Перевод: с русского на персидский

с персидского на русский


См. также в других словарях:

  • Physical chemistry — is the study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of physical laws and concepts. It applies the principles, practices and concepts of physics such as motion, energy, force, time, thermodynamics …   Wikipedia

  • Physical theatre — is a general term used to describe any mode of performance that pursues storytelling through primarily physical means. There are several quite distinct traditions of performance which all describe themselves using the term physical theatre ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Physical Review —   Titre abrégé Phys. Rev. Discipline Physique Langue Anglais …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Physical review — The Physical Review représente un ensemble de journaux scientifiques de haut niveau édité par l American Physical Society. Le premier journal s intitulait Physical Review, et est maintenant appelé Physical Review Series I. Il comprend 35 volumes… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • physical science — physical scientist. 1. any of the natural sciences dealing with inanimate matter or with energy, as physics, chemistry, and astronomy. 2. these sciences collectively. [1835 45] * * * Introduction       the systematic study of the inorganic world …   Universalium

  • Physical dependence — refers to a state resulting from chronic use of a drug that has produced tolerance and where negative physical symptoms[1] of withdrawal result from abrupt discontinuation or dosage reduction.[2] Physical dependence can develop from low dose… …   Wikipedia

  • Physical fitness — can be achieved through physical exercise. Physical fitness comprises two related concepts: general fitness(a state of health and well being), and specific fitness (a task oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of… …   Wikipedia

  • Physical examination — Intervention Examination room in Washington, DC, period of WWI. ICD 9 CM …   Wikipedia

  • Physical computing — Physical computing, in the broadest sense, means building interactive physical systems by the use of software and hardware that can sense and respond to the analog world. While this definition is broad enough to encompass things such as smart… …   Wikipedia

  • Physical — Phys ic*al, a. 1. Of or pertaining to nature (as including all created existences); in accordance with the laws of nature; also, of or relating to natural or material things, or to the bodily structure, as opposed to things mental, moral,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Physical astronomy — Physical Phys ic*al, a. 1. Of or pertaining to nature (as including all created existences); in accordance with the laws of nature; also, of or relating to natural or material things, or to the bodily structure, as opposed to things mental, moral …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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