1 monument
2 monument n
monument -
3 monument
monument [monu'mɛnˀd] <-et; -er> Monument n, Denkmal n -
4 monument
xxxmonument m -
5 monument
монументпамятник* * *[monumænd] sb. -et, -er, -erneмонумент, памятник -
6 monument
7 monument
მონუმენტი -
8 monument
9 monument
монумент -
10 bevarelse af mindesmærke/monument
сохранение памятниковDanish-russian dictionary > bevarelse af mindesmærke/monument
11 mindesten
monument. -
12 oldtidsminde
13 mindesmærke
sg - míndesmærket, pl - míndesmærkerпа́мятник м* * *cenotaph, memorial* * *memorial ( for to, fx there is a memorial to Churchill in Westminster Abbey),[ rejse et mindesmærke for en] set up (, F: erect) a monument in memory of somebody. -
14 minde
sg - míndet, pl - mínder1) па́мять ж, воспомина́ние сtil mínde om... — на па́мять от... [о...]
2) рели́квия ж, сувени́р м* * *keepsake, memento, memory, recollection, remembrance* * *I. (et -r)( erindring) memory ( fx it is only a memory now; cherish one's memories);F remembrance ( fx have happy remembrances (el. memories) of something);( eftermæle) memory ( fx praise his memory; his memory is still alive);( levn) relic ( fx visible relics of the past);(se også erindring);( ting til minde om noget: souvenir) souvenir;( også minde om person, F) memento ( fx keep this ring as a memento of my visit), remembrance ( fx take this ring as a remembrance of my mother),( kun om person) keepsake ( fx she gave him a lock of her hair as a keepsake);( mindesmærke) memorial, monument ( for to);(også fig) erect a monument in his memory;[ med præp:][ minder fra ens barndom] memories (, mementos) of one's childhood;[ have det i frisk minde] have a vivid recollection of it;[ i mands minde] within living memory;[ til minde om] in memory of,F in remembrance of.II. (et)( samtykke) consent, permission.III. vb:(dvs få til at huske) remind somebody of something,( gøre opmærksom på) draw somebody's attention to something,( advare) warn somebody of something;( også, T) does that ring a bell?[ det minder om] it reminds me (, you etc) of, it suggests,F it is reminiscent of;[ det minder svagt om] it reminds one (, me etc) a little (el. a bit) of,F it has (el. bears) a faint resemblance to;(se også mindes). -
15 mindesmærke
nounmonument mxxxmonument m -
16 rejse
nounroute fexcursion fvoyage mtour fcroisière fverbvoyagersouleverExpl impulser à un objet (posé par terre ou sur une surface quelconque) un mouvement vers le haut pour le transporter jusqu'à un autre endroit.Ex1 Ma valise était si lourde que j'arrivais à peine à la soulever.Ex2 Il faudrait presque une grue pour soulever ton sac. Tu devrais quand même songer à le vider de temps en temps!dresserérigerxxxtour fvoyager -
17 bautasten
single-stone monument,(arkæol) menhir. -
18 frede
vb(om mindesmærker etc) protect, schedule (as a historical monument), put a preservation order on,( om bygning også) list;[ frede om et minde] guard (el. protect) a memory. -
19 grav
sg - graven, pl - grave1) ров м, я́ма ж2) моги́ла ж••den, der gráver en grav for ándre, fálder selv derí [i den] — посл. не рой друго́му я́му, сам в неё попадёшь
* * *earth, grave, tomb* * *(en -e)( for døde) grave,( især med monument) tomb;( voldgrav) moat;( udgravning) pit ( fx gravel pit),( langagtig) ditch, trench;( smøregrav) grease pit;( kan ofte gengives:) it is a case of the biter bit;[ den hellige grav] the Holy Sepulchre;T think that everything in the garden is lovely;[ stå med den ene fod (el. det ene ben) i graven] have one foot in the grave;[ lægge én i graven] bury somebody;(fig) be the death of somebody,F bring somebody to his grave;[ han tog hemmeligheden med sig i graven] he took the secret with him to the grave;[ han ville vende sig i sin grav] he would turn (over) in his grave;[ følge én til graven] attend somebody's funeral; -
20 gravmæle
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
monument — [ mɔnymɑ̃ ] n. m. • 980; lat. monumentum 1 ♦ Ouvrage d architecture, de sculpture, destiné à perpétuer le souvenir de qqn, qqch. Monument commémoratif : arc de triomphe, colonne, trophée, etc. ⇒ mémorial. Monument funéraire, élevé sur une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Monument — Marie Skłodowska Curie à Vieille ville de Police (Pologne) Le mot « monument » provient du latin monumentum, de moneo « se remémorer » désigne toute sculpture ou ouvrage architectural qui permet de rappeler un évènement ou une … Wikipédia en Français
monument — MONUMÉNT, monumente, s.n. 1. Operă de sculptură sau de arhitectură destinată să perpetueze amintirea unui eveniment sau a unei personalităţi remarcabile; p. ext. construcţie arhitectonică de proporţii mari sau de o deosebită valoare. ♦ fig. Orice … Dicționar Român
Monument — Monument, CO U.S. town in Colorado Population (2000): 1971 Housing Units (2000): 770 Land area (2000): 4.626053 sq. miles (11.981421 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 4.626053 sq. miles (11.981421… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Monument — «Monument» Canción de Depeche Mode Álbum A Broken Frame Publicación 27 de septiembre de 1982 … Wikipedia Español
monument — I noun achievement, cairn, cenotaph, cromlech, dolmen, lasting reminder, mark, memorial, monumentum, permanent structure, remembrance, reminder, shrine, testimonial II index landmark (conspicuous object), remembrance (commemorati … Law dictionary
Monument — Sn std. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. monumentum (eigentlich Erinnerungszeichen, Denkzeichen ), zu l. monēre erinnern, mahnen . Ausgehend von der besonderen Größe vieler solcher Bauten dann die Bedeutung sehr groß von monumental.… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
Monument — Mon u*ment, n. [F., fr. L. monumentum, fr. monere to remind, admonish. See {Monition}, and cf. {Moniment}.] 1. Something which stands, or remains, to keep in remembrance what is past; a memorial. [1913 Webster] Of ancient British art A pleasing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monument — (n.) late 13c., a sepulchre, from O.Fr. monument grave, tomb, monument, and directly from L. monumentum a monument, memorial structure, statue; votive offering; tomb; memorial record, lit. something that reminds, from monere to remind, warn (see… … Etymology dictionary
monument — MONUMENT. sub. m. Marque publique qu on laisse à la posterité pour conserver la memoire de quelque personne illustre, ou de quelque action celebre. Monument illustre, superbe, magnifique, durable, glorieux, éternel. c est un monument à la… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Monument, CO — U.S. town in Colorado Population (2000): 1971 Housing Units (2000): 770 Land area (2000): 4.626053 sq. miles (11.981421 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 4.626053 sq. miles (11.981421 sq. km) FIPS… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places