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  • 1 загадка

    riddle, puzzle
    (също и прен.) enigma, mystery
    говоря със загадки talk/speak in riddles
    * * *
    ж., -и riddle, puzzle; crux; ( също и прен.) enigma, mystery; говоря със \загадкаи talk/speak in riddles; \загадкаите на природата the mysteries of nature.
    * * *
    enigma: He is an загадка. - Този човек е една загадка.; puzzle; riddle
    * * *
    1. (също и прен.) enigma, mystery 2. riddle, puzzle 3. говоря със загадки talk/speak in riddles 4. загадките на природата the mysteries of nature 5. този човек е една ЗАГАДКА he is an enigma

    Български-английски речник > загадка

  • 2 говорит загадками

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > говорит загадками

  • 3 загадка загадк·а

    riddle; enigma перен., mystery

    говорить загадками — to talk / to speak in riddles

    Russian-english dctionary of diplomacy > загадка загадк·а

  • 4 Rätsel

    n; -s, -; riddle, puzzle (auch fig.); (Geheimnis) mystery; (Wortspiel) conundrum; (Silbenrätsel) charade; geh. enigma; ein Rätsel lösen solve a riddle ( oder mystery); die Rätsel ( in der Zeitung) lösen solve the puzzles (in the paper); jemandem Rätsel aufgeben ask s.o. riddles; fig. puzzle s.o., stärker: baffle s.o.; in Rätseln sprechen fig. speak in riddles; er ist mir ein Rätsel fig. I can’t make him out; es ist mir ein Rätsel fig. it’s a (complete) mystery to me, it beats me umg.; vor einem Rätsel stehen fig. be baffled ( oder puzzled); das ist des Rätsels Lösung! fig. that’s the answer
    * * *
    das Rätsel
    puzzle; riddle; mystery; enigma
    * * *
    Rät|sel ['rɛːtsl]
    nt -s, -
    1) riddle; (= Kreuzworträtsel) crossword (puzzle); (= Silbenrätsel, Bilderrätsel etc) puzzle

    in Rä́tseln sprechen — to talk in riddles

    jdm ein Rä́tsel aufgeben — to give or ask sb a riddle

    2) (fig = Geheimnis) riddle, mystery, enigma (um of)

    die Polizei konnte das Rä́tsel lösen — the police have solved the riddle or mystery

    vor einem Rä́tsel stehen — to be faced with a riddle or mystery, to be baffled

    das plötzliche Verschwinden des Zeugen gab der Polizei Rä́tsel auf — the sudden disappearance of the witness baffled the police

    es ist mir ein Rä́tsel, wie... — it's a mystery to me how..., it baffles or beats (inf) me how...

    er ist mir ein Rä́tsel — he's a mystery or an enigma to me

    (jdm) ein Rä́tsel bleiben — to remain a mystery (to sb)

    das ist des Rä́tsels Lösung! — that's the answer

    * * *
    1) (anything difficult to understand; a mystery.) enigma
    2) (something that cannot be, or has not been, explained: the mystery of how the universe was formed; the mystery of his disappearance; How she passed her exam is a mystery to me.) mystery
    3) (a problem that causes a lot of thought: Her behaviour was a puzzle to him.) puzzle
    4) (a puzzle usually in the form of a question, which describes an object, person etc in a mysterious or misleading way: Can you guess the answer to this riddle?; The answer to the riddle `What flies for ever, and never rests?' is `The wind'.) riddle
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    1. (Geheimnis) mystery
    das \Rätsel hat sich endlich aufgeklärt we finally solved that mystery
    jdm ein \Rätsel sein/bleiben to be/remain a mystery to sb
    es ist [jdm] ein \Rätsel warum/wie... it is a mystery [to sb] why/how...
    2. (Denkaufgabe) riddle, puzzle
    des \Rätsels Lösung the solution to the puzzle, the answer to the riddle
    jdm ein \Rätsel aufgeben to pose a riddle for sb; Frage to puzzle [or baffle] sb, to be a mystery to sb
    in \Rätseln sprechen to talk [or speak] in riddles
    vor einem \Rätsel stehen to be baffled
    3. (Kreuzworträtsel) crossword [puzzle]
    * * *
    das; Rätsels, Rätsel
    1) riddle; (BilderRätsel, KreuzwortRätsel usw.) puzzle
    2) (Geheimnis) mystery; enigma
    * * *
    Rätsel n; -s, -; riddle, puzzle (auch fig); (Geheimnis) mystery; (Wortspiel) conundrum; (Silbenrätsel) charade; geh enigma;
    ein Rätsel lösen solve a riddle ( oder mystery);
    die Rätsel (in der Zeitung) lösen solve the puzzles (in the paper);
    jemandem Rätsel aufgeben ask sb riddles; fig puzzle sb, stärker: baffle sb;
    in Rätseln sprechen fig speak in riddles;
    er ist mir ein Rätsel fig I can’t make him out;
    es ist mir ein Rätsel fig it’s a (complete) mystery to me, it beats me umg;
    vor einem Rätsel stehen fig be baffled ( oder puzzled);
    das ist des Rätsels Lösung! fig that’s the answer
    * * *
    das; Rätsels, Rätsel
    1) riddle; (BilderRätsel, KreuzwortRätsel usw.) puzzle
    2) (Geheimnis) mystery; enigma
    * * *
    - n.
    enigma n.
    mystery n.
    puzzle n.
    riddle n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Rätsel

  • 5 énigme

    énigme [enigm]
    feminine noun
    ( = mystère) enigma ; ( = jeu) riddle
    * * *
    1) ( mystère) enigma, mystery
    2) ( devinette) riddle
    * * *
    eniɡm nf
    * * *
    énigme nf
    1 ( mystère) enigma, mystery; c'est une énigme it's an enigma ou a mystery; découvrir la clé or le mot de l'énigme fig to discover the key ou the answer to the mystery;
    2 ( devinette) riddle; parler par énigmes to speak in riddles; l'énigme du Sphinx the riddle of the Sphinx.
    [enigm] nom féminin
    1. [mystère] riddle, enigma, puzzle
    2. [devinette] riddle

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > énigme

  • 6 enigma

    m (pl -i) enigma
    * * *
    enigma s.m.
    1 enigma; ( indovinello) riddle, conundrum, puzzle: parlare per enigmi, to speak in riddles; sciogliere un enigma, to solve a riddle
    2 (fig.) enigma, puzzle, mystery: la sua scomparsa resta un enigma, his disappearance remains a mystery // quella ragazza è un enigma, that girl is an enigma.
    * * *
    sostantivo maschile
    1) (mistero) enigma*, puzzle, mystery
    2) (indovinello) riddle, enigma*
    * * *
    sostantivo m.
     1 (mistero) enigma*, puzzle, mystery
     2 (indovinello) riddle, enigma*; parlare per -i to speak in riddles.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > enigma

  • 7 devinette

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > devinette

  • 8 GETA

    * * *
    (get; gat, gátum; getinn), v.
    I. with acc.
    1) to get;
    geta orðstír, to get fame;
    geta sér e-t, to get for oneself (góðs um œðis ef sér geta mætti);
    geta gott af e-m, to get good of one;
    with dat. of the person, geta váluðum vel, to be kind to the poor;
    geta e-m illa, to do harm to one;
    impers., getr e-t, there is (got);
    eigi getr slíkan (there is none such) í konungs herbergjum;
    2) with pp. of another verb, geta veiddan fisk, to be able to catch fish;
    ek get eigi fylgt yðr, I cannot follow you;
    3) almost like an auxil. verb with infin.;
    ek Gunnari gat at unna, I loved G.;
    geta at lita, sjá (to get) to see;
    without ‘at’, er slíkt getr fœða jóð, that shall rear such a child;
    4) to learn (lengi man þat er ungr getr);
    5) to beget, engender (fótr gat son við fœti);
    6) refl., getast at e-u, to like;
    því at mér gezt vel at þér, because I like thee well;
    láta sér getit at e-u, to be pleased with;
    eigi læt ek mér at einu getit, I am not pleased to have always the same, I want some change;
    II. with gen.
    geta gatu, to guess a riddle;
    geta rétt, to guess right;
    geta e-s til, to guess, suppose;
    geta í hug e-m, to guess one’s thoughts;
    2) to speak of, mention, in speech or writing (þess er getit, sem gört er);
    geta um e-t, to speak about (hann gat ekki um þetta fyrir sínum mönnum);
    þess er við getit, at, it is told that.
    f. guess, conjecture (er þat geta mín, at);
    spá er spaks geta, a wiseman’s guess is a prophecy;
    ætla ek eigi þat til getu, at hann sé þar, it is not likely that he is there;
    leiða getum um e-t, to make a guess at.
    * * *
    pret. gat, 2nd pers. gazt, pl. gátu; pres. get; pret. subj. gætí; sup. getið, but getað in the mod. sense of could; part. getinn; reflex. pres. and pret. getsk or gezk, gatsk or gazk, mod. gezst and gazst; with the neg. suff. gátu-ð, Korm. 224, Sighvat; gat-at, Lex. Poët.
    A. [Ulf. begitan = ευρίσκειν; A. S. getan; Engl. get; O. H. G. gezan]:—to get; this use of the word, which is so common in Engl., is dying out in Icel.; it is found in the old poems, esp. in the old Hm.; it is used in law phrases, but is rare in common prose, even in the oldest Sagas; geta þögn, to get silence, a hearing, Höfuðl. 3, Hm. 8; geta orðstír, to get fame; en orðstír deyr aldrigi hveim sér góðan getr, 75; orðstír of gat, Eirekr at þat, Höfuðl.; ey getr kvikr kú, Hm. 69; sjaldan liggjandi úlfr lær um getr, né sofandi maðr sigr, 57; ef hann sylg um getr, 17; né þat máttu … geta hvergi, they could nowhere get it, Hým. 4; gambantein at geta, gambantein ek gat, Skm. 34; hvar gaztú vára aura, Vkv. 12; geta gjaforð, to marry, Alm. 6: geta sér, to get for oneself; hættr er heimis-kviðr nema sér góðan geti, Sdm. 25; sá er sæll er sér um getr lof ok líknstafi, Hm. 8; er sér getr slíkan sefa, Hkm. 19; góðs um æðis, ef sér geta mætti, if he could get it, Hm. 4; geta gjöld, laun e-s, 64, 124, Gm. 3; geta gott af e-m, to get good of one, Hm. 43, 44:—in law, nema hann getí þann kvið, at …, unless he can get that verdict, that …, Grág. i. 17; goðinn seksk ef hann getr engi (acc.) til at nefna féránsdóm, 95; ella skal hverr þeirra geta mann fyrir sik, 26:—in common prose, biðja konu þeirrar er honum væri sómi í, ef hann gæti, Fms. xi. 47; veit ek eigi hvar sú kona sitr er mér sé mikit happ í at geta, Ld. 88: to get, earn, svá at hann megi sér mat geta af sínu fé eðr verkum, Grág. i. 293:—to get, learn, fátt gat ek þegjandi þar, Hm. 104; lengi man þat er ungr getr, an old saying, Ísl. ii. 248; þá skal hann eiga stefnu við fimm lögmenn, þá er hann má helzt geta af (five lawyers of whom he can best learn, i. e. five of the wisest men of law) áðr hann segi hvern þátt upp, Grág. i. 3.
    2. with dat. of the person added, mostly in reference to feeding or entertaining; get þér vel at borði þínu, keep a good table, Sks. 20; get þú váluðum vel, entertain well the poor, Hm. 136; nú er honum vel getið ( he has good cheer) af gnógum mat ok góðum drykk, Str. 7; geta e-m sumbl, to give a feast to one, Ls. 8; geta e-m fótlaug, to get him a foot-bath, Hkv. 2. 37; geta e-m drápu, to entertain one with a poem, Sighvat: the phrase, geta sér (e-m) vel, ílla, to do, cause good or evil to one; ofrmælgi hygg ek at ílla geti hveim er …, a loose tongue will bring evil to any one that …, Vþm. 10; en ef hann forðask minn fund þá mun hann sér ílla geta í því, if he shuns me he will do worse to himself, Orkn. 252 (in a verse).
    II. joined to an infinitive, a participle, or a supine, to get to do (fá, q. v., is used in a similar sense),—hence to be able:
    1. almost like an auxil. verb,
    α. with infin. but without ‘at;’ ek gat’k unna Gunnari, I got to love G., Óg. 21; en sá gat taka við syndum, Sl. 6; ek gat líta, I got to see, beheld, Korm. 14 (in a verse); ek gat blóta, Hallfred (Fs. 94); getum hræra, we do rear, Edda; geta sjá, to get to see, Hkr. i. 205 (in a verse); hann gat teygja at sér, he did draw to himself, Edda 65 (in a verse); geta fæða, to give birth to, Am. 103; ef hann eignask getr, Hm. 78; hveim er eiga getr, Hkv. Hjörv. 9:—with ‘at,’ esp. in the phrase, geta at sjá, líta; þá geta þeir Hákon jarl at líta, earl H. got to see, behold, Fms. xi. 131; þá gátu menn at sjá land fyrir stafu fram, 656 C. 22; Sölvi gat at líta hvar þeir flýðu, Nj. 247; Enok gat at eiga þann son, Stj. 45; gat at heita, Rm. 42.
    β. with part. acc., with a notion of being able, Lat. posse; Gyðingar gátu enga sök sannaða, the Jews could not prove any of their charges, 656 C. 19; því mér lízt svá, sem vér munim þá aldri sótta geta, Nj. 197; ef vér getum Harald Gráfeld af lífi tekinn, Fms. xi. 21; ok geta rétta fylking sína, 131; mikinn fisk ok fagran ok gátu eigi veiddan, iv. 89.
    γ. so also with sup.; gátu þeir ekki at gört, Nj. 115; ok hætta á hvárt ek geta keypt (kaup, v. l.) fyrir yðr. if I can get a bargain for you, 157; Björn gat séð ( beheld) manna-reiðina, 260; ef ek gæta vel fyrir mér séð, 22; sem mest gat hann flutt eptir sér, Ó. H. 85; eigi at heldr gat hann veitt þann íkorna, id.; ef ek get eigi fylgt yðr, Fms. vi. 211.
    2. absol. in old writers geta seems never to occur in the sense of to be able, but only periphrastically as above; but in mod. usage geta has almost displaced the old verb kunna in this sense, e. g. eg get það ekki, I cannot; getr-ðú komið, canst thou come? ef hann hefði getað, if he could have; ekki þurfti, eg gat, I could, and endless other instances.
    III. impers. there is got, there is, cp. Germ. es giebt; eigi getr slíkan ( there is none such) í konungs herbergjum, Fms. vii. 148; þar getr stein (acc.) er asbestos heitir, there is got the stone asbestos, xi. 415; eigi getr vitrara mann, no wiser man is to be got; slíka menn getr varla til vitrleiks, Lv. 54; þar getr reykelsi, Hb, 8.
    IV. reflex., in the phrase, e-m getsk at e-u, one is pleased at a thing, one likes it; því at mér gezk vel at þér, because I like thee well, Fms. i. 66; ok mun mér ekki at getask, nema hann sé sæmilega af höndum leystr, and I shall not be pleased, unless …, Ld. 298; at þú fengir mér konu þá er mér gætisk at, Fms. i. 289; honum gatsk ílla at þessu, Ld. 104; eru þeir nokkurir hér at þér getisk eigi at, Fms. vii. 104; konungr sagði at honum gatsk eigi at þeirri sætt svá búit, ix. 486; haf þökk fyrir, ok getsk mér nú vel at, vi. 372; segir, at henni getsk eigi at þessi ætlan, Finnb. 312; Þorgrímr bað hann til hætta hve honum gætisk at, 336; svá hefir þeim at getisk vápnum Franceisa, so they have tasted thus far the weapons of the French, Karl. 184: with sup., láta sér getið at e-u, to take interest in, be pleased with; eigi læt ek mér at einu getið, ‘tis not my taste to have always the same, I want some change, something new, Grett. 149 new Ed.; lát þér at góðu getið, rejoice in the good, Hm. 129.
    B. To get, beget, engender, used alike of both parents, severally or jointly; fótr gat son við fæti, Vþm. 33: hve sá börn gat, 32; þá ek mög gat, Ls. 35; við systur þinni gaztu slíkan mög, 36; hann gat son er Guðröðr hét, Fms. i. 11; þat barn er þau geta, Grág. i. 178; ef austmaðr getr barn með konu, ef skógarmaðr getr launbarn með konu, 352; svein þann sem hón hafði getið með Abram, Stj. 114; dróttning gat son við Ívari, Fms. vii. 230; sonu marga Öndurdís við Óðni gat, Ht.; þau gátu sér son er Mörðr hét, Nj. 38; fíllinn getr eigi optarr en um sinn, Stj. 70; þegar sem þeir geta burð saman, 97; hann var getinn ( born) austr, Landn. 148; throughout Matth. i. the Icel. text renders begat by gat, cp. Mar. S. 19, Luke i. 35:—to conceive, þú munt verða getandi í kviði, Stj. 409. Judges xiii. 5; fyrir sinn erfingja getinn ok ógetinn, Grág. ii. 170; þú munt son geta ok fæða, Mar. 18; gefr hann son at geta þann er hon fæðir síðan, Mar.: reflex. to be engendered, þaðan getsk löngunin, 656 B. 7: to be born, Mar. 19.
    WITH GEN., of the same form throughout, though different in construction and sense.
    A. [Engl. guess (from the Scandin.?); Swed. gissa; Dan. gjætte; not in Germ. nor Saxon]:—to guess; geta gátu, to guess a riddle, Fas. i. 465; in the saying, opt verðr villr sá er geta skal, Fb. iii. 384; hvárt getr þú þessa, eðr veiztú með sannindum, Fms. ii. 260; ef þik hefði svá dreymt sem áðr gat ek, xi. 7; ok gat þess til, at þú mundir, Nj. 90; þess munda ek geta, at …, Lv. 104; þá fór sem hann gat, at …, Fms. xi. 22; ek get verit munu hafa Gunnar á Hlíðarenda, Nj. 35; sendimenn sögðu at hann gat rétt, Eg. 541; ef ek skal geta til, þá ætla ek …, Nj. 134; eptir því sem Halldórr gat til, Ld. 324; sem Ólafr konungr gat til, Fms. vii. 104, x. 354; get þú til (guess!) segir Stúfr, rétt getr þú ( thou guessest right) segir Stúfr, vi. 390; gat síns hverr til hvat skipum vera mundi, viii. 213; nú geta menn þess til at Gísli muni druknaðr vera, Gísl. 46, (tilgáta); þá get ek at á sína hönd mér setisk hvárr þeirra, Ld. 324: so in the phrase, geta til launanna í knefa e-m, to guess for the reward into another’s nieve ( closed hand), Sturl. iii. 151; geta í kollinn, to guess, guess right, passim.
    2. to think, mean, almost like the American I guess; ekki get ek at hón sálug sé mjök djarftæk, I guess that she, poor thing, will …, Stj. 422; ek get hann eigi þessa eina hjálp okkr veita, 423, passim: recipr. getask, proncd. getrast.
    B. [Found neither in Engl., Saxon, nor Germ.; lost in mod. Swed. and Dan.]:—to speak of, mention; þess er getið sem gört er, Grett.; gettu eigi vafurleysu þeirrar, Band. 28; öngra manna gat Kári jafnopt sem Njáls, Nj. 211; konungr þagnar hvert sinn er Þórólfs er getið, Eg. 54; þá þarf þess eigi at geta ef sættask skal, Fms. iv. 130; so also, geta um e-t, to speak about; Guanarr reið heim ok gat fyrir öngum manni um, Nj. 82; ok gátu fyrir henni um bónorðit, Fms. xi. 22; ok er ekki getið um ferð þeirra fyrr en þeir kómu til hirðar Rögnvalds jarls, iv. 130.
    2. to tell of (in records etc.); þess getr Glúmr Geirason í Gráfeldar drápu, Fms. i. 25, 30, 38, 50, 55, 65, 91, iv. 62, 63, passim; en í annarri sögu er þess getið, at …, xi. 14; enn getr Einarr hversu Hákon jarl hefndi föður síns, i. 56; sem síðarr mun getið verða, as will be told later (i. e. below), 230; sem fyrr var getið, as is told above, v. 24: impers., e-s getr, it is told, recorded (in books, poems); þess getr í Hrunhendu, at …, opt skal góðs geta, a saying, the good shall be often spoken of, Hm. 102.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GETA

  • 9 gåde

    sg - gáden, pl - gáder
    у́лица ж

    midt på gáden — на середи́не у́лицы

    blind gáde — тупи́к м

    * * *
    * * *
    (en -r) riddle ( fx ask somebody a riddle),
    ( ordgåde også) conundrum;
    (fig: noget ubegribeligt) mystery ( fx it is a mystery to me how he did it),
    ( forvirrende) puzzle ( fx he is a puzzle to me),
    ( især om noget man søger en løsning på) riddle ( fx he is a riddle to me; the riddle of the universe; the riddle of existence);
    (F: dyb gåde) enigma;
    [ gætte (, løse) en gåde] guess (, solve) a riddle;
    ( også) it puzzles me;
    T it beats me;
    [ tale i gåder] speak (el. talk) in riddles.

    Danish-English dictionary > gåde

  • 10 indovinello

    m riddle
    * * *
    indovinello s.m. riddle, puzzle; conundrum: non riesco a risolvere questo indovinello, I can't answer this riddle (o solve this puzzle) // parlare per indovinelli, to speak in riddles.
    * * *
    sostantivo maschile riddle

    fare un indovinello a qcn. — to ask o tell sb. a riddle

    * * *
    sostantivo m.
    riddle; fare un indovinello a qcn. to ask o tell sb. a riddle.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > indovinello

  • 11 zagad|ka

    f 1. (pytanie) riddle
    - zadać komuś zagadkę to ask a. tell sb a riddle
    - rozwiązać zagadkę to solve a riddle
    - mówić samymi zagadkami to speak in riddles
    - zagadka życia i śmierci the riddle of life and death
    - zagadka nieśmiertelności the secret of immortality
    - zagadki natury the secrets of nature
    - to wciąż pozostaje zagadką it still remains a riddle
    - była dla mnie wielką zagadką she was a riddle to me
    - kluczem do rozwiązania zagadki jest… the key to the riddle is…

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > zagad|ka

  • 12 zagadka

    - ki; -ki; dat sg -ce; gen pl -ek; f
    ( zadanie) riddle, puzzle; ( tajemnica) mystery
    * * *
    Gen.pl. -ek
    1. (= zadanie do odgadnięcia) riddle, puzzle; mówić zagadkami speak in riddles, riddle; rozwiązać zagadkę solve a riddle l. puzzle; zadać zagadkę propound a riddle.
    2. (= tajemnica) mystery; ona jest/pozostaje dla mnie zagadką she is/remains a mystery to me.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > zagadka

  • 13 говорящий загадками

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > говорящий загадками

  • 14 Rätsel

    Rät·sel <-s, -> [ʼrɛ:tsl̩] nt
    1) ( Geheimnis) mystery;
    das \Rätsel hat sich endlich aufgeklärt we finally solved that mystery;
    jdm ein \Rätsel sein/ bleiben to be/remain a mystery to sb;
    es ist [jdm] ein \Rätsel warum/wie... it is a mystery [to sb] why/how...
    2) ( Denkaufgabe) riddle, puzzle;
    des \Rätsels Lösung the solution to the puzzle, the answer to the riddle;
    jdm ein \Rätsel aufgeben to pose a riddle for sb; Frage to puzzle [or baffle] sb, to be a mystery to sb;
    in \Rätseln sprechen to talk [or speak] in riddles;
    vor einem \Rätsel stehen to be baffled
    3) ( Kreuzworträtsel) crossword [puzzle]

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > Rätsel

  • 15 fumbo

    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] mystery
    [English Plural] mysteries
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] enigma
    [English Plural] enigmas
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] puzzle
    [English Plural] puzzles
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Example] [maneno hayo] yalitolewa kwa fumbo na mamaake [Moh]
    [English Example] [those words] were offered as a puzzle for his mother
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] riddle
    [English Plural] riddles
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Example] fumbo mfumbe mjinga mwerevu huligangua (methali)
    [English Example] put a riddle to a fool a clever person will solve it (proverb)
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] problem
    [English Plural] problems
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] conundrum
    [English Plural] conundrums
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [English Definition] a difficult or insoluble problem
    [Swahili Word] mwandiko wa fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] miandiko ya fumbo
    [English Word] code
    [English Plural] codes
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Related Words] mwandiko
    [Swahili Word] mwandiko wa fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] miandiko ya fumbo
    [English Word] cipher
    [English Plural] ciphers
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Related Words] mwandiko
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] parable
    [English Plural] parables
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] metaphor
    [English Plural] metaphors
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Example] sema kwa mafumbo
    [English Example] speak in metaphors
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] allusion
    [English Plural] allusions
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] veiled language
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Example] sema kwa mafumbo
    [English Example] use veiled language
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] hidden meaning
    [English Plural] hidden meanings
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Example] ua waridi lenye fumbo [Rosa Mistika] [Kez]
    [English Example] a rose flower with hidden meaning
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] obscure meaning
    [English Plural] obscure meanings
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Word] jina la fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] majina ya fumbo
    [English Word] pseudonym
    [English Plural] pseudonyms
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] jina
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] hint
    [English Plural] hints
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -fumba
    [Swahili Word] fumbo
    [Swahili Plural] mafumbo
    [English Word] title of a leader
    [English Plural] leadership titles
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] fumo

    Swahili-english dictionary > fumbo

  • 16 BERA

    * * *
    (ber; bar, bárum; borinn), v.
    1) to bear, carry, convey (bar B. biskup í börum suðr í Hvamm);
    bera (farm) af skipi, to unload a ship;
    bera (mat) af borði, to take (the meat) off the table;
    bera e-t á hesti, to carry on horseback;
    2) to wear (bera klæði, vápn, kórónu);
    bera œgishjálm, to inspire fear and awe;
    3) to bear, produce, yield (jörðin berr gras; tré bera aldin, epli);
    4) to bear, give birth to, esp. of sheep and cows;
    kýr hafði borit kálf, had calved;
    absol., ván at hón mundi bera, that the cow would calve;
    the pp. is used of men; hann hafði verit blindr borinn, born blind;
    verða borinn í þenna heim, to be born into this world;
    þann sóma, sem ek em til borinn, born to;
    borinn e-m, frá e-m (rare), born of;
    Nótt var Nörvi borin, was the daughter of N.;
    borinn Sigmundi, son of S.;
    5) bera e-n afli, ofrafli, ofrliði, ofrmagni, ofríki, to bear one down, overcome, oppress, one by odds or superior force;
    bera e-n ráðum, to overrule one;
    bera e-n bjóri, to make drunk with beer;
    verða bráðum borinn, to be taken by surprise;
    borinn verkjum, overcome by pains;
    þess er borin ván, there is no hope, all hope is gone;
    borinn baugum, bribed; cf. bera fé á e-n, to bribe one;
    6) to lear, be capable of bearing (of a ship, horse, vehicle);
    þeir hlóðu bæði skipin sem borð báru, with as much as they could carry;
    fig., to sustain, support (svá mikill mannfjöldi, at landit fekk eigi borit);
    of persons, to bear up against, endure, support (grief, sorrow, etc.);
    absol., bar hann drengiliga, he bore it manfully;
    similarly, bera (harm) af sér, berast vel (illa, lítt) af;
    bar hon sköruliga af sér, she bore up bravely;
    hversu berst Auðr af um bróðurdauðann, how does she bear it?
    hon berst af lítt, she is much cast down;
    bera sik vel upp, to bear well up against;
    7) bera e-t á, e-n á hendr e-m, to charge or tax one with (eigi erum vér þess valdir, er þú berr á oss);
    bera (kvið) á e-n, to give a verdict against, declare guilty (í annat sinn báru þeir á Flosa kviðinn);
    bera af e-m (kviðinn), to give a verdict for;
    bera e-t af sér, to deny having done a thing;
    bera or bera vitni, vætti, to bear witness, testify;
    bera or bera um e-t, to give a verdict in a case;
    bera e-n sannan at sök, to prove guilty by evidence;
    bera e-n undan sök, to acquit;
    bera í sundr frændsemi þeirra, to prove (by evidence) that they are not relations;
    refl. (pass.), berast, to be proved by evidence (þótt þér berist þat faðerni, er þú segir);
    8) to set forth, report, tell;
    bera e-m kveðju (orð, orðsending), to bring one a greeting, compliments (word, message);
    bera or bera fram erindi sín fyrir e-n, to state (tell) one’s errand or to plead one’s case before one;
    bera e-m njósn, to apprise one;
    bera e-t upp, to produce, mention, tell;
    bera upp erindi sín, to state one’s errand;
    bera saman ráð sín, to consult together;
    eyddist það ráð, er þeir báru saman, which they had designed;
    9) to keep, hold, bear, of a title (bera jarlnafn, konnungsnafn);
    bera (eigi) giptu, gæfu, hammingju, auðnu til e-s, (not) to have the good fortune to do a thing (bar hann enga gæfu til at þjóna þér);
    bera vit, skyn, kunnáttu á e-t, to have knowledge of, uniderstanding about;
    bera hug, áræði, þor, traust til e-s, to have courage, confidence to do a thing;
    bera áhyggju fyrir e-u, to be concerned about;
    bera ást, elsku, hatr til e-s, to bear affection, love, hatred to;
    10) to bear off or away, carry off (some gain);
    bera sigr af e-m, af e-u, to carry off the victory from or in;
    hann hafði borit sigr af tveim orustum, he had been victorious in two battles;
    bera hærra (lægra) hlut to get the best (the worst) of it;
    bera efra (hærra) skjöld, to gain the victory;
    bera hátt (lágt) höfuðit, to bear the head high (low), to be in high (low) spirits;
    bera halann bratt, lágt, to cock up or let fall the tail, to be in high or low spirits;
    11) with preps.:
    bera af e-m, to surpass;
    en þó bar Bolli af, surpassed all the rest;
    bera af sér högg, lag to ward off, parry a blow or thrust;
    bera eld at, to set fire to;
    bera fjötur (bönd) at e-m, to put fetters (bonds) on one;
    bera á or í, to smear, anoint (bera vatn í augu sér, bera tjöru í höfuð sér);
    bera e-t til, to apply to, to try if it fits (bera til hvern lykil af öðrum at portinu);
    bera e-t um, to wind round;
    þá bar hann þá festi um sik, made it fast round his body;
    bera um með e-n, to bear with, have patience with;
    bera út barn, to expose a child;
    12) refl., berast mikit (lítit) á, to bear oneself proudly (humbly);
    láta af berast, to die;
    láta fyrir berast e-s staðar, to stay, remain in a place (for shelter);
    berast e-t fyrir, to design a thing (barst hann þat fyrir at sjá aldregi konur);
    at njósna um, hvat hann bærist fyrir, to inquire into what he was about;
    berast vápn á, to attack one another;
    berast at or til, to happen;
    þat barst at (happened) á einhverju sumri;
    ef svá harðliga kann til at berast, if that misfortune does happen;
    berast í móti, to happen, occur;
    hefir þetta vel í móti borizt, it is a happy coincidence;
    berast við, to be prevented;
    ok nú lét almáttugr guð við berast kirkjubrunann, prevented, stopped the burning of the church;
    II. impers., denoting a sort of passive or involuntary motion;
    alla berr at sama brunni, all come to the same well (end);
    bar hann (acc.) þá ofan gegnt Ösuri, he happened to come down just opposite to Ö.;
    esp. of ships and sailors; berr oss (acc.) til Íslands eða annarra landa, we drift to Iceland or other countries;
    þá (acc.) bar suðr í haf, they were carried out southwards;
    Skarpheðin (acc.) bar nú at þeim, S. came suddenly upon them;
    ef hann (acc.) skyldi bera þar at, if he should happen to come there;
    e-n berr yfir, one is borne onwards, of a bird flying, a man riding;
    hann (acc.) bar skjótt yfir, it passed quickly (of a flying meteor);
    2) followed by preps.:
    Gunnar sér, at rauðan kyrtil bar við glugginn, that a red kirtle passed before the window;
    hvergi bar skugga (acc.) á, there was nowhere a shadow;
    e-t berr fram (hátt), is prominent;
    Ólafr konungr stóð í lyptingu ok bar hann (acc.) hátt mjök, stood out conspicuously;
    e-t berr á milli, comes between;
    leiti (acc.) bar á milli, a hill hid the prospect;
    fig. e-m berr e-t á milli, they are at variance about a thing;
    mart (acc.) berr nú fyrir augu mér, many things come now before my eyes;
    veiði (acc.) berr í hendr e-m, game falls to one’s lot;
    e-t berr undan, goes amiss, fails;
    bera saman, to coincide;
    bar nöfn þeirra saman, they had the same name;
    fig., with dat.; bar öllum sögum vel saman, all the stories agreed well together;
    fund várn bar saman, we met;
    3) bera at, til, við, at hendi, til handa, to befall, happen, with dat. of the person;
    svá bar at einn vetr, it happened one winter;
    þó at þetta vandræði (acc.) hafi nú borit oss (dat.) at hendi, has befallen us;
    bar honum svá til, it so befell him;
    þat bar við (it so happened), at Högni kom;
    raun (acc.) berr á, it is proved by fact;
    4) of time, to fall upon;
    ef þing (acc.) berr á hina helgu viku, if the parliament falls in the holy week;
    bera í móti, to coincide, happen exactly at the same time;
    5) denoting cause;
    e-t berr til, causes a thing;
    konungr spurði, hvat til bæri úgleði hans, what was the cause of his grief;
    ætluðu þat þá allir, at þat mundi til bera, that that was the reason;
    berr e-m nauðsyn til e-s, one is obliged to do a thing;
    6) e-t berr undir e-n, falls to a person’s lot;
    hon á arf at taka, þegar er undir hana berr, in her turn;
    e-t berr frá, is surpassing;
    er sagt, at þat (acc.) bæri frá, hvé vel þeir mæltu, it was extraordinary how well they spoke;
    7) e-t berr bráðum, happens of a sudden;
    e-t berr stóru, stórum (stœrrum), it amounts to much (more), it matters a great deal (more), it is of great (greater) importance;
    8) absol. or with an adv., vel, illa, with infin.;
    e-m berr (vel, illa) at gera e-t, it becomes, beseems one (well, ill) to do a thing (berr yðr vel, herra, at sjá sannindi á þessu máli);
    used absol., berr vel, illa, it is beseeming, proper, fit, or unbeseeming, improper, unfit (þat þykkir eigi illa bera, at).
    (að), v. to make bare (hon beraði likam sinn).
    * * *
    u, f.
    I. [björn], a she-bear, Lat. ursa; the primitive root ‘ber’ remains only in this word (cp. berserkr and berfjall), björn (q. v.) being the masc. in use, Landn. 176, Fas. i. 367, Vkv. 9: in many Icel. local names, Beru-fjörðr, -vík, from Polar bears; fem. names, Bera, Hallbera, etc., Landn.
    II. a shield, poët., the proverb, baugr er á beru sæmstr, to a shield fits best a baugr (q. v.), Lex. Poët., Edda (Gl.); hence names of poems Beru-drápa, Eg.
    bar, báru, borit, pres. berr,—poët. forms with the suffixed negative; 3rd pers. sing. pres. Indic. berrat, Hm. 10; 3rd pers. sing. pret. barat, Vellekla; 1st pers. sing. barkak, Eb. 62 (in a verse); barkat ek, Hs. 8; 2nd pers. sing. bartattu; 3rd pers. pl. bárut, etc., v. Lex. Poët. [Gr. φέρειν; Lat. ferre; Ulf. bairan; A. S. beran; Germ. gebären; Engl. bear; Swed. bära; Dan. bære].
    A. Lat. ferre, portare:
    I. prop. with a sense of motion, to bear, carry, by means of the body, of animals, of vehicles, etc., with acc., Egil tók mjöðdrekku eina mikla, ok bar undir hendi sér, Eg. 237; bar hann heim hrís, Rm. 9; konungr lét bera inn kistur tvær, báru tveir menn hverja, Eg. 310; bera farm af skipi, to unload a ship, Ld. 32; bera (farm) á skip, to load a ship, Nj. 182; tóku alla ösku ok báru á á ( amnem) út, 623, 36; ok bar þat ( carried it) í kerald, 43, K. Þ. K. 92; b. mat á borð, í stofu, to put the meat on table, in the oven; b. mat af borði, to take it off table, Eb. 36, 266, Nj. 75, Fms. ix. 219, etc.
    2. Lat. gestare, ferre, denoting to wear clothes, to carry weapons; skikkja dýr er konungr hafði borit, Eg. 318; b. kórónu, to wear the crown, Fms. x. 16; atgeir, Nj. 119; vápn, 209: metaph., b. ægishjálm, to inspire fear and awe; b. merki, to carry the flag in a battle, Nj. 274, Orkn. 28, 30, 38, Fms. v. 64, vi. 413; bera fram merki, to advance, move in a battle, vi. 406.
    3. b. e-t á hesti (áburðr), to carry on horseback; Auðunn bar mat á hesti, Grett. 107; ok bar hrís á hesti, 76 new Ed.; þeir báru á sjau hestum, 98 new Ed.
    II. without a sense of motion:
    1. to give birth to; [the root of barn, bairn; byrja, incipere; burðr, partus; and burr, filius: cp. Lat. parĕre; also Gr. φέρειν, Lat. ferre, of child-bearing.] In Icel. prose, old as well as mod., ‘ala’ and ‘fæða’ are used of women; but ‘bera,’ of cows and sheep; hence sauðburðr, casting of lambs, kýrburðr; a cow is snembær, siðbær, Jólabær, calves early, late, at Yule time, etc.; var ekki ván at hon ( the cow) mundi b. fyr en um várit, Bs. i. 193, 194; kýr hafði borit kálf, Bjarn. 32; bar hvárrtveggi sauðrinn sinn burð, Stj. 178: the participle borinn is used of men in a great many compds in a general sense, aptrborinn, árborinn, endrborinn, frjálsborinn, goðborinn, höldborinn, hersborinn, konungborinn, óðalborinn, samborinn, sundrborinn, velborinn, úborinn, þrælborinn, etc.; also out of compds, mun ek eigi upp gefa þann sóma, sem ek em til borinn, … entitled to by inheritance, Ld. 102; hann hafði blindr verit borinn, born blind, Nj. 152, Hdl. 34, 42, Vsp. 2: esp. borinn e-m, born of one, Rm. 39, Hdl. 12, 23, 27, Hðm. 2, Gs. 9, Vþm. 25, Stor. 16, Vkv. 15; borinn frá e-m, Hdl. 24: the other tenses are in theol. Prose used of Christ, hans blezaða son er virðist at láta berast hingað í heim af sinni blezaðri móður, Fms. i. 281; otherwise only in poetry, eina dóttur (acc.) berr álfröðull (viz. the sun, regarded as the mother), Vþm. 47; hann Gjálp um bar, hann Greip um bar …, Hdl. 36: borit (sup.), Hkv. 1. 1.
    β. of trees, flowers; b. ávöxt, blóm …, to bear fruit, flower … (freq.); bar aldinviðrinn tvennan blóma, Fms. ix. 265; cp. the phrase, bera sitt barr, v. barr.
    2. denoting to load, with acc. of the person and dat. of the thing:
    α. in prop. sense; hann hafði borit sik mjök vápnum, he had loaded himself with arms, i. e. wore heavy armour, Sturl. iii. 250.
    β. but mostly in a metaph. sense; b. e-n ofrafli, ofrmagni, ofrliði, ofríki, magni, to bear one down, to overcome, oppress one, by odds or superior force, Grág. i. 101, ii. 195, Nj. 80, Hkr. ii. 371, Gþl. 474, Stj. 512, Fms. iii. 175 (in the last passage a dat. pers. badly); b. e-n ráðum, to overrule one, Nj. 198, Ld. 296; b. e-n málum, to bearhim down (wrongfully) in a lawsuit, Nj. 151; b. e-n bjóri, to make drunk, Vkv. 26: medic., borinn verkjum, sótt, Bjarn. 68, Og. 5; bölvi, Gg. 2: borne down, feeling heavy pains; þess er borin ván, no hope, all hope is gone, Ld. 250; borinn sök, charged with a cause, Fms. v. 324, H. E. i. 561; bráðum borinn, to be taken by surprise, Fms. iv. 111; b. fé, gull á e-n, to bring one a fee, gold, i. e. to bribe one, Nj. 62; borinn baugum, bribed, Alvm. 5; always in a bad sense, cp. the law phrase, b. fé í dóm, to bribe a court, Grág., Nj. 240.
    3. to bear, support, sustain, Lat. sustinere, lolerare, ferre:
    α. properly, of a ship, horse, vehicle, to bear, be capable of bearing; þeir hlóðu bæði skipin sem borð báru, all that they could carry, Eb. 302;—a ship ‘berr’ ( carries) such and such a weight; but ‘tekr’ ( takes) denotes a measure of fluids.
    β. metaph. to sustain, support; dreif þannig svá mikill mannfjöldi at landit fékk eigi borit, Hkr. i. 56; but metaph. to bear up against, endure, support grief, sorrow, etc., sýndist öllum at Guð hefði nær ætlað hvat hann mundi b. mega, Bs. i. 139; biðr hann friðar ok þykist ekki mega b. reiði hans, Fms. iii. 80: the phrase, b. harm sinn í hljóði, to suffer silently; b. svívirðing, x. 333: absol., þótti honum mikit víg Kjartans, en þó bar hann drengilega, he bore it manfully, Ld. 226; er þat úvizka, at b. eigi slíkt, not to bear or put up with, Glúm. 327; b. harm, to grieve, Fms. xi. 425: in the phrases, b. sik, b. af sér, berask, berask vel (illa, lítt), to bear oneself, to bear up against misfortune; Guðrúnu þótti mikit fráfall Þorkels, en þó bar hon sköruliga af sér, she bore her bravely up, Ld. 326–328; lézt hafa spurt at ekkjan bæri vel af sér harmana, Eb. 88; berask af; hversu bersk Auðr af um bróðurdauðann? (how does she bear it?); hón bersk af lítt ( she is much borne down) ok þykir mikit, Gísl. 24; niun oss vandara gört en öðrum at vér berim oss vel (Lat. fortiter ferre), Nj. 197; engi maðr hefði þar jamvel borit sik, none bad borne himself so boldly, Sturl. iii. 132; b. sik vel upp, to bear well up against, bear a stout heart, Hrafn. 17; b. sik beiskliga ( sorely), Stj. 143; b. sik lítt, to be downcast, Fms. ii. 61; b. sik at göra e-t, to do one’s best, try a thing.
    III. in law terms or modes of procedure:
    1. bera járn, the ordeal of bearing hot iron in the hand, cp. járnburðr, skírsla. This custom was introduced into Scandinavia together with Christianity from Germany and England, and superseded the old heathen ordeals ‘hólmganga,’ and ‘ganga undir jarðarmen,’ v. this word. In Norway, during the civil wars, it was esp. used in proof of paternity of the various pretenders to the crown, Fms. vii. 164, 200, ix. Hák. S. ch. 14, 41–45, viii. (Sverr. S.) ch. 150, xi. (Jómsv. S.) ch. 11, Grett. ch. 41, cp. N. G. L. i. 145, 389. Trial by ordeal was abolished in Norway A. D. 1247. In Icel. It was very rarely mentioned, vide however Lv. ch. 23 (paternity), twice or thrice in the Sturl. i. 56, 65, 147, and Grág. i. 341, 361; it seems to have been very seldom used there, (the passage in Grett. S. l. c. refers to Norway.)
    2. bera út (hence útburðr, q. v.), to expose children; on this heathen custom, vide Grimm R. A. In heathen Icel., as in other parts of heathen Scandinavia, it was a lawful act, but seldom exercised; the chief passages on record are, Gunnl. S. ch. 3 (ok þat var þá siðvandi nokkurr, er land var allt alheiðit, at þeir menn er félitlir vórn, en stóð ómegð mjök til handa létu út bera börn sín, ok þótti þó illa gört ávalt), Fs. Vd. ch. 37, Harð. S. ch. 8, Rd. ch. 7, Landn. v. ch. 6, Finnb. ch. 2, Þorst. Uxaf. ch. 4, Hervar. S. ch. 4, Fas. i. 547 (a romance); cp. Jómsv. S. ch. 1. On the introduction of Christianity into Icel. A. D. 1000, it was resolved that, in regard to eating of horse-flesh and exposure of children, the old laws should remain in force, Íb. ch. 9; as Grimm remarks, the exposure must take place immediately after birth, before the child had tasted food of any kind whatever, and before it was besprinkled with water (ausa vatni) or shown to the father, who had to fix its name; exposure, after any of these acts, was murder, cp. the story of Liafburga told by Grimm R. A.); v. Also a Latin essay at the end of the Gunnl. S. (Ed. 1775). The Christian Jus Eccl. put an end to this heathen barbarism by stating at its very beginning, ala skal barn hvert er borit verðr, i. e. all children, if not of monstrous shape, shall be brought up, N. G. L. i. 339, 363.
    β. b. út (now more usual, hefja út, Am. 100), to carry out for burial; vera erfðr ok tit borinn, Odd. 20; var hann heygðr, ok út borinn at fornum sið, Fb. i. 123; b. á bál, to place (the body and treasures) upon the pile, the mode of burying in the old heathen time, Fas. i. 487 (in a verse); var hon borin á bálit ok slegit í eldi, Edda 38.
    B. Various and metaph. cases.
    I. denoting motion:
    1. ‘bera’ is in the Grág. the standing law term for delivery of a verdict by a jury (búar), either ‘bera’ absol. or adding kvið ( verdict); bera á e-n, or b. kvið á e-n, to give a verdict against, declare guilty; bera af e-m, or b. af e-m kviðinn, to give a verdict for; or generally, bera, or b. um e-t, to give a verdict in a case; bera, or b. vitni, vætti, also simply means to testify, to witness, Nj. 111, cp. kviðburðr ( delivering of verdict), vitnisburðr ( bearing witness), Grág. ii. 28; eigi eigu búar ( jurors) enn at b. um þat hvat lög eru á landi hér, the jurors have not to give verdict in (to decide) what is law in the country, cp. the Engl. maxim, that jurors have only to decide the question of evidence, not of law, Grág. (Kb.) ch. 85; eigi eru búar skildir at b. um hvatvetna; um engi mál eigu þeir at skilja, þau er erlendis ( abroad) hafa görzt, id.; the form in delivering the verdict—höfum vér ( the jurors), orðit á eitt sáttir, berum á kviðburðinn, berum hann sannan at sökinni, Nj. 238, Grág. i. 49, 22, 138, etc.; í annat sinn báru þeir á Flosa kviðinn, id.; b. annattveggja af eðr á; b. undan, to discharge, Nj. 135; b. kvið í hag ( for), Grág. i. 55; b. lýsingar vætti, Nj. 87; b. vitni ok vætti, 28, 43, 44; b. ljúgvitni, to bear false witness, Grág. i. 28; b. orð, to bear witness to a speech, 43; bera frændsemi sundr, to prove that they are not relations, N. G. L. i. 147: reflex., berask ór vætti, to prove that oneself is wrongly summoned to bear witness or to give a verdict, 44: berask in a pass. sense, to be proved by evidence, ef vanefni b. þess manns er á hönd var lýst, Grág. i. 257; nema jafnmæli berisk, 229; þótt þér berisk þat faðerni er þú segir, Fms. vii. 164; hann kvaðst ætla, at honum mundi berask, that he would be able to get evidence for, Fs. 46.
    β. gener. and not as a law term; b. á, b. á hendr, to charge; b. e-n undan, to discharge, Fs. 95; eigi erum vér þessa valdir er þú berr á oss, Nj. 238, Ld. 206, Fms. iv. 380, xi. 251, Th. 78; b. e-m á brýnn, to throw in one’s face, to accuse, Greg. 51; b. af sér, to deny; eigi mun ek af mér b., at… ( non diffitebor), Nj. 271; b. e-m gott vitni, to give one a good…, 11; b. e-m vel (illa) söguna, to bear favourable (unfavourable) witness of one, 271.
    2. to bear by word of mouth, report, tell, Lat. referre; either absol. or adding kveðju, orð, orðsending, eyrindi, boð, sögu, njósn, frétt…, or by adding a prep., b. fram, frá, upp, fyrir; b. kveðju, to bring a greeting, compliment, Eg. 127; b. erindi (sín) fyrir e-n, to plead one’s case before one, or to tell one’s errand, 472, 473; b. njósn, to apprise, Nj. 131; b. fram, to deliver (a speech), talaði jungherra Magnús hit fyrsta erindi (M. made his first speech in public), ok fanst mönnum mikit um hversu úbernsliga fram var borit, Fms. x. 53; (in mod. usage, b. fram denotes gramm. to pronounce, hence ‘framburðr,’ pronunciation); mun ek þat nú fram b., I shall now tell, produce it, Ld. 256, Eg. 37; b. frá, to attest, relate with emphasis; má þat frá b., Dropl. 21; b. upp, to produce, mention, tell, þótt slík lygi sé upp borin fyrir hann, though such a lie be told him, Eg. 59; þær (viz. charges) urðu engar upp bornar ( produced) við Rút, Nj. 11; berr Sigtryggr þegar upp erindi sín (cp. Germ. ojfenbaren), 271, Ld. 256; b. upp gátu, to give (propound) a riddle, Stj. 411, Fas. i. 464; b. fyrir, to plead as an excuse; b. saman ráð sín, or the like, to consult, Nj. 91; eyddist þat ráð, er þeir báru saman, which they had designed, Post. 656 A. ii; b. til skripta, to confess (eccl.), of auricular confession, Hom. 124, 655 xx.
    II. in a metaphorical or circumlocutory sense, and without any sense of motion, to keep, hold, bear, of a title; b. nafn, to bear a name, esp. as honour or distinction; tignar nafn, haulds nafn, jarls nafn, lends manns nafn, konungs nafn, bónda nafn, Fms. i. 17, vi. 278, xi. 44, Gþl. 106: in a more metaph. sense, denoting endowments, luck, disposition, or the like, b. (ekki) gæfu, hamingju, auðnu til e-s, to enjoy (enjoy not) good or bad luck, etc.; at Þórólfr mundi eigi allsendis gæfu til b. um vináttu við Harald, Eg. 75, 112, 473, Fms. iv. 164, i. 218; úhamingju, 219; b. vit, skyn, kunnáttu á (yfir) e-t, to bring wit, knowledge, etc., to bear upon a thing, xi. 438, Band. 7; hence vel (illa) viti borinn, well (ill) endowed with wit, Eg. 51; vel hyggjandi borinn, well endowed with reason, Grág. ii; b. hug, traust, áræði, þor, til e-s, to have courage, confidenceto do a thing, Gullþ. 47, Fms. ix. 220, Band. 7; b. áhyggju, önn fyrir, to care, be concerned about, Fms. x. 318; b. ást, elsku til e-s, to bear affection, love to one; b. hatr, to hate: b. svört augu, to have dark eyes, poët., Korm. (in a verse); b. snart hjarta, Hom. 5; vant er þat af sjá hvar hvergi berr hjarta sitt, where he keeps his heart, Orkn. 474; b. gott hjarta, to bear a proud heart, Lex. Poët., etc. etc.; b. skyndi at um e-t, to make speed with a thing, Lat. festinare, Fms. viii. 57.
    2. with some sense of motion, to bear off or away, carry off, gain, in such phrases as, b. sigr af e-m, af e-u, to carry off the victory from or in …; hann hafði borit sigr af tveim orrustum, er frægstar hafa verit, he had borne off the victory in two battles, Fms. xi. 186; bera banaorð af e-m, to slay one in a fight, to be the victor; Þorr berr banaorð af Miðgarðsormi, Edda 42, Fms. x. 400: it seems properly to mean, to bear off the fame of having killed a man; verðat svá rík sköp, at Regin skyli mitt banorð bera, Fm. 39; b. hærra, lægra hlut, ‘to bear off the higher or the lower lot,’ i. e. to get the best or the worst of it, or the metaphor is taken from a sortilege, Fms. ii. 268, i. 59, vi. 412; b. efra, hærra skjöld, to carry the highest shield, to get the victory, x. 394, Lex. Poët.; b. hátt (lágt) höfuðit, to bear the head high (low), i. e. to be in high or low spirits, Nj. 91; but also, b. halann bratt (lágt), to cock up or let fall the tail (metaph. from cattle), to be in an exultant or low mood: sundry phrases, as, b. bein, to rest the bones, be buried; far þú til Íslands, þar mun þér auðið verða beinin at b., Grett. 91 A; en þó hygg ek at þú munir hér b. beinin í Norðrálfunni, Orkn. 142; b. fyrir borð, to throw overboard, metaph. to oppress; verðr Þórhalli nú fyrir borð borinn, Th. was defied, set at naught, Fær. 234; b. brjóst fyrir e-m, to be the breast-shield, protection of one, Fms. vii. 263: also, b. hönd fyrir höfuð sér, metaph. to put one’s hand before one’s head, i. e. to defend oneself; b. ægishjálm yfir e-m, to keep one in awe and submission, Fm. 16, vide A. I. 2.
    III. connected with prepp., b. af, and (rarely) yfir (cp. afburðr, yfirburðr), to excel, surpass; eigi sá hvárttveggja féit er af öðrum berr, who gets the best of it, Nj. 15; en þó bar Bolli af, B. surpassed all the rest, Ld. 330; þat mannval bar eigi minnr af öðrum mönnum um fríðleik, afi ok fræknleik, en Ormrinn Langi af öðrum skipum, Fms. ii. 252; at hinn útlendi skal yfir b. ( outdo) þann sem Enskir kalla meistara, xi. 431: b. til, to apply, try if it fits; en er þeir báru til (viz. shoes to the hoof of a horse), þá var sem hæfði hestinum, ix. 55; bera til hvern lykil at öðrum at portinu, Thom. 141; b. e-t við, to try it on (hence viðburðr, experiment, effort): b. um, to wind round, as a cable round a pole or the like, Nj. 115; þá bar hann þá festi um sik, made it fast round his body, Fms. ix. 219; ‘b. e-t undir e-n’ is to consult one, ellipt., b. undir dóm e-s; ‘b. e-t fyrir’ is to feign, use as excuse: b. á, í, to smear, anoint; b. vatn í augu sér, Rb. 354; b. tjöru í höfuð sér, Nj. 181, Hom. 70, 73, cp. áburðr; b. gull, silfr, á, to ornament with gold or silver, Ld. 114, Finnb. 258: is now also used = to dung, b. á völl; b. vápn á e-n, to attack one with sharp weapons, Eg. 583, Fms. xi. 334: b. eld at, to set fire to, Nj. 122; b. fjötur (bönd) at e-m, to put fetters (bonds) on one, Fms. x. 172, Hm. 150: metaph. reflex., bönd berask at e-m, a law term, the evidence bears against one; b. af sér, to parry off; Gyrðr berr af sér lagit, G. parries the thrust off, Fms. x. 421; cp. A. II. 3. β.
    IV. reflex., berask mikit á (cp. áburðr), to bear oneself proudly, or b. lítið á, to bear oneself humbly; hann var hinn kátasti ok barst á mikit, Fms. ii. 68, viii. 219, Eb. 258; b. lítið á, Clem. 35; láta af berask, to die; Óttarr vill skipa til um fjárfar sitt áðr hann láti af b., Fms. ii. 12: berask fyrir, to abide in a place as an asylum, seek shelter; hér munu vit láta fyrir b., Fas. iii. 471; berask e-t fyrir, to design a thing, be busy about, barsk hann þat fyrir at sjá aldregi konur, Greg. 53; at njósna um hvat hann bærist fyrir, to inquire into what he was about, Fms. iv. 184, Vígl. 19.
    β. recipr. in the phrase, berask banaspjót eptir, to seek for one another’s life, Glúm. 354: b. vápn á, of a mutual attack with sharp weapons, Fms. viii. 53.
    γ. pass., sár berask á e-n, of one in the heat of battle beginning to get wounds and give way, Nj.:—berask við, to be prevented, not to do; ok nú lét Almáttugr Guð við berast kirkjubrunnann, stopped, prevented the burning of the church, Fms. v. 144; en mér þætti gott ef við bærist, svá at hón kæmi eigi til þín, vi. 210, vii. 219; ok var þá búit at hann mundi þegar láta hamarinn skjanna honum, en hann lét þat við berask, he bethought himself and did not, Edda 35; því at mönnum þótti sem þannig mundi helzt úhæfa við berask, that mischief would thus be best prevented, Sturl. ii. 6, iii. 80.
    C. IMPERS.:—with a sort of passive sense, both in a loc. and temp. sense, and gener. denotes an involuntary, passive motion, happening suddenly or by chance:
    I. with acc. it bears or carries one to a place, i. e. one happens to come; the proverb, alla (acc.) berr at sama brunni, all come to the same well (end), Lat. omnes una manet nox; bar hann þá ofan gegnt Özuri, he happened to come in his course just opposite to Ö., Lat. delatus est, Dropl. 25: esp. of ships or sailors; nú berr svá til ( happens) herra, at vér komum eigi fram ferðinni, berr oss (acc.) til Íslands eðr annara landa, it bore us to I., i. e. if we drive or drift thither, Fms. iv. 176; þá (acc. pl.) bar suðr í haf, they drifted southwards, Nj. 124.
    β. as a cricketing term, in the phrase, berr (bar) út knöttinn, the ball rolls out, Gísl. 26, cp. p. 110 where it is transit.; berr Gísli ok út knöttinn, vide Vígl. ch. 11, Grett. ch. 17, Vd. ch. 37, Hallfr. S. ch. 2.
    γ. Skarpheðin (acc.) bar nú at þeim, Sk. came suddenly upon them, Nj. 144; bar at Hróaldi þegar allan skjöldinn, the shield was dashed against H.’s body, 198; ok skyldu sæta honum, ef hann (acc.) bæri þar at, if he should per chance come, shew himself there, Orkn. 406; e-n berr yfir, it bears one, i. e. one is borne onwards, as a bird flying, a man riding; þóttist vita, at hann (acc.) mundi fljótara yfir bera ef hann riði en gengi, that he would get on more fleetly riding than walking, Hrafn. 7; hann (acc.) bar skjótt yfir, he passed quickly, of a flying meteor, Nj. 194; e-n berr undan, escapes.
    2. also with acc. followed by prepp. við, saman, jafnframt, hjá, of bodies coinciding or covering one another: loc., er jafnframt ber jaðrana tungls ok sólar, if the orb of the moon and sun cover each other, Rb. 34; þat kann vera stundum, at tunglit (acc.) berr jafht á millum vár ok sólar (i. e. in a moon eclipse), 108; ber nokkut jaðar (acc.) þess hjá sólar jaðri, 34; Gunnarr sér at rauðan kyrtil (acc.) bar við glugginn, G. sees that a red kirtle passed before the window, Nj. 114; bar fyrir utan þat skip vápnaburð (acc.) heiðingja (gen. pl.), the missiles of the heathens passed over the ship without hurting them, flew too high, Fms. vii. 232; hvergi bar skugga (acc.) á, nowhere a shadow, all bright, Nj. 118; þangat sem helzt mátti nokkut yfir þá skugga bera af skóginum, where they were shadowed (hidden) by the trees, Fms. x. 239; e-t berr fram (hátt), a body is prominent, Lat. eminet; Ólafr konungr stóð í lyptingunni, bar hann (acc.) hátt mjök, king O. stood out conspicuously, ii. 308; b. yfir, þótti mjök bera hljóð (acc.) þar yfir er Ólafr sat, the sound was heard over there where O. sat, Sturl. i. 21; b. á milli, something comes between; leiti (acc.) bar á milli, a hill hid the prospect, Nj. 263: metaph., e-m berr e-t á milli, they come to dissent, 13, v. 1.; b. fyrir augu (hence fyrirburðr, vision), of a vision or the like; mart (acc.) berr nú fyrir augu mér, ek sé …, many things come now before my eyes, 104; hann mundi allt þat er fyrir hann hafði borit, i. e. all the dream, 195; eina nótt berr fyrir hann í svefni mikla sýn, Fms. i. 137, Rd. 290; veiði (acc.) berr í hendr e-m (a metaphor from hunting), sport falls to one’s lot; hér bæri veiði í hendr nú, here would be a game, Nj. 252; e-t berr undan (a metaphor from fishing, hunting term), when one misses one’s opportunity; vel væri þá … at þá veiði (acc.) bæri eigi undan, that this game should not go amiss, 69; en ef þetta (acc.) berr undan, if this breaks down, 63; hon bað hann þá drepa einhvern manna hans, heldr en allt (acc.) bæri undan, rather than that all should go amiss, Eg. 258: absol., þyki mér illa, ef undan berr, if I miss it, Nj. 155; viljum vér ekki at undan beri at…, we will by no means miss it…, Fms. viii. 309, v. 1. The passage Bs. i. 416 (en fjárhlutr sá er átt hafði Ari, bar undan Guðmundi) is hardly correct, fjárhlut þann would run better, cp. bera undir, as a law term, below.
    II. adding prepp.; b. við, at, til, at hendi, at móti, til handa …, to befall, happen, Lat. accidere, occurrere, with dat. of the person, (v. atburðr, viðburðr, tilburðr); engi hlut skyldi þann at b., no such thing should happen as…, Fms. xi. 76; svá bar at einn vetr, it befell, x. 201; þat hefir nú víst at hendi borit, er…, Nj. 174; þó þetta vandræði (acc.) hafi nú borit oss (dat.) at hendi, Eg. 7; b. til handa, id., Sks. 327; bar honum svá til, so it befell him, Fms. xi. 425; at honum bæri engan váðaligan hlut til á veginum, that nothing dangerous should befall him on the way, Stj. 212; bæri þat þá svá við, at hann ryfi, it then perchance might happen, that …, 102; þat bar við at Högni kom, 169, 172, 82; raun (acc.) berr á, it is proved by the fact, event, Fms. ix. 474, x. 185.
    2. temp., e-t berr á, it happens to fall on …; ef þing (acc.) ber á hina helgu viku, if the parliament falls on the holy week (Whitsun), Grág. i. 106; ef Crucis messu (acc.) berr á Drottins dag, Rb. 44; berr hana (viz. Petrs messu, June 29) aldrei svá optarr á öldinni, 78; þat er nú berr oss næst, what has occurred of late, Sturl. iii. 182: b. í móti, to happen exactly at a time; þetta (acc.) bar í móti at þenna sama dag andaðist Brandr biskup, Bs. i. 468; b. saman, id.; bar þat saman, at pá var Gunnarr at segja brennusöguna, just when G. was about telling the story, Nj. 269.
    3. metaph. of agreement or separation; en þat (acc.) þykir mjök saman b. ok þessi frásögn, Fms. x. 276: with dat., bar öllum sögum vel saman, all the records agreed well together, Nj. 100, v. l.; berr nú enn í sundr með þeim, Bjarna ok Þorkatli at sinni, B. and Th. missed each other, Vápn. 25.
    4. denoting cause; e-t (acc.) berr til …, causes a thing; ætluðu þat þá allir, at þat mundi til bera, that that was the reason, Nj. 75; at þat beri til skilnaðar okkars, that this will make us to part (divorce), 261; konungr spurði, hvat til bæri úgleði hans, what was the cause of his grief? Fms. vi. 355; þat berr til tunglhlaups, Rb. 32.
    β. meiri ván at brátt beri þat (acc.) til bóta, at herviliga steypi hans ríki, i. e. there will soon come help (revenge), Fms. x. 264; fjórir eru þeir hlutir er menn (acc.) berr í ætt á landi hér, there are four cases under which people may be adopted, Grág. i. 361.
    γ. e-t berr undir e-n, falls to a person’s lot; hon á arf at taka þegar er undir hana berr, in her turn, 179; mikla erfð (acc.) bar undir hana, Mar. (Fr.); berr yfir, of surpassing, Bs. ii. 121, 158; b. frá, id. (fráburðr); herðimikill svá at þat (acc.) bar frá því sem aðrir menn, Eg. 305; er sagt, at þat bæri frá hve vel þeir mæltu, it was extraordinary how well they did speak, Jb. 11; bar þat mest frá hversu illa hann var limaðr, but above all, how…, Ó. H. 74.
    5. with adverbial nouns in a dat. form; e-t berr bráðum, happens of a sudden; berr þetta (acc.) nú allbráðum, Fms. xi. 139; cp. vera bráðum borinn, to be taken by surprise (above); berr stórum, stærrum, it matters a great deal; ætla ek stærrum b. hin lagabrotin (acc.), they are much more important, matter more, vii. 305; var þat góðr kostr, svá at stórum bar, xi. 50; hefir oss orðit svá mikil vanhyggja, at stóru berr, an enormous blunder, Gísl. 51; svá langa leið, at stóru bar, Fas. i. 116; þat berr stórum, hversu mér þóknast vel þeirra athæfi, it amounts to a great deal, my liking their service, i. e. I do greatly like, Fms. ii. 37; eigi berr þat allsmám hversu vel mér líkar, in no small degree do I like, x. 296.
    β. with dat., it is fitting, becoming; svá mikit sem landeiganda (dat.) berr til at hafa eptir lögum, what he is legally entitled to, Dipl. iii. 10; berr til handa, it falls to one’s lot, v. above, Grág. i. 93.
    III. answering to Lat. oportet, absolutely or with an adverb, vel, illa, with infinit.; e-m berr, it beseems, becomes one; berr þat ekki né stendr þvílíkum höfuðfeðr, at falsa, Stj. 132; berr yðr (dat.) vel, herra, at sjá sannindi á þessu máli, Fms. ix. 326; sagði, at þat bar eigi Kristnum mönnum, at særa Guð, x. 22; þá siðu at mér beri vel, Sks. 353 B: used absol., berr vel, illa, it is beseeming, proper, fit, unbeseeming, unfit, improper; athæfi þat er vel beri fyrir konungs augliti, 282; þat þykir ok eigi illa bera, at maðr hafi svart skinn til hosna, i. e. it suits pretty well, 301: in case of a pers. pron. in acc. or dat. being added, the sentence becomes personal in order to avoid doubling the impers. sentence, e. g. e-m berr skylda (not skyldu) til, one is bound by duty; veit ek eigi hver skylda (nom.) yðr (acc.) ber til þess at láta jarl einn ráða, Fms. i. 52: also leaving the dat. out, skylda berr til at vera forsjámaðr með honum, vii. 280; eigi berr hér til úviska mín, it is not that I am not knowing, Nj. 135.
    IV. when the reflex. inflexion is added to the verb, the noun loses its impers. character and is turned from acc. into nom., e. g. þar (þat?) mun hugrinn minn mest hafa fyrir borizt, this is what I suspected, fancied, Lv. 34; cp. hugarburðr, fancy, and e-t berr fyrir e-n (above, C. I. 2); hefir þetta (nom.) vel í móti borizt, a happy coincidence, Nj. 104; ef svá harðliga kann til at berask, if the misfortunes do happen, Gþl. 55; barsk sú úhamingja (nom.) til á Íslandi, that mischief happened (no doubt the passage is thus to be emended), Bs. i. 78, but bar þá úhamingju …; þat (nom.) barsk at, happened, Fms. x. 253; fundir várir (nom.) hafa at borizt nokkurum sinnum, vii. 256; þat barsk at á einhverju sumri, Eg. 154; bærist at um síðir at allr þingheimrinn berðist, 765, cp. berast við, berask fyrir above (B. V.): berast, absol., means to be shaken, knocked about; var þess ván, at fylkingar mundu berast í hergöngunni, that they would be brought into some confusion, Fms. v. 74; Hrólfr gékk at ramliga, ok barst Atli (was shaken, gave away) fyrir orku sakir, þar til er hann féll. Fas. iii. 253; barst Jökull allr fyrir orku sakir (of two wrestling), Ísl. ii. 467, Fms. iii. 189: vide B. IV.
    D. In mod. usage the strong bera—bar is also used in impersonal phrases, denoting to let a thing be seen, shew, but almost always with a negative preceding, e. g. ekki bar (ber) á því, it could ( can) not be seen; að á engu bæri, láta ekki á bera ( to keep tight), etc. All these phrases are no doubt alterations from the weak verb bera, að, nudare, and never occur in old writers; we have not met with any instance previous to the Reformation; the use is certainly of late date, and affords a rare instance of weak verbs turning into strong; the reverse is more freq. the case.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BERA

  • 17 загадка

    1) (иносказание, которое надо разгадать) riddle
    2) ( нечто необъяснимое) riddle, mystery, puzzle

    говори́ть зага́дками — speak in riddles

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > загадка

  • 18 загадка

    Существительному загадка соответствуют английские riddle и enigma. Riddle – более обиходное слово, обозначающее иносказательное изображение предмета или явления, предназначенное специально для разгадки: book of riddles, to solve riddles, to make up riddles. Enigma имеет скорее книжный оттенок и обозначает что-л. непонятное, туманное, двусмысленное, заставляющее задуматься и требующее объяснения: to speak in enigmas.

    Трудности английского языка (лексический справочник). Русско-английский словарь > загадка

  • 19 αἴνιγμα

    αἴνιγμα, ατος, τό (Pind., Aeschyl. et al.; LXX, Philo; Jos., C. Ap. 1, 114f; SibOr 3, 812)
    lit. that which requires special acumen to understand because it is expressed in puzzling fashion, riddle PtK 4 p. 15, 31. This sense is preferred by some for 1 Cor 13:12: βλέπομεν διʼ ἐσόπτρου ἐν αἰνίγματι (ἔν αἰν. as Athen. 452a; REB: puzzling reflections; NRSV dimly [= indistinctly] but mg. in a riddle). Hugedé may offer the better explanation (see 2 below, at end).
    indirect mode of communication. In the context of mirror imagery ἀ. signifies indirect image, and ἐν αἰνίγματι functions as an idiom meaning indirectly. βλέπομεν διʼ ἐσόπτρου ἐν αἰνίγματι then gives the sense we see by reflection as in a mirror with emphasis on anticipation of direct personal encounter (cp. Num 12:8 of direct as opp. to oblique communication; Plut., Mor. 382a αἴ. τοῦ θείου refers to inanimate or incorporeal things such as numerals as ‘mirrors’ or ‘models’ for understanding divine matters. Cp. Mor. 12d of Pythagorean maxims, which communicate αἰνίγμασιν=speak in circumlocutions, i.e. ‘ambiguously’ or with ‘double sense’; 370f contrasts Plato’s earlier presentations διʼ αἰνιγμῶν οὐδὲ συμβολικῶς w. his later use of κύρια ὀνόματα ‘plain terms’. On the mirror imagery cp. Mor. 672e.—αἴνιγμα=intimation: Sallust. c. 6 p. 12, 10).—NHugedé, La Métaphore du miroire dans 1 et 2 Cor ’57; other lit. s.v. ἀγάπη 1aα and ἔσοπτρον.—DELG s.v. αἶνος. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > αἴνιγμα

  • 20 говорить загадками

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > говорить загадками

См. также в других словарях:

  • riddle — Ⅰ. riddle [1] ► NOUN 1) a question or statement phrased so as to require ingenuity in finding its answer or meaning. 2) a puzzling person or thing. ► VERB archaic ▪ speak in or pose riddles. DERIVATIVES riddler noun …   English terms dictionary

  • riddle — riddle1 [rid′ l] n. [ME ridil < OE rædels, akin to rædan, to guess, READ1] 1. a problem or puzzle in the form of a question, statement, etc. so formulated that some ingenuity is required to solve or answer it; conundrum 2. any puzzling,… …   English World dictionary

  • Riddle — Rid dle, v. i. To speak ambiguously or enigmatically. Lysander riddels very prettily. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • riddle — riddle1 /rid l/, n., v., riddled, riddling. n. 1. a question or statement so framed as to exercise one s ingenuity in answering it or discovering its meaning; conundrum. 2. a puzzling question, problem, or matter. 3. a puzzling thing or person. 4 …   Universalium

  • riddle — I UK [ˈrɪd(ə)l] / US noun [countable] Word forms riddle : singular riddle plural riddles 1) a question that seems impossible or silly but has a clever or funny answer Are you good at solving riddles? 2) someone or something that is mysterious or… …   English dictionary

  • riddle — rid|dle1 [ˈrıdl] n [: Old English; Origin: rAdelse opinion, guess, riddle ] 1.) a question that is deliberately very confusing and has a humorous or clever answer →↑puzzle ▪ See if you can solve this riddle . 2.) something that you do not… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • riddle — n. 1) to solve a riddle 2) (misc.) to speak in riddles * * * [ rɪdl] (misc.) to speak in riddles to solve a riddle …   Combinatory dictionary

  • riddle — rid|dle1 [ rıdl ] noun count 1. ) a question that seems impossible or silly but has a clever or funny answer: Are you good at solving riddles? a ) talk/speak in riddles to say things that are confusing and difficult to understand: Please stop… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • riddle — I. noun Etymology: Middle English redels, ridel, from Old English rǣdelse opinion, conjecture, riddle; akin to Old English rǣdan to interpret more at read Date: before 12th century 1. a mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • riddle — riddle1 noun a question or statement phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning. ↘a person or thing that is difficult to understand. verb archaic speak in or pose riddles. ↘explain (a riddle) to. Derivatives riddler… …   English new terms dictionary

  • riddle — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a question or statement testing ingenuity in divining its answer or meaning. 2 a puzzling fact or thing or person. v. 1 intr. speak in or propound riddles. 2 tr. solve or explain (a riddle). Derivatives: riddler n. Etymology: OE… …   Useful english dictionary

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