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  • 41 צִיֵּן

    צִיֵּן, צִיֵּין(denom. of צִיּוּן) to put up a pile, to mark. Shek. I, 1; M. Kat. I, 2 (2a) מְצַיְּינִין על הקברות Y. ed. (Bab. ed. a. Mish. את; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 2) graves are marked (with lime). Ib. 5b שדה … קבר רצִיְּינוּהָ (not דצ׳) a field in which a grave was lost, and which they marked. Maas. Sh. V, 1 כרם רבעי מצייניןוכ׳ a vineyard in the fourth year is marked with clods of earth, … and graves with lime Y.Shek.I, 46a top (ref. to M. Kat. I, 2) לא כבר צִיְּינוּ מאדר had they not marked them in Adar? Ib. (ref. to ובנה, Ez. 39:15) מיכן שמצייניןע״ג אבן קבועה from this we learn that the mark is put on a fixed stone; a. fr.Part. pass. מְצוּיָּין, מְצוּיָּן; f. מְצוּיֶּינֶת, מְצוּיֶּנ׳; Pl. מְצוּיָּינִים, מְצוּיָּינִין; מְצוּיָּינֹות, מְצוּיָּנ׳. Ib.; Tosef. ib. I, 5 מצא אבן אחת מצ׳וכ׳ if one found a single stone marked, although this ought not to be done (several stones surrounding the marked spot being required by law) ; M. Kat. 6a. Ib. 5b מצא שדה אחת מצ׳וכ׳ if one found a field marked, and knows not for what purpose; a. fr.(Lev. R. s. 6 מציינין, v. צָוַץ.Trnsf. to distinguish, make prominent, adorn.Part. pass. as ab. Gen. R. s. 85, v. פָּתִיל. Sabb.145b מפני מה … מצ׳ why are the scholars in Babylonia distinguished (in their dress)? Ber.8a (ref. to שערי ציון, Ps. 87:2) שערים המצ׳ בהלכה gates prominent for learned decisions. Sifré Deut. 43 (ref. to Jer. 31:20) היו מצ׳ במצותוכ׳ distinguish yourselves by observing (in exile) religious laws (meant for Palestine), so that they be not new to you, when you return; a. fr.(Cant. R. to VI, 4; Yalk. Num. 713, read: מְצוּיָּירוֹת, v. צוּר II. Hithpa. הִצַּיֵּין to distinguish, adorn ones self. Lam. R. to I, 19 (ref. to Jer. l. c.) הִצַּיְּינִי במצותוכ׳ adorn thyself with the religious observances by which Israel was distinguished (in Palestine), v. supra.

    Jewish literature > צִיֵּן

  • 42 צִיֵּין

    צִיֵּן, צִיֵּין(denom. of צִיּוּן) to put up a pile, to mark. Shek. I, 1; M. Kat. I, 2 (2a) מְצַיְּינִין על הקברות Y. ed. (Bab. ed. a. Mish. את; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 2) graves are marked (with lime). Ib. 5b שדה … קבר רצִיְּינוּהָ (not דצ׳) a field in which a grave was lost, and which they marked. Maas. Sh. V, 1 כרם רבעי מצייניןוכ׳ a vineyard in the fourth year is marked with clods of earth, … and graves with lime Y.Shek.I, 46a top (ref. to M. Kat. I, 2) לא כבר צִיְּינוּ מאדר had they not marked them in Adar? Ib. (ref. to ובנה, Ez. 39:15) מיכן שמצייניןע״ג אבן קבועה from this we learn that the mark is put on a fixed stone; a. fr.Part. pass. מְצוּיָּין, מְצוּיָּן; f. מְצוּיֶּינֶת, מְצוּיֶּנ׳; Pl. מְצוּיָּינִים, מְצוּיָּינִין; מְצוּיָּינֹות, מְצוּיָּנ׳. Ib.; Tosef. ib. I, 5 מצא אבן אחת מצ׳וכ׳ if one found a single stone marked, although this ought not to be done (several stones surrounding the marked spot being required by law) ; M. Kat. 6a. Ib. 5b מצא שדה אחת מצ׳וכ׳ if one found a field marked, and knows not for what purpose; a. fr.(Lev. R. s. 6 מציינין, v. צָוַץ.Trnsf. to distinguish, make prominent, adorn.Part. pass. as ab. Gen. R. s. 85, v. פָּתִיל. Sabb.145b מפני מה … מצ׳ why are the scholars in Babylonia distinguished (in their dress)? Ber.8a (ref. to שערי ציון, Ps. 87:2) שערים המצ׳ בהלכה gates prominent for learned decisions. Sifré Deut. 43 (ref. to Jer. 31:20) היו מצ׳ במצותוכ׳ distinguish yourselves by observing (in exile) religious laws (meant for Palestine), so that they be not new to you, when you return; a. fr.(Cant. R. to VI, 4; Yalk. Num. 713, read: מְצוּיָּירוֹת, v. צוּר II. Hithpa. הִצַּיֵּין to distinguish, adorn ones self. Lam. R. to I, 19 (ref. to Jer. l. c.) הִצַּיְּינִי במצותוכ׳ adorn thyself with the religious observances by which Israel was distinguished (in Palestine), v. supra.

    Jewish literature > צִיֵּין

  • 43 не являться чем-то новым для

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > не являться чем-то новым для

  • 44 constituyente

    f. & m.
    1 constituent member.
    2 assembly called to reform the Constitution.
    * * *
    1 constituent
    1 (componente) constituent
    * * *
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [asamblea, congreso] constituent
    2) [elemento, sintagma] constituent
    2. SM
    1) (=elemento) constituent
    2) (Pol) constituent member
    * * *
    b) <asamblea/congreso> constituent (before n)
    masculino (Der, Pol) constituent member
    * * *
    = constituent, component.
    Ex. Although the basic constituent operations of networking are not new, the term itself is of comparatively recent origin.
    Ex. The computer creates a series of entries by rotating the component terms with which it has been provided.
    * * *
    b) <asamblea/congreso> constituent (before n)
    masculino (Der, Pol) constituent member
    * * *
    = constituent, component.

    Ex: Although the basic constituent operations of networking are not new, the term itself is of comparatively recent origin.

    Ex: The computer creates a series of entries by rotating the component terms with which it has been provided.

    * * *
    2 ‹asamblea/congreso› constituent ( before n)
    1 ( Der, Pol) constituent member
    2 ( Ling) constituent
    * * *

    constituyente adjetivo & mf constituent
    ' constituyente' also found in these entries:
    - component
    * * *
    1. [elemento] constituent
    2. [asamblea] constituent
    1. [elemento] constituent
    2. Ling constituent
    constituent assembly
    * * *
    adj POL constituent
    * * *
    constituyente adj & nmf
    : constituent

    Spanish-English dictionary > constituyente

  • 45 integrante

    1 integral, constituent.
    Estado integrante de la UE member state of the EU
    ser parte integrante de algo to be an integral part of something
    2 integrating, constitutive, compositive.
    f. & m.
    1 member.
    2 component, element.
    * * *
    1 integral
    1 member
    parte integrante integral part
    * * *
    ADJ [parte, elemento] integral; [país] member antes de s
    SMF member
    * * *
    masculino y femenino member
    * * *
    Ex. Although the basic constituent operations of networking are not new, the term itself is of comparatively recent origin.
    * * *
    masculino y femenino member
    * * *

    Ex: Although the basic constituent operations of networking are not new, the term itself is of comparatively recent origin.

    * * *
    parte2 (↑ parte (2))
    uno de los integrantes del equipo one of the team members
    * * *

    integrante sustantivo masculino y femenino
    I adjetivo integral
    una parte integrante, an integral part
    II mf member
    un integrante del comando, a member of the commando
    ' integrante' also found in these entries:
    - miembro
    - constituent
    - flagship
    - integral
    - parcel
    - fixture
    * * *
    integral, constituent;
    estado integrante de la UE member state of the EU;
    ser parte integrante de algo to be an integral part of sth
    * * *
    I adj integral
    II m/f member
    * * *
    : integrating, integral
    : member

    Spanish-English dictionary > integrante

  • 46 intricado

    * * *
    = convoluted, knotted.
    Ex. Many of Marshall McLuhan's observations were not new and often convoluted.
    Ex. Its intricately knotted narrative begins in 1900 with the sequence of events leading to Oscar Wilde's deathbed conversion.
    * * *
    = convoluted, knotted.

    Ex: Many of Marshall McLuhan's observations were not new and often convoluted.

    Ex: Its intricately knotted narrative begins in 1900 with the sequence of events leading to Oscar Wilde's deathbed conversion.

    Spanish-English dictionary > intricado

  • 47 ser algo común

    (v.) = be a fact of life, dominate + the scene, be a common occurrence, become + a common feature, be a part of life
    Ex. Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
    Ex. This may have something to do with the absence of CABx, who seem to have dominated the scene in other states.
    Ex. In the nineteenth-century compulsory overtime to 10 p.m. or midnight was a very common occurrence in news offices, with all-night working when there was a rush on.
    Ex. Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
    Ex. Scratches are a part of life when you have parquet floors.
    * * *
    (v.) = be a fact of life, dominate + the scene, be a common occurrence, become + a common feature, be a part of life

    Ex: Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.

    Ex: This may have something to do with the absence of CABx, who seem to have dominated the scene in other states.
    Ex: In the nineteenth-century compulsory overtime to 10 p.m. or midnight was a very common occurrence in news offices, with all-night working when there was a rush on.
    Ex: Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
    Ex: Scratches are a part of life when you have parquet floors.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ser algo común

  • 48 ser algo habitual

    (v.) = become + a common feature, be a fact of life
    Ex. Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
    Ex. Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
    * * *
    (v.) = become + a common feature, be a fact of life

    Ex: Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.

    Ex: Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ser algo habitual

  • 49 ser algo normal

    (v.) = be a fact of life, become + a common feature, be a part of life
    Ex. Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
    Ex. Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
    Ex. Scratches are a part of life when you have parquet floors.
    * * *
    (v.) = be a fact of life, become + a common feature, be a part of life

    Ex: Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.

    Ex: Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
    Ex: Scratches are a part of life when you have parquet floors.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ser algo normal

  • 50 ser una realidad

    (v.) = be a fact of life, be a reality
    Ex. Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
    Ex. The days of the printed journal are numbered and the use of computers in the planning of experiments will soon be a reality.
    * * *
    (v.) = be a fact of life, be a reality

    Ex: Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.

    Ex: The days of the printed journal are numbered and the use of computers in the planning of experiments will soon be a reality.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ser una realidad

  • 51 надеванный

    прич. от надевать; разг.
    not new
    * * *
    прич. от надевать ; not new, worn, used

    Новый русско-английский словарь > надеванный

  • 52 Biro, Laszlo Joszef (Ladislao José)

    SUBJECT AREA: Paper and printing
    b. 29 September 1899 Budapest, Hungary
    d. 24 October 1985 Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Hungarian inventor of the ballpoint pen.
    Details of Biro's early life are obscure, but by 1939 he had been active as a painter, a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and an inventor, patenting over thirty minor inventions. During the 1930s he edited a cultural magazine and noticed in the printing shop the advantages of quick-drying ink. He began experimenting with crude ballpoint pens. The idea was not new, for an American, John Loud, had patented a cumbersome form of pen for marking rough surfaces in 1888; it had failed commercially. Biro and his brother Georg patented a ballpoint pen in 1938, although they had not yet perfected a suitable ink or a reservoir to hold it.
    In 1940 Biro fled the Nazi occupation of Hungary and settled in Argentina. Two years later, he had developed his pen to the point where he could seek backers for a company to exploit it commercially. His principal backer appears to have been an English accountant, Henry George Martin. In 1944 Martin offered the invention to the US Army Air Force and the British Royal Air Force to overcome the problems aircrews were experiencing at high altitudes with leaking fountain pens. Some 10,000 ballpoints were made for the RAF. Licences were granted in the USA for the manufacture of the "biro", and in 1944 the Miles-Martin Pen Company was formed in Britain and began making them on a large scale at a factory near Reading, Berkshire; by 1951 its workforce had grown to over 1,000. Other companies followed suit; by varying details of the pen, they avoided infringing the original patents. One such entrepreneur, Miles Reynolds, was the first to put the pen on sale to the public in New York; it is reputed that 10,000 were sold on the first day.
    Biro had little taste for commercial exploitation, and by 1947 he had withdrawn from the Argentine company, mainly to resume his painting, in the surrealist style. Examples of his work are exhibited in the Fine Arts Museum in Budapest. He created an instrument that had a greater impact on written communication than any other single invention.
    Further Reading
    "Nachruf: Ladislao José Biro (1899–1985)", HistorischeBurowelt (1988) 21:5–8 (with English summary).
    J.Jewkes, The Sources of Invention, pp. 234–5.

    Biographical history of technology > Biro, Laszlo Joszef (Ladislao José)

  • 53 kutayaa

    (adj) new. A maŋ kutayaa. It is not new.
    (n) newness. Ala kutayaa te ko ñiŋ doo. Its newness is not like this one.

    Mandinka-English dictionary > kutayaa

  • 54 nyhed

    * * *
    (en -er)
    ( ny ting, tanke etc) novelty, something new;
    ( ny bog) new book, new title;
    ( ny fremgangsmåde) innovation;
    [ have nyhedens interesse] possess the charm of novelty;
    ( efterretning) (piece el. bit of) news;
    [ den glade nyhed] the glad (el. joyful) news;
    [ en god nyhed] a piece of good news;
    [ nyheder] news ( fx this news was alarming);
    [ det er ingen nyhed] that's not new; that is no news;
    [ nyheden er over hele byen] the news is all over the town.

    Danish-English dictionary > nyhed

  • 55 Gebraucht

    I P.P. brauchen, gebrauchen
    II Adj. used; WIRTS. auch second-hand; Kleidung: auch old; etw. gebraucht kaufen buy s.th. second-hand
    * * *
    second-hand; used
    * * *
    ge|braucht [gə'brauxt]
    1. adj
    Auto second-hand, used; Kleidung, Computer etc second-hand; Verpackung used
    2. adv

    etw gebráúcht kaufen — to buy sth second-hand

    auch brauchen
    * * *
    1) (employed or put to a purpose: This road is not used any more.) used
    2) (not new: used cars.) used
    * * *
    adj second-hand
    * * *
    Adjektiv second-hand <bicycle, clothes, etc.>; used, second-hand < car>; used < handkerchief>
    * * *
    Gebraucht… im subst; WIRTSCH second-hand, used
    * * *
    Adjektiv second-hand <bicycle, clothes, etc.>; used, second-hand < car>; used < handkerchief>
    * * *
    second hand adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Gebraucht

  • 56 gebraucht

    I P.P. brauchen, gebrauchen
    II Adj. used; WIRTS. auch second-hand; Kleidung: auch old; etw. gebraucht kaufen buy s.th. second-hand
    * * *
    second-hand; used
    * * *
    ge|braucht [gə'brauxt]
    1. adj
    Auto second-hand, used; Kleidung, Computer etc second-hand; Verpackung used
    2. adv

    etw gebráúcht kaufen — to buy sth second-hand

    auch brauchen
    * * *
    1) (employed or put to a purpose: This road is not used any more.) used
    2) (not new: used cars.) used
    * * *
    adj second-hand
    * * *
    Adjektiv second-hand <bicycle, clothes, etc.>; used, second-hand < car>; used < handkerchief>
    * * *
    A. pperf brauchen, gebrauchen
    B. adj used; WIRTSCH auch second-hand; Kleidung: auch old;
    etwas gebraucht kaufen buy sth second-hand
    * * *
    Adjektiv second-hand <bicycle, clothes, etc.>; used, second-hand < car>; used < handkerchief>
    * * *
    second hand adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > gebraucht

  • 57 вести себя нормально во всех отношениях

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > вести себя нормально во всех отношениях

  • 58 идея ... не нова

    Идея... не нова-- The notion of staged combustion for turbine engines is not new [...]. Идея (использования)... не нова-- The use of ceramics in high-temperature gas turbines is not a recent idea.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > идея ... не нова

  • 59 used

    1) employed or put to a purpose:

    This road is not used any more.

    2) not new:

    used cars.

    مُسْتَعْمَل، لم يَعُد جديدا

    Arabic-English dictionary > used

  • 60 (по)чинить

    Русские глаголы чинить/починить, ремонтировать могут относиться к любому объекту починки безотносительно к степени поломки или размерам починенной вещи (починить носки, машину), размерам и способам самого ремонта. Их английские эквиваленты, напротив, различают все эти параметры, относится к предметам разного типа и предполагают разные по характеру действия.
    1. to mend — чинить, починить, ремонтировать (относится, как правило, к предметам небольшого размера, а сам способ починки несущественен): I must have my leather coat mended, there arc holes in place of buttons, as well as a tear at the elbow. — Мне надо починить кожаное пальто, пуговицы оторвались и на их месте дырки, да и на локте дыра. I left my watch for the watchmaker to mend it. — Я оставила часы в мастерской для починки. My shoes need mending. — Мои туфли надо отдать в починку./Мои туфли нуждаются в ремонте. There is something wrong with the TV set we must have it mended. — Что-то не так с телевизором, надо его починить. The water pipe is leaking, call in the plumber to mend it. — У нас течет труба, позови водопроводчика починить се. This won't mend matters. — Этим дело не исправишь./Этим делу не поможешь.
    2. to repair — чинить, ремонтировать, починить (что-либо сломанное или поврежденное, обычно крупного размера; параллельно с глаголом употребляется и соответствующее ему существительное, как правило, в словосочетаниях): The bridge is closed for repairs. — Мост закрыт на ремонт. My flat needs capital repairs. — Моя квартира требует капитального ремонта. Little seems to have been done to repair the bridge. — Для ремонта моста почти ничего не сделано. Не had two operations to repair the torn ligaments in the left knee. — Ему сделали две операции, чтобы сшить связки на поврежденном левом колене. I have to have my car repaired. — Мне надо починить машину./Мне надо отремонтировать машину. How can I repair the wrong 1 have done her? — Как мне загладить свою вину перед ней? My car is crushed beyond repair. — Моя машина так разбита, что ее уже не отремонтируешь./Моя машинатак разбита, что ее уже не починишь. The church roof is badly in need of repair. — Крыша церкви требует немедленного ремонта. The road is under repair. — Дорога ремонтируется.
    3. to fix — починить, привести в порядок, привести в рабочее состояние ( неуточняет способа починки): Dad's outside fixing the brakes on his car. — Папа на улике чинит тормоза у машины./Папа на улице исправляет тормоза у машины. The room should be fixed in no time. — Немедленно приведи комнату в порядок. Can you fix my watch? — Вы можете починить мои часы? The broken chair needs fixing. — Сломанный стул надо починить (снова скрепить сломанные части). Loose wheels can be fixed here. — Разболтавшиеся колеса подтянут здесь./Разболтавшиеся колеса закрепят здесь./Разболтавшисся колеса зафиксируют здесь.
    4. to overhaul — починить, провести полный ремонт, связанный с разборкой и заменой частей; перебрать, пересмотреть, перестроить: to overhaul the car's transmission — сменить трансмиссию в машине/ перебрать трансмиссию в машине/заменить трансмиссию в машине; to overhaul the welfare system — изменить систему социальной поддержки граждан; to be thoroughly overhauled — подвергнуться полному осмотру/пройти диспансеризацию The churches are overhauling their old doctrines. — Церковь пересматривает свои старые доктрины. The company needs overhauling its techniques and methods. — Компании необходимо пересмотреть свою технологию и методы работы. Не was thoroughly overhauled by the doctor. — Доктор полностью, тщательно обследовал его./Доктор провел полное обследование. The aircraft is not new, but it has been recently overhauled. — Самолет не новый, но он недавно прошел капитальный ремонт. The engine needs overhauling. — Мотор требует ремонта./Мотор надо перебрать.
    5. to darn — чинить, штопать, починить: Your socks are all holes, they are past darning. — У тебя носки все драные, их уже штопать нельзя. Young women do not darn socks and stockings these days, they just throw them out instead. — Молодые хозяйки сегодня не штопают носков и чулок, они их просто выбрасывают.
    6. to patch — чинить, латать, класть заплатку, починить: Can you patch the puncture in your bike? — Ты можешь сам залатать проколотую шину велосипеда? His patched overcoat spoke eloquently of his situation. — Его залатанное пальто красноречиво говорило о том, в какой он оказался ситуации. The roof leaks, it needs patching. — Крыша течет, ее надо залатать.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > (по)чинить

См. также в других словарях:

  • New Jersey Nets — New Jersey Americans redirects here. For the soccer club, see New Jersey Americans (soccer). New Jersey Nets 2011 12 New Jersey Nets season …   Wikipedia

  • New Zealand general election, 2008 — 2005 ← members 8 November 2008 (2008 11 08) …   Wikipedia

  • New Historicism — is a school of literary theory, grounded in critical theory, that developed in the 1980s, primarily through the work of the critic Stephen Greenblatt, and gained widespread influence in the 1990s.[1] New Historicists aim simultaneously to… …   Wikipedia

  • New Rave — (sometimes labelled Nu Rave or Neu Rave) is a term applied to several types of music that go from fusing elements of electronic, rock, indie, to techno, hip house, electro, breakbeat. [ [http://observer.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,,1922523,00.ht… …   Wikipedia

  • New rave — Orígenes musicales Indie rock, electrónica, dance punk Orígenes culturales Reino Unido durante el 2006 Instrumentos comunes Guitarra, bajo, batería, teclados, sintetiz …   Wikipedia Español

  • New Mutants — The New Mutants are a group of teenaged mutant superheroes in training published by Marvel Comics. They have been the main characters of three successive comic book series, which were spin offs of the popular X Men franchise. The first team of… …   Wikipedia

  • New Zealand nationality law — Current New Zealand passport issued to citizens of New Zealand …   Wikipedia

  • New Order — This article is about the alternative rock/electronic band New Order. For other uses, see New Order (disambiguation). New Order New Order photographed in January 2007; (left to right) Peter Hook, Stephen Morris, and Bernard Sumner …   Wikipedia

  • New York Knicks — Knicks redirects here. For other uses of the word, see Knickerbocker (disambiguation). New York Knicks 2011–12 New York Knicks season …   Wikipedia

  • New Zealand House of Representatives — Parliament of New Zealand Pāremata Aotearoa 49th New Zealand Parliament Type Type …   Wikipedia

  • New Wave music — This article is about the music genre that originated in the 1970s. For other meanings and artistic movements, see New Wave (disambiguation). New Wave Stylistic origins Punk rock, art rock,[1][2] garage rock …   Wikipedia

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