1 medium-term
à moyen terme►► medium-term credit crédit m (à) moyen terme;medium-term liabilities dettes fpl à moyen terme;medium-term maturity échéance f à moyen terme;medium-term note billet m à moyen terme (négociable)Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > medium-term
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medium-term -
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Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > medium-term
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прил.эк. среднесрочный (об управленческих действиях или финансовых отношениях в пределах среднего периода времени, напр., от 1 до 10 лет)Syn:See:
* * *
1) среднесрочный(о ценных бумагах); 2) = intermediate-term.* * ** * *Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность -
7 medium-term
ˈme·dium-term\medium-term bond mittelfristige Anleihe\medium-term forecast mittelfristige Prognose\medium-term loan mittelfristiges Darlehen* * *medium-term financial strategy mittelfristige Finanzplanung* * *adj.mittelfristig adj. -
8 medium-term
(forecast, loan) à moyen termemedium-term credit crédit m à moyen terme;EU medium-term financial assistance aide f financière à moyen terme;medium-term liabilities dettes f pl à moyen terme;medium-term maturity échéance f à moyen terme;FINANCE medium-term note billet m à moyen terme (négociable) -
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* * *me·dium ˈtermnthe \medium term will see... mittelfristig gesehen...growth over the \medium term mittelfristiges Wachstumin the \medium term mittelfristig* * * -
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me·dium 'term n the \medium term will see...mittelfristig gesehen...;growth over the \medium term mittelfristiges Wachstum;in the \medium term mittelfristig -
11 medium-term
[ˌmiːdɪəm'tɜːm]in the medium-term — nel medio termine o periodo
* * *[ˌmiːdɪəm'tɜːm]in the medium-term — nel medio termine o periodo
12 medium term
эк. средний срок, среднесрочный период (период, который не является ни краткосрочным, ни долгосрочным; фондовые аналитики обычно называют среднесрочными периоды в 6-12 месяцев, облигационные аналитики — 2-10 лет; государственные облигации в Великобритании считаются среднесрочными, если они имеют сроки погашения 5-15 лет; в стандартах бухгалтерского учета среднесрочный период не выделяется)Syn:See: -
13 medium-term
прил. среднесрочный medium-term среднесрочныйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > medium-term
14 medium-term n
['miːdɪəm'tɜːm] -
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short term — короткий срок; краткосрочный
19 medium-term
'me·dium-term adjmittelfristig -
20 medium term
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > medium term
См. также в других словарях:
medium-term — ˈmedium term adjective [only before a noun] not happening or making a profit immediately, but not over a very long period of time: • a medium term loan • It is possible to get some quite good yields on medium term bonds. compare long term, short… … Financial and business terms
medium term — medium .term n [singular] the period of time a few weeks or months ahead of the present →↑short term, long term ↑long term in the medium term ▪ The company s prospects look good in the medium term. ▪ medium term investments … Dictionary of contemporary English
medium term — medium ,term noun singular the period of time that lasts a few months or years from the present time: In the short to medium term, there will be an agreement of some sort … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
medium-term — medium ,term adjective within the period of time that begins at the present time and lasts a few months or years: There will no doubt be some medium term effects on sales … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
medium term — UK US noun [singular] the period of time that lasts a few months or years from the present time In the short to medium term, there will be an agreement of some sort. Thesaurus: general periods of timehyponym periods of successsynonym … Useful english dictionary
medium-term — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective : of or relating to a financial gain, loss, operation, or obligation based on a term of more than a year and usually not more than 10 years * * * meˈdium term adjective Intermediate between short term and long term •… … Useful english dictionary
Medium Term — An asset holding period or investment horizon that is intermediate in nature. The exact period of time that is considered medium term depends on the investor s personal preferences, as well as on the asset class under consideration. In the fixed… … Investment dictionary
medium-term — N SING: usu N n The medium term is the period of time which lasts a few months or years beyond the present time, in contrast with the short term or the long term. Economists had been arguing that the medium term economic prospects remained poor … English dictionary
medium-term — long /short /medium term in the long/medium/short term a long, medium, or short time in the future. Have you made any long term plans? (always before noun) Medium term funding may be offered to help start new projects in developing countries … New idioms dictionary
medium term — noun (singular) the period of time a few weeks or months ahead of the present: in the medium term: The company s prospects look good in the medium term. | medium term investments compare shortterm, longterm … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
medium-term — / mi:diəm tɜ:m/ adjective referring to a point between short term and long term ♦ medium term forecast a forecast for two or three years ♦ medium term loan a bank loan for three to five years … Dictionary of banking and finance