers — the Chancellor's speech, the speech given by the Chancellor

    in freier Réde — without (consulting) notes

    der langen Réde kurzer Sinn (prov)the long and the short of it

    2) (= Äußerungen, Worte) words pl, language no pl

    seine frechen Réden — his cheek (Brit) or impudence

    große Réden führen or schwingen (inf)to talk big (inf)

    das ist meine Réde! — that's what I've always said

    jds stehende Réde sein — to be sb's stock saying

    das ist nicht der Réde wert — it's not worth mentioning

    (es ist) nicht der Réde wert! — don't mention it, it was nothing

    3) (= das Reden, Gespräch) conversation, talk

    jdm in die Réde fallen — to interrupt sb

    die Réde fiel or kam auf (+acc)the conversation or talk turned to

    die in Réde stehende Person (form)the person in question or under discussion

    es war von einer Gehaltserhöhung die Réde — there was talk or mention of a salary increase

    von Ihnen war eben die Réde — we were just talking about you

    aber davon war doch nie die Réde — but no-one was ever talking about that

    wovon ist die Réde? — what are you/we etc talking about?

    von einer Gehaltserhöhung kann keine or kann nicht die Réde sein — there can be no question of a salary increase

    von Großzügigkeit kann keine or kann nicht die Réde sein, das war nur... — there's no question of it being generosity, it was just...

    davon kann keine or kann nicht die Réde sein — it's out of the question

    4) (LING, LITER) speech

    direkte or wörtliche/indirekte Réde — direct/indirect speech or discourse (US)

    gebundene Réde — verse

    ungebundene Réde — prose

    5) (= Gerücht, Nachrede) rumour (Brit), rumor (US)

    kümmere dich doch nicht um die Réden der Leute! — don't worry (about) what people say

    es geht die Réde, dass — there's a rumo(u)r that, rumo(u)r has it that

    von ihr geht die Réde, dass sie... — people say or it is said (about her) that she...


    (= Rechenschaft) (jdm) Réde (und Antwort) stehento justify oneself (to sb)

    (jdm) für etw Réde und Antwort stehen — to account( to sb) for sth

    jdn zur Réde stellen — to take sb to task

    * * *
    (a formal talk given to a meeting etc: parliamentary speeches.) speech
    * * *
    <-, -n>
    1. (Ansprache) speech
    die \Rede des Präsidenten the President's speech, the speech given by the President
    eine \Rede halten [o (fam) schwingen] to make [or give] a speech
    2. (Gespräch) conversation, talk
    er brachte die \Rede auf ein anderes Thema he turned the conversation to another subject
    es ist von etw/jdm die \Rede there is talk [or mention] of sth/sb
    wovon ist die \Rede? what's it [all] about?, what are you talking about?
    es ist die \Rede davon, dass... it is being said that..., people are saying that...
    von dir war gerade die \Rede we were just talking about you
    aber davon war doch nie die \Rede! but no one was ever talking about that!
    jdm in die \Rede fallen to interrupt sb
    die \Rede kam auf jdn/etw the conversation [or talk] turned to sb/sth
    der in \Rede stehende Fall (form) the case in question
    die in \Rede stehende Person (form) the person in question
    3. (Äußerungen) talk, words pl
    [das war schon immer] meine \Rede! that's what I've always said!
    ihre frechen \Reden her cheek
    das sind nur \Reden those are just words, that's just talk
    dumme \Reden führen to talk nonsense
    \Rede und Gegenrede dialogue
    große \Reden führen [o (fam) schwingen] to talk big fam
    kluge/lockere \Reden clever/loose talk
    4. (Gerücht, Nachrede) rumour
    kümmere dich doch nicht um die \Reden der Leute! don't worry [about] what people say!
    es geht die \Rede, dass... there's a rumour that..., rumour has it that..., it is rumoured that...
    5. (Vortrag) rhetoric
    in freier \Rede without notes
    sie hat es in freier \Rede vorgetragen she spoke about it without notes
    die Kunst der \Rede the art of rhetoric
    6. LING speech
    direkte [o wörtliche] /indirekte \Rede LING direct/indirect speech
    gebundene/ungebundene \Rede verse/prose
    [jdm] \Rede und Antwort stehen to justify oneself [to sb]
    der Minister wollte den Journalisten \Rede und Antwort stehen the minister wanted to give the journalists a full explanation
    [jdm] für etw akk \Rede und Antwort stehen to account [to sb] for sth
    langer [o der langen] \Rede kurzer Sinn (prov) to cut a long story short
    von etw dat kann keine \Rede sein sth is out of the question, there can be no question of sth
    von einer weiteren Reise dieses Jahr kann keine \Rede sein another trip this year is out of the question
    jdn [für etw akk] zur \Rede stellen to take sb to task [for [or about] sth]
    nicht der \Rede wert sein to be not worth mentioning
    das ist doch nicht der \Rede wert! don't mention it!, it's not worth mentioning!
    * * *
    die; Rede, Reden
    1) speech; (Ansprache) address; speech

    eine Rede haltengive or make a speech

    2) o. Pl. (Vortrag) rhetoric

    der langen Rede kurzer Sinn ist, dass... — the long and the short of it is that...

    es ist die Rede davon, dass... — it is being said or people are saying that...

    jemandem Rede und Antwort stehen — give a full explanation [of one's actions] to somebody

    jemanden zur Rede stellen — make someone explain himself/herself

    4) o. Pl. (Sprachw.)

    direkte od. wörtliche/indirekte Rede — direct/indirect speech

    * * *
    Rede f; -, -n
    1. speech; (Ansprache) auch address; feierliche: oration;
    die Freiheit der Rede the freedom of speech;
    die Kunst der Rede the art of rhetoric;
    eine Rede halten make a speech;
    keine langen Reden halten come straight to the point, not beat about (US around) the bush;
    sich der Rede seines Vorgängers anschließen link up with what the previous speaker was saying;
    jemandem in die Rede fallen interrupt sb (in mid-speech);
    (große) Reden schwingen umg talk big;
    jemanden mit leeren/schönen Reden hinhalten put sb off with empty/fine words;
    der langen Rede kurzer Sinn to cut a long story short, in short, the long and the short of it
    2. (Redeweise) language, speech;
    sich einer sehr bildhaften Rede bedienen make use of many metaphors
    3. LING (Sprechakt) speech utterance;
    die Unterscheidung von Sprache und Rede the distinction between language and speech
    4. GRAM speech;
    direkte/indirekte Rede GRAM direct/indirect ( oder reported) speech;
    erlebte Rede auch LIT inner ( oder interior) monologue
    5. (Gespräch) talk;
    die Rede bringen auf (+akk) bring sth up;
    die Rede kam auf (+akk) the conversation turned to;
    gerade war von dir die Rede we were just talking about you;
    es ist die Rede von 100 Entlassungen there is talk of 100 redundancies (US layoffs);
    es war einmal die Rede davon, dass sie schließen it was said at one time that they were closing down, there was talk at one time of their closing down;
    es geht die Rede, dass … rumo(u)r has it that …;
    davon kann keine Rede sein (das kommt nicht infrage) that’s out of the question; (darum geht es nicht) that’s not the point;
    davon ist nicht die Rede that’s not what I’m talking about;
    davon war (gar) nicht die Rede that’s not what it was all about; (das kam nicht infrage) there was no question of that;
    wovon ist die Rede? what are you ( oder they) talking about?
    wovon ist eigentlich die Rede? what is this all about anyway?;
    (das ist ja) meine Rede umg that’s what I’ve been saying all along;
    ihm verschlug es die Rede it left him speechless;
    es ist nicht der Rede wert it’s hardly worth mentioning, it’s nothing to speak of; beim Danken: don’t mention it;
    (jemandem) Rede und Antwort stehen justify o.s. (to sb);
    jemanden zur Rede stellen confront sb; (vornehmen) take sb to task (
    wegen for)
    * * *
    die; Rede, Reden
    1) speech; (Ansprache) address; speech

    eine Rede haltengive or make a speech

    2) o. Pl. (Vortrag) rhetoric

    der langen Rede kurzer Sinn ist, dass... — the long and the short of it is that...

    es ist die Rede davon, dass... — it is being said or people are saying that...

    jemandem Rede und Antwort stehen — give a full explanation [of one's actions] to somebody

    jemanden zur Rede stellen — make someone explain himself/herself

    4) o. Pl. (Sprachw.)

    direkte od. wörtliche/indirekte Rede — direct/indirect speech

    * * *
    -n f.
    address n.
    (§ pl.: addresses)
    monologue n.
    oration n.
    speech n.
    (§ pl.: speeches)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Rede

  • 8 rede

    f; -, -n
    1. speech; (Ansprache) auch address; feierliche: oration; die Freiheit der Rede the freedom of speech; die Kunst der Rede the art of rhetoric; eine Rede halten make a speech; keine langen Reden halten come straight to the point, not beat about (Am. around) the bush; sich der Rede seines Vorgängers anschließen link up with what the previous speaker was saying; jemandem in die Rede fallen interrupt s.o. (in mid-speech); ( große) Reden schwingen umg. talk big; jemanden mit leeren / schönen Reden hinhalten put s.o. off with empty / fine words; der langen Rede kurzer Sinn to cut a long story short, in short, the long and the short of it
    2. (Redeweise) language, speech; sich einer sehr bildhaften Rede bedienen make use of many metaphors
    3. LING. (Sprechakt) speech utterance; die Unterscheidung von Sprache und Rede the distinction between language and speech
    4. GRAM. speech; direkte / indirekte Rede GRAM. direct / indirect ( oder reported) speech; erlebte Rede auch LIT. inner ( oder interior) monologue
    5. (Gespräch) talk; die Rede bringen auf (+ Akk) bring s.th. up; die Rede kam auf (+Akk) the conversation turned to; gerade war von dir die Rede we were just talking about you; es ist die Rede von 100 Entlassungen there is talk of 100 redundancies (Am. layoffs); es war einmal die Rede davon, dass sie schließen it was said at one time that they were closing down, there was talk at one time of their closing down; es geht die Rede, dass... rumo(u)r has it that...; davon kann keine Rede sein (das kommt nicht in Frage) that’s out of the question; (darum geht es nicht) that’s not the point; davon ist nicht die Rede that’s not what I’m talking about; davon war ( gar) nicht die Rede that’s not what it was all about; (das kam nicht in Frage) there was no question of that; wovon ist die Rede? what are you ( oder they) talking about? wovon ist eigentlich die Rede? what is this all about anyway?; ( das ist ja) meine Rede umg. that’s what I’ve been saying all along; ihm verschlug es die Rede it left him speechless; es ist nicht der Rede wert it’s hardly worth mentioning, it’s nothing to speak of; beim Danken: don’t mention it; ( jemandem) Rede und Antwort stehen justify o.s. (to s.o.); jemanden zur Rede stellen confront s.o.; (vornehmen) take s.o. to task ( wegen for)
    * * *
    die Rede
    oration; speech; address
    * * *
    Re|de ['reːdə]
    f -, -n
    1) speech; (= Ansprache) address

    die Kunst der Réde (form)the art of rhetoric

    eine Réde halten or schwingen (inf)to make or give a speech

    die Réde des Bundeskanzlers — the Chancellor's speech, the speech given by the Chancellor

    in freier Réde — without (consulting) notes

    der langen Réde kurzer Sinn (prov)the long and the short of it

    2) (= Äußerungen, Worte) words pl, language no pl

    seine frechen Réden — his cheek (Brit) or impudence

    große Réden führen or schwingen (inf)to talk big (inf)

    das ist meine Réde! — that's what I've always said

    jds stehende Réde sein — to be sb's stock saying

    das ist nicht der Réde wert — it's not worth mentioning

    (es ist) nicht der Réde wert! — don't mention it, it was nothing

    3) (= das Reden, Gespräch) conversation, talk

    jdm in die Réde fallen — to interrupt sb

    die Réde fiel or kam auf (+acc)the conversation or talk turned to

    die in Réde stehende Person (form)the person in question or under discussion

    es war von einer Gehaltserhöhung die Réde — there was talk or mention of a salary increase

    von Ihnen war eben die Réde — we were just talking about you

    aber davon war doch nie die Réde — but no-one was ever talking about that

    wovon ist die Réde? — what are you/we etc talking about?

    von einer Gehaltserhöhung kann keine or kann nicht die Réde sein — there can be no question of a salary increase

    von Großzügigkeit kann keine or kann nicht die Réde sein, das war nur... — there's no question of it being generosity, it was just...

    davon kann keine or kann nicht die Réde sein — it's out of the question

    4) (LING, LITER) speech

    direkte or wörtliche/indirekte Réde — direct/indirect speech or discourse (US)

    gebundene Réde — verse

    ungebundene Réde — prose

    5) (= Gerücht, Nachrede) rumour (Brit), rumor (US)

    kümmere dich doch nicht um die Réden der Leute! — don't worry (about) what people say

    es geht die Réde, dass — there's a rumo(u)r that, rumo(u)r has it that

    von ihr geht die Réde, dass sie... — people say or it is said (about her) that she...


    (= Rechenschaft) (jdm) Réde (und Antwort) stehento justify oneself (to sb)

    (jdm) für etw Réde und Antwort stehen — to account( to sb) for sth

    jdn zur Réde stellen — to take sb to task

    * * *
    (a formal talk given to a meeting etc: parliamentary speeches.) speech
    * * *
    <-, -n>
    1. (Ansprache) speech
    die \Rede des Präsidenten the President's speech, the speech given by the President
    eine \Rede halten [o (fam) schwingen] to make [or give] a speech
    2. (Gespräch) conversation, talk
    er brachte die \Rede auf ein anderes Thema he turned the conversation to another subject
    es ist von etw/jdm die \Rede there is talk [or mention] of sth/sb
    wovon ist die \Rede? what's it [all] about?, what are you talking about?
    es ist die \Rede davon, dass... it is being said that..., people are saying that...
    von dir war gerade die \Rede we were just talking about you
    aber davon war doch nie die \Rede! but no one was ever talking about that!
    jdm in die \Rede fallen to interrupt sb
    die \Rede kam auf jdn/etw the conversation [or talk] turned to sb/sth
    der in \Rede stehende Fall (form) the case in question
    die in \Rede stehende Person (form) the person in question
    3. (Äußerungen) talk, words pl
    [das war schon immer] meine \Rede! that's what I've always said!
    ihre frechen \Reden her cheek
    das sind nur \Reden those are just words, that's just talk
    dumme \Reden führen to talk nonsense
    \Rede und Gegenrede dialogue
    große \Reden führen [o (fam) schwingen] to talk big fam
    kluge/lockere \Reden clever/loose talk
    4. (Gerücht, Nachrede) rumour
    kümmere dich doch nicht um die \Reden der Leute! don't worry [about] what people say!
    es geht die \Rede, dass... there's a rumour that..., rumour has it that..., it is rumoured that...
    5. (Vortrag) rhetoric
    in freier \Rede without notes
    sie hat es in freier \Rede vorgetragen she spoke about it without notes
    die Kunst der \Rede the art of rhetoric
    6. LING speech
    direkte [o wörtliche] /indirekte \Rede LING direct/indirect speech
    gebundene/ungebundene \Rede verse/prose
    [jdm] \Rede und Antwort stehen to justify oneself [to sb]
    der Minister wollte den Journalisten \Rede und Antwort stehen the minister wanted to give the journalists a full explanation
    [jdm] für etw akk \Rede und Antwort stehen to account [to sb] for sth
    langer [o der langen] \Rede kurzer Sinn (prov) to cut a long story short
    von etw dat kann keine \Rede sein sth is out of the question, there can be no question of sth
    von einer weiteren Reise dieses Jahr kann keine \Rede sein another trip this year is out of the question
    jdn [für etw akk] zur \Rede stellen to take sb to task [for [or about] sth]
    nicht der \Rede wert sein to be not worth mentioning
    das ist doch nicht der \Rede wert! don't mention it!, it's not worth mentioning!
    * * *
    die; Rede, Reden
    1) speech; (Ansprache) address; speech

    eine Rede haltengive or make a speech

    2) o. Pl. (Vortrag) rhetoric

    der langen Rede kurzer Sinn ist, dass... — the long and the short of it is that...

    es ist die Rede davon, dass... — it is being said or people are saying that...

    jemandem Rede und Antwort stehen — give a full explanation [of one's actions] to somebody

    jemanden zur Rede stellen — make someone explain himself/herself

    4) o. Pl. (Sprachw.)

    direkte od. wörtliche/indirekte Rede — direct/indirect speech

    * * *
    …rede f im subst:
    Begräbnisrede funeral oration;
    Begrüßungsrede welcome speech;
    Dankesrede speech of thanks;
    Eröffnungsrede inaugural ( oder opening) speech ( oder address);
    Jungfernrede maiden speech
    * * *
    die; Rede, Reden
    1) speech; (Ansprache) address; speech

    eine Rede haltengive or make a speech

    2) o. Pl. (Vortrag) rhetoric

    der langen Rede kurzer Sinn ist, dass... — the long and the short of it is that...

    es ist die Rede davon, dass... — it is being said or people are saying that...

    jemandem Rede und Antwort stehen — give a full explanation [of one's actions] to somebody

    jemanden zur Rede stellen — make someone explain himself/herself

    4) o. Pl. (Sprachw.)

    direkte od. wörtliche/indirekte Rede — direct/indirect speech

    * * *
    -n f.
    address n.
    (§ pl.: addresses)
    monologue n.
    oration n.
    speech n.
    (§ pl.: speeches)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > rede

  • 9 aludido

    above-mentioned, referred-to.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: aludir.
    * * *
    1→ link=aludir aludir
    1 above-mentioned, in question
    darse por aludido,-a to take the hint
    * * *
    ADJ aforesaid, above-mentioned
    * * *
    - da masculino, femenino

    el aludido se volvió al oír su nombre — the person we were talking about turned around when he heard his name mentioned

    * * *
    * darse por aludido = take + things personally, take + a hint, take + things personally, get + a hint.
    * * *
    - da masculino, femenino

    el aludido se volvió al oír su nombre — the person we were talking about turned around when he heard his name mentioned

    * * *
    * darse por aludido = take + things personally, take + a hint, take + things personally, get + a hint.
    * * *
    aludido1 -da
    las personas aludidas en el reportaje the people mentioned in the report
    el individuo anteriormente aludido the person previously mentioned o referred to
    se sonrojó, debió sentirse aludido he turned red so he must have thought we were referring to o alluding to o talking about him
    lo dije varias veces pero no se dio por aludido I said it several times but he didn't take the hint
    no te des por aludido, no nos referíamos a ti don't take it personally, we weren't referring to you
    aludido2 -da
    masculine, feminine
    el aludido/la aludida no reaccionó al oír su nombre the person in question/we were talking about, didn't react when he/she heard the name
    * * *

    Del verbo aludir: ( conjugate aludir)

    aludido es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    aludir ( conjugate aludir) verbo intransitivo
    a) ( sin nombrar) aludido a algn/algo to refer to sb/sth, allude to sb/sth;

    no se dio por aludido he didn't take the hint
    b) ( mencionar) aludido a algn/algo to refer to sb/sth, mention sb/sth

    aludido,-a sustantivo masculino y femenino the person in question
    ♦ Locuciones: darse por aludido, to take it personally
    aludir verbo intransitivo to allude to, mention
    ' aludido' also found in these entries:
    - aludir
    - personally
    * * *
    aludido, -a
    alabaron el trabajo del jefe de personal, pero el aludido seguía enojado they praised the personnel manager's work, but he was still annoyed;
    darse por aludido [ofenderse] to take it personally;
    no se dio por aludido he didn't take the hint
    el aludido the aforesaid
    * * *
    darse por aludido take it personally;
    no darse por aludido take no notice
    * * *
    aludido, -da n
    1) : person in question
    el aludido: the aforesaid
    darse por aludido : to take personally

    Spanish-English dictionary > aludido

  • 10 въпросен

    in question
    въпросното лице the person in question, the person concerned
    * * *
    прил., -на, -но, -ни in question; \въпросенното лице the person in question, the person concerned.
    * * *
    1. in question 2. въпросното лице the person in question, the person concerned

    Български-английски речник > въпросен

  • 11 cuestión

    issue, matter, problem, subject.
    * * *
    1 (pregunta) question
    2 (asunto) business, matter, question
    3 (discusión) dispute, quarrel, argument
    en cuestión in question
    en cuestión de... (tiempo) in just a few..., in a matter of...
    eso es otra cuestión that's a whole different matter
    la cuestión es que... the thing is that...
    ser cuestión de vida o muerte figurado to be a matter of life or death
    cuestión candente burning question
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=asunto) matter, question

    ¡sigue gritando, la cuestión es no dejarme tranquilo! — iró * carry on shouting, don't mind me!

    no sé por qué, pero la cuestión es que ahora soy más pobre — * I don't know why, but the fact is that I'm poorer now than I was

    cuestión de, una cuestión de honor — a matter of honour

    todo es cuestión de proponérseloit's all a matter o question of telling yourself you can do it

    puedes beber, pero no es cuestión de que te emborraches — you can have a drink or two, but there's no need to get drunk

    en cuestión — in question

    quid, vida 1)
    2) (=pregunta) question
    3) (=duda)

    poner algo en cuestión — to call sth into question, raise doubts about sth

    * * *
    a) (tema, problema) question, matter

    otra cuestión sería que or si estuviera enfermo — if he were ill, that would be another matter o a different matter altogether

    la cuestión es... — the thing is...

    la cuestión es molestar — he/she only does it to annoy

    es cuestión de diez minutos — it'll only take/I'll only be ten minutes

    si fuera cuestión de dinero, no habría problema — if it were a question of money, there'd be no problem

    todo es cuestión de... — it's just a question of...

    2) ( duda)
    3) (fam) ( problema) disagreement, problem; (cosa, objeto) thing, thingamajig* (colloq)
    * * *
    = affair, consideration, enquiry [inquiry, -USA], issue, matter, point, question, topic, business [businesses, -pl.], concern, question.
    Ex. And also until Groome appeared, newcomers were a nullity as an active political force, exerting little influence in city affairs.
    Ex. This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.
    Ex. A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.
    Ex. These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.
    Ex. AACR2 generally recommends collocation although it is suggested that the extent of collocation and the need for uniform titles is a matter for local decisions.
    Ex. The point being that these systems are very much in their infancy and have a long way to go before they reach the comparable sophistication of space probes and reusable rocketry.
    Ex. One argument against including a list of questions is that often analysts will think they are the only questions that might be asked.
    Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex. I think this whole business about whether punctuation is obtrusive or not is quite honestly not worth discussing.
    Ex. Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.
    Ex. The question is not how much time we have, but what we do with it and how we utilize it.
    * aclarar una cuestión = clarify + matter, clarify + issue.
    * adoptar una postura firme ante una cuestión = take + position on + issue.
    * analizar una cuestión = explore + question, explore + issue.
    * cuestión administrativa = management issue, administrative issue.
    * cuestión candente = burning issue, burning question.
    * cuestión científica = scientific issue.
    * cuestión controvertida = vexed question, vexing question.
    * cuestión crítica = critical issue.
    * cuestión debatible = debatable point.
    * cuestión de importancia = matter of consequence.
    * cuestión delicada = sensitive issue.
    * cuestión de vida o muerte = life or death issue.
    * cuestión difícil = thorny issue, thorny question, poser.
    * cuestión económica = economic issue, financial issue.
    * cuestiones = matters.
    * cuestiones bibliotecarias = library issues.
    * cuestiones clave = key issues.
    * cuestiones de intendencia = housekeeping.
    * cuestiones de reglamento = policy issue.
    * cuestiones implicadas = issues involved.
    * cuestión específica = topical issue.
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * cuestiones prácticas = mechanics, how-to.
    * cuestiones problemáticas = problem areas.
    * cuestiones sociales = social affairs.
    * cuestiones técnicas = check + under the hood, crawl + under the hood.
    * cuestión ética = ethical issue.
    * cuestión financiera = financial issue.
    * cuestión + girar en torno a = question + revolve around.
    * cuestión histórica = historical issue.
    * cuestión imprescindible = imperative.
    * cuestión insignificante = matter of no consequence.
    * cuestión laboral = work-related issue.
    * cuestión legal = legal issue.
    * cuestión negociable = negotiable point.
    * cuestión peliaguda = sticky issue.
    * cuestión personal = life issue, personal issue.
    * cuestión polémica = vexed question, vexing question.
    * cuestión política = political issue.
    * cuestión práctica = practicality.
    * cuestión problemática = issue of concern, sticky issue.
    * cuestión relacionada con el trabajo = work-related issue.
    * cuestión sin importancia = matter of no consequence.
    * cuestión sin trascendencia = matter of no consequence.
    * cuestión social = social issue, societal issue.
    * cuestión + surgir = issue + surface.
    * cuestión técnica = technical issue.
    * cuestión tecnológica = technological issue.
    * debatir una cuestión = discuss + idea, discuss + issue.
    * dejar la cuestión abierta = leave + the question open.
    * desviarse del tema en cuestión = go off on + another track.
    * discutir una cuestión = air + issue.
    * el quid de la cuestión = the crux of the problem, the crux of the matter.
    * eludir una cuestión = dodge + issue.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, in question, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * enfrentarse a una cuestión = run up against + issue.
    * en las cuestiones relacionadas con = in the areas of.
    * esa es la cuestión = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esquivar la cuestión = sidestep + the issue.
    * esquivar una cuestión = dodge + issue.
    * estado de la cuestión = state of the art.
    * estudio crítico del estado de la cuestión = review.
    * estudio del estado de la cuestión = survey.
    * evitar discutir una cuestión = circumvent + issue.
    * evitar una cuestión = skirt + issue, tiptoe around + issue.
    * exponer una cuestión = raise + point.
    * informe del estado de la cuestión = state of the art report, state of the art review.
    * la cuestión es que = the thing is.
    * la juventud no es cuestión de edad sino de espíritu = you are as old as you feel.
    * llegar al fondo de la cuestión = see to the + bottom of things.
    * llegar al meollo de la cuestión = arrive at + the heart of the matter.
    * llegar al quid de la cuestión = arrive at + the heart of the matter.
    * llevar a hablar de una cuestión = bring up + issue.
    * mencionar una cuestión = bring up + matter, bring up + point.
    * meollo de la cuestión, el = heart of the matter, the, heart of the question, the.
    * no ser cuestión de = there + be + no question of.
    * partes en cuestión, las = parties concerned, the.
    * plantearle a Alguien una cuestión = put before + Nombre + an issue.
    * plantear una cuestión = bring forth + issue, issue + arise, pose + question, raise + argument, raise + issue, raise + point, open up + issue.
    * poner en cuestión = call into + question, render + questionable.
    * poner en cuestión la validez de = bring into + question the validity of, question + the validity of.
    * proyección de cuestiones de interés = issues management.
    * quid de la cuestión, el = heart of the matter, the, heart of the question, the.
    * relacionado con cuestiones raciales = race-related.
    * resolver las cuestiones menores = work out + details.
    * resolver una cuestión = resolve + point, resolve + question, issue + settle.
    * responder la cuestión = get behind + the question.
    * sacar a colación una cuestión = bring up + matter, bring up + issue, bring up + point.
    * ser cuestión de = come down to.
    * ser la cuestión = be the point.
    * ser una cuestión de = be a matter for/of.
    * ser una cuestión debatible = be an open question.
    * ser una cuestión problemática = be at issue.
    * surgir una cuestión = issue + arise, arise + question.
    * suscitar una cuestión = evoke + issue, open up + issue.
    * tocar una cuestión = touch on/upon + issue.
    * tratar la cuestión de = get to + the issue of.
    * tratar una cuestión = address + constraint, address + issue, address + question, consider + issue, tackle + issue, address + concern, deal with + issue, broach + issue, broach + question, grapple with + issue.
    * tratar una cuestión ligeramente = touch on/upon + issue.
    * una cuestión de principios = a matter of principle.
    * una cuestión de vida o muerte = a matter of life and death.
    * zanjar la cuestión = clinch + the affair, clinch + the argument.
    * * *
    a) (tema, problema) question, matter

    otra cuestión sería que or si estuviera enfermo — if he were ill, that would be another matter o a different matter altogether

    la cuestión es... — the thing is...

    la cuestión es molestar — he/she only does it to annoy

    es cuestión de diez minutos — it'll only take/I'll only be ten minutes

    si fuera cuestión de dinero, no habría problema — if it were a question of money, there'd be no problem

    todo es cuestión de... — it's just a question of...

    2) ( duda)
    3) (fam) ( problema) disagreement, problem; (cosa, objeto) thing, thingamajig* (colloq)
    * * *
    = affair, consideration, enquiry [inquiry, -USA], issue, matter, point, question, topic, business [businesses, -pl.], concern, question.

    Ex: And also until Groome appeared, newcomers were a nullity as an active political force, exerting little influence in city affairs.

    Ex: This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.
    Ex: A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.
    Ex: These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.
    Ex: AACR2 generally recommends collocation although it is suggested that the extent of collocation and the need for uniform titles is a matter for local decisions.
    Ex: The point being that these systems are very much in their infancy and have a long way to go before they reach the comparable sophistication of space probes and reusable rocketry.
    Ex: One argument against including a list of questions is that often analysts will think they are the only questions that might be asked.
    Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex: I think this whole business about whether punctuation is obtrusive or not is quite honestly not worth discussing.
    Ex: Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.
    Ex: The question is not how much time we have, but what we do with it and how we utilize it.
    * aclarar una cuestión = clarify + matter, clarify + issue.
    * adoptar una postura firme ante una cuestión = take + position on + issue.
    * analizar una cuestión = explore + question, explore + issue.
    * cuestión administrativa = management issue, administrative issue.
    * cuestión candente = burning issue, burning question.
    * cuestión científica = scientific issue.
    * cuestión controvertida = vexed question, vexing question.
    * cuestión crítica = critical issue.
    * cuestión debatible = debatable point.
    * cuestión de importancia = matter of consequence.
    * cuestión delicada = sensitive issue.
    * cuestión de vida o muerte = life or death issue.
    * cuestión difícil = thorny issue, thorny question, poser.
    * cuestión económica = economic issue, financial issue.
    * cuestiones = matters.
    * cuestiones bibliotecarias = library issues.
    * cuestiones clave = key issues.
    * cuestiones de intendencia = housekeeping.
    * cuestiones de reglamento = policy issue.
    * cuestiones implicadas = issues involved.
    * cuestión específica = topical issue.
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * cuestiones prácticas = mechanics, how-to.
    * cuestiones problemáticas = problem areas.
    * cuestiones sociales = social affairs.
    * cuestiones técnicas = check + under the hood, crawl + under the hood.
    * cuestión ética = ethical issue.
    * cuestión financiera = financial issue.
    * cuestión + girar en torno a = question + revolve around.
    * cuestión histórica = historical issue.
    * cuestión imprescindible = imperative.
    * cuestión insignificante = matter of no consequence.
    * cuestión laboral = work-related issue.
    * cuestión legal = legal issue.
    * cuestión negociable = negotiable point.
    * cuestión peliaguda = sticky issue.
    * cuestión personal = life issue, personal issue.
    * cuestión polémica = vexed question, vexing question.
    * cuestión política = political issue.
    * cuestión práctica = practicality.
    * cuestión problemática = issue of concern, sticky issue.
    * cuestión relacionada con el trabajo = work-related issue.
    * cuestión sin importancia = matter of no consequence.
    * cuestión sin trascendencia = matter of no consequence.
    * cuestión social = social issue, societal issue.
    * cuestión + surgir = issue + surface.
    * cuestión técnica = technical issue.
    * cuestión tecnológica = technological issue.
    * debatir una cuestión = discuss + idea, discuss + issue.
    * dejar la cuestión abierta = leave + the question open.
    * desviarse del tema en cuestión = go off on + another track.
    * discutir una cuestión = air + issue.
    * el quid de la cuestión = the crux of the problem, the crux of the matter.
    * eludir una cuestión = dodge + issue.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, in question, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * enfrentarse a una cuestión = run up against + issue.
    * en las cuestiones relacionadas con = in the areas of.
    * esa es la cuestión = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esquivar la cuestión = sidestep + the issue.
    * esquivar una cuestión = dodge + issue.
    * estado de la cuestión = state of the art.
    * estudio crítico del estado de la cuestión = review.
    * estudio del estado de la cuestión = survey.
    * evitar discutir una cuestión = circumvent + issue.
    * evitar una cuestión = skirt + issue, tiptoe around + issue.
    * exponer una cuestión = raise + point.
    * informe del estado de la cuestión = state of the art report, state of the art review.
    * la cuestión es que = the thing is.
    * la juventud no es cuestión de edad sino de espíritu = you are as old as you feel.
    * llegar al fondo de la cuestión = see to the + bottom of things.
    * llegar al meollo de la cuestión = arrive at + the heart of the matter.
    * llegar al quid de la cuestión = arrive at + the heart of the matter.
    * llevar a hablar de una cuestión = bring up + issue.
    * mencionar una cuestión = bring up + matter, bring up + point.
    * meollo de la cuestión, el = heart of the matter, the, heart of the question, the.
    * no ser cuestión de = there + be + no question of.
    * partes en cuestión, las = parties concerned, the.
    * plantearle a Alguien una cuestión = put before + Nombre + an issue.
    * plantear una cuestión = bring forth + issue, issue + arise, pose + question, raise + argument, raise + issue, raise + point, open up + issue.
    * poner en cuestión = call into + question, render + questionable.
    * poner en cuestión la validez de = bring into + question the validity of, question + the validity of.
    * proyección de cuestiones de interés = issues management.
    * quid de la cuestión, el = heart of the matter, the, heart of the question, the.
    * relacionado con cuestiones raciales = race-related.
    * resolver las cuestiones menores = work out + details.
    * resolver una cuestión = resolve + point, resolve + question, issue + settle.
    * responder la cuestión = get behind + the question.
    * sacar a colación una cuestión = bring up + matter, bring up + issue, bring up + point.
    * ser cuestión de = come down to.
    * ser la cuestión = be the point.
    * ser una cuestión de = be a matter for/of.
    * ser una cuestión debatible = be an open question.
    * ser una cuestión problemática = be at issue.
    * surgir una cuestión = issue + arise, arise + question.
    * suscitar una cuestión = evoke + issue, open up + issue.
    * tocar una cuestión = touch on/upon + issue.
    * tratar la cuestión de = get to + the issue of.
    * tratar una cuestión = address + constraint, address + issue, address + question, consider + issue, tackle + issue, address + concern, deal with + issue, broach + issue, broach + question, grapple with + issue.
    * tratar una cuestión ligeramente = touch on/upon + issue.
    * una cuestión de principios = a matter of principle.
    * una cuestión de vida o muerte = a matter of life and death.
    * zanjar la cuestión = clinch + the affair, clinch + the argument.

    * * *
    1 (tema, problema) question, matter
    es experto en cuestiones de derecho internacional he is an expert on matters o questions of international law
    otra cuestión sería que or si estuviera enfermo if he were ill, that would be another matter o a different matter
    llegar al fondo de la cuestión to get to the heart of the matter o issue, to get to the root of the problem
    2 ( en locs):
    en cuestión in question
    el museo en cuestión va a ser clausurado the museum in question is going to be closed
    en cuestión de in a matter of
    aprendió inglés en cuestión de meses she learnt English in a matter of months
    la cuestión es … the thing is …
    la cuestión es que no tengo tiempo the problem o thing is that I don't have time
    la cuestiónes divertirnos the main thing is to enjoy ourselves
    pide por pedir, la cuestión es molestar she asks just for the sake of asking, she only does it to annoy
    ser cuestión de to be a matter o question of
    es una cuestión de principios it's a matter o question of principle
    en taxi es cuestión de diez minutos it's only a ten-minute taxi ride
    si fuera cuestión de dinero, no habría problema if it were a question of money, there'd be no problem
    todo es cuestión de darle tiempo al tiempo it's just a question of waiting
    todo es cuestión de poner atención it's just o all a question of concentrating, it's just o all a matter of concentration
    será cuestión de planteárselo y ver we'll just have to put it to him and see
    tampoco es cuestión de enloquecernos there's no need to get in a flap ( colloq)
    ayúdala, pero tampoco es cuestión de que lo hagas todo tú help her by all means, but there's no reason why you should do it all yourself
    (duda): poner algo en cuestión to call sth into question, to raise questions o doubts about sth
    este descubrimiento pone en cuestión la validez del método this discovery raises questions about o raises doubts about o calls into question the validity of the method
    C ( fam)
    1 (problema) disagreement, problem
    2 (cosa, objeto) thing, thingamajig* ( colloq)
    * * *


    cuestión sustantivo femenino
    a) (tema, problema) question, matter;

    cuestiones de derecho internacional matters o questions of international law;

    llegar al fondo de la cuestión to get to the heart of the matter
    b) ( en locs)

    en cuestión de in a matter of;
    la cuestión es … the thing is …;
    la cuestión es divertirnos the main thing is to enjoy ourselves;
    ser cuestión de to be a matter of;
    todo es cuestión de … it's just a question of …
    cuestión sustantivo femenino
    1 (asunto) matter, question
    2 (pregunta) question
    ♦ Locuciones: en cuestión, in question: el muchacho en cuestión, the boy in questión
    en cuestión de unas horas, in just a few hours
    poner en cuestión algo, to doubt sthg
    si te cansas de conducir, es cuestión de parar en cualquier lado, if you get tired of driving, we can stop anywhere
    ' cuestión' also found in these entries:
    - inaccesible
    - indecisa
    - indeciso
    - intrincada
    - intrincado
    - palpitante
    - quid
    - radicar
    - resolverse
    - seno
    - soslayar
    - tratar
    - volar
    - asunto
    - chabolismo
    - delicado
    - empezar
    - fondo
    - plantear
    - tema
    - vida
    - burning
    - cast
    - crux
    - issue
    - matter
    - morality
    - nitty-gritty
    - open
    - pose
    - principle
    - proceed
    - question
    - raise
    - stake
    - undecided
    - vexed
    - whip on
    - come
    - point
    * * *
    1. [pregunta] question
    2. [problema] problem;
    no es cuestión de tamaño sino de peso it's a question o matter of weight not size
    3. [asunto] matter, issue;
    una cuestión de honor/de principios a matter of honour/principle;
    los investigadores quieren llegar al fondo de la cuestión the investigators want to get to the bottom of the matter;
    la cuestión es que no he tenido tiempo the thing is, I haven't had time;
    en cuestión in question;
    el candidato en cuestión es venezolano the candidate in question is Venezuelan;
    tenemos que discutir el tema en cuestión we must discuss the matter at hand;
    en cuestión de [en materia de] as regards;
    en cuestión de una hora in no more than an hour;
    el edificio se hundió en cuestión de segundos the building collapsed in a matter of seconds;
    es cuestión de un par de días it is a matter of a couple of days;
    ya acabo, es cuestión de cinco minutos I'm nearly finished, I'll only be five minutes;
    es cuestión de trabajar más it's a question of working harder;
    será cuestión de ir yéndose it's time we were on our way;
    será cuestión de esforzarnos más we'll just have to work harder;
    no es cuestión de que el abuelo se ponga a hacerlo there's no need for grandad to have to do it
    poner algo en cuestión to call sth into question
    * * *
    1 question
    2 ( asunto) matter, question;
    en cuestión de dinero as far as money is concerned;
    no es cuestión de dinero it’s not a question of money;
    en cuestión in question;
    la cuestión es que the thing is
    * * *
    cuestión nf, pl - tiones asunto, tema: matter, affair
    * * *
    1. (asunto) matter
    2. (pregunta) question

    Spanish-English dictionary > cuestión

  • 12 споменат

    mentioned, etc. вж. споменавам
    споменатият въпрос the question/matter referred to
    споменатият човек the person in question
    * * *
    мин. страд. прич. (и като прил.) mentioned, referred, alluded; \споменат на първо място first mentioned; \споменатият въпрос the question/matter referred to; \споменатият човек the person in question.
    * * *
    mentioned ; foresaid
    * * *
    1. mentioned, etc. вж. споменавам 2. СПОМЕНАТият въпрос the question/matter referred to 3. СПОМЕНАТият човек the person in question

    Български-английски речник > споменат

  • 13 dreje

    верте́ть, крути́ть; враща́ть

    dréje et telefónnummer — набира́ть но́мер телефо́на

    dréje af — 1) отвёртывать 2) сверну́ть 3) перемени́ть те́му (разгово́ра)

    dréje om — повёртывать

    det dréjer sig om... — речь идёт о...

    * * *
    dial, fork, slew, swivel, turn, twiddle, twist
    * * *
    vb turn;
    ( keramisk) throw;
    ( sno) twirl, twist;
    ( rotere) turn (round); revolve,
    ( om en akse også) rotate;
    [ med sig:]
    [ dreje sig] turn,
    ( rotere) revolve,
    ( om en akse også) rotate,
    ( om vind) change, shift,
    (tlf) direct dial ( fx a number), direct dial to ( fx a country);
    ( handle om) be about ( fx tell me what it is (all) about);
    ( gælde) be a matter of ( fx it is a matter of minutes);
    ( være centreret om) turn on ( fx all his thoughts turned on the one question; the whole debate turns on a single point);
    [ dreje sig om sin akse] revolve on its axis;
    [ det er det det drejer sig om] that is the point, that is what it is all about;
    [ hvad drejer det sig om?] what is it (all) about?
    [ det drejer sig om hvorvidt] the question is whether;
    [ det drejer sig om minutter (, £100)] it is a question (el. matter) of minutes (, £100);
    [ det er ikke penge det drejer sig om] money is not the point;
    [ den person det drejer sig om] the person in question;
    [ når det drejer sig om] when it comes to ( fx when it comes to helping other people he is always willing);
    [ når det drejer sig om penge] where money is concerned;
    [ med præp & adv:]
    [ dreje `af] turn (aside),
    (mar) bear away;
    (om vej etc) branch off;
    (fig) change the subject, veer off;
    [ dreje samtalen hen på] bring the conversation round to;
    [ dreje `om] turn;
    [ dreje om hjørnet] turn the corner;
    [ dreje halsen om på ham] wring his neck;
    [ dreje nøglen om] turn the key;
    (fig) close down, shut up shop,
    T put up the shutters;
    ( gas, lampe: tænde) turn on,
    ( dreje højere op) turn up;
    [` dreje på] turn,
    (T: frem og tilbage) twiddle (with) ( fx the knobs on the radio);
    [ dreje ` til]
    (mar) heave to;
    (mar) haul the wind.

    Danish-English dictionary > dreje

  • 14 У-181

    HE ВИДАТЬ КАК СВОИХ УШЁЙ кому кого-чего coll VP impers usu. infin usu. this WO (in refer, to a desirable person, thing etc) s.o. will never win over, attract to o.s. etc (the person in question) s.o. will never obtain (the thing in question), achieve (the end in question) etc: не видать X-y Y-a как своих ушей - X will never get (get hold of, get his hands on, get near, get to see etc) Y there's no way X will ever get (get hold of etc) Y X can forget about (getting) Y Y is out of X's reach (in limited contexts) like hell X will get (get to see, be able to go to etc) Y X can kiss thing Y good-bye.
    «Меня же за одно намерение сочинить подпольную книжку выгонят из партии и с работы. А с вами что будет? Сашку укатают в Сибирь, а тебе института не видать тогда как своих ушей» (Зиновьев 2). "If I so much as had a thought of writing an underground book I'd be expelled from the party and sacked. And what'd happen to you? Sashka'd have to go off to Siberia, and you'd never get to see the inside of any institute" (2a).
    «Здравия желаю, товарищ майор! Говорит Паськов. У меня в кабинете... один из ваших... Просится на передовую. Хорошо. Передаю трубку». - «Привет, - говорю, - товарищ Кидалла». -«Здравствуй, мерзавец. Фронта тебе не видать как своих ушей. Ты числишься за органами» (Алешковский 1). "Good morning, Comrade Major. Paskov here. I have one of yours in my office... Wants to go to the front. Okay. I'll put him on." "Hi, Comrade Kidalla," I said. "Hello, scumbag. Like hell you're going to the front. You're working for the agency" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > У-181

  • 15 не видать как своих ушей

    [VP; impers; usu. infin; usu. this WO]
    (in refer, to a desirable person, thing etc) s.o. will never win over, attract to o.s. etc (the person in question); s.o. will never obtain (the thing in question), achieve (the end in question) etc:
    - не видать X-y Y-a как своих ушей X will never get <get hold of, get his hands on, get near, get to see etc> Y;
    - there's no way X will ever get <get hold of etc> Y;
    - [in limited contexts] like hell X will get <get to see, be able to go to etc> Y;
    - X can kiss thing Y good-bye.
         ♦ "Меня же за одно намерение сочинить подпольную книжку выгонят из партии и с работы. А с вами что будет? Сашку укатают в Сибирь, а тебе института не видать тогда как своих ушей" (Зиновьев 2). "If I so much as had a thought of writing an underground book I'd be expelled from the party and sacked. And what'd happen to you? Sashka'd have to go off to Siberia, and you'd never get to see the inside of any institute" (2a).
         ♦ "Здравия желаю, товарищ майор! Говорит Паськов. У меня в кабинете... один из ваших... Просится на передовую. Хорошо. Передаю трубку". - "Привет, - говорю, - товарищ Кидалла". - "Здравствуй, мерзавец. Фронта тебе не видать как своих ушей. Ты числишься за органами" (Алешковский 1). "Good morning, Comrade Major. Paskov here. I have one of yours in my office... Wants to go to the front. Okay. I'll put him on." "Hi, Comrade Kidalla," I said. "Hello, scumbag. Like hell you're going to the front. You're working for the agency" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не видать как своих ушей

  • 16 не видеть как своих ушей

    [VP; impers; usu. infin; usu. this WO]
    (in refer, to a desirable person, thing etc) s.o. will never win over, attract to o.s. etc (the person in question); s.o. will never obtain (the thing in question), achieve (the end in question) etc:
    - не видать X-y Y-a как своих ушей X will never get <get hold of, get his hands on, get near, get to see etc> Y;
    - there's no way X will ever get <get hold of etc> Y;
    - [in limited contexts] like hell X will get <get to see, be able to go to etc> Y;
    - X can kiss thing Y good-bye.
         ♦ "Меня же за одно намерение сочинить подпольную книжку выгонят из партии и с работы. А с вами что будет? Сашку укатают в Сибирь, а тебе института не видать тогда как своих ушей" (Зиновьев 2). "If I so much as had a thought of writing an underground book I'd be expelled from the party and sacked. And what'd happen to you? Sashka'd have to go off to Siberia, and you'd never get to see the inside of any institute" (2a).
         ♦ "Здравия желаю, товарищ майор! Говорит Паськов. У меня в кабинете... один из ваших... Просится на передовую. Хорошо. Передаю трубку". - "Привет, - говорю, - товарищ Кидалла". - "Здравствуй, мерзавец. Фронта тебе не видать как своих ушей. Ты числишься за органами" (Алешковский 1). "Good morning, Comrade Major. Paskov here. I have one of yours in my office... Wants to go to the front. Okay. I'll put him on." "Hi, Comrade Kidalla," I said. "Hello, scumbag. Like hell you're going to the front. You're working for the agency" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не видеть как своих ушей

  • 17 не увидеть как своих ушей

    [VP; impers; usu. infin; usu. this WO]
    (in refer, to a desirable person, thing etc) s.o. will never win over, attract to o.s. etc (the person in question); s.o. will never obtain (the thing in question), achieve (the end in question) etc:
    - не видать X-y Y-a как своих ушей X will never get <get hold of, get his hands on, get near, get to see etc> Y;
    - there's no way X will ever get <get hold of etc> Y;
    - [in limited contexts] like hell X will get <get to see, be able to go to etc> Y;
    - X can kiss thing Y good-bye.
         ♦ "Меня же за одно намерение сочинить подпольную книжку выгонят из партии и с работы. А с вами что будет? Сашку укатают в Сибирь, а тебе института не видать тогда как своих ушей" (Зиновьев 2). "If I so much as had a thought of writing an underground book I'd be expelled from the party and sacked. And what'd happen to you? Sashka'd have to go off to Siberia, and you'd never get to see the inside of any institute" (2a).
         ♦ "Здравия желаю, товарищ майор! Говорит Паськов. У меня в кабинете... один из ваших... Просится на передовую. Хорошо. Передаю трубку". - "Привет, - говорю, - товарищ Кидалла". - "Здравствуй, мерзавец. Фронта тебе не видать как своих ушей. Ты числишься за органами" (Алешковский 1). "Good morning, Comrade Major. Paskov here. I have one of yours in my office... Wants to go to the front. Okay. I'll put him on." "Hi, Comrade Kidalla," I said. "Hello, scumbag. Like hell you're going to the front. You're working for the agency" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не увидеть как своих ушей

  • 18 individuo

    1 individual.
    2 indivisible.
    individual, single, single man, subject.
    * * *
    1 person
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino individuo,-a
    1 peyorativo (gen) character, individual; (hombre) bloke, guy, chap; (mujer) woman
    1 person
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    * * *
    noun m.
    individual, guy, person
    * * *
    2. SM
    1) (=persona) [gen] individual; pey individual, character
    2) (=socio) member, fellow
    * * *
    b) (pey) ( tipo) character (colloq), individual (colloq)
    c) (Fil, Sociol)
    d) ( de una especie) individual
    * * *
    = individual, self, subject.
    Ex. Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.
    Ex. Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.
    Ex. For example, in psychology, S for subject, and E for experimenter are common parlance.
    * adaptado a cada individuo = individually-tailored.
    * derecho del individuo = individual's right.
    * individuo que continúa aprendiendo a lo largo de su vida = lifelong learner.
    * por individuo = per capita, per person.
    * reconocimiento del individuo = affirmation.
    * * *
    b) (pey) ( tipo) character (colloq), individual (colloq)
    c) (Fil, Sociol)
    d) ( de una especie) individual
    * * *
    = individual, self, subject.

    Ex: Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.

    Ex: Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.
    Ex: For example, in psychology, S for subject, and E for experimenter are common parlance.
    * adaptado a cada individuo = individually-tailored.
    * derecho del individuo = individual's right.
    * individuo que continúa aprendiendo a lo largo de su vida = lifelong learner.
    * por individuo = per capita, per person.
    * reconocimiento del individuo = affirmation.

    * * *
    (persona indeterminada): el presunto ladrón, un individuo alto, de mediana edad the suspected thief, a tall, middle-aged man
    no podemos centrarlo en el idiolecto de un individuo we cannot base it on the idiolect of one individual o one person
    2 ( pey) (tipo) character ( colloq), individual ( colloq)
    dos individuos un tanto extraños two somewhat strange characters o individuals
    ¿quién era ese individuo que iba contigo? who was that guy you were with? ( colloq)
    3 ( Fil, Sociol):
    el individuo the individual
    4 (de una especie) individual
    * * *

    individuo sustantivo masculino

    b) (pey) ( tipo) character (colloq), individual (colloq);

    individuo sustantivo masculino
    1 (de una especie) individual
    2 (persona) man: es un individuo algo raro, he's a strange sort of chap
    familiar guy, character
    ' individuo' also found in these entries:
    - aquel
    - aquella
    - comando
    - GAL
    - GEO
    - hombre
    - impermeable
    - individual
    - persona
    - recomendable
    - sujeta
    - sujeto
    - tipo
    - cabeza
    - cada
    - contra
    - costumbre
    - maje
    - quiebra
    - rechazar
    - rechazo
    - ser
    - tío
    - individual
    - person
    * * *
    individuo, -a nm,f
    1. [ser individual] person, individual;
    los derechos del individuo the rights of the individual
    2. [persona desconocida] person, individual;
    dos individuos atracaron un banco two people o individuals robbed a bank
    3. [mala persona] individual;
    no me gusta nada el individuo con el que sales I don't like that individual o character you're going out with at all
    4. [de especie]
    quedan sólo 200 individuos de esta especie only 200 individuals remain of this species;
    algunos individuos de la especie some members of the species;
    cada individuo ocupa un territorio each animal occupies its own territory
    * * *
    m individual
    * * *
    : individual, person
    * * *
    1. (en general) person [pl. people] / individual
    2. (hombre) man [pl. men]

    Spanish-English dictionary > individuo

  • 19 М-120

    ПУСТОЕ МЕСТО (для кого) coll, usu. derog NP sing only usu. subj-compl with бытье (subj: human or obj-compl with считать кого и т. п. ( obj: human) fixed WO
    a person who does nothing beneficial, makes no worthwhile contribution (to some job, project etc), or who is of no significance (to s.o.): X (для Y-a) пустое место = (in refer, to s.o. 's unsuit-ability for some job, lack of productivity etc) X is useless
    X is of no use to Y (in refer, to s.o. 's-often the speaker's-low estimation of or belittling attitude toward the person in question) X is ( Y considers X) a nonentity (a nobody, a nothing) (in refer, to s.o. 's-often the speaker's - indifference toward, lack of caring about or respect for the person in question) X means nothing (at all) to Y.
    «Никогда, слышишь, никогда в жизни не удастся тебе убедить Бланка, что то, что сегодня произошло, было ошибкой... Бланк - пустое место, но он знает теперь тебя. Он тебя видел\» (Битов 2). "You will never, do you hear, never in your life succeed in convincing Blank that what happened today was a mistake.... Blank is a nobody, but he knows you now. He saw you!" (2a).
    Во всём ей чудились признаки небрежности. Оказывали ли ей повышенное внимание наезжавшие к Кологривовым знакомые, это значило, что к ней относятся как к безответной «воспитаннице» и лёгкой добыче. А когда её оставляли в покое, это доказывало, что её считают пустым местом и не замечают (Пастернак 1). ( context transl) She suspected slights at every turn. If the Kologrivovs' friends were attentive to her she was sure that they regarded her as a submissive "ward" and an easy prey. If they left her alone, that proved that she did not exist for them (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-120

  • 20 пустое место

    [NP; sing only; usu. subj-compl with быть (subj: human) or obj-compl with считать кого и т.п. (obj: human); fixed WO]
    a person who does nothing beneficial, makes no worthwhile contribution (to some job, project etc), or who is of no significance (to s.o.):
    - X (для Y-a) пустое место [in refer, to s.o.'s unsuitability for some job, lack of productivity etc] X is useless;
    - [in refer, to s.o.'s-often the speaker's-low estimation of or belittling attitude toward the person in question] X is < Y considers X> a nonentity <a nobody, a nothing>;
    - [in refer, to s.o.'s-often the speaker's - indifference toward, lack of caring about or respect for the person in question] X means nothing (at all) to Y.
         ♦ "Никогда, слышишь, никогда в жизни не удастся тебе убедить Бланка, что то, что сегодня произошло, было ошибкой... Бланк - пустое место, но он знает теперь тебя. Он тебя видел!" (Битов 2). "You will never, do you hear, never in your life succeed in convincing Blank that what happened today was a mistake.... Blank is a nobody, but he knows you now. He saw you!" (2a).
         ♦ Во всём ей чудились признаки небрежности. Оказывали ли ей повышенное внимание наезжавшие к Кологривовым знакомые, это значило, что к ней относятся как к безответной "воспитаннице" и лёгкой добыче. А когда её оставляли в покое, это доказывало, что её считают пустым местом и не замечают (Пастернак 1). [context transl] She suspected slights at every turn. If the Kologrivovs' friends were attentive to her she was sure that they regarded her as a submissive "ward" and an easy prey. If they left her alone, that proved that she did not exist for them (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пустое место

См. также в других словарях:

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