Перевод: с испанского на английский

с английского на испанский


  • 121 presupuesto detallado

    Ex. The line item budget consists of a series of 'lines', each representing a spending category and amount to be spent.
    * * *

    Ex: The line item budget consists of a series of 'lines', each representing a spending category and amount to be spent.

    Spanish-English dictionary > presupuesto detallado

  • 122 proveedor

    supplier, furnisher, provisioner, provider.
    * * *
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 supplier, purveyor
    * * *
    proveedor, -a
    SM / F (=abastecedor) supplier, purveyor; (=distribuidor) dealer

    Proveedores de la Casa Real — By appointment to His/Her Majesty

    proveedor de servicios de Internet — internet service provider, ISP

    * * *
    - dora masculino, femenino supplier, purveyor (frml)
    * * *
    = provider, supplier, vendor, purveyor, stockist, dispenser, supply house, jobber.
    Ex. The information available on Prestel changes as the information providers come and go.
    Ex. The receipt of materials and invoices and suppliers' reports are recorded in acquisitions records.
    Ex. Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex. What advantages or disadvantages do libraries offer as purveyors of community.
    Ex. The library is often the only stockist in Scandinavia of some journals = En Escandinavia, la biblioteca a menudo es la única proveedora de algunas revistas.
    Ex. All members of the campus community have accepted and approved of the library as a dispenser of Internet support.
    Ex. In this context, the supply houses are those dealing in furniture, media supply (wholesalers), technical services, circulation systems, and bibliographic service.
    Ex. Many library managers believe that the services provided by jobbers and other middlemen are well worth the additional cost.
    * cambiar de proveedor = churn.
    * cambio de proveedor = churn.
    * compras fuera de acuerdos con proveedores = maverick spending.
    * comunidad de proveedores = vendor community.
    * comunidad de proveedores, la = vending community, the.
    * dirigido al proveedor = supplier-oriented.
    * pensado para el proveedor = supplier-oriented.
    * proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.
    * proveedor de bibliotecas = library supplier.
    * proveedor de información a través de la red = content provider.
    * proveedor de material de oficina = office supplier.
    * proveedor de materiales = materials vendor.
    * proveedor de reclamaciones = claim vendor.
    * proveedor de servicios = service supplier, service provider.
    * proveedor de servicios de búsqueda en línea = online search service supplier.
    * Proveedor de Servicios de Internet (ISP) = ISP (Internet Service Provider).
    * proveedor de servicios de Internet = Internet provider.
    * proveedor de sistemas = systems supplier, system supplier [systems supplier].
    * * *
    - dora masculino, femenino supplier, purveyor (frml)
    * * *
    = provider, supplier, vendor, purveyor, stockist, dispenser, supply house, jobber.

    Ex: The information available on Prestel changes as the information providers come and go.

    Ex: The receipt of materials and invoices and suppliers' reports are recorded in acquisitions records.
    Ex: Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex: What advantages or disadvantages do libraries offer as purveyors of community.
    Ex: The library is often the only stockist in Scandinavia of some journals = En Escandinavia, la biblioteca a menudo es la única proveedora de algunas revistas.
    Ex: All members of the campus community have accepted and approved of the library as a dispenser of Internet support.
    Ex: In this context, the supply houses are those dealing in furniture, media supply (wholesalers), technical services, circulation systems, and bibliographic service.
    Ex: Many library managers believe that the services provided by jobbers and other middlemen are well worth the additional cost.
    * cambiar de proveedor = churn.
    * cambio de proveedor = churn.
    * compras fuera de acuerdos con proveedores = maverick spending.
    * comunidad de proveedores = vendor community.
    * comunidad de proveedores, la = vending community, the.
    * dirigido al proveedor = supplier-oriented.
    * pensado para el proveedor = supplier-oriented.
    * proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.
    * proveedor de bibliotecas = library supplier.
    * proveedor de información a través de la red = content provider.
    * proveedor de material de oficina = office supplier.
    * proveedor de materiales = materials vendor.
    * proveedor de reclamaciones = claim vendor.
    * proveedor de servicios = service supplier, service provider.
    * proveedor de servicios de búsqueda en línea = online search service supplier.
    * Proveedor de Servicios de Internet (ISP) = ISP (Internet Service Provider).
    * proveedor de servicios de Internet = Internet provider.
    * proveedor de sistemas = systems supplier, system supplier [systems supplier].

    * * *
    establecimientos proveedores de maquinaria agrícola suppliers of o establishments supplying agricultural machinery
    masculine, feminine
    supplier, purveyor ( frml)
    proveedor de fondos financial backer
    pídalo a su proveedor habitual ask your local dealer o supplier for it
    masculine chandler, ship's o ship chandler
    masculine Internet service provider
    * * *


    ◊ - dora sustantivo masculino, femenino

    supplier, purveyor (frml);
    proveedor de servicios Internet Internet service provider
    proveedor,-ora sustantivo masculino y femenino supplier
    proveedor habitual, local o usual supplier

    ' proveedor' also found in these entries:
    - proveedora
    - ISP
    - outfitter
    - purveyor
    - supplier
    - Internet
    - stockist
    - trade
    * * *
    proveedor, -ora
    nm Informát proveedor de acceso (a Internet) Internet access provider;
    proveedor de servicios Internet Internet service provider
    * * *
    m, proveedora f supplier;
    proveedor de (acceso a) Internet Internet Service Provider, ISP
    * * *
    : provider, supplier
    * * *
    proveedor n supplier

    Spanish-English dictionary > proveedor

  • 123 préstamo

    loan, lending, borrowing, accommodation.
    * * *
    1 (crédito) loan
    3 LINGÚÍSTICA loanword
    pedir un préstamo to ask for a loan
    préstamo hipotecario home loan, mortgage
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=acción) [de prestar] lending; [de pedir prestado] borrowing

    en préstamo — on loan

    2) (=dinero prestado) loan

    conceder un préstamo — to grant a loan

    hacer un préstamo a algn — to give sb a loan

    pedir un préstamo — to ask for a loan

    préstamo hipotecario — mortgage (loan), real-estate loan (EEUU)

    casa 8)
    3) (Ling) loanword
    * * *
    1) (Econ, Fin) ( acción - de prestar) lending; (- de tomar prestado) borrowing; ( cosa prestada) loan

    lo tenemos en préstamo — we've borrowed it, we've got it on loan

    2) (Ling) loanword
    * * *
    = borrowing, charge-out, circulation, issue, lending, lending and borrowing, loan, loan, issuing, charge, checkout [check-out], library issue, circ [circulation].
    Ex. Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad = Los temas tratados incluían: procedimientos del préstamo automatizado, posibles acuerdos económicos conjuntos, préstamos interbibliotecarios y el préstamo en el extranjero.
    Ex. Charge-out then begins with an empty screen with places to read in the borrower numbers and up to nine copy numbers (Figure 86).
    Ex. Each local library is a separate administrative unit with separate and independent files for circulation, acquisitions, periodicals, and holdings.
    Ex. This system incorporates all the usual functions associated with the issue, return and reservation of library materials.
    Ex. While the benefits have been obvious, the mounting costs of lending and borrowing are causing serious concern.
    Ex. While the benefits have been obvious, the mounting costs of lending and borrowing are causing serious concern.
    Ex. A search of these files may be useful in the ordering of photocopies and loans.
    Ex. The EIB is able to borrow money at the best possible rates, and as it is non-profit making it is able to offer loans at advantageous terms.
    Ex. The recording of the loan of the material is called 'charging' or 'issuing', the actual record of the loan is known as the 'charge' or the 'issue', and the cancellation of the record when the material is returned by the borrower is called 'discharging'.
    Ex. The recording of the loan of the material is called 'charging' or 'issuing', the actual record of the loan is known as the ' charge' or the 'issue', and the cancellation of the record when the material is returned by the borrower is called 'discharging'.
    Ex. Library management systems have reduced the manual tasks of checkin, checkout, catalogue management and the like.
    Ex. This article describes a survey which was promoted by a sense that fiction in libraries is often undervalued, despite the fact that fiction accounts for a high proportion of public library issues.
    Ex. As public library circ declines, spending continues to top inflation.
    * área de préstamo = checkout area.
    * autorealización de préstamos = self-checkout [self-check-out].
    * autorenovación del préstamo = self-renewal.
    * autorización de préstamo = borrowing privileges.
    * auxiliar de préstamo = circulation clerk.
    * biblioteca de préstamo = lending library, circulating library, circulation library.
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Préstamo para la Ciencia y Tecnología (NLL) = National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL).
    * bibliotecario de préstamo = lending librarian.
    * bibliotecario de préstamos = borrowing librarian.
    * bolsa de control de préstamo = book pocket.
    * buzón para la devolución de préstamos = book chute, book return box.
    * cajón de préstamo = issue tray.
    * carnet de préstamo = library card.
    * Centro Nacional de Préstamos = National Lending Centre.
    * colección de préstamo = circulating collection.
    * colección de préstamo restringido = course reserve.
    * conceder un préstamo = grant + loan.
    * control de préstamo = circulation control.
    * departamento de préstamo = circulation department.
    * departamento de préstamo interbibliotecar = interlibrary loan department.
    * depósito de préstamos después de las horas de apertura = after-hours book drop.
    * de préstamo = circulating.
    * derecho de préstamo = lending right.
    * derecho sobre el préstamo al público (PLR) = public lending right (PLR).
    * devolución de préstamos = check-in [checkin], book return.
    * disponible al préstamo = circulating.
    * dispositivo de préstamo = checkout unit.
    * distribución de documentos de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan document delivery.
    * División de Préstamo de la Biblioteca Británica (BLLD) = British Library Lending Division (BLLD).
    * en préstamo = in circulation, on loan, out on loan, checked-out.
    * estadística de préstamo = circulation statistics.
    * estadística de préstamos = loan statistics.
    * excluido del préstamo = uncirculated, non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * ficha de préstamo del libro = book card [bookcard].
    * fichero de préstamo = circulation file.
    * fondo de préstamo por horas = short-loan collection.
    * frecuencia de préstamo del material = turnover rate.
    * hacer un préstamo = charge, issue.
    * hoja de préstamo = routing slip, issue form, circulation slip.
    * libro de préstamo vencido = overdue book.
    * lista de préstamo = routing list, circulation list.
    * máquina de registro de préstamos por medio de la fotografía = photocharger, photocharging machine.
    * módulo de préstamos = circulation module.
    * mostrador de préstamo = circulation desk, control counter, check-out desk, library issue desk, front desk.
    * mostrador de préstamos = issue desk, issue counter.
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * normas de préstamos vencidos = overdue policy.
    * normativa de préstamo = loan policy.
    * número de préstamo = charging number.
    * número de préstamos = circulation figures.
    * pantalla de préstamo = charge-out screen.
    * papeleta de petición de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan request form.
    * papeleta de solicitud de préstamo = call slip.
    * pedir en préstamo = borrow.
    * pedir un préstamo = take + a loan.
    * persona que hace un préstamo = loaner.
    * petición de préstamo = loan request.
    * petición de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan request.
    * poner en préstamo = circulate.
    * préstamo a domicilio = home lending.
    * préstamo agrícola = farm loan, farm loan, farm loan, farm credit, agricultural credit.
    * préstamo automatizado = automated lending.
    * préstamo breve = short-loan, short-term loan.
    * préstamo de libros = book lending, checking out books.
    * préstamo de periodo fijo = fixed date loan period.
    * préstamo de plazo intermedio = intermediate-term loan.
    * préstamo electrónico = e-lending [electronic lending].
    * préstamo hipotecario = mortgage.
    * préstamo interbibliotecario = ILL (Interlibrary Loan), interlending, interlending transaction, interlibrary lending, interlibrary loan, interloan, loan traffic, interlibrary borrowing.
    * préstamo internacional = international lending.
    * préstamo nocturno = overnight loan.
    * préstamo para compra de coche = car loan.
    * préstamo para otra persona = proxy borrowing.
    * préstamo por horas = hourly loan.
    * préstamo por lector = circulation per capita.
    * préstamo prolongado = long-term loan.
    * préstamo reembolsable al vencimiento = bullet loan.
    * préstamo renovado = extended loan.
    * procesamiento de préstamos = loan processing.
    * procesar la devolución del préstamo = charge in, check in.
    * que no se puede sacar en préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * que puede salir en préstamo = loanable.
    * realización de préstamos = checkout [check-out].
    * red de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan network.
    * renovación del préstamo = renewal.
    * renovación de préstamos = extended loan.
    * renovar el préstamo de un documento = renew + document.
    * retirar un libro en préstamo = check out + book.
    * sacar en préstamo = charge out, check out.
    * sacar libro en préstamo = borrow + book.
    * sanción por préstamo vencido = overdue fine.
    * sección de préstamo = lending collection, lending stock.
    * servicio de préstamo = lending service, loaner service.
    * servicio de préstamo a domicilio = home lending service.
    * servicio de préstamo de documentos = document delivery service (DDS).
    * servicio de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlending service.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sistema automatizado de préstamo = automated lending system, computerised issue system.
    * sistema de préstamo = circulation system, issue system, lending system, book checking system, charge out system, library issue system.
    * sistema de préstamo automatizado = automated circulation system.
    * sistema de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan system.
    * situación de préstamo = loan status.
    * sobre para el control del préstamo = slip holder pocket.
    * tasa de préstamo = lending rate, lending rate.
    * terminal de préstamo = issue terminal.
    * tiempo de préstamo = document delivery.
    * total de préstamos = circulation figures.
    * trabajo de préstamo de servicios = service job.
    * tramitar la devolución de un préstamo = discharge + book.
    * tramitar un préstamo = charge + book.
    * usada en el préstamo = label.
    * usuario que hace mucho uso del préstamo = heavy borrower.
    * usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo = light borrower.
    * usuario que hace uso del préstamo = borrower.
    * * *
    1) (Econ, Fin) ( acción - de prestar) lending; (- de tomar prestado) borrowing; ( cosa prestada) loan

    lo tenemos en préstamo — we've borrowed it, we've got it on loan

    2) (Ling) loanword
    * * *
    = borrowing, charge-out, circulation, issue, lending, lending and borrowing, loan, loan, issuing, charge, checkout [check-out], library issue, circ [circulation].

    Ex: Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad = Los temas tratados incluían: procedimientos del préstamo automatizado, posibles acuerdos económicos conjuntos, préstamos interbibliotecarios y el préstamo en el extranjero.

    Ex: Charge-out then begins with an empty screen with places to read in the borrower numbers and up to nine copy numbers (Figure 86).
    Ex: Each local library is a separate administrative unit with separate and independent files for circulation, acquisitions, periodicals, and holdings.
    Ex: This system incorporates all the usual functions associated with the issue, return and reservation of library materials.
    Ex: While the benefits have been obvious, the mounting costs of lending and borrowing are causing serious concern.
    Ex: While the benefits have been obvious, the mounting costs of lending and borrowing are causing serious concern.
    Ex: A search of these files may be useful in the ordering of photocopies and loans.
    Ex: The EIB is able to borrow money at the best possible rates, and as it is non-profit making it is able to offer loans at advantageous terms.
    Ex: The recording of the loan of the material is called 'charging' or 'issuing', the actual record of the loan is known as the 'charge' or the 'issue', and the cancellation of the record when the material is returned by the borrower is called 'discharging'.
    Ex: The recording of the loan of the material is called 'charging' or 'issuing', the actual record of the loan is known as the ' charge' or the 'issue', and the cancellation of the record when the material is returned by the borrower is called 'discharging'.
    Ex: Library management systems have reduced the manual tasks of checkin, checkout, catalogue management and the like.
    Ex: This article describes a survey which was promoted by a sense that fiction in libraries is often undervalued, despite the fact that fiction accounts for a high proportion of public library issues.
    Ex: As public library circ declines, spending continues to top inflation.
    * área de préstamo = checkout area.
    * autorealización de préstamos = self-checkout [self-check-out].
    * autorenovación del préstamo = self-renewal.
    * autorización de préstamo = borrowing privileges.
    * auxiliar de préstamo = circulation clerk.
    * biblioteca de préstamo = lending library, circulating library, circulation library.
    * Biblioteca Nacional de Préstamo para la Ciencia y Tecnología (NLL) = National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL).
    * bibliotecario de préstamo = lending librarian.
    * bibliotecario de préstamos = borrowing librarian.
    * bolsa de control de préstamo = book pocket.
    * buzón para la devolución de préstamos = book chute, book return box.
    * cajón de préstamo = issue tray.
    * carnet de préstamo = library card.
    * Centro Nacional de Préstamos = National Lending Centre.
    * colección de préstamo = circulating collection.
    * colección de préstamo restringido = course reserve.
    * conceder un préstamo = grant + loan.
    * control de préstamo = circulation control.
    * departamento de préstamo = circulation department.
    * departamento de préstamo interbibliotecar = interlibrary loan department.
    * depósito de préstamos después de las horas de apertura = after-hours book drop.
    * de préstamo = circulating.
    * derecho de préstamo = lending right.
    * derecho sobre el préstamo al público (PLR) = public lending right (PLR).
    * devolución de préstamos = check-in [checkin], book return.
    * disponible al préstamo = circulating.
    * dispositivo de préstamo = checkout unit.
    * distribución de documentos de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan document delivery.
    * División de Préstamo de la Biblioteca Británica (BLLD) = British Library Lending Division (BLLD).
    * en préstamo = in circulation, on loan, out on loan, checked-out.
    * estadística de préstamo = circulation statistics.
    * estadística de préstamos = loan statistics.
    * excluido del préstamo = uncirculated, non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * ficha de préstamo del libro = book card [bookcard].
    * fichero de préstamo = circulation file.
    * fondo de préstamo por horas = short-loan collection.
    * frecuencia de préstamo del material = turnover rate.
    * hacer un préstamo = charge, issue.
    * hoja de préstamo = routing slip, issue form, circulation slip.
    * libro de préstamo vencido = overdue book.
    * lista de préstamo = routing list, circulation list.
    * máquina de registro de préstamos por medio de la fotografía = photocharger, photocharging machine.
    * módulo de préstamos = circulation module.
    * mostrador de préstamo = circulation desk, control counter, check-out desk, library issue desk, front desk.
    * mostrador de préstamos = issue desk, issue counter.
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * normas de préstamos vencidos = overdue policy.
    * normativa de préstamo = loan policy.
    * número de préstamo = charging number.
    * número de préstamos = circulation figures.
    * pantalla de préstamo = charge-out screen.
    * papeleta de petición de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan request form.
    * papeleta de solicitud de préstamo = call slip.
    * pedir en préstamo = borrow.
    * pedir un préstamo = take + a loan.
    * persona que hace un préstamo = loaner.
    * petición de préstamo = loan request.
    * petición de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan request.
    * poner en préstamo = circulate.
    * préstamo a domicilio = home lending.
    * préstamo agrícola = farm loan, farm loan, farm loan, farm credit, agricultural credit.
    * préstamo automatizado = automated lending.
    * préstamo breve = short-loan, short-term loan.
    * préstamo de libros = book lending, checking out books.
    * préstamo de periodo fijo = fixed date loan period.
    * préstamo de plazo intermedio = intermediate-term loan.
    * préstamo electrónico = e-lending [electronic lending].
    * préstamo hipotecario = mortgage.
    * préstamo interbibliotecario = ILL (Interlibrary Loan), interlending, interlending transaction, interlibrary lending, interlibrary loan, interloan, loan traffic, interlibrary borrowing.
    * préstamo internacional = international lending.
    * préstamo nocturno = overnight loan.
    * préstamo para compra de coche = car loan.
    * préstamo para otra persona = proxy borrowing.
    * préstamo por horas = hourly loan.
    * préstamo por lector = circulation per capita.
    * préstamo prolongado = long-term loan.
    * préstamo reembolsable al vencimiento = bullet loan.
    * préstamo renovado = extended loan.
    * procesamiento de préstamos = loan processing.
    * procesar la devolución del préstamo = charge in, check in.
    * que no se puede sacar en préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * que puede salir en préstamo = loanable.
    * realización de préstamos = checkout [check-out].
    * red de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan network.
    * renovación del préstamo = renewal.
    * renovación de préstamos = extended loan.
    * renovar el préstamo de un documento = renew + document.
    * retirar un libro en préstamo = check out + book.
    * sacar en préstamo = charge out, check out.
    * sacar libro en préstamo = borrow + book.
    * sanción por préstamo vencido = overdue fine.
    * sección de préstamo = lending collection, lending stock.
    * servicio de préstamo = lending service, loaner service.
    * servicio de préstamo a domicilio = home lending service.
    * servicio de préstamo de documentos = document delivery service (DDS).
    * servicio de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlending service.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sistema automatizado de préstamo = automated lending system, computerised issue system.
    * sistema de préstamo = circulation system, issue system, lending system, book checking system, charge out system, library issue system.
    * sistema de préstamo automatizado = automated circulation system.
    * sistema de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlibrary loan system.
    * situación de préstamo = loan status.
    * sobre para el control del préstamo = slip holder pocket.
    * tasa de préstamo = lending rate, lending rate.
    * terminal de préstamo = issue terminal.
    * tiempo de préstamo = document delivery.
    * total de préstamos = circulation figures.
    * trabajo de préstamo de servicios = service job.
    * tramitar la devolución de un préstamo = discharge + book.
    * tramitar un préstamo = charge + book.
    * usada en el préstamo = label.
    * usuario que hace mucho uso del préstamo = heavy borrower.
    * usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo = light borrower.
    * usuario que hace uso del préstamo = borrower.

    * * *
    A ( Econ, Fin) (acciónde prestar) lending; (— de tomar prestado) borrowing; (cosa prestada) loan
    pidió un préstamo en el banco he asked the bank for a loan
    lo tenemos en préstamo we've borrowed it/we've got it on loan
    balloon loan
    student loan
    bridge loan ( AmE), bridging loan ( BrE)
    B ( Ling) loanword
    * * *


    préstamo sustantivo masculino (Econ, Fin) ( acciónde prestar) lending;
    (— de tomar prestado) borrowing;
    ( cosa prestada) loan
    préstamo sustantivo masculino loan: me dejó el libro en préstamo, he lent me the book
    pedimos un préstamo al banco, we applied for a loan from the bank
    préstamo hipotecario, mortgage
    ' préstamo' also found in these entries:
    - crédito
    - espaldarazo
    - reembolsar
    - amortización
    - aprobación
    - aprobar
    - avalar
    - bancario
    - concesión
    - consolidar
    - gestionar
    - interesar
    - otorgar
    - pedir
    - reembolso
    - reintegrar
    - reintegro
    - tramitar
    - trámite
    - urgir
    bank loan
    - guarantee
    - loan
    - negotiate
    - raise
    - repay
    - repayment
    - advance
    - approach
    - borrow
    - issue
    - mortgage
    * * *
    1. [acción] [de prestar] lending;
    [de pedir prestado] borrowing;
    ese libro está en préstamo that book is out on loan;
    2. [cantidad] loan;
    pedir un préstamo to ask for a loan
    préstamo bancario bank loan;
    préstamo a plazo fijo fixed-term loan
    3. Ling loanword
    * * *
    1 de dinero loan;
    préstamo bancario bank loan;
    pedir un préstamo para algo apply for a loan for sth
    2 GRAM loanword
    * * *
    : loan
    * * *
    préstamo n loan

    Spanish-English dictionary > préstamo

  • 124 publicación según la demanda

    Ex. The article 'The long and short of a new business model' reviews the application of CD-R on-demand publishing to fill the gap between producing a few copies and spending large sums on replicators to produce 1000 or more copies = El artículo "Un nuevo modelo económico en breve" analiza la aplicación de la publicación en CD-Grabable según la demanda para cubrir el vacío que existe entre producir unas cuentas copias o invertir grandes sumas de dinero en reproductores de CD-ROM para producir 1.000 o más copias.
    * * *

    Ex: The article 'The long and short of a new business model' reviews the application of CD-R on-demand publishing to fill the gap between producing a few copies and spending large sums on replicators to produce 1000 or more copies = El artículo "Un nuevo modelo económico en breve" analiza la aplicación de la publicación en CD-Grabable según la demanda para cubrir el vacío que existe entre producir unas cuentas copias o invertir grandes sumas de dinero en reproductores de CD-ROM para producir 1.000 o más copias.

    Spanish-English dictionary > publicación según la demanda

  • 125 quietud

    1 stillness.
    2 quietness.
    * * *
    1 (sin movimiento) stillness
    2 figurado (sosiego) calmness, calm
    * * *
    SF [de persona, noche] stillness, quietude frm; [de situación] calm
    * * *
    femenino ( ausencia de movimiento) stillness; (tranquilidad, sosiego) calm, peace
    * * *
    = quiet, quietude, tranquillity [tranquility, -USA], stillness.
    Ex. During the parliamentary debates he pointed out the advantages to the public that would accrue from such havens of quiet and reasonableness as the library.
    Ex. Go into the average good home of the crust, in the quietude of 'after-tea' and you will see a youthful miss sitting over something by Charlotte M Yonge or Charles Kingsley.
    Ex. There are only a few really large areas of tranquillity left in England and we must all work together to protect them.
    Ex. Today is day one of my twenty one day challenge -- spending a minimum of 10 minutes a day in quiet stillness.
    * * *
    femenino ( ausencia de movimiento) stillness; (tranquilidad, sosiego) calm, peace
    * * *
    = quiet, quietude, tranquillity [tranquility, -USA], stillness.

    Ex: During the parliamentary debates he pointed out the advantages to the public that would accrue from such havens of quiet and reasonableness as the library.

    Ex: Go into the average good home of the crust, in the quietude of 'after-tea' and you will see a youthful miss sitting over something by Charlotte M Yonge or Charles Kingsley.
    Ex: There are only a few really large areas of tranquillity left in England and we must all work together to protect them.
    Ex: Today is day one of my twenty one day challenge -- spending a minimum of 10 minutes a day in quiet stillness.

    * * *
    1 (ausencia de movimiento) stillness; (tranquilidad, sosiego) calm, peace, tranquility
    en la quietud de la noche in the still of the night ( liter)
    ¡qué quietud! it's so peaceful!
    2 ( RPl) ( Med) rest
    le mandaron hacer quietud he was ordered to rest
    * * *

    quietud sustantivo femenino ( ausencia de movimiento) stillness;
    (tranquilidad, sosiego) calm, peace
    quietud sustantivo femenino
    1 stillness
    2 (calma, tranquilidad) calm, peace
    ' quietud' also found in these entries:
    - sosiego
    - tranquilidad
    * * *
    1. [inmovilidad] stillness
    2. [tranquilidad] quietness
    3. RP [reposo] rest
    * * *
    f peacefulness
    * * *
    1) : calm, tranquility
    2) inmovilidad: stillness

    Spanish-English dictionary > quietud

  • 126 reconcomerse

    1 to get worked up.
    2 to lose one's patience.
    * * *
    1 familiar to be consumed (de, with)
    * * *
    VPR to bear a secret grudge, harbour o (EEUU) harbor resentment
    * * *
    Ex. Her eyes were dry and her head bleary from spending all week totally consumed with work.
    * * *

    Ex: Her eyes were dry and her head bleary from spending all week totally consumed with work.

    * * *

    ■reconcomerse verbo reflexivo to be eaten up: me reconcomía de celos mientras se besaban, I was consumed with jealousy while they kissed
    * * *
    to get worked up;
    reconcomerse de celos to be consumed with jealousy;
    se reconcomía de envidia she was consumed with envy
    * * *
    v/r be consumed;
    reconcomerse de envidia be consumed by envy

    Spanish-English dictionary > reconcomerse

  • 127 reducir

    1 to reduce.
    nos han reducido el sueldo our salary has been cut
    reducir algo a algo to reduce something to something
    reducir algo al absurdo to make a nonsense of something
    Ella redujo la velocidad She reduced the speed.
    2 to suppress, to subdue (someter) (país, ciudad).
    3 to convert (Mat) (convertir).
    4 to set (medicine).
    5 to shorten, to shrink.
    Ellos redujeron las tablas They shortened the boards.
    6 to cut down, to depress, to de-escalate, to deescalate.
    Ellos redujeron los gastos They cut down expenses.
    7 to conquer, to subdue, to subjugate.
    Ellos redujeron a los nativos They conquered the natives.
    8 to hydrogenate.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ CONDUCIR], like link=conducir conducir
    1 (gen) to reduce
    2 (disminuir) to reduce, cut, cut down on
    3 (vencer) to subdue
    4 MEDICINA to set
    5 (una salsa, etc) to reduce, boil down
    1 AUTOMÓVIL to change down, change to a lower gear
    1 (gen) to be reduced; (decrecer) to decrease
    2 (resultar) to come down (a, to)
    * * *
    1) to reduce, cut
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=disminuir)
    a) [en cantidad] [+ gastos, inflación, precio] to reduce, bring down, cut; [+ tensión, ansiedad] to reduce; [+ riesgo] to reduce, lessen

    el autobús redujo su velocidad — the bus reduced speed, the bus slowed down

    el banco redujo su beneficio un 12% — the bank saw its profits fall by 12%

    reducir algo en algo — to reduce sth by sth, cut sth by sth

    tenemos que reducir la producción en un 20% — we have to reduce o cut production by 20%

    reducir a la mínima expresiónto reduce to the bare minimum

    reducir algo al mínimoto reduce o cut sth to the minimum

    reducir algo a la mitadto cut sth by half

    b) [en tiempo] [+ jornada laboral] to reduce, shorten; [+ sentencia] to reduce

    han reducido la mili a nueve mesesthey have reduced o cut military service to nine months

    c) [en tamaño] [+ copia] to reduce; [+ discurso, artículo] to cut down, shorten

    reducir algo a algo —

    a) (=limitar) to limit sth to sth; (=simplificar) to reduce sth to sth
    b) (=convertir) [+ cantidad, medida] to convert sth into sth; [+ fracción, ecuación] to reduce sth into sth
    3) (=someter) [+ ladrón, fugitivo, loco] to overpower; [+ alborotadores] to subdue; [+ fortaleza] to subdue, reduce frm

    reducir a algn a la obedienciato bring sb to heel

    reducir a algn al silencio[por la fuerza, por miedo] to silence sb; [por vergüenza, humillación] to reduce sb to silence

    4) (Med) [+ hueso, hernia] to set, reduce frm
    5) (Quím) to reduce
    6) LAm [en el mercado negro] to get rid of *
    VI (Aut) to change down
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <gastos/costos> to cut, reduce; <velocidad/producción/consumo> to reduce

    reducir al mínimo los riesgosto minimize o to reduce the risks to a minimum

    le redujeron la penathey shortened o reduced his sentence

    reducir algo a su mínima expresión — (Mat) to reduce something to its simplest form

    b) <fotocopia/fotografía> to reduce

    reducir algo A algo: reducir los gramos a milígramos to convert the grams to milligrams; quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes; mis ilusiones quedaron reducidas a la nada — my dreams came to nothing

    b) (Quím) to reduce
    c) (AmS) < objeto robado> to receive, fence (colloq)
    3) ( dominar) <enemigo/rebeldes> to subdue; < ladrón> to overpower
    4) <fractura/hernia> to set, reduce (tech)
    1) (Coc) to reduce, boil down
    2) (Auto) to shift into a lower gear
    reducirse v pron

    reducirse A algo: todo se reduce a tener tacto it all comes down to being tactful; todo se redujo a un paseo por el río — in the end it was just a walk by the river

    * * *
    = abridge, compress, contract, curtail, erode, gut, narrow, prune, reduce, shorten, stifle, lower, cut back (on), cut, cut down (on), deplete, lessen, pare down, keep down + Nombre, retrench, narrow down, whittle (away/down/at), slim down, slow down, slow up, taper, wind + Nombre + down, cut + Nombre + short, scale back, downgrade [down-grade], shave off, shrink, mark + Nombre + down.
    Ex. Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.
    Ex. A library of a million volumes could be compressed into one end of a desk.
    Ex. In the face of emergencies, breadth of vision tends to contract, narrowing the range of responses.
    Ex. The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex. These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex. Prices of European produced scientific, technical and medical serials continue to gut US research libraries.
    Ex. Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that the users may broaden or narrow the search parameters.
    Ex. More balanced schedules were achieved by pruning the 31000 subjects enumerated in the fourteenth edition to 4700.
    Ex. The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.
    Ex. If there are holds on the title, the loan period is shortened to 14 days.
    Ex. Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex. When a forme was in place on the press stone, paper was lowered on to it by means of a tympan and frisket.
    Ex. But higher education, which expanded between 1959 and 1979 from 164,000 to 519,600 students in full-time higher education, has also been cutting back on purchases.
    Ex. 'The word's out: all departments have to cut their staffs by 10%' -- Her voice was weak and laden with woe.
    Ex. Abstracts cut down considerably on legwork in hunting for information.
    Ex. This intermediate grade would equate with the senior library assistant, a category much depleted in UK academic librarianship.
    Ex. Two possible solutions are possible: (1) to lessen the frequency of production, or (2) to reduce the amount of detail in the entries.
    Ex. He said again that we should pare it down to something much more in line with his figures.
    Ex. Activities such as gardening or cookery are dealt with in many books in ways which go far beyond the simple keeping down of weeds or just filling empty stomachs.
    Ex. In the face of overpublishing and growing scepticism, this once booming area is now retrenching and broadening its coverage = En vista del exceso de publicaciones y del creciente escepticismo, este área que una vez estuvo en auge ahora ha venido a menos.
    Ex. By specifying the fields to be searched, the user can narrow down the search in a very convenient way.
    Ex. However, such idealism is often whittled away over time by bureaucratic problems & organizational demands.
    Ex. The abundance of book types and titles makes display and merchandising increasingly difficult; some booksellers are dealing with this by slimming down or cutting out certain categories.
    Ex. However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.
    Ex. Since cataloging is the most time consuming part of digitization, it has slowed up the placement of files.
    Ex. The tube in the two types tapers almost unnoticeably from base to tip.
    Ex. Not the least of the ironies of this venture is that going ahead with it is as full of hazard as winding it down abruptly.
    Ex. May I just cut you short, because I've discussed this problem with Peter Jacobs just this week.
    Ex. He first spotted trouble when she started being short with users and so he solved the problem by scaling back her workload.
    Ex. The opposite of the 'halo effect' -- downgrading someone you dislike but whose work is good -- is also an error.
    Ex. You can shave off as much as 50% or even more from your current rate for home insurance in Arizona.
    Ex. The 'false hit' problem still arises, but becomes less likely as the 'neighborhood' of the two words shrinks.
    Ex. They have just marked down all summer handbags to 50 percent off.
    * que reduce el estrés = stress-reducing.
    * reducir a cero = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir a la mitad = halve, cut in + half, halve, reduce by + half.
    * reducir a la nada = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir al mínimo = minimise [minimize, -USA], reduce to + a minimum, cut down to + a minimum, keep to + a (bare) minimum, cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a lo mínimo = cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a miniatura = miniaturise [miniaturize, -USA].
    * reducir costes = reduce + costs.
    * reducir de plantilla = downsize.
    * reducir de tamaño = reduce in + size.
    * reducir el esfuerzo = reduce + effort.
    * reducir el impacto = minimise + impact.
    * reducir el papeleo = slash + red tape.
    * reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.
    * reducir el presupuesto = cut + monies from + budget.
    * reducir el riesgo = reduce + risk.
    * reducir el tamaño = reduce + size.
    * reducir el tiempo = cut down + time.
    * reducir el valor = reduce + value.
    * reducir gastos = cut + costs, cut + spending, make + economies, make + cuts, reduce + costs.
    * reducir gradualmente = scale down.
    * reducir la burocracia = slash + red tape.
    * reducir la posibilidad = minimise + possibility.
    * reducir la probabilidad = reduce + chances.
    * reducir las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the divide, bridge + the chasm, bridge + the gulf, close + the gap.
    * reducir las diferencias entre... y = narrow + the gap between... and.
    * reducir las distancias = reduce + distance, close + the gap.
    * reducir las posibilidades de = narrow + the vision of.
    * reducir los beneficios = cut + profit.
    * reducir los impuestos = cut + taxes.
    * reducir pérdidas = cut down + losses, cut + losses.
    * reducir progresivamente = phase out.
    * reducirse a = boil down to, come down to.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * reducir una limitación = push + limits (further and further back).
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <gastos/costos> to cut, reduce; <velocidad/producción/consumo> to reduce

    reducir al mínimo los riesgosto minimize o to reduce the risks to a minimum

    le redujeron la penathey shortened o reduced his sentence

    reducir algo a su mínima expresión — (Mat) to reduce something to its simplest form

    b) <fotocopia/fotografía> to reduce

    reducir algo A algo: reducir los gramos a milígramos to convert the grams to milligrams; quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes; mis ilusiones quedaron reducidas a la nada — my dreams came to nothing

    b) (Quím) to reduce
    c) (AmS) < objeto robado> to receive, fence (colloq)
    3) ( dominar) <enemigo/rebeldes> to subdue; < ladrón> to overpower
    4) <fractura/hernia> to set, reduce (tech)
    1) (Coc) to reduce, boil down
    2) (Auto) to shift into a lower gear
    reducirse v pron

    reducirse A algo: todo se reduce a tener tacto it all comes down to being tactful; todo se redujo a un paseo por el río — in the end it was just a walk by the river

    * * *
    = abridge, compress, contract, curtail, erode, gut, narrow, prune, reduce, shorten, stifle, lower, cut back (on), cut, cut down (on), deplete, lessen, pare down, keep down + Nombre, retrench, narrow down, whittle (away/down/at), slim down, slow down, slow up, taper, wind + Nombre + down, cut + Nombre + short, scale back, downgrade [down-grade], shave off, shrink, mark + Nombre + down.

    Ex: Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.

    Ex: A library of a million volumes could be compressed into one end of a desk.
    Ex: In the face of emergencies, breadth of vision tends to contract, narrowing the range of responses.
    Ex: The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex: These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex: Prices of European produced scientific, technical and medical serials continue to gut US research libraries.
    Ex: Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that the users may broaden or narrow the search parameters.
    Ex: More balanced schedules were achieved by pruning the 31000 subjects enumerated in the fourteenth edition to 4700.
    Ex: The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.
    Ex: If there are holds on the title, the loan period is shortened to 14 days.
    Ex: Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex: When a forme was in place on the press stone, paper was lowered on to it by means of a tympan and frisket.
    Ex: But higher education, which expanded between 1959 and 1979 from 164,000 to 519,600 students in full-time higher education, has also been cutting back on purchases.
    Ex: 'The word's out: all departments have to cut their staffs by 10%' -- Her voice was weak and laden with woe.
    Ex: Abstracts cut down considerably on legwork in hunting for information.
    Ex: This intermediate grade would equate with the senior library assistant, a category much depleted in UK academic librarianship.
    Ex: Two possible solutions are possible: (1) to lessen the frequency of production, or (2) to reduce the amount of detail in the entries.
    Ex: He said again that we should pare it down to something much more in line with his figures.
    Ex: Activities such as gardening or cookery are dealt with in many books in ways which go far beyond the simple keeping down of weeds or just filling empty stomachs.
    Ex: In the face of overpublishing and growing scepticism, this once booming area is now retrenching and broadening its coverage = En vista del exceso de publicaciones y del creciente escepticismo, este área que una vez estuvo en auge ahora ha venido a menos.
    Ex: By specifying the fields to be searched, the user can narrow down the search in a very convenient way.
    Ex: However, such idealism is often whittled away over time by bureaucratic problems & organizational demands.
    Ex: The abundance of book types and titles makes display and merchandising increasingly difficult; some booksellers are dealing with this by slimming down or cutting out certain categories.
    Ex: However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.
    Ex: Since cataloging is the most time consuming part of digitization, it has slowed up the placement of files.
    Ex: The tube in the two types tapers almost unnoticeably from base to tip.
    Ex: Not the least of the ironies of this venture is that going ahead with it is as full of hazard as winding it down abruptly.
    Ex: May I just cut you short, because I've discussed this problem with Peter Jacobs just this week.
    Ex: He first spotted trouble when she started being short with users and so he solved the problem by scaling back her workload.
    Ex: The opposite of the 'halo effect' -- downgrading someone you dislike but whose work is good -- is also an error.
    Ex: You can shave off as much as 50% or even more from your current rate for home insurance in Arizona.
    Ex: The 'false hit' problem still arises, but becomes less likely as the 'neighborhood' of the two words shrinks.
    Ex: They have just marked down all summer handbags to 50 percent off.
    * que reduce el estrés = stress-reducing.
    * reducir a cero = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir a la mitad = halve, cut in + half, halve, reduce by + half.
    * reducir a la nada = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir al mínimo = minimise [minimize, -USA], reduce to + a minimum, cut down to + a minimum, keep to + a (bare) minimum, cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a lo mínimo = cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a miniatura = miniaturise [miniaturize, -USA].
    * reducir costes = reduce + costs.
    * reducir de plantilla = downsize.
    * reducir de tamaño = reduce in + size.
    * reducir el esfuerzo = reduce + effort.
    * reducir el impacto = minimise + impact.
    * reducir el papeleo = slash + red tape.
    * reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.
    * reducir el presupuesto = cut + monies from + budget.
    * reducir el riesgo = reduce + risk.
    * reducir el tamaño = reduce + size.
    * reducir el tiempo = cut down + time.
    * reducir el valor = reduce + value.
    * reducir gastos = cut + costs, cut + spending, make + economies, make + cuts, reduce + costs.
    * reducir gradualmente = scale down.
    * reducir la burocracia = slash + red tape.
    * reducir la posibilidad = minimise + possibility.
    * reducir la probabilidad = reduce + chances.
    * reducir las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the divide, bridge + the chasm, bridge + the gulf, close + the gap.
    * reducir las diferencias entre... y = narrow + the gap between... and.
    * reducir las distancias = reduce + distance, close + the gap.
    * reducir las posibilidades de = narrow + the vision of.
    * reducir los beneficios = cut + profit.
    * reducir los impuestos = cut + taxes.
    * reducir pérdidas = cut down + losses, cut + losses.
    * reducir progresivamente = phase out.
    * reducirse a = boil down to, come down to.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * reducir una limitación = push + limits (further and further back).
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.

    * * *
    reducir [I6 ]
    1 ‹gastos/costos› to cut, cut down on, reduce; ‹velocidad› to reduce; ‹producción/consumo› to reduce
    hemos reducido el número de casos we have brought down o reduced the number of cases
    redujeron el número de plazas they cut the number of places o the number of places was reduced
    han prometido reducir los impuestos they have promised to cut o reduce taxes
    con esto se intenta reducir al mínimo el riesgo de infección this is intended to minimize o to reduce to a minimum the risk of infection
    ejercicios para reducir (la) cintura exercises to reduce your waistline
    reducir algo A algo to reduce sth TO sth
    han reducido el texto a 50 páginas they have shortened o reduced the text to fifty pages
    le han reducido la pena a dos años they have commuted o shortened o reduced his sentence to two years
    la población quedó reducida a la mitad the population was reduced to half of its former size
    reducir algo a su mínima expresión ( Mat) to reduce sth to its simplest expression o form
    el suéter quedó reducido a su mínima expresión ( hum); the sweater shrank to nothing
    reducir algo EN algo to reduce sth BY sth
    pretenden reducir el gasto en cinco millones they aim to reduce costs by five million
    2 ‹fotocopia/fotografía› to reduce
    1 (transformar) reducir algo A algo:
    reducir los gramos a miligramos to convert the grams to milligrams
    reducir quebrados a un mínimo común denominador to reduce fractions to their lowest common denominator
    quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes
    2 ( Quím) to reduce
    3 ( AmS) ‹objeto robado› to receive, fence ( colloq)
    C (dominar, someter) ‹enemigo/rebeldes› to subdue; ‹ladrón› to overpower
    reducir a un pueblo a la esclavitud to reduce a people to slavery
    D ‹fractura/hernia› to set, reduce ( tech)
    E (CS) ‹cadáver/restos mortales› to exhume ( for reburial in a niche or smaller coffin)
    ■ reducir
    A ( Coc) to reduce, boil down
    dejar reducir la salsa leave the sauce to boil down o reduce
    B ( Auto) to shift into a lower gear, change down ( BrE)
    reducirse A algo:
    todo se reduce a saber interpretar las cifras it all comes down to knowing how to interpret the figures
    todo se redujo a una visita a la catedral y un paseo por el río in the end it was just a visit to the cathedral and a walk along the river
    * * *


    reducir ( conjugate reducir) verbo transitivo
    a)gastos/costos to cut, reduce;

    velocidad/producción/consumo to reduce;

    reducir algo A algo to reduce sth to sth;
    reducir algo EN algo to reduce sth by sth
    b)fotocopia/fotografía to reduce


    quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes
    b) (AmS) ‹ objeto robado to receive, fence (colloq)

    3 ( dominar) ‹enemigo/rebeldes to subdue;
    ladrón to overpower
    reducirse verbo pronominal:

    I verbo transitivo
    1 (disminuir) to reduce
    reducir algo en algo, to reduce sthg by sthg
    (gastos, consumo, etc) to cut (down), minimize
    2 (convertir, transformar) to reduce: el incendio redujo el bosque a cenizas, the fire reduced the wood to ashes
    3 (subyugar) to subdue
    II vi Auto to change down, US to downshift

    ' reducir' also found in these entries:
    - ceniza
    - encaminada
    - encaminado
    - moler
    - disminuir
    - minimizar
    - mínimo
    - mira
    - austerity
    - ax
    - axe
    - change down
    - corner
    - curtail
    - cut
    - cut back
    - cut down
    - decrease
    - deficit
    - deplenish
    - deplete
    - depress
    - downsize
    - effective
    - halve
    - lighten
    - lower
    - narrow down
    - prune
    - pulp
    - rate
    - receive
    - reduce
    - retrench
    - scale down
    - shorten
    - slow
    - wind down
    - bring
    - cost
    - deaden
    - decelerate
    - diminish
    - discount
    - get
    - lessen
    - loss
    - minimize
    - over
    - pare
    - scale
    - slacken
    - traffic
    - whittle
    - wind
    * * *
    1. [disminuir] to reduce;
    [gastos, costes, impuestos, plantilla] to cut; [producción] to cut (back on);
    nos han reducido el sueldo our salary has been cut;
    reduzca la velocidad [en letrero] reduce speed now;
    reducir algo a algo to reduce sth to sth;
    el edificio quedó reducido a escombros the building was reduced to a pile of rubble;
    reducir algo al mínimo to reduce sth to a minimum;
    reducir algo a o [m5] en la mitad to reduce sth by half;
    tú todo lo reduces a tener dinero the only thing you care about is money;
    reducir a la mínima expresión to cut down to the bare minimum
    2. [fotocopia] to reduce
    3. [someter] [país, ciudad] to suppress, to subdue;
    [atracador, ladrón, sublevados] to overpower
    4. Mat [unidades de medida] to convert (a to); [fracciones, ecuaciones] to cancel out
    5. Med [hueso] to set
    6. Quím to reduce
    7. Culin [guiso, salsa] to reduce
    8. Andes, RP [objetos robados] to receive, to fence
    9. RP [cadáver] to exhume [for reburial in smaller container]
    1. [en el automóvil]
    reducir (de marcha o [m5] velocidad) to change down;
    reduce a tercera change down into third (gear)
    2. Culin [guiso, salsa] to reduce
    * * *
    1 reduce (a to); gastos cut;
    reducir personal cut jobs, reduce staff numbers;
    reducir la marcha AUTO downshift, shift into a lower gear
    2 MIL overcome
    * * *
    reducir {61} vt
    1) disminuir: to reduce, to decrease, to cut
    2) : to subdue
    3) : to boil down
    * * *
    reducir vb to reduce

    Spanish-English dictionary > reducir

  • 128 reequilibrar

    1) (Pol) to restabilize
    2) [+ peso, carga] to rebalance
    * * *
    Ex. Because of cuts in spending power, the University of Sussex was forced to review its periodical subscriptions in order to establish which subscriptions might be cancelled and how the periodical collection might be rebalanced.
    * * *

    Ex: Because of cuts in spending power, the University of Sussex was forced to review its periodical subscriptions in order to establish which subscriptions might be cancelled and how the periodical collection might be rebalanced.

    * * *
    to restore balance to
    See also the pronominal verb reequilibrarse

    Spanish-English dictionary > reequilibrar

См. также в других словарях:

  • spending — spend‧ing [ˈspendɪŋ] noun [uncountable] ACCOUNTING ECONOMICS FINANCE the amount of money spent, especially by a government or organization: • The slump in high street spending could reduce imports. • a rise in …   Financial and business terms

  • Spending My Time — es una canción del dúo sueco Roxette, editada mundialmente a finales de 1991 como cuarto sencillo del álbum Joyride. Durante la grabación en 1990, Per Gessle y Marie Fredriksson pensaban que la canción sería el mayor éxito de su carrera hasta ese …   Wikipedia Español

  • spending power — see power 2a Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. spending power …   Law dictionary

  • spending money — or[pocket money] {n.} Money that is given to a person to spend. * /When the seniors went to New York City on a trip, each was given $10 in spending money./ * /Father gave John a nickel in pocket money when he went to the store with Mother./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • spending money — or[pocket money] {n.} Money that is given to a person to spend. * /When the seniors went to New York City on a trip, each was given $10 in spending money./ * /Father gave John a nickel in pocket money when he went to the store with Mother./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • spending money — ➔ money * * * spending money UK US noun [U] ► money that you can spend on activities you enjoy, entertainment, personal things, etc.: »We had a small fund saved to use for spending money on vacation …   Financial and business terms

  • spending power — ➔ power1 * * * spending power UK US noun [U] ECONOMICS ► the degree to which people have money to buy products and services: »The growth in employment and wages gives consumers some spending power to absorb the higher cost of energy. → Compare… …   Financial and business terms

  • Spending — Spend ing, n. The act of expending; expenditure. [1913 Webster] {Spending money}, money set apart for extra (not necessary) personal expenses; pocket money. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spending money — Spending Spend ing, n. The act of expending; expenditure. [1913 Webster] {Spending money}, money set apart for extra (not necessary) personal expenses; pocket money. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spending\ money — • spending money • pocket money noun Money that is given to a person to spend. When the seniors went to New York City on a trip, each was given $10 in spending money. Father gave John a nickel in pocket money when he went to the store with mother …   Словарь американских идиом

  • spending — index outlay, payment (act of paying) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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