1 raise
raise [reɪz]augmentation ⇒ 1 (a) lever ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (e), 2 (f), 2 (n) soulever ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (k) remonter ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (c) relever ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (b) augmenter ⇒ 2 (b) élever ⇒ 2 (c), 2 (d), 2 (i), 2 (j), 2 (l), 2 (r)1 noun(a) (lift, move upwards → gen) lever; (→ burden, lid) soulever; (→ veil) relever; (→ weight) lever, soulever; (→ blind) remonter; (→ flag) hisser; (→ sunken ship) renflouer;(b) (increase → offer, price, tax, salaries) augmenter; (→ interest rates) relever; (→ temperature, tension) faire monter; (→ volume) augmenter;∎ the speed limit has been raised to 150 km/h la limitation de vitesse est passée à 150 km/h;∎ no one raised their voice (to answer or to speak) personne ne souffla mot∎ to raise standards (of education, morality) élever le niveau; (of cleanliness, safety) améliorer les conditions;∎ to raise the tone or the level of the conversation élever le niveau de la conversation∎ he wanted a new motorbike but couldn't raise the money il voulait une moto neuve mais il n'a pas pu trouver l'argent nécessaire;∎ we have to raise $10,000 by Friday il faut que nous trouvions 10 000 dollars d'ici vendredi;∎ to raise funds (for) (for charity) collecter des fonds (pour ou au profit de); (for business, government programme) se procurer des fonds (pour ou au profit de);∎ to raise a loan (on) (of government) émettre ou lancer un emprunt (sur); (of individual) faire un emprunt (sur)(g) (make, produce)∎ to raise a storm of laughter/protest déclencher ou soulever une tempête de rires/de protestations∎ this might raise doubts as to his competence ça pourrait soulever ou susciter des doutes quant à ses compétences;∎ I'll raise you £5 je relance de 5 livres -
2 raise
raise [reɪz]b. ( = increase) [+ salary] augmenter ; [+ standard] élever ; [+ age limit] reculer ; [+ temperature] faire monter• to raise funds for sth réunir les fonds pour qch ; [professional fundraiser] collecter des fonds pour qch2. noun* * *[reɪz] 1. 2.transitive verb1) ( lift) lever [baton, barrier, curtain]; hisser [flag]; soulever [box, lid]; élever [standard]; renflouer [sunken ship]to raise one's hand/head — lever la main/tête
nobody raised an eyebrow at my suggestion — fig ma suggestion n'a fait sourciller personne
2) ( place upright) dresser [mast]; redresser [patient]3) ( increase) augmenter [price, offer, salary, volume] ( from de; to à); élever [standard]; reculer [age limit]to raise one's voice — ( to be heard) parler plus fort; ( in anger) élever la voix
to raise the temperature — lit, fig faire monter la température
4) ( cause) faire naître [doubts, fears]; soulever [dust]; provoquer [protests]to raise a cheer — [speech] déclencher des hourras
to raise a smile — [joke] faire sourire
5) ( mention) soulever6) ( bring up) élever [child, family]7) ( breed) élever [livestock]8) ( find) trouver [capital]9) ( form) lever [army]; former [team]10) ( collect) lever [tax]; obtenir [support]; [person] collecter [money]11) ( erect) élever [monument] ( to somebody en l'honneur de quelqu'un)12) ( end) lever [ban]13) ( contact) contacter [person]14) ( give)to raise the alarm — fig donner l'alarme
15) ( improve)16) ( increase the stake)3.to raise the bidding — ( in gambling) monter la mise; ( at auction) monter l'enchère
3 raise
A nB vtr1 ( lift) lever [baton, barrier, curtain] ; hisser [flag] ; soulever [box, trap door, lid] ; élever [level, standard] ; renflouer [sunken ship] ; to raise one's hand/head lever la main/tête ; to raise one's hands above one's head lever les mains au-dessus de la tête ; he raised the glass to his lips il a porté le verre à ses lèvres ; to raise a glass to sb lever son verre à l'honneur de qn ; to raise one's hat to sb soulever son chapeau pour saluer qn ; I've never raised a hand to my children je n'ai jamais levé la main sur mes enfants ; to raise an eyebrow lit froncer les sourcils ; nobody raised an eyebrow at my suggestion fig ma suggestion n'a fait sourciller personne ; to raise sb from the dead ressusciter qn ;3 ( increase) augmenter [fees, price, offer, salary, volume] (from de ; to à) ; élever [standard] ; reculer [age limit] (for pour) ; to raise sb's awareness ou consciousness of sensibiliser qn à ; to raise one's voice ( to be heard) parler plus fort ; ( in anger) élever la voix ; to raise one's voice against fig élever la voix contre ; to raise the temperature lit, fig faire monter la température ; to raise sb's hopes donner de faux espoirs à qn ; to raise one's sights augmenter ses prétentions ;4 ( cause) faire naître [doubts, fears, suspicions] ; rappeler [memories] ; soulever [dust] ; to raise a storm of protest provoquer une tempête de protestations ; to raise a cheer [speech] déclencher des hourras ; to raise a laugh/smile [joke] faire rire/sourire ; to raise a fuss faire des histoires ○ ; to raise a commotion faire du vacarme ○ ;5 ( mention) soulever [issue, objection, problem, possibility] ; please raise any queries ou questions now si vous avez des questions, posez-les maintenant ;6 ( bring up) élever [child, family] ; to be raised (as) an atheist/a Catholic être élevé dans l'athéisme/la foi catholique ;8 ( find) trouver [capital, money] ; I need to raise 3,000 dollars il faut que je trouve 3 000 dollars ;10 ( collect) lever [tax] ; obtenir [support] ; collecter [money] ; they raised money for charity ils ont collecté de l'argent pour une œuvre de charité ; the gala raised a million dollars le gala a permis de collecter un million de dollars ; the money raised from the concert was donated to UNICEF la recette du concert a été donnée à l'UNICEF ; I raised £300 against my watch j'ai engagé ma montre pour 300 livres sterling ;13 ( contact) contacter [person] ; I can't raise her on the phone je n'arrive pas à la joindre au téléphone ;14 ( give) to raise the alarm lit sonner l'alarme ; fig donner l'alarme ; she raised a smile elle a eu un sourire forcé ;16 ( increase the stake) I'll raise you 200 dollars! 200 dollars de mieux! ; to raise the bidding ( in gambling) monter la mise ; ( at auction) monter l'enchère ;17 Math to raise a number to the power (of) three/four élever un chiffre à la puissance trois/quatre.C v refl to raise oneself se redresser ; to raise oneself to a sitting position se redresser (en position assise) ; to raise oneself up on one's elbows prendre appui sur ses coudes. -
4 raise
[reiz] 1. verb1) (to move or lift to a high(er) position: Raise your right hand; Raise the flag.) lever2) (to make higher: If you paint your flat, that will raise the value of it considerably; We'll raise that wall about 20 centimetres.) hausser3) (to grow (crops) or breed (animals) for food: We don't raise pigs on this farm.) élever4) (to rear, bring up (a child): She has raised a large family.) élever5) (to state (a question, objection etc which one wishes to have discussed): Has anyone in the audience any points they would like to raise?) soulever6) (to collect; to gather: We'll try to raise money; The revolutionaries managed to raise a small army.) recueillir; rassembler7) (to cause: His remarks raised a laugh.) provoquer8) (to cause to rise or appear: The car raised a cloud of dust.) produire9) (to build (a monument etc): They've raised a statue of Robert Burns / in memory of Robert Burns.) élever10) (to give (a shout etc).) pousser11) (to make contact with by radio: I can't raise the mainland.) établir la communication2. noun(an increase in wages or salary: I'm going to ask the boss for a raise.) augmentation- raise hell/Cain / the roof - raise someone's spirits -
5 raise
6 raise one's voice
(to speak more loudly than normal especially in anger: I don't want to have to raise my voice to you again.) élever la voix -
7 raise bail
Jur. [U] réunir les fonds nécessaires au paiement d'une cautionEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > raise bail
8 raise your right hand and say I do
Jur. levez la main droite et dites "Je le jure"English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > raise your right hand and say I do
9 raise hell/Cain / the roof etc
(to make a great deal of noise.) faire un bruit de tous les diables -
10 raise one's eyebrows
(to (lift one's eyebrows in order to) show surprise.) hausser les sourcils -
11 raise someone's hopes
(to cause someone to hope, usually when there is no good reason to.) susciter l'espoir chez -
12 raise someone's spirits
(to make someone less unhappy.) remonter le moral à qqn -
13 raise, an, issue, to
soulever une question -
14 raise, as, a, defence, to
invoquer comme moyen de défenseEnglish-French legislative terms > raise, as, a, defence, to
15 raise, money, to
obtenir des fonds, recueillir des fonds, réunir des fonds -
16 to raise a thorny burning issue
English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to raise a thorny burning issue
17 to raise
exhausser, rehausser, relever (plafond, plancher)Dictionary of Engineering, architecture and construction > to raise
18 pre-emptive raise of interest rates
Fin. relèvement préventif des taux d'intérêtEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > pre-emptive raise of interest rates
19 to raise
1) édifier; construire2) augmenter; porter à3) élever qqn au rang/à la dignité de4) déclencher [une controverse]5) semer [l'espoir/le doute]6) récolter [des fonds]English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to raise
20 to raise a few eyebrows
Pol. susciter la stupeur/la consternationEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > to raise a few eyebrows
См. также в других словарях:
Raise — (r[=a]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Raised} (r[=a]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Raising}.] [OE. reisen, Icel. reisa, causative of r[=i]sa to rise. See {Rise}, and cf. {Rear} to raise.] [1913 Webster] 1. To cause to rise; to bring from a lower to a higher… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
raise — [rāz] vt. raised, raising [ME raisen < ON reisa, caus. of risa, to RISE] 1. a) to cause to rise; move to a higher level; lift; elevate b) to bring to or place in an upright position 2. to construct or erect (a building, etc.) … English World dictionary
RAISE — ( Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering ) was developed as part of the European ESPRIT II LaCoS project in the 1990s, led by Dines Bjørner. It consists of a set of tools based around a specification language (RSL) for software… … Wikipedia
raise — ► VERB 1) lift or move to a higher position or level. 2) set upright. 3) increase the amount, level, or strength of. 4) promote to a higher rank. 5) cause to be heard, felt, or considered: doubts have been raised. 6) build (a structure). 7) … English terms dictionary
raise — [n] increase in salary or position accession, accretion, addition, advance, augmentation, boost, bump, hike, hold up*, increment, jump, jump up*, leg*, leg up*, move up*, promotion, raising, rise, step up*; concepts 344,351,763 Ant. decrease,… … New thesaurus
raise — I (advance) verb aggrandize, augment, boost, bring up, dignify, elevate, enhance, enlarge, ennoble, exalt, further, glorify, heighten, honor, increase, lift, move up, prize, promote, propose, provehere, put, suggest, uplift, upraise associated… … Law dictionary
raise — raise; raise·man; … English syllables
raise — raise, rise nouns An increase of salary is called a rise in BrE and a raise in AmE … Modern English usage
raise v — raise your eyebrows, raisin n … English expressions
raise — vb 1 *lift, elevate, hoist, heave, rear, boost Analogous words: *rise, ascend, mount, soar: *exalt, magnify, aggrandize: *advance, promote, forward, further 2 * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
raise — raise1 W1S2 [reız] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(move higher)¦ 2¦(increase)¦ 3¦(collect money)¦ 4¦(improve)¦ 5¦(start a subject)¦ 6¦(cause a reaction)¦ 7¦(move eyes or face)¦ 8¦(move upright)¦ 9¦(children)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English