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  • 1 разинувший рот от удивления

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > разинувший рот от удивления

  • 2 с открытым ртом

    open-mouthed имя прилагательное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > с открытым ртом

  • 3 с открытым ртом

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > с открытым ртом

  • 4 разевать рот

    разевать (раскрывать, открывать) рот
    1) (начинать говорить, желая высказать своё мнение, протест и т. п.) open one's mouth (trying to speak one's piece, the word); give voice to smth.; open one's lips; protest

    - Кто там смел рот разинуть, - сказал розно исправник. (А. Пушкин, Дубровский) — 'Who has dared to open his lips over there?' asked the ispravnik ferociously.

    Чистяков попытался раскрыть рот, но Алексей Андрианович не дал: "Благодарить потом будешь!" (Ю. Поляков, Апофегей) — Chistyakov was about to protest, but he had no chance. 'It's all right, laddie. You don't have to thank me at all.'

    2) (быть рассеянным, невнимательным, неосмотрительным и т. п.) gape; stand gaping with one's mouth wide open

    - Я ему говорю - гляди, Степан! Нельзя рот разевать в таком строгом случае! (М. Горький, Мать) — 'I said to him, 'Look sharp, Stepan! We mustn't gape in a case like this.''

    - Да и до войны ещё в том промах был, что растыкали нас по границе, как шашки на доске. И стояли мы так, разиня рот. (С. Голубое, Багратион) — 'And even before that a mistake was made in lining us up on the frontier like chequers on a chequer-board and making us stand there gaping with our mouths wide open.'

    3) (очень изумляться, поражаться) be agape; be struck dumb (speechless); gape with wonder; be open-mouthed with astonishment

    Птицын и Тоцкий не могли не улыбнуться, но сдержались. Остальные просто разинули рты от удивления. (Ф. Достоевский, Идиот) — Ptitsyn and Totsky were on the verge of smiling, but refrained. The rest were simply agape.

    - Да, сударь, я вам такое могу рассказать, что вы только рот разинете да так и останетесь до второго пришествия с разинутым ртом. (Ф. Достоевский, Село Степанчиково и его обитатели) — 'Yes, sir, I could tell you a story that would simply make you gape with wonder, so that you would stay with your mouth open till the Second Coming.'

    Розовый платочек выпорхнул из руки, покружился, упал в пыль - Никита Сомов, оттолкнув разинувшего от изумления рот Сеньку, бросился поднимать. (Н. Грибачёв, Рассказ о первой любви) — Suddenly a pink handkerchief escaped her hand, fluttered in the air and fell into the dust. Nikita Somov pushed aside Senka, who stood in open-mouthed wonder at Sonya's performance, and rushed to pick it up.

    4) (сильно увлечься, засмотреться, заслушаться) listen to smb. open-mouthed (with one's mouth open); watch smth. holding one's breath

    Вообще, пожалуйста, насчёт декораций не стесняйтесь, я подчиняюсь Вам, изумляюсь и обыкновенно сижу у вас в театре разинув рот. (А. Чехов, Письмо К. С. Алексееву (Станиславскому), 10 ноября 1903) — Please do just as you like about the scenary, I leave it entirely to you; I am amazed and generally sit with my mouth wide open at your theatre.

    Коротеев - толковый инженер, но он любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его, раскрыв рот. (И. Эренбург, Оттепель) — Koroteyev was sound enough, just fond of showing off his knowledge. It flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > разевать рот

  • 5 широкогорлый

    1) General subject: open mouthed, open-mouthed (о сосуде), wide mouthed, wide necked, wide-mouthed (о бутылке и т.п.), wide-neck
    2) Chemistry: wide-mouthed

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > широкогорлый

  • 6 Р-180

    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул — X opened his mouth
    Neg (in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation) X не мог рта раскрыть = X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
    «Кто там смел рот разинуть», - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment
    X разинул рот = X was napping (spacing out)
    чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?
    why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?
    Neg Imper не разевай рот! - wake up!
    get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement
    X рот разинул - X's mouth fell open
    X's jaw dropped (in amazement) X gasped X gaped with open mouth (in limited contexts) X was knocked (thrown) for a loop
    X стоял разинув рот - X stood there with his mouth open.
    (Расплюев:) А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). (R.:) And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
    ...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)..Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
    И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter—they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. (often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать) to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.: X слушал раскрыв рот = X listened open-mouthed ( with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
    Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... Оренбург 3). Dmitry (Koroteyev) was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
    «Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает (regional = слушает)» (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-180

  • 7 открывать рот

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > открывать рот

  • 8 открывать рты

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > открывать рты

  • 9 открыть рот

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > открыть рот

  • 10 открыть рты

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > открыть рты

  • 11 разевать рот

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > разевать рот

  • 12 разевать рты

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > разевать рты

  • 13 разинуть рот

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > разинуть рот

  • 14 разинуть рты

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > разинуть рты

  • 15 раскрывать рот

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > раскрывать рот

  • 16 раскрывать рты

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > раскрывать рты

  • 17 раскрыть рот

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > раскрыть рот

  • 18 раскрыть рты

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > раскрыть рты

  • 19 жадный

    1) General subject: accipitral, avaricious, avid, covetous, edacious, esurient, grasping, greedy, green, griping, hard, hoggish, insatiable, insatiable a, insatiate, large handed, lickerish (до чего-л.), lickerous (до чего-л.), liquorish (до чего-л.), open mouthed, open-mouthed, pensionary, piggish, rapacious, ravening, ravenous, ravenous (for) (на что-л.), voracious, vulturine, vulturous, wolfish, wolvish
    2) Colloquial: mingy
    3) Obsolete: illiberal, large-handed
    4) Rare: kitish
    5) Jargon: grabby

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > жадный

  • 20 открыто высказываться

    General subject: be open-mouthed about (о чем-л.), to be open-mouthed about (smth.) (о чем-л.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > открыто высказываться

См. также в других словарях:

  • open-mouthed — adj, adv with your mouth wide open, because you are very surprised or shocked ▪ We stared open mouthed as the plane came down …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Open-mouthed — O pen mouthed , a. Having the mouth open; gaping; hence, greedy; clamorous. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • open-mouthed — [ō′pənmouthd΄, ō′pənmoutht΄] adj. 1. having the mouth open 2. gaping, as in astonishment 3. clamorous …   English World dictionary

  • open-mouthed — index speechless Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • open-mouthed — ADJ: usu ADJ after v, ADJ n If someone is looking open mouthed, they are staring at something with their mouth wide open because it has shocked, frightened, or excited them. They watched almost open mouthed as the two men came towards them... The …   English dictionary

  • open-mouthed — adjective, adverb with your mouth wide open, because you are very surprised or shocked: They stared open mouthed at the extraordinary spectacle …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • open-mouthed — adj. Open mouthed is used with these verbs: ↑stare, ↑watch …   Collocations dictionary

  • open-mouthed — open mouthedly /oh peuhn mow dhid lee, mowtht lee/, adv. open mouthedness, n. /oh peuhn mowdhd , mowtht /, adj. 1. having the mouth open. 2. gaping, as with surprise or astonishment. 3. greedy, ravenous, or rapacious. 4. clamoring at the sight of …   Universalium

  • open-mouthed grunt — geltondryžė ronka statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Haemulon flavolineatum angl. French grunt; open mouthed grunt rus. желтополосая ронка; желтополосый хемулон ryšiai: platesnis terminas – ronkos …   Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

  • open-mouthed — o|pen mouthed [ ,oupən mauθt, ,oupən mauðd ] adjective, adverb with your mouth wide open in surprise …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • open-mouthed — o′pen mouthed′ adj. 1) having the mouth open 2) gaping, as with surprise or astonishment 3) having a wide mouth, as a pitcher or jar • Etymology: 1525–35 o′pen mouth′ed•ly ˈmaʊ ðɪd li, ˈmaʊθt li adv …   From formal English to slang

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