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со всех языков на русский


  • 41 П-549

    ПРИСУТСТВИЕ ДУХА NP sing only fixed WO
    the ability to remain levelheaded, in command of one's thoughts and actions ( esp. under stressful, dangerous etc circumstances)
    presence of mind
    сохранять присутствие духа (не терять присутствия духа) - remain (be) calm and collected
    maintain one's composure.
    (Надежда Антоновна:) Я надеюсь, что у тебя достанет присутствия духа выслушать меня хладнокровно (Островский 4). (N.A.:) I hope that you will have enough presence of mind to listen calmly to what I have to tell you... (4a).
    По ночам я кричала. В ту зиму я начала кричать страшным нечеловеческим криком... А О. М(андельштам) упорно не терял присутствия духа и продолжал шутить (Мандельштам 1). That winter I began shouting in my sleep at night. It was an awful, inhuman cry....But M(andelstam) was as calm and collected as ever, and went on joking to the end (1a).
    Привязав лошадь у Нюриной калитки, председатель Голубев поднялся на крыльцо. Нельзя сказать, чтобы он при этом сохранял полное присутствие духа, скорее наоборот, он входил в Нюрин дом, испытывая примерно такое волнение, как входя к первому секретарю райкома (Войнович 2). Chairman Golubev tied his horse to Nyura's gate and climbed up to the porch. It cannot be said he maintained complete composure, quite the contrary, he was entering Nyura's house with the same sort of trepidation he'd experienced when going in to see the First Secretary of the District Committee (2a).
    Loan translation of the French presence de sprit.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-549

  • 42 П-585

    (О) СВЯТАЯ ПРОСТОТА! Ilnterj these forms only often used when responding to the interlocutor's statement, suggestion etc) how naive ycu are (he is etc): (oh,) blessed innocence oh holy simplicity!
    «Значит, надо обязательно обманывать кого-то?» - «О святая простота!» - говорит Юрка... (Михайловская 1). "Does that mean that deception is necessary?" "Oh, blessed innocence," says Yuri.. (1a)
    The Russian phrase is a loan translation of the Latin sancta simplicitas. The use of the Latin phrase in this meaning is attributed to Jan Hus (John Huss), a Bohemian religious reformer (13707-1415)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-585

  • 43 Р-233

    РУКА РУКУ МОЕТ (saying) two parties cover for or assist each other in certain matters (which are, or are considered by the speaker to be, dishonest, reprehensible, undesirable etc): — one hand washes the other you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours you (they etc) all look after each other (one another) honor among thieves.
    "...Все они зажиточные. Каждый имеет свой домик, свою бабу со всяким удовольствием... Половина из них баптисты. Сам хозяин (завода) - проповедник у них, ну, и рука руку моет...» (Шолохов 2). "...They're all comfortably off. Every one of them has his own house, his wife, and all they could wish for.... Half of 'em are Baptists. The owner (of the factory) himself is a preacher, so they all look after each other..." (2a).
    «Ты что, лавочку здесь собрал? Рука руку моет, да? По тюрьме соскучился? Ты мне арапа не заправляй, не таких обламывали!» (Максимов 3). "So you've got a gang of crooks here? Honor among thieves? Can't wait to go to prison, is that it? I'm warning you, don't try to take me for a ride, we've had tougher ones than you to handle" (3a)
    Loan translation of the Latin manus manum lavat.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-233

  • 44 Р-395

    РЫЦАРЬ БЕЗ СТРАХА И УПРЁКА lit, elev NP usu. sing fixed WO
    a courageous man with high morals
    knight without fear and without reproach (blemish)
    daring and irreproachable chevalier sans peur et sans reproche.
    (authors usage) Захару было за пятьдесят лет. Он был уже не прямой потомок тех русских Калебов, рыцарей лакейской, без страха и упрёка, исполненных преданности к господам до самозабвения, которые отличались всеми добродетелями и не имели никаких пороков (Гончаров 1). Zakhar was over fifty years old. He was not one of those direct descendants of the Russian Calebs, knights of the servants' hall, without fear, without reproach, endowed with every virtue, immune to every vice, and replete with selfless devotion to their masters (1b).
    Рыцарь без страха и упрёка, географ шел... против всех с открытым забралом, разгневанно (Соколов 1)....Daring and irreproachable, the geographer moved openly against everyone, infuriated (1a).
    Loan translation of the French chevalier sans peur et sans reproche, a description in contemporary chronicles of the French knight Pierre Terrail, Seigneur de Bayard (1473-1524).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-395

  • 45 С-110

    СЕКРЕТ ПОЛИШИНЕЛЯ NP sing only fixed WO
    a secret that actually is known to all
    open secret
    widely known secret.
    Loan translation of the French secret de polichinelle.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-110

  • 46 С-151

    ЗОЛОТАЯ СЕРЕДИНА NP sing only fixed WO
    a middle position, policy etc that falls between extremes
    the golden mean
    happy medium.
    «Есть золотое правило: не лезь в первые, не оставайся последним. Потому что спереди бьют в лоб, а сзади пинают в крестец. Спокойнее всего посередине. Потому и называется -золотая середина» (Копелев 1). "There's a golden rule: don't push to be first and don't be left last. Because in front they hit you in the forehead and behind they kick you in the ass. It's best in the middle. That's why they call it the golden mean" (1a).
    Loan translation of the Latin aurea mediocritas, used by Horace (65-8 B.C.).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-151

  • 47 С-470

    ВАРИТЬСЯ В СОБСТВЕННОМ СОКУ coll VP subj: human to live, work etc alone or within a very small circle of people, often being deprived of the opportunity to confer with others or benefit from their experience
    X варится в собственном соку - X is left to his own resources
    X is cut off from his colleagues (fellow NPs) etc).
    После окончания института молодой врач попал в маленькую сельскую больницу, где он варился в собственном соку, не имея возможности ни с кем посоветоваться. After graduating from medical school the young doctor ended up in a small country hospital, where he was left to his own resources, without anyone to consult with.
    В больнице теперь были новые правила: всех иностранцев перевели на один этаж, чтобы изолировать от «отечественных» больных. Только выходившие гулять в сад могли перекинуться словом с русским. Это раздражало иностранцев, варившихся в собственном соку (Аллилуева 2). ( context transl) The hospital had new rules now
    all foreigners had been moved to one floor, so as to isolate them from "native" patients. Only those who went for walks in the garden could exchange a few words with Russians. This annoyed the foreigners, who got tired of each other's company (2a).
    Apparently a loan translation (but with a different sense) of the French cuire dans son jus or the English "to stew in one's own juice." Both the French and the English idioms mean "to suffer the unpleasant consequences of one's own foolish actions."

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-470

  • 48 Ч-202

    СИНИЙ ЧУЛОК disapprov or derog NP fixed WO
    a woman who is absorbed exclusively in scholarly interests (and usu. devoid of femininity)
    "...Она презирает меня, я знаю. Нина - синий чулок. Я не ставлю ей это в вину, уважаю её стремления, она общественница, это хорошо, прекрасно! Но не все созданы такими» (Рыбаков 2). "She despises me, I know, because she's a bluestocking, but I don't mind. I admire her ambition. She's socially minded and that's good, that's wonderful. But we're not all made the same way" (2a).
    Loan translation of the English "bluestocking."

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-202

  • 49 Ю-3

    ЮMOP ВИСЕЛЬНИКА iron NP fixed WO
    gloomy humor, jokes, witticisms of a person in a difficult and inescapable situation
    gallows humor.
    Loan translation of the German Galgenhumor.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ю-3

  • 50 вернемся к нашим баранам

    [sent; Invar; fixed WO]
    let us return to the main topic of our conversation (used as a request to the interlocutor not to digress from the main topic; also used by the speaker to indicate a return to the main topic):
    - let's get back to the subject < the matter> at hand;
    - let's get back on track.
    ← Loan translation of the French revenons a ces moutons or retoumons a nos moutons ("let us return to our sheep"), from the medieval farce Maistre Pierre Pathelin.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вернемся к нашим баранам

  • 51 башня из слоновой кости

    [NP; sing only; usu. obj; fixed WO]
    a place or state of isolation from the realities of life, esp. a preoccupation with remote intellectual pursuits rather than worldly affairs:
    - ivory tower.
         ♦ Думать, что в башне из слоновой кости он [Пастернак] охранял свое олимпийское спокойствие, - это абсурд (Ивинская 1). It is absurd to imagine that he [Pasternak] sat in an ivory tower, preserving an Olympian calm (la).
    ← Loan translation of the French tour d'ivoire.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > башня из слоновой кости

  • 52 соломенная вдова

    a person who is temporarily separated from or not living with his or her spouse:
    - grass widower (widow).
    ← Loan translation of the German Strohwitwer, Strohwitwe.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > соломенная вдова

  • 53 соломенный вдовец

    a person who is temporarily separated from or not living with his or her spouse:
    - grass widower (widow).
    ← Loan translation of the German Strohwitwer, Strohwitwe.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > соломенный вдовец

  • 54 вещь в себе

    [NP; usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: abstr, concr, or-by extension-human); fixed WO]
    (of phenomena which are) unfathomable to the human mind; by extension (of a person whose personality, mindset etc is) enigmatic, difficult to understand:
    - thing-in-itself < things-in-themselves>;
    - closed book.
    ← Loan translation of the German Ding an sich (from Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, 1781).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вещь в себе

  • 55 в мутной воде рыбу ловить

    [VP; subj: human; often infin with пытаться, любить, хватит etc]
    to take advantage of a troubled situation or s.o.'s difficulties:
    - X в мутной воде рыбу ловит X fishes in troubled waters.
         ♦ [Золотилов:] Взгляни ты на себя... Ты изнурён, ты кашляешь, и кашляешь нехорошо... К нам отовсюду доходят слухи, что ты пьёшь... Я убежден, что эта госпожа поддерживает в тебе эту несчастную наклонность, чтобы ловчей в мутной воде рыбу ловить (Писемский 1). [Z.:] Just look at yourself.... You are worn out: you are coughing, and coughing like a sick man....Rumors come to us from all quarters that you are drinking....I am also convinced that this woman encourages you in this unfortunate weakness, because it is easier to fish in troubled waters (1a).
    ← Loan translation of the French pecher en eau trouble.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в мутной воде рыбу ловить

  • 56 волей-неволей

    [AdvP; Invar; adv]
    regardless of whether desired or not:
    - have no choice but to...
         ♦ Марлен Михайлович... знал, что звуки, исторгнутые "Видным лицом", волей-неволей нарушат общее молчание... (Аксёнов 7). Не [Marlen Mikhailovich] knew that the Important Personage, by producing the slightest sound, would willy-nilly break the others' silence... (7a).
         ♦ Волей-неволей ему [Кузьме] приходилось... постоянно думать об одном и том же: где достать деньги? (Распутин 1). Like it or not, he [Kuzma] was forced to think of only one thing: where could he get money? (1a).
         ♦...Она [Анисья] не управится одна, и Агафья Матвеевна, волей-неволей, сама работает на кухне... (Гончаров 1). She [Anisya] could not manage alone, and Agafya Matveyevna had no choice but to work in the kitchen herself... (1b).
    ← Loan translation of the Latin volens nolens, which is also used in Russian both in its Latin form and in transliteration.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > волей-неволей

  • 57 вопрос жизни и смерти

    [NP; usu. sing; fixed WO]
    an extremely important matter:
    - (matter) of utmost importance.
         ♦ "Знаете, Саша, - с сердцем возразил Борис, - ссыльных устроил сюда [в столовую "Заготпушнины"] я. Теперь мне, конечно, наплевать, я уезжаю. Но для тех, кто остаётся, это вопрос жизни и смерти" (Рыбаков 2). "Look, Sasha," Boris objected vehemently, "I arranged it so the exiles could come in here [to the Fur Procurement Trust Canteen]. Now that I'm going, it doesn't affect me, of course, but for those who are staying here, it's a matter of life and death" (2a).
    ← Loan translation of the French question de vie et de mort.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вопрос жизни и смерти

  • 58 вопрос жизни или смерти

    [NP; usu. sing; fixed WO]
    an extremely important matter:
    - (matter) of utmost importance.
         ♦ "Знаете, Саша, - с сердцем возразил Борис, - ссыльных устроил сюда [в столовую "Заготпушнины"] я. Теперь мне, конечно, наплевать, я уезжаю. Но для тех, кто остаётся, это вопрос жизни и смерти" (Рыбаков 2). "Look, Sasha," Boris objected vehemently, "I arranged it so the exiles could come in here [to the Fur Procurement Trust Canteen]. Now that I'm going, it doesn't affect me, of course, but for those who are staying here, it's a matter of life and death" (2a).
    ← Loan translation of the French question de vie et de mort.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вопрос жизни или смерти

  • 59 ворона в павлиньих перьях

    [NP; usu. sing; often subj-compl with copula, nom or instrum (subj: human); fixed WO]
    a person who tries in vain to appear better or more important than he is in reality:
    - jay (jackdaw) in peacocks feathers (plumes).
    ← (?) Loan translation of the French "Le Geai pare des plumes du paon" (title of La Fontaine's fable). It came into widespread usage through Ivan Krylov's fable "The Crow" (" Ворона"), 1825.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ворона в павлиньих перьях

  • 60 время работает

    [VPsubj; fixed WO]
    the passing of time will benefit s.o.'s situation, cause etc; after a time s.o. will win out, prove himself correct etc:
    - время работает на X-a time is on X's side;
    - X has time on his side.
         ♦ В ближайшие месяцы все выяснится, время работает на нас... (Искандер 6). In a very few months we shall see for ourselves; time is on our side... (6a).
    ← Apparently, a partial loan translation of the English phrase "time is on our side."

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > время работает

См. также в других словарях:

  • loan translation — n. CALQUE …   English World dictionary

  • loan translation — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms loan translation : singular loan translation plural loan translations linguistics a word or expression used in a language that has been translated from another language …   English dictionary

  • loan translation — noun an expression introduced into one language by translating it from another language superman is a calque for the German Ubermensch • Syn: ↑calque, ↑calque formation • Hypernyms: ↑saying, ↑expression, ↑locution * * * ˈloan tra …   Useful english dictionary

  • loan translation — loan′ transla tion n. 1) ling. a compound word or expression formed by translation of each of the elements of a compound from another language, as gospel (Old English gōdspell) from Greek euangélion“good news” 2) ling. the process whereby such a… …   From formal English to slang

  • loan translation — /ˈloʊn trænzleɪʃən/ (say lohn tranzlayshuhn) noun Linguistics a form of borrowing from one language to another whereby the semantic equivalent of a term or grammatical structure in one language is given a literal translation in the other, as blue …  

  • loan translation — noun Date: 1917 a compound, derivative, or phrase that is introduced into a language through translation of the constituents of a term in another language (as superman from German Übermensch) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • loan translation — 1. the process whereby a compound word or expression is created by literal translation of each of the elements of a compound word or expression in another language, as marriage of convenience from French mariage de convenance. 2. a word or… …   Universalium

  • loan translation — n. calque, word or expression introduced to one language as a direct literal translation from another language …   English contemporary dictionary

  • loan translation — noun The borrowing of components of a foreign language word and translating them literally Syn: calque …   Wiktionary

  • loan translation — noun an expression adopted by one language from another in a more or less literally translated form …   English new terms dictionary

  • loan — (n.) mid 13c., from O.N. lan, related to lja to lend, from P.Gmc. *laikhwniz (Cf. O.Fris. len thing lent, M.Du. lene, Du. leen loan, fief, O.H.G. lehan, Ger. Lehn fief, feudal tenure ), originally to let have, to leave (to someone), from PIE *lei …   Etymology dictionary

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