1 schedule
- schedule
- n1. спецификация; список, опись
2. расписание; график; календарный план, программа
3. планировать, составлять план
- schedule of price
- schedule of wages
- accelerated job schedule
- bar schedule
- beam schedule
- bending schedule
- construction schedule
- cutting schedule
- door schedule
- equipment schedule
- erection schedule
- job schedule
- manufacturing schedule
- operation schedule
- overlapping construction schedule
- payment schedule
- pipe schedule
- progress schedule
- rate schedule
- test schedule
- time schedule
- total construction schedule
- window schedule
- work schedule
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 schedule
1. nouna. [of work, duties] programme m ; [of planes] horaire m ; [of events] calendrier m ; (US = timetable) emploi m du temps(gen pass) [+ meeting, talks] prévoir• you are scheduled to speak after him d'après le programme, vous parlez après lui• the government has scheduled elections for 5 January le gouvernement a fixé les élections au 5 janvier* * *['ʃedjuːl], US ['skedʒʊl] 1.1) Administration, Commerce, Technology programme m; ( projected plan) prévisions fplto be ahead of/behind schedule — être en avance/en retard sur les prévisions
to draw up ou make out a schedule — établir un programme
2) ( of appointments) programme m also Televisionto fit somebody/something into one's schedule — intégrer quelqu'un/quelque chose dans son programme
3) ( timetable) horaire mto arrive on/ahead of/behind schedule — arriver à l'heure/en avance/en retard
4) Commerce, Law ( list) ( of charges) barème m; ( of repayments) taux m; ( of contents) inventaire m; ( to a contract) annexe f2.transitive verb prévoir; ( arrange) programmerthe plane is scheduled to arrive at 2.00 — l'avion est attendu à 2 h
3 schedule
schedule, US [transcription]["skedZUl"]A n1 Admin, Comm, Constr programme m ; ( projected plan) prévisions fpl ; building schedule programme de construction ; production schedule prévisions de production ; to be ahead of/behind schedule être en avance/en retard sur les prévisions ; to work to a tight schedule travailler selon un programme serré ; to keep to a schedule suivre un programme ; to draw up ou make out a schedule établir un programme ; to be on schedule (for July) progresser comme prévu (pour l'échéance de juillet) ; finished on schedule fini à temps ; according to schedule comme prévu ; a schedule of events un calendrier ;2 ( of appointments) programme m ; work schedule programme de travail ; a full/crowded schedule gen, Sport un programme chargé/très chargé ; to fit sb/sth into one's schedule intégrer qn/qch dans son programme ;3 TV programme m ; autumn/winter schedule programme d'automne/d'hiver ;4 Transp ( timetable) horaire m ; bus/train schedule horaire des bus/trains ; to arrive on/ahead of/behind schedule arriver à l'heure/en avance/en retard ;5 Comm, Jur ( list) (of prices, charges) barème m ; ( of repayments) taux m ; (of contents, listed buildings) inventaire m ; ( to a contract) annexe f ; as per the attached schedule conformément à la liste ci-jointe ;B vtr1 ( plan) prévoir [activity] ; ( arrange) programmer [holiday, appointment] ; to do sth as scheduled faire qch comme prévu ; I am scheduled to speak at 2.00 je dois parler à 2 h ; the plane is scheduled to arrive at 2.00 l'avion est attendu à 2 h ; the station is scheduled for completion in 1997 la gare doit être terminée en 1997 ; -
4 ♦ schedule
♦ schedule /ˈʃɛdju:l, USA ˈskɛdʒəl/n.1 elenco; lista; distinta; prospetto; scaletta; specchietto; tabella: (fin., banca) schedule of rates, scaletta dei tassi; (naut.) schedule of freight rates, tabella dei noli2 programma, piano ( di lavoro, delle consegne, ecc.): schedule of operations, programma operativo; ahead of [behind] schedule, in anticipo [in ritardo] sulla tabella di marcia (o rispetto al previsto); I've got a busy (o a tight) schedule tomorrow, domani ho una giornata piena d'impegni3 (trasp.) orario: train schedule, orario ferroviario; on schedule, in orario: The plane was on schedule, l'aereo era in orario;5 (stat.) questionario; scheda8 (spec. Schedule; leg. USA, rif. a droghe) classe; categoria: Abuse of drugs in Schedule II may lead to physical dependence, l'abuso di droghe appartenenti alla classe II può condurre alla dipendenza● (ass.) schedule rate, tariffa tabellare □ ( according) to schedule, secondo la tabella di marcia; rispettando i tempi ( delle consegne, ecc.).(to) schedule /ˈʃɛdju:l, USA ˈskɛdʒəl/v. t.1 mettere in programma (o in calendario); programmare; fissare; stabilire: The meeting of creditors has been scheduled for next week, l'assemblea dei creditori è stata fissata per la prossima settimana3 mettere in lista; elencare; fare una lista di5 (comput.) pianificare; schedulare; programmare6 (cronot.) tempificare. -
5 schedule
1 noun(a) (programme) programme m; (calendar) programme m, calendrier m; (timetable) programme m, emploi m du temps; (plan) prévisions fpl, plan m;∎ I have a busy schedule (for visit) j'ai un programme chargé; (in general) j'ai un emploi du temps chargé; (over period) j'ai un calendrier chargé;∎ everything went according to schedule tout s'est déroulé comme prévu;∎ I work to a very tight schedule mon emploi du temps est très chargé;∎ the work was carried out according to schedule le travail a été effectué selon les prévisions;∎ we are on schedule or up to schedule nous sommes dans les temps;∎ our work is ahead of/behind schedule nous sommes en avance/en retard dans notre travail;∎ the bridge was opened on/ahead of schedule le pont a été ouvert à la date prévue/en avance sur la date prévue;∎ the doors opened on schedule les portes se sont ouvertes à l'heure prévue;∎ a schedule was agreed for the work on s'est mis d'accord sur un programme de travail ou un planning pour le travail;∎ to fall behind schedule prendre du retard sur les prévisions de travail(b) (timetable → for transport) horaire m;∎ the train is on/is running behind schedule le train est à l'heure/a du retard(c) (list → of prices) barème m; (→ of contents) inventaire m; (→ of items) nomenclature f; (→ of payments) échéancier m∎ the meeting was scheduled for three o'clock/Wednesday la réunion était prévue pour trois heures/mercredi;∎ the plane was scheduled to touch down at 18.45 il était prévu que l'avion arrive ou l'arrivée de l'avion était prévue à 18 heures 45;∎ the building is scheduled for demolition il est prévu que le bâtiment soit démoli;∎ she wasn't scheduled to arrive until Sunday elle ne devait pas arriver ou il n'était pas prévu qu'elle arrive avant dimanche;∎ which day is the film scheduled for? quel jour a été retenu pour le film?;∎ it's scheduled for Saturday il est programmé pour samedi;∎ you aren't scheduled to sing until later d'après le programme, vous devez chanter plus tard (dans la soirée)(b) (period, work, series) organiser;∎ to schedule one's time aménager ou organiser son temps;∎ to schedule a morning établir l'emploi du temps d'une matinée;∎ our whole week is scheduled notre programme ou emploi du temps pour cette semaine est déjà établi;∎ that lunch hour is already scheduled ce déjeuner est déjà réservé;∎ to schedule one's reading se faire un plan de lecture(c) (topic, item) inscrire;∎ it's scheduled as a topic for the next meeting c'est inscrit à l'ordre du jour de la prochaine réunion -
6 schedule
schedule nрасписаниеbalance scheduleцентровочный графикclimb scheduleграфик набора высотыflight scheduleграфик полетаfuel management scheduleпорядок выработки топливаinlet airflow scheduleрежим воздушного потока в заборнике воздухаmaintenance scheduleрегламент технического обслуживанияscheduled airlineавиакомпания регулярных перевозокscheduled airline trafficрегулярные перевозки авиакомпанийscheduled air serviceрегулярные воздушные перевозкиscheduled carrierрегулярный перевозчикscheduled courseзаданный курсscheduled departure timeвремя вылета по расписаниюscheduled flightполет по расписаниюscheduled maintenance frequencyпериодичность проведения регламентных работscheduled maintenance recordкарта - наряд на выполнение регламентного технического обслуживанияscheduled maintenance task cardкарта выполнения регламентных работscheduled performancesхарактеристики, установленные техническим заданиемscheduled stopping placeпромежуточная посадка, предусмотренная расписаниемscheduled tasksрегламентные работыschedule the performancesзадавать характеристики -
7 schedule
schedule I v (zeitlich) planen schedule II TE Plan m, Ablaufplan m, Zeitplan m; Fahrplan m • according to schedule TE, VR termingemäß (z. B. Bauausführung) • on schedule s. → according to scheduleEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > schedule
8 schedule
schedule [ˊʃedju:l]1. n1) спи́сок, пе́речень, катало́г; о́пись2) програ́мма, план; гра́фик3) пе́речень тари́фов4) расписа́ние;to be behind schedule запа́здывать
;on schedule то́чно, во́время
5) тех. режи́м2. v1) составля́ть ( или включа́ть в) расписа́ние2) составля́ть (список, опись и т.п.)3) назнача́ть; намеча́ть; плани́ровать;the journey is scheduled for five days путеше́ствие рассчи́тано на пять дней
9 schedule
schedule I v 1. (in Tabellenform) zusammenstellen, aufzeichnen, eintragen; 2. planen, (zeitlich) festlegen schedule II 1. Liste f, Verzeichnis n, Zusammenstellung f; 2. Plan m, Zeitplan m; Programm nEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > schedule
10 schedule
schedule:feeding schedule пищевой режимEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > schedule
11 schedule
12 schedule
13 schedule
1. n1) список, опись, реестр2) расписание, график3) план, программа; календарный план4) приложение (к документу); пояснительная записка (к бухгалтерскому отчету); дополнительная статья (договора)
- accumulation schedule
- adjusted schedule
- advertising schedule
- aging schedule
- agreed schedule
- amortization schedule
- bookkeeping schedule
- busy schedule
- busy schedule of appointments
- census schedule
- comprehensive schedule
- construction schedule
- consumption schedule
- contract schedule
- cost schedule
- curtail schedule
- customs schedule
- debt repayment schedule
- debt service schedule
- delivery schedule
- demand schedule
- depreciation schedule
- disbursement schedule
- dividend payment schedule
- drawdown schedule
- erection schedule
- exhibition schedule
- feasible schedule
- fee schedule
- field work schedule
- final schedule
- flat schedule
- flexible schedule
- flight schedule
- inquiry schedule
- inventory schedule
- job schedule
- joint schedule
- leave schedule
- linear schedule
- maintenance schedule
- manning schedule
- master schedule
- monthly schedule
- operating schedule
- operation schedule
- operative schedule
- optimal schedule
- payment schedule
- plant schedule
- practicable schedule
- preference schedule
- principal payment schedule
- production schedule
- project schedule
- project implementation schedule
- railway schedule
- rate schedule
- redemption schedule
- repayment schedule
- replacement schedule
- requirement schedule
- revised schedule
- rolling schedule
- saving schedule
- seasonal rate schedule
- separate schedule
- settlement schedule
- shipping schedule
- staffing schedule
- supply schedule
- tariff schedule
- task schedule
- tax schedule
- tentative schedule
- tight schedule
- timing schedule
- training schedule
- vacation schedule
- wage schedule
- work schedule
- workable schedule
- working schedule
- schedule for repayment of principal
- schedule of advertising
- schedule of charges
- schedule of commission charges
- schedule of construction
- schedule of deliveries
- schedule of expenses
- schedule of fees
- schedule of investments
- schedule of materials
- schedule of materials on order
- schedule of measures
- schedule of payments
- schedule of per diem rates
- schedule of prices
- schedule of services
- schedule of work
- according to schedule
- ahead of schedule
- on schedule
- out of schedule
- schedule
- up to schedule
- abide by the schedule
- adhere to the schedule
- agree upon a schedule
- approve a schedule
- be ahead of schedule
- be behind schedule
- be on schedule
- break a schedule
- compile a schedule
- coordinate schedules
- draw up a schedule
- elaborate a schedule
- establish a production schedule
- finalize a schedule
- keep to schedule
- maintain a schedule
- make a schedule
- map out a schedule
- meet a schedule
- operate to schedule
- prepare a schedule
- revise a schedule
- run on schedule
- work out a schedule
- work to schedule2. v
- schedule hearingEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > schedule
14 schedule
1) расписание, график || составлять расписание2) календарный план, календарный график; программа || планировать3) таблица; схема; шкала; спецификация4) режим5) перечень [прейскурант] тарифов6) демогр. переписной лист -
15 schedule
1) список, опись, реестр2) расписание, график3) план; программа; календарный план4) приложение (к документу); пояснительная записка (к бухгалтерскому отчету)• -
16 schedule
[ˈʃedju:l]bankruptcy schedule реестр задолженности банкрота schedule расписание, график; план; to be behind schedule запаздывать; on schedule точно, вовремя bid schedule перечень предложенных цен bid schedule прейскурант торгов computer schedule вчт. график работы машины contract time schedule календарные сроки, оговоренные в контракте design schedule вчт. расчетная таблица destruction schedule план уничтожения документов financing schedule план финансирования financing schedule программа финансирования flexible schedule скользящий график работы insertion schedule порядок публикации объявлений schedule назначать; намечать; планировать; the journey is scheduled for five days путешествие рассчитано на пять дней media insertion schedule расписание рекламных вставок schedule расписание, график; план; to be behind schedule запаздывать; on schedule точно, вовремя pay schedule график выплат price schedule шкала цен production schedule график производственного процесса production schedule производственный календарный план redemption schedule график погашения run schedule вчт. график рабочих прогонов schedule включать в график schedule вносить в каталог schedule вносить в опись schedule график schedule добавление schedule дополнительная статья (договора) schedule заносить в список schedule календарный план schedule каталог schedule назначать; намечать; планировать; the journey is scheduled for five days путешествие рассчитано на пять дней schedule опись schedule переписной лист schedule перечень тарифов schedule вчт. планировать schedule прейскурант schedule прилагать schedule приложение (к документу) schedule программа schedule расписание, график; план; to be behind schedule запаздывать; on schedule точно, вовремя schedule расписание, график schedule расписание schedule регламент schedule тех. режим schedule режим работы schedule составлять (список, опись и т. п.) schedule составлять (или включать в) расписание schedule составлять расписание schedule составлять список schedule список, перечень, каталог; опись schedule список schedule схема schedule табель schedule шкала schedule of enactments repealed список отмененных законодательных актов schedule of freight rates перечень фрахтовых ставок schedule of repeals список отмененных законодательных актов schedule of salaries шкала ставок заработной платы schedule of wages шкала ставок заработной платы supply schedule график поставок tender schedule расписание торгов wage schedule ведомость заработной платы work schedule график работы work schedule календарный план работы -
17 schedule
1) расписание; таблица3) опись; условие•- schedule of construction work - schedule of construction works - schedule of delivery of equipment - schedule of earthworks - schedule of working drawings - ahead of schedule - compliance with a schedule - construction schedule - departure from a schedule - design schedule - flow regulation schedule - fulfilment of a schedule - maintenance schedule - tentative schedule - time schedule - waste-water treatment schedule - work schedule* * *1. спецификация; список, опись2. расписание; график; календарный план, программа3. планировать, составлять план- schedule of price
- schedule of wages
- accelerated job schedule
- bar schedule
- beam schedule
- bending schedule
- construction schedule
- cutting schedule
- door schedule
- equipment schedule
- erection schedule
- job schedule
- manufacturing schedule
- operation schedule
- overlapping construction schedule
- payment schedule
- pipe schedule
- progress schedule
- rate schedule
- test schedule
- time schedule
- total construction schedule
- window schedule
- work schedule -
18 schedule
1. noun2) (plan of procedure) Zeitplan, derwork/study schedule — Arbeits-/Studienplan, der
4) (tabulated statement) Aufstellung, die5) (time stated in plan)2. transitive verb1) (make plan of) zeitlich planen2) (make timetable of) einen Fahrplan aufstellen für; (include in timetable) in den Fahrplan aufnehmen* * *['ʃedju:l, ]( American[) 'sked-] 1. noun(a statement of details, especially of timing of activities, or of things to be done: a work schedule for next month.) der Plan2. verb* * *sched·ule[ˈʃedju:l, AM ˈskeʤu:l]I. nbus/train \schedule Bus-/Zugfahrplan mflight \schedule Flugplan mteaching \schedule Lehrplan mto draw up [or plan] a \schedule einen Plan erstellento keep to a \schedule sich akk an einen Zeitplan halteneverything went according to \schedule alles lief nach Zeitplanahead of \schedule früher als geplanton \schedule fristgerecht, fristgemäß5. FIN Verzeichnis der Zinssätze\schedule of fees Gebührenordnung f\schedule of redemption Tilgungsplan mII. vt▪ to \schedule sth1. (list officially) etw festlegen [o aufführen2. (plan) etw ansetzen [o anberaumen]to \schedule a meeting eine Besprechung ansetzenthey've \scheduled him to speak at three o'clock sie haben seine Rede für drei Uhr geplantthe restoration work is \scheduled to begin early next year die Restaurationsarbeiten sollen Anfang nächsten Jahres beginnen* * *['skedZʊəl] (esp Brit) ['ʃedjuːl]1. n1) (of events) Programm nt; (of work) Zeitplan m; (of lessons) Stundenplan m; (esp US = timetable) Fahr-/Flugplan m; (US = list) Verzeichnis ntproduction schedule — Produktionsplan m, Fertigungsprogramm nt
what's on the schedule for today? — was steht für heute auf dem Programm?
according to schedule — planmäßig; (work also) nach Plan
the train is behind schedule — der Zug hat Verspätung
the bus was on schedule — der Bus war pünktlich, der Bus kam fahrplanmäßig an
the work is ahead of/behind schedule — wir/sie etc sind (mit der Arbeit) dem Zeitplan voraus/in Verzug or im Rückstand
2. vtplanen; (= put on programme, timetable) ansetzen; (US = list) aufführenthe work is scheduled for completion in 3 months — die Arbeit soll (nach dem or laut Zeitplan) in 3 Monaten fertig(gestellt) sein
this is not scheduled for this year — das steht für dieses Jahr nicht auf dem Programm
this building is scheduled for demolition — es ist geplant, dieses Gebäude abzureißen
she is scheduled to speak tomorrow —
trains/buses to New York will be scheduled differently — die Abfahrtszeiten der Züge/Busse nach New York werden geändert
* * *A s3. a) Zeitplan m, (Radsport) Marschtabelle f, (Lehr-, Arbeits-, Stunden) Plan mb) Fahr-, Flugplan m:four months ahead of schedule vier Monate früher als vorgesehen;be ahead of schedule dem Zeitplan voraus sein;c) Terminkalender m4. a) Formblatt n, Formular nb) Fragebogen m5. WIRTSCHa) Einkommensteuerformular nb) Steuerklasse f6. obs Dokument nB v/t2. (in eine Liste etc) eintragen, -fügen:4. a) festlegen, -setzen:the fight is scheduled for 10 rounds (Boxen) der Kampf ist auf 10 Runden angesetzt;the operation is scheduled for today MED die Operation ist auf heute angesetztb) planen, vorsehen5. klassifizieren* * *1. noun2) (plan of procedure) Zeitplan, derwork/study schedule — Arbeits-/Studienplan, der
4) (tabulated statement) Aufstellung, die2. transitive verb1) (make plan of) zeitlich planen2) (make timetable of) einen Fahrplan aufstellen für; (include in timetable) in den Fahrplan aufnehmen* * *n.Liste -n f.Tabelle -n f.Terminplan m.Verzeichnis n.Zeitplan -¨e m. v.festlegen v.planen v.unter Denkmalschutz stellen ausdr. -
19 schedule
график; расписание; план; календарный план, план-календарь; разрабатывать график [план], планировать ( по времени) -
20 schedule
1. n список, каталог, опись2. n расписание, графикschedule time — время по расписанию; запланированный срок
on schedule — точно по расписанию, вовремя
to schedule — по расписанию; по графику
3. n эк. программа; календарный планdelivery schedule — календарный план поставок; сроки поставок
4. n тех. режим5. n редк. добавочный лист; пояснительная запискаcensus schedule — переписной бюллетень; опросный лист
6. n юр. добавление, дополнительная статья; приложение7. n программа; повестка дня8. n переписной лист9. n бланк анкеты10. v составлять; вносить в каталог, инвентарь, опись11. v составлять расписание, включать в график12. v разг. намечать, планировать; разрабатывать план, программуdesign schedule — расчетная таблица; план работ по проекту
13. v редк. прилагать в качестве добавочного листаСинонимический ряд:1. list (noun) catalog; catalogue; inventory; list; record; register; registry; roll; roll call; roster; table2. program (noun) agenda; calendar; card; docket; line-up; plan; program; programma; programme; sked; timetable3. round (noun) round; routine4. arrange (verb) arrange; book; plan; set; time5. card (verb) card; sked6. list (verb) catalogue; classify; enroll; enter; list; program; record; register; tabulate7. prepare (verb) lay out; prepare; work out8. slate (verb) programme; slate
См. также в других словарях:
schedule — sched·ule / ske jülesp Brit she dyül/ n 1 a: a list or statement of supplementary details appended to another document b: a formal list, table, catalog, or inventory 2: a plan that indicates the time and sequence of each element schedule vt … Law dictionary
Schedule A — the provision under which the Inland Revenue taxes the annual profits or gains arising in respect of rents or similar payments arising from ownership of land or an interest therein in the UK. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001.… … Law dictionary
Schedule D — the provision under which the Inland Revenue taxes annual profits or gains that fall under one or other of six cases. Case 1 deals with profits from a trade or an adventure in the nature of a trade; Case II deals with profits from a profession or … Law dictionary
Schedule+ — Schedule+, ein Terminplaner, der früher Bestandteil des Office Pakets von Microsoft war. Das Programm war auf die Terminplanung von Arbeitsgruppen ausgerichtet. Jeder Benutzer konnte dabei nicht nur die Termine der anderen Gruppenmitglieder… … Universal-Lexikon
schedule — ► NOUN 1) a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times. 2) a timetable. 3) chiefly Law an appendix to a formal document or statute, especially as a list, table, or inventory. ► VERB 1) arrange or plan… … English terms dictionary
schedule — [ske′jool, ske′jooəl; ] Brit & often Cdn [ shej′ool, shed′yool] n. [altered (infl. by LL) < ME sedule < OFr cedule < LL schedula, dim. of L scheda, a strip of papyrus < Gr schidē, splinter of wood, split piece < schizein, to split … English World dictionary
Schedule — Sched ule (?; in England commonly ?; 277), n. [F. c[ e]dule, formerly also spelt schedule, L. schedula, dim. of scheda, scida, a strip of papyrus bark, a leaf of paper; akin to (or perh. from) Gr. ? a tablet, leaf, and to L. scindere to cleave,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Schedule — Sched ule, v. t. To form into, or place in, a schedule. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Schedule E — the provision under which the Inland Revenue taxes emoluments from office or employment; tax is levied on a current year basis and is usually collected via the PAY E system. Schedule E has three cases according to the location of the employment:… … Law dictionary
schedule — [n] plan for one’s time agenda, appointments, calendar, catalog, chart, diagram, docket, inventory, itinerary, lineup*, list, order of business, program, record, registry, roll, roster, sked*, table, timetable; concepts 271,283,660 Ant.… … New thesaurus
Schedule B — the provision under which the Inland Revenue taxed income from woodlands in the UK. It was abolished as from 6 April 1988. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary