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  • Shag — (Aussprache: ʃɛk „Schäk“[1]), Shagtabak, Feinschnitttabak, Feinschnitt, Wuzeltabak oder Drehtabak bezeichnet fein geschnittenen, manchmal gesoßten (mit flüssigem Aroma getränkten) Tabak. Aufgrund seines Schnittes brennt er relativ schnell ab und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shag — may refer to one of the following:Arts and entertainment* Shag is the name of several different swing dances **Collegiate shag, a swing dance from the 1920s that was popular among college students at the time **Carolina shag, a swing dance that… …   Wikipedia

  • Shag — 〈[ʃæ̣g] m. 6; unz.〉 feingeschnittener Pfeifentabak [<engl. shag „Zottel“] * * * Shag [ʃɛk , engl.: ʃæg], der; s, s [engl. shag, eigtl. = Zottel]: fein geschnittener Pfeifentabak. * * * Shag   [ʃɛk, englisch ʃæg; englisch, eigentlich »Zottel«]… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • shag — shag·a·nap·pi; shag·gi·ly; shag·gi·ness; shag·gy; shag; shag·let; shag·rag; …   English syllables

  • shag — shag1 [shag] n. [ME * shagge < OE sceacga, rough hair, akin to ON skegg, beard < IE base * skek , to spring forth > SHAKE, Ger schicken, to send] 1. Rare heavily matted wool or hair 2. a haircut, short in front and longer in back, with… …   English World dictionary

  • shag — Ⅰ. shag [1] ► NOUN 1) a carpet or rug with a long, rough pile. 2) (before another noun ) (of pile) long and rough. 3) a thick, tangled hairstyle. 4) coarse cut tobacco. ORIGIN Old English. Ⅱ …   English terms dictionary

  • shag´gi|ly — shag|gy «SHAG ee», adjective, gi|er, gi|est. 1. covered with a thick, rough mass of hair or wool, or something resembling them: »a shaggy dog. 2. long, thick, and rough: »shaggy eyebrows, a shaggy mustache. 3. unke …   Useful english dictionary

  • shag|gy — «SHAG ee», adjective, gi|er, gi|est. 1. covered with a thick, rough mass of hair or wool, or something resembling them: »a shaggy dog. 2. long, thick, and rough: »shaggy eyebrows, a shaggy mustache. 3. unke …   Useful english dictionary

  • Shag — Shag, n. [AS. sceacga a bush of hair; akin to Icel. skegg the beard, Sw. sk[ a]gg, Dan. skj?g. Cf. {Schock} of hair.] 1. Coarse hair or nap; rough, woolly hair. [1913 Webster] True Witney broadcloth, with its shag unshorn. Gay. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shag — Shag, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shagged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shagging}.] To make hairy or shaggy; hence, to make rough. [1913 Webster] Shag the green zone that bounds the boreal skies. J. Barlow. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shag — Shag, a. Hairy; shaggy. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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