1 копчен
2 холодного копчения
1) General subject: smoke dried, smoke-dried (о рыбе)2) Makarov: cold-smoked, dried in smokeУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > холодного копчения
3 копченый
4 копчёный
1) General subject: bloated, smoke-cured, smoke-dried, smoked2) Chemistry: smoke-dry, smokedried, smokedry3) Polymers: smoked (о сорте натурального каучука) -
5 копченый
1) General subject: bloated, smoke-cured, smoke-dried, smoked2) Chemistry: smoke-dry, smokedried, smokedry3) Polymers: smoked (о сорте натурального каучука) -
6 выдержанный после копчения
Makarov: smoke-dried (о колбасе)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > выдержанный после копчения
7 сухокопченый
Makarov: smoke-dried -
8 копчёный
9 копчёный
smoked, smoke-driedкопчёная колбаса́ — smoked sausage
копчёная ры́ба — smoked / cured fish
копчёная сельдь — smoked herring, bloater
10 копченый
smoked имя прилагательное: -
11 копченый
1. smoke-dried2. smoked -
12 К-212
КОМАР НОСА (у) HE ПОДТОЧИТ (HE ПОДТОЧИЛ БЫ) coll VP sub these forms only used as indep. sent or subord clause (introduced by что or, if subjunctive, by чтобы, often after a main clause containing так), fixed WOsth. is done so flawlessly that no defects can be found: (it is) a precise (beautiful, very neat) job(it's) done to a T (to perfection).Выходит, всё делается по правилам - комар носу не подточит (Эткинд 1). So everything was being done according to the rules-a beautiful job (1a).«Выкопал я ей яму, как тайничку полагается, книзу шире, кувшином, узким горлом вверх. Яму тоже дымом сушили, обогревали. В самую, самую метель. Спрятали картошку... землей забросали. Комар носу не подточит» (Пастернак 1). "So I made the pit in the proper way for a hiding place, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, like a jug, and we started a fire again and warmed and dried the pit with the smoke-all in a howling blizzard. Then we put the potatoes into the pit and the earth back on top. A very neat job it was" (1a). -
13 комар носа не подточил бы
• КОМАР НОСА <-у> НЕ ПОДТОЧИТ < НЕ ПОДТОЧИЛ БЫ> coll[VPsubj; these forms only; used as indep. sent or subord clause (introduced by что or, if subjunctive, by чтобы, often after a main clause containing так), fixed WO]=====⇒ sth. is done so flawlessly that no defects can be found:- (it is) a precise (beautiful, very neat) job;- (it's) done to a T (to perfection).♦ Выходит, всё делается по правилам - комар носу не подточит (Эткинд 1). So everything was being done according to the rules - a beautiful job (1a).♦ "Выкопал я ей яму, как тайничку полагается, книзу шире, кувшином, узким горлом вверх. Яму тоже дымом сушили, обогревали. В самую, самую метель. Спрятали картошку... землей забросали. Комар носу не подточит" (Пастернак 1). "So I made the pit in the proper way for a hiding place, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, like a jug, and we started a fire again and warmed and dried the pit with the smoke - all in a howling blizzard. Then we put the potatoes into the pit and the earth back on top. A very neat job it was" (1a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > комар носа не подточил бы
14 комар носа не подточит
• КОМАР НОСА <-у> НЕ ПОДТОЧИТ < НЕ ПОДТОЧИЛ БЫ> coll[VPsubj; these forms only; used as indep. sent or subord clause (introduced by что or, if subjunctive, by чтобы, often after a main clause containing так), fixed WO]=====⇒ sth. is done so flawlessly that no defects can be found:- (it is) a precise (beautiful, very neat) job;- (it's) done to a T (to perfection).♦ Выходит, всё делается по правилам - комар носу не подточит (Эткинд 1). So everything was being done according to the rules - a beautiful job (1a).♦ "Выкопал я ей яму, как тайничку полагается, книзу шире, кувшином, узким горлом вверх. Яму тоже дымом сушили, обогревали. В самую, самую метель. Спрятали картошку... землей забросали. Комар носу не подточит" (Пастернак 1). "So I made the pit in the proper way for a hiding place, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, like a jug, and we started a fire again and warmed and dried the pit with the smoke - all in a howling blizzard. Then we put the potatoes into the pit and the earth back on top. A very neat job it was" (1a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > комар носа не подточит
15 комар носу не подточил бы
• КОМАР НОСА <-у> НЕ ПОДТОЧИТ < НЕ ПОДТОЧИЛ БЫ> coll[VPsubj; these forms only; used as indep. sent or subord clause (introduced by что or, if subjunctive, by чтобы, often after a main clause containing так), fixed WO]=====⇒ sth. is done so flawlessly that no defects can be found:- (it is) a precise (beautiful, very neat) job;- (it's) done to a T (to perfection).♦ Выходит, всё делается по правилам - комар носу не подточит (Эткинд 1). So everything was being done according to the rules - a beautiful job (1a).♦ "Выкопал я ей яму, как тайничку полагается, книзу шире, кувшином, узким горлом вверх. Яму тоже дымом сушили, обогревали. В самую, самую метель. Спрятали картошку... землей забросали. Комар носу не подточит" (Пастернак 1). "So I made the pit in the proper way for a hiding place, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, like a jug, and we started a fire again and warmed and dried the pit with the smoke - all in a howling blizzard. Then we put the potatoes into the pit and the earth back on top. A very neat job it was" (1a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > комар носу не подточил бы
16 комар носу не подточит
• КОМАР НОСА <-у> НЕ ПОДТОЧИТ < НЕ ПОДТОЧИЛ БЫ> coll[VPsubj; these forms only; used as indep. sent or subord clause (introduced by что or, if subjunctive, by чтобы, often after a main clause containing так), fixed WO]=====⇒ sth. is done so flawlessly that no defects can be found:- (it is) a precise (beautiful, very neat) job;- (it's) done to a T (to perfection).♦ Выходит, всё делается по правилам - комар носу не подточит (Эткинд 1). So everything was being done according to the rules - a beautiful job (1a).♦ "Выкопал я ей яму, как тайничку полагается, книзу шире, кувшином, узким горлом вверх. Яму тоже дымом сушили, обогревали. В самую, самую метель. Спрятали картошку... землей забросали. Комар носу не подточит" (Пастернак 1). "So I made the pit in the proper way for a hiding place, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, like a jug, and we started a fire again and warmed and dried the pit with the smoke - all in a howling blizzard. Then we put the potatoes into the pit and the earth back on top. A very neat job it was" (1a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > комар носу не подточит
См. также в других словарях:
smoke-dried — adjective (used especially of meats and fish) dried and cured by hanging in wood smoke • Syn: ↑smoked, ↑smoke cured • Similar to: ↑preserved … Useful english dictionary
Smoke — (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance that… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Smoke arch — Smoke Smoke (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Smoke ball — Smoke Smoke (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Smoke black — Smoke Smoke (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Smoke board — Smoke Smoke (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Smoke box — Smoke Smoke (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Smoke sail — Smoke Smoke (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Smoke tree — Smoke Smoke (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smoke-dry — /smohk druy /, v., smoke dried, smoke drying. v.t. 1. to dry or cure (meat or other food) using smoke. v.i. 2. to become dried by smoke: to be eaten as soon as it smoke dries. [1695 1705] * * * … Universalium
smoke — n. & v. n. 1 a visible suspension of carbon etc. in air, emitted from a burning substance. 2 an act or period of smoking tobacco (had a quiet smoke). 3 colloq. a cigarette or cigar (got a smoke?). 4 (the Smoke) Brit. & Austral. colloq. a big city … Useful english dictionary