41 кресло с регулируемыми элементами для обеспечения сидящему правильной позы
Русско-английский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > кресло с регулируемыми элементами для обеспечения сидящему правильной позы
42 миоклония позы
Большой русско-английский медицинский словарь > миоклония позы
43 постуральная миоклония
Большой русско-английский медицинский словарь > постуральная миоклония
44 постуральная реакция
Большой русско-английский медицинский словарь > постуральная реакция
45 поза
1. stance2. pose; posture; attitude3. attitude4. postureСинонимический ряд:положение (сущ.) положение -
46 состояние боевой готовности
1) General subject: alert2) Military: alert posture, alert state, combat alert status, combat combat-ready posture, combat readiness condition, combat readiness posture, combat ready status, condition of readiness, defense readiness condition (ВС), degree of readiness, force generation rate, operational posture, operational status, readiness condition, readiness posture, state of alert, war-readiness posture3) Astronautics: alert status, hot configuration4) Business: state of alarm5) Foreign Ministry: readiness state, state of readinessУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > состояние боевой готовности
47 ставить в позу
1. pose2. posture -
48 защитная поза
49 настороженная поза
50 угрожающая поза
51 полная боевая готовность
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > полная боевая готовность
52 степень боевой готовности
1) Military: alert (readiness) rate, alert posture, alert stage, alert status, combat combat-ready posture, combat readiness condition, combat readiness posture, defense readiness condition (ВС), force generation rate, operational readiness rate, readiness posture2) Quality control: degree of readinessУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > степень боевой готовности
53 оборонительная тактика
1) General subject: defense posture2) Military: defense tactics, defensive attitude, defensive posture, defensive stance, defensive tactics, defensively-oriented posture3) Makarov: defence tacticsУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > оборонительная тактика
54 осанка
1) General subject: attitude, bearing, carriage, comportment, demeanor (о манере держаться. Например, величавая осанка), deportment, movements, poise, portance, posture, presence, set, set up, set-up, tenue2) Obsolete: port3) Sports: body posture -
55 чувство положения
1) Psychology: posture sense (позы)2) Astronautics: posture sense3) Aviation medicine: position sense -
56 поза
pose, posture, attitude; affectation, pretence перен.* * ** * *pose, posture, attitude; affectation* * *attitudebeyondoutsideplantposeposturestance -
57 осанка
ж.posture; carriage, bearingвели́чественная оса́нка — majestic / imperial bearing
непра́вильная оса́нка (у ученика и т.п.) — incorrect posture
исправле́ние дефе́ктов оса́нки — correction of faults in posture
58 поза
ж1) положение тела pose, posture; attitude litнеудо́бная по́за — uncomfortable posture/pose
принима́ть по́зу — to pose, to assume a pose/posture
2) рисовка affectation, poseего́ пы́лкая защи́та бе́дных - всего́ лишь по́за — his fervid support of the poor is (nothing) but a pose/affectation
59 правильный
1. exact2. correct3. correctly -
60 правильный
1. correct2. correctlyБизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > правильный
См. также в других словарях:
posture — [ pɔstyr ] n. f. • 1566; it. postura 1 ♦ Didact. Attitude particulière du corps. ⇒ position. ♢ Cour. Attitude peu naturelle ou peu convenable. Dans une posture comique. Changer de posture. « Quand il était las de cette posture, il se levait »… … Encyclopédie Universelle
posture — Posture. s. f. L estat & la situation où se tient le corps, la maniere dont on tient son corps, sa teste, ses bras, ses jambes, &c. Posture commode, incommode, libre, contrainte, indecente, ridicule, grotesque. voilà un homme qui est dans une… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
posture — n 1 Posture, attitude, pose denote a position assumed by the body, or the disposition of the parts of the body with relation to one another. Posture applies to the relative arrangement of the different parts of the body. It may apply to a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
posture — [päs′chər] n. [MFr < It postura < L positura, a position < ponere, to place: see POSITION] 1. the position or carriage of the body in standing or sitting; bearing 2. such a position assumed as in posing for an artist 3. the way things… … English World dictionary
Posture — Pos ture (?; 135), n. [F., fr. L. positura, fr. ponere, positum, to place. See {Position}.] 1. The position of the body; the situation or disposition of the several parts of the body with respect to each other, or for a particular purpose;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Posture — or posturing may refer to:;In humans * Neutral spine or good posture * Human position * Abnormal posturing, in neurotrauma * Posturography, in neurology * Posture and Occupational Health;In biology * water conservation posture (or position) in… … Wikipedia
Posture — Pos ture (?; 135), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Postured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Posturing}.] To place in a particular position or attitude; to dispose the parts of, with reference to a particular purpose; as, to posture one s self; to posture a model. Howell … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Posture — Pos ture, v. i. 1. To assume a particular posture or attitude; to contort the body into artificial attitudes, as an acrobat or contortionist; also, to pose. [1913 Webster] 2. Fig.: To assume a character; as, to posture as a saint. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
posture — c.1600, from Fr. posture (16c.), from It. postura position, posture, from L. positura position, station, from postulus, pp. of ponere put, place (see POSITION (Cf. position)). The verb, in the figurative sense of to take up an artificial mental… … Etymology dictionary
posture — [n1] stance, circumstance aspect, attitude, bearing, brace, carriage, condition, demeanor, deportment, disposition, mien, mode, phase, port, pose, position, positure, presence, set, situation, state; concepts 657,723 posture [n2] beliefs attitude … New thesaurus
posture — I (attitude) noun air, aspect, bearing, bent, cast, demeanor, disposition, disposition of mind, feeling, inclination, leaning, lie, manner, nature, opinion, outlook, partisan outlook, philosophy, point of view, pose, position, presence, sentiment … Law dictionary