Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки


  • 1 power windows

    Automobile industry: PW

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > power windows

  • 2 прозорец с моторно задвижване

    power window
    power windows

    Български-Angleščina политехнически речник > прозорец с моторно задвижване

  • 3 EFH

    < kfz> (Funktion oder Ausstattungsmerkmal) ■ power windows (pw) US ; electric windows GB ; e/windows GB.advert ; e/w GB.advert

    German-english technical dictionary > EFH

  • 4 el. FH

    werb < kfz> (Funktion oder Ausstattungsmerkmal) ■ power windows (pw) US ; electric windows GB ; e/windows GB.advert ; e/w GB.advert

    German-english technical dictionary > el. FH

  • 5 elektrische Fensterheber

    mpl (EFH) < kfz> (Funktion oder Ausstattungsmerkmal) ■ power windows (pw) US ; electric windows GB ; e/windows GB.advert ; e/w GB.advert

    German-english technical dictionary > elektrische Fensterheber

  • 6 Seitenscheiben mit Parkhausschaltung

    f < kfz> (oft nur auf Fahrerseite) ■ one-touch down door windows; one-touch down power windows

    German-english technical dictionary > Seitenscheiben mit Parkhausschaltung

  • 7 elektrische Fensterheber

    1. electric windows
    2. power windows

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > elektrische Fensterheber

  • 8 стеклоподъёмники с электроприводом

    Automobile industry: power windows (PW)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > стеклоподъёмники с электроприводом

  • 9 электростеклоподъёмники

    Automobile industry: power windows

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > электростеклоподъёмники

  • 10 Einbausatz für elektrische Fensterheber

    m <kfz.el> ■ power windows kit

    German-english technical dictionary > Einbausatz für elektrische Fensterheber

  • 11 управление электропитанием

    1. power management


    управление электропитанием

    Управление электропитанием ЦОД

    Автор: Жилкина Наталья
    Опубликовано 23 апреля 2009 года

    Источники бесперебойного питания, функционирующие в ЦОД, составляют важный элемент общей системы его энергообеспечения. Вписываясь в контур управления ЦОД, система мониторинга и управления ИБП становится ядром для реализации эксплуатационных функций.

    Три задачи

    Системы мониторинга, диагностики и управления питанием нагрузки решают три основные задачи: позволяют ИБП выполнять свои функции, оповещать персонал о происходящих с ними событиях и посылать команды для автоматического завершения работы защищаемого устройства.

    Мониторинг параметров ИБП предполагает отображение и протоколирование состояния устройства и всех событий, связанных с его изменением. Диагностика реализуется функциями самотестирования системы. Управляющие же функции предполагают активное вмешательство в логику работы устройства.

    Многие специалисты этого рынка, отмечая важность процедуры мониторинга, считают, что управление должно быть сведено к минимуму. «Функция управления ИБП тоже нужна, но скорее факультативно, — говорит Сергей Ермаков, технический директор компании Inelt и эксперт в области систем Chloride. — Я глубоко убежден, что решения об активном управляющем вмешательстве в работу систем защиты электропитания ответственной нагрузки должен принимать человек, а не автоматизированная система. Завершение работы современных мощных серверов, на которых функционируют ответственные приложения, — это, как правило, весьма длительный процесс. ИБП зачастую не способны обеспечивать необходимое для него время, не говоря уж о времени запуска какого-то сервиса». Функция же мониторинга позволяет предотвратить наступление нежелательного события — либо, если таковое произошло, проанализировать его причины, опираясь не на слова, а на запротоколированные данные, хранящиеся в памяти адаптера или файлах на рабочей станции мониторинга.

    Эту точку зрения поддерживает и Алексей Сарыгин, технический директор компании Radius Group: «Дистанционное управление мощных ИБП — это вопрос, к которому надо подходить чрезвычайно аккуратно. Если функции дистанционного мониторинга и диспетчеризации необходимы, то практика предоставления доступа персоналу к функциям дистанционного управления представляется радикально неверной. Доступность модулей управления извне потенциально несет в себе риск нарушения безопасности и категорически снижает надежность системы. Если существует физическая возможность дистанционно воздействовать на ИБП, на его параметры, отключение, снятие нагрузки, закрытие выходных тиристорных ключей или блокирование цепи байпаса, то это чревато потерей питания всего ЦОД».

    Практически на всех трехфазных ИБП предусмотрена кнопка E.P.O. (Emergency Power Off), дублер которой может быть выведен на пульт управления диспетчерской. Она обеспечивает аварийное дистанционное отключение блоков ИБП при наступлении аварийных событий. Это, пожалуй, единственная возможность обесточить нагрузку, питаемую от трехфазного аппарата, но реализуется она в исключительных случаях.

    Что же касается диагностики электропитания, то, как отмечает Юрий Копылов, технический директор московского офиса корпорации Eaton, в последнее время характерной тенденцией в управляющем программном обеспечении стал отказ от предоставления функций удаленного тестирования батарей даже системному администратору.

    — Адекватно сравнивать состояние батарей необходимо под нагрузкой, — говорит он, — сам тест запускать не чаще чем раз в два дня, а разряжать батареи надо при одном и том же токе и уровне нагрузки. К тому же процесс заряда — довольно долгий. Все это не идет батареям на пользу.

    Средства мониторинга

    Производители ИБП предоставляют, как правило, сразу несколько средств мониторинга и в некоторых случаях даже управления ИБП — все они основаны на трех основных методах.

    В первом случае устройство подключается напрямую через интерфейс RS-232 (Com-порт) к консоли администратора. Дальность такого подключения не превышает 15 метров, но может быть увеличена с помощью конверторов RS-232/485 и RS-485/232 на концах провода, связывающего ИБП с консолью администратора. Такой способ обеспечивает низкую скорость обмена информацией и пригоден лишь для топологии «точка — точка».

    Второй способ предполагает использование SNMP-адаптера — встроенной или внешней интерфейсной карты, позволяющей из любой точки локальной сети получить информацию об основных параметрах ИБП. В принципе, для доступа к ИБП через SNMP достаточно веб-браузера. Однако для большего комфорта производители оснащают свои системы более развитым графическим интерфейсом, обеспечивающим функции мониторинга и корректного завершения работы. На базе SNMP-протокола функционируют все основные системы мониторинга и управления ИБП, поставляемые штатно или опционально вместе с ИБП.

    Стандартные SNMP-адаптеры поддерживают подключение нескольких аналоговых или пороговых устройств — датчик температуры, движения, открытия двери и проч. Интеграция таких устройств в общую систему мониторинга крупного объекта (например, дата-центра) позволяет охватить огромное количество точек наблюдения и отразить эту информацию на экране диспетчера.

    Большое удобство предоставляет метод эксплуатационного удаленного контроля T.SERVICE, позволяющий отследить работу оборудования посредством телефонной линии (через модем GSM) или через Интернет (с помощью интерфейса Net Vision путем рассылки e-mail на электронный адрес потребителя). T.SERVICE обеспечивает диагностирование оборудования в режиме реального времени в течение 24 часов в сутки 365 дней в году. ИБП автоматически отправляет в центр технического обслуживания регулярные отчеты или отчеты при обнаружении неисправности. В зависимости от контролируемых параметров могут отправляться уведомления о неправильной эксплуатации (с пользователем связывается опытный специалист и рекомендует выполнить простые операции для предотвращения ухудшения рабочих характеристик оборудования) или о наличии отказа (пользователь информируется о состоянии устройства, а на место установки немедленно отправляется технический специалист).

    Профессиональное мнение

    Наталья Маркина, коммерческий директор представительства компании SOCOMEC

    Управляющее ПО фирмы SOCOMEC легко интегрируется в общий контур управления инженерной инфраструктурой ЦОД посредством разнообразных интерфейсов передачи данных ИБП. Установленное в аппаратной или ЦОД оборудование SOCOMEC может дистанционно обмениваться информацией о своих рабочих параметрах с системами централизованного управления и компьютерными сетями посредством сухих контактов, последовательных портов RS232, RS422, RS485, а также через интерфейс MODBUS TCP и GSS.

    Интерфейс GSS предназначен для коммуникации с генераторными установками и включает в себя 4 входа (внешние контакты) и 1 выход (60 В). Это позволяет программировать особые процедуры управления, Global Supply System, которые обеспечивают полную совместимость ИБП с генераторными установками.

    У компании Socomec имеется широкий выбор интерфейсов и коммуникационного программного обеспечения для установки диалога между ИБП и удаленными системами мониторинга промышленного и компьютерного оборудования. Такие опции связи, как панель дистанционного управления, интерфейс ADC (реконфигурируемые сухие контакты), обеспечивающий ввод и вывод данных при помощи сигналов сухих контактов, интерфейсы последовательной передачи данных RS232, RS422, RS485 по протоколам JBUS/MODBUS, PROFIBUS или DEVICENET, MODBUS TCP (JBUS/MODBUS-туннелирование), интерфейс NET VISION для локальной сети Ethernet, программное обеспечение TOP VISION для выполнения мониторинга с помощью рабочей станции Windows XP PRO — все это позволяет контролировать работу ИБП удобным для пользователя способом.

    Весь контроль управления ИБП, ДГУ, контроль окружающей среды сводится в единый диспетчерский пункт посредством протоколов JBUS/MODBUS.

    Индустриальный подход

    Третий метод основан на использовании высокоскоростной индустриальной интерфейсной шины: CANBus, JBus, MODBus, PROFIBus и проч. Некоторые модели ИБП поддерживают разновидность универсального smart-слота для установки как карточек SNMP, так и интерфейсной шины. Система мониторинга на базе индустриальной шины может быть интегрирована в уже существующую промышленную SCADA-систему контроля и получения данных либо создана как заказное решение на базе многофункциональных стандартных контроллеров с выходом на шину. Промышленная шина через шлюзы передает информацию на удаленный диспетчерский пункт или в систему управления зданием (Building Management System, BMS). В эту систему могут быть интегрированы и контроллеры, управляющие ИБП.

    Универсальные SCADA-системы поддерживают датчики и контроллеры широкого перечня производителей, но они недешевы и к тому же неудобны для внесения изменений. Но если подобная система уже функционирует на объекте, то интеграция в нее дополнительных ИБП не представляет труда.

    Сергей Ермаков, технический директор компании Inelt, считает, что применение универсальных систем управления на базе промышленных контроллеров нецелесообразно, если используется для мониторинга только ИБП и ДГУ. Один из практичных подходов — создание заказной системы, с удобной для заказчика графической оболочкой и необходимым уровнем детализации — от карты местности до поэтажного плана и погружения в мнемосхему компонентов ИБП.

    — ИБП может передавать одинаковое количество информации о своем состоянии и по прямому соединению, и по SNMP, и по Bus-шине, — говорит Сергей Ермаков. — Применение того или иного метода зависит от конкретной задачи и бюджета. Создав первоначально систему UPS Look для мониторинга ИБП, мы интегрировали в нее систему мониторинга ДГУ на основе SNMP-протокола, после чего по желанию одного из заказчиков конвертировали эту систему на промышленную шину Jbus. Новое ПО JSLook для мониторинга неограниченного количества ИБП и ДГУ по протоколу JBus является полнофункциональным средством мониторинга всей системы электроснабжения объекта.

    Профессиональное мение

    Денис Андреев, руководитель департамента ИБП компании Landata

    Практически все ИБП Eaton позволяют использовать коммуникационную Web-SNMP плату Connect UPS и датчик EMP (Environmental Monitoring Probe). Такой комплект позволяет в числе прочего осуществлять мониторинг температуры, влажности и состояния пары «сухих» контактов, к которым можно подключить внешние датчики.

    Решение Eaton Environmental Rack Monitor представляет собой аналог такой связки, но с существенно более широким функционалом. Внешне эта система мониторинга температуры, влажности и состояния «сухих» контактов выполнена в виде компактного устройства, которое занимает минимум места в шкафу или в помещении.

    Благодаря наличию у Eaton Environmental Rack Monitor (ERM) двух выходов датчики температуры или влажности можно разместить в разных точках стойки или помещения. Поскольку каждый из двух датчиков имеет еще по два сухих контакта, с них дополнительно можно принимать сигналы от датчиков задымления, утечки и проч. В центре обработки данных такая недорогая система ERM, состоящая из неограниченного количества датчиков, может транслировать информацию по протоколу SNMP в HTML-страницу и позволяет, не приобретая специального ПО, получить сводную таблицу измеряемых величин через веб-браузер.

    Проблему дефицита пространства и высокой плотности размещения оборудования в серверных и ЦОД решают системы распределения питания линейки Eaton eDPU, которые можно установить как внутри стойки, так и на группу стоек.

    Все модели этой линейки представляют четыре семейства: системы базового исполнения, системы с индикацией потребляемого тока, с мониторингом (локальным и удаленным, по сети) и управляемые, с возможностью мониторинга и управления электропитанием вплоть до каждой розетки. С помощью этих устройств можно компактным способом увеличить количество розеток в одной стойке, обеспечить контроль уровня тока и напряжения критичной нагрузки.

    Контроль уровня потребляемой мощности может осуществляться с высокой степенью детализации, вплоть до сервера, подключенного к конкретной розетке. Это позволяет выяснить, какой сервер перегревается, где вышел из строя вентилятор, блок питания и т. д. Программным образом можно запустить сервер, подключенный к розетке ePDU. Интеграция системы контроля ePDU в платформу управления Eaton находится в процессе реализации.

    Требование объекта

    Как поясняет Олег Письменский, в критичных объектах, таких как ЦОД, можно условно выделить две области контроля и управления. Первая, Grey Space, — это собственно здание и соответствующая система его энергообеспечения и энергораспределения. Вторая, White Space, — непосредственно машинный зал с его системами.

    Выбор системы управления энергообеспечением ЦОД определяется типом объекта, требуемым функционалом системы управления и отведенным на эти цели бюджетом. В большинстве случаев кратковременная задержка между наступлением события и получением информации о нем системой мониторинга по SNMP-протоколу допустима. Тем не менее в целом ряде случаев, если характеристики объекта подразумевают непрерывность его функционирования, объект является комплексным и содержит большое количество элементов, требующих контроля и управления в реальном времени, ни одна стандартная система SNMP-мониторинга не обеспечит требуемого функционала. Для таких объектов применяют системы управления real-time, построенные на базе программно-аппаратных комплексов сбора данных, в том числе c функциями Softlogic.

    Системы диспетчеризации и управления крупными объектами реализуются SCADA-системами, широкий перечень которых сегодня присутствует на рынке; представлены они и в портфеле решений Schneider Electric. Тип SCADA-системы зависит от класса и размера объекта, от количества его элементов, требующих контроля и управления, от уровня надежности. Частный вид реализации SCADA — это BMS-система(Building Management System).

    «Дата-центры с объемом потребляемой мощности до 1,5 МВт и уровнем надежности Tier I, II и, с оговорками, даже Tier III, могут обслуживаться без дополнительной SCADA-системы, — говорит Олег Письменский. — На таких объектах целесообразно применять ISX Central — программно-аппаратный комплекс, использующий SNMP. Если же категория и мощность однозначно предполагают непрерывность управления, в таких случаях оправданна комбинация SNMP- и SCADA-системы. Например, для машинного зала (White Space) применяется ISX Central с возможными расширениями как Change & Capacity Manager, в комбинации со SCADA-системой, управляющей непосредственно объектом (Grey Space)».

    Профессиональное мнение

    Олег Письменский, директор департамента консалтинга APC by Schneider Electric в России и СНГ

    Подход APC by Schneider Electric к реализации полномасштабного полноуправляемого и надежного ЦОД изначально был основан на базисных принципах управления ИТ-инфраструктурой в рамках концепции ITIL/ITSM. И история развития системы управления инфраструктурой ЦОД ISX Manager, которая затем интегрировалась с программно-аппаратным комплексом NetBotz и трансформировалась в портал диспетчеризации ISX Central, — лучшее тому доказательство.

    Первым итогом поэтапного приближения к намеченной цели стало наращивание функций контроля параметров энергообеспечения. Затем в этот контур подключилась система управления кондиционированием, система контроля параметров окружающей среды. Очередным шагом стало измерение скорости воздуха, влажности, пыли, радиации, интеграция сигналов от камер аудио- и видеонаблюдения, системы управления блоками розеток, завершения работы сервера и т. д.

    Эта система не может и не должна отвечать абсолютно всем принципам ITSM, потому что не все они касаются существа поставленной задачи. Но как только в отношении политик и некоторых тактик управления емкостью и изменениями в ЦОД потребовался соответствующий инструментарий — это нашло отражение в расширении функционала ISX Central, который в настоящее время реализуют ПО APC by Schneider Electric Capacity Manager и APC by Schneider Electric Change Manager. С появлением этих двух решений, интегрированных в систему управления реальным объектом, АРС предоставляет возможность службе эксплуатации оптимально планировать изменения количественного и качественного состава оборудования машинного зала — как на ежедневном оперативном уровне, так и на уровне стратегических задач массовых будущих изменений.

    Решение APC by Schneider Electric Capacity обеспечивает автоматизированную обработку информации о свободных ресурсах инженерной инфраструктуры, реальном потреблении мощности и пространстве в стойках. Обращаясь к серверу ISX Central, системы APC by Schneider Electric Capacity Manager и APC by Schneider Electric Change Manager оценивают степень загрузки ИБП и систем охлаждения InRow, прогнозируют воздействие предполагаемых изменений и предлагают оптимальное место для установки нового или перестановки имеющегося оборудования. Новые решения позволяют, выявив последствия от предполагаемых изменений, правильно спланировать замену оборудования в ЦОД.

    Переход от частного к общему может потребовать интеграции ISX Central в такие, например, порталы управления, как Tivoli или Open View. Возможны и другие сценарии, когда ISX Central вписывается и в SCADA–систему. В этом случае ISX Central выполняет роль диспетчерской настройки, функционал которой распространяется на серверную комнату, но не охватывает целиком периметр объекта.

    Случай из практики

    Решение задачи управления энергообеспечением ЦОД иногда вступает в противоречие с правилами устройств электроустановок (ПУЭ). Может оказаться, что в соответствии с ПУЭ в ряде случаев (например, при компоновке щитов ВРУ) необходимо обеспечить механические блокировки. Однако далеко не всегда это удается сделать. Поэтому такая задача часто требует нетривиального решения.

    — В одном из проектов, — вспоминает Алексей Сарыгин, — где система управления включала большое количество точек со взаимными пересечениями блокировок, требовалось не допустить снижения общей надежности системы. В этом случае мы пришли к осознанному компромиссу, сделали систему полуавтоматической. Там, где это было возможно, присутствовали механические блокировки, за пультом дежурной смены были оставлены функции мониторинга и анализа, куда сводились все данные о положении всех автоматов. Но исполнительную часть вывели на отдельную панель управления уже внутри ВРУ, где были расположены подробные пользовательские инструкции по оперативному переключению. Таким образом мы избавились от излишней автоматизации, но постарались минимизировать потери в надежности и защититься от ошибок персонала.

    [ http://www.computerra.ru/cio/old/products/infrastructure/421312/]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > управление электропитанием

  • 12 пользователь нуждающийся в расширении возможностей системы

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > пользователь нуждающийся в расширении возможностей системы

  • 13 luce

    aberração (luz)"
    * * *
    f light
    luce al neon neon light
    dare alla luce un figlio give birth to a son
    fig far luce su qualcosa shed light on something
    motoring luci pl di posizione side lights
    luci pl posteriori rear lights
    * * *
    luce s.f.
    1 light (anche fig.): luce del sole, sunlight; luce della luna, moonlight; luce elettrica, electric light; luce diurna, daylight; luce diretta, direct light; luce debole, faint light; luce forte, bright light; luce diffusa, diffused light; luce abbagliante, dazzling light; un filo di luce, a glimmer of light; fascio di luce, beam of light; raggio di luce, ray of light; quella stanza riceve luce dal cortile, that room is lit by a window overlooking the courtyard; sposta quel vaso, lì non prende luce, move that flowerpot, it doesn't get any light there; dar luce a un locale, to let light into a room; tre finestre danno luce alla sala da pranzo, the dining room is lit by three windows; quel quadro non è in buona luce, that picture is not in a good light; non riesco a vederti perché ho la luce negli occhi, I can't see you because I'm dazzled (o because the light is shining into my eyes); aveva una strana luce negli occhi, (fig.) he had a strange gleam in his eyes // alla luce del sole, by the light of the sun, (fig.) openly (o publicly): ho agito alla luce del sole, I acted openly // alla luce della fede, della ragione, della scienza, (fig.) by the light of faith, reason, science
    2 (sorgente luminosa, lampada, dispositivo illuminante) light; (elettricità) electricity: le luci della città, the lights of the town; le luci dei negozi, the shop lights; la bolletta della luce, the electricity bill; accendere la luce, to turn (o to switch o to put) on the light; spegnere la luce, to turn out (o to switch off o to put off) the light; è andata via la luce per tre ore, the electricity (o power) was cut off for three hours; è tornata la luce, the electricity (o power) has come back on; la città è ancora senza luce, the city is still without electricity (o power) // (aut.): luci di posizione, di arresto, parking, stop lights; luci della retromarcia, reversing (o amer. backup) lights // luci della ribalta, (fig.) limelight // cinema a luci rosse, porno cinema
    3 pl. (poet.) (occhi) eyes
    4 (apertura) opening; light window; (arch.) span; (mecc.) port: (arch.) luce di un arco, arch span; un negozio con tre luci, a shop with three windows (o lights); luce di aspirazione, (di motore) inlet port (o admission opening); luce di scarico, (di motore) exhaust port
    5 (lastra di specchio) mirror, looking glass: un armadio a tre luci, a wardrobe with three mirrors.
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: far luce su qlco., (fig.) to throw (o cast) light upon sthg. // mettere qlcu. in buona, cattiva luce, (fig.) to place s.o. in a favourable, unfavourable light // alla luce di quanto ha detto..., in the light of what he said... // mettere in luce, (fig.) to show (o to display o to stress o to emphasize): quell'opera ha messo in luce le sue qualità di scrittore, that work has shown (o brought out) his qualities as a writer; mettere in luce l'importanza di qlco., to stress (o to bring out) the importance of sthg.; ha messo i fatti nella giusta luce, he showed the facts in their true light; si è messo in luce vincendo il torneo di tennis, he stepped into the limelight by winning the tennis tournament // dare alla luce un bambino, to give birth to a child; venire alla luce, (nascere) to be born; (essere scoperto) to come to light: fatti curiosi sono venuti alla luce, some curious facts have come to light // portare alla luce, to bring to light: gli scavi hanno portato alla luce oggetti di grande interesse archeologico, the excavations have brought to light objects of great archaeological interest // far luce su un argomento, to throw (o to shed) light on a subject.
    * * *
    ['lutʃe] 1.
    sostantivo femminile

    luce naturale, artificiale — natural, artificial light

    luce del sole, delle stelle — sunlight, starlight

    fa poca luce — [lampada, candela] it doesn't give much light

    2) (elettricità) electricity, power

    accendere, spegnere la luce — to turn the light on, off

    3) fig.

    alla luce di — in the light of [ fatti]

    fare luce suto cast o throw o shed light on

    (ri)portare alla luceto dig up o unearth o excavate [ rovine]

    venire alla luce (nascere) to come into the world

    vedere la luce — [ opera] to see the light of day

    dare alla luce qcn. — to give birth to sb., to bring sb. into the world

    la luce della ragione (lume) the light of reason

    4) arch. (di ponte, arco) span
    5) tecn. opening
    6) edil.
    7) cinem.

    cinema a -i rosseporno cinema BE o movie theater AE

    film a -i rosseblue film BE colloq. o movie AE colloq.

    sostantivo femminile plurale luci (fanali) (head)lights

    luce di retromarciareversing o backup AE light

    - i abbagliantiheadlights on full beam BE, high beam AE, brights AE colloq.

    - i anabbagliantidipped BE o dimmed AE headlights

    - i di emergenzahazard lamps BE o lights AE

    - i fendinebbia — foglamps, foglights

    - i di posizione — sidelights, parking lights


    mettere in luce qcs. — to highlight sth.

    brillare di luce riflessa — to bask in sb.'s reflected glory

    in o sotto falsa luce in a false light; in buona luce in a favourable light; non ti conoscevo in o sotto questa luce — I knew nothing of o about that side of you

    * * *
    I sostantivo f.
     1 light; luce naturale, artificiale natural, artificial light; luce del sole, delle stelle sunlight, starlight; luce del giorno daylight; fa poca luce [lampada, candela] it doesn't give much light
     2 (elettricità) electricity, power; accendere, spegnere la luce to turn the light on, off; bolletta della luce electricity bill; palo della luce electricity pole o post
     3 fig. alla luce di in the light of [ fatti]; fare luce su to cast o throw o shed light on; (ri)portare alla luce to dig up o unearth o excavate [ rovine]; venire alla luce (nascere) to come into the world; vedere la luce [ opera] to see the light of day; dare alla luce qcn. to give birth to sb., to bring sb. into the world; la luce della ragione (lume) the light of reason; è la luce dei suoi occhi she's the light of her life
     4 arch. (di ponte, arco) span
     5 tecn. opening
     6 edil. un bagno senza luce a bathroom without windows
     7 cinem. cinema a -i rosse porno cinema BE o movie theater AE; film a -i rosse blue film BE colloq. o movie AE colloq.
    II luci f.pl.
      (fanali) (head)lights
    mettere in luce qcs. to highlight sth.; mettersi in luce to draw attention to oneself; brillare di luce propria to be a shining light; brillare di luce riflessa to bask in sb.'s reflected glory; agire alla luce del sole to act openly; in o sotto falsa luce in a false light; in buona luce in a favourable light; non ti conoscevo in o sotto questa luce I knew nothing of o about that side of you
    luce di retromarcia reversing o backup AE light; - i abbaglianti headlights on full beam BE, high beam AE, brights AE colloq.; - i anabbaglianti dipped BE o dimmed AE headlights; - i di emergenza hazard lamps BE o lights AE; - i fendinebbia foglamps, foglights; - i di posizione sidelights, parking lights; - i della ribalta footlights.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > luce

  • 14 elevado

    1 elevated, upland, high, towering.
    2 lofty, elevated, rarified, rarefied.
    3 dignified.
    4 high.
    5 elevated, high, steep.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: elevar.
    * * *
    1→ link=elevar elevar
    1 (gen) high
    2 figurado lofty, noble
    elevado,-a a MATEMÁTICAS raised to
    * * *
    (f. - elevada)
    1) high
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en nivel] [precio, temperatura, cantidad] high; [velocidad] high, great; [ritmo] great
    2) [en altura] [edificio] tall; [montaña, terreno] high
    paso II, 1., 2)
    3) (=sublime) [estilo] elevated, lofty; [pensamientos] noble, lofty
    4) [puesto, rango] high, important
    SM Cuba (Ferro) overhead railway; (Aut) flyover, overpass (EEUU)
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) <terreno/montaña> high; < edificio> tall, high
    2) < cantidad> large; <precio/impuestos/índice> high; < pérdidas> heavy, substantial
    3) <categoría/calidad> high; <puesto/posición> high
    4) <ideas/pensamientos> noble, elevated; < estilo> lofty, elevated
    * * *
    = sharply rising, steep [steeper -comp., steepest -sup.], heightened, raised, lofty [loftier -comp., loftiest -sup.], elevated, soaring, hefty [heftier -comp., heftiest -sup.].
    Ex. The end of the eighteenth century saw a sharply rising demand for cheap print, associated with increases in population and in literacy which occurred all over Europe.
    Ex. The graph of the growth of the subject shows an initial flat, a steep climb, a small flat, and a rapid decline.
    Ex. The heightened level of community awareness has led some local authorities to take the initiative and to become information disseminators in their own right.
    Ex. The cords themselves could be placed either outside the backs of the folded sheets, where they would show as raised bands across the spine of the book, or in slots sawn into the folds to give the book a flat back.
    Ex. Librarians across the world should set themselves the lofty task of striving to create a global society in which people enjoy peaceful coexistence.
    Ex. Public investment in rebuilding the church and the gifts of individual donors were important indications of its elevated social standing.
    Ex. Detailed images of soaring aisles, delicate carvings, and stained-glass windows from the 12th and 13th centuries are captured on this new Web site.
    Ex. Research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.
    * aljibe elevado = water tower.
    * camino elevado = causeway.
    * carretera elevada = causeway.
    * cisterna elevada = water tower.
    * depósito de agua elevado = water tower.
    * excepcionalmente elevado = exceptionally high.
    * ferrocarril elevado = elevated railroad.
    * lo bastante elevado = high enough.
    * Número + elevado a la potencia de + Número = Número + to the power of + Número.
    * paso elevado = overpass.
    * paso elevado de peatones = pedestrian overpass.
    * paso elevado para peatones = pedestrian overpass.
    * posición elevada = high ground.
    * ser elevado = be steep.
    * temperatura elevada = elevated temperature.
    * terreno elevado = high ground.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) <terreno/montaña> high; < edificio> tall, high
    2) < cantidad> large; <precio/impuestos/índice> high; < pérdidas> heavy, substantial
    3) <categoría/calidad> high; <puesto/posición> high
    4) <ideas/pensamientos> noble, elevated; < estilo> lofty, elevated
    * * *
    = sharply rising, steep [steeper -comp., steepest -sup.], heightened, raised, lofty [loftier -comp., loftiest -sup.], elevated, soaring, hefty [heftier -comp., heftiest -sup.].

    Ex: The end of the eighteenth century saw a sharply rising demand for cheap print, associated with increases in population and in literacy which occurred all over Europe.

    Ex: The graph of the growth of the subject shows an initial flat, a steep climb, a small flat, and a rapid decline.
    Ex: The heightened level of community awareness has led some local authorities to take the initiative and to become information disseminators in their own right.
    Ex: The cords themselves could be placed either outside the backs of the folded sheets, where they would show as raised bands across the spine of the book, or in slots sawn into the folds to give the book a flat back.
    Ex: Librarians across the world should set themselves the lofty task of striving to create a global society in which people enjoy peaceful coexistence.
    Ex: Public investment in rebuilding the church and the gifts of individual donors were important indications of its elevated social standing.
    Ex: Detailed images of soaring aisles, delicate carvings, and stained-glass windows from the 12th and 13th centuries are captured on this new Web site.
    Ex: Research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.
    * aljibe elevado = water tower.
    * camino elevado = causeway.
    * carretera elevada = causeway.
    * cisterna elevada = water tower.
    * depósito de agua elevado = water tower.
    * excepcionalmente elevado = exceptionally high.
    * ferrocarril elevado = elevated railroad.
    * lo bastante elevado = high enough.
    * Número + elevado a la potencia de + Número = Número + to the power of + Número.
    * paso elevado = overpass.
    * paso elevado de peatones = pedestrian overpass.
    * paso elevado para peatones = pedestrian overpass.
    * posición elevada = high ground.
    * ser elevado = be steep.
    * temperatura elevada = elevated temperature.
    * terreno elevado = high ground.

    * * *
    elevado1 -da
    A ‹terreno/montaña› high; ‹edificio› tall, high
    B ‹cantidad› large; ‹precio/impuestos› high
    un número elevado de casos a large number of cases
    las pérdidas han sido elevadas there have been heavy o substantial losses
    un elevado índice de abstención a high rate of abstention
    C ‹categoría/calidad› high
    tiene un puesto muy elevado he has a very high o important position
    D ‹ideas/pensamientos› noble, elevated; ‹estilo› lofty, elevated
    la conversación adquirió un tono elevado the tone of the conversation became rather highbrow o elevated
    * * *

    Del verbo elevar: ( conjugate elevar)

    elevado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    1terreno/montaña high;
    edificio tall, high
    a) cantidad large;

    precio/impuestos high;
    pérdidas heavy, substantial
    b)categoría/calidad/posición high

    c)ideas/pensamientos noble, elevated;

    estilo lofty, elevated
    elevar ( conjugate elevar) verbo transitivo
    1 (frml)

    b)espíritu/mente to uplift

    c)muro/nivel to raise, make … higher

    2 (frml)
    a) ( aumentar) ‹precios/impuestos to raise, increase;

    nivel de vida to raise
    b)voz/tono to raise

    elevarse verbo pronominal
    1 ( tomar altura) [avión/cometa] to climb, gain height;
    [ globo] to rise, gain height
    2 (frml) ( aumentar) [ temperatura] to rise;
    [precios/impuestos] to rise, increase;
    [tono/voz] to rise
    3 (frml) ( ascender):
    la cifra se elevaba ya al 13% the figure had already reached 13%

    elevado,-a adjetivo
    1 (temperatura) high
    (torre, construcción) tall
    2 (altruista, espiritual) noble
    elevar verbo transitivo
    1 to raise
    2 Mat to raise (to the power of)
    elevar al cuadrado, to square
    elevar al cubo, to cube
    elevado a la cuarta, etc, potencia, to raise to the power of four, etc
    ' elevado' also found in these entries:
    - alto
    - elevar
    - elevada
    - carestía
    - cuadrado
    - grande
    - paso
    - flyover
    - high
    - overhead
    - overpass
    - causeway
    - elevated
    - fly
    - grand
    - lofty
    - over
    - upper
    * * *
    elevado, -a adj
    1. [alto] [monte, terreno, precio, inflación] high;
    un elevado edificio a tall building;
    era de elevada estatura he was tall in stature;
    una persona de elevada estatura a person tall in stature;
    un elevado número de accidentes a large o high number of accidents;
    consiguieron elevados beneficios they made a large profit;
    ocupa un elevado cargo en la empresa she has a high-ranking position in the company
    2. [noble] lofty, noble;
    elevados ideales lofty o noble ideals
    3. [estilo, tono, lenguaje] elevated, sophisticated;
    emplea un vocabulario muy elevado she uses very sophisticated vocabulary
    * * *
    adj high; fig
    * * *
    elevado, -da adj
    1) : elevated, lofty
    2) : high
    * * *
    elevado adj high

    Spanish-English dictionary > elevado

  • 15 base

    base de maquillaje foundation (cream)
    2 basis (fundamento, origen).
    el petróleo es la base de su economía their economy is based on oil
    ese argumento se cae por su base that argument is built on sand
    partimos de la base de que… we assume that…
    sentar las bases para to lay the foundations of
    3 base.
    base aérea air base
    base espacial space station
    base de lanzamiento launch site
    base naval naval base
    base de operaciones operational base
    4 base (chemistry).
    5 base (math & geometry).
    6 base.
    7 makeup.
    8 radix, base of a system of numbers or logarithms.
    1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: basar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) base
    2 figurado basis
    si partimos de la base de que... if we start from the premise that...
    3 QUÍMICA base, alkali
    2 las bases (de partido etc) grass roots, rank and file
    a base de (por) through, by means of, using 2 (de) consisting of
    en base a based on, on the basis of
    base aérea air base
    base de datos database
    base de datos documental documentary database
    base de datos relacional relational database
    base de lanzamiento launch site
    base de operaciones operational headquarters
    base imponible taxable income
    base naval naval base
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) base
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (=parte inferior) base
    2) (=fondo) [de pintura] background; [de maquillaje] foundation
    3) (=fundamento) basis

    carecer de base — [acusación] to lack foundation, be unfounded; [argumento] to lack justification, be unjustified

    de base — [error, dato] basic, fundamental; [activista, apoyo] grass-roots antes de s

    en base a [uso periodístico]

    en base a que: no publicaron la carta en base a que era demasiado larga — they didn't publish the letter because it was too long

    partir de una base, un juez tiene que partir de una base de neutralidad absoluta — a judge must start out from a position of absolute neutrality

    partiendo de esta base, nos planteamos la necesidad... — on this assumption, we think it necessary...

    partir de la base de que... — to take as one's starting point that...

    sentar las bases de algo — to lay the foundations of sth

    sobre la base de algo — on the basis of sth

    4) (=componente principal)

    a base de algo, una dieta a base de arroz — a rice-based diet, a diet based on rice

    un plato a base de verduras — a vegetable-based dish, a dish based on vegetables

    a base de hacer algo — by doing sth

    así, a base de no hacer nada, poco vas a conseguir — you won't achieve much by doing nothing

    a base de insistir, la convenció para comprar la casa — by o through his insistence, he persuaded her to buy the house

    base imponible — (Econ) taxable income

    5) (=conocimientos básicos) grounding
    6) (Mil) base
    7) pl bases
    a) (=condiciones) [de concurso] conditions, rules; [de convocatoria] requirements
    b) (Pol)
    8) (Inform)
    9) (Mat) [en una potencia] base
    10) (Quím) base
    11) (Téc) base, mounting
    12) (Agrimensura) base, base line
    13) (Ling) (tb: base derivativa) base form
    14) (Béisbol) base
    15) ** (=droga) base
    SMF (Baloncesto) guard
    3. ADJ INV
    1) (=de partida) [campamento, campo] base antes de s ; [puerto] home antes de s
    2) (=básico) [idea] basic; [documento, texto] provisional, draft

    alimento base — staple (food)

    color base — base colour o (EEUU) color

    salario, sueldo
    * * *
    a) ( parte inferior) base
    b) tb

    a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered; un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet; vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills; de base <planteamiento/error> fundamental, basic; < militante> rank-and-file (before n), ordinary (before n); < movimiento> grass-roots (before n); en base a (crit) on the basis of; a base de bien (Esp fam): comimos a base de bien — we ate really well

    base aérea/naval/militar — air/naval/military base


    las bases — (Pol) the rank and file (pl)

    6) (Mat, Quím) base
    7) bases femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)
    a) ( en béisbol) base
    b) base masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guard
    adjetivo invariable
    a) (básico, elemental) basic; <documento/texto> draft (before n)
    b) < campamento> base (before n)
    * * *
    = base, base, base plate, basis [bases, -pl.], basis [bases, -pl.], bedrock, core, cornerstone [corner-stone], foundation, grounding, underpinning, cradle, warp and woof.
    Ex. The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.
    Ex. The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.
    Ex. The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.
    Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex. We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.
    Ex. The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.
    Ex. Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.
    Ex. In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
    Ex. The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.
    Ex. The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.
    Ex. 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.
    Ex. Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * afianzar las bases = strengthen + foundations.
    * aplicar una capa base = prime.
    * aprender Algo a base de cometer errores = learn + Nombre + the hard way.
    * banda de base = baseband.
    * basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.
    * base cognitiva = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.
    * base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.
    * base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database, cataloguing database.
    * base de datos comercial = commercial database.
    * base de datos completa = full-provision database.
    * base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.
    * base de datos cruzada = cross database.
    * base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.
    * base de datos de autoridades = authority database.
    * base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.
    * base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.
    * base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.
    * base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.
    * base de datos de educación = ERIC.
    * base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.
    * base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.
    * base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.
    * base de datos de negocios = business database.
    * base de datos de pago = subscription database.
    * base de datos de patentes = WPI.
    * base de datos de propiedades = properties database.
    * base de datos de referencia = reference database.
    * base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.
    * base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.
    * base de datos de texto = textual data base, text-oriented database, text database.
    * base de datos de texto completo = full text database.
    * base de datos de texto libre = free text database.
    * base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.
    * base de datos distribuida = distributed database.
    * base de datos documental = textual data base.
    * base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.
    * base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.
    * base de datos en estado original = raw database.
    * base de datos en línea = online database.
    * base de datos estadística = statistical database.
    * base de datos externa = external database.
    * base de datos factual = factual database.
    * base de datos financiera = financial database.
    * base de datos interna = in-house database.
    * base de datos jurídica = legal database.
    * base de datos local = local area database.
    * base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.
    * base de datos numérico-textual = textual-numeric database, text-numeric database.
    * base de datos relacional = relational database.
    * base de datos residente = resident database.
    * base de datos terminológica = terminology database.
    * base de datos textual = textual data base.
    * base de operaciones = home base.
    * base de un número = subscript numeral.
    * base impositiva = tax base.
    * base lógica = rationale.
    * base militar = military base.
    * bases = background.
    * base teórica = theoretical underpinning, theoretical underpinning.
    * búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.
    * campamento base = base camp.
    * comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * como base para = as a basis for.
    * con base de arena = sand-based.
    * con base empírica = empirically-based.
    * con base en = based in.
    * conformar las bases = set + the framework.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * constituir la base = form + the foundation.
    * constituir la base de = form + the basis of.
    * construir la base = form + the skeleton.
    * creador de bases de datos = database producer.
    * crear una base = form + a basis.
    * de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].
    * descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.
    * empezar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en la base = at the core (of).
    * en su base = at its core.
    * específico de una base de datos = database-specific.
    * formar la base = form + the foundation.
    * formar la base de = form + the basis of.
    * gestión de bases de datos = database management.
    * gestor de bases de datos = database management system (DBMS), DBMS system.
    * gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.
    * hecho a base de parches = patchwork.
    * industria de las bases de datos = database industry.
    * línea base = baseline [base line].
    * meta base de datos = meta-database.
    * montar una base de datos = mount + database.
    * novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés = formula fiction.
    * organismo de base popular = grassroots organisation.
    * partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that, build on + the premise that.
    * poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.
    * portada de una base de datos = file banner.
    * presupuesto de base cero = zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB), zero-base(d) budget.
    * productor de bases de datos = database producer.
    * programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.
    * proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.
    * que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.
    * remedio a base de hierbas = herbal remedy.
    * sentar base = make + things happen.
    * sentar las bases = lay + foundation, set + the scene, set + the wheels in motion, set + the tone, set + the framework, set + the pattern, provide + the basis, lay + the basis for, provide + the material for.
    * sentar las bases de Algo = lay + the groundwork for.
    * ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sobre base de arena = sand-based.
    * sobre esta base = on this basis, on that basis.
    * sobre la base de = in relation to, on the usual basis.
    * subsistir a base de = live on.
    * tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.
    * tratamiento a base de hierbas = herbal treatment.
    * * *
    a) ( parte inferior) base
    b) tb

    a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered; un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet; vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills; de base <planteamiento/error> fundamental, basic; < militante> rank-and-file (before n), ordinary (before n); < movimiento> grass-roots (before n); en base a (crit) on the basis of; a base de bien (Esp fam): comimos a base de bien — we ate really well

    base aérea/naval/militar — air/naval/military base


    las bases — (Pol) the rank and file (pl)

    6) (Mat, Quím) base
    7) bases femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)
    a) ( en béisbol) base
    b) base masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guard
    adjetivo invariable
    a) (básico, elemental) basic; <documento/texto> draft (before n)
    b) < campamento> base (before n)
    * * *
    = base, base, base plate, basis [bases, -pl.], basis [bases, -pl.], bedrock, core, cornerstone [corner-stone], foundation, grounding, underpinning, cradle, warp and woof.

    Ex: The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.

    Ex: The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.
    Ex: The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.
    Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex: We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.
    Ex: The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.
    Ex: Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.
    Ex: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
    Ex: The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.
    Ex: The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.
    Ex: 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.
    Ex: Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * afianzar las bases = strengthen + foundations.
    * aplicar una capa base = prime.
    * aprender Algo a base de cometer errores = learn + Nombre + the hard way.
    * banda de base = baseband.
    * basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.
    * base cognitiva = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.
    * base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.
    * base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database, cataloguing database.
    * base de datos comercial = commercial database.
    * base de datos completa = full-provision database.
    * base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.
    * base de datos cruzada = cross database.
    * base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.
    * base de datos de autoridades = authority database.
    * base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.
    * base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.
    * base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.
    * base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.
    * base de datos de educación = ERIC.
    * base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.
    * base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.
    * base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.
    * base de datos de negocios = business database.
    * base de datos de pago = subscription database.
    * base de datos de patentes = WPI.
    * base de datos de propiedades = properties database.
    * base de datos de referencia = reference database.
    * base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.
    * base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.
    * base de datos de texto = textual data base, text-oriented database, text database.
    * base de datos de texto completo = full text database.
    * base de datos de texto libre = free text database.
    * base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.
    * base de datos distribuida = distributed database.
    * base de datos documental = textual data base.
    * base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.
    * base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.
    * base de datos en estado original = raw database.
    * base de datos en línea = online database.
    * base de datos estadística = statistical database.
    * base de datos externa = external database.
    * base de datos factual = factual database.
    * base de datos financiera = financial database.
    * base de datos interna = in-house database.
    * base de datos jurídica = legal database.
    * base de datos local = local area database.
    * base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.
    * base de datos numérico-textual = textual-numeric database, text-numeric database.
    * base de datos relacional = relational database.
    * base de datos residente = resident database.
    * base de datos terminológica = terminology database.
    * base de datos textual = textual data base.
    * base de operaciones = home base.
    * base de un número = subscript numeral.
    * base impositiva = tax base.
    * base lógica = rationale.
    * base militar = military base.
    * bases = background.
    * base teórica = theoretical underpinning, theoretical underpinning.
    * búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.
    * campamento base = base camp.
    * comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * como base para = as a basis for.
    * con base de arena = sand-based.
    * con base empírica = empirically-based.
    * con base en = based in.
    * conformar las bases = set + the framework.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * constituir la base = form + the foundation.
    * constituir la base de = form + the basis of.
    * construir la base = form + the skeleton.
    * creador de bases de datos = database producer.
    * crear una base = form + a basis.
    * de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].
    * descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.
    * empezar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en la base = at the core (of).
    * en su base = at its core.
    * específico de una base de datos = database-specific.
    * formar la base = form + the foundation.
    * formar la base de = form + the basis of.
    * gestión de bases de datos = database management.
    * gestor de bases de datos = database management system (DBMS), DBMS system.
    * gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.
    * hecho a base de parches = patchwork.
    * industria de las bases de datos = database industry.
    * línea base = baseline [base line].
    * meta base de datos = meta-database.
    * montar una base de datos = mount + database.
    * novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés = formula fiction.
    * organismo de base popular = grassroots organisation.
    * partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that, build on + the premise that.
    * poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.
    * portada de una base de datos = file banner.
    * presupuesto de base cero = zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB), zero-base(d) budget.
    * productor de bases de datos = database producer.
    * programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.
    * proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.
    * que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.
    * remedio a base de hierbas = herbal remedy.
    * sentar base = make + things happen.
    * sentar las bases = lay + foundation, set + the scene, set + the wheels in motion, set + the tone, set + the framework, set + the pattern, provide + the basis, lay + the basis for, provide + the material for.
    * sentar las bases de Algo = lay + the groundwork for.
    * ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sobre base de arena = sand-based.
    * sobre esta base = on this basis, on that basis.
    * sobre la base de = in relation to, on the usual basis.
    * subsistir a base de = live on.
    * tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.
    * tratamiento a base de hierbas = herbal treatment.

    * * *
    la base de una columna the base of a column
    el contraste está en la base the hallmark is on the base o the bottom
    2 (fondo) background
    sobre una base de tonos claros against o on a background of light tones
    tb base de maquillaje foundation
    4 (permanente) soft perm
    (fundamento): no tienes suficiente base para asegurar eso you don't have sufficient grounds to claim that
    la base de una buena salud es una alimentación sana the basis of good health is a balanced diet
    esa afirmación carece de bases sólidas that statement is not founded o based on any firm evidence
    sentar las bases de un acuerdo to lay the foundations of an agreement
    un movimiento sin base popular a movement without a popular power base
    tomar algo como base to take sth as a starting point
    partiendo or si partimos de la base de que … if we start from the premise o assumption that …
    sobre la base de estos datos podemos concluir que … on the basis of this information we can conclude that …
    (componente principal): la base de su alimentación es el arroz rice is their staple food, their diet is based on rice
    la base de este perfume es el jazmín this perfume has a jasmine base, this is a jasmine-based perfume
    los diamantes forman la base de la economía the economy is based on diamonds
    (conocimientos básicos): tiene una sólida base científica he has a sound basic knowledge of o he has a sound grounding in science
    llegó sin ninguna base he hadn't mastered the basics when he arrived
    relational database
    tax base ( AmE), taxable income o base ( BrE)
    C ( en locs):
    a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered
    lo consiguió a base de muchos sacrificios he had to make a lot of sacrifices to achieve it
    un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet, a diet mainly consisting of vegetables
    una bebida a base de ginebra a gin-based drink
    vive a base de pastillas pills are what keep her going
    de base ‹planteamiento/error› fundamental, basic;
    ‹militante› rank-and-file ( before n), ordinary ( before n); ‹movimiento/democracia› grass roots ( before n)
    en base a ( crit); on the basis of
    en base a las recientes encuestas on the evidence o basis of recent polls
    una propuesta de negociación en base a un programa de diez puntos a proposal for negotiations based on a ten-point plan
    a base de bien ( Esp fam): comimos a base de bien we really ate well, we had a really good meal
    air base
    launch site
    center* of operations, operational headquarters ( sing o pl)
    military base
    naval base
    E ( Pol) tb
    bases rank and file (pl)
    F ( Mat) base
    G ( Quím) base
    H bases fpl (de un concurso) rules (pl), conditions of entry (pl)
    1 (básico, elemental) ‹alimento› basic, staple ( before n); ‹documento/texto› draft ( before n)
    la idea base partió de … the basic idea stemmed from …
    2 (de origen) ‹puerto› home ( before n); ‹campamento› base ( before n)
    * * *


    Del verbo basar: ( conjugate basar)

    basé es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo

    base es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    basar ( conjugate basar) verbo transitivoteoría/idea› base algo en algo to base sth on sth
    basarse verbo pronominal
    a) [ persona] basese EN algo:

    ¿en qué te basas para decir eso? and what basis o grounds do you have for saying that?;

    se basó en esos datos he based his argument (o theory etc) on that information
    b) [teoría/creencia/idea/opinión] basese EN algo to be based on sth

    base sustantivo femenino

    b) tb


    tengo suficiente base para asegurar eso I have sufficient grounds to claim that;
    sentar las bases de algo to lay the foundations of sth;
    tomar algo como base to take sth as a starting point

    llegó al curso sin ninguna base he didn't have the basics when he began the course;
    base de datos database
    3 ( en locs)
    a base de: un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet;

    vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills
    4 ( centro de operaciones) base;
    base aérea/naval/militar air/naval/military base

    bases sustantivo femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)



    base sustantivo masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guard

    basar verbo transitivo to base [en, on]
    I sustantivo femenino
    1 base
    2 (fundamento de una teoría, de un argumento) basis, (motivo) grounds: tus quejas no tienen base alguna, your complaints are groundless
    3 (conocimientos previos) grounding: tiene muy mala base en matemáticas, he's got a very poor grasp of maths
    4 Mil base
    base aérea/naval, air/naval base
    5 Inform base de datos, data base
    II fpl
    1 Pol the grass roots: las bases no apoyan al candidato, the candidate didn't get any grass-roots support
    2 (de un concurso) rules
    ♦ Locuciones: a base de: la fastidiaron a base de bien, they really messed her about
    a base de estudiar consiguió aprobar, he passed by studying
    a base de extracto de camomila, using camomile extract
    ' base' also found in these entries:
    - bajo
    - basar
    - columpiarse
    - concentración
    - esquema
    - fundar
    - fundamentar
    - fundarse
    - innoble
    - mantenerse
    - pie
    - salario
    - somier
    - subsistir
    - tejemaneje
    - asiento
    - banco
    - bastardo
    - cimentar
    - fundamento
    - inicial
    - mantener
    - rejilla
    - sueldo
    air base
    - base
    - basis
    - circuit board
    - cornerstone
    - data base
    - decision making
    - fatty
    - foundation
    - from
    - grounding
    - rank
    - rationale
    - roll out
    - stand
    - undercoat
    - work
    - air
    - ball
    - base pay
    - bed
    - cover
    - data
    - educated
    - found
    - French
    - go
    - ground
    - hard
    - home
    - model
    - pickle
    - primary
    - report
    - rocky
    - sordid
    - squash
    - staple
    - starchy
    - taxable
    - under
    * * *
    1. [parte inferior] base;
    [de edificio] foundations;
    colocaron un ramo de flores en la base del monumento they placed a bunch of flowers at the foot of the monument
    base de maquillaje foundation (cream)
    2. [fundamento, origen] basis;
    el respeto al medio ambiente es la base de un desarrollo equilibrado respect for the environment is o forms the basis of balanced development;
    el petróleo es la base de su economía their economy is based on oil;
    salí de la universidad con una sólida base humanística I left university with a solid grounding in the humanities;
    ese argumento se cae por su base that argument is built on sand;
    esta teoría carece de base this theory is unfounded, this theory is not founded on solid arguments;
    partimos de la base de que… we assume that…;
    se parte de la base de que todos ya saben leer we're starting with the assumption that everyone can read;
    sentar las bases para… to lay the foundations of…;
    sobre la base de esta encuesta se concluye que… on the basis of this opinion poll, it can be concluded that… Fin base imponible taxable income
    3. [conocimientos básicos] grounding;
    habla mal francés porque tiene mala base she doesn't speak French well because she hasn't learnt the basics properly
    4. [militar, científica] base
    base aérea air base;
    base espacial space station;
    base de lanzamiento launch site;
    base naval naval base;
    base de operaciones operational base;
    [aeropuerto civil ] base (of operations)
    5. Quím base
    6. Geom base
    7. Mat base
    8. Ling base (form)
    base de datos documental documentary database;
    base de datos relacional relational database
    10. Com base de clientes customer base
    bases [para prueba, concurso] rules
    las bases [de partido, sindicato] the grass roots, the rank and file;
    afiliado de las bases grassroots member
    13. [en béisbol] base;
    [en baloncesto] guard
    a base de loc prep
    by (means of);
    me alimento a base de verduras I live on vegetables;
    el flan está hecho a base de huevos crème caramel is made with eggs;
    a base de no hacer nada by not doing anything;
    a base de trabajar duro fue ascendiendo puestos she moved up through the company by working hard;
    aprender a base de equivocarse to learn the hard way;
    se sacó la carrera a base de codos she got her degree by sheer hard work
    Esp Fam
    a base de bien: nos humillaron a base de bien they really humiliated us;
    lloraba a base de bien he was crying his eyes out;
    los niños disfrutaron a base de bien the children had a great time
    en base a loc prep
    [considerado incorrecto] on the basis of;
    en base a lo visto hasta ahora, no creo que puedan ganar from what I've seen so far, I don't think they can win;
    el plan se efectuará en base a lo convenido the plan will be carried out in accordance with the terms agreed upon
    * * *
    I f
    1 QUÍM, MAT, MIL, DEP base
    bases pl de concurso etc conditions
    una dieta a base de frutas a diet based on fruit, a fruit-based diet;
    consiguió comprarse una casa a base de ahorrar he managed to buy a house by (dint of) saving;
    nos divertimos a base de bien we had a really o fam a real good time
    II m/f en baloncesto guard
    * * *
    base nf
    1) : base, bottom
    2) : base (in baseball)
    3) fundamento: basis, foundation
    base de datos : database
    a base de : based on, by means of
    en base a : based on, on the basis of
    * * *
    base n
    1. (en general) base
    2. (fundamento) basis [pl. bases]

    Spanish-English dictionary > base

  • 16 pasillo

    hacer (el) pasillo to form a corridor
    pasillo deslizante travelator
    pasillo rodante travelator
    * * *
    1 corridor
    * * *
    noun m.
    corridor, aisle
    * * *
    1) (=corredor) [en casa, oficina] corridor; [en avión, teatro] aisle

    pasillo aéreo — air corridor, air lane

    pasillo móvil, pasillo rodante — travelator

    2) (Pol) lobby

    hacer pasillos — to engage in lobby discussions, lobby

    3) (Teat) (=pieza corta) short piece, sketch
    * * *
    masculino ( corredor) corridor; ( en avión) aisle
    * * *
    = corridor, aisle, hallway, walkway, pedestrian walkway, alley, alleyway, gangway.
    Ex. Many infant and junior schools have books in the entrance hall and in the corridors as well as in the classrooms.
    Ex. Compact shelving eliminates all but one aisle in any set of ranges of shelving.
    Ex. When planning a library considerations need to be made of shared space, such as hallways, staff lounges, public restrooms, meeting rooms and storerooms.
    Ex. Areas that may be used include: windows; promenades and walkways; entrances and foyers.
    Ex. This article discusses the results of a survey of users of the Metro McGill Library situated on the pedestrian walkway of the McGill metro station, Montreal, Quebec.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'The Internet: superhighways, virtual alleys and dead end streets'.
    Ex. Upon questioning we find that those eminently pragmatic down-to-earth notions dwell in the darkest alleyways of metaphysics.
    Ex. The existing gangways are made of wood and exhibit signs of aging and some structural fatigue.
    * frecuentar los pasillos del poder = stalk + the corridors of power.
    * hacer el pasillo = form + a guard of honour.
    * hacer el pasillo de honor = form + a guard of honour.
    * pasillo de salida = exit lane.
    * pasillo deslizante = travelator, moving walkway, moving sidewalk, moving pavement, walkalator.
    * pasillo móvil = travelator, moving walkway, moving sidewalk, moving pavement, walkalator.
    * pasillo rodante = travelator, moving walkway, moving sidewalk, moving pavement, walkalator.
    * pasillos del poder, los = corridors of power, the.
    * * *
    masculino ( corredor) corridor; ( en avión) aisle
    * * *
    = corridor, aisle, hallway, walkway, pedestrian walkway, alley, alleyway, gangway.

    Ex: Many infant and junior schools have books in the entrance hall and in the corridors as well as in the classrooms.

    Ex: Compact shelving eliminates all but one aisle in any set of ranges of shelving.
    Ex: When planning a library considerations need to be made of shared space, such as hallways, staff lounges, public restrooms, meeting rooms and storerooms.
    Ex: Areas that may be used include: windows; promenades and walkways; entrances and foyers.
    Ex: This article discusses the results of a survey of users of the Metro McGill Library situated on the pedestrian walkway of the McGill metro station, Montreal, Quebec.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'The Internet: superhighways, virtual alleys and dead end streets'.
    Ex: Upon questioning we find that those eminently pragmatic down-to-earth notions dwell in the darkest alleyways of metaphysics.
    Ex: The existing gangways are made of wood and exhibit signs of aging and some structural fatigue.
    * frecuentar los pasillos del poder = stalk + the corridors of power.
    * hacer el pasillo = form + a guard of honour.
    * hacer el pasillo de honor = form + a guard of honour.
    * pasillo de salida = exit lane.
    * pasillo deslizante = travelator, moving walkway, moving sidewalk, moving pavement, walkalator.
    * pasillo móvil = travelator, moving walkway, moving sidewalk, moving pavement, walkalator.
    * pasillo rodante = travelator, moving walkway, moving sidewalk, moving pavement, walkalator.
    * pasillos del poder, los = corridors of power, the.

    * * *
    1 (corredor) corridor
    moving walkway
    * * *


    pasillo sustantivo masculino ( corredor) corridor;
    ( en avión) aisle
    pasillo sustantivo masculino corridor
    ' pasillo' also found in these entries:
    - paso
    - atravesado
    - ciego
    - estrecho
    - kilométrico
    - corridor
    - end
    - gangway
    - passage
    - passageway
    - blunder
    - collide
    - gang
    - hall
    - walk
    * * *
    1. [en casa, edificio] corridor;
    [en avión] aisle;
    hacer (el) pasillo to form a corridor [for people to walk down];
    abrirse pasillo entre la multitud to make o force one's way through the crowd
    pasillo aéreo air corridor;
    pasillo deslizante moving walkway;
    pasillo de honor [en fútbol] guard of honour [formed by the team about to play the champions to applaud them onto the pitch];
    pasillo móvil moving walkway;
    pasillo rodante moving walkway
    2. Col, Ecuad, Pan [baile, música] = folk song and dance
    * * *
    1 en vivienda, hospital corridor
    2 en avión, cine aisle
    * * *
    corredor: hallway, corridor, aisle
    * * *
    1. (de una casa, hospital, colegio) corridor
    2. (de un avión, cine, iglesia, tienda) aisle

    Spanish-English dictionary > pasillo

  • 17 قوة

    قُوَّة \ force: violence; fierce or uncontrolled use of strength: He took the money from the old woman by force. might: power; strength: He tried with all his might. power: strength; force: I haven’t the power to lift this weight, a strong and important country Russia is a great power. strength: the quality of being strong; strong condition. \ بِقُوّة \ hard: with much effort or force (often in compounds): You must try hard if you want to succeed. I hit him hard, strongly; very much: It’s snowing hard. passionately: with strong or violent feelings: He loved his country passionately. strongly: firmly; deeply: I strongly advise you to buy this. \ قُوَّة أعصاب \ nerve: boldness; the courage that is necessary to do sth. dangerous: The climber lost his nerve and fell. \ قُوَّة تَحَمُّل \ endurance: the power of enduring or bearing pain, trouble, etc.: Long-distance runners need great endurance. stamina: the power of working hard in rough conditions over a long period of time, without getting seriously tired or ill. wear: fitness for use; strength: There is plenty of wear left in that coat. \ قُوَّة تَركيز \ concentration: close or complete attention: This book will need all your concentration. \ قُوَّة جَسَدِيَّة \ force: natural or bodily power; active strength: The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building. He had to use force to get the lid off the tin. \ قُوَّة حِصان \ horsepower: (sometimes shortened to HP) a measure of the power of an engine. \ قُوَّة الخَيَال \ imagination: the act or the power of imagining: A poet needs an active imagination. \ قُوَّة شَخْصِيَّة \ backbone: strength of character. \ القُوَّة الكامِلة \ strength: the full quantity of a group of persons who form an effective force: The nurses are not up to strength. (There are not enough nurses) They are 30 below strength. (The hospital usu. employs 30 more than it has now). \ القُوَّة المُجرَّدَة \ brute force: force used without skill or care: He had lost the key of the box, and had to use brute force to break it open. \ قُوَّة مُحَرِّكة \ power: force that can be used for doing work: electric power; water power. \ قُوَّة مسلَّحَة \ force: a controlled body of men: a police force; the armed forces. \ قُوَّة المَصّ \ suction: sucking the natural force that draws things together when there is no air between them. \ قُوَّة مُعَاكِسَة \ opposition: opposing, an opposing; force; (in a law-making group) elected members whose party is against the governing party. \ القُوَى العَقْلِيَّة \ senses: (in various phrases) a calm and reasonable state of mind: The explosion frightened them out of their senses. Anyone in his senses would take that job.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قوة

  • 18 dochodzić

    (-chodzę, -chodzisz); imp -chodź

    perf; - jść; vi dochodzić (do) (+gen) — to reach; ( o liście) to arrive; ( sięgać) to reach (as far as), (o dźwięku, zapachu) to come

    dochodzi pierwsza/północ — it's almost one o'clock/midnight

    doszło do bójki/wypadku — there was a fight/ an accident

    doszło do tego, że... — things came to such a point that...

    dochodzić swoich prawto assert lub claim one's rights

    dochodzić prawdyto seek lub search for the truth

    * * *
    1. (= docierać) arrive; dochodzić do kogoś/gdzieś reach sb/sth; paczka jeszcze nie doszła the parcel hasn't arrived yet; czy doszedł do ciebie mój list? did you get my letter?; dojść do adresata ( o przesyłce) reach its destination l. recipient; pociąg tam nie dochodzi pot. trains don't go there.
    2. (= osiągać) reach; dochodzić do pięćdziesiątki be approaching fifty; dochodzi północ/ósma it's almost midnight/eight, it's getting on for midnight/eight, it's coming up on midnight/eight.
    3. (= uzyskiwać) dochodzić do zdrowia be getting better, turn the corner; dojść do głosu take one's turn (to speak); dochodzić do porozumienia come to an agreement, reach agreement; (nie mogłem) dojść z nim do ładu (I couldn't) connect with him; dochodzić do siebie (= odzyskiwać pełnię sił, równowagę) pull l. get o.s. together, get over it; (= odzyskiwać przytomność) come round l. to, snap out of it; dochodzić do siebie po czymś get over sth; dojść do skutku (= odbyć się) take place, go ahead; (= zakończyć się sukcesem) work out; nie dojść do skutku fall through.
    4. nieos. doszło do czegoś ( zdarzenia) there was sth, sth happened; doszło do wypadku there was an accident, an accident happened; doszło do rękoczynów it came to blows; jak do tego doszło? how did this l. it happen?
    5. (= przybywać do kompletu) be added; pamiętaj, że dojdą jeszcze dodatkowe zajęcia don't forget new classes will be added; dojdzie nam dodatkowa godzina we'll have an extra hour.
    6. (= dociekać) seek; pursue; search for; dochodzić prawdy search for the truth, seek the truth; dochodzić krzywdy seek compensation.
    7. (= walczyć o) fight for; dochodzić swoich praw fight for one's rights; dojść do władzy rise to power; dochodzić czegoś na drodze sądowej fight for sth in court.
    8. (= rozumować) dochodzić do przekonania/wniosku reach a conviction/conclusion; dochodzić do sedna sprawy get to the heart of the matter; dojść po nitce do kłębka przen. follow the thread to the end.
    9. (o roślinach, owocach) (= dojrzewać) mature, ripen.
    10. ( o potrawach) (= dogotowywać się) be almost done; (= dogotować się) be done.
    11. pot. (= przylegać) fit tight; okna nie dochodzą windows won't close properly, windows are not tight.
    12. myśl. ( zwierzynę) approach.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > dochodzić

  • 19 asombroso

    amazing, wonderful, marvelous, surprising.
    * * *
    1 amazing, astonishing, surprising
    * * *
    (f. - asombrosa)
    amazing, astonishing
    * * *
    ADJ amazing, astonishing
    * * *
    - sa adjetivo amazing, astonishing
    * * *
    = amazing, astonishing, extraordinary, staggering, startling, astounding, breathtaking, uncanny.
    Ex. However, this is still a long way from the amazing power of a large mini or mainframe computer.
    Ex. It asserts that the answer to the problems relating to the astonishing growth of great research libraries lies in large-scale interlibrary cooperation.
    Ex. Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.
    Ex. It's a staggering list of accomplishments, and considering bureaucracy and some of the internal problems of the Library of Congress, I think that the Library deserves a great deal of credit and commendation.
    Ex. At the time, it was a startling accomplishment and gained wide recognition.
    Ex. His voracious appetite for detail and numbers is coupled with astounding powers of recall.
    Ex. This breathtaking building is 213 meters long and has over 300 windows.
    Ex. Surrealism is an art concerned not with love and liberation but with the uncanny, the compulsion to repeat, and the drive toward death.
    * a un paso asombroso = at an astounding pace.
    * a un ritmo asombroso = at an astounding pace.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * paisaje asombroso = breathtaking scenery.
    * vista asombrosa = breathtaking view.
    * * *
    - sa adjetivo amazing, astonishing
    * * *
    = amazing, astonishing, extraordinary, staggering, startling, astounding, breathtaking, uncanny.

    Ex: However, this is still a long way from the amazing power of a large mini or mainframe computer.

    Ex: It asserts that the answer to the problems relating to the astonishing growth of great research libraries lies in large-scale interlibrary cooperation.
    Ex: Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.
    Ex: It's a staggering list of accomplishments, and considering bureaucracy and some of the internal problems of the Library of Congress, I think that the Library deserves a great deal of credit and commendation.
    Ex: At the time, it was a startling accomplishment and gained wide recognition.
    Ex: His voracious appetite for detail and numbers is coupled with astounding powers of recall.
    Ex: This breathtaking building is 213 meters long and has over 300 windows.
    Ex: Surrealism is an art concerned not with love and liberation but with the uncanny, the compulsion to repeat, and the drive toward death.
    * a un paso asombroso = at an astounding pace.
    * a un ritmo asombroso = at an astounding pace.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * paisaje asombroso = breathtaking scenery.
    * vista asombrosa = breathtaking view.

    * * *
    amazing, astonishing
    * * *

    ◊ -sa adjetivo

    amazing, astonishing
    asombroso,-a adjetivo amazing, astonishing

    ' asombroso' also found in these entries:
    - astonishing
    - astounding
    - mind-blowing
    - staggering
    - startling
    - wondrous
    - striking
    * * *
    asombroso, -a adj
    amazing, astonishing
    * * *
    adj amazing, astonishing
    * * *
    asombroso, -sa adj
    : amazing, astonishing
    * * *
    asombroso adj amazing

    Spanish-English dictionary > asombroso

  • 20 molestia

    1 bother, trouble.
    ocasionar o causar molestias a alguien to cause somebody trouble
    si no es demasiada molestia if it's not too much trouble
    perdone la molestia, pero… sorry to bother you, but…
    tomarse la molestia de hacer algo to take the trouble to do something
    2 discomfort.
    * * *
    1 (incomodidad) bother, trouble; (fastidio) nuisance
    2 MEDICINA trouble, slight pain
    no es molestia it's no trouble
    perdonen las molestias please excuse the inconvenience
    ser una molestia to be a nuisance
    si no es molestia if you don't mind
    tomarse la molestia de hacer algo to take the trouble to do something
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) annoyance, bother, nuisance
    * * *
    1) (=trastorno) bother, trouble

    ¿me podrías llevar a casa, si no es mucha molestia? — could you take me home, if it's not too much bother o trouble?

    perdone la molestia, pero... — sorry to bother you, but...

    ¡no es ninguna molestia, estaré encantado de ayudarte! — it's no trouble at all, I'll be happy to help!

    "perdonen las molestias" — "we apologize for any inconvenience"

    ahorrarse la molestia de hacer algo — to save o.s. the bother o trouble of doing sth

    tomarse la molestia de hacer algo — to take the trouble to do sth

    no tenías que haberte tomado la molestiayou shouldn't have bothered o taken the trouble, you shouldn't have put yourself out

    2) (Med) discomfort

    si persisten las molestias, consulte a un especialista — if the discomfort o trouble persists, consult a specialist

    * * *
    a) (incomodidad, trastorno) trouble

    perdona la molestia, pero... — sorry to bother you, but...

    rogamos disculpen las molestias ocasionadas — (frml) we apologize for any inconvenience caused (frml)

    b) ( trabajo)

    ¿para qué te tomaste la molestia? — why did you bother to do that?

    molestia DE + inf: ahórrate la molestia de ir save yourself the trip; se tomó la molestia de escribirnos — she took the trouble to write to us

    2) ( malestar)

    no es un dolor, sólo una molestia — it's not a pain, just a feeling of discomfort

    * * *
    = annoyance, discomfort, disruption, encumbrance, nuisance, pain, trial, embarrassment, aggravation, disturbance, irksomeness, mischief, ache, hassle, pest, irritant, soreness, niggling, niggle, self-effacement, inconvenience.
    Nota: Nombre.
    Ex. False drops are perhaps less of an annoyance in a computer-based system when brief records can be quickly scanned and rejected as necessary.
    Ex. Discomfort is caused if windows are opened, heat, cold, dirt and noise are offered 'open-access' to the interior.
    Ex. An academic library should be extendible to permit future growth with minimum disruption.
    Ex. Meanwhile we are asked to accept encumbrances that will needlessly impair the effectiveness of our catalogs for an indefinite time to come.
    Ex. However, delays in the generation of centralised records can be a considerable nuisance.
    Ex. For instance, if discharge is 'watery' or 'purulent,' vision is 'blurred,' pain is 'moderate,' then corneal trauma or infection is diagnosed.
    Ex. He wrote an article with the title 'The trials and traumas of authorship'.
    Ex. Patrons who are reluctant to seek assistance in using reference books or the card catalog, feel no embarrassment about seeking help in the 'automated' setting.
    Ex. One reads, for instance, that a parameter in assessing the maximum period a user can be kept waiting is the ' aggravation quotient'.
    Ex. A centralised system was chosen to ensure speedy receipt and dissemination with minimal disturbances.
    Ex. Teachers who keep reading records find that the light they throw on their work compensates for the irksomeness of the administrative chore of keeping them up to date.
    Ex. The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs = El autor analiza las características de los programas diseñados específicamente para causar problemas a los propietarios de ordenadores que los descargan y ejecutan.
    Ex. Last year I did not prefer cushioned running shoes, but now I'm a year older with new aches and pains, so I want a shoe with added support.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.
    Ex. Library users fall into 4 groups: (1) patrons, who are considerate, grateful and undemanding; (2) 'pests' -- the inconsiderate; (3) 'pirates' who steal, deface and mutilate library property and materials; (4) 'vampires' whose enquiries make excessive demands upon the librarian's time.
    Ex. Common factors affecting the quality of air in libraries include scents and other controllable irritants, dust mites, moulds and other inhaled substances associated with paper and books.
    Ex. While there are no significant injury worries to speak of, there is no doubt both sides have a number of players with general soreness and niggling.
    Ex. While there are no significant injury worries to speak of, there is no doubt both sides have a number of players with general soreness and niggling.
    Ex. Wilson was limping around so he must have picked up a knock or aggravated a niggle that he already had.
    Ex. Mark's Gospel reveals the power of God as self-effacement and self-giving love rather than domination and conquest.
    Ex. The main inconveniences of item record indexes arise from the necessity of searching the entire file.
    * ahorrar la molestia = spare + Nombre + a problem.
    * ahorrar molestia = save + trouble.
    * ahorrarse la molestia de = obviate + the need for.
    * causar molestias = cause + disruption, inconvenience, cause + inconvenience.
    * disculpe(n) las molestias = sorry for the inconvenience.
    * molestia de estómago = stomach ache.
    * molestias y dolores = aches and pains.
    * ocasionar molestias = cause + disruption.
    * perdone(n) las molestias = sorry for the inconvenience.
    * ser una molestia = be a pest.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * tomarse la molestia de = take + the trouble to, take + the time and effort, take + the time to + Infinitivo.
    * * *
    a) (incomodidad, trastorno) trouble

    perdona la molestia, pero... — sorry to bother you, but...

    rogamos disculpen las molestias ocasionadas — (frml) we apologize for any inconvenience caused (frml)

    b) ( trabajo)

    ¿para qué te tomaste la molestia? — why did you bother to do that?

    molestia DE + inf: ahórrate la molestia de ir save yourself the trip; se tomó la molestia de escribirnos — she took the trouble to write to us

    2) ( malestar)

    no es un dolor, sólo una molestia — it's not a pain, just a feeling of discomfort

    * * *
    = annoyance, discomfort, disruption, encumbrance, nuisance, pain, trial, embarrassment, aggravation, disturbance, irksomeness, mischief, ache, hassle, pest, irritant, soreness, niggling, niggle, self-effacement, inconvenience.
    Nota: Nombre.

    Ex: False drops are perhaps less of an annoyance in a computer-based system when brief records can be quickly scanned and rejected as necessary.

    Ex: Discomfort is caused if windows are opened, heat, cold, dirt and noise are offered 'open-access' to the interior.
    Ex: An academic library should be extendible to permit future growth with minimum disruption.
    Ex: Meanwhile we are asked to accept encumbrances that will needlessly impair the effectiveness of our catalogs for an indefinite time to come.
    Ex: However, delays in the generation of centralised records can be a considerable nuisance.
    Ex: For instance, if discharge is 'watery' or 'purulent,' vision is 'blurred,' pain is 'moderate,' then corneal trauma or infection is diagnosed.
    Ex: He wrote an article with the title 'The trials and traumas of authorship'.
    Ex: Patrons who are reluctant to seek assistance in using reference books or the card catalog, feel no embarrassment about seeking help in the 'automated' setting.
    Ex: One reads, for instance, that a parameter in assessing the maximum period a user can be kept waiting is the ' aggravation quotient'.
    Ex: A centralised system was chosen to ensure speedy receipt and dissemination with minimal disturbances.
    Ex: Teachers who keep reading records find that the light they throw on their work compensates for the irksomeness of the administrative chore of keeping them up to date.
    Ex: The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs = El autor analiza las características de los programas diseñados específicamente para causar problemas a los propietarios de ordenadores que los descargan y ejecutan.
    Ex: Last year I did not prefer cushioned running shoes, but now I'm a year older with new aches and pains, so I want a shoe with added support.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.
    Ex: Library users fall into 4 groups: (1) patrons, who are considerate, grateful and undemanding; (2) 'pests' -- the inconsiderate; (3) 'pirates' who steal, deface and mutilate library property and materials; (4) 'vampires' whose enquiries make excessive demands upon the librarian's time.
    Ex: Common factors affecting the quality of air in libraries include scents and other controllable irritants, dust mites, moulds and other inhaled substances associated with paper and books.
    Ex: While there are no significant injury worries to speak of, there is no doubt both sides have a number of players with general soreness and niggling.
    Ex: While there are no significant injury worries to speak of, there is no doubt both sides have a number of players with general soreness and niggling.
    Ex: Wilson was limping around so he must have picked up a knock or aggravated a niggle that he already had.
    Ex: Mark's Gospel reveals the power of God as self-effacement and self-giving love rather than domination and conquest.
    Ex: The main inconveniences of item record indexes arise from the necessity of searching the entire file.
    * ahorrar la molestia = spare + Nombre + a problem.
    * ahorrar molestia = save + trouble.
    * ahorrarse la molestia de = obviate + the need for.
    * causar molestias = cause + disruption, inconvenience, cause + inconvenience.
    * disculpe(n) las molestias = sorry for the inconvenience.
    * molestia de estómago = stomach ache.
    * molestias y dolores = aches and pains.
    * ocasionar molestias = cause + disruption.
    * perdone(n) las molestias = sorry for the inconvenience.
    * ser una molestia = be a pest.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * tomarse la molestia de = take + the trouble to, take + the time and effort, take + the time to + Infinitivo.

    * * *
    (incomodidad, trastorno): siento causarte tantas molestias I'm sorry to be such a nuisance o to cause you so much trouble o to put you out like this
    perdona la molestia, pero … sorry to bother you, but …
    no es ninguna molestia, yo te llevo it's no trouble at all, I'll take you there
    ¿me podría cambiar el tenedor, si no es molestia? would you mind giving me a new fork, please?
    rogamos disculpen las molestias ocasionadas por el retraso ( frml); we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay ( frml)
    (trabajo): ¿para qué te has tomado la molestia? why did you bother to do that?, you shouldn't have put yourself out
    molestia DE + INF:
    ahórrate la molestia de ir save yourself the trip
    se tomó la molestia de escribirnos a cada uno en particular she took the trouble to write to each of us individually
    (malestar): puede causar molestias estomacales it may cause stomach problems o upsets, it may upset the stomach
    las molestias que suelen acompañar a los estados gripales the aches and pains often symptomatic of flu
    no es un dolor, sólo una ligera molestia it's not a pain, just a slight feeling of discomfort
    a la primera molestia, me tomo un calmante as soon as it starts to hurt, I take a painkiller
    * * *


    molestia sustantivo femenino
    a) (incomodidad, trastorno):

    siento causarte tantas molestias I'm sorry to cause you so much trouble;
    perdona la molestia, pero … sorry to bother you, but …

    ¿para qué te tomaste la molestia? why did you bother to do that?;
    no es ninguna molestia it's no trouble o bother
    2 ( malestar):
    molestias estomacales stomach problems o upsets;

    no es un dolor, solo una molestia it's not a pain, just a feeling of discomfort
    molestia sustantivo femenino
    1 (incomodidad) trouble: no quiero causar ninguna molestia, I don't want to cause any trouble
    2 (trabajo, esfuerzo) bother: se tomó la molestia de venir, he took the trouble to come
    3 (fastidio) nuisance
    4 (dolor) slight pain
    ' molestia' also found in these entries:
    - fastidiar
    - fastidio
    - fregado
    - gaita
    - incomodar
    - trastorno
    - ahorrar
    - estorbo
    - evitar
    - joda
    - joroba
    - pasajero
    - pesadez
    - tomar
    - bother
    - discomfort
    - inconvenience
    - irritation
    - nuisance
    - palaver
    - tiresomeness
    - trouble
    - pain
    - put
    * * *
    1. [incomodidad] bother, trouble;
    este ruido es una molestia this noise is annoying;
    es una molestia vivir lejos del trabajo it's a nuisance living a long way from work;
    ahórrese molestias y pague con tarjeta save yourself a lot of trouble and pay by credit card;
    ¿te llevo a la estación? – ahórrate la molestia, iré en taxi shall I give you a Br lift o US ride to the station? – don't bother, I'll get a cab;
    ocasionar o [m5] causar molestias a alguien to cause sb trouble;
    si no es demasiada molestia if it's not too much trouble;
    no es ninguna molestia it's no trouble;
    perdone la molestia, pero… sorry to bother you, but…;
    (les rogamos) disculpen las molestias (causadas) we apologize for any inconvenience caused;
    tomarse la molestia de hacer algo to go to o to take the trouble to do sth;
    ¡no tenías por qué tomarte tantas molestias! you didn't have to go to such trouble!, you shouldn't have!
    2. [malestar] discomfort;
    siento molestias en el estómago my stomach doesn't feel too good;
    se retiró porque sentía algunas molestias en la rodilla he came off because his knee wasn't quite right
    * * *
    f ( incordio) nuisance;
    molestias pl MED discomfort sg ;
    tomarse la molestia de go to the trouble of
    * * *
    1) fastidio: annoyance, bother, nuisance
    2) : trouble
    se tomó la molestia de investigar: she took the trouble to investigate
    3) malestar: discomfort
    * * *
    1. (incomodidad) trouble
    2. (dolor) slight pain
    3. (fastidio) nuisance / bother

    Spanish-English dictionary > molestia

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