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См. также в других словарях:

  • lactate — [ laktat ] n. m. • 1787; de lact(o) et ate ♦ Chim. Sel ou ester de l acide lactique. Lactate d argent, de calcium, de fer. ● lactate nom masculin Sel ou ester de l acide lactique. lactate n. m. CHIM Sel ou ester de l acide lactique. ⇒LACTATE,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lactate — Lac tate, n. [L. lac, lactis, milk: cf. F. lactate.] (Chem.) A salt of lactic acid. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lactate — may refer to:*The act of Lactation *A salt or ester of lactic acid …   Wikipedia

  • Lactate — Lactate,   Singular Lactat das, s, Salze oder Ester der Milchsäure …   Universal-Lexikon

  • lactate — ► VERB ▪ (of a female mammal) secrete milk. ORIGIN Latin lactare suckle …   English terms dictionary

  • lactate — [lak′tāt΄] vi. lactated, lactating [< L lactatus, pp. of lactare, secrete milk, suckle < lac: see LACTO ] to secrete milk n. 1. a salt of lactic acid containing the monovalent, negative radical C3H5O3 2. an uncharged ester of lactic acid …   English World dictionary

  • Lactate — Acide lactique Acide lactique   …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lactate — Strukturformel des D Lactat Ions. Strukturformel des L La …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • LACTATE — n. m. T. de Chimie Sel produit par la combinaison de l’acide lactique avec une base. Lactate de fer. Lactate de chaux …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • lactate — 1. A salt or ester of lactic acid. 2. To produce milk in the mammary glands. l. dehydrogenase (LDH) name for a number of enzymes, including: l l. dehydrogenase (cytochrome), d l. dehydrogenase ( …   Medical dictionary

  • lactate — {{11}}lactate (n.) 1794, from stem of LACTIC (Cf. lactic) + ATE (Cf. ate) (1). {{12}}lactate (v.) secrete milk from the breasts, 1889, probably a back formation from LACTATION (Cf. lactation). Related: Lactated; lactating …   Etymology dictionary

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