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  • 121 креститель

    baptist, baptizer

    Иоа́нн Крести́тель — John the Baptist

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > креститель

  • 122 battista

    agg sm/f [bat'tista] battista -i, -e

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > battista

  • 123 βαπτίζω

    βαπτίζω fut. βαπτίσω; 1 aor. ἐβάπτισα. Mid.: ἐβαπτισάμην. Pass.: impf. ἐβαπτιζόμην; fut. βαπτισθήσομαι; 1 aor. ἐβαπτίσθην; pf. ptc. βεβαπτισμένος (Hippocr., Pla., esp. Polyb.+; UPZ 70, 13 [152/151 B.C.]; PGM 5, 69; LXX; ApcSed 14:7 [p. 136, 8f Ja.]; Philo; Joseph.; SibOr 5, 478; Just.; Mel., Fgm. 8, 1 and 2 Goodsp.=8b, 4 and 14 P.—In Gk. lit. gener. to put or go under water in a variety of senses, also fig., e.g. ‘soak’ Pla., Symp. 176b in wine) in our lit. only in ritual or ceremonial sense (as Plut.; Herm. Wr. [s. 2a below]; PGM 4, 44; 7, 441 λουσάμενος κ. βαπτισάμενος; 4 Km 5:14; Sir 34:25; Jdth 12:7; cp. Iren. 1, 21, 3 [Harv. I 183, 83]).
    wash ceremonially for purpose of purification, wash, purify, of a broad range of repeated ritual washing rooted in Israelite tradition (cp. Just., D. 46, 2) Mk 7:4; Lk 11:38; Ox 840, 15.—WBrandt, Jüd. Reinheitslehre u. ihre Beschreibg. in den Ev. 1910; ABüchler, The Law of Purification in Mk 7:1–23: ET 21, 1910, 34–40; JDöller, D. Reinheits-u. Speisegesetze d. ATs 1917; JJeremias, TZ 5, ’49, 418–28. See 1QS 5:8–23; 2:25–3:12; 4:20–22.
    to use water in a rite for purpose of renewing or establishing a relationship w. God, plunge, dip, wash, baptize. The transliteration ‘baptize’ signifies the ceremonial character that NT narratives accord such cleansing, but the need of qualifying statements or contextual coloring in the documents indicates that the term β. was not nearly so technical as the transliteration suggests.
    of dedicatory cleansing associated w. the ministry of John the Baptist (Orig., C. Cels. 1, 47, 4), abs. J 1:25, 28; 3:23a; 10:40; hence John is called ὁ βαπτίζων Mk 1:4; 6:14, 24 (Goodsp., Probs. 50–52).—Pass. Mt 3:16; ISm 1:1; oft. have oneself baptized, get baptized Mt 3:13f; Lk 3:7, 12, 21; 7:30; J 3:23b; GEb 18, 35f; IEph 18:2 al. (B-D-F §314; s. §317).—(ἐν) ὕδατι w. water Mk 1:8a; Lk 3:16a; Ac 1:5a; 11:16a; ἐν (τῷ) ὕδατι J 1:26, 31, 33; ἐν τῷ Ἰορδ. (4 Km 5:14) Mt 3:6; Mk 1:5; εἰς τὸν Ἰορδ. (cp. Plut., Mor. 166a βάπτισον σεαυτὸν εἰς θάλασσαν; Herm. Wr. 4, 4 βάπτισον σεαυτὸν εἰς τὸν κρατῆρα) Mk 1:9.—W. the external element and purpose given ἐν ὕδατι εἰς μετάνοιαν Mt 3:11a (AOliver, Is β. used w. ἐν and the Instrumental?: RevExp 35, ’38, 190–97).—βαπτίζεσθαι τὸ βάπτισμα Ἰωάννου undergo John’s baptism Lk 7:29. εἰς τί ἐβαπτίσθητε; Ac 19:3 means, as the answer shows, in reference to what (baptism) were you baptized? i.e. what kind of baptism did you receive (as the context indicates, John’s baptism was designed to implement repentance as a necessary stage for the reception of Jesus; with the arrival of Jesus the next stage was the receipt of the Holy Spirit in connection with apostolic baptism in the name of Jesus, who was no longer the ‘coming one’, but the arrived ‘Lord’)? β. βάπτισμα μετανοίας administer a repentance baptism vs. 4; GEb 13, 74.—S. the lit. on Ἰωάν(ν)ης 1, and on the baptism of Jesus by John: JBornemann, D. Taufe Christi durch Joh. 1896; HUsener, D. Weihnachtsfest2 1911; DVölter, D. Taufe Jesu durch Joh.: NThT 6, 1917, 53–76; WBundy, The Meaning of Jesus’ Baptism: JR 7, 1927, 56–75; MJacobus, Zur Taufe Jesu bei Mt 3:14, 15: NKZ 40, 1929, 44–53; SHirsch, Taufe, Versuchung u. Verklärung Jesu ’32; DPlooij, The Baptism of Jesus: RHarris Festschr. (Amicitiae Corolla), ed. HWood ’33, 239–52; JKosnetter, D. Taufe Jesu ’36; HRowley, TManson memorial vol., ed. Higgins ’59, 218–29 (Qumran); JSchneider, Der historische Jesus u. d. kerygmatische Christus ’61, 530–42; HKraft, TZ 17, ’61, 399–412 (Joel); FLentzen-Dies, D. Taufe Jesu nach den Synoptikern, ’70. More reff. s.v. περιστερά.
    of cleansing performed by Jesus J 3:22, 26; 4:1; difft. 4:2 with disclaimer of baptismal activity by Jesus personally.
    of the Christian sacrament of initiation after Jesus’ death (freq. pass.; s. above 2a; Iren. 3, 12, 9 [Harv. II 63, 3]) Mk 16:16; Ac 2:41; 8:12f, 36, 38; 9:18; 10:47; 16:15, 33; 18:8; 22:16; 1 Cor 1:14–17; D 7 (where baptism by pouring is allowed in cases of necessity); ISm 8:2.—β. τινὰ εἰς (τὸ) ὄνομά τινος (s. ὄνομα 1dγב) baptize in or w. respect to the name of someone: (τοῦ) κυρίου Ac 8:16; 19:5; D 9:5; Hv 3, 7, 3. Cp. 1 Cor 1:13, 15. εἰς τ. ὄν. τ. πατρὸς καὶ τ. υἱοῦ καὶ τ. ἁγίου πνεύματος Mt 28:19 (on the original form of the baptismal formula see FConybeare, ZNW 2, 1901, 275–88; ERiggenbach, BFCT VII/1, 1903; VIII/4, 1904; HHoltzmann, Ntl. Theologie2 I 1911, 449f; OMoe: RSeeberg Festschr. 1929, I 179–96; GOngaro, Biblica 19, ’38, 267–79; GBraumann, Vorpaulinische christl. Taufverkündigung bei Paulus ’62); D 7:1, 4. Likew. ἐν τῷ ὀν. Ἰ. Χριστοῦ Ac 2:38 v.l.; 10:48; ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. Ἰ. Χρ. Ac 2:38 text; more briefly εἰς Χριστόν Gal 3:27; Ro 6:3a. To be baptized εἰς Χρ. is for Paul an involvement in Christ’s death and its implications for the believer εἰς τὸν θάνατον αὐτοῦ ἐβαπτίσθημεν vs. 3b (s. Ltzm. ad loc.; HSchlier, EvTh ’38, 335–47; GWagner, D. relgeschichtliche Problem von Rö 6:1–11, ’62, tr. Pauline Bapt. and the Pagan Mysteries, by JSmith, ’67; RSchnackenburg, Baptism in the Thought of St. Paul ’64, tr. of D. Heilsgeschehen b. d. Taufe nach dem Ap. Paulus ’50). The effect of baptism is to bring all those baptized εἰς ἓν σῶμα 1 Cor 12:13 (perh. wordplay: ‘plunged into one body’).—W. the purpose given εἰς ἄφεσιν τ. ἁμαρτιῶν Ac 2:38 (IScheftelowitz, D. Sündentilgung durch Wasser: ARW 17, 1914, 353–412).—Diod S 5, 49, 6: many believe that by being received into the mysteries by the rites (τελεταί) they become more devout, more just, and better in every way.—ὑπὲρ τ. νεκρῶν 1 Cor 15:29a, s. also vs. * 29b, is obscure because of our limited knowledge of a practice that was evidently obvious to the recipients of Paul’s letter; it has been interpr. (1) in place of the dead, i.e. vicariously; (2) for the benefit of the dead, in var. senses; (3) locally, over (the graves of) the dead; (4) on account of the dead, infl. by their good ex.; of these the last two are the least probable. See comm. and HPreisker, ZNW 23, 1924, 298–304; JZingerle, Heiliges Recht: JÖAI 23, 1926; Rtzst., Taufe 43f; AMarmorstein, ZNW 30, ’31, 277–85; AOliver, RevExp 34, ’37, 48–53; three articles: Kirchenblatt 98, ’42 and six: ET 54, ’43; 55, ’44; MRaeder, ZNW 46, ’56, 258–60; BFoschini, 5 articles: CBQ 12, ’50 and 13, ’51.—On the substitution of a ceremony by another person cp. Diod S 4, 24, 5: the boys who do not perform the customary sacrifices lose their voices and become as dead persons in the sacred precinct. When someone takes a vow to make the sacrifice for them, their trouble disappears at once.
    to cause someone to have an extraordinary experience akin to an initiatory water-rite, to plunge, baptize. Cp. ‘take the plunge’ and s. OED ‘Plunge’ II 5 esp. for the rendering of usage 3c, below.
    typologically of Israel’s passage through the Red Sea εἰς τὸν Μωϋσῆν ἐβαπτίσαντο they got themselves plunged/ baptized for Moses, thereby affirming his leadership 1 Cor 10:2 v.l. (if the pass. ἐβαπτίσθησαν is to be read with N. the point remains the same; but the mid. form puts the onus, as indicated by the context, on the Israelites).
    of the Holy Spirit (fire) β. τινὰ (ἐν) πνεύματι ἁγίῳ Mk 1:8 (v.l. + ἐν); J 1:33; Ac 1:5b; 11:16b; cp. 1 Cor 12:13 (cp. Just., D. 29, 1). ἐν πν. ἁγ. καὶ πυρί Mt 3:11b; Lk 3:16b (JDunn, NovT 14, ’72, 81–92). On the oxymoron of baptism w. fire: REisler, Orphischdionysische Mysterienged. in d. christl. Antike: Vortr. d. Bibl. Warburg II/2, 1925, 139ff; CEdsman, Le baptême de feu (ASNU 9) ’40. JATRobinson, The Baptism of John and Qumran, HTR 50, ’57, 175–91; cp. 1QS 4:20f.
    of martyrdom (s. the fig. uses in UPZ 70, 13 [152/151 B.C.]; Diod S 1, 73, 6; Plut., Galba 1062 [21, 3] ὀφλήμασι βεβ. ‘overwhelmed by debts’; Chariton 2, 4, 4, βαπτιζόμενος ὑπὸ τ. ἐπιθυμίας; Vi. Aesopi I c. 21 p. 278, 4 λύπῃ βαπτιζόμενος; Achilles Tat. 3, 10, 1 πλήθει βαπτισθῆναι κακῶν; Herm. Wr. 4, 4 ἐβαπτίσαντο τοῦ νοός; Is 21:4; Jos., Bell. 4, 137 ἐβάπτισεν τ. πόλιν ‘he drowned the city in misery’) δύνασθε τὸ βάπτισμα ὸ̔ ἐγὼ βαπτίζομαι βαπτισθῆναι; Mk 10:38 (perh. the stark metaph. of impending personal disaster is to be rendered, ‘are you prepared to be drowned the way I’m going to be drowned?’); cp. vs. 39; Mt 20:22 v.l.; in striking contrast to fire Lk 12:50 (GDelling, Novum Testamentum 2, ’57, 92–115).—PAlthaus, Senior, D. Heilsbedeutung d. Taufe im NT 1897; WHeitmüller, Im Namen Jesu 1903, Taufe u. Abendmahl b. Paulus 1903, Taufe u. Abendmahl im Urchristentum 1911; FRendtorff, D. Taufe im Urchristentum 1905; HWindisch, Taufe u. Sünde im ältesten Christentum 1908; ASeeberg, D. Taufe im NT2 1913; AvStromberg, Studien zu Theorie u. Praxis der Taufe 1913; GottfrKittel, D. Wirkungen d. chr. Wassertaufe nach d. NT: StKr 87, 1914, 25ff; WKoch, D. Taufe im NT3 1921; JLeipoldt, D. urchr. Taufe im Lichte der Relgesch. 1928; RReitzenstein, D. Vorgesch. d. christl. Taufe 1929 (against him HSchaeder, Gnomon 5, 1929, 353–70, answered by Rtzst., ARW 27, 1929, 241–77); FDölger, Ac I 1929, II 1930; HvSoden, Sakrament u. Ethik bei Pls: ROtto Festschr., Marburger Theologische Studien ’31, no. 1, 1–40; MEnslin, Crozer Quarterly 8, ’31, 47–67; BBacon, ATR 13, ’31, 155–74; CBowen: RHutcheon, Studies in NT, ’36, 30–48; GBornkamm, ThBl 17, ’38, 42–52; 18, ’39, 233–42; HSchlier, EvTh ’38, 335–47 ( Ro 6); EBruston, La notion bibl. du baptême: ÉTLR ’38, 67–93; 135–50; HMarsh, The Origin and Signif. of the NT Baptism ’41; KBarth, D. kirchl. Lehre v. d. Taufe2 ’43 (Eng. tr., The Teaching of the Church Regarding Baptism, EPayne ’48); FGrant, ATR 27, ’45, 253–63; HSchlier, D. kirchl. Lehre v. d. Taufe: TLZ 72, ’47, 321–26; OCullmann, Baptism in the NT (tr. JReid) ’50; MBarth, D. Taufe ein Sakrament? ’51; RBultmann, Theology of the NT, tr. KGrobel ’51, I 133–44; JSchneider, D. Taufe im NT ’52; DStanley, TS 18, ’57, 169–215; EFascher, Taufe: Pauly-W. 2. Reihe IV 2501–18 (’32); AOepke, TW I ’33, 527–44; GBeasley-Murray, Baptism in the NT ’62; MQuesnel, Baptisés dans l’Esprit ’85 (Acts); DDaube, The NT and Rabbinic Judaism ’56, 106–40; NMcEleney, Conversion, Circumstance and the Law: NTS 20, ’74, 319–41; HBraun, Qumran u. d. NT II ’66, 1–29; OBetz, D. Proselytentaufe der Qumransekte u. d. NT: RevQ 1, ’58, 213–34; JYsebaert, Gk. Baptismal Terminology, ’62. S. τέκνον 1aα.—B. 1482. DELG s.v. βάπτω. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > βαπτίζω

  • 124 παρά

    παρά (Hom.+. On elision s. B-D-F §17; Rob. 208) prep. w. three cases (Kühner-G. §440; Schwyzer II 491–98; B-D-F §236–38; Rob. 612–16. Further lit. s.v. ἀνά, beg.; also HRau, De praepositionis παρά usu: GCurtius, Studien etc. III 1870).
    A. W. gen., which nearly always as in Hom., Hdt., Pla., X. et al. denotes a pers., and indicates that someth. proceeds fr. this pers. (Hs 2:3 is an exception):
    marker of extension from the side of, from (the side of) w. local sense preserved, used w. verbs of coming, going, sending, originating, going out, etc. (TestAbr A 2 p. 78, 30 [Stone p. 4] παρὰ τοῦ μεγάλου βασιλέως ἀπεστάλην; Lucian, Demon. 13 ἀπιὼν παρʼ αὐτοῦ) ἐκπορεύεσθαι J 15:26b. ἐξέρχεσθαι 16:27; 17:8; Lk 2:1; 6:19. ἔρχεσθαι 8:49. παραγίνεσθαι Mk 14:43. πέμπειν τινὰ παρά τινος J 15:26a. πνεύματος ἁγίου … παρὰ τοῦ πατρὸς ἀποσταλέντος εἰς αὐτήν (=Μαρίαν) AcPlCor 2:5. εἶναι παρά τινος be from someone (cp. Job 21:2, 9) J 6:46; 7:29; 9:16, 33; 17:7.
    marker of one who originates or directs, from (Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 100 §420 παρὰ τ. θεῶν; TestJob 38:8 παρὰ θεοῦ) παρὰ κυρίου ἐγένετο αὕτη this was the Lord’s doing Mt 21:42; Mk 12:11 (both Ps 117:23). W. a double negative: οὐκ ἀδυνατήσει παρὰ τ. θεοῦ πᾶν ῥῆμα (s. ἀδυνατέω) Lk 1:37. τὰ λελαλημένα αὐτῇ παρὰ κυρίου what was said to her (by the angel) at the Lord’s command vs. 45. ἀπεσταλμένος παρὰ θεοῦ John the Baptist was not, like Jesus, sent out fr. the very presence of God, but one whose coming was brought about by God J 1:6 (cp. 2 Macc 11:17). παρʼ ἑαυτῆς φέρει καρπὸν καὶ παρὰ τῆς πτελέας it (i.e. the vine) bears fruit which comes both from itself and from the elm Hs 2:3. On 2 Pt 2:11 s. κρίσις 1bβ.
    marker of the point fr. which an action originates, from
    after verbs
    α. of asking, demanding αἰτεῖν and αἰτεῖσθαι (cp. X., An. 1, 3, 16, Hell. 3, 1, 4; SIG 785, 9f; PFay 121, 12ff; Tob 4:19 BA al.; LXX; TestAbr A 9 p. 87, 2 [Stone p. 22]; TestJob 20:2; ParJer 7:14; Jos., Ant. 15, 92) Mt 20:20 v.l. (for ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ); J 4:9; Ac 3:2; 9:2; Js 1:5; 1J 5:15 v.l. (for ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ); 1 Cl 36:4 (Ps 2:8); Hm 9:2, 4; Dg 1. ζητεῖν (Tob 4:18; Sir 7:4; cp. 1 Macc 7:13) Mk 8:11; Lk 11:16; 12:48.
    β. of taking, accepting, receiving λαμβάνειν (class.; Appian, Mithrid. 88 §397; SIG 546 B, 23 [III B.C.]; Jdth 12:15; Sus 55 Theod.; 1 Macc 8:8; 11:34; 4 Macc 12:11; TestJob 11:5; JosAs 24:11; Just., A I, 39, 5 al.) Mk 12:2; Lk 6:34; J 5:34, 41, 44; 10:18; Ac 2:33; 3:5; 17:9; 20:24; 26:10 (Jos., Ant. 14, 167 λαβὼν ἐξουσίαν παρά σου [= τ. ἀρχιερέως]; 11, 169); Js 1:7; 2 Pt 1:17; 2J 4; Rv 2:28; Hs 1:8; 8, 3, 5; GJs 20, 2 codices. ἀπολαμβάνειν (SIG 150, 19f [restored text; IV B.C.]; 4 Macc 18:23) Hv 5:7. παραλαμβάνειν (Hdt. et al.; oft. ins; POxy 504, 14 al. in pap) Gal 1:12; 1 Th 2:13; 4:1; 2 Th 3:6. δέχεσθαι (Thu. 1, 20, 1 et al.; 1 Macc 15:20; TestJob 11:12; cp. διαδέχεσθαι Ath. 37, 1) Ac 22:5; Phil 4:18a. κομίζεσθαι (SIG 244 I, 5ff [IV B.C.]; Gen 38:20; 2 Macc 7:11; Ath. 12, 1) Eph 6:8. εὑρεῖν (SIG 537, 69; 1099, 28; cp. εὑρίσκω 3, end) 2 Ti 1:18. ἔχειν τι παρά τινος have received someth. fr. someone (1 Esdr 6:5) Ac 9:14; cp. Hv 3, 9, 8. γίνεταί μοί τι παρά τινος I receive someth. from someone (Att.) Mt 18:19. ἔσται μεθʼ ἡμῶν χάρις … παρὰ θεοῦ πατρὸς καὶ παρὰ Ἰησοῦ 2J 3 (cp. X., An. 7, 2, 25). οἱ πιστευθέντες παρὰ θεοῦ ἔργον those who were entrusted by God with a task 1 Cl 43:1 (cp. Polyb. 3, 69, 1; SIG 1207, 12f). παρὰ τοῦ κυρίου πλουτίζεσθαι receive one’s wealth fr. the Lord Hs 2:10.—Sim. in the case of a purchase the seller is introduced by παρά: buy fr. someone ἀγοράζειν (s. ἀγοράζω 1, end) Rv 3:18. ὠνεῖσθαι Ac 7:16. ἄρτον φαγεῖν παρά τινος receive support from someone 2 Th 3:8.
    γ. of learning, coming to know, hearing, asking ἀκούειν (s. ἀκούω 1bβ and 3) J 1:40; 6:45; 7:51; 8:26, 40; 15:15; Ac 10:22; 28:22; 2 Ti 1:13; 2:2; AcPlCor 1:6; ἀκριβοῦν Mt 2:7, 16. ἐξακριβάζεσθαι Hm 4, 2, 3. ἐπιγινώσκειν Ac 24:8. μανθάνειν (since Aeschyl., Ag. 858; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 176; Sir 8:8f; 2 Macc 7:2 v.l.; 3 Macc 1:1; Just., A I, 23, 1 and D. 78, 1 al.; Ath. 7, 2; 22, 8) 2 Ti 3:14. πυνθάνεσθαι (Hdt. 3, 68; X., Cyr. 1, 6, 23; Pla., Rep. 5, 476e; SIG 1169, 30; 2 Ch 32:31) Mt 2:4; J 4:52 (without παρά v.l.); B 13:2 (Gen 25:22).
    w. adjectival function ὁ, ἡ, τὸ παρά τινος made, given, etc., by someone
    α. w. a noun (funct. as a gen.: Pla., Symp. 197e ὁ παρά τινος λόγος ‘the expression made by someone’; X., Hell. 3, 1, 6 δῶρον παρὰ βασιλέως, Mem. 2, 2, 12 ἡ παρά τινος εὔνοια, Cyr. 5, 5, 13 τὸ παρʼ ἐμοῦ ἀδίκημα ‘the crime committed by me’; Polyb. 3, 69, 3 ἡ παρʼ αὐτοῦ σωτηρία; Polyaenus 3, 9, 28 ἡ παρὰ στρατηγοῦ ἀρετή; SIG 543, 27; Ex 4:20; 14:13; Philo, Plant. 14; Jos., Ant. 12, 400; Just., A I, 32, 8 and D. 92, 1 al.; Ath. 7, 1) ἡ παρʼ ἐμοῦ διαθήκη Ro 11:27 (Is 59:21).—Ac 26:12 v.l.; 22 v.l.
    β. w. subst. function
    א. τὰ παρά τινος what someone gives, someone’s gifts (X., Mem. 3, 11, 13; Jos., Bell. 2, 124, Ant. 8, 175; Tat. 32, 1 τὰ παρὰ θεοῦ) Lk 10:7; Phil 4:18b. τὰ παρʼ αὐτῆς her property, what she had Mk 5:26 (cp. IPriene 111, 177). τὰ παρὰ ζώσης καὶ μενούσης (the help that I received) from a living, contemporary voice Papias (2:4).
    ב. οἱ παρά τινος someone’s envoys (οἱ παρὰ βασιλέω πρέσβει X., Hell. 1, 3, 9; oft. in ins.: see, e.g., OGI 5, 50 from Ptolemy; the full expression οἱ παρʼ ὑμῶν πρεσβείς OGI 8 VI, 108–9; Schwyzer II 498; B-D-F §237, 2) οἱ παρὰ τοῦ βασιλέως (1 Macc 2:15; 1 Esdr 1:15) 1 Cl 12:4.—The Koine also uses this expr. to denote others who are intimately connected w. someone, e.g. family, relatives (PGrenf II, 36, 9 [II B.C.]; POxy 805 [I B.C.]; 298, 37 [I A.D.]; CPR I, 179, 16; 187, 7; Sb 5238, 19 [I A.D.]; Sus 33; 1 Macc 13:52; Jos., Ant. 1, 193. Further exx. fr. pap in Mlt. 106f; Rossberg [s. ἀνά, beg.] 52) Mk 3:21 (s. CBruston/PFarel: RTQR 18, 1909, 82–93; AWabnitz, ibid. 221–25; SMonteil, ibid. 19, 1910, 317–25; JMoulton, Mk 3:21: ET 20, 1909, 476; GHartmann, Mk 3:20f: BZ 11, 1913, 248–79; FZorell, Zu Mk 3:20, 21: ZKT 37, 1913, 695–7; JBelser, Zu Mk 3:20f: TQ 98, 1916, 401–18; Rdm.2 141; 227.—S. also at ἐξίστημι 2a).
    B. w. dat., the case that exhibits close association
    marker of nearness in space, at/by (the side of), beside, near, with, acc. to the standpoint fr. which the relationship is viewed
    near, beside
    α. w. things (Synes., Ep. 126 p. 262a; Kaibel 703, 1; POxy 120, 23; 2 Km 10:8; 11:9; Jos., Ant. 1, 196) εἱστήκεισαν παρὰ τῷ σταυρῷ J 19:25. κεῖσθαι παρὰ τῷ πύργῳ Hv 3, 5, 5.
    β. w. persons ἔστησεν αὐτὸ παρʼ ἑαυτῷ he had him (i.e. the child) stand by his side Lk 9:47.
    in (someone’s) house, city, company, etc. (Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 5 al. παρὰ Λάβαν)
    α. house: ἀριστᾶν Lk 11:37. καταλύειν 19:7 (Pla., Gorg. 447b; Demosth. 18, 82). μένειν (JosAs 20:8; Jos., Ant. 1, 298; 299) J 1:39; Ac 9:43; 18:3; 21:8. ξενίζεσθαι 10:6; 21:16 (ξενίζω 1). So prob. also ἕκαστος παρʼ ἑαυτῷ each one at home 1 Cor 16:2 (cp. Philo, Cher. 48 παρʼ ἑαυτοῖς, Leg. ad Gai. 271). ὸ̔ν ἀπέλιπον ἐν Τρῳάδι παρὰ Κάρπῳ 2 Ti 4:13.
    β. city: Rv 2:13. So prob. also ἦσαν παρʼ ἡμῖν ἑπτὰ ἀδελφοί Mt 22:25.—J 4:40; Col 4:16 (where the congregation at Laodicea is contrasted w. the one at Col.).
    γ. other uses: παρὰ Ἰουδαίοις among Judeans Mt 28:15. παρʼ αὐτοῖς ἐπιμεῖναι remain with them Ac 28:14; cp. 21:7. οἱ παρʼ ὑμῖν πρεσβύτεροι the elders among you 1 Cl 1:3.—παρὰ τῷ πατρί with (of spatial proximity) the Father Mt 6:1; J 8:38a; cp. 17:5 (Synes., Kingship 29 p. 31d: philosophy has her abode παρὰ τῷ θεῷ and if the world refuses to receive her when she descends to earth, μένει παρὰ τῷ πατρί). Of Jesus: παρʼ ὑμῖν μένων while I was with you (on earth) J 14:25. Of the Spirit: παρʼ ὑμῖν μένει vs. 17. Of the Father and Son in their relation to the faithful Christian: μονὴν παρʼ αὐτῷ ποιησόμεθα we will take up our abode with him vs. 23.
    δ. fig. παρά τινι before someone’s judgment seat (Demosth. 18, 13 εἰς κρίσιν καθιστάναι παρά τινι; Appian, Maced. 11 §8 παρʼ ὑμῖν ἐς κρίσιν) 2 Pt 2:11 v.l. Closely related is
    marker of one whose viewpoint is relevant, in the sight or judgment of someone (Soph., Hdt.; PSI 435, 19 [258 B.C.] παρὰ τῷ βασιλεῖ) παρὰ τῷ θεῷ: δίκαιος παρὰ τῷ θεῷ righteous in the sight of God Ro 2:13 (cp. Job 9:2; Jos., Ant. 6, 205; Ath. 31, 2 εὐδοξοῦμεν … παρὰ τῷ θεῷ).—Cp. 1 Cor 3:19; Gal 3:11; 2 Th 1:6; Js 1:27; 1 Pt 2:4; 2 Pt 3:8. θυσία δεκτὴ παρὰ τῷ θεῷ Hs 5, 3, 8. ἔνδοξος παρὰ τῷ θεῷ m 2:6; Hs 5, 3, 3; 8, 10, 1; 9, 27, 3; 9, 28, 3; 9, 29, 3.—9, 7, 6.—Acc. to the judgment of humans (Jos., Ant. 7, 84; Just., A I, 20, 3) 8, 9, 1. τί ἄπιστον κρίνεται παρʼ ὑμῖν; Ac 26:8. ἵνα μὴ ἦτε παρʼ ἑαυτοῖς φρόνιμοι Ro 11:25; cp. 12:16 (s. Pr 3:7 μὴ ἴσθι φρόνιμος παρὰ σεαυτῷ).—‘In the judgment’ passes over into a simpler with (PsSol 9:5 παρὰ κυρίῳ; Jos. Himerius, Or. 8 [=23], 10 παρὰ θεοῖς=with the gods) εὑρεῖν χάριν παρά τινι find favor with someone (Ex 33:16; cp. Num 11:15) Lk 1:30; Hs 5, 2, 10. τοῦτο χάρις παρὰ θεῷ 1 Pt 2:20. χάριν ἔχειν (Ex 33:12) m 5, 1, 5. προέκοπτεν ἐν τῇ χάριτι παρὰ θεῷ καὶ ἀνθρώποις Lk 2:52. τί ταπεινοφροσύνη παρὰ θεῷ ἰσχύει, τί ἀγάπη ἁγνὴ παρά θεῷ δύναται how strong humility is before God, what pure love before God can do 1 Cl 21:8.
    marker of personal reference, at the side of, with almost equivalent to the dat. as such (Ps 75:13): δυνατόν or ἀδύνατον παρά τινι possible or impossible for someone (Gen 18:14; Just., A I, 33, 2; Ath., R. 9 p. 58, 6) Mt 19:26ab; Mk 10:27abc; Lk 1:37 v.l.; 18:27ab; 1 Cl 27:2.—AFridrichsen, SymbOsl 14, ’35, 44–46. Closely related in mng. is
    marker of connection of a quality or characteristic w. a pers., with (οὐκ) ἔστιν τι παρά τινι someth. is (not) with or in someone, someone has someth. (nothing) to do w. someth. (Demosth. 18, 277 εἰ ἔστι καὶ παρʼ ἐμοί τις ἐμπειρία; Gen 24:25; Job 12:13; Ps 129:4 παρὰ σοι ὁ ἱλασμός ἐστιν; Just., D. 82, 1 παρὰ … ἡμῖν … χαρίσματα) οὐκ ἔστιν προσωπολημψία παρὰ τ. θεῷ Ro 2:11 (TestJob 43, 13). Cp. 9:14; Eph 6:9; Js 1:17. Sim. Mt 8:10; 2 Cor 1:17.
    marker of a relationship w. a narrow focus, among, before παρʼ ἑαυτοῖς among themselves (Philo, Cher. 48) διαλογίζεσθαι Mt 21:25 v.l. (cp. Demosth. 10, 17 γιγνώσκειν παρʼ αὑτῷ; Epict., Ench. 48, 2).—In ἐν τούτῳ μενέτω παρὰ θεῷ 1 Cor 7:24, the mng. of παρὰ θεῷ is not certain: let the pers. remain in that position (the same one in which he was when called to salvation) before God; it is prob. meant to remind Christians of the One before whom they cannot even have the appearance of inferiority (ins: Mitt-Wilck, I/2, 4, 4 [13 B.C.] παρὰ τῷ κυρίῳ Ἑρμῇ=‘before, in the sight of’; Sb 7616 [II A.D.] τὸ προσκύνημά σου ποιῶ παρὰ τῷ κυρίῳ Σαράπι=‘before the Lord’ S.; 7661, 3 [c. 100 A.D.]; 7932, 7992, 6 [letter II/III A.D.]). Or perh. it simply means that no matter what the situation may be, one is to be focused on God.
    C. w. acc. of pers. or thing
    marker of a position viewed as extended (w. no difference whether παρά answers the question ‘where?’ or ‘whither?’ See B-D-F §236, 1; Rob. 615).
    by, along περιπατεῖν παρὰ τὴν θάλασσαν (Pla., Gorg. 511e. Cp. SIG 1182; Jos., Ant. 2, 81) Mt 4:18; cp. Mk 1:16.
    α. παρὰ (τὴν) θάλασσαν by the sea (or lake) , at the shore Mt 13:1; Mk 4:1; 5:21; Ac 10:6, 32; cp. Lk 5:1, 2. παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν by the side of the road (X., An. 1, 2, 13; Plut., Lysander 450 [29, 4] a tomb παρὰ τ. ὁδόν=beside the road) Mt 20:30; Mk 10:46; Lk 18:35 (but on the road is also poss. in these three places; s. d below).
    β. παρὰ τὴν θάλασσαν to (the side of) the sea (lake) Mt 15:29; Mk 2:13. παρὰ ποταμόν to the river Ac 16:13.
    gener. near, at παρὰ τοὺς πόδας τινός at someone’s feet (sit, fall, place etc.; TestAbr A 17 p. 98, 16 [Stone p. 44]) Mt 15:30; Lk 7:38; 8:35, 41; 10:39 v.l.; 17:16; Ac 4:35, 37 v.l.; 5:2; 7:58; 22:3 (s. ET 30, 1919, 39f). παρὰ τὸν πὺργον beside the tower Hs 9, 4, 8; 9, 6, 5; 8; 9, 7, 1; 9, 11, 6.—παρὰ τὴν ἰτέαν 8, 1, 2 (cp. TestAbr A 6 p. 83, 10 [Stone p. 14] παρὰ τὴν δρῦν τὴν Μαμβρῆ).
    on παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν on the road (w. motion implied; Aesop, Fab. 226 P.=420 H.: πεσὼν παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν; Phot., Bibl. 94 p. 74b on Iambl. Erot. [Hercher I p. 222, 22] πίπτουσι παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν) Mt 13:4, 19; Mk 4:4; Lk 8:5; on the road (w. no motion implied; Theophr., HP 6, 6, 10: the crocus likes to be trodden under foot, διὸ καὶ παρὰ τὰς ὁδοὺς κάλλιστος; Phot. p. 222, 29 H. [s. above]) Mk 4:15; Lk 8:12. Perh. also Mt 20:30; Mk 10:46; Lk 18:35 (s. bα above).—παρὰ τὸ χεῖλος τῆς θαλάσσης on the seashore Hb 11:12 (TestAbr A 1 p. 78, 1 [Stone p. 4]; ApcEsdr 3:10; ApcSed 8:9).
    marker of extension in time, during, from … to (Lucian, Catapl. 24 παρὰ τ. βίον=during his life; POxy 472, 10; TestAbr A 20 p. 102, 26 [Stone p. 52] παρὰ μίαν ὥραν; Tat. 14, 2 παρʼ ὸ̔ν ἔζων χρόνον) παρʼ ἐνιαυτόν from year to year (Plut., Cleom. 15, 1; cp. ἐνιαυτός 1) B 10:7.
    marker of comparative advantage, in comparison to, more than, beyond ἁμαρτωλοί, ὀφειλέται π. πάντας Lk 13:2, 4 (PSI 317, 6 [95 A.D.] παρὰ πάντας; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 234 παρὰ τ. ἄλλους ἅπαντας; JosAs 10:6 παρὰ πάσας τὰς παρθένους; Just., A I, 20, 3 παρὰ πάντας ἀδίκως μισούμεθα). κρίνειν ἡμέραν παρʼ ἡμέραν (s. κρίνω 1) Ro 14:5. π. πᾶσαν τὴν γῆν B 11:9 (prophetic quot. of unknown orig.). π. πάντα τὰ πνεύματα more than all other spirits Hm 10, 1, 2. ἐλαττοῦν τινα π. τινα make someone inferior to someone Hb 2:7, 9 (s. ἐλαττόω 1 and cp. PGrenf I, 42, 12 [II B.C.] ἐλαττουμένων ἡμῶν παρὰ τοὺς δεῖνα). εἶδος ἐκλεῖπον π. τὸ εἶδος τῶν ἀνθρώπων (s. ἐκλείπω 4) 1 Cl 16:3.—After a comp. (Thu. 1, 23, 3; ApcEsdr 1:22; Tat. 2, 2) Lk 3:13; Hb 1:4; 3:3; 9:23; 11:4; 12:24; B 4:5 (cp. Da 7:7); Hv 3, 12, 1; Hs 9, 18, 2.—When a comparison is made, one member of it may receive so little attention as to pass fr. consideration entirely, so that ‘more than’ becomes instead of, rather than, to the exclusion of (Plut., Mor. 984c; PsSol 9:9; EpArist 134; Just., A I, 22, 2) λατρεύειν τῇ κτίσει παρὰ τὸν κτίσαντα serve the creation rather than the Creator Ro 1:25 (cp. EpArist 139: the Jews worship τὸν μόνον θεὸν παρʼ ὅλην τὴν κτίσιν). δεδικαιωμένος παρʼ ἐκεῖνον justified rather than the other Lk 18:14. ἔχρισέν σε … παρὰ τοὺς μετόχους (God) has anointed you and not your comrades Hb 1:9 (Ps 44:8). ὑπερφρονεῖν παρʼ ὸ̔ δεῖ φρονεῖν Ro 12:3 (Plut., Mor. 83f παρʼ ὸ̔ δεῖ). παρὰ καιρὸν ἡλικίας Hb 11:11 (Plut., Rom. 25, 6 παρʼ ἡλικίαν; cp. ἡλικία 2a).—παρὰ δύναμιν beyond their means (s. δύναμις 2) 2 Cor 8:3.—After ἄλλος (Pla., Lach. 178b, Leg. 3, 693b; X., Hell. 1, 5, 5; Demosth. 18, 235) another than 1 Cor 3:11.
    marker of degree that falls slightly short in comparison, except for, almost παρὰ μικρόν except for a little, almost (s. μικρός 1eγ) Hs 8, 1, 14. Likew. παρά τι (cp. Vett. Val. 228, 6) Lk 5:7 D; Hs 9, 19, 3.
    marker of causality, because of (cp. Pind., O. 2, 65 κενεὰν παρὰ δίαιταν ‘in the interest of’ or ‘for the sake of a scanty livelihood’, the scantiness here contrasting with the immense labor involved; Demosth. 4, 11; 9, 2; PRyl 243, 6; POxy 1420, 7) παρὰ τό w. acc. foll. because (SIG 495, 130; UPZ 7, 13 [163 B.C.] παρὰ τὸ Ἕλληνά με εἶναι.—Mayser II/1, 1926, 331; Gen 29:20; Ex 14:11) 1 Cl 39:5f (Job 4:20f). π. τοῦτο because of this (Kühner-G. I 513, 3; Synes., Ep. 44 p. 185a; 57 p. 192d) ITr 5:2; IRo 5:1 (quot. fr. 1 Cor 4:4, where Paul has ἐν τούτῳ). οὐ παρὰ τοῦτο οὐ (double neg. as a strengthened affirmative) not for that reason any the less 1 Cor 12:15f.
    marker of that which does not correspond to what is expected, against, contrary to (Hom., Alc. et al.; ins, pap, LXX; Just., Tat., Ath.—Schwyzer II 497) π. τὴν διδαχήν Ro 16:17. παρʼ ἐλπίδα against hope (s. ἐλπίς 1a) in wordplay w. ἐπʼ ἐλπίδι 4:18. παρὰ φύσιν (Thu. 6, 17, 1; Pla., Rep. 5, 466d; Tat. 22, 2; Ath. 26, 2, R. 6 p. 54, 13) 1:26; 11:24. παρὰ τὸν νόμον (Just., A II, 2, 4; Ath. 1, 3; cp. X., Mem. 1, 1, 18 παρὰ τοὺς νόμους; PMagd 16, 5 [222 B.C.] παρὰ τοὺς νόμους; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 233; Just., A I, 68, 10) Ac 18:13. παρʼ ὅ contrary to that which Gal 1:8f (Just., A I, 43, 8).
    marker of something that is less, less (Hdt. 9, 33; Plut., Caesar 722 [30, 5]; Jos., Ant. 4, 176; POxy 264, 4 [I A.D.]) τεσσεράκοντα παρὰ μίαν forty less one=thirty-nine (i.e. lashes) 2 Cor 11:24 (cp. Makkoth 3, 10 [tr. HDanby, The Mishnah ’33, 407]).—On παρʼ αὐτά ITr 11:1 s. παραυτά.—DELG. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > παρά

  • 125 ὁδός

    ὁδός, οῦ, ἡ (Hom.+) gener. an established ‘way’ or ‘course’ such as a road or channel of a river.
    a way for traveling or moving from one place to another, way, road, highway, used by pers. or impers. entities: Mt 2:12; 21:8ab; Mk 11:8; Lk 3:5 (Is 40:4 v.l.); 19:36 al.; ἑτέρα ὁδ. Js 2:25. ἡ ὁδ. ἡ Καμπανή=Lat. Via Campana the Campanian Way Hv 4, 1, 2 (s. MDibelius, Hdb. ad loc.; Hülsen, Pauly-W. III 1434); described as ἡ ὁδ. ἡ δημοσία the public highway ibid. (s. δημόσιος 1). τὴν βασιλικήν AcPl Ant 13 (τὴν β. ὁδόν Aa I 237, 4). ἡ ὁδ. ἡ καταβαίνουσα ἀπὸ Ἰερουσαλὴμ εἰς Γάζαν Ac 8:26. παρέρχεσθαι διὰ τῆς ὁδ. pass by (a certain place) on the road Mt 8:28 (on διὰ τ. ὁδ. cp. Philo, Abr. 269; ParJer 3:21). πίπτειν εἰς τὴν ὁδ. fall on the road Hv 3, 7, 1a. ἔρχεσθαι εἰς τὴν ὁδ., μένειν ἐν τῇ ὁδ. v 3, 2, 9a. κυλίεσθαι ἐκ τῆς ὁδ. roll off the road 3, 2, 9b and 3, 7, 1b. Of a fig tree ἐπὶ τῆς ὁδοῦ by the roadside Mt 21:19. Of beggars καθῆσθαι παρὰ τὴν ὁδ. sit by the roadside 20:30; Mk 10:46; Lk 18:35 (Stephan. Byz. s.v. Εὔτρησις: κώμη … κεῖται παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν), but along the way also merits attention (cp. παρὰ τὰς ὁδούς Antig. Car. 29). Of seed that is sown πίπτειν παρὰ τὴν ὁδ. fall along the road (Dalman, PJ 22, 1926, 121ff) Mt 13:4; Mk 4:4; Lk 8:5; cp. Mt 13:19; Mk 4:15; Lk 8:12. ἐξέρχεσθαι εἰς τὰς ὁδ. go out into the streets Mt 22:10; Lk 14:23; for διεξόδους τῶν ὁδ. Mt 22:9 s. διέξοδος; καταβαίνειν ἐν τῇ ὁδ. go down the road Lk 10:31. πορεύεσθαι κατὰ τὴν ὁδ. go on along the highway Ac 8:36. AcPl Ant 13, 20 (sc. ὁδόν after AcPlTh 3=Aa I 237, 4). ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ ᾗ ἤρχου (by attraction for ἣν ἤρ.; X., An. 2, 2, 10) 9:17. ἑτοιμάζειν τὴν ὁδ. τινος prepare someone’s way Mt 3:3; Mk 1:3; Lk 3:4 (all after Is 40:3); cp. Lk 1:76 and for the pass. Rv 16:12. Also κατασκευάζειν τὴν ὁδ. τινος Mt 11:10; Mk 1:2; Lk 7:27. εὐθύνειν τὴν ὁδ. τινος J 1:23. κατευθύνειν τὴν ὁδ. τινος 1 Th 3:11 (PsSol 8:6).—W. obj. gen. to indicate direction (Gen 3:24) Mt 10:5 (s. 3a below); Hb 9:8.—The acc. ὁδόν, following the Hebr.דֶּרֶךְ, and contrary to customary Gk. usage (but single cases of ὁδός take on the functions of adverbs or prepositions in the Gk. language as well: cp. Diog. L. 7, 156; Synes., Providence 1, 8 ὁδῷ βαδίζειν=‘go straight forward’; Appian, Hann. 47 §201 ὁδὸν ἐλάσσονα by a shorter [or the shortest] way; Plut., Mor. 371c.—The nearest parallel to the NT usage cited below would be the report of Diog. L. 9, 8 concerning Heraclitus: τὴν μεταβολὴν ὁδὸν ἄνω κάτω γίνεσθαι, if it might be translated: ‘Change [in the universe] is accomplished in an upward and downward direction’.) is used as a prep. toward (Dt 11:30; 3 Km 8:48; 18:43 ὁδὸν τῆς θαλάσσης. Cp. B-D-F §161, 1) ὁδ. θαλάσσης toward the sea Mt 4:15 (Is 8:23 LXX, Aq., Sym.).—LCasson, Travel in the Ancient World ’74; OEANE IV 431–34.
    the action of traveling, way, trip, journey, transf. sense of 1 (Hes., Theogon. 754; X., Mem. 3, 13, 5; Herodian 2, 11, 1; JosAs 9:4 al.; Just., D. 85, 5) εἰς (τὴν) ὁδ. for the trip/journey (Jos., Ant. 12, 198) Mt 10:10; Mk 6:8; Lk 9:3; on the way Mk 10:17. ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ on the way (Gen 45:24; Jos., Ant. 6, 55; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 10, 2, end) Mt 15:32; 20:17; Mk 8:3, 27; 9:33f; 10:52; Lk 9:57; 12:58; 24:32; Ac 9:27. τὰ ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ what had happened to them on the way Lk 24:35. εἶναι ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ Mt 5:25; Mk 10:32. ἐξ ὁδοῦ from a trip (Appian, Bell. Civ. 1, 91 §418; Damasc., Vi. Isid. 203 p. 138, 8 W.; Jos., Vi. 246; 248 ἐκ τ. ὁδοῦ) Lk 11:6. ἔκαμνον ἐκ τῆς ὁδοῦ GJs 15:1. κατὰ τὴν ὁδ. along the way (Arrian, Anab. 1, 26, 5; 3, 19, 3; PKöln VI, 245, 20 καθʼ ὁδόν ‘on my way’; Jos., Ant. 8, 404; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 10, 2) 10:4; Ac 25:3; 26:13. ἀνὰ μέσον τῆς ὁδοῦ halfway GJs 17:3. τ. ὁδὸν αὐτοῦ πορεύεσθαι go on his way Ac 8:39 (cp. X., Cyr. 5, 2, 22; TestAbr B 2 p. 106, 2 [Stone p. 60]). πορεύεσθαι τῇ ὁδῷ 1 Cl 12:4. ὁδὸν ποιεῖν make one’s way (Judg 17:8) Mk 2:23; s. ὁδοποιέω.—σαββάτου ὁδός a Sabbath day’s trip could also belong under 1; it signified the distance an Israelite might travel on the Sabbath, two thousand paces or cubits (=about 800 meters.—Mishnah: ˓Erubin 4, 3; 7; 5, 7; Origen, Princ. 4, 17; Schürer II 472f; 484f; Billerb. II 590–94; Moore, Judaism II 32) Ac 1:12. ἡμέρας ὁδός a day’s trip Lk 2:44 (Diod S 19, 17, 3; Appian, Samn. 1 §5; Polyaenus 7, 21, 1; Lucian, Syr. Dea 9; Procop., Aed. 6, 1, 12; cp. Hdt. 4, 101; X., Cyr. 1, 1, 3 παμπόλλων ἡμερῶν ὁδός; Ael. Aristid. 36, 87 K.=48 p. 473 D.: τριῶν ἡμ. ὁδ.; Gen 30:36; 31:23; Ex 3:18; Jdth 2:21; 1 Macc 5:24; 7:45; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 5 Jac.; Jos., Ant. 15, 293).
    course of behavior, way, way of life, fig. ext. of 1 and 2, but oft. w. the picture prominently in mind (SibOr 3, 233; ὁδὸς τις γίνεται one finds a way (out) Did., Gen. 228, 7).
    way εἰς ὁδ. ἐθνῶν μὴ ἀπέλθητε do not go in the way of the Gentiles i.e. do not turn to the Gentiles Mt 10:5 (but s. 1.—JJeremias, Jesu Verheissung für d. Völker, ’56). εὐρύχωρος ἡ ὁδ. ἡ ἀπάγουσα εἰς τὴν ἀπώλειαν 7:13 (Pla., Gorg. 524a τὼ ὁδώ, ἡ μὲν εἰς μακάρων νήσους, ἡ δʼ εἰς Τάρταρον). Also ἡ ὁδ. τῆς ἀπωλείας ApcPt 1:1; ἡ τοῦ μέλανος ὁδ. 20:1. ἡ τοῦ θανάτου ὁδ. (Herm. Wr. 1, 29) D 5:1. Cp. 1:1 (on this Jer 21:8; TestAsh 1:3, 5 ὁδοὶ δύο, καλοῦ κ. κακοῦ; SibOr 8, 399 ὁδοὶ δύο, ζωῆς θανάτου τε; Ael. Aristid. 30 p. 577 D.: δυοῖν ὁδοῖν τὴν μὲν … τὴν δέ.—The two ὁδοί of Heracles: X., Mem. 2, 1, 21ff; Maximus Tyr. 14, 1a; e; k). ὁδ. σκότους 5:4b. Description of the way B 20; D 5:1ff. τεθλιμμένη ἡ ὁδ. ἡ ἀπάγουσα εἰς τὴν ζωήν Mt 7:14 (TestAbr A 2 p. 88, 28 [Stone p. 4]). Also ἡ ὁδ. τῆς ζωῆς D 1:2. ἡ ὁδ. τοῦ φωτός 19:1. Description of the way B 19; D 1–4. ὁδ. εἰρήνης Lk 1:79; Ro 3:17 (Is 59:8; Ps 13:3). ὁδ. ζωῆς Ac 2:28 (Ps 15:11); cp. D 1:2 above. ὁδ. σωτηρίας Ac 16:17. ὁδ. πρόσφατος κ. ζῶσα Hb 10:20. ὁδ. δικαιοσύνης B 1:4; 5:4a (in these two pass. the imagery of ‘way’ is stronger than in Mt 21:32 and 2 Pt 2:21, on the latter two pass. s. below in b). Of love ὁδ. ἡ ἀναφέρουσα εἰς θεόν IEph 9:1 (cp. Orig., C. Cels. 1, 56, 6 [Christ as teacher of the ‘way’]). αὕτη ἡ ὁδ. ἐν ᾗ εὕρομεν τὸ σωτήριον ἡμῶν 1 Cl 36:1.—Christ calls himself ἡ ὁδ. (i.e., to God) J 14:6, cp. 4f (s. Orig., C. Cels. 6, 66, 28; cp. Iren. 1, 15, 2 [Harv. I 149, 6].—Hdb. and Bultmann [p. 466ff—Engl. 603ff w. other lit.]; JPascher, Η ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΗ ΟΔΟΣ; D. Königsweg. z. Wiedergeb. u. Vergottung b. Philon v. Alex. ’31).
    way of life, way of acting, conduct (Did., Gen. 168, 8) (ἡ) ὁδ. (τῆς) δικαιοσύνης (Pr 21:16, 21; Job 24:13); En 99:10; Mt 21:32 (ἐν ὁδῷ δικ. [cp. Pr 8:20] denotes either the way of life practiced by the Baptist [Zahn; OHoltzmann] or the type of conduct he demanded [described in Just., D. 38, 2 as ἡ τοῦ βαπτίσματο ὁδ.; cp. HHoltzmann; BWeiss; JWeiss; EKlostermann; Schniewind]. S. JKleist, CBQ 8, ’46, 192–96); 2 Pt 2:21. τῇ ὁδ. αὐτοῦ ἐπλανήθη he went astray in his path (=‘in his conduct’) 1 Cl 16:6 (Is 53:6). ἐκ πλάνης ὁδοῦ αὐτοῦ from his misguided way of life Js 5:20. ἡ ὁδ. τῆς ἀληθείας (Ps 118:30) vs. 19 v.l. (cp. 2 Pt 2:2 in c below); 1 Cl 35:5. ἀφιέναι τὴν ὁδ. τὴν ἀληθινήν Hv 3, 7, 1. τῇ ὁδ. τοῦ Κάϊν πορεύεσθαι follow the way of Cain Jd 11. ὁδ. δικαίων, ἀσεβῶν 11:7 (Ps 1:6). (ἡ) ὁδ. (ἡ) δικαία (Jos., Ant. 13, 290) 12:4; 2 Cl 5:7. τὸ δίκαιον ὀρθὴν ὁδ. ἔχει the way of righteousness is a straight one Hm 6, 1, 2. τῇ ὀρθῇ ὁδ. πορεύεσθαι ibid.; cp. 6, 1, 4 (Just., D. 8, 2). Opp. ἡ στρεβλὴ ὁδ. the crooked way 6, 1, 3. θέωμεν τὴν ὁδ. τὴν εὐθεῖαν let us run the straight course 2 Cl 7:3; cp. 2 Pt 2:15. Of life in association w. polytheists αὕτη ἡ ὁδ. ἡδυτέρα αὐτοῖς ἐφαίνετο Hs 8, 9, 1. The basic mng. has disappeared to such a degree that one can speak of καρποὶ τῆς ὁδ. 1 Cl 57:6 (Pr 1:31) and ἔργα τῆς πονηρᾶς ὁδ. 4:10.—Pl. ways, of one’s total conduct Ac 14:16; Ro 3:16 (Is 59:7; Ps 13:3a; PsSol 6:2; 10:4 al.; ApcSed 15:5); Js 1:8; Hv 2, 2, 6. Esp. of the ways of God, referring either to the ways that God initiates: ὡς … ἀνεξιχνίαστοι αἱ ὁδ. αὐτοῦ how inscrutable are his ways Ro 11:33; δίκαιαι καὶ ἀληθιναὶ αἱ ὁδ. σου Rv 15:3; αἱ ὁδ. τῆς εὐλογίας the ways of blessing 1 Cl 31:1; or to the ways that humans should take: οὐκ ἔγνωσαν τὰς ὁδ. μου Hb 3:10 (Ps 94:10). διαστρέφειν τὰς ὁδοὺς τοῦ κυρίου Ac 13:10. διδάσκειν τὰς ὁδ. σου 1 Cl 18:13 (Ps 50:15). Likew. the sing. τὴν ὁδ. τοῦ θεοῦ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ διδάσκειν Mt 22:16; cp. Mk 12:14; Lk 20:21. ἀφιέναι τὴν ὁδ. τοῦ θεοῦ ApcPt 20:34. παρέβησαν ἐκ τῆς ὁδ. 1 Cl 53:2 (Ex 32:8).
    of the whole way of life fr. a moral and spiritual viewpoint, the way, teaching in the most comprehensive sense (Lucian, Hermot. 46 ὁδ. of the doctrine of a philosophical school Just., D. 39, 2 ἀπολείποντας τήν ὁδ. τῆς πλάνης; 142, 3 διὰ ταύτης τῆς ὁδοῦ), and specif. of teaching and manner of life relating to Jesus Christ (SMcCasland, JBL 77, ’58, 222–30: Qumran parallels) κατὰ τὴν ὁδ. ἣν λέγουσιν αἵρεσιν according to the Way, which they call a (heterodox) sect Ac 24:14. ἐάν τινας εὕρῃ τῆς ὁδ. ὄντας if he should find people who belonged to the Way 9:2. ὁδ. κυρίου, θεοῦ of teaching relating to Jesus and God’s purpose 18:25f. κακολογεῖν τὴν ὁδ. ἐνώπιον τοῦ πλήθους 19:9. ταύτην τὴν ὁδ. διώκειν persecute this religion 22:4. ἐγένετο τάραχος περὶ τῆς ὁδ. there arose a disturbance concerning the Way 19:23. τὰ περὶ τῆς ὁδ. (the things) concerning the teaching 24:22. ἡ ὁδὸς τ. ἀληθείας of the true Christian teaching (in contrast to that of dissidents vs. 1) 2 Pt 2:2 (OdeSol 11:3). Of the way of love καθʼ ὑπερβολὴν ὁδ. a far better way 1 Cor 12:31. ἡ ὁδ. τῆς δικαιοσύνης ApcPt 7:22; 13:28. Likew. the pl. (En 104:13 μαθεῖν ἐξ αὐτῶν [τ. βίβλων] πάσας τ. ὁδοὺς τῆς ἀληθείας) τὰς ὁδούς μου ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησου my Christian directives (i.e. instructions, teachings) 1 Cor 4:17.—OBecker, D. Bild des Weges u. verwandte Vorstellungen im frühgriech. Denken ’37; FNötscher, Gotteswege u. Menschenwege in d. Bibel u. in Qumran, ’58; ERepo, D. Weg als Selbstbezeichnung des Urchr., ’64 (but s. CBurchard, Der 13te Zeuge, ’70, 43, n. 10; JPathrapankal, Christianity as a ‘Way’ according to the Acts of the Apostles: Les Actes des Apôtres, Traditions, redaction, théologie, ed. JKremer ’79, 533–39 [reflects Is 40:3 and the emphasis on דרך in CD and 1QS: the ‘dynamism of Christianity’ is ‘Way of Life’]).—B. 717; 720. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ὁδός

  • 126 δίκαιος

    δίκαιος, αία, ον (s. δικαιοσύνη; Hom.+; loanw. in rabb.)
    pert. to being in accordance with high standards of rectitude, upright, just, fair
    of humans
    α. In Gr-Rom. tradition a δ. pers. is one who upholds the customs and norms of behavior, including esp. public service, that make for a well-ordered, civilized society (Hom, Od. 6, 120f hospitality and fear of God mark an upright pers.; Dem. 3, 21 a δίκαιος πολίτης gives priority to the interest of the state). Such perspective opened a bridge to Greco-Romans for understanding of Jewish/Christian perspectives: e.g. the description of an eccl. overseer (w. σώφρων, ὅσιος) Tit 1:8. Both polytheistic and monotheistic societies closely associated uprightness, with special reference to behavior toward humans (cp. Pla., Rep. 4, 443; Aristot. EN 5, 1, 1129a-1130a), and piety in reference esp. to familial obligations and deity (Augustus enshrined the perspective, taking pride in being awarded a crown for his δικαιοσύνη and εὐσέβεια Res Gestae 34). In keeping with OT tradition, NT writers emphasize a connection between upright conduct and sense of responsibility to God; δ. like צַדִּיק=conforming to the laws of God and people. General definition ὁ ποιῶν τὴν δικαιοσύνην δ. ἐστιν one who does what is right, is righteous 1J 3:7; cp. Rv 22:11.—Ro 5:7. δικαίῳ νόμος οὐ κεῖται law does not apply to an upright person 1 Ti 1:9. οὐκ ἔστιν δίκαιος Ro 3:10 (cp. Eccl 7:20); δ. παρὰ τῷ θεῷ righteous in the sight of God Ro 2:13; δ. ἐναντίον τοῦ θεοῦ (Gen 7:1; Job 32:2) Lk 1:6. W. φοβούμενος τὸν θεόν of Cornelius Ac 10:22. W. εὐλαβής (Pla., Pol. 311ab ἤθη εὐλαβῆ κ. δίκαια, τὸ δικαιον κ. εὐλαβές) Lk 2:25. W. ἀγαθός (Kaibel 648, 10; Jos., Ant. 8, 248; 9, 132 ἀνὴρ ἀγ. κ. δίκ.; s. ἀγαθός 2aα) 23:50; ἀθῷος (Sus 53) 1 Cl 46:4; ὅσιος (En 103:9) 2 Cl 15:3; ταπεινός B 19:6. (ὡς δίκαιον καὶ ἀναμάρτητον Just., D. 47, 5). Serving God w. a pure heart makes one δ. 2 Cl 11:1. Hence the δίκαιοι=the just, the upright in a specif. Israelite-Christian sense Mt 13:43 (cp. Da 12:3 Theod.) Lk 1:17; 1 Pt 3:12 (Ps 33:16); 1 Cl 22:6 (Ps 33:16); 33:7; 45:3f; 48:3 (Ps 117:20); 2 Cl 6:9; 17:7; 20:3f; B 11:7 (Ps 1:5f); MPol 14:1; 17:1; also of those who only appear upright (cp. Pr 21:2) Mt 23:28; Lk 18:9; 20:20; specifically of Christians Mt 10:41; Ac 14:2 D; 1 Pt 4:18 (Pr 11:31); Hv 1, 4, 2. W. apostles MPol 19:2; cp. 1 Cl 5:2. Esp. of the righteous of the OT: πατέρες δ. 1 Cl 30:7. W. prophets Mt 13:17; 23:29 (perh. teachers: DHill, NTS 11, ’64/65, 296–302). Of Abel (Did., Gen. 181, 10) Mt 23:35 (construction with τοῦ αἵματος deserves consideration: GKilpatrick, BT 16, ’65, 119); Hb 11:4; Enoch 1 Cl 9:3; Lot 2 Pt 2:7f (Noah: Just., D. 20, 1; 138, 1; δίκαιοι καὶ πατριάρχαι ibid. 67, 7); John the Baptist (w. ἅγιος) Mk 6:20; δ. τετελειωμένοι just persons made perfect (i.e., who have died) Hb 12:23. Opp. ἄδικοι (Pr 17:15; 29:27; En 99:3; 100:7) Mt 5:45; Ac 24:15; 1 Pt 3:18; ἁμαρτωλοί (Ps 1:5; En 104:6 and 12; PsSol 2:34) Mt 9:13; Mk 2:17; Lk 5:32; 15:7; ἁμαρτωλοί and ἀσεβεῖς (Ps 1:5f) 1 Ti 1:9; 1 Pt 4:18 (Pr 11:31); πονηροί (Pr 11:15) Mt 13:49 (μοχθηροί Tat. 3, 2). W. regard to the Last Judgment, the one who stands the test is δ. righteous Mt 25:37, 46.—Ro 1:17 (s. ζάω 2bβ); Gal 3:11; Hb 10:38 (all three Hab 2:4; cp. Larfeld I 494); Ro 5:19. Resurrection of the just Lk 14:14; prayer Js 5:16; cp. 5:6 (1bβ below). Joseph, who is interested in doing the right thing honorable, just, good (Jos., Ant. 15, 106; Diod S 33, 5, 6 ἀνδρὸς εὐσεβοῦς κ. δικαίου; Conon [I B.C.–I A.D.]: 26 Fgm. 1, 17 Jac.; Galen CMG V/10, 3 p. 33, 13f [XVIII/1 p. 247 K.] ἄνδρες δ.) Mt 1:19 (w. connotation of ‘merciful’ DHill, ET 76, ’65, 133f; s. δικαιοσύνη 3b).
    β. of things relating to human beings ἔργα 1J 3:12; αἷμα δ. (Jo 4:19; La 4:13=αἷμα δικαίου Pr 6:17, where αἷ. δίκαιον is a v.l.) blood of an upright, or better, an innocent man Mt 23:35 (s. 1bβ below), and esp. 27:4, where δ. is v.l. for ἀθῷον; AcPl Ha 11, 8; ψυχὴ δ. upright soul (cp. Pr 10:3; s. also GrBar 10:5) 2 Pt 2:8; πνεῦμα δ. upright spirit Hm 5, 2, 7; ἐντολή (w. ἁγία and ἀγαθή) Ro 7:12. κρίσις (Dt 16:18; Is 58:2; 2 Macc 9:18; 3 Macc 2:22; Jos., Ant. 9, 4) J 5:30; 7:24; 8:16 v.l.; 2 Th 1:5; B 20:2. Pl. Rv 16:7; 19:2. φύσει δικαίᾳ by an upright nature IEph 1:1 (Hdb. ad loc.; Orig., C. Cels. 5, 24, 8); ὁδὸς δ. (Vi. Aesopi I G 85 P. of the ‘right way’) 2 Cl 5:7; B 12:4; pl. Rv 15:3.
    of transcendent beings. Because of their privileged status as authority figures, the idea of fairness or equity is associated w. such entities (for δ. in the sense of ‘equitable’ in a very explicit form s. Strabo 4, 18, 7).
    α. God (NRhizos, Καππαδοκικά 1856, p. 113: it is gener. assumed that deities are just or fair, but the attribute is esp. affirmed in an ins fr. Tyana Θεῷ δικαίῳ Μίθρᾳ.—JMordtmann, MAI 10, 1885, 11–14 has several exx. of ὅσιος κ. δίκαιος as adj. applied to gods in west Asia Minor.—δικ. of Isis: PRoussel, Les cultes égypt. à Delos 1916, p. 276.—Oft. in OT; Jos., Bell. 7, 323, Ant. 11, 55 [w. ἀληθινός]; Just., A II, 12, 6, D. 23, 2) just, righteous w. ref. to God’s judgment of people and nations κριτὴς δ. a righteous judge (Ps 7:12; 2 Macc 12:6; PsSol 9:2; cp. the description of Rhadamanthys, Pind., O. 2, 69) 2 Ti 4:8; δ. ἐν τοῖς κρίμασιν 1 Cl 27:1; 60:1; cp. 56:5 (Ps 140:5); πατὴρ δ. J 17:25; cp. Ro 3:26; 1J 2:29; cp. 3:7; ὁ θεὸς ὁ παντοκράτωρ δ. AcPlCor 2:12. W. ὅσιος (Ps 144:17; Dt 32:4) Rv 16:5. W. πιστός 1J 1:9.
    β. of Jesus who, as the ideal of an upright pers. is called simply ὁ δ. the upright one (HDechent, D. ‘Gerechte’, Eine Bezeichnung für d. Messias: StKr 100, 1928, 439–43) Ac 7:52; 22:14; Mt 27:19, cp. 24 v.l.; 1J 2:1; 3:7b; Lk 23:47 (for Gr-Rom. associations in favor of upright, esp. in Lk 23:47 s. Danker, Benefactor ’82, 345f. GKilpatrick, JTS 42, ’41, 34–36, prefers innocent, so also Goodsp., Probs. 90f, but against this interp. s. RHanson, Hermathena 60, ’42, 74–78; RKarris, JBL 105, ’86, 65–74). W. ἅγιος Ac 3:14. On the qu. whether Js 5:6 applies to Jesus, s. KAland, TLZ ’44, 103 and MDibelius, Commentary (Hermeneia), ad loc. (but s. Greeven’s note in this comm. p. 240, 58: ‘perhaps a veiled, melancholy allusion to the death of James’).—Also of angels Hs 6, 3, 2.
    The neuter denotes that which is obligatory in view of certain requirements of justice, right, fair, equitable (Dio Chrys. 67 [17], 12; Jos., Ant. 15, 376; cp. Strabo 4, 18, 7; s. Larfeld I 494) δ. παρὰ θεῷ it is right in the sight of God 2 Th 1:6. Also δ. ἐνώπιον τοῦ θεοῦ Ac 4:19; δ. καὶ ὅσιον it is right and holy 1 Cl 14:1, pl. Phil 4:8; δ. ἐστιν it is right Eph 6:1; w. inf. foll. Phil 1:7; 1 Cl 21:4 (cp. Hyperid. 6, 14; PSI 442, 14 [III B.C.] οὐ δίκαιόν ἐστι οὕτως εἶναι; Sir 10:23; 2 Macc 9:12; 4 Macc 6:34); δ. ἡγοῦμαι I consider it right (Diod S 12, 45, 1 δ. ἡγοῦντο) 2 Pt 1:13; τὸ δ. (Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 97 §409 τὸ δ.=the just cause; Arrian, Anab. 3, 27, 5; Polyb.; IMagnMai; SEG XLI, 625, 5; pap; 2 Macc 4:34; 10:12; 3 Macc 2:25; EpArist; Jos., Bell. 4, 340 Ant. 16, 158; το νῦν δ. Tat. 1, 3) what is right Lk 12:57. τὸ δ. παρέχεσθαι give what is right Col 4:1. ὸ̔ ἐὰν ᾖ δ. δώσω ὑμῖν whatever is right I will give you Mt 20:4 (Diod S 5, 71, 1 τὸ δίκαιον άλλήλοις διδόναι; 8, 25, 4). Abstract for concrete (Philipp. [=Demosth. 12] 23 μετὰ τοῦ δ.; Dio Chrys. 52 [69], 6 ἄνευ νόμου κ. δικαίου; Ael. Aristid, 46 p. 302 D.) τὸ δίκαιον ὀρθὴν ὁδὸν ἔχει uprightness goes the straight way Hm 6, 1, 2. Pl. (Diod S 15, 11, 1; 19, 85, 3; Appian, Samn. 11 §4 al.; Lucian, Dial. Mort. 30, 1; Jos., Ant. 19, 288; SibOr 3, 257; Just., A I, 68, 3 δ. ἀξιοῦν; D. 28, 4 φυλάσσει τὰ αἰώνια δ.) δίκαια βουλεύεσθαι have upright thoughts Hv 1, 1, 8 (cp. λαλεῖν Is 59:4; ἐκζητήσεται 1 Macc 7:12; κρίνειν Ar. 15, 4; Just., A II, 15, 5).—B. 1180. DELG s.v. δίκη. M-M. TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > δίκαιος

  • 127 κηρύσσω

    κηρύσσω impf. ἐκήρυσσον; fut. κηρύξω; 1 aor. ἐκήρυξα, inf. κηρύξαι (also κηρῦξαι, so Tdf.); on the accent s. B-D-F §13; PKatz-Walters, The Text of the Septuagint, Cambridge ’73, 97); pf. inf. κεκηρυχέναι (Just., D. 49, 2). Pass.: 1 fut. κηρυχθήσομαι; 1 aor. ἐκηρύχθην; pf. κεκήρυγμαι (Just.) (s. two prec. entries; Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX; PsSol 11:1; TestLevi 2:10; GrBar 16:4 [-ττ-]; Philo, Joseph.; loanw. in rabb.; apolog. exc. Ar.).
    to make an official announcement, announce, make known, by an official herald or one who functions as such (Maximus Tyr. 1, 6c κηρύττομαι=I am being announced by the herald) MPol 12:1 of the pro-consul, who announced three times that Pol. had confessed to being a Christian.—Rv 5:2.
    to make public declarations, proclaim aloud
    gener. speak of, mention publicly w. acc. κ. πολλὰ τὸν λόγον spread the story widely Mk 1:45. The hospitality of the Cor. church 1 Cl 1:2. W. indir. discourse foll. Mk 5:20; Lk 8:39. Abs. Mk 7:36.—S. below 2bβ.
    of proclamation that is divine in origin or relates to divinity (Epict. 3, 13, 12 of the peace of wise men, which does not originate w. the emperor, but is ὑπὸ τοῦ θεοῦ κεκηρυγμένη διὰ τ. λόγου. Of the [objectionable] myths of the Greeks ταῦτα … οἱ … συγγραφεῖς καὶ ποιηταὶ κ. Theoph. Ant. 1, 9 [p. 78, 13]).
    α. of the proclamation or oracles of the older prophets (Jo 2:1; 4:9; Jon 1:2; 3:2; Jos., Ant. 10, 117; Just., A I, 54, 2) Ἰωνᾶς Νινευί̈ταις καταστροφὴν ἐκήρυξεν 1 Cl 7:7 (Jonah as Jos., Ant. 9, 214; Just., D. 107, 2f; Orig., C. Cels. 7, 57, 3); cp. vs. 6; 9:4 (Noah as SibOr 1, 128); 17:1 (Elijah and Elisha, also Ezekiel); B 6:13 (ὁ προφήτης). προφήτας [ἐξ]έπεμψεν κ. … χριστὸν Ἰησοῦν AcPl Ha 8, 17/Ox 1602, 19–21/BMM recto 21f. Ἰωνᾶς … [ἵνα] εἰς Νεινεύη μὴ κηρύξῃ AcPl Cor 2:29. οἵτινες τὴν ἀπλανῆ θεοσέβειαν ἐκήρυσσον who proclaimed the inerrant way of revering God 2:10.
    β. of contemporary proclaimers (POxy 1381, 35; 144 [II A.D.]: of the great deeds of the gods; Herm. Wr. 1, 27; 4, 4.—Philo, Agr. 112 κήρυξον κήρυγμα τοιοῦτον. S. κῆρυξ 2.—Also of false prophets: Jos., Bell. 6, 285), of Mosaic tradition and its publication, the preaching of John the Baptist, and propagation of the Christian message in the widest sense: Μωϋσῆν preach (= advance the cause of) Moses i.e. the keeping of the law Ac 15:21. περιτομήν proclaim circumcision i.e. the necessity of it Gal 5:11 (here and 2a the mng. praise publicly is also prob.: X., Cyr. 8, 4, 4; Polyb. 30, 29, 6). κ. μὴ κλέπτειν inveigh against stealing (=preach: No stealing!) Ro 2:21.—κ. τι proclaim, someth. (ἕνα θεὸν παντοκράτορα καὶ ἕνα μονογενῆ Χριστὸν Ἰησοῦν κ. Iren. 1, 9, 2 [Harv. I 82, 5]; τὸν ἄγνωστον πατέρα 1, 26, 1 [Harv. I 211, 11]; Hippol., Ref. 1, Prol. 7; Did., Gen. 183, 6; 209, 13) Mt 10:27; pass. Lk 12:3. ἐνιαυτὸν κυρίου δεκτόν 4:19 (cp. Is 61:1f). τὸν λόγον 2 Ti 4:2. τὸ ῥῆμα τῆς πίστεως the message of faith Ro 10:8. τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ θεοῦ Lk 8:1; 9:2; cp. Ac 20:25; 28:31. τὸ εὐαγγέλιον Mk 16:15; Ac 1:2 D; Gal 2:2; B 5:9; GMary Ox 3525, 28; 32. τὸ εὐ. τ. βασιλείας Mt 4:23; 9:35 (cp. τὸν περὶ τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ τῆς βασιλείας αὐτοῦ λόγον Orig., C. Cels. 3, 40, 20); τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ Hs 9, 16, 5. W. dat. of pers. (Hippol., Ref. 5, 26, 30) 1 Cor 9:27 (on the topic of dreaded failure s. APapathomas, NTS 43, ’97, 240); 1 Pt 3:19 (CCranfield, ET 69, ’57/58, 369–72; see lit. s.v. πνεῦμα 4c); GPt 10:41. εἰς τὰς συναγωγάς in the synagogues Mk 1:39; Lk 4:44. τινί τι someth. to someone (of Jesus κ. μετάνοιαν ὅλῳ τῷ κόσμῳ Orig., C. Cels. 7, 57, 4; τὸ κηρῦξαι αὐτοῖς τὸ εὐαγγέλιον Did., Gen. 53, 13) 4:18; B 14:9 (both Is 61:1). τὶ εἴς τινα someth. to someone τὸ εὐαγγέλιον εἰς ὑμᾶς 1 Th 2:9. εἰς ὅλον τὸν κόσμον Hs 9, 25, 2. Pass. εἰς τὰ ἔθνη Mk 13:10 (DBosch, Die Heidenmission in der Zukunftsschau Jesu ’59, 159–71); κ. τὸ εὐ. Mt 24:14; 26:13; Mk 14:9; Col 1:23.—βάπτισμα proclaim baptism i.e. the necessity of it Mk 1:4; Lk 3:3; Ac 10:37. ἐκηρύχθη ἡ σφραγὶς αὕτη H 9, 16, 4. κηρυχθῆναι … μετάνοιαν εἰς ἄφεσιν ἁμαρτιῶν repentance for the forgiveness of sins Lk 24:47. ἵνα μετανοῶσιν Mk 6:12. [ἀνδρῶν τῶν] κηρυσσόντων, ἵνα μετανοῆται (read:-ῆτε) AcPl Ha 1, 17.—τινά (τινι) someone (to someone) Χριστόν Ac 8:5; cp. 1 Cor 1:23; Phil 1:15. Ἰησοῦν Ac 19:13; 2 Cor 11:4. οὐχ ἑαυτοὺς κηρύσσομεν ἀλλὰ Χριστὸν Ἰησοῦν κύριον we do not publicize ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord 4:5. Pass. ὸ̔ς (Χριστός) … ἐκηρύχθη 1 Ti 3:16; cp. Hs 8, 3, 2; 9, 17, 1; Dg 11:3. διά τινος through someone (cp. Epict. 3, 13, 12) Χρ. Ἰ. ὁ ἐν ὑμῖν διʼ ἡμῶν κηρυχθείς 2 Cor 1:19. W. an addition that indicates the content of the proclamation, introduced by ὅτι (cp. Epict. 4, 5, 24): κ. w. acc. and ὅτι foll. Mk 1:14 v.l.; Ac 9:20; pass. Χρ. κηρύσσεται ὅτι ἐκ νεκρῶν ἐγήγερται Christ is proclaimed as having risen fr. the dead 1 Cor 15:12. κ. τινί, ὅτι Ac 10:42; οὕτως κ. 1 Cor 15:11. The content of the proclamation is introduced by λέγων Mt 3:1f; 10:7; Mk 1:7; cp. vs. 14; IPhld 7:2. Beside λέγειν w. direct discourse (Epict. 4, 6, 23) Mt 4:17. Abs. Mt 11:1; Mk 1:38; 3:14; 16:20; Ro 10:15; 1 Cl 42:4; B 5:8 (Jesus’ proclamation defined as teaching and the performance of wonders and signs); 8:3. κηρύσσων a proclaimer Ro 10:14.—S. lit. under κήρυγμα; also MGrumm, translating kērussō and Related Verbs: BT 21, ’70, 176–79.—B. 1478. DELG s.v. κῆρυξ. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > κηρύσσω

  • 128 οἶνος

    οἶνος, ου, ὁ (Hom.+)
    a beverage made from fermented juice of the grape, wine; the word for ‘must’, or unfermented grape juice, is τρύξ (Anacr. et al.; pap); lit. J 2:3, 9f (on abundance of wine in the anticipated future s. Jo 2:19, 24; Am 8:13–15; En 10:19. HWindisch, Die joh. Weinregel: ZNW 14, 1913, 248–57. Further material on the marriage at Cana Hdb.3 ’33, exc. after 2:12. S. also HNoetzel, Christus u. Dionysos ’60); 4:46. οἶνος (v.l. ὄξο) μετὰ χολῆς μεμιγμένος wine mixed with gall Mt 27:34 (s. χολή 1). ὄξος καὶ οἶν. μεμιγμένα ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό vinegar and wine mixed together Hm 10, 3, 3. ἐσμυρνισμένος οἶν. wine mixed with myrrh Mk 15:23. W. ἔλαιον D 13:6; used medicinally (Theophr., HP 9, 12; Diosc., Mat. Med. 5, 9) Lk 10:34; stored in a cellar Hm 11:15. W. other natural products Rv 18:13. John the Baptist abstains fr. wine and other alcoholic drink (cp. Num 6:3; Judg 13:14; 1 Km 1:11) Lk 1:15; to denote the extraordinary degree of his abstinence it is said of him μὴ ἐσθίων ἄρτον μήτε πίνων οἶνον 7:33 (Diod S 1, 72, 2 the Egyptians in mourning for their kings abstain from wheat bread [πυρός] and from wine). Abstinence fr. wine and meat for the sake of ‘weak’ Christians Ro 14:21 (Ltzm., Hdb. exc. before Ro 14. Lit. on ἀσθενής 2c and λάχανον). ἡ ἡδονὴ τοῦ οἴνου the flavor of the wine Hm 12, 5, 3. οἶν. νέος new wine (s. νέος 1a) Mt 9:17 (WNagel, VigChr 14, ’60, 1–8: [GTh]); Mk 2:22; Lk 5:37f.—μεθύσκεσθαι οἴνῳ get drunk with wine Eph 5:18 (on bad effects of wine on the mind as viewed by early Gk. poets, s. SDarcusSullivan, L’AntCl 65, ’96, 31–51, esp. 47–49). οἶνος πολύς (Ps.-Anacharsis, Ep. 3 p. 103 H.): οἴνῳ πολλῷ προσέχειν be addicted to much wine 1 Ti 3:8. οἴνῳ πολλῷ δεδουλωμένη enslaved to drink Tit 2:3 (cp. the stereotyped ‘anus’ in Lat. lit. VRosivach, Classical World 88, ’94, 113f). οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῆσθαι take a little wine 1 Ti 5:23 (perh. w. implication of contrast to a ὑδροπότης: s. ὑδροποτέω; the moderate use of wine is recommended fr. the time of Theognis [509f]; Plut., Mor. 353b of οἶνος: χρῶνται μέν, ὀλίγῳ δέ; Ps.-Plut., Hom. 206; Crates, Ep. 10).—KKircher, D. sakrale Bed. des Weines im Altertum 1910; VZapletal, D. Wein in d. Bibel 1920; JDöller, Der Wein in Bibel u. Talmud: Biblica 4, 1923, 143–67, 267–99; JBoehmer, D. NT u. d. Alkohol: Studierstube 22, 1926, 322–64; EZurhellen-Pfleiderer, D. Alkoholfrage im NT 1927; IRaymond, The Teaching of the Early Church on the Use of Wine, etc. 1927. S. also ἄμπελος a and ἄρτος 1c.
    punishments that God inflicts on the wicked, wine fig. ext. of 1, in apocalyptic symbolism, to ‘drink’ as wine: ὁ οἶνος τοῦ θυμοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ the wine of God’s wrath Rv 14:10. Also ὁ οἶν. τοῦ θυμοῦ τῆς ὀργῆς τοῦ θεοῦ 19:15; cp. 16:19. Of Babylon the prostitute ὁ οἶνος τοῦ θυμοῦ τῆς πορνείας αὐτῆς 14:8; 18:3. Cp. θυμός on all these passages. οἶν. τῆς πορνείας 17:2.
    the plant that makes the production of wine possible, vine or vineyard, eventually the product wine, effect for cause: Rv 6:6; s. ἔλαιον 2. The preservation of olive orchards and vineyards is a striking exhibition of divine mercy, given the social context in which consumption of wine and olives and use of olive oil played a significant role.—RHalberstsma, Wine in Classical Antiquity: Minerva 7/1 Jan/Feb ’96, 14–18; NPurcell, Wine and Wealth in Ancient Italy: JRS 75, ’85, 1–19.—B. 390. DELG. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > οἶνος

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