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  • 41 viktorianisch

    Adj. HIST. Victorian; Viktorianisches Zeitalter Victorian Age
    * * *
    * * *
    vik|to|ri|a|nisch [vIkto'riaːnɪʃ]
    * * *
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) Victorian
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) Victorian
    * * *
    Adjektiv Victorian
    * * *
    viktorianisch adj HIST Victorian;
    * * *
    Adjektiv Victorian

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > viktorianisch

  • 42 Victorian

    vik'to:riən 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) viktoriansk, fra viktoriatida
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) prippen, viktoriansk
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) viktorianer
    subst. \/vɪkˈtɔːrɪən\/
    adj. \/vɪkˈtɔːrɪən\/
    1) viktoriansk (fra eller karakteristisk for dronning Viktorias tid 1837-1901)
    2) ( nedsettende) skinnhellig, hyklersk, dobbeltmoralsk, bigott

    English-Norwegian dictionary > Victorian

  • 43 lax

    (careless or not strict in discipline or morals: Pupils have been rather lax about some of the school rules recently.) kærulaus; léttúðugur
    - laxness

    English-Icelandic dictionary > lax

  • 44 Victorian

    [vik'to:riən] 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) viktoríanskur
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) viktoríanskur, teprulegur, strangur og íhaldssamur
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) samtímamaður Viktoríu drottningar

    English-Icelandic dictionary > Victorian

  • 45 lax

    feslett, fegyelmezetlen, laza, laza erkölcsű
    * * *
    (careless or not strict in discipline or morals: Pupils have been rather lax about some of the school rules recently.) laza
    - laxness

    English-Hungarian dictionary > lax

  • 46 Victorian

    [vik'to:riən] 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) Viktória korabeli
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) viktoriánus
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) viktoriánus

    English-Hungarian dictionary > Victorian

  • 47 Victorian

    [vik'to:riən] 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) vitoriano
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) vitoriano
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) vitoriano
    * * *
    [vikt'ɔ:riən] n vitoriano. • adj vitoriano, relativo a Rainha Vitória da Inglaterra ou à sua época (l8l9-l90l).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Victorian

  • 48 lax

    (careless or not strict in discipline or morals: Pupils have been rather lax about some of the school rules recently.) relaxado
    - laxness
    * * *
    [læks] adj 1 lasso, frouxo, flácido, solto. 2 negligente, relaxado, indulgente. 3 ambíguo, vago. 4 poroso. 5 diarréico.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lax

  • 49 lax

    adj. yumuşak, gevşek, dikkatsiz, umursamaz, belirsiz
    * * *
    1. gevşek 2. umursamaz
    * * *
    (careless or not strict in discipline or morals: Pupils have been rather lax about some of the school rules recently.) kayıtsız, umursamaz
    - laxness

    English-Turkish dictionary > lax

  • 50 Victorian

    adj. Viktoria dönemine ait
    n. Viktoria döneminde yaşamış kimse
    * * *
    * * *
    [vik'to:riən] 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) Kraliçe Viktorya devrine ait
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) tutucu, muhafazakâr
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) Viktorya devrinde yaşamış kimse

    English-Turkish dictionary > Victorian

  • 51 Victorian

    [vik'to:riən] 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) viktorijanski
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) strogo konvencionalen
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) viktorijanec
    * * *
    viktorijanski, ki se tiče dobe vladanja angleške kraljice Viktorije (1837-1901); figuratively pretirano, ozkosrčno moralen; malomeščanski, strogo konvencionalen; pretirano sramežljiv;
    viktorijanec, sodobnik kraljice Viktorije, zlasti pesnik, pisatelj; stilno pohištvo iz dobe kraljice Viktorije
    Victorian Age, Victorian Era, Victorian Periodviktorijanska doba

    English-Slovenian dictionary > Victorian

  • 52 lax

    • höllä
    • hölläkätinen
    • vetelä
    • leväperäinen
    • löyhä
    * * *
    (careless or not strict in discipline or morals: Pupils have been rather lax about some of the school rules recently.) leväperäinen
    - laxness

    English-Finnish dictionary > lax

  • 53 Victorian

    • viktoriaaninen
    * * *
    vik'to:riən 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) viktoriaaninen
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) ahdasmielinen
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) kuningatar Viktorian aikalainen

    English-Finnish dictionary > Victorian

  • 54 Victorian

    [vɪk'tɔːrɪən] 1.
    aggettivo [building, furniture, period] vittoriano; [ poverty] dell'età vittoriana
    nome = persona vissuta in epoca vittoriana
    * * *
    [vik'to:riən] 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) vittoriano
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) vittoriano
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) vittoriano
    * * *
    Victorian (1) /vɪkˈtɔ:rɪən/
    A a.
    1 (stor., arte, letter., ecc.) vittoriano: Victorian furniture, mobili vittoriani; the Victorian age, l'età vittoriana ( della Regina Vittoria)
    2 (spreg.) vittoriano; moralista: Victorian hypocrisy, ipocrisia vittoriana; Victorian attitudes, atteggiamenti moralistici
    B n.
    (stor., letter.) vittoriano: great Victorians, grandi vittoriani
    n. [u]
    (stor., letter., ecc.) «vittorianesimo»; carattere (o gusto, ecc.) vittoriano.
    Victorian (2) /vɪkˈtɔ:rɪən/
    a. e n.
    (abitante, nativo) dello Stato di Victoria (in Austral.).
    * * *
    [vɪk'tɔːrɪən] 1.
    aggettivo [building, furniture, period] vittoriano; [ poverty] dell'età vittoriana
    nome = persona vissuta in epoca vittoriana

    English-Italian dictionary > Victorian

  • 55 Victorian

    1. adjective 2. noun
    Viktorianer, der/Viktorianerin, die
    * * *
    [vik'to:riən] 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) viktorianisch
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) viktorianisch
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) der/die Viktorianer(in)
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (era) viktorianisch
    the \Victorian stage das viktorianische Theater
    2. ( fig pej: prudish) prüde
    3. AUS (of or from Victoria) aus Viktoria nach n
    II. n Viktorianer(in) m(f); ( fig pej) prüder Mensch
    * * *
    1. n
    Viktorianer( in) m(f)
    2. adj
    viktorianisch; (fig) (sitten)streng
    * * *
    Victorian [vıkˈtɔːrıən; US auch -ˈtəʊ-]
    A adj
    1. Viktorianisch:
    Victorian Age ( oder Era, Period) Viktorianisches Zeitalter
    2. viktorianisch:
    b) streng konventionell, prüde
    B s Viktorianer(in)
    * * *
    1. adjective 2. noun
    Viktorianer, der/Viktorianerin, die

    English-german dictionary > Victorian

  • 56 lax

    behaviour zbyt swobodny, niedbały; discipline, security rozluźniony
    * * *
    (careless or not strict in discipline or morals: Pupils have been rather lax about some of the school rules recently.) rozluźniony, niezdyscyplinowany
    - laxness

    English-Polish dictionary > lax

  • 57 Victorian

    * * *
    [vik'to:riən] 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) wiktoriański
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) wiktoriański
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) człowiek z epoki wiktoriańskiej

    English-Polish dictionary > Victorian

  • 58 lax

    (careless or not strict in discipline or morals: Pupils have been rather lax about some of the school rules recently.) paviršs; nevīžīgs; vaļīgs; izlaidīgs
    - laxness
    * * *
    neuzmanīgs, paviršs; slinks, nevīžīgs; atslābināts, atbrīvots

    English-Latvian dictionary > lax

  • 59 Victorian

    [vik'to:riən] 1. adjective
    1) (of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901): Victorian writers; Victorian households/furniture.) viktoriāņu/Viktorijas laika-
    2) ((of an attitude towards morals etc) strict and conservative: a Victorian attitude to life.) konservatīvs; vecmodīgs
    2. noun
    (a person living in Queen Victoria's reign: The Victorians were great engineers and industrialists.) Viktorijas laika cilvēks
    * * *
    viktoriāņu laika cilvēks; viktoriāņu, Viktorijas laika; vecmodīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > Victorian

  • 60 lax

    (careless or not strict in discipline or morals: Pupils have been rather lax about some of the school rules recently.) aplaidus, nerūpestingas, nepakankamai griežtas
    - laxness

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > lax

См. также в других словарях:

  • strict morals — high standard of ethics, morality, purity of ethics, acting according to morals and laws …   English contemporary dictionary

  • morals — n. 1) to protect, safeguard (public) morals 2) to corrupt smb. s morals 3) lax, loose; strict morals 4) public morals * * * loose safeguard (public) morals strict morals lax public morals to corrupt smb. s morals …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Ichabod Crane — is a fictional character in Washington Irving s short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow , first published in 1820. According to a notation by Irving, the character of Ichabod Crane was based on a schoolteacher named Jesse Merwin, whom Irving… …   Wikipedia

  • Co-Freemasonry — The Square and Compasses. The symbols employed in Co Freemasonry are mostly identical with those in other orders of Freemasonry. Part of a series of articles on Freemasonry …   Wikipedia

  • straightlaced — {adj.} Of very strict morals and manners. * /She is so straightlaced that she won t even go out with a man unless she senses that he is serious about her./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • straightlaced — {adj.} Of very strict morals and manners. * /She is so straightlaced that she won t even go out with a man unless she senses that he is serious about her./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Anne Isabella Byron, Baroness Byron — Anne Isabella Noel Byron, 11th Baroness Wentworth (17 May 1792 ndash;16 May 1860), was the wife of George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, the poet; and mother of Ada, Countess Lovelace, the patron and co worker of Charles Babbage. NameHer names… …   Wikipedia

  • Storylines of Neighbours — Since it started in 1985, there have been many storylines shown during the Australian soap opera Neighbours. Contents 1 1985–89 2 1990–99 3 2000–05 4 2006– …   Wikipedia

  • Livy — /liv ee/, n. (Titus Livius) 59 B.C. A.D. 17, Roman historian. * * * orig. Titus Livius born 59/64 BC, Patavium, Venetia died AD 17, Patavium Roman historian. Little is known of his life, most of which must have been spent in Rome. His lifework… …   Universalium

  • straightlaced — adj Of very strict morals and manners. She is so straightlaced that she won t even go out with a man unless she senses that he is serious about her …   Словарь американских идиом

  • education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… …   Universalium

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