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См. также в других словарях:

  • -priv — priv·ic; …   English syllables

  • priv — priv·i·leged; priv·i·ly; Priv·ine; priv·i·ty; priv·a·tive; priv·i·lege; para·thy·ro·priv·ic; …   English syllables

  • priv. — priv. abbrev. 1. private 2. Gram. privative …   English World dictionary

  • priv|et — «PRIHV iht», noun. 1. a shrub much used for hedges. Privet belongs to the olive family and is native to Japan and the Mediterranean region. There are several kinds, some of which are evergreen. Privet has smooth, dark green leaves and clusters of …   Useful english dictionary

  • priv|i|ly — «PRIHV uh lee», adverb. in a private manner; secretly: »He took him aside, and told him the news privily and briefly (Edward A. Freeman). SYNONYM(S): confidentially …   Useful english dictionary

  • priv|i|ty — «PRIHV uh tee», noun, plural ties. 1. private knowledge: »There had been five…attempts to assassinate the Prince, all of them with the privity of the Spanish government (John L. Motley). 2. = complicity. (Cf. ↑complicity) 3. a legally recognized… …   Useful english dictionary

  • priv·et — /ˈprıvət/ noun [noncount] : a bush with green leaves that is often used for hedges …   Useful english dictionary

  • priv. — 1. private. 2. privative. * * * priv., privative. * * * abbr. ■ private ■ privative …   Useful english dictionary

  • priv´a|tive|ly — priv|a|tive «PRIHV uh tihv», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. Grammar and Logic. expressing deprivation or denial of something. Un is a privative prefix; unwise means not wise. Never is a privative word. 2. Obsolete. having the quality of depriving. –n …   Useful english dictionary

  • priv|a|tive — «PRIHV uh tihv», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. Grammar and Logic. expressing deprivation or denial of something. Un is a privative prefix; unwise means not wise. Never is a privative word. 2. Obsolete. having the quality of depriving. –n. Grammar. a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Priv.-Doz. — Priv. Doz. = Privatdozent[in] …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

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