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с английского на словенский


  • 1 čelò

    čelò Grammatical information: n. o Accent paradigm: b Proto-Slavic meaning: `forehead'
    Page in Trubačev: IV 45-47
    Old Church Slavic:
    čelo `forehead' [n o]
    čelo `forehead, front' [n o]
    čelo `forehead, front' [n o]
    czoɫo `forehead, front' [n o]
    čèlo `forehead' [n o];
    Čak. čelȍ (Vrgada) `forehead' [n o];
    Čak. čelȍ (Novi) `forehead' [n o], čȅla [Nom p];
    Čak. čelȍ (Hvar) `forehead' [n o], čelȁ [Nom p];
    Čak. čelȍ (Orbanići) `forehead, brow' [n o], čiẽla [Nom p]
    čélọ `forehead, front' [n o]
    čeló `forehead' [n o]
    Page in Pokorny: 544
    Comments: A neuter o-stem derived from * kelH- `lift'.

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > čelò

  • 2 kolě̀no

    kolě̀no Grammatical information: n. o Accent paradigm: a Proto-Slavic meaning: `knee'
    Page in Trubačev: X 132-134
    Old Church Slavic:
    kolěno `knee' [n o]
    koléno `knee' [n o]
    koleno `knee, generation' [n o]
    koleno `knee, (arch.) generation' [n o]
    kolano `knee' [n o]
    kòljeno `knee, joint' [n o];
    Čak. kolȉno (Vrgada) `knee, joint' [n o];
    Čak. kolȅno (Novi, Orbanići) `knee' [n o]
    kolẹ́nọ `knee, generation, origin' [n o]
    koljáno `knee, generation, origin' [n o]
    kẽlis `knee' [m io]
    celis `knee' [m io]
    Comments: As to the etymology of the root, there are two candidates, viz. *kelH- `rise, raise, lift' and *kʷel(H)- `turn, rotate'. I prefer the former option for semantic reasons. The connection with Gk. κω̃λον `limb', which cannot reflect an initial labiovelar, is hardly secure enough to serve as a formal argument.

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > kolě̀no

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Élections législatives de 2007 en île-de-france — Liste des candidats à la députation en Île de France en juin 2007. Sommaire 1 Paris (75) 2 Liste des députés de Seine et Marne (77) 2.1 1re circonscription …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • klati — klȁti (koga, što) nesvrš. <prez. kȍljēm, imp. kòlji, pril. sad. kȍljūći, prid. rad. klȁo/klȁla ž, prid. trp. klȃn, gl. im. klánje> DEFINICIJA 1. ubijati presijecanjem grkljana [klati ovcu; klati svinju] 2. pren. jako peći, tištiti, gnjaviti …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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