Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 potatoes

    plural; see potato

    English-Portuguese dictionary > potatoes

  • 2 potatoes

    plural; see potato

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > potatoes

  • 3 potatoes boiled in their jackets

    potatoes boiled in their jackets
    batatas cozidas com casca.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > potatoes boiled in their jackets

  • 4 mashed potatoes

    mashed po.ta.toes
    [mæʃt pət'eitous] n Cook purê de batata.
    mashed potatoes
    purê de batatas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mashed potatoes

  • 5 the potatoes have grown out

    the potatoes have grown out
    as batatas brotaram.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the potatoes have grown out

  • 6 meat-and-potatoes

    [mi:tənd pət'eitouz] adj fig arroz-com-feijão: básico, prioritário.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > meat-and-potatoes

  • 7 small potatoes

    small po.ta.toes
    [sm'ɔ:l pəteitouz] n pessoa ou coisa de somenos importância.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > small potatoes

  • 8 potato

    plural - potatoes; noun
    1) (a type of plant with round underground stems (called tubers) which are used as a vegetable.) batata
    2) (the tuber or tubers: She bought 2 kilos of potatoes.) batata
    * * *
    [pət'eitou] n (pl potatoes) 1 Bot batata. 2 batata-silvestre. baked potato batata assada. couch potato sl pessoa cuja única distração é sentar-se em frente da televisão. mashed potatoes purê de batatas. small potato a arraia-miúda. sweet potato batata doce.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > potato

  • 9 potato

    plural - potatoes; noun
    1) (a type of plant with round underground stems (called tubers) which are used as a vegetable.) batata
    2) (the tuber or tubers: She bought 2 kilos of potatoes.) batata

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > potato

  • 10 boil

    I [boil] verb
    1) (to turn rapidly from liquid to vapour when heated: I'm boiling the water; The water's boiling.) ferver
    2) (to cook by boiling in water etc: I've boiled the potatoes.) cozer
    - boiling-point
    - boil down to
    - boil over
    II [boil] noun
    (an inflamed swelling on the skin: His neck is covered with boils.) furúnculo
    * * *
    [bɔil] n furúnculo.
    [bɔil] n 1 fervura. 2 ebulição, ato de ferver. 3 ponto de ebulição. 4 corrente ascendente. • vt+vi 1 ferver, estar em ebulição. the kettle is boiling / a água (na chaleira) está fervendo. 2 fazer ferver, aquecer até ferver. 3 cozinhar, cozer. 4 esterilizar por fervura. 5 ficar excitado ou nervoso. 6 mover-se violentamente, espumar, estar revolto (maré). 7 separar ou evaporar mediante ebulição. the water boiled away / a água evaporou-se. on the boil a) em ebulição. b) fig agitado, excitado. she made his blood boil ela o enfureceu. to boil down a) concentrar, engrossar por fervura. b) fig condensar, resumir. the story boils down to this / a história resume-se a isto. to boil gently cozinhar em fogo brando. to boil over a) transbordar durante a fervura. b) descontrolar-se, irritar-se. his feelings boiled over with rage / ele ferveu de raiva. to give a boil-up requentar. to keep at the boil manter em ebulição.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > boil

  • 11 carbohydrate

    ((any of a group of) substances containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, especially the sugars and starches found in food: Potatoes are full of carbohydrate.) carbohidrato
    * * *
    [ka:bouh'aidreit] n Chem carboidrato, hidrato de carbônio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > carbohydrate

  • 12 furrow

    1. noun
    1) (a line cut into the earth by a plough: The farmer planted potatoes in the furrows.) rego
    2) (a line in the skin of the face; a wrinkle: The furrows in her forehead made her look older.) sulco
    2. verb
    (to make furrows in: Her face was furrowed with worry.) sulcar
    * * *
    [f'∧rou] n 1 sulco, rego, leira. 2 estria, ranhura. 3 caril, rodeira. 4 esteira de navio, entalho, malhete. 5 ruga (na face). • vt+vi 1 sulcar. 2 arar, lavrar. 3 estriar, entalhar. 4 vincar, enrugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > furrow

  • 13 grow

    past tense - grew; verb
    1) ((of plants) to develop: Carrots grow well in this soil.) crescer
    2) (to become bigger, longer etc: My hair has grown too long; Our friendship grew as time went on.) crescer
    3) (to cause or allow to grow: He has grown a beard.) deixar crescer
    4) ((with into) to change into, in becoming mature: Your daughter has grown into a beautiful woman.) tornar-se
    5) (to become: It's growing dark.) ficar
    - grown
    - growth
    - grown-up
    - grown-up
    - grow on
    - grow up
    * * *
    [grou] vt+vi (ps grew, pp grown) 1 crescer, aumentar, florescer. 2 germinar, brotar. 3 vir a ser, nascer. 4 criar raízes, arraigar. 5 tornar-se, ficar. 6 criar, produzir, cultivar. 7 deixar crescer. he grew a beard ele deixou crescer a barba. he has grown out of his clothes ele cresceu tanto que a roupa não lhe serve mais. he has grown out of memory ele foi esquecido. it grew to be the fashion tornou-se moda. the potatoes have grown out as batatas brotaram. to grow angry ficar zangado. to grow down encurtar, diminuir. to grow into a habit tornar-se hábito, um vício. to grow obsolete tornar-se antiquado. to grow old envelhecer. to grow on someone subir na estima de, impressionar mais e mais alguém. to grow out of use ficar fora de uso. to grow up crescer, desenvolver-se. to grow worse piorar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grow

  • 14 jacket

    1) (a short coat: He wore brown trousers and a blue jacket.) casaco
    2) (a covering, especially a loose paper cover for a book: I like the design on this (book-)jacket.) capa
    * * *
    [dʒ'ækit] n 1 jaqueta, gibão. 2 paletó. 3 invólucro. 4 sobrecapa (livro), capa (disco). 5 pele. 6 casca. 7 Tech revestimento, camisa. • vt 1 pôr jaqueta. 2 pôr sobrecapa (livro). 3 revestir, forrar. 4 coll surrar. bomber jacket blusão, jaqueta. I dusted his jacket espanquei-o. life jacket salva-vidas. potatoes boiled in their jackets batatas cozidas com casca.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jacket

  • 15 jump

    1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) go quickly off the ground with a springing movement: He jumped off the wall / across the puddle / over the fallen tree / into the swimming-pool; Don't jump the horse over that fence!) saltar
    2) (to rise; to move quickly (upwards): She jumped to her feet; He jumped into the car.) saltar
    3) (to make a startled movement: The noise made me jump.) saltar
    4) (to pass over (a gap etc) by bounding: He jumped the stream easily.) saltar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of jumping: She crossed the stream in one jump.) salto
    2) (an obstacle to be jumped over: Her horse fell at the third jump.) salto
    3) (a jumping competition: the high jump.) prova de salto
    4) (a startled movement: She gave a jump when the door suddenly banged shut.) salto
    5) (a sudden rise, eg in prices: There has been a jump in the price of potatoes.) subida
    - jump at
    - jump for joy
    - jump on
    - jump the gun
    - jump the queue
    - jump to conclusions / jump to the conclusion that
    - jump to it
    * * *
    [dʒ∧mp] n 1 salto, pulo. he gave a jump / ele deu um pulo. 2 Sport obstáculo. the horse took the jump / o cavalo tomou o obstáculo. 3 distância vencida num pulo ou fig numa viagem. 4 Sport salto de altura, de distância ou ornamental. 5 estremecimento, sobressalto. 6 Checkers conquista de uma peça do adversário, comida. 7 subida repentina de preço. 8 mudança súbita. 9 sl coréia, delirium tremens (com the). • vt+vi 1 saltar, pular. 2 saltitar, transpor, passar pulando. 3 fazer saltar, treinar saltos (cavalos). 4 estremecer, sobressaltar. 5 mover(-se) repentinamente. 6 aumentar, subir (preços). 7 Checkers capturar uma peça, comer. 8 Bridge superar a licitação. 9 Amer sl evadir-se, escapar (cadeia). 10 Amer sl saltar para ou de um trem em movimento. 11 Mus tocar jazz em ritmo acelerado. l2 Jour continuar a matéria em outra página. 13 Jour indicar o número de página da ou na qual a matéria continua. 14 mudar, passar repentinamente de uma coisa para outra. 15 pular, saltar, interromper a continuidade de ação (filme). 16 Amer sl praticar sexo, Braz vulg foder, trepar. 17 descarrilar. the train jumped the rails / o trem descarrilou. broad jump Sport salto de extensão. don’t jump at (or to) conclusions não tire conclusões precipitadas. don’t jump down my throat! não me interrompa tão rudemente! from the jump Amer de antemão, de início. high jump salto de altura. jumped-up Brit coll convencido, pretensioso. on the jump coll ocupado, ativo. to be (or stay) on jump ahead passar a perna. to get (or have) the jump on conseguir uma vantagem sobre. to jump a claim ocupar um lote de terreno reivindicado por outrem. to jump at aceitar avidamente. he jumped at the proposal / ele aceitou a proposta avidamente. to jump back recuar. to jump bail Jur ser revel, fugir estando sob fiança. to jump down pular para baixo. to jump in intrometer-se, interromper. to jump off Mil sair para um ataque. to jump on a) criticar, acusar. b) ralhar. to jump out pular para fora. to jump ship desertar de um navio. to jump someone atacar, agredir alguém. to jump the gun sl a) começar a corrida antes do sinal de partida. b) começar algo antes do tempo. c) chegar a uma conclusão prematura. to jump the queue furar a fila, passar à frente antes da sua vez. to jump the track saltar dos trilhos. to jump up levantar-se de repente. to jump up and down ficar agitado de contentamento ou tristeza. triple jump salto tríplice.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jump

  • 16 mash

    [mæʃ] 1. verb
    (to crush into small pieces or a soft mass: Put in some butter when you mash the potatoes.) esmagar
    2. noun
    (mashed potato: sausage and mash.) puré de batata
    * * *
    [mæʃ] n 1 mistura, mingau, pasta. 2 mixórdia: farelo ensopado que se dá aos animais. 3 Brit coll purê de batata. • vt 1 misturar. 2 triturar. 3 amalgamar.
    [mæʃ] vt arch coll flertar alguém até conseguir sua afeição.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mash

  • 17 mince

    [mins] 1. verb
    1) (to cut into small pieces or chop finely: Would you like me to mince the meat for you?) picar
    2) (to walk with short steps, in an unpleasantly dainty or delicate way: She minced over to him.) requebrar-se
    2. noun
    (meat (usually beef) chopped up into small pieces: mince and potatoes.) picado
    - mincing
    - mincingly
    - mincemeat
    * * *
    [mins] n picadinho de carne. • vt+vi 1 picar, cortar em pedaços. 2 pronunciar com afetação. 3 medir as palavras. he didn’t mince his words / ele não mediu suas palavras, falou francamente. 4 andar de modo afetado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mince

  • 18 mush

    (something soft and wet: The potatoes have turned to mush after being boiled for so long.) papa
    * * *
    [m∧ʃ] n Amer 1 mingau, papa. 2 pieguice. 3 conversa tola. • vi viajar de trenó puxado por cães.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mush

  • 19 pea

    1) (the round seed of a kind of climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable: We had roast beef, potatoes and peas for dinner.) ervilha
    2) (the plant which produces these seeds: We planted peas and beans this year.) ervilha
    * * *
    [pi:] n ervilha. • adj do tamanho da ervilha. chick pea Bot grão-de-bico. sweet pea Bot ervilha-de-cheiro. to be as like as two peas serem idênticos, cara de um, focinho do outro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pea

  • 20 peel

    [pi:l] 1. verb
    1) (to take off the skin or outer covering of (a fruit or vegetable): She peeled the potatoes.) descascar
    2) (to take off or come off in small pieces: The paint is beginning to peel (off).) descascar
    2. noun
    (the skin of certain fruits, especially oranges, lemons etc.) casca
    - peelings
    * * *
    [pi:l] n torre fortificada na fronteira entre a Inglaterra e a Escócia (século XVI).
    [pi:l] n 1 pá de forneiro. 2 pá de remo.
    [pi:l] n casca (de fruta). • vt+vi 1 descascar, pelar. 2 sl despir-se. to peel off a) despir-se. b) descamar. c) Aeron desgarrar, sair da formação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > peel

См. также в других словарях:

  • Potatoes — Potato Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Potato est un mot anglais signifiant Pomme de terre ou Patate en français. Potatoes peut faire référence à : les grosses frites servies dans… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • potatoes — n British money. In armed service slang during World War II (big) potatoes denoted both great wealth and the possessor thereof. The use of the same word since the 1990s may be a separate coinage. ► Oh where are those potatoes? Tell me about those …   Contemporary slang

  • Potatoes — Potato Po*ta to, n.; pl. {Potatoes}. [Sp. patata potato, batata sweet potato, from the native American name (probably batata) in Hayti.] (Bot.) (a) A plant ({Solanum tuberosum}) of the Nightshade family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Potatoes —  / Potato    Root vegetables that were apparently among the staple foods of the Hobbits. How they came to exist in Middle earth is something of a mystery in principle, they should not have appeared east of the Great Sea for several thousand years …   J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary

  • potatoes —    Carried in one s pocket, potatoes were widely thought to cure or prevent rheumatism, especially if they had been stolen; as they dry and harden, they supposedly are drawing from the sufferer s body the uric acid (or, according to other… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Potatoes O'Brien — is a dish of pan fried potatoes along with green and red bell peppers. The potatoes and the bell peppers are fried (varying according to taste) and are served hot. The dish has been claimed to originate from a Boston restaurant known as Jerome… …   Wikipedia

  • Potatoes for Christmas — Мини альбом Papa Roach Дата выпуска 1994 …   Википедия

  • Potatoes and Dragons — is a 2D animation. It is shown on ABC in Australia CiTV in the UK. Potatoes and Dragons is produced by the independent French animation studio Alphanim. Characters The main characters are as follows:King Hugo IIIKing Hugo III is the king of the… …   Wikipedia

  • potatoes and point — A feigned Irish dish, potatoes alone, with a herring, etc, to point at • • • Main Entry: ↑point …   Useful english dictionary

  • potatoes boiled in their jackets — potatoes cooked in hot water while still in their skins …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Potatoes and Melons at Wholesale Prices Straight from the Lockup — Infobox Album Name = Potatoes and Melons at Wholesale Prices Straight From the Lockup Type = cover Longtype = Artist = Snuff Released = July 29, 1997 Recorded = Genre = Punk rock Length = 23:39 Label = Fat Wreck Chords Producer = Snuff Reviews =… …   Wikipedia

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