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  • 21 עִקָּר

    עִיקָּר, עִקָּרm. (עָקַר) 1) root. Kil. VII, 1 הע׳ השני the second root (that of the slip, v. אַרְכּוּבָה); a. fr.Pl. עִיקָּרִים, עִיקָּרִין, עִקָּ׳. Ib. 2 ועִקָּרֵיהֶם נראין and the roots of the sets are visible. Sabb.XIV, 3 כוס ע׳ root-drink (a medicine for gonorrhœa). Tosef.Yeb.VIII, 4 האיש … כוס ע׳ שלא יוליד a man must not take a root-drink for the purpose of becoming impotent. Sabb. l. c. שמן ע׳ oil in which roots have been soaked. Y.Shek.VI, beg.49c שבו שולקין את הע׳ (oil) in which they boiled the roots (for frankincense); Hor.11b; Kerith. 5a משלק בו הע׳. Ib. והלא לסוך הע׳ אינו סופק but there was not even oil enough to oint the roots (much less to soak them). Pesik. Par., p. 40b>; Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 8, a. e. מביאין ע׳ ומעשניןוכ׳ they get certain roots (and kindle them), and let the smoke rise under him; a. e.Trnsf. origin. Keth.77a מעִיקָּרוֹ from its origin (shaft), v. חָתַךְ.עִיקַּר מיטרין, v. מִיטְרִין. 2) essence, reality, main object, chief. Y.R. Hash. III, end, 59a עיקרו לא נחש הוא (not עיקרה) is not its (the sarafs) real name naḥash? Snh.87a דבר שעיקרו מדבריוכ׳ a thing (law) which in its main aspect is found in the Torah, but the details of which are based on Soferic tradition (v. סוֹפֵר). Y.Sot.VI, 21a top ע׳ עדותו the main testimony in the case. Ber.12b (ref. to Jer. 23:7, sq.) לא שתעקר … אלא שתהא שעבוד מלכיות ע׳וכ׳ not that the memory of the exodus from Egypt will be entirely effaced, but the delivery from servitude to the empires will be the chief event commemorated, and the exodus from Egypt subordinate to it (v. טָפֵל). Ib. 13a ישראל ע׳ Israel will be the chief name. Ruth R. to IV, 11, a. e., v. מְסוּבֶּה. Ib. (play on עקרה, Gen. 29:31) ורחל היתה עיקרו … ורחל עֲקָרָה עִיקָּרָה Rachel was his (Jacobs) main wife, for we read, ‘and Rachel was ʿǎḳarah which means ʿiḳḳarah (the chief); Gen. R. s. 71 רחל היתה עיקרו של בית Rachel was the chief person of the household. Num. R. s. 14 (play on קערת, Num. 7:61) אל תקרי קערת אלא עִקֶּרֶת … עִקֶּרֶת הבית היא היתה עיקר ביתווכ׳ read not ḳaʿărath, but ʿiḳkereth, typical of Rachel who was the chief of the house: she was the chief person Succ.50b ע׳ שירה בכלי the chief element in the Temple music is instrumental music; ע׳ שירה בפה the song is the essential element; a. v. fr.טעם כע׳, v. טַעַם.כפר בע׳, v. כָּפַר.לא כל ע׳ not at all. Snh.22a לא נשתנה כל ע׳ has not at all been changed. Ex. R. s. 16 אסור ליגע בה כל ע׳ must not touch her at all; a. fr.(In later Hebr. literature: עִיקָּרִים עִקָּ׳, principles of faith.

    Jewish literature > עִקָּר

  • 22 תולדה

    תּוֹלָדָהf. (b. h.; יָלַד) 1) birth, procreation, off spring.Pl. תּוֹלָדוֹת. Gen. R. s. 12 שלשה דברים הללו … שלש ת׳וכ׳ the following three things form the real creations of the world, and each of them delayed three days, and then produced offspring: the earth Ib. לכל יש ת׳ … יש לחן ת׳וכ׳ all things have origins (mentioned in the Bible), heaven and earth have origins Ib. כל מי שיש לו ת׳וכ׳ whatever has an origin, dies and decays, is created, but does not create, but that which has no origin does not die Num. R. s. 1412> בעת שהעמיד ת׳ during the time of his begetting children. Y.Sot.VIII, 22c bot. שלישי לת׳ ורביעיוכ׳ he was the third in the order of birth, and the fourth in the order of accession; a. fr. 2) secondary act, subspecies, opp. אב or עיקר, v. אָב II. Y.Sabb.II, 5a bot. שחיטה עיקר וחבורה ת׳ slaughtering is the primary act (forbidden on the Sabbath), and wounding is the secondary act. B. Kam.2a הך … קרי לה ת׳ an act which was essential at the building of the Tabernacle is called ab, and one which was not essential, is called toladah; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ib. מדקתני אבות מכלל דאיכא ת׳ since the Mishnah speaks of main damages, we must conclude that there are also secondary ones; תּוֹלְדוֹתֵיהֶן כיוצא בהןוכ׳ are their subspecies subject to the same laws or not? Sabb.2b הכא … תני אבות ותני ת׳וכ׳ here (Sabb.I, 1) where the main subject is the Sabbath, the Mishnah specifies the main act and the secondary acts, ; Shebu.5a; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > תולדה

  • 23 תּוֹלָדָה

    תּוֹלָדָהf. (b. h.; יָלַד) 1) birth, procreation, off spring.Pl. תּוֹלָדוֹת. Gen. R. s. 12 שלשה דברים הללו … שלש ת׳וכ׳ the following three things form the real creations of the world, and each of them delayed three days, and then produced offspring: the earth Ib. לכל יש ת׳ … יש לחן ת׳וכ׳ all things have origins (mentioned in the Bible), heaven and earth have origins Ib. כל מי שיש לו ת׳וכ׳ whatever has an origin, dies and decays, is created, but does not create, but that which has no origin does not die Num. R. s. 1412> בעת שהעמיד ת׳ during the time of his begetting children. Y.Sot.VIII, 22c bot. שלישי לת׳ ורביעיוכ׳ he was the third in the order of birth, and the fourth in the order of accession; a. fr. 2) secondary act, subspecies, opp. אב or עיקר, v. אָב II. Y.Sabb.II, 5a bot. שחיטה עיקר וחבורה ת׳ slaughtering is the primary act (forbidden on the Sabbath), and wounding is the secondary act. B. Kam.2a הך … קרי לה ת׳ an act which was essential at the building of the Tabernacle is called ab, and one which was not essential, is called toladah; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ib. מדקתני אבות מכלל דאיכא ת׳ since the Mishnah speaks of main damages, we must conclude that there are also secondary ones; תּוֹלְדוֹתֵיהֶן כיוצא בהןוכ׳ are their subspecies subject to the same laws or not? Sabb.2b הכא … תני אבות ותני ת׳וכ׳ here (Sabb.I, 1) where the main subject is the Sabbath, the Mishnah specifies the main act and the secondary acts, ; Shebu.5a; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > תּוֹלָדָה

  • 24 הכחיש

    הֶכְחֵיש, הֶכְחֵשm. ( כחש) contradiction, incongruity in details of legal evidence. Y.Yeb.XV, 15a bot. ה׳ עדות בתוך עדות an incongruity in the statements of witnesses concerning the details of the main fact to be ascertained; ה׳ עדות לאחר עדות concerning circumstances subsequent to the main fact.

    Jewish literature > הכחיש

  • 25 הכחש

    הֶכְחֵיש, הֶכְחֵשm. ( כחש) contradiction, incongruity in details of legal evidence. Y.Yeb.XV, 15a bot. ה׳ עדות בתוך עדות an incongruity in the statements of witnesses concerning the details of the main fact to be ascertained; ה׳ עדות לאחר עדות concerning circumstances subsequent to the main fact.

    Jewish literature > הכחש

  • 26 הֶכְחֵיש

    הֶכְחֵיש, הֶכְחֵשm. ( כחש) contradiction, incongruity in details of legal evidence. Y.Yeb.XV, 15a bot. ה׳ עדות בתוך עדות an incongruity in the statements of witnesses concerning the details of the main fact to be ascertained; ה׳ עדות לאחר עדות concerning circumstances subsequent to the main fact.

    Jewish literature > הֶכְחֵיש

  • 27 הֶכְחֵש

    הֶכְחֵיש, הֶכְחֵשm. ( כחש) contradiction, incongruity in details of legal evidence. Y.Yeb.XV, 15a bot. ה׳ עדות בתוך עדות an incongruity in the statements of witnesses concerning the details of the main fact to be ascertained; ה׳ עדות לאחר עדות concerning circumstances subsequent to the main fact.

    Jewish literature > הֶכְחֵש

  • 28 אאומורי

    n. Aomori, seaport city in Honshu (main island of Japan) ; Aomori prefecture

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אאומורי

  • 29 אאוסטה

    n. Aosta, main city in northwestern Italy in the Italian Alps

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אאוסטה

  • 30 אאורטה

    aorta, main artery of the body

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אאורטה

  • 31 אבלון

    n. Avalon, commercial name of several U.S. software companies; island of paradise (according to ancient Celtic legend) ; main city in the island of Santa Catalina near the coast of California; family name

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אבלון

  • 32 אוראה

    urea, main soluble and crystalline solid found in urine that can also be produced synthetically (used in the manufacturing of fertilizers, animal feed and resins)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אוראה

  • 33 ארבע ארצות

    the four main Jewish communities (in the Land of Israel; in Poland, 16-17 centuries)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > ארבע ארצות

  • 34 ארכיטרב

    architrave, main beam (Architecture)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > ארכיטרב

  • 35 בהא-הידיעה

    the, the main, the principal

    Hebrew-English dictionary > בהא-הידיעה

  • 36 ג'אווה

    java, programming language for network-based applications running on World Wide Web pages on the Internet (Computers) ; main island of Indonesia

    Hebrew-English dictionary > ג'אווה

  • 37 גבורה

    heroism, bravery, valor, prowess, might, courageousness, fortitude, braveness, mightiness, gallantry, gameness, main, bee; strength

    Hebrew-English dictionary > גבורה

  • 38 גוליבר

    n. Gulliver, Lemuel Gulliver, main character of the novel "Gulliver's Travels" (1796 novel by Jonathan Swift)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > גוליבר

  • 39 גראנד סלאם

    grand slam, winning of the main sporting events in a season; home run with bases loaded (Baseball) ; winning of all the tricks in a hand (Bridge)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > גראנד סלאם

  • 40 גרנד סלאם

    Grand Slam, winning of the main sporting events in a season

    Hebrew-English dictionary > גרנד סלאם

См. также в других словарях:

  • main — main …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • MAIN — La main, organe de préhension et récepteur sensitif important, est l’apanage des Primates et de l’homme. En vérité, la main humaine possède une signification particulière, car elle se trouve à l’extrémité du membre supérieur qui est libéré des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Main — Karte des Mainverlaufs Daten Gewässerkennzahl …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • main — Main, f. monosyl. Manus. l Espagnol et l Italien le disent de mesmes, Mano. La main dextre, Dextera, vel Dextra. La main senestre ou gauche, Laeua, Sinistra. Main chargée et pleine de quelque chose, Grauis manus. La main est toute engourdie et… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Main FM — Allgemeine Informationen Empfang früher: analog terrestrisch, Kabel …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Main — (m[=a]n), a. [From {Main} strength, possibly influenced by OF. maine, magne, great, L. magnus. Cf. {Magnate}.] 1. Very or extremely strong. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] That current with main fury ran. Daniel. [1913 Webster] 2. Vast; huge. [Obs.] The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Main — Main, n. [AS. m[ae]gen strength, power, force; akin to OHG. magan, Icel. megin, and to E. may, v. [root]103. See {May}, v.] 1. Strength; force; might; violent effort. [Obs., except in certain phrases.] [1913 Webster] There were in this battle of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Main — der; [e]s: rechter Nebenfluss des Rheins. * * * I Main   [dt. »Haupt «], die Hauptfunktion in einem C bzw. C++ Programm (C, C++). Jedes C bzw. C++ Programm muss genau eine solche Funktion enthalten, von der ausgehend der weitere Ablauf des Progr …   Universal-Lexikon

  • main — [mān] n. [ME < OE mægen, akin to ON magn: see MIGHT2] 1. physical strength; force; power: now only in with might and main, with all one s strength, with all one s strength 2. [< MAIN the adj.] the principal or most important part or point:… …   English World dictionary

  • main — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ chief in size or importance. ► NOUN 1) a principal water or gas pipe or electricity cable. 2) (the mains) Brit. public water, gas, or electricity supply through pipes or cables. 3) (the main) archaic or literary the open ocean …   English terms dictionary

  • main — (m[=a]n), n. [F. main hand, L. manus. See {Manual}.] 1. A hand or match at dice. Prior. Thackeray. [1913 Webster] 2. A stake played for at dice. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. The largest throw in a match at dice; a throw at dice within given… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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