1 socially
adverb* * *adverb (in a social way: I've seen him at various conferences, but we've never met socially.) gesellig* * *so·cial·ly[ˈsəʊʃəli, AM ˈsoʊ-]1. (convivially) gesellschaftlich\socially they're a great company was das Betriebsklima angeht, ist das eine tolle Firmato be \socially active ein reges gesellschaftliches Leben führen2. (behaviourally) was das Sozialverhalten betrifft3. (privately)4. (of the public) gesellschaftlichto be \socially acceptable gesellschaftlich akzeptabel sein* * *['səʊʃəlɪ]adv1) (relating to community) gesellschaftlich; deprived, structured etc sozialsocially acceptable/unacceptable — gesellschaftlich akzeptabel/unakzeptabel
socially aware — sozialbewusst, gesellschaftlich bewusst
2) (as opposed to professionally etc) gesellschaftlich; meet privatto mix socially with sb — privaten Umgang mit jdm haben
* * *adverb* * *adv.gesellschaftlich adv. -
2 socially
1) ( convivially) gesellschaftlich;\socially they're a great company was das Betriebsklima angeht, ist das eine tolle Firma;to be \socially active ein reges gesellschaftliches Leben führen2) ( behaviourally) was das Sozialverhalten betrifft;\socially she's a disaster sie fällt in Gesellschaft immer unangenehm auf3) ( privately)4) ( of the public) gesellschaftlich;to be \socially acceptable gesellschaftlich akzeptabel sein -
3 socially conscious investment
socially conscious investment FIN, POL, STOCK ethische Anlage f, ethische Investition f, nachhaltige Anlage f (synonymous: ethical investment, socially responsible investing, SRI; investments only in companies whose policies meet the specific ethical criteria; opposite: socially irresponsible investment, cf vice fund = Lasterfonds)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially conscious investment
4 socially conscious behavior
socially conscious behavior (AE) GEN, SOC sozialverantwortliches Verhalten n, sozialbewusstes Verhalten n, sozialethisches Verhalten n (synonymous: socially responsible behavior)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially conscious behavior
5 socially conscious behaviour
socially conscious behaviour (BE) GEN, SOC sozialverantwortliches Verhalten n, sozialbewusstes Verhalten n, sozialethisches Verhalten n (synonymous: socially responsible behaviour)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially conscious behaviour
6 socially conscious investing
socially conscious investing FIN, POL, STOCK sozial verantwortliches Anlageverhalten n, ethisches Anlageverhalten n, ethisches Investitionsverhalten n (synonymous: ethical investing, socially responsible investing, SRI, sustainable investing; investments only in companies whose policies meet the specific ethical criteria, e.g. excluding casinos, tobacco, weapons, nuclear and erotic industries, sometimes casinos, pork and alcohol production etc.; opposite: cf vice fund = Lasterfonds)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially conscious investing
7 socially conscious investment behavior
socially conscious investment behavior (AE), socially conscious investment behaviour (BE) FIN, POL, STOCK sozialbewusstes Anlageverhalten n, sozial verantwortliches Anlageverhalten n, sozial verantwortliches Investitionsverhalten n, sozialethisches Anlageverhalten nEnglisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially conscious investment behavior
8 socially responsible behavior
socially responsible behavior (AE) GEN, SOC sozialverantwortliches Verhalten n, sozialbewusstes Verhalten n, sozialethisches Verhalten n (synonymous: socially conscious behavior)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially responsible behavior
9 socially responsible behaviour
socially responsible behaviour (BE) GEN, SOC sozialverantwortliches Verhalten n, sozialbewusstes Verhalten n, sozialethisches Verhalten n (synonymous: socially conscious behaviour)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially responsible behaviour
10 socially responsible investment
socially responsible investment (SRI) FIN, POL, STOCK ethische Anlage f, ethische Investition f; sozialverantwortliche Anlage f; nachhaltige Anlage f (synonymous: ethical investment, socially conscious investment; investments only in companies whose policies meet the specific ethical criteria; gekennzeichnet durch ethische, nachhaltige oder ‚sozialverantwortliche’ Anlagen; keine Rüstungs-, Erotik- oder Nuklearindustrie z. B.; opposite: cf vice fund = Lasterfonds)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially responsible investment
11 socially acceptable
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially acceptable
12 socially compatible
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially compatible
13 socially deprived
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially deprived
14 socially disadvantaged
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially disadvantaged
15 socially just
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially just
16 socially necessary labor time
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially necessary labor time
17 socially necessary labour time
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially necessary labour time
18 socially responsible investing
socially responsible investing (SRI) ECON, FIN, POL, STOCK sozial verantwortliches Anlageverhalten n, ethisches Anlageverhalten n, sozialethisches Anlageverhalten n, sozial verantwortliches Investieren nEnglisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > socially responsible investing
19 be socially out on the fringes
English-German idiom dictionary > be socially out on the fringes
20 Bohemian
1. adjective1) (socially unconventional) unkonventionell; unbürgerlich2) (Geog.) böhmisch2. noun1) (socially unconventional person) Bohemien, der* * *Bo·he·mian[bə(ʊ)ˈhi:miən, AM boʊˈ-]I. nII. adj\Bohemian life Künstlerleben ntto lead a \Bohemian way of life wie ein Bohemien leben, ein Künstlerleben führen* * *[bəU'hiːmIən]1. n1) Böhme m, Böhmin f2) (fig)2. adj1) böhmisch2) (fig)* * *A s1. Böhme m, Böhmin f2. LING Tschechisch n, das TschechischeB adj1. böhmischa) unkonventionell, unbürgerlich (Leben etc),b) Künstler…:* * *1. adjective1) (socially unconventional) unkonventionell; unbürgerlich2) (Geog.) böhmisch2. noun1) (socially unconventional person) Bohemien, der* * *adj.böhmisch adj. n.Böhme -n m.Böhmin -en f.
См. также в других словарях:
Socially — So cial*ly, adv. In a social manner; sociably. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
socially — so|cial|ly [ souʃli ] adverb 1. ) in situations and activities that involve being with other people, especially for enjoyment: We often meet each other socially after work. socially adept (=good at being with other people): Like many teenagers,… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
socially — UK [ˈsəʊʃ(ə)lɪ] / US [ˈsoʊʃ(ə)lɪ] adverb 1) in situations and activities that involve being with other people, especially for enjoyment We often meet each other socially after work. socially adept (= good at being with other people): Like many… … English dictionary
socially — adv. Socially is used with these adjectives: ↑acceptable, ↑ambitious, ↑aware, ↑awkward, ↑beneficial, ↑competent, ↑confident, ↑conscious, ↑conservative, ↑deprived, ↑desirable, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
socially — adverb 1. by or with respect to society (Freq. 3) socially accepted norms • Derived from adjective: ↑social 2. in a social manner socially unpopular • Derived from adjective: ↑social … Useful english dictionary
socially — social ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to society, its organization, or hierarchy. 2) needing companionship; suited to living in communities. 3) relating to or designed for activities in which people meet each other for pleasure. 4) (of birds, insects,… … English terms dictionary
Socially necessary labour time — in Marx s critique of political economy is what regulates the exchange value of commodities in trade and consequently guides producers in their attempt to economise on labour. Unlike individual labour hours in the classical labour theory of value … Wikipedia
Socially responsible marketing — is a marketing philosophy that states a company should take into consideration what is in the best interest of society in the present and long term.Armstrong, Gary, and Philip Kotler. Principles of Marketing . 12th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:… … Wikipedia
socially responsible — UK US adjective SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ► working or operating in ways that are not harmful to society or the environment: »His goal is to make the company more environmentally friendly and socially responsible. »The FTSE and Dow Jones have both… … Financial and business terms
Socially Relevant Computing — (SRC) is a unique paradigm in computing introduced by the researchers at the University at Buffalo, Rice University and Microsoft Research. It focuses on the use of computation to solve problems that students are most passionate about. It… … Wikipedia
socially responsible investment — UK US noun SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, STOCK MARKET ► [C] an investment in a company whose business is not harmful to society or the environment: »FTSE4Good was established as an index of socially responsible investments. ► [U] the practice of… … Financial and business terms