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  • 1 Sleipnir

    m. the ‘slipper,’ the name of Odin’s eight-footed steed, see Edda, Sdm., Gm.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > Sleipnir

  • 2 haf-sleipnir

    m. a sea-horse, poët. a ship.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > haf-sleipnir

  • 3 Слейпнир

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Слейпнир

  • 4 EN

    * * *
    1) but;
    en heima mun ek sitja, but I will stay at home;
    2) as a copulative, and, = ok;
    ek kann ráðum, Gunnhildar, en kappsemd Egils, I know the devices of G. and (on the other hand) Egil’s eagerness;
    3) = ‘an’, than (óbrigðra vin fær maðr aldregi en mannvit mikit).
    in Norse MSS. = ef, er (rel. pron. and temp. conj.);
    1) if;
    sælar væri sálurnar, en þær vissi, if they knew;
    2) as a rel. pron., = er;
    mína dóttur, en (= er) allra meyja er fegrst, who is the fairest of all maidens;
    * * *
    disjunctive conj.; in MSS. spelt either en or enn, [a particle peculiar to the Scandin.; in Danish men; in Swedish both men, än, and endast; Norse enn and also men, Ivar Aasen]:—but; en ef hann hefir, þá …, but if he has, then …, Grág. i. 261; en ef menn gefa þeim mat, id.; en heima mun ek sitja, but I will stay at home, Fms. vi. 100; en fjöldi féll, but a great many fell, Fas. ii. 514; eyrum hlýðir en augum skoðar, Hm. 7; en ekki eigu annarra manna orð, Grág. i. 84, 99, 171; en Skíðblaðnir skipa, en jóa Sleipnir, en hunda garmr, Gm. 44; en ór sveita sjár, en ór beinum björg, Vþm. 21; and passim. It is even used with a slight conjunctive sense; þykki mér sem því muni úhægt saman at koma, kappi þínu ok dirfð ‘en’ skaplyndi konungs, methinks it will be hard to make the two things go together, thy vehemence and rashness ‘and’ (on the other hand) the temper of the king, Eg. 521; ek kann ráðum Gunnhildar ‘en’ kappsemd Egils, I know the devices of Gunnhilda ‘and’ (on the other hand) Egil’s eagerness, 257: used in narratives to begin a sentence, merely denoting the progress of the tale, much the same as ‘and,’ cp. the use of auk III, p. 33; thus in Ýt. some verses begin with ‘en,’—En dagskjarr …, 2, 3, 14, 23; En Gunnlaugr grimman tamði, Hlt.; En Hróalds á höfuðbaðmi, Ad. 19, without any disjunctive notion.
    temporal adv., better spelt enn, [prob. akin to endr and eðr, q. v.]:—yet, still; þú hefir enn eigi ( not yet) heyrða kenning Drottins, Mar. 656 A. ii. 14; vildi hann enn svá, Fms. i. II; at hann mundi enn svá göra, vi. 100; þá ríkir hann enn fyrir mik, Al. 29; til betri tíma en ( than) enn ( still) er kominn, Sks. 596 B.
    2. before a comparative; enn síðarr, still later, N. G. L. i. 94; enn betr, still better; enn fyrr, still later; enn verri, still worse; enn æðri, still worthier; enn hærri, still higher; enn firr, still further off; enn nær, still nearer; enn heldr, still more, Sks. 304: separated from the comparative, enn vóru fleiri dætr Haralds, the daughters of H. were still more, i. e. H. had more daughters yet, Fms. i. 5.
    β. curious is the use of en (usually spelt in or inn) in old poems, viz. before a comparative, where in prose the ‘en’ can be left out without impairing the sense; thus, hélt-a in lengr rúmi, be kept not his place longer, i. e. ran away, Am. 58; ráð en lengr dvelja, to delay no longer, 61; menn in sælli, a happier man, Skv. 3. 18; né in mætri mægð, worthier affinity, id.; mann in harðara = harðara mann, a hardier man, Hbl. 14; nema þú in snotrari sér, unless thou art wiser, Vþm. 7; drekka in meira mjöð, to drink more mead; bíta en breiðara, to bite broader, i. e. eat with better appetite, Þkv. 35; þars þætti skáld in verri, where poets were kept in less honour, Jomsv. S. (in a verse); né in heldr, neither; né hests in heldr, neither for his horse, Hm. 60; né in heldr hugðir sem var Högni, neither are ye minded as H., Gh. 3, Sdm. 36, Hkv. 1. 12, Skv. 1. 21: in prose, eigi in heldr ætla ek, þat …, neither do I think, that …, Nj. 219.
    3. to boot, further, moreover; bolöxar ok enn amboð nokkur, pole-axes and some tools to boot, Dipl. v. 18; ok þat enn, at, and that still more, that, Róm. 302; Ingibjörg hét enn dóttir Haralds, Ingeburg was further Harold’s daughter, Fms. i. 5.
    or enn, conj., written an in very old MSS., e. g. Hom., Greg., Eluc., but in the great bulk of MSS. en is the standing form, both ancient and modern; [formed by anacope, by dropping the initial þ; Ulf. þanuh; A. S. þanne; Engl. than; Hel. than; O. H. G. danna; Germ. dann, but here almost replaced by ‘als;’ Swed. änn; Dan. end; Norse enn, Ivar Aasen; the anacope is entirely Scandin.]:—than, Lat. quam; heldr faðir an móðir, more father than mother, Eluc. 5; bjartari an sól, brighter than the sun, 45, 52; meira an aðrir, more than others, Greg. 51; víðara an áðr, wider than before, id.; betr an þegja, better than being silent, 96; æðri an þetta, Eluc. 51; annat an annat, one thing rather than another, 50; ljósara an nú, 44; heldr an vér, 17; annat an dauðan, 15; meira an Guð, 13; fyr an, 6; annat an þú ert, 59; framarr an þeir hafa, id.; framar an vesa, 60; heldr an færi eðr fleiri, Hom. 45; heldr an, 63; betra er þagat an mælt, 96; helgari an annarra manna, 126; framar an sín, 135, etc.; cp. Frump. 158–163: ‘en’ however occurs in Hom. 126.
    II. the form ‘en’ (or ‘enn’) occurs passim, Grág. i. 173, ii. 13, Al. 29, Sks. 596 B, N. G. L. i. 32, etc. etc.
    ☞ The particle en differs in sense when placed before or after the comparative; if before, it means still; if after, than; thus, fyrr enn, áðr enn, before, Lat. prinsquam, but enn fyrr, still earlier, sooner; enn heldr, still more, but heldr enn, rather than; enn betr, still better, but betr enn, better than; enn síðar, still later, but síðar enn, later than, etc. Again, there is a difference of sense, when neither en is a comparative; en ef, but if; ef enn, if still, etc.
    is now and then in MSS., esp. Norse, used = er, ef, q. v., but this is a mere peculiarity or false spelling:
    1. when; mér vórum í hjá en (= er) þeir, when they, D. N. i. 271; til þess en = til þess er, 81.
    2. as a relat. particle, which; sú hin ríka frú en ( which), Str.; mína dóttur en allra meyja er fegrst, my daughter who is the fairest of all women, Þiðr. 249; af því en hann hefir fingit, Al. 145; sá ótti en, 107; en sungin er, which is sung, Hom. 41; but hvárt en er, whether, N. G. L. i. 349.
    3. = ef, if, [cp. Old Engl. an]; sælar yæri sálurnar, en þær vissi, if they knew, Al. 114; en þeir vildi = ef þeir vildi, 118; en vér færim = ef vér færim, 120, esp. freq. in D. N. (vide Fr.) Very rare in Icel. writings or good MSS., e. g. en ek hefi með Guðs miskunn (i. e. er ek heti), as I have, because I have, Bs. i. 59, Hung. ch. 1; vide er.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EN

  • 5 HÁR

    * * *
    (há, hátt), a.
    1) high; á háfum fjöllum, in high mountains; hæri en, higher than;
    2) tall (hár maðr vexti);
    3) superl. at the highest pitch; meðan hæst væri vetrar, sumars, in the depth of winter, in the height of summer;
    4) high, glorious; hæstu hátíðir, the highest feasts;
    5) loud (hár brestr); mæla hátt, to speak loud; hón verðr há við, she becomes clamorous or excited.
    (gen. hás, pl. háir), m. thole.
    n. hair (jarpr á hár).
    * * *
    adj., fem. há, neut. hátt, vide Gramm. p. xix; compar. hæri or hærri, superl. hæstr; hæðstr and hærstr, which are found in old printed books, are bad forms; for the inflexions, (which vary much, sometimes inserting f or v, sometimes not,) see the references below; in mod. usage the v is usually dropped, but the cases are bisyllabic, e. g. háir, háar, háa, háum, instead of the old hávir, hávar, háva, háfum or hám; the definite form in old writers is hávi or háfi, in mod. hái: [Ulf. hauhs = ὑψηλός; A. S. heah; Engl. high; O. H. G. hoh; Hel. hoh; Germ. hoch; old Frank, hag or hach; Swed. hög; Dan. höj; all of them with a final guttural, which in mod. Dan. has been changed into j; the final labial f or v, which in olden times was so freq. before a vowel, may be compared to laugh, rough, etc. in mod. Engl.; the g remains in the cognate word haugr]:—high; stiga sex álna háfan, Vm. 129; í hám fjalla-tindum, Edda 144 (pref.); á háfum fjöllum, Skálda 181; há fjöll, Getsp.; á hám gálga, Fsm. 45; á bekk hám, Akv. 2; hár bylgjur, Edda (Ht.); á borg inni há, Am. 18; á há fjalli, Gm. 17, Bs. i. 26 (in a verse); enar hæstu fjalla hæðir, Stj. 59; hár turn, Hkr. iii. 63; skaptið var eigi hæra, en …, Eg. 285 (of a spear); hátt hlaup, a high leap, i. e. from a high place, Fms. i. 166; hæri en grön er vex á hæsta fjalli, Hom. 152; hávar bárur, Gh. 13: hávar unnir, Skv. 2. 16; háfan garð, Fms. vi. (in a verse); hávu grasi, Hm. 120; but há grasi. Gm. 17; upp-háfa skúa, high boots, Fms. vii. 321: phrases, bera hæra skjöld, hlut, to carry the highest shield, lot, Fas. i. 383, Ld. 322.
    2. tall; hárr maðr vexti ( tall of stature), manna hæstr, very tall, Fms. i. 155; hárr maðr ok harðvaxinn, vii. 321.
    3. a metrical term; syllables in rhyme having the same consonants and quantity of vowels are jafn-háfar, in the same strain; kvattú svá? ‘gröm skömm’ eigi eru þær hendingar jafn háfar; ‘hrömm skömm’ þat væri jafnhátt, Fms. vi. 386.
    II. metaph. high, sublime, glorious; hærri tign, Fms. i. 214; enir hæstu Guðs postular, 625. 82; í hærra haldi, Fms. vii. 112; margar ræður þvílíkar eða enn hæri, or still sublimer, Sks. 635; hljóta háfan sigr, a glorious victory, Merl. 2. 69; háfan ávöxt, Mar. kv. 17; hæstu daga, hæstu hátíðir, the highest days or feasts (hátíð), Fms. x. 22.
    2. at the highest pitch; meðan hæstir eru stormar um vetrinn, Sks. 46; at hann væri kyrr meðan hæst væri vetrar, in the depth of winter, Fms. ix. 480; meðan hæst væri sumars, in the height of summer, Lv. 43; hátt vetrar megin, Sks.; cp. há-degi, há-vetr, há-sumar (below).
    3. loud; blása hátt (a trumpet), Vsp. 47; brestr hár, Fms. xi. 10, Glúm. 375; mæla hátt, to speak loud, Nj. 33; ok söng í hátt, it gave a loud sound, 83; kveða við hátt ok öskurliga, Fms. v. 164; þó þetta væri eigi hátt talat í fyrstu, ix. 250; æpa hátt, Sks. 653; hafa hátt, to make a noise; cp. gráta hástöfum (below), há-vaði (below); hón verðr há við, she became clamorous, excited, Ísl. ii. 350; hlæja hátt, to laugh loud, Skv. 2. 15.
    III. a mythol. pr. name, both Hár and Hávi, Edda; Hávi and Hár are names of Odin the High, whence Háva-mál, n. pl. the name of a poem, the Sayings of the High.
    2. prefixed in the pr. names Há-kon, Há-leygr, Há-rekr, Há-mundr, Há-steinn, Há-varðr, Há-varr; and in local names, Háfa-fell, etc.
    IV. neut. as adverb; geisa hátt, Edda 146 (pref.); skín hann nú því hærra, Fms. v. 241; unna e-m hærra en öðrum, to love one higher (more) than another, Sturl. i. 198; taka e-n hátt, to make much of one, Bs. i. 727; stökkva hátt, to make a high leap, look high, Fær. 57; sitja skör hærra en aðrir, a step higher, Fms. i. 7.
    B. COMPDS: háaltari, hábakki, hábakkaflæðr, hábeinn, hábjarg, hábogaðr, háborð, hábrók, hábrókan, hábrókask, hádegi, hádegisskeið, háeyrr, háfeti, háfjall, háflæðr, háfæta, háfættr, háhestr, hákirkja, háleggr, háleikr, háleitliga, háleitligr, háleitr, háliga, háligr, hálimar, hámessa, hámessumál, hámælgi, hámæli, hámæltr, hánefjaðr, hánefr, hápallr, háreysti, háreystr, hásalir, hásegl, háseymdr, háskeptr, háskóli, hástaðr, hástafir, hásteint, hástigi, hásumar, hásumartími, hásæti, hásætisborð, hásætiskista, hásætismaðr, hásætisstóll, hátalaðr, hátimbra, hátíð, hátíðaraptan, hátíðardagr, hátíðarhald, hátíðisdagr, hátíðiskveld, hátíðliga, hátíðligr, hávaði, hávaðamaðr, hávaðamikill, hávaðasamr, hávarr, háværr, háværð, hávegir, hávella, hávetr, hávetri.
    mod. háfr, m. [Germ. hai], a dog-fish, squalus acanthius, Skálda 162. In compds há- marks fish of the shark kind, as há-karl (q. v.), a shark, carcharias, Ann.: há-kerling, f. = hákarl: há-meri, f. squalus glaucus: há-mús, f. chimaera monstrosa, Linn.; also called geirnyt, Eggert Itin. 360: há-skerðingr, m. = hákarl, Edda (Gl.), Grág. ii. 337, 359, Pm. 69: háskerðinga-lýsi, n. shark’s oil, H. E. i. 395: háfs-roð, n. shark’s skin, shagreen.
    m., acc. há, pl. háir, a thole, Am. 35, Grett. 125, Fas. i. 215, Þiðr. 313; whence há-benda, u, f. = hamla, q. v.; há-borur, f. pl., q. v.; há-reiðar, f. pl. rowlocks, prop. ‘thole-gear,’ synonymous with hamla; inn féll (sjór) um söxin ok háreiðarnar, Sturl. iii. 66, (Cd. Brit. Mus., Cd. Arna-Magn. háborurnar); leggja árar í háreiðar, to lay the oars in the rowlocks, Fms. xi. 70 (v. 1. to hömlur), 101, x. 285; lágu þar árar í háreiðum, Eg. 360 (v. l. to hömlu-böndum), Lex. Poët.: há-seti, a, m. a ‘ thole-sitter,’ oarsman, opp. to the captain or helmsman, Grág. i. 90, N. G. L. i. 98, Landn. 44, Fbr. 62 new Ed., Fms. vi. 239, 246: há-stokkar, m. pl. the gunwale, Bs. i. 385, 390.
    β. in poetry a ship is called há-dýr, n., há-sleipnir, m. the horse of rowlocks.
    n. [A. S. hær; Engl. hair; Germ. har; Dan.-Swed. hår; Lat. caesaries]:— hair, including both Lat. crines and capilli, Skálda 162, Nj. 2, Sks. 288; fara ór hárum, to change the hair, of beasts, passim; eitt hár hvítt eðr svart, Matth. v. 36; höfuð-hár, the hair of the head; lík-hár, the hair on the body, breast, or hands of men, opp. to the head; úlfalda-hár, iii. 4; hross-hár, horse-hair; hunds-hár, kattar-hár.
    COMPDS: háralag, hárslitr.
    ☞ For the hair of women, see Nj. ch. 1, 78, 117, Landn. 2, ch. 30, Edda 21, passim; of men, Nj. ch. 121, Ld. ch. 63, and passim.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HÁR

  • 6 HESTR

    (-s, -ar), m.
    1) stallion (hestar þrír ok merhross eitt);
    2) horse.
    * * *
    m. a horse, [this word is a contr. form of hengist, qs. hengstr; A. S. hengest; O. H. G. hengist; Germ. hengst, whence Swed.-Dan. hingst; again, contr. Swed. häst, Dan. hest: in old writers hestr mostly means a stallion, whereas hross (Engl. horse) denotes a gelding or any horse]:—a stallion, opp. to merr, a mare, Grág. i. 503, Gþl. 190, Hrafn. 5, Ám. 98 (hestar þrír ok mer-hross eitt); h. grár með fjórum merum, Ísl. ii. 213; sá hestr var sonr Hvítings, var alhvítr at lit en merarnar allar rauðar, en annarr sonr Hvítings var í Þórarínsdal, ok var sá ok hvítr en merarnar svartar, Bjarn. 55: a steed, Fms. ii. 224: a horse gener., Nj. 4, 74; lið á hestum, horsemen, Fms. x. 31, passim. The ancients valued high breeding and variety of colour in their horses, which were favourite gifts, see Gunnl. ch. 5, Bjarn. l. c., Finnb. ch. 23, Fms. vi. 383, 384; for steeds and horsemanship see Þkv. 6, Yngl. S. ch. 23, 33, Landn. 3. ch. 8, Gullþ. S. ch. 9, Harð. S. ch. 3, 4, Rm. 32, 34, cp. also Lv. ch. 6, 7, Grett. ch. 16, Dropl. 13, Finnb. ch. 23, Fms. vi. 323: mythol. the horse was sacred to Frey (the god of light and the sun), Hrafn. 5, Vd. ch. 34, Fb. i. 401 (Ó. T. ch. 322), cp. Freyfaxi: for the steeds of the Sun, Day, and Night, see Gm. 37, Vþm. 12, 14: for the steeds of the gods, Gm. 30: for poetical and mythical names, Edda (Gl.) and the fragment of the poem Þorgrímsþula, Edda, Bugge 332–334: for Sleipnir, the eight-legged steed of Odin, Edda, Gm. 44: for horse-fights see the references s. v. etja, to which add Grett. ch. 31, Sd. ch. 23:—vatna-hestr, a water-horse, = nykr in popular tales, Landn. 2, ch. 10, and Ísl. Þjóðs.; but also a good swimmer, góðr vatna-hestr; skeið-h., reið-h., a riding horse; klár-h., púls-h., áburðar-h., a hack, cart-horse, pack-horse; stóð-h., a stud-horse: sækja, beizla, gyrða, söðla, járna hest, to fetch, bridle, gird, saddle, shoe a horse; also, leggja á, to saddle; spretta af, to take the saddle off; teyma hest or hafa hest í togi, to lead a horse; flytja h., to put a pony out to grass; hepla h., to tether a pony: a pony is gúðgengr (q. v.), vakr, þýðr; and the reverse, íllgengr, hastr, klárgengr, harðgengr.
    II. metaph. phrases, há-hestr, a high horse; ríða háhest (a child’s play), also called ríða hákúk, to ride on one another’s shoulders, ride ‘pick-a-back;’ kinn-hestr, a ‘cheek-horse,’ a box on the ear; lýstr hana kinnhest, hón kvaðsk þann hest muna skyldu ok launa ef hón mætti, Nj. 75; þá skal ek nú, segir hón, muna þér kinnhestinn, þann er þú laust mik, 116, cp. Gísl. 27: the gallows is called the horse of Odin, whence gefa e-m hest, to give one a horse, hang one, Fb. i. 238, cp. the verse in Yngl. S. ch. 26.
    β. the local name of a horse-shaped crag, see Landn.; cp. Hest-fell in Cumberland.
    COMPDS: either hesta- or hests-: hesta-at, n. a horse-fight, see etja. hesta-bein, n. horse bones (cp. Engl. horse-flesh), Grett. 96. hesta-fóðr, n. horse foddering, a law term, Gþl. 77. hesta-fætr, m. pl. horses’ feet, Edda 77, Fas. i. 226, Fms. iii. 111. hesta-garðr, m. a horse-pen close to a churchyard, wherein the horses of the worshippers are kept during service, D. N. hesta-geldir, m. horse gelder, a nickname, Landn. hesta-geymsla, u, f. horse keeping, Fas. i. 80. hesta-gnegg, n. a horse’s neigh, Stj. 621. hesta-gnýr, m, noise of horsemen, Fms. iii. 74. hesta-hlið, n. a horse gate, Stj. hesta-járn, n. pl. horse-shoes, Sturl. iii. 152. hesta-keyrsla, u, f. driving the steed in, in a horse-fight, Rd. 261. hesta-korn, n. [Swed. hestakorn = oats], a nickname, Fb. iii. hesta-lið, n. horsemen, Fms. vii. 188. hesta-maðr, m. a horse boy, groom. hesta-rétt, f. in Icel., = Norse hestagarðr. hesta-skál, f. a stirrup-cup. hesta-skipti, n. a change of horses; hafa h., Ld. 202, Fs. 51. hesta-stafr, m. a horse staff, to be used in a horse-fight, Nj. 91, Þorst. S. St. 49, cp. Rd. ch. 12, Arons S. ch. 18. hesta-stallr, m. = hesthús, Flóv. hesta-steinn, m. a stone to whicb a horse is tied whilst the horseman takes refreshment. hesta-sveinn, m. a horse boy, groom, Sturl. ii. 218, Fas. i. 149, Þiðr. 205, Þorst. S. St. 50. hesta-víg, n. a horse-fight, Nj. 90, Sturl. ii. 100, Glúm. 366, Rd. 261. hesta-þing, n. a meeting for a public horse-fight, Glúm. 366, 367, Nj. 92, Lv. 37, Sd. 176, Fs. 43, 140.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HESTR

  • 7 HÖRR

    1) starvation; detta, niðr í hor, to starve to death;
    * * *
    m., old dat. hörvi, mod. hör, pl. hörvar, Höfuðl. 12:—flax, but also = linen, Lat. linum, Sks. 287, Rm. 28; dúkr hvítr af hörvi, a white linen table cloth, id.; hörfi glæst, clad in linen, of a woman, Kormak; from the wearing of linen a lady is in the poets called hör-bil, -brekka, -fit, -gefn, -gerðr, -nauma, -skorða, -veig, -þella, Lex. Poët.
    2. a cord of hemp, as a bowstring or the like, Höfuðl. 12; boga fylgði hörr, toginn hörr, Edda (in a verse); hörfa sleipnir, the hemp horse = the gallows, Ýt. 12. hör-dúkr, m. a linen cloth, Hallfred.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HÖRR

  • 8 svaðill

    * * *
    m. a slippery place: in the phrase, fara svaðil fyrir e-m, to get on slippery ice, get a bad fall, Fms. vii. 56, Stj. 433, 513.
    COMPDS: svaðil-farar, -ferðir, f. pl. disasters, Ísl. ii. 54; veita e-m svaðilfarar, Fms. viii. 408; fara svaðilförum fyrir e-m = fara svaðil, vii. 261. Svaðil-fari, a, m. a mythical steed, the father of Sleipnir, see Hdl., Edda.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > svaðill

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sleipnir — (nord. Myth.), achtfüßiges Roß Odins, silbergrau, geboren von Loki, welcher als Sleipnisfrändi von dem Hengst Svadilfari besprungen worden war …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Sleipnir — (nord. Myth.), s. Odin …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Sleipnir — Sleipnir,   altnordische Mythologie: das achtbeinige graue Pferd Odins …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Sleipnir — Odin chevauchant Sleipnir, manuscrit islandais de 1765, SÁM 66, 80v, par Jakob Sigurðsson. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sleipnir (homonym …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sleipnir — For other uses, see Sleipnir (disambiguation). Odin Rides to Hel (1908) by W. G. Collingwood. In Norse mythology, Sleipnir (Old Norse slippy [1] or the slipper …   Wikipedia

  • Sleipnir — Odin auf Sleipnir (Bilderstein von Gotland) Sleipnir (etwa „der Dahingleitende“, Schreibweise alternativ auch Sleipner) ist in der nordischen Mythologie das achtbeinige Ross Odins. Seinen Namen bekam es, da es zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sleipnir — Representación de Odín montando a Sleipnir. En la mitología escandinava, Sleipnir o Sleipner, cuyo significado es resbaladizo, es el caballo gris de ocho patas que pertenecía a Odín. Era capaz de ir velozmente de un extremo al otro del horizonte …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sleipnir — En la mitología escandinava, Sleipnir o Sleipner, que significa resbaladizo, es el caballo gris de ocho patas que pertenecía a Odín. Era capaz de ir velozmente de un extremo al otro del horizonte. Sleipnir simbolizaba los ocho vientos que soplan… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Sleipnir — (Planeur) Sleipnir est le célébre et fantastique cheval à huit pattes d’Odin. Cet animal fabuleux fut le fruit de l’union entre Svadilfari, un cheval, et une jument, en fait Loki déguisé! Sleipnir est capable de se déplacer sur terre, sur la mer… …   Mythologie nordique

  • Sleipnir (Browser) — Entwickler Fenrir Inc. Aktuelle Version 2.9.8 (8. September 2011) Betriebssystem Windows Kategorie Webbrowser Lizenz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sleipnir (Begriffsklärung) — Sleipnir (Schreibweise alternativ auch Sleipner) bezeichnet: Sleipnir, in der nordischen Mythologie das achtbeinige Ross Odins Sleipnir (Band), eine deutsche Rechtsrock Band aus Nordrhein Westfalen Sleipnir (Browser), ein japanischer Browser… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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