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  • 101 masses

    كَمِّيَّة كَبيرة مِن \ a good deal, a great deal: a lot: He has a great deal of money. masses: a lot: I’ve got masses of work to finish. much: (it should be used: (a) only with nu. nouns; use many for nc. nouns; (b) in negative sentences or questions; (c) in statements only when it describes the subject or when it follows how, too, so or as; in other statements use a lot, plenty of, a good deal of) a large amount of: We haven’t much food. Much money was spent on repairs. You eat too much sugar.

    Arabic-English glossary > masses

  • 102 much

    كَمِّيَّة كَبيرة مِن \ a good deal, a great deal: a lot: He has a great deal of money. masses: a lot: I’ve got masses of work to finish. much: (it should be used: (a) only with nu. nouns; use many for nc. nouns; (b) in negative sentences or questions; (c) in statements only when it describes the subject or when it follows how, too, so or as; in other statements use a lot, plenty of, a good deal of) a large amount of: We haven’t much food. Much money was spent on repairs. You eat too much sugar.

    Arabic-English glossary > much

  • 103 дистанционное техническое обслуживание

    1. remote sevice
    2. remote maintenance


    дистанционное техническое обслуживание
    Техническое обслуживание объекта, проводимое под управлением персонала без его непосредственного присутствия.
    [ОСТ 45.152-99 ]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU из ABB Review. Перевод компании Интент

    Service from afar

    Дистанционный сервис

    ABB’s Remote Service concept is revolutionizing the robotics industry

    Разработанная АББ концепция дистанционного обслуживания Remote Service революционизирует робототехнику

    ABB robots are found in industrial applications everywhere – lifting, packing, grinding and welding, to name a few. Robust and tireless, they work around the clock and are critical to a company’s productivity. Thus, keeping these robots in top shape is essential – any failure can lead to serious output consequences. But what happens when a robot malfunctions?

    Роботы АББ используются во всех отраслях промышленности для перемещения грузов, упаковки, шлифовки, сварки – всего и не перечислить. Надежные и неутомимые работники, способные трудиться день и ночь, они представляют большую ценность для владельца. Поэтому очень важно поддерживать их в надлежащей состоянии, ведь любой отказ может иметь серьезные последствия. Но что делать, если робот все-таки сломался?

    ABB’s new Remote Service concept holds the answer: This approach enables a malfunctioning robot to alarm for help itself. An ABB service engineer then receives whole diagnostic information via wireless technology, analyzes the data on a Web site and responds with support in just minutes. This unique service is paying off for customers and ABB alike, and in the process is revolutionizing service thinking.

    Ответом на этот вопрос стала новая концепция Remote Service от АББ, согласно которой неисправный робот сам просит о помощи. C помощью беспроводной технологии специалист сервисной службы АББ получает всю необходимую диагностическую информацию, анализирует данные на web-сайте и через считанные минуты выдает рекомендации по устранению отказа. Эта уникальная возможность одинаково ценна как для заказчиков, так и для самой компании АББ. В перспективе она способна в корне изменить весь подход к организации технического обслуживания.

    Every minute of production downtime can have financially disastrous consequences for a company. Traditional reactive service is no longer sufficient since on-site service engineer visits also demand great amounts of time and money. Thus, companies not only require faster help from the service organization when needed but they also want to avoid disturbances in production.

    Каждая минута простоя производства может привести к губительным финансовым последствиям. Традиционная организация сервиса, предусматривающая ликвидацию возникающих неисправностей, становится все менее эффективной, поскольку вызов сервисного инженера на место эксплуатации робота сопряжен с большими затратами времени и денег. Предприятия требуют от сервисной организации не только более быстрого оказания помощи, но и предотвращения возможных сбоев производства.

    In 2006, ABB developed a new approach to better meet customer’s expectations: Using the latest technologies to reach the robots at customer sites around the world, ABB could support them remotely in just minutes, thereby reducing the need for site visits. Thus the new Remote Service concept was quickly brought to fruition and was launched in mid-2007. Statistics show that by using the system the majority of production stoppages can be avoided.

    В 2006 г. компания АББ разработала новый подход к удовлетворению ожиданий своих заказчиков. Использование современных технологий позволяет специалистам АББ получать информацию от роботов из любой точки мира и в считанные минуты оказывать помощь дистанционно, в результате чего сокращается количество выездов на место установки. Запущенная в середине 2007 г. концепция Remote Service быстро себя оправдала. Статистика показывает, что её применение позволило предотвратить большое число остановок производства.

    Reactive maintenance The hardware that makes ABB Remote Service possible consists of a communication unit, which has a function similar to that of an airplane’s so-called black box 1. This “service box” is connected to the robot’s control system and can read and transmit diagnostic information. The unit not only reads critical diagnostic information that enables immediate support in the event of a failure, but also makes it possible to monitor and analyze the robot’s condition, thereby proactively detecting the need for maintenance.

    Устранение возникающих неисправностей Аппаратное устройство, с помощью которого реализуется концепция Remote Service, представляет собой коммуникационный блок, работающий аналогично черному ящику самолета (рис. 1). Этот блок считывает диагностические данные из контроллера робота и передает их по каналу GSM. Считывается не только информация, необходимая для оказания немедленной помощи в случае отказа, но и сведения, позволяющие контролировать и анализировать состояние робота для прогнозирования неисправностей и планирования технического обслуживания.

    If the robot breaks down, the service box immediately stores the status of the robot, its historical data (as log files), and diagnostic parameters such as temperature and power supply. Equipped with a built-in modem and using the GSM network, the box transmits the data to a central server for analysis and presentation on a dedicated Web site. Alerts are automatically sent to the nearest of ABB’s 1,200 robot service engineers who then accesses the detailed data and error log to analyze the problem.

    При поломке робота сервисный блок немедленно сохраняет данные о его состоянии, сведения из рабочего журнала, а также значения диагностических параметров (температура и характеристики питания). Эти данные передаются встроенным GSM-модемом на центральный сервер для анализа и представления на соответствующем web-сайте. Аварийные сообщения автоматически пересылаются ближайшему к месту аварии одному из 1200 сервисных инженеров-робототехников АББ, который получает доступ к детальной информации и журналу аварий для анализа возникшей проблемы.

    A remotely based ABB engineer can then quickly identify the exact fault, offering rapid customer support. For problems that cannot be solved remotely, the service engineer can arrange for quick delivery of spare parts and visit the site to repair the robot. Even if the engineer must make a site visit, service is faster, more efficient and performed to a higher standard than otherwise possible.

    Специалист АББ может дистанционно идентифицировать отказ и оказать быструю помощь заказчику. Если неисправность не может быть устранена дистанционно, сервисный инженер организовывает доставку запасных частей и выезд ремонтной бригады. Даже если необходимо разрешение проблемы на месте, предшествующая дистанционная диагностика позволяет минимизировать объем работ и сократить время простоя.

    Remote Service enables engineers to “talk” to robots remotely and to utilize tools that enable smart, fast and automatic analysis. The system is based on a machine-to-machine (M2M) concept, which works automatically, requiring human input only for analysis and personalized customer recommendations. ABB was recognized for this innovative solution at the M2M United Conference in Chicago in 2008 Factbox.

    Remote Service позволяет инженерам «разговаривать» с роботами на расстоянии и предоставляет в их распоряжение интеллектуальные средства быстрого автоматизированного анализа. Система основана на основе технологии автоматической связи машины с машиной (M2M), где участие человека сводится к анализу данных и выдаче рекомендаций клиенту. В 2008 г. это инновационное решение от АББ получило приз на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго (см. вставку).

    Proactive maintenance 
    Remote Service also allows ABB engineers to monitor and detect potential problems in the robot system and opens up new possibilities for proactive maintenance.

    Прогнозирование неисправностей
    Remote Service позволяет инженерам АББ дистанционно контролировать состояние роботов и прогнозировать возможные неисправности, что открывает новые возможности по организации профилактического обслуживания.

    The service box regularly takes condition measurements. By monitoring key parameters over time, Remote Service can identify potential failures and when necessary notify both the end customer and the appropriate ABB engineer. The management and storage of full system backups is a very powerful service to help recover from critical situations caused, for example, by operator errors.

    Сервисный блок регулярно выполняет диагностические измерения. Непрерывно контролируя ключевые параметры, Remote Service может распознать потенциальные опасности и, при необходимости, оповещать владельца оборудования и соответствующего специалиста АББ. Резервирование данных для возможного отката является мощным средством, обеспечивающим восстановление системы в критических ситуациях, например, после ошибки оператора.

    The first Remote Service installation took place in the automotive industry in the United States and quickly proved its value. The motherboard in a robot cabinet overheated and the rise in temperature triggered an alarm via Remote Service. Because of the alarm, engineers were able to replace a faulty fan, preventing a costly production shutdown.

    Первая система Remote Service была установлена на автозаводе в США и очень скоро была оценена по достоинству. Она обнаружила перегрев материнской платы в шкафу управления роботом и передала сигнал о превышении допустимой температуры, благодаря чему инженеры смогли заменить неисправный вентилятор и предотвратить дорогостоящую остановку производства.

    MyRobot: 24-hour remote access

    Having regular access to a robot’s condition data is also essential to achieving lean production. At any time, from any location, customers can verify their robots’ status and access maintenance information and performance reports simply by logging in to ABB’s MyRobot Web site. The service enables customers to easily compare performances, identify bottlenecks or developing issues, and initiate the most

    Сайт MyRobot: круглосуточный дистанционный доступ
    Для того чтобы обеспечить бесперебойное производство, необходимо иметь регулярный доступ к информации о состоянии робота. Зайдя на соответствующую страницу сайта MyRobot компании АББ, заказчики получат все необходимые данные, включая сведения о техническом обслуживании и отчеты о производительности своего робота. Эта услуга позволяет легко сравнивать данные о производительности, обнаруживать возможные проблемы, а также оптимизировать планирование технического обслуживания и модернизации. С помощью MyRobot можно значительно увеличить выпуск продукции и уменьшить количество выбросов.

    Award-winning solution
    In June 2008, the innovative Remote Service solution won the Gold Value Chain award at the M2M United Conference in Chicago. The value chain award honors successful corporate adopters of M2M (machine–to-machine) technology and highlights the process of combining multiple technologies to deliver high-quality services to customers. ABB won in the categoryof Smart Services.

    Приз за удачное решение
    В июне 2008 г. инновационное решение Remote Service получило награду Gold Value Chain (Золотая цепь) на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго. «Золотая цепь» присуждается за успешное масштабное внедрение технологии M2M (машина – машина), а также за достижения в объединении различных технологий для предоставления высококачественных услуг заказчикам. АББ одержала победу в номинации «Интеллектуальный сервис».

    Case study: Tetley Tetley GB Ltd is the world’s second-largest manufacturer and distributor of tea. The company’s manufacturing and distribution business is spread across 40 countries and sells over 60 branded tea bags. Tetley’s UK tea production facility in Eaglescliffe, County Durham is the sole producer of Tetley tea bags 2.

    Пример применения: Tetley Компания TetleyGB Ltd является вторым по величине мировым производителем и поставщиком чая. Производственные и торговые филиалы компании имеются в 40 странах, а продукция распространяется под 60 торговыми марками. Чаеразвесочная фабрика в Иглсклифф, графство Дарем, Великобритания – единственный производитель чая Tetley в пакетиках (рис. 2).

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which can help extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the cost of automated production.

    Предлагаемые АББ контракты на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и общую стоимость автоматизированного производства.

    Robots in the plant’s production line were tripping alarms and delaying the whole production cycle. The spurious alarms resulted in much unnecessary downtime that was spent resetting the robots in the hope that another breakdown could be avoided. Each time an alarm was tripped, several hours of production time was lost. “It was for this reason that we were keen to try out ABB’s Remote Service agreement,” said Colin Trevor, plant maintenance manager.

    Установленные в технологической линии роботы выдавали аварийные сигналы, задерживающие выполнение производственного цикла. Ложные срабатывания вынуждали перезапускать роботов в надежде предотвратить возможные отказы, в результате чего после каждого аварийного сигнала производство останавливалось на несколько часов. «Именно поэтому мы решили попробовать заключить с АББ контракт на дистанционное техническое обслуживание», – сказал Колин Тревор, начальник технической службы фабрики.

    To prevent future disruptions caused by unplanned downtime, Tetley signed an ABB Response Package service agreement, which included installing a service box and system infrastructure into the robot control systems. Using the Remote Service solution, ABB remotely monitors and collects data on the “wear and tear” and productivity of the robotic cells; this data is then shared with the customer and contributes to smooth-running production cycles.

    Для предотвращения ущерба в результате незапланированных простоев Tetley заключила с АББ контракт на комплексное обслуживание Response Package, согласно которому системы управления роботами были дооборудованы сервисными блоками с необходимой инфраструктурой. С помощью Remote Service компания АББ дистанционно собирает данные о наработке, износе и производительности роботизированных модулей. Эти данные предоставляются заказчику для оптимизации загрузки производственного оборудования.

    Higher production uptime
    Since the implementation of Remote Service, Tetley has enjoyed greatly reduced robot downtime, with no further disruptions caused by unforeseen problems. “The Remote Service package has dramatically changed the plant,” said Trevor. “We no longer have breakdown issues throughout the shift, helping us to achieve much longer periods of robot uptime. As we have learned, world-class manufacturing facilities need world-class support packages. Remote monitoring of our robots helps us to maintain machine uptime, prevent costly downtime and ensures my employees can be put to more valuable use.”

    Увеличение полезного времени
    С момента внедрения Remote Service компания Tetley была приятно удивлена резким сокращением простоя роботов и отсутствием незапланированных остановок производства. «Пакет Remote Service резко изменил ситуацию на предприятии», – сказал Тревор. «Мы избавились от простоев роботов и смогли резко увеличить их эксплуатационную готовность. Мы поняли, что для производственного оборудования мирового класса необходим сервисный пакет мирового класса. Дистанционный контроль роботов помогает нам поддерживать их в рабочем состоянии, предотвращать дорогостоящие простои и задействовать наш персонал для выполнения более важных задач».

    Service access
    Remote Service is available worldwide, connecting more than 500 robots. Companies that have up to 30 robots are often good candidates for the Remote Service offering, as they usually have neither the engineers nor the requisite skills to deal with robotics faults themselves. Larger companies are also enthusiastic about Remote Service, as the proactive services will improve the lifetime of their equipment and increase overall production uptime.

    Доступность сервиса
    Сеть Remote Service охватывает более 700 роботов по всему миру. Потенциальными заказчиками Remote Service являются компании, имеющие до 30 роботов, но не имеющие инженеров и техников, способных самостоятельно устранять их неисправности. Интерес к Remote Service проявляют и более крупные компании, поскольку они заинтересованы в увеличении срока службы и эксплуатационной готовности производственного оборудования.

    In today’s competitive environment, business profitability often relies on demanding production schedules that do not always leave time for exhaustive or repeated equipment health checks. ABB’s Remote Service agreements are designed to monitor its customers’ robots to identify when problems are likely to occur and ensure that help is dispatched before the problem can escalate. In over 60 percent of ABB’s service calls, its robots can be brought back online remotely, without further intervention.

    В условиях современной конкуренции окупаемость бизнеса часто зависит от соблюдения жестких графиков производства, не оставляющих времени для полномасштабных или периодических проверок исправности оборудования. Контракт Remote Service предусматривает мониторинг состояния роботов заказчика для прогнозирования возможных неисправностей и принятие мер по их предотвращению. В более чем 60 % случаев для устранения неисправности достаточно дистанционной консультации в сервисной службе АББ, дальнейшего вмешательства не требуется.

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which helps extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the total cost of ownership. With four new packages available – Support, Response, Maintenance and Warranty, each backed up by ABB’s Remote Service technology – businesses can minimize the impact of unplanned downtime and achieve improved production-line efficiency.

    Компания АББ предлагает гибкий выбор контрактов на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, которые позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и эксплуатационные расходы. Четыре новых пакета на основе технологии Remote Service Support, Response, Maintenance и Warranty – позволяют минимизировать внеплановые простои и значительно повысить эффективность производства.

    The benefits of Remote Sevice are clear: improved availability, fewer service visits, lower maintenance costs and maximized total cost of ownership. This unique service sets ABB apart from its competitors and is the beginning of a revolution in service thinking. It provides ABB with a great opportunity to improve customer access to its expertise and develop more advanced services worldwide.

    Преимущества дистанционного технического обслуживания очевидны: повышенная надежность, уменьшение выездов ремонтных бригад, уменьшение затрат на обслуживание и общих эксплуатационных расходов. Эта уникальная услуга дает компании АББ преимущества над конкурентами и демонстрирует революционный подход к организации сервиса. Благодаря ей компания АББ расширяет доступ заказчиков к опыту своих специалистов и получает возможность более эффективного оказания технической помощи по всему миру.


    • тех. обсл. и ремонт средств электросвязи

    Обобщающие термины


    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > дистанционное техническое обслуживание

  • 104 barato

    1 cheap, inexpensive, low in price, cheaply.
    2 bad-quality, bad-taste, tacky, brassy.
    cheaply, at a low price, low.
    * * *
    1 cheap
    1 cheaply, cheap
    1 cheaply, cheap
    * * *
    (f. - barata)
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=económico) cheap
    2) (=de mala calidad) [música, imitación] cheap; [novela] trashy
    3) (=indigno) [demagogia, electoralismo] cheap
    ADV cheap, cheaply
    SM (=mercadillo) street market
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) <vestido/restaurante/viaje> cheap, low-priced
    b) < periodismo> cheap; < música> commercial
    c) ( como adv) <costar/comprar>
    adverbio <comer/vivir> cheaply
    * * *
    = cheap [cheaper -comp., cheapest -sup.], low-cost, low-priced, lower-cost, pulp, inexpensively, on the cheap, cheapo, low-budget, no-frills, cut-price, cut-rate, a dime a dozen.
    Ex. These indexes are both cheap and quick to produce.
    Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS is designed to give fast efficient, and low-cost assistance to librarians.
    Ex. Permission has been granted to introduce a system of surveillance licensing for the purpose of monitoring imports of low-priced goods, such as clothing and footwear originating in non-EC countries.
    Ex. Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
    Ex. There are pulp detective novels and 'Simenon'; there are pulp Western films and 'High Noon'.
    Ex. This has enabled libraries to acquire materials more quickly and almost as inexpensively as in the past.
    Ex. The author provides a selected list of Internet sites covering various aspects of travel and tourism such as accommodation, restaurants, entertainment, travelling abroad, and touring on the cheap.
    Ex. I just put the DVD in my cheapo DVD player connected to my TV and it played without a hitch.
    Ex. Lodge Kerrigan's 'Clean, Shaven' is a blistering piece of cinematic inventiveness and a young director's low-budget first feature.
    Ex. This is a good guide for independent travellers looking for cheap, no-frills intercity transport around the country.
    Ex. Turkey is heavily promoted by tour operators as an idyllic holiday destination, the cut-price alternative to Greece or Cyprus.
    Ex. Most of these cut-rate laptops include a one-year parts and labor warranty.
    Ex. The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.
    * alojamiento barato = budget accommodation.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * compañía aérea barata = low-cost airline.
    * de novela barata = novelettish.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * edición barata = trade paperback.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * escritura barata = hack writing.
    * hotel barato = budget hotel.
    * humor barato = cheap laughs.
    * literatura barata = pulp fiction.
    * lo barato = inexpensiveness.
    * novela barata = novelette.
    * oratoria barata = soapbox.
    * rollo barato = soapbox.
    * tarifa especial más barata = discount charge.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender más barato = undercut.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.
    * vuelo barato = budget flight.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) <vestido/restaurante/viaje> cheap, low-priced
    b) < periodismo> cheap; < música> commercial
    c) ( como adv) <costar/comprar>
    adverbio <comer/vivir> cheaply
    * * *
    = cheap [cheaper -comp., cheapest -sup.], low-cost, low-priced, lower-cost, pulp, inexpensively, on the cheap, cheapo, low-budget, no-frills, cut-price, cut-rate, a dime a dozen.

    Ex: These indexes are both cheap and quick to produce.

    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS is designed to give fast efficient, and low-cost assistance to librarians.
    Ex: Permission has been granted to introduce a system of surveillance licensing for the purpose of monitoring imports of low-priced goods, such as clothing and footwear originating in non-EC countries.
    Ex: Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
    Ex: There are pulp detective novels and 'Simenon'; there are pulp Western films and 'High Noon'.
    Ex: This has enabled libraries to acquire materials more quickly and almost as inexpensively as in the past.
    Ex: The author provides a selected list of Internet sites covering various aspects of travel and tourism such as accommodation, restaurants, entertainment, travelling abroad, and touring on the cheap.
    Ex: I just put the DVD in my cheapo DVD player connected to my TV and it played without a hitch.
    Ex: Lodge Kerrigan's 'Clean, Shaven' is a blistering piece of cinematic inventiveness and a young director's low-budget first feature.
    Ex: This is a good guide for independent travellers looking for cheap, no-frills intercity transport around the country.
    Ex: Turkey is heavily promoted by tour operators as an idyllic holiday destination, the cut-price alternative to Greece or Cyprus.
    Ex: Most of these cut-rate laptops include a one-year parts and labor warranty.
    Ex: The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.
    * alojamiento barato = budget accommodation.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * compañía aérea barata = low-cost airline.
    * de novela barata = novelettish.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * edición barata = trade paperback.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * escritura barata = hack writing.
    * hotel barato = budget hotel.
    * humor barato = cheap laughs.
    * literatura barata = pulp fiction.
    * lo barato = inexpensiveness.
    * novela barata = novelette.
    * oratoria barata = soapbox.
    * rollo barato = soapbox.
    * tarifa especial más barata = discount charge.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender más barato = undercut.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.
    * vuelo barato = budget flight.

    * * *
    barato1 -ta
    1 ‹vestido/restaurante/viaje› cheap
    lo barato sale caro if you buy cheaply, you pay dearly, cheap things work out expensive in the long run
    2 ‹periodismo› cheap; ‹música› commercial
    3 ( como adv) ‹costar/comprar›
    el viaje no costó tan barato como pensaba the trip wasn't as cheap as I thought it would be, the trip cost me more than I thought it would
    las compré baratísimas en una liquidación I got them really cheap in a clearance sale
    al final, el coche me salió baratísimo I got the car really cheap in the end
    ‹comer/vivir› cheaply
    en esa tienda venden muy barato things are very cheap in that shop
    se compra más barato en el mercado prices are lower o things are cheaper in the market, you can get things cheaper in the market
    ver tb barato1 adj 3. (↑ barato (1))
    * * *


    barato 1
    ◊ -ta adjetivo

    a)vestido/restaurante/viaje cheap, low-priced

    b) ( como adv) ‹costar/comprar cheap

    barato 2 adverbio ‹comer/vivir cheaply;

    I adjetivo cheap: necesito comprar un piso barato, I need to buy an inexpensive flat
    II adverbio cheaply: ¡hija mía, qué barato compras!, my dear, what a bargain!

    ' barato' also found in these entries:
    - barata
    - económica
    - económico
    - flete
    - más
    - obcecarse
    - salir
    - tirada
    - tirado
    - botado
    - regalado
    - regalar
    - resultar
    - cheap
    - cheaply
    - cut-rate
    - dirt-cheap
    - down-market
    - inexpensive
    - low-cost
    - popular
    - deal
    - downmarket
    - trashy
    - under
    - whichever
    * * *
    barato, -a
    1. [objeto] cheap;
    ser muy barato to be very cheap;
    los tomates están muy baratos tomatoes are very cheap at the moment;
    lo barato sale caro buying cheap is a false economy
    2. [sentimentalismo] cheap;
    [literatura] trashy;
    déjate de filosofía barata cut the half-baked philosophizing
    cheap, cheaply;
    me costó barato it was cheap, I got it cheap;
    vender algo barato to sell sth cheaply;
    en este bar se come muy barato you can eat very cheaply in this bar, the food's very cheap in this bar
    * * *
    adj cheap
    * * *
    barato adv
    : cheap, cheaply
    te lo vendo barato: I'll sell it to you cheap
    barato, -ta adj
    : cheap, inexpensive
    * * *
    barato1 adj cheap
    es bueno, bonito y barato it's nice, pretty and cheap
    barato2 adv cheaply

    Spanish-English dictionary > barato

  • 105 Braun, Wernher Manfred von

    b. 23 March 1912 Wirsitz, Germany
    d. 16 June 1977 Alexandria, Virginia, USA
    German pioneer in rocket development.
    Von Braun's mother was an amateur astronomer who introduced him to the futuristic books of Jules Verne and H.G.Wells and gave him an astronomical telescope. He was a rather slack and undisciplined schoolboy until he came across Herman Oberth's book By Rocket to Interplanetary Space. He discovered that he required a good deal of mathematics to follow this exhilarating subject and immediately became an enthusiastic student.
    The Head of the Ballistics and Armaments branch of the German Army, Professor Karl Becker, had asked the engineer Walter Dornberger to develop a solid-fuel rocket system for short-range attack, and one using liquid-fuel rockets to carry bigger loads of explosives beyond the range of any known gun. Von Braun joined the Verein für Raumschiffsfahrt (the German Space Society) as a young man and soon became a leading member. He was asked by Rudolf Nebel, VfR's chief, to persuade the army of the value of rockets as weapons. Von Braun wisely avoided all mention of the possibility of space flight and some financial backing was assured. Dornberger in 1932 built a small test stand for liquid-fuel rockets and von Braun built a small rocket to test it; the success of this trial won over Dornberger to space rocketry.
    Initially research was carried out at Kummersdorf, a suburb of Berlin, but it was decided that this was not a suitable site. Von Braun recalled holidays as a boy at a resort on the Baltic, Peenemünde, which was ideally suited to rocket testing. Work started there but was not completed until August 1939, when the group of eighty engineers and scientists moved in. A great fillip to rocket research was received when Hitler was shown a film and was persuaded of the efficacy of rockets as weapons of war. A factory was set up in excavated tunnels at Mittelwerk in the Harz mountains. Around 6,000 "vengeance" weapons were built, some 3,000 of which were fired on targets in Britain and 2,000 of which were still in storage at the end of the Second World War.
    Peenemünde was taken by the Russians on 5 May 1945, but by then von Braun was lodging with many of his colleagues at an inn, Haus Ingeburg, near Oberjoch. They gave themselves up to the Americans, and von Braun presented a "prospectus" to the Americans, pointing out how useful the German rocket team could be. In "Operation Paperclip" some 100 of the team were moved to the United States, together with tons of drawings and a number of rocket missiles. Von Braun worked from 1946 at the White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, and in 1950 moved to Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama. In 1953 he produced the Redstone missile, in effect a V2 adapted to carry a nuclear warhead a distance of 320 km (199 miles). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was formed in 1958 and recruited von Braun and his team. He was responsible for the design of the Redstone launch vehicles which launched the first US satellite, Explorer 1, in 1958, and the Mercury capsules of the US manned spaceflight programme which carried Alan Shepard briefly into space in 1961 and John Glenn into earth orbit in 1962. He was also responsible for the Saturn series of large, staged launch vehicles, which culminated in the Saturn V rocket which launched the Apollo missions taking US astronauts for the first human landing on the moon in 1969. Von Braun announced his resignation from NASA in 1972 and died five years later.
    Further Reading
    P.Marsh, 1985, The Space Business, Penguin. J.Trux, 1985, The Space Race, New English Library. T.Osman, 1983, Space History, Michael Joseph.

    Biographical history of technology > Braun, Wernher Manfred von

  • 106 reichlich

    I Adj. ample, plentiful; plenty of time, food etc.; Bezahlung: liberal, generous; eine reichliche Stunde a good hour
    II Adv. amply etc.; siehe I; umg. (ziemlich) pretty; reichlich versehen sein mit have plenty of; es dauert reichlich zwei Tage it will take a good two days; du kommst reichlich spät you’re a bit late(, aren’t you?)
    * * *
    plenteous (Adj.); copius (Adj.); plentiful (Adj.); full (Adj.); overabundant (Adj.); copious (Adj.); abundantly (Adv.); amply (Adv.); exuberant (Adj.); affluent (Adj.); generous (Adj.); plenty (Adj.); ample (Adj.); abundant (Adj.)
    * * *
    reich|lich ['raiçlɪç]
    1. adj
    1) (= sehr viel, groß) ample, large, substantial; Vorrat plentiful, ample, substantial; Portion, Trinkgeld generous; Alkoholgenuss substantial; Geschenke numerous
    2) (= mehr als genügend) Zeit, Geld, Platz ample, plenty of; Belohnung ample
    3) (inf = mehr als) good

    eine réíchliche Stunde — a good hour

    2. adv
    1) (= sehr viel) belohnen, sich eindecken amply; verdienen richly

    jdn réíchlich beschenken — to give sb lots of or numerous presents

    réíchlich Trinkgeld geben — to tip generously


    (= mehr als genügend) réíchlich Zeit/Geld haben — to have plenty of or ample time/money

    réíchlich vorhanden sein — to abound, to exist in plenty

    mehr als réíchlich belohnt — more than amply rewarded

    mehr als réíchlich bezahlt — paid more than enough

    der Mantel ist réíchlich ausgefallen — the coat is on the big side

    das war réíchlich gewogen/abgemessen — that was very generously weighed out/measured out

    das ist réíchlich gerechnet — that's a generous estimate

    3) (inf = mehr als)

    réíchlich 1.000 Euro — a good 1,000 euros

    4) (inf = ziemlich) pretty
    * * *
    1) (plentiful: abundant proof.) abundant
    4) ((more than) enough: There is ample space for four people.) ample
    5) (given generously or too freely: lavish gifts.) lavish
    6) (financially secure without being rich: a comfortable standard of living.) comfortable
    8) (plentiful: a copious supply.) copious
    9) (in a free manner: to give freely to charity; to speak freely.) freely
    10) (considerable; enough: a good salary; She talked a good deal of nonsense.) good
    11) (a sufficient amount; enough: I don't need any more books - I've got plenty; We've got plenty of time to get there.) plenty
    12) (a large amount: He's got plenty of money.) plenty
    13) (plentiful.) plenteous
    14) (existing in large amounts: a plentiful supply.) plentiful
    * * *
    I. adj large, substantial; Belohnung ample; Trinkgeld generous
    \reichliches Angebot ÖKON plentiful supply
    II. adv
    1. (überreich) amply
    \reichlich Geld/Zeit haben to have plenty of money/time
    2. (fam: mehr als ungefähr) over
    \reichlich drei Jahre/fünf Stunden a good three years/five hours
    um \reichlich... [by] a good...
    er hat sich um \reichlich zwei Stunden verspätet he is a good two hours late
    3. (ziemlich) rather, pretty
    * * *
    Adjektiv large; substantial; ample <space, time, reward>; good <hour, litre, etc.>; generous < tip>

    reichlich Zeit/Platz/Gelegenheit haben — have plenty of or ample time/room/opportunity

    3) (mehr als) over; more than

    reichlich 5 000 Euro — a good 5,000 euros

    Adverb (ugs.): (ziemlich, sehr)

    reichlich frech — a bit too cheeky

    * * *
    A. adj ample, plentiful; plenty of time, food etc; Bezahlung: liberal, generous;
    B. adv amply etc; A; umg (ziemlich) pretty;
    es dauert reichlich zwei Tage it will take a good two days;
    du kommst reichlich spät you’re a bit late(, aren’t you?)
    * * *
    Adjektiv large; substantial; ample <space, time, reward>; good <hour, litre, etc.>; generous < tip>

    reichlich Zeit/Platz/Gelegenheit haben — have plenty of or ample time/room/opportunity

    3) (mehr als) over; more than

    reichlich 5 000 Euro — a good 5,000 euros

    Adverb (ugs.): (ziemlich, sehr)
    * * *
    abundant adj.
    ample adj.
    copious adj.
    flush adj.
    large adj.
    opulent adj.
    overabundant adj.
    plenteous adj.
    plentiful adj.
    rich adj.
    substantial adj.
    unsparing adj. adv.
    abundantly adv.
    amply adv.
    copiously adv.
    fatly adv.
    plenteously adv.
    plentifully adv.
    profusely adv.
    unsparingly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > reichlich

  • 107 navegar

    1 to sail (barco).
    navegar por Internet to surf the Net
    2 to navigate, to sail, to cruise.
    3 to browse.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ LLEGAR], like link=llegar llegar
    1 (persona) to sail, navigate
    2 (barco) to sail
    3 (avión) to fly
    navegar contra corriente to go against the tide
    navegar en Internet to surf the net
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VI
    1) (Náut) to sail

    a 15 nudos — to sail at 15 knots, go at 15 knots

    navegar a (la) vela — to sail, go sailing

    2) (Inform)
    2. VT
    1) [barco] to sail
    2) [avión] to fly
    3) (=llevar el rumbo) to navigate
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) nave to sail
    b) persona ( a vela) to sail
    c) ( determinar el rumbo) to navigate
    navegar vt (liter) to sail
    * * *
    = sail, float, cruise, burrow through.
    Ex. In 1793, Hurley Barnes and his family sailed down the Lewark River in a small boat.
    Ex. And there is more to be gained from an imaginary nineteenth-century boy floating down the Mississippi on a raft with a fleeing black slave than a good deal of everyday, 'direct' experience can give.
    Ex. The system also has an add-on, which allows users with low vision to cruise the Internet using a low vision interface.
    Ex. This article explains how to use gophers to burrow through the Internet.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * navegar por = navigate (through).
    * navegar por el mundo = sail + the seven seas, roam + the seven seas.
    * navegar por Internet = surf + the Internet.
    * navegar por la red = surf + the net, surf + the Web.
    * navegar por la red en busca de información = surf for + information.
    * navegar por la web = surf + the Web.
    * navegar siguiendo la costa = coast.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) nave to sail
    b) persona ( a vela) to sail
    c) ( determinar el rumbo) to navigate
    navegar vt (liter) to sail
    * * *
    = sail, float, cruise, burrow through.

    Ex: In 1793, Hurley Barnes and his family sailed down the Lewark River in a small boat.

    Ex: And there is more to be gained from an imaginary nineteenth-century boy floating down the Mississippi on a raft with a fleeing black slave than a good deal of everyday, 'direct' experience can give.
    Ex: The system also has an add-on, which allows users with low vision to cruise the Internet using a low vision interface.
    Ex: This article explains how to use gophers to burrow through the Internet.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * navegar por = navigate (through).
    * navegar por el mundo = sail + the seven seas, roam + the seven seas.
    * navegar por Internet = surf + the Internet.
    * navegar por la red = surf + the net, surf + the Web.
    * navegar por la red en busca de información = surf for + information.
    * navegar por la web = surf + the Web.
    * navegar siguiendo la costa = coast.

    * * *
    navegar [A3 ]
    1 «nave» to sail
    el buque navegaba a la deriva the vessel was drifting
    2 «persona» (a vela) to sail
    3 (determinar el rumbo) to navigate
    ( Inf): navegar por or en Internet or la Red or la web to netsurf, surf the Web
    ■ navegar
    ( liter); to sail
    había navegado todos los mares del mundo he had sailed the seven seas
    * * *


    navegar ( conjugate navegar) verbo intransitivo

    d) (Inf): navegar en la web or Red to surf the Web

    verbo transitivo (liter) to sail
    navegar verbo intransitivo
    1 to navigate, sail
    2 Av Inform to navigate
    ' navegar' also found in these entries:
    - navegación
    - rumbo
    - navigate
    - novice
    - riverboat
    - run
    - sail
    - seaworthy
    - unseaworthy
    - ply
    - sea
    - surf
    * * *
    1. [barco] to sail
    2. [avión] to fly
    3. Informát to browse;
    navegar por Internet to surf o browse the Net;
    lleva toda la mañana navegando he's been surfing the Net all morning, he's been on the Internet all morning
    * * *
    I v/i
    1 por el mar sail
    2 por el aire, espacio fly
    por Internet surf the Net
    II v/t sail
    * * *
    navegar {52} v
    : to navigate, to sail
    * * *
    1. (barco) to sail
    2. (avión) to fly [pt. flew; pp. flown]

    Spanish-English dictionary > navegar

  • 108 gøre


    hvad gør du? — что ты де́лаешь?

    det gør íkke nóget — ничего́ стра́шного; э́то не име́ет значе́ния

    jeg kúnne íkke gǿre for det — я не винова́т

    gǿre ondt — причиня́ть боль [зло]

    gǿre plads — освободи́ть ме́сто

    gǿre én sélskab — соста́вить кому́-л. компа́нию

    gǿre sit til — внести́ свой вклад

    gǿre sig úmage — стара́ться

    gǿre om — переде́лывать

    gǿre op — ула́живать

    * * *
    do, have, make, play at, render, suit oneself, turn
    * * *
    vb (gjorde, gjort) do ( fx what are you doing here? do one's duty);
    ( frembringe; foretage, fx en bevægelse, en rejse; bringe i en vis
    tilstand) make ( fx a noise, a mistake; an attempt, a gesture, a journey; it makes me sick);
    ( volde, forårsage) do ( fx do good, do harm);
    [ gøre Oxford på en dag] do Oxford in a day;
    (se også de sb, hvormed gøre forbindes, fx forsøg, indtryk, plads,
    [ med adj, pron, vb etc:]
    [ dette gjorde at de hørte efter] this made them listen;
    [ han gør os bedre end vi er] he makes us out to be better than we are;
    [ gøre sit bedste] do one's best;
    [ kan mindre ikke gøre det?] can't you do with less?
    [ hvad gør det?] what does it matter? what of that?
    [ hvad har de gjort dig?] what have they done to you?
    [ hvad har du at gøre her?] what are you doing here?
    [ det gør ingenting] it does not matter; never mind;
    [ han gør det ikke længe] he won't last long;
    [ det gør ikke så meget] it does not matter much;
    [ han har aldrig gjort dig noget] he has never done you any harm;
    (dvs at bestille) there is nothing to do;
    (dvs at stille op) there is nothing to be done (about it);
    (dvs at opnå) nothing doing;
    [ det gør ikke noget] it does not matter; never mind;
    [ noget må der gøres] something must be done;
    [ gøre sig] be a success;
    ( anstille sig) pretend to be ( fx stupid);
    [ gøre sit], se sin;
    [ med præp og adv:]
    [ hvor har du gjort af det?] where have you put it? what have you done with it?
    [ gøre det af på fem minutter] get it over with in five minutes;
    [ jeg vidste ikke hvor jeg skulle gøre af mig selv] I didn't know where to put myself;
    [ gøre det af med] dispose of;
    ( dræbe) dispatch,
    T do away with;
    [ varmen var ved at gøre det med mig] the heat was nearly too much for me;
    [ gøre noget ` efter] imitate something;
    [ jeg kan ikke gøre for det] I cannot help it; it is not my fault;
    [ kan jeg gøre noget for Dem?] can I do anything for you?
    [ det kan hverken gøre fra eller til] it makes no difference;
    (merk) deal in;
    [ gøre i bukserne] dirty one's trousers; mess one's pants;
    [ gøre noget i penge] turn something into cash;
    [ du ville gøre klogt i at] you would be wise to;
    [ gøre vel i at] do well to;
    [ gøre en imod] cross somebody, act against somebody's wishes;
    [ han gjorde hele krigen med] he went (el. he served) all through the war;
    [ han gjorde rejsen med] he travelled with us (, them, etc);
    [ have at gøre med] have to do with ( fx I don't want to have anything to do with him (, that)); deal with ( fx you must remember we are
    dealing with a desperate man); be concerned with ( fx we are here concerned with a very difficult problem);
    [ alt hvad der har med flåden at gøre] everything connected with the navy;
    ( også) it is something (, nothing) to do with ( fx this is nothing to do with money);
    [ have nok at gøre med at] have one's work cut out to;
    [ det er ikke gjort med at snakke] talking won't help (el. isn't enough);
    [ gøre noget `om] do something (over) again;
    [ gøre højre om] turn right;
    [ hvad der er sket kan ikke gøres om] what is done cannot be undone;
    [ det er mig ( meget) om at gøre at] I am anxious (, very keen) to;
    [ gøre omkring] turn (a)round,
    ( pludseligt) turn on one's heel;
    ( i eksercits, gymnastik) turn about; execute a right-about turn,
    ( om en hel række) wheel round;
    ( regnskab) make up, balance ( fx an account),
    (bilægge strid etc) settle;
    [ gøre boet op] wind up the estate;
    [ gøre kassen op] balance the cash;
    [ gøre lageret op] take stock;
    [ gøre op med] settle with;
    (straffe etc) reckon with ( fx after the war we'll reckon with all the traitors);
    [ gøre op med sig selv] make up one's mind;
    [ gøre til] make ( fx make him a general);
    ( udnævne) appoint ( fx appoint him governor);
    ( forvandle til) make into ( fx make him into a leader; make the miserable hut into a home); make... of ( fx make a man (, an
    enemy) of him; make a habit of it);
    [ gøre sig til af] brag about;
    (merk) the shares changed hands at;
    [ han er ikke så dygtig som man gerne vil gøre ham til] he is not as clever as he is made out to be;
    [ gøre meget ud af] make much of;
    [ gøre for meget ud af det] make too much of it; overdo it;
    [ gøre det ud for] serve as; do as; do duty for;
    [ hvad har du gjort ved barnet?] what have you done to the child?
    [ det er der ikke noget at gøre ved] there is nothing to be done about it; it cannot be helped;
    (dvs arbejdede energisk) he put his back into it;
    [ jeg kan ikke gøre ved det] I cannot help it;
    (dvs tage dig af det) you must do something about it.

    Danish-English dictionary > gøre

  • 109 Newcomen, Thomas

    b. January or February 1663 Dartmouth, Devon, England
    d. 5 August 1729 London, England
    English inventor and builder of the world's first successful stationary steam-engine.
    Newcomen was probably born at a house on the quay at Dartmouth, Devon, England, the son of Elias Newcomen and Sarah Trenhale. Nothing is known of his education, and there is only dubious evidence of his apprenticeship to an ironmonger in Exeter. He returned to Dartmouth and established himself there as an "ironmonger". The term "ironmonger" at that time meant more than a dealer in ironmongery: a skilled craftsman working in iron, nearer to today's "blacksmith". In this venture he had a partner, John Calley or Caley, who was a plumber and glazier. Besides running his business in Dartmouth, it is evident that Newcomen spent a good deal of time travelling round the mines of Devon and Cornwall in search of business.
    Eighteenth-century writers and others found it impossible to believe that a provincial ironmonger could have invented the steam-engine, the concept of which had occupied the best scientific brains in Europe, and postulated a connection between Newcomen and Savery or Papin, but scholars in recent years have failed to find any evidence of this. Certainly Savery was in Dartmouth at the same time as Newcomen but there is nothing to indicate that they met, although it is possible. The most recent biographer of Thomas Newcomen is of the opinion that he was aware of Savery and his work, that the two men had met by 1705 and that, although Newcomen could have taken out his own patent, he could not have operated his own engines without infringing Savery's patent. In the event, they came to an agreement by which Newcomen was enabled to sell his engines under Savery's patent.
    The first recorded Newcomen engine is dated 1712, although this may have been preceded by a good number of test engines built at Dartmouth, possibly following a number of models. Over one hundred engines were built to Newcomen's design during his lifetime, with the first engine being installed at the Griff Colliery near Dudley Castle in Staffordshire.
    On the death of Thomas Savery, on 15 May 1715, a new company, the Proprietors of the Engine Patent, was formed to carry on the business. The Company was represented by Edward Elliot, "who attended the Sword Blade Coffee House in Birchin Lane, London, between 3 and 5 o'clock to receive enquiries and to act as a contact for the committee". Newcomen was, of course, a member of the Proprietors.
    A staunch Baptist, Newcomen married Hannah Waymouth, who bore him two sons and a daughter. He died, it is said of a fever, in London on 5 August 1729 and was buried at Bunhill Fields.
    Further Reading
    L.T.C.Rolt and J.S.Allen, 1977, The Steam Engine of Thomas Newcomen, Hartington: Moorland Publishing Company (the definitive account of his life and work).

    Biographical history of technology > Newcomen, Thomas

  • 110 dæll

    a. gentle, easy to deal with (vertu nú dæl meðan ek em brautu; ekki þótta ek dæll heima); þat er eigi svá dælt (= auðvelt, easy) at taka Sigurð jarl af lífdögum; dælt er heima hvat, anything will pass at home; gera sér dælt við e-n, to put oneself on a free, familiar footing with one (Þórðr gerði sér dælt við þau Þorvald ok Guðrúnu); ek mun nú gera mér dælt um ráðagørð við þik, I will take the liberty to give thee straightforward advice.
    * * *
    adj. gentle, familiar, forbearing; this word is no doubt akin to deila (qs. deill), i. e. one who is easy ‘to deal with;’ vertu nú dæl (i. e. keep peace, be gentle) meðan ek em brautu, Nj. 52; ekki þótta ek nú dæll heima, I was not good to deal with at home, Fms. xi. 51; ekki d. viðfangs, not easy to deal with, Grett. 127; dæll (easy, affable) öllu lands fólki, Orkn. 184: engum þótti dælt at segja konungi hersögu, Fms. i. 41; þat er eigi svá dælt ( easy) at taka Sigurð jarl af lífdögum sem at drepa kið eðr kálf, 53; þótti þeim dælla at taka þat er flaut laust, vi. 262; þótti nú sem dælst mundi til at kalla, er ungr konungr réð fyrir ríki, Eg. 264: the phrases, göra sér dælt við e-n. to put oneself on a free, familiar footing towards one; Þórðr görði sér d. við þau Þorvald ok Guðrúnu, Ld. 134; ek mun nú gera mér dælt um ráðagörð við þik, I will take the liberty to give thee straightforward advice, Nj. 216; hann görði sér við þá dælt, Grett. 144; mun dælt við mik þykja, ef þú ert eigi í för, they will pay me little heed, unless thou art with me, Lv. 37; þótti vera spottsamr ok grár við alla þá er honum þótti sér dælt við, rude and taunting against all whom he thought his match to deal with, Bjarn. 3: proverb, dælt er heima hvat, at home anything will do, Hm. 5.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > dæll

  • 111 importar

    1 to import (productos) (& computing).
    La empresa importa relojes The company imports watches.
    2 to amount to, to come to.
    3 to matter.
    ya no te importo — al contrario, sí que me importas you don't care about me any more — on the contrary, you do matter to me
    no me importa lo que piense la gente I don't care what people think
    4 to matter (ser importante).
    lo que importa es que… what matters o the important thing is that…
    no importa it doesn't matter
    ¡qué importa que llueva! so what if it's raining?
    5 to mind.
    no me importa que venga tu familia I don't mind if your family comes
    preferiría no salir, si no te importa I'd rather not go out, if you don't mind o if it's all the same to you
    ¿le importa que me siente? do you mind if I sit down?
    6 to care about, to care for.
    Nos importa su salud We care about his health.
    Nos importa We care.
    7 to be important, to have importance, to matter, to import.
    Eso importa That is important.
    8 to care to, to mind.
    Nos importa participar We care to participate.
    9 to concern.
    Me importa la paz mundial World peace concerns me.
    * * *
    2 (valer) to amount to
    ¿a cuánto importa la factura? how much does the bill amount to?
    2 (molestar) to mind
    ¿te importaría cerrar la ventana? would you mind closing the window?
    ¡a ti qué te importa! familiar mind your own business!
    lo que importa es que... the important thing is that...
    me importa un bledo/pito/comino familiar I couldn't care less
    no importa it doesn't matter
    * * *
    2) matter, mind
    * * *
    VT (Com) to import (de from)
    1. VI
    1) (=ser importante) to matter

    ¿qué importa que no seamos ricos? — what does it matter if o that we're not rich?

    - llegaremos allí un poco tarde -no importa — "we'll be there a bit late" - "never mind o it doesn't matter"

    lo que importa es la calidad — the important thing is the quality, what matters is the quality

    ¿y eso qué importa? — what does that matter?

    el color importa mucho en su pintura — colour is important in her painting, colour plays an important part in her painting

    no importa el tiempo que haga, allí estaremos — we'll be there whatever the weather

    2) [con complemento de persona]
    a) (=interesar)

    sí que me importa tu opinión — your opinion does matter to me, I do care about your opinion

    ¿a quién le importa lo que yo diga? — who cares (about) what I say?

    no le importa nada de lo que pase — he doesn't care about anything that happens, he's not bothered about anything

    tú me importas más que nada — I care about you more than anything, you mean more to me than anything

    ¿y a ti qué te importa? — what business is it of yours?

    ¡a ti eso no te importa! — it's nothing to do with you!, it's none of your business!

    meterse en lo que a uno no le importa — to poke one's nose into other people's business

    no quisiera meterme en lo que no me importa, pero... — I know it's none of my business, but...

    - no me importa un bledo o un comino o un pito o un rábano
    - no me importa un carajo o un huevo
    b) (=molestar)

    ¿te importaría prestarme este libro? — would you mind lending me this book?, could you lend me this book?

    si no le importa, me gustaría que me enviaran la factura — if it's not too much trouble, I'd like you to send me the bill

    -¿quieres venir al concierto? -pues no me importaría — "do you want to come to the concert?" - "I wouldn't mind"

    ¿te importa si fumo? — do you mind if I smoke?

    no importar a algn hacer algo, no me importa esperar — I don't mind waiting

    si os hace falta alguien, a mí no me importaría ayudaros — if you need somebody, I'd be happy to help o I don't mind helping

    no me importa que llegues un poco tarde — I don't mind if you're a bit late, I don't mind you being a bit late

    VT frm [artículo, producto] to cost; [gastos, beneficios] to amount to

    ¿cuánto importa esta lámpara? — how much does this lamp cost?

    los gastos de transporte importaron 2.000 euros — transport costs amounted to 2,000 euros

    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (tener importancia, interés) to matter

    bueno, no importa — well, never mind o well, it doesn't matter

    no importa quién lo hagait doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it

    lo que importa es que te recuperes — the important thing is for you to get better; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿a mí qué me importa? — what do I care?

    ¿a ti qué te importa? — what business is it of yours?

    me importa un bledo or un comino or un pepino or un rábano — (fam) I couldn't care less, I don't give a damn (colloq)

    no te metas en lo que no te importamind your own business!

    b) ( molestar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿le importaría hacerlo? — would you mind doing it?

    importar vt (Com, Fin)
    1) < productos> to import
    2) ( ascender a) to come to, amount to
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (tener importancia, interés) to matter

    bueno, no importa — well, never mind o well, it doesn't matter

    no importa quién lo hagait doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it

    lo que importa es que te recuperes — the important thing is for you to get better; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿a mí qué me importa? — what do I care?

    ¿a ti qué te importa? — what business is it of yours?

    me importa un bledo or un comino or un pepino or un rábano — (fam) I couldn't care less, I don't give a damn (colloq)

    no te metas en lo que no te importamind your own business!

    b) ( molestar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿le importaría hacerlo? — would you mind doing it?

    importar vt (Com, Fin)
    1) < productos> to import
    2) ( ascender a) to come to, amount to
    * * *
    1 = import.

    Ex: Cannot IT expertise not readily available to SLIS be imported from other relevant departments in parent institutions?.

    2 = matter, mind, care, make + a difference.

    Ex: It does not matter where the cursor is when the ENTER key is pressed.

    Ex: They see people as marked by one particular attribute, cleverness, or kindness, or strictness, or being a good shot, and they mind whether things are right or wrong.
    Ex: In a survey carried out in the US, it became apparent that about 90% of the respondents did not know what it meant, and even fewer cared.
    Ex: If that cannot be determined, it hardly makes a difference which you use as main entry.
    * a nadie le importa nada = nobody + gives a damn.
    * importar un bledo = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * importar un comino = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * importar un pito = could not care less.
    * importar un rábano = could not care less.
    * no importa = never mind, regardless of.
    * no importa cómo = no matter how.
    * no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo = no matter how + Adjetivo.
    * no importa lo bien = no matter how well.
    * No importa lo que se conoce, sino a quién se conoce = It's not what you know, but who you know.
    * no importar = be all right with + Persona, make + no difference, cope with.
    * no importar Algo a Alguien = think + little of.
    * no importar en absoluto = have + no qualms about.
    * no importar + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no importar lo que + pensar de = whatever + Pronombre + make of.
    * no importar nada = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * no importa si... o = no matter whether... or.
    * sin importar = regardless of, independently of, disregarding.
    * sin importar el tiempo = all-weather.
    * sin importar las consecuencias = regardless of the consequences.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.

    * * *
    importar [A1 ]
    1 (tener importancia, interés) to matter
    se me olvidó — bueno, no importa I forgot — well, never mind o well, it doesn't matter
    no importa que sea caro si es de buena calidad it doesn't matter if it's expensive as long as it's good quality
    no importa quién lo haga it doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it
    no importa el tamaño the size isn't important o doesn't matter
    ¿qué importa que él no venga? what does it matter o what difference does it make if he doesn't come?
    ahora lo que importa es que te recuperes the important thing now is for you to get better
    (+ me/te/le etc): no me importa lo que pueda pensar él I don't care what he thinks
    ¿a mí qué me importa que a él no le guste? what do I care if he doesn't like it?
    ¿a ti qué te importa? what business is it of yours?, what's it to you? ( colloq)
    yo no le importo — sí que le importas, y mucho I don't mean a thing to him — that's not true, he cares a great deal for o about you
    me importa un bledo or un comino or un pepino or un pimiento or un pito or un rábano or ( Méx) un cacahuate ( fam); I couldn't care less, I don't give a damn ( colloq)
    me importa un carajo or un huevo or ( Col) un culo ( vulg) I don't give a fuck ( vulg), I don't give a toss ( BrE sl)
    meterse en lo que no le importa ( fam); to poke one's nose into other people's business ( colloq)
    cállate y no te metas en lo que no te importa shut up and don't poke your nose into other people's business!, shut up and mind your own business! ( colloq)
    2 (molestar) (+ me/te/le etc):
    ¿te importaría dejarlo para mañana? would you mind leaving it till tomorrow?
    no me importa viajar de noche I don't mind traveling at night, I'm quite happy to travel at night
    a mí no me importaría venir el sábado I wouldn't mind coming on Saturday, I'd be quite happy to come on Saturday
    si no te importa, hoy me voy a ir temprano if it's all right with you, I'm going to leave early today
    no me importa que me llame a casa I don't mind you calling me at home
    ¿le importaría acompañarme? would you mind accompanying me?
    ■ importar
    A ‹productos/petróleo› to import
    B ( Inf) ‹datos/información› to import
    C (ascender a) to come to, amount to
    si la compra importa 500 pesos o más if your purchase comes to o amounts to 500 pesos or more
    * * *


    importar ( conjugate importar) verbo intransitivo
    a) (tener importancia, interés) to matter;

    no importa quién lo haga it doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it;

    lo que importa es que te recuperes the important thing is for you to get better;
    no me importa lo que piense I don't care what he thinks;
    ¿a mí qué me importa? what do I care?;
    ¿a ti qué te importa? what business is it of yours?;
    yo no le importo I don't mean a thing to him;
    me importa un bledo or un comino or un pepino or un rábano (fam) I couldn't care less, I don't give a damn (colloq);
    meterse en lo que no le importa (fam) to poke one's nose into other people's business (colloq);
    no te metas en lo que no te importa mind your own business!
    b) ( molestar):

    no me importa que me llame a casa I don't mind him calling me at home
    verbo transitivo (Com, Fin) ‹ productos to import
    I verbo intransitivo
    1 (tener valor o interés) to be important, matter: eso es lo único que importa, that's all that matters
    me importa mucho tu salud, your health really matters to me
    no importa, it doesn't matter
    2 (incumbir) eso no les importa a los vecinos, that doesn't concern the neighbours
    y a ti, ¿qué te importa?, and what business is it of yours?
    3 (estorbar, disgustar) to mind: ¿le importaría deletrearlo?, would you mind spelling it?
    no le importa cocinar todos los días, he doesn't mind cooking every day
    ¿te importa si abro la ventana?, do you mind if open the window? ➣ Ver nota en mind
    II vtr Fin Inform to import
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar me importa un bledo/pepino/pimiento/ rábano, I couldn't care less
    ' importar' also found in these entries:
    - pepino
    - pimiento
    - pito
    - significar
    - dar
    - rábano
    - valer
    - import
    - lift
    - matter
    - mind
    * * *
    1. [productos, materias primas, costumbres] to import (de from)
    2. Informát to import
    3. Formal [sujeto: factura, coste] to amount to, to come to;
    la factura importa 5.000 pesos the bill comes to 5,000 pesos
    1. [preocupar, tener interés] to matter;
    no importa el precio, cómpralo de todas formas the price doesn't matter, buy it anyway;
    no me importa lo que piense la gente I don't care what people think;
    ya no te importo – al contrario, sí que me importas you don't care about me any more – on the contrary, you do matter to me;
    lo que importa es que todos salieron ilesos del accidente what matters o the important thing is that nobody was hurt in the accident;
    lo que me importa es saber quién lo hizo the important thing for me is to know who did it
    2. [incumbir, afectar]
    esto es algo entre tú y yo, y a nadie más le importa this is between you and me and hasn't got anything to do with anyone else;
    ¡no te importa! it's none of your business!;
    ¿a mí qué me importa? what's that to me?, what do I care?;
    ¿y a ti qué te importa? what's it got to do with you?;
    ¿adónde vas? – ¿te importa? [con enfado] where are you going? – what's it to you!;
    siempre está metiéndose en lo que no le importa she's always sticking her nose into other people's business;
    me importa un bledo o [m5] comino o [m5] pito o Chile [m5] pucho o [m5] rábano I don't give a damn, I couldn't care less;
    Esp Vulg
    me importa un cojón o [m5] tres cojones I couldn't give a shit o Br toss
    3. [molestar] to mind;
    no me importa tener que tomar el tren todos los días I don't mind having to catch the train every day;
    no me importa que venga tu familia I don't mind if your family comes;
    preferiría no salir, si no te importa I'd rather not go out, if you don't mind o if it's all the same to you;
    ¿le importa que me siente? do you mind if I sit down?;
    ¿te importaría acompañarme? would you mind coming with me?
    v impersonal
    to matter;
    no importa it doesn't matter;
    si no vienes, no importa, ya nos arreglaremos it doesn't matter o never mind if you can't come, we'll manage;
    ¡qué importa que llueva! so what if it's raining?
    * * *
    1 v/i
    1 matter;
    no importa it doesn’t matter;
    ¿qué importa? what does it matter?
    eso a ti no te importa that’s none of your business
    ¿le importa …? do you mind …?;
    ¿te importaría que pase por tu casa? would you mind if I dropped by?
    2 v/t COM import
    * * *
    : to matter, to be important
    no le importa lo que piensen: she doesn't care what they think
    : to import
    * * *
    1. (tener importancia) to matter
    lo que más le importa es su familia her family is what matters most to her / her family is the most important thing to her
    2. (preocupar) to care about
    3. (molestar) to mind
    ¿te importa que fume? do you mind if I smoke?
    me importa un bledo/pepino, etc I couldn't care less

    Spanish-English dictionary > importar

  • 112 okazyjnie

    adv. dom kupiłem okazyjnie – za bardzo korzystną cenę the house was a bargain – I bought it at a very advantageous price
    - udało mi się okazyjnie sprzedać naszą starą lodówkę I managed to get a good price for our old fridge
    * * *
    ( sprzedać) at a good profit; ( kupić) at a bargain price
    * * *
    kupić/sprzedać coś okazyjnie buy/sell at a good l. bargain price, make a good bargain l. deal on sth.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > okazyjnie

  • 113 slag

    I 〈de〉
    [ramp, schok] blow
    [klap tegen een bal] strokegolf ook drive
    [leger] battle
    [geluid] bang bump
    [golvende beweging] wave
    [het slaan, keer] stroke〈muziek; van pols, hart〉 beat
    [handigheid] knack
    [kaartspel] trick
    10 [damspel] take, capture
    11 [sport] [het uitslaan] stroke zwemmen, roeien
    12 [winding] turn coil
    13 [wenteling] turn
    14 [roeier] stroke
    1   een harde slag a hard/heavy blow
         iemand een (zware) slag toebrengen deal someone a heavy blow
         zonder slag of stoot figuurlijk without a struggle/any resistance
    3   honkbaltwee slag een wijd two strikes, one ball/wide
         figuurlijkeen slag in de lucht a shot in the dark
    4   in de slag bij Nieuwpoort at the Battle of Nieuwpoort
    6   hij heeft een mooie slag in zijn haar he has a nice wave in his hair
    7   op slag van tienen on the stroke of ten
         figuurlijk(totaal) van slag zijn be (totally) upset
    8   de slag van iets te pakken krijgen get the knack/hang of something
    9   de winnende slag the winning trick
         figuurlijkiemand een slag voor zijn be one up on someone
    11  zwemmenmet een tempo van 30 slagen per minuut at a (stroke-)rate of 30 per minute
         zwemmenvrije slag freestyle
    13  iets een halve slag omdraaien give something a half turn
    ¶   met de Franse slag iets doen do something in a slapdash manner, give something a lick and a promise
         een slag naar iets slaan have a shot/stab at something
         een goede slag slaan make a good deal
         aan de slag gaan get to work, get going/cracking
         er zit een slag in mijn wiel my wheel is buckled
         een slag om de arm houden refuse to commit oneself, keep one's options open
         hij was op slag dood he was killed instantly
    II het
    [aard, soort] sort kind
    1   dat is niet voor ons slag mensen that's not for the likes of us
         iemand van jouw slag someone like you

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > slag

  • 114 quantità

    f invar quantity, amount
    * * *
    quantità s.f.
    1 quantity: il concetto di quantità, the idea of quantity; per me la qualità è più importante della quantità, for me quality is more important than quantity
    2 ( quantitativo) quantity, amount; ( gran quantità, abbondanza) abundance: quantità necessaria, required amount; quantità trascurabile, negligible quantity (o amount); piccola, gran quantità, small, large quantity (o amount): in gran quantità, in large quantities; ( in abbondanza) in abundance; consumare pane in gran quantità, to consume bread in large quantities; in piccole quantità, in small quantities; la quantità di lavoro che una macchina può fare, the amount of work that a machine is capable of // una ( grande) quantità di, (con s. al sing.) a large quantity (o amount) of; a great (o a good) deal of; a lot of; lots of; (con s. al pl.) a great (o a good) many; a lot of; lots of: beveva una grande quantità di birra, he drank a great quantity of beer; c'è una quantità di gente che..., there are a lot of people who... (o there are a great many people who...); ha una quantità di lettere da scrivere, he has a lot of letters to write; ho una quantità di amici, I have got a great many friends; disporre di una certa quantità di denaro, to have a certain amount of money at one's disposal; vendiamo una quantità di questi libri, we sell a great many of these books // (econ.): quantità di moneta, quantity (o stock) of money; quantità prodotta, output // (comm.): quantità vendibile, saleage; quantità eccessiva di merce sul mercato, glut of goods on the market
    3 (mat., fis.) quantity: quantità di elettricità, quantity of electricity; quantità di luce, quantity of light; quantità di moto, momentum; quantità di moto angolare, angular momentum; quantità di materia, amount of substance
    4 (ling.) quantity: la quantità di una vocale, the quantity of a vowel
    5 (inform.) quantità di informazioni, bulk of information.
    * * *
    sostantivo femminile invariabile
    1) (numero) quantity, amount

    in quantità — [pane, vino] in large amounts; [ libri] in large numbers

    in grande quantità — in (a large) quantity, in (large) quantities

    3) ling. mus. quantity

    quantità di motofis. quantity of motion

    * * *
    /kwanti'ta/ ⇒ 31
     1 (numero) quantity, amount; in quantità [pane, vino] in large amounts; [ libri] in large numbers; in grande quantità in (a large) quantity, in (large) quantities
     2 (moltitudine) c'era una quantità incredibile di gente there was an incredible number of people
     3 ling. mus. quantity
    quantità di moto fis. quantity of motion.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > quantità

  • 115 служить

    1. (дт.) serve (d.)

    служить кому-л. верой и правдой — serve smb. faithfully

    служить искусству, науке — devote oneself, или be devoted, to the service of art, science

    2. (кем-л. и без доп.; состоять на службе) serve (as smb.), work (as smb.); act (as smb.)

    служить секретарём — be, или work as, a secretary

    3. (чем-л.; быть, являться) be (smth.) serve (as smth.)

    служить примером — (дт., для) be an example (for); (рд.) exemplify (d.)

    служить признаком (рд.) — serve as a sigh, или an indication (of), be a sign (of), indicate (d.)

    служить доказательством (рд.) — serve as proof / evidence (of)

    это послужило причиной неудачи — that is what caused the failure; that was the reason for the failure

    4. тк. несов. (для или чем-л.; иметь своим назначением) be used (for); serve / do (for)

    эта комната служит ему для занятий, эта комната служит ему кабинетом — this room serves him for a study

    5. (без доп.; быть полезным) be in use, do one's duty

    это пальто служит ему два года — he has had this coat for two years; this coat has done duty for two years

    6. тк. несов. (вн.) церк. serve (d.); officiate (d.)

    служить обедню — say* / celebrate the mass

    7. тк. несов. (без доп.; о собаке) sit* up and beg

    служить и нашим и вашим — run* with the hare and hunt with the hounds

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > служить

  • 116 служить

    несов. - служи́ть, сов. - послужи́ть
    1) (кем-л и без доп.; состоять на службе) serve (as smb), work (as smb); act (as smb)

    служи́ть секретарём — be [work as] a secretary

    2) воен. serve

    служи́ть во фло́те — serve in the Navy

    служи́ть в а́рмии — serve in the Army

    3) (дт.; отдавать свой труд, посвящать себя кому-чему-л) serve (d)

    служи́ть кому́-л ве́рой и пра́вдой — serve smb faithfully

    служи́ть це́ли — serve a purpose [-s]

    служи́ть иску́сству [нау́ке] — devote oneself [be devoted] to the service of art [science]

    4) (чем-л; быть, являться) be (smth), serve (as smth)

    служи́ть приме́ром (дт., для) — be an example (for); (рд.) exemplify (d)

    служи́ть при́знаком (рд.) — serve as a sigh [an indication] (of), be a sign (of), indicate (d)

    служи́ть доказа́тельством (рд.) — serve as proof / evidence (of)

    э́то послужи́ло причи́ной неуда́чи — that is what caused the failure; that was the reason for the failure

    5) тк. несов. (для; тв.; иметь своим назначением) be used (for); serve (as), serve the purpose (of)

    э́та ко́мната слу́жит ему́ для заня́тий [кабине́том] — this room serves him for a study

    для чего́ слу́жит э́та програ́мма? — what is the purpose of this program?

    э́то пальто́ слу́жит ему́ два го́да — he has had this coat for two years; this coat has done duty for two years

    э́ти сапоги́ хорошо́ послужи́ли — these boots have stood a good deal of wear

    э́та маши́на ещё послу́жит — this car is still fit for use

    7) тк. несов. церк. (вн.) serve (d); officiate (d)

    служи́ть обе́дню — say / celebrate the mass

    8) тк. несов. ( о собаке) sit up and beg

    служи́ть и на́шим и ва́шим — ≈ run with the hare and hunt with the hounds

    чем могу́ служи́ть? — what can I do for you?, how can I help [be of service] to you?

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > служить

  • 117 ezer

    [from e-zer (what)] izo.
    a. ( baiezkoan) something; anything; \ezer zen guztia eraman zuten they took everything that was worth anything; \ezer bailitzaion as if it mattered to her; \ezer baino lehen, gertatutakoa azaldu nahi nizueke before anything, I'd like to explain to you what's happened; \ezer baldin bada modan munduan orain, Internet da if anything is fashionable on the world scene today, it's the Internet
    b. ( galderazkoan) ; ba al duzu \ezer ere? do you have anything at all?; \ezer eraman al du? has (s)he taken anything? ; nahi duzu \ezer? do you want something?
    2. ( ezezkoan) nothing; anything; \ezer ez daki she knows nothing | she doesn't know anything; \ezer ez dagoen lekuan, eskuak garbi, \ezer dagoen lekuan, begiak argi where there's nothing, his hands are clean, where there's something, watch out ; \ezer berririk ez dago there's nothing new; ez du \ezertarako baliorik it's good for nothing
    3. \ezer ez nothing; \ezer ere ez nothing at all; zer esan duk? — \ezer ez what did you say? — nothing
    4. (esa.) \ezer gutxi daukagu we have next to nothing; \ezer batean saldu zuten they sold it for {next to nothing || a song}; \ezertara ez etorri to have no bearing | to be irrelevant; haginetako minak \ezertarakok gauza ez zarela uzten zaitu a tooth ache can lay you up; \ezer ez eta festa a big fuss about nothing; sekulako propaganda egin zuten, baina gero... joan eta \ezer ez eta festa they came out with a great advertizing blitz but then when we went, there was no big deal; \ezertan hartzen banauzu if you think anything of me; Van Goghen lana ez zuten \ezertan hartu they thought nothing of Van Gogh's work
    Jakingarria: Nothing erabiltzen da aditza baiezkoan agertzen denean edo subjektua baldin bada. Anything erabiltzen dugu aditza ezezkoan agertzen denean. Ez dut ezer nahi I want nothing edo I don't want anything. Oso gaizki da *I don't want nothing Nothing is right = Ez da ezer ongi. Oso gaizki da *Anything is right esatea baldin eta "Ez da ezer ongi" itzuli nahi badugu, zeren eta " anything ", baiezkoan izanik, "edozer" esan nahi baitu kasu horretan eta ez "ezer ez ".

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ezer

  • 118 pes

    pēs, pĕdis, m. [kindr. with Sanscr. pād, foot, from root pad, ire; Gr. pod-, pous; Goth. fōt; old Germ. vuoz; Engl. foot], a foot of man or beast.

    si pes condoluit,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 22, 52:

    calcei apti ad pedem,

    id. de Or. 1, 54, 231:

    nec manus, nec pedes, nec alia membra,

    id. Univ. 6:

    pede tellurem pulsare,

    i. e. to dance, Hor. C. 1, 37, 1; cf.:

    alterno pede terram quatere,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 7;

    4, 1, 27: pedis aptissima forma,

    Ov. Am. 3, 3, 7:

    aves omnes in pedes nascuntur,

    are born feet first, Plin. 10, 53, 74, § 149:

    cycnum pedibus Jovis armiger uncis Sustulit,

    Verg. A. 9, 564; cf. id. ib. 11, 723: pedem ferre, to go or come, id. G. 1, 11:

    si in fundo pedem posuisses,

    set foot, Cic. Caecin. 11, 31: pedem efferre, to step or go out, Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 19:

    qui pedem portā non extulit,

    Cic. Att. 8, 2, 4; 6, 8, 5:

    pedem portā non plus extulit quam domo suā,

    id. ib. 8, 2, 4: pedem limine efferre, id. Cael. 14, 34: pedem referre, revocare, retrahere, to go or come back, to return:

    profugum referre pedem,

    Ov. H. 15, 186; id. M. 2, 439.—Said even of streams:

    revocatque pedem Tiberinus ab alto,

    Verg. A. 9, 125:

    retrahitque pedes simul unda relabens,

    id. ib. 10, 307; cf. infra, II. H.: pedibus, on foot, afoot:

    cum ingressus iter pedibus sit,

    Cic. Sen. 10, 34; Suet. Aug. 53.—

    Esp. in phrase: pedibus ire, venire, etc.: pedibus proficisci,

    Liv. 26, 19:

    pedibus iter conficere,

    id. 44, 5:

    quod flumen uno omnino loco pedibus transire potest,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 18:

    (Caesar) pedibus Narbonem pervenit,

    id. B. C. 2, 21:

    ut neque pedibus aditum haberent,

    id. B. G. 3, 12 init. —Rarely pede ire ( poet. and late Lat.):

    quo bene coepisti, sic pede semper eas,

    Ov. Tr. 1, 9, 66:

    Jordanem transmiserunt pede,

    Ambros. in Psa. 118, 165, n. 16.— Trop.:

    Bacchus flueret pede suo,

    i. e. wine unmixed with water, Auct. Aetn. 13; cf.:

    musta sub adducto si pede nulla fluant,

    Ov. P. 2, 9, 32, and II. H. infra.—Pregn., by land:

    cum illud iter Hispaniense pedibus fere confici soleat: aut si quis navigare velit, etc.,

    Cic. Vatin. 5, 12:

    seu pedibus Parthos sequimur, seu classe Britannos,

    Prop. 2, 20, 63 (3, 23, 5):

    ego me in pedes (conicio),

    take to my heels, make off, Ter. Eun. 5, 2, 5.— Esp.: ad pedes alicui or alicujus, accidere, procidere, jacere, se abicere, se proicere, procumbere, etc., to approach as a suppliant, to fall at one's feet:

    ad pedes omnium singillatim accidente Clodio,

    Cic. Att. 1, 14, 5:

    abjectā togā se ad generi pedes abiecit,

    id. ib. 4, 2, 4:

    rex procidit ad pedes Achillei,

    Hor. Epod. 17, 14:

    vos ad pedes lenonis proiecistis,

    Cic. Sest. 11, 26:

    filius se ad pedes meos prosternens,

    id. Phil. 2, 18, 45:

    tibi sum supplex, Nec moror ante tuos procubuisse pedes,

    Ov. H. 12, 186:

    cui cum se moesta turba ad pedes provolvisset,

    Liv. 6, 3, 4:

    ad pedes Caesaris provoluta regina,

    Flor. 4, 11, 9:

    (mater una) mihi ad pedes misera jacuit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 49, § 129; cf.:

    amplecti pedes potui,

    Ov. M. 9, 605:

    complector, regina, pedes,

    Luc. 10, 89:

    servus a pedibus,

    a footman, lackey, Cic. Att. 8, 5, 1: sub pedibus, under one's feet, i. e. in one's power, Verg. A. 7, 100; Liv. 34, 32: sub pedibus esse or jacere, to be or lie under one's feet, i. e. to be disregarded ( poet.):

    sors ubi pessima rerum, Sub pedibus timor est,

    Ov. M. 14, 490:

    amicitiae nomen Re tibi pro vili sub pedibusque jacet,

    id. Tr. 1, 8, 16: pedem opponere, to put one's foot against, i. e. to withstand, resist, oppose ( poet.), id. P. 4, 6, 8: pedem trahere, to drag one's foot, i. e. to halt, limp; said of scazontic verse, id. R. Am. 378: trahantur haec pedibus, may be dragged by the heels, i. e. may go to the dogs (class.):

    fratrem mecum et te si habebo, per me ista pedibus trahantur,

    Cic. Att. 4, 16, 10; id. Fam. 7, 32, 2: ante pedes esse or ante pedes posita esse, to lie before one's feet, i. e. before one's eyes, to be evident, palpable, glaring:

    istuc est sapere, non quod ante pedes modo est, Videre, sed etiam illa, quae futura sunt, Prospicere,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 32:

    transilire ante pedes posita, et alia longe repetita sumere,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 40, 160:

    omni pede stare,

    i. e. to use every effort, make every exertion, Quint. 12, 9, 18: nec caput nec pes, neither head nor foot, beginning nor end, no part:

    nec caput nec pes sermonum apparet,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 139:

    garriet quoi neque pes neque caput conpareat,

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 81: tuas res ita contractas, ut, quemadmodum scribis, nec caput nec pedes, Curio ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 31, 2:

    ut nec pes nec caput uni Reddatur formae,

    Hor. A. P. 8:

    dixit Cato, eam legationem nec caput, nec pedes, nec cor habere,

    Liv. Epit. 50: pes felix, secundus, i. e. a happy or fortunate arrival:

    adi pede secundo,

    Verg. A. 8, 302:


    Ov. F. 1, 514; cf.:

    boni pedis homo, id est cujus adventus afferat aliquid felicitatis,

    Aug. Ep. ad Max. Gram. 44.—So esp. pes dexter, because it was of good omen to move the right foot first;

    temples had an uneven number of steps, that the same foot might touch the first step and first enter the temple,

    Vitr. 3, 3; cf. Petr. 30:

    quove pede ingressi?

    Prop. 3 (4), 1, 6.—So the left foot was associated with bad omens; cf. Suet. Aug. 92 init.:

    pessimo pede domum nostram accessit,

    App. M. 6, 26, p. 184, 1; hence, dextro pede, auspiciously: quid tam dextro [p. 1363] pede concipis, etc., Juv. 10, 5: pedibus pecunia compensatur, said proverbially of distant lands purchased at a cheap rate, but which it costs a great deal to reach, Cato ap. Cic. Fl. 29, 72: a pedibus usque ad caput, from head to foot, all over (late Lat.; cf.:

    ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20), Aug. in Psa. 55, 20; 90, 1, 2 et saep.; cf.:

    a vestigio pedis usque ad verticem,

    Ambros. Offic. Min. 2, 22, 114.—
    In partic.
    Milit. t. t.: descendere ad pedes, to alight, dismount, of cavalry, Liv. 9, 22:

    pedibus merere,

    to serve on foot, as a foot-soldier, id. 24, 18:

    ad pedes pugna ierat,

    they fought on foot, id. 21, 46: pedem conferre, to come to close quarters:

    collato pede rem gerere,

    id. 26, 39; Cic. Planc. 19, 48.—
    Publicist's t. t.: pedibus ire in sententiam alicujus, to adopt one's opinion, take sides with one:

    cum omnes in sententiam ejus pedibus irent,

    Liv. 9, 8, 13; 5, 9, 2.—
    In mal. part.:

    pedem or pedes tollere, extollere (ad concubitum),

    Mart. 10, 81, 4; 11, 71, 8;

    hence the lusus verbb. with pedem dare and tollere,

    Cic. Att. 2, 1, 5. —
    A foot of a table, stool, bench, etc., Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 46:

    mensae sed erat pes tertius impar,

    Ov. M. 8, 661; cf.:

    pedem et nostrum dicimus, et lecti, et veli, ut carminis (v. in the foll.),

    Sen. Ben. 2, 34, 2:


    Plin. 34, 2, 4, § 9:


    Auct. Her. 4, 55, 68:

    pes argenteus (mensae),

    Juv. 11, 128.—
    Pes veli, a rope attached to a sail for the purpose of setting it to the wind, a sheet:

    sive utrumque Juppiter Simul secundus incidisset in pedem,

    Cat. 4, 19:

    pede labitur aequo,

    i. e. before the wind, with the wind right aft, Ov. F. 3, 565:

    pedibus aequis,

    Cic. Att. 16, 6 init.; cf. also the passage quoted above from Sen. Ben. 2, 34, 2; and:

    prolato pede, transversos captare Notos,

    id. Med. 322.— Hence, facere pedem, to veer out one sheet, to take advantage of a side wind, to haul the wind: una omnes fecere pedem;

    pariterque sinistros, Nunc dextros solvere sinus,

    Verg. A. 5, 830:

    prolatis pedibus,

    Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 128.—
    The foot of a mountain (post-class.):

    Orontes imos pedes Casii montis praetermeans,

    Amm. 14, 8, 10 al. —
    Ground, soil, territory (post-class.):

    in Caesariensis pede,

    Sol. 3, 2:

    omnis Africa Zeugitano pede incipit,

    id. 27, 1; cf.:

    quamvis angustum pedem dispositio fecit habitabilem,

    Sen. Tranq. An. 10, 4.—
    The stalk or pedicle of a fruit, esp. of the grape, together with the husk:

    vinaceorum pes proruitur,

    Col. 12, 43; so id. 12, 36.—Of the olive, Plin. 15, 1, 2, § 5: pes milvinus or milvi, the stalk or stem of the plant batis, Col. 12, 7.—Hence, as a name for several plants: pedes gallinacei, a plant:

    Capnos trunca, quam pedes gallinaceos vocant,

    Plin. 25, 13, 98, § 155:

    pedes betacei,

    beetroots, Varr. R. R. 1, 27.—
    Pedes navales, rowers, sailors, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 75.—
    The barrow of a litter, Cat. 10, 22.—
    Poet., of fountains and rivers: inde super terras fluit agmine dulci, Quā via secta semel liquido pede detulit undas, Lucr, 5, 272;

    6, 638: crepante lympha desilit pede,

    Hor. Epod. 16, 47:

    liquido pede labitur unda,

    Verg. Cul. 17:

    lento pede sulcat harenas Bagrada,

    Sil. 6, 140.—
    A metrical foot:

    ad heroum nos dactyli et anapaesti et spondei pedem invitas,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 47, 82:

    pedibus claudere verba,

    to make verses, Hor. S. 2, 1, 28:

    musa per undenos emodulanda pedes,

    in hexameters and pentameters, Ov. Am. 1, 1, 30:

    inque suos volui cogere verba pedes,

    id. Tr. 5, 12, 34.—
    A kind of verse, measure:

    et pede, quo debent fortia bella geri,

    Ov. Ib. 646:


    Hor. C. 4, 6, 35.—
    In music, time (postAug.), Plin. 29, 1, 5, § 6.—
    A foot, as a measure of length (class.):

    ne iste hercle ab istā non pedem discedat,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 13:

    ab aliquo pedem discessisse,

    Cic. Deiot. 15, 42:

    pedem e villā adhuc egressi non sumus,

    id. Att. 13, 16, 1:

    pes justus,

    Plin. 18, 31, 74, § 317.—Hence, transf.: pede suo se metiri, to measure one's self by one's own foot-rule, i. e. by one's own powers or abilities, Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 98.—
    Pedes, lice; v. pedis.—
    The leg (late Lat.), in phrase: pedem frangere, Aug. Civ. Dei, 22, 22, 3; id. Serm. 273, 7.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > pes

  • 119 П-235

    HE ПОДАРОК HE ПОДАРОЧЕК both coll NP these forms only subj-compl with быть0)
    1. (subj: human a person who is not easy to have dealings with
    X - не подарок = X is no prize
    X is tough (no fun) to deal with X is no gift to mankind (humanity) X is no pushover X is a tough customer (in limited contexts) X is going to be trouble.
    Степа был хорошо известен в театральных кругах Москвы, и все знали, что человек этот - не подарочек. Но всё-таки то, что рассказывал администратор про него, даже и для Стёпы было чересчур (Булгаков 9). Styopa had a reputation in Moscow theatrical circles, and everybody knew that the man was no gift to humanity. Nevertheless, what the house manager was telling about him was too much even for Styopa (9a).
    2. ( subj: abstr or infin) sth. (or doing sth.) is unpleasant, undesirable
    X - не подарок - X isn't what I (you) would call luck (fun)
    X isn't my (our) idea of fun (of fun and games, of a good time) X is no picnic.
    «Родители уехали, а меня оставили с младшими братьями. Это, я тебе скажу, не подарок!» - «Я тебе сочувствую». "My parents are out of town and I'm stuck watching my little brothers. I tell you, it's not what you'd call fun!" "You have my sympathy."

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-235

  • 120 не подарок

    [NP; these forms only; subj-compl with быть]
    1. [subj: human]
    a person who is not easy to have dealings with:
    - X - не подарок X is no prize;
    - [in limited contexts] X is going to be trouble.
         ♦ Степа был хорошо известен в театральных кругах Москвы, и все знали, что человек этот - не подарочек. Но всё-таки то, что рассказывал администратор про него, даже и для Стёпы было чересчур (Булгаков 9). Styopa had a reputation in Moscow theatrical circles, and everybody knew that the man was no gift to humanity. Nevertheless, what the house manager was telling about him was too much even for Styopa (9a).
    2. [subj: abstr or infin]
    sth. (or doing sth.) is unpleasant, undesirable:
    - X - не подарок X isn't what I (you) would call luck (fun);
    - X isn't my (our) idea of fun (of fun and games, of a good time);
    - X is no picnic.
         ♦ "Родители уехали, а меня оставили с младшими братьями. Это, я тебе скажу, не подарок!" - "Я тебе сочувствую". "Му parents are out of town and I'm stuck watching my little brothers. I tell you, it's not what you'd call fun!" "You have my sympathy."

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не подарок

См. также в других словарях:

  • good — good1 W1S1 [gud] adj comparative better [ˈbetə US ər] superlative best [best] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(of a high standard)¦ 2¦(skilful)¦ 3¦(what you want)¦ 4¦(pleasant/enjoyable)¦ 5¦(successful/correct)¦ 6¦(suitable)¦ 7¦(useful)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Deal or No Deal (Australian game show) — Deal or No Deal The logo for Deal or No Deal Australia Genre Game show Created by En …   Wikipedia

  • Deal or No Deal — models posing for the cover of Runway Magazine – 10 October 2008 Deal or No Deal is the name of several closely related television game shows, the first of which (launching the format) was the Dutch Miljoenenjacht (Hunt For Millions) produced by… …   Wikipedia

  • Deal or No Deal Canada — logo Format Game show Created by John de Mol Starring …   Wikipedia

  • Deal — (d[=e]l), n. [OE. del, deel, part, AS. d[=ae]l; akin to OS. d[=e]l, D. & Dan. deel, G. theil, teil, Icel. deild, Sw. del, Goth. dails. [root]65. Cf. 3d {Dole}.] 1. A part or portion; a share; hence, an indefinite quantity, degree, or extent,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Deal tree — Deal Deal (d[=e]l), n. [OE. del, deel, part, AS. d[=ae]l; akin to OS. d[=e]l, D. & Dan. deel, G. theil, teil, Icel. deild, Sw. del, Goth. dails. [root]65. Cf. 3d {Dole}.] 1. A part or portion; a share; hence, an indefinite quantity, degree, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • For good — Good Good, a. [Compar. {Better}; superl. {Best}. These words, though used as the comparative and superlative of good, are from a different root.] [AS. G[=o]d, akin to D. goed, OS. g[=o]d, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g[=o][eth]r, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • For good and all — Good Good, a. [Compar. {Better}; superl. {Best}. These words, though used as the comparative and superlative of good, are from a different root.] [AS. G[=o]d, akin to D. goed, OS. g[=o]d, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g[=o][eth]r, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Good for nothing — Good Good, a. [Compar. {Better}; superl. {Best}. These words, though used as the comparative and superlative of good, are from a different root.] [AS. G[=o]d, akin to D. goed, OS. g[=o]d, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g[=o][eth]r, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Good — Good, a. [Compar. {Better}; superl. {Best}. These words, though used as the comparative and superlative of good, are from a different root.] [AS. G[=o]d, akin to D. goed, OS. g[=o]d, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g[=o][eth]r, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Good breeding — Good Good, a. [Compar. {Better}; superl. {Best}. These words, though used as the comparative and superlative of good, are from a different root.] [AS. G[=o]d, akin to D. goed, OS. g[=o]d, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g[=o][eth]r, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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