1 vreedzaam
♦voorbeelden: -
2 rustig
♦voorbeelden:het hart klopt rustig • the heart's beating evenly/regularlyrustig en beheerst • cool, calm and collectedblijft u rustig zitten • 〈 bij afscheid〉 please don't get up; 〈 veiligheidsmaatregel〉 please remain in your seatshij komt rustig een uur te laat • he quite happily/cheerfully comes an hour laterustig aan! • easy!, steady!een rustig gelegen huis • a house in quiet/peaceful surroundingsII 〈 bijwoord〉♦voorbeelden: -
3 idyllisch
adj. idyllic, peaceful, charmingly rustic, pastoral, picturesque; of or pertaining to an idyll -
4 kalm
adj. calm, peaceful, tranquil, relaxed; quiet, silent--------adv. calmly, tranquilly, peacefully; quietly, silently--------interj. steady -
5 vreedzaam
adj. peaceable, peaceful, peace-loving, Pacific, pacificatory--------adv. peacefully -
6 alles was in diepe rust
alles was in diepe rust————————alles was in diepe rustVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > alles was in diepe rust
7 atoomenergie
♦voorbeelden: -
8 coëxistentie
9 diep
diep1〈 het〉————————diep2♦voorbeelden:een diepe kast/kamer • a deep cupboard, a long room〈 figuurlijk〉 er gaapt een diepe kloof tussen die twee • there is a deep rift between the two of themII 〈 bijvoeglijk naamwoord, bijwoord〉♦voorbeelden:een diepe indruk maken/achterlaten • make/leave a deep impressionhet zit niet erg diep bij hem • 〈 met betrekking tot verdriet, geloof enz.〉 his sadness (belief etc.) doesn't go very deep♦voorbeelden: -
10 een rustig gelegen huis
een rustig gelegen huisa house in quiet/peaceful surroundingsVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > een rustig gelegen huis
11 geweldloos verzet
geweldloos verzetVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > geweldloos verzet
12 geweldloos
13 kalm
♦voorbeelden:kalm jij! • (will you) be quiet! -
14 langs vreedzame weg
langs vreedzame wegby peaceful/non-violent meansVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > langs vreedzame weg
15 vredelievend
♦voorbeelden: -
16 vredig
17 vreedzaam gebruik van atoomenergie
vreedzaam gebruik van atoomenergieVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > vreedzaam gebruik van atoomenergie
18 vreedzame coëxistentie
vreedzame coëxistentieVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > vreedzame coëxistentie
См. также в других словарях:
Peaceful — Peace ful, a. 1. Possessing or enjoying peace; not disturbed by war, tumult, agitation, anxiety, or commotion; quiet; tranquil; as, a peaceful time; a peaceful country; a peaceful end. [1913 Webster] 2. Not disposed or tending to war, tumult or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
peaceful — UK US /ˈpiːsfəl/ adjective ► not involving war or violence: peaceful demonstration/protest/resolution »People have the right to a peaceful demonstration … Financial and business terms
Peaceful B&B — (Luodong,Тайвань) Категория отеля: Адрес: 166 Fu Shin Rd. Dong Shan, 26941 Luodong, Та … Каталог отелей
peaceful — c.1300, inclined to peace, friendly, from PEACE (Cf. peace) + FUL (Cf. ful). Meaning tranquil, calm is from mid 14c. In reference to nonviolent methods of effecting social change, it is attested from 1876. Peaceful coexistence (1920) originally… … Etymology dictionary
peaceful — index dispassionate, harmonious, neutral, nonmilitant, peaceable, placid Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
peaceful — 1 *calm, tranquil, serene, placid, halcyon Analogous words: *soft, gentle, mild: *still, stilly, quiet, silent, noiseless Antonyms: turbulent 2 *pacific, peaceable, pacifist, pacifistic, irenic Analogous words: compo … New Dictionary of Synonyms
peaceful — [adj] friendly, serene all quiet, amicable, at peace, bloodless, calm, collected, composed, constant, easeful, equable, free from strife*, gentle, halcyon, harmonious, irenic, level, mellow, neutral, neutralist, nonbelligerent, nonviolent, on… … New thesaurus
peaceful — ► ADJECTIVE 1) free from disturbance; calm. 2) not involving war or violence. 3) inclined to avoid conflict. DERIVATIVES peacefully adverb peacefulness noun … English terms dictionary
peaceful — [pēs′fəl] adj. 1. not quarrelsome; peaceable 2. characterized by peace; free from disturbance or disorder; calm; quiet; tranquil 3. of or characteristic of a time of peace SYN. CALM peacefully adv. peacefulness n … English World dictionary
peaceful — [[t]pi͟ːsfʊl[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Peaceful activities and situations do not involve war. He has attempted to find a peaceful solution to the Ossetian conflict... They emphasised that their equipment was for peaceful and not military… … English dictionary
peaceful — peace|ful S3 [ˈpi:sfəl] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(quiet/calm)¦ 2¦(no war)¦ 3¦(not liking violence)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(QUIET/CALM)¦ a peaceful time, place, or situation is quiet and calm without any worry or excitement ▪ We had a peaceful afternoon without the… … Dictionary of contemporary English