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  • 1 bring home to

    (to prove or show (something) clearly to (someone): His illness brought home to her how much she depended on him.) gøre klar for en
    * * *
    (to prove or show (something) clearly to (someone): His illness brought home to her how much she depended on him.) gøre klar for en

    English-Danish dictionary > bring home to

  • 2 presumably

    adverb (I presume: She's not in her office - presumably she went home early.) formentligt
    * * *
    adverb (I presume: She's not in her office - presumably she went home early.) formentligt

    English-Danish dictionary > presumably

  • 3 happily

    adverb The child smiled happily; Happily, (= Fortunately,) she arrived home safely.) glædeligt; lykkeligt
    * * *
    adverb The child smiled happily; Happily, (= Fortunately,) she arrived home safely.) glædeligt; lykkeligt

    English-Danish dictionary > happily

  • 4 live

    I 1. [liv] verb
    1) (to have life; to be alive: This poison is dangerous to everything that lives.) leve
    2) (to survive: The doctors say he is very ill, but they think he will live; It was difficult to believe that she had lived through such an experience.) overleve
    3) (to have one's home or dwelling (in a particular place): She lives next to the church; They went to live in Bristol / in a huge house.) bo
    4) (to pass (one's life): He lived a life of luxury; She lives in fear of being attacked.) leve
    5) ((with by) to make enough money etc to feed and house oneself: He lives by fishing.) leve af
    - - lived
    - living 2. noun
    (the money etc needed to feed and house oneself and keep oneself alive: He earns his living driving a taxi; She makes a good living as an author.) indtægt
    - live-in
    - live and let live
    - live down
    - live in
    - out
    - live on
    - live up to
    - within living memory
    - in living memory
    II 1. adjective
    1) (having life; not dead: a live mouse.) levende
    2) ((of a radio or television broadcast etc) heard or seen as the event takes place; not recorded: I watched a live performance of my favourite opera on television; Was the performance live or recorded?) direkte; live
    3) (full of energy, and capable of becoming active: a live bomb) levende; ueksploderet
    4) (burning: a live coal.) brændende
    2. adverb
    ((of a radio or television broadcast etc) as the event takes place: The competition will be broadcast live.) direkte; live
    - liveliness
    - livestock
    - live wire
    * * *
    I 1. [liv] verb
    1) (to have life; to be alive: This poison is dangerous to everything that lives.) leve
    2) (to survive: The doctors say he is very ill, but they think he will live; It was difficult to believe that she had lived through such an experience.) overleve
    3) (to have one's home or dwelling (in a particular place): She lives next to the church; They went to live in Bristol / in a huge house.) bo
    4) (to pass (one's life): He lived a life of luxury; She lives in fear of being attacked.) leve
    5) ((with by) to make enough money etc to feed and house oneself: He lives by fishing.) leve af
    - - lived
    - living 2. noun
    (the money etc needed to feed and house oneself and keep oneself alive: He earns his living driving a taxi; She makes a good living as an author.) indtægt
    - live-in
    - live and let live
    - live down
    - live in
    - out
    - live on
    - live up to
    - within living memory
    - in living memory
    II 1. adjective
    1) (having life; not dead: a live mouse.) levende
    2) ((of a radio or television broadcast etc) heard or seen as the event takes place; not recorded: I watched a live performance of my favourite opera on television; Was the performance live or recorded?) direkte; live
    3) (full of energy, and capable of becoming active: a live bomb) levende; ueksploderet
    4) (burning: a live coal.) brændende
    2. adverb
    ((of a radio or television broadcast etc) as the event takes place: The competition will be broadcast live.) direkte; live
    - liveliness
    - livestock
    - live wire

    English-Danish dictionary > live

  • 5 at

    1) (position: They are not at home; She lives at 33 Forest Road) på; i; ved
    2) (direction: He looked at her; She shouted at the boys.) på; til; efter
    3) (time: He arrived at ten o'clock; The children came at the sound of the bell.) ved; til
    4) (state or occupation: The countries are at war; She is at work.) i; på
    5) (pace or speed: He drove at 120 kilometres per hour.) med
    6) (cost: bread at $1.20 a loaf.) til; for
    * * *
    1) (position: They are not at home; She lives at 33 Forest Road) på; i; ved
    2) (direction: He looked at her; She shouted at the boys.) på; til; efter
    3) (time: He arrived at ten o'clock; The children came at the sound of the bell.) ved; til
    4) (state or occupation: The countries are at war; She is at work.) i; på
    5) (pace or speed: He drove at 120 kilometres per hour.) med
    6) (cost: bread at $1.20 a loaf.) til; for

    English-Danish dictionary > at

  • 6 leave

    I [li:v] past tense, past participle - left; verb
    1) (to go away or depart from, often without intending to return: He left the room for a moment; They left at about six o'clock; I have left that job.) forlade
    2) (to go without taking: She left her gloves in the car; He left his children behind when he went to France.) efterlade
    3) (to allow to remain in a particular state or condition: She left the job half-finished.) forlade
    4) (to let (a person or a thing) do something without being helped or attended to: I'll leave the meat to cook for a while.) lade
    5) (to allow to remain for someone to do, make etc: Leave that job to the experts!) overlade
    6) (to make a gift of in one's will: She left all her property to her son.) efterlade
    - leave out
    - left over
    II [li:v] noun
    1) (permission to do something, eg to be absent: Have I your leave to go?) tilladelse
    2) ((especially of soldiers, sailors etc) a holiday: He is home on leave at the moment.) orlov
    - take one's leave of
    - take one's leave
    * * *
    I [li:v] past tense, past participle - left; verb
    1) (to go away or depart from, often without intending to return: He left the room for a moment; They left at about six o'clock; I have left that job.) forlade
    2) (to go without taking: She left her gloves in the car; He left his children behind when he went to France.) efterlade
    3) (to allow to remain in a particular state or condition: She left the job half-finished.) forlade
    4) (to let (a person or a thing) do something without being helped or attended to: I'll leave the meat to cook for a while.) lade
    5) (to allow to remain for someone to do, make etc: Leave that job to the experts!) overlade
    6) (to make a gift of in one's will: She left all her property to her son.) efterlade
    - leave out
    - left over
    II [li:v] noun
    1) (permission to do something, eg to be absent: Have I your leave to go?) tilladelse
    2) ((especially of soldiers, sailors etc) a holiday: He is home on leave at the moment.) orlov
    - take one's leave of
    - take one's leave

    English-Danish dictionary > leave

  • 7 return

    [rə'tə:n] 1. verb
    1) (to come or go back: He returns home tomorrow; He returned to London from Paris yesterday; The pain has returned.) vende tilbage
    2) (to give, send, put etc (something) back where it came from: He returned the book to its shelf; Don't forget to return the books you borrowed.) stille tilbage; returnere
    3) (I'll return to this topic in a minute.) vende tilbage
    4) (to do (something) which has been done to oneself: She hit him and he returned the blow; He said how nice it was to see her again, and she returned the compliment.) gengælde
    5) ((of voters) to elect (someone) to Parliament.) genvælge
    6) ((of a jury) to give (a verdict): The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.) afsige
    7) ((in tennis etc) to hit (a ball) back to one's opponent: She returned his serve.) returnere
    2. noun
    1) (the act of returning: On our return, we found the house had been burgled; ( also adjective) a return journey.) tilbagekomst; retur-
    2) (especially in United Kingdom, a round-trip ticket, a return ticket: Do you want a single or a return?) returbillet
    - return match
    - return ticket
    - by return of post
    - by return
    - in return for
    - in return
    - many happy returns of the day
    - many happy returns
    * * *
    [rə'tə:n] 1. verb
    1) (to come or go back: He returns home tomorrow; He returned to London from Paris yesterday; The pain has returned.) vende tilbage
    2) (to give, send, put etc (something) back where it came from: He returned the book to its shelf; Don't forget to return the books you borrowed.) stille tilbage; returnere
    3) (I'll return to this topic in a minute.) vende tilbage
    4) (to do (something) which has been done to oneself: She hit him and he returned the blow; He said how nice it was to see her again, and she returned the compliment.) gengælde
    5) ((of voters) to elect (someone) to Parliament.) genvælge
    6) ((of a jury) to give (a verdict): The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.) afsige
    7) ((in tennis etc) to hit (a ball) back to one's opponent: She returned his serve.) returnere
    2. noun
    1) (the act of returning: On our return, we found the house had been burgled; ( also adjective) a return journey.) tilbagekomst; retur-
    2) (especially in United Kingdom, a round-trip ticket, a return ticket: Do you want a single or a return?) returbillet
    - return match
    - return ticket
    - by return of post
    - by return
    - in return for
    - in return
    - many happy returns of the day
    - many happy returns

    English-Danish dictionary > return

  • 8 know

    past tense - knew; verb
    1) (to be aware of or to have been informed about: He knows everything; I know he is at home because his car is in the drive; He knows all about it; I know of no reason why you cannot go.) vide
    2) (to have learned and to remember: He knows a lot of poetry.) kende til
    3) (to be aware of the identity of; to be friendly with: I know Mrs Smith - she lives near me.) kende
    4) (to (be able to) recognize or identify: You would hardly know her now - she has become very thin; He knows a good car when he sees one.) genkende
    - knowingly
    - know-all
    - know-how
    - in the know
    - know backwards
    - know better
    - know how to
    - know the ropes
    * * *
    past tense - knew; verb
    1) (to be aware of or to have been informed about: He knows everything; I know he is at home because his car is in the drive; He knows all about it; I know of no reason why you cannot go.) vide
    2) (to have learned and to remember: He knows a lot of poetry.) kende til
    3) (to be aware of the identity of; to be friendly with: I know Mrs Smith - she lives near me.) kende
    4) (to (be able to) recognize or identify: You would hardly know her now - she has become very thin; He knows a good car when he sees one.) genkende
    - knowingly
    - know-all
    - know-how
    - in the know
    - know backwards
    - know better
    - know how to
    - know the ropes

    English-Danish dictionary > know

  • 9 nurse

    [nə:s] 1. noun
    1) (a person who looks after sick or injured people in hospital: She wants to be a nurse.) sygeplejerske; sygeplejer
    2) (a person, usually a woman, who looks after small children: The children have gone out with their nurse.) barnepige
    2. verb
    1) (to look after sick or injured people, especially in a hospital: He was nursed back to health.) passe; pleje
    2) (to give (a baby) milk from the breast.) amme
    3) (to hold with care: She was nursing a kitten.) holde forsigtigt
    4) (to have or encourage (feelings eg of anger or hope) in oneself.) nære
    - nursing
    - nursemaid
    - nurseryman
    - nursery rhyme
    - nursery school
    - nursing-home
    * * *
    [nə:s] 1. noun
    1) (a person who looks after sick or injured people in hospital: She wants to be a nurse.) sygeplejerske; sygeplejer
    2) (a person, usually a woman, who looks after small children: The children have gone out with their nurse.) barnepige
    2. verb
    1) (to look after sick or injured people, especially in a hospital: He was nursed back to health.) passe; pleje
    2) (to give (a baby) milk from the breast.) amme
    3) (to hold with care: She was nursing a kitten.) holde forsigtigt
    4) (to have or encourage (feelings eg of anger or hope) in oneself.) nære
    - nursing
    - nursemaid
    - nurseryman
    - nursery rhyme
    - nursery school
    - nursing-home

    English-Danish dictionary > nurse

  • 10 want

    [wont] 1. verb
    1) (to be interested in having or doing, or to wish to have or do (something); to desire: Do you want a cigarette?; She wants to know where he is; She wants to go home.) gerne ville have; gerne ville
    2) (to need: This wall wants a coat of paint.) trænge til
    3) (to lack: This house wants none of the usual modern features but I do not like it; The people will want (= be poor) no longer.) mangle; lide nød
    2. noun
    1) (something desired: The child has a long list of wants.) ønske
    2) (poverty: They have lived in want for many years.) fattigdom
    3) (a lack: There's no want of opportunities these days.) mangel
    - want ad
    - want for
    * * *
    [wont] 1. verb
    1) (to be interested in having or doing, or to wish to have or do (something); to desire: Do you want a cigarette?; She wants to know where he is; She wants to go home.) gerne ville have; gerne ville
    2) (to need: This wall wants a coat of paint.) trænge til
    3) (to lack: This house wants none of the usual modern features but I do not like it; The people will want (= be poor) no longer.) mangle; lide nød
    2. noun
    1) (something desired: The child has a long list of wants.) ønske
    2) (poverty: They have lived in want for many years.) fattigdom
    3) (a lack: There's no want of opportunities these days.) mangel
    - want ad
    - want for

    English-Danish dictionary > want

  • 11 at length

    1) (in detail; taking a long time: She told us at length about her accident.) udførligt; længe
    2) (at last: At length the walkers arrived home.) langt om længe
    * * *
    1) (in detail; taking a long time: She told us at length about her accident.) udførligt; længe
    2) (at last: At length the walkers arrived home.) langt om længe

    English-Danish dictionary > at length

  • 12 away

    1) (to or at a distance from the person speaking or the person or thing spoken about: He lives three miles away (from the town); Go away!; Take it away!) væk; bort(e)
    2) (in the opposite direction: She turned away so that he would not see her tears.) væk; den anden vej
    3) ((gradually) into nothing: The noise died away.) væk; bort
    4) (continuously: They worked away until dark.) derudad; uden ophør
    5) ((of a football match etc) not on the home ground: The team is playing away this weekend; ( also adjective) an away match.) udebane; udebane-
    * * *
    1) (to or at a distance from the person speaking or the person or thing spoken about: He lives three miles away (from the town); Go away!; Take it away!) væk; bort(e)
    2) (in the opposite direction: She turned away so that he would not see her tears.) væk; den anden vej
    3) ((gradually) into nothing: The noise died away.) væk; bort
    4) (continuously: They worked away until dark.) derudad; uden ophør
    5) ((of a football match etc) not on the home ground: The team is playing away this weekend; ( also adjective) an away match.) udebane; udebane-

    English-Danish dictionary > away

  • 13 blow one's top

    (to become very angry: She blew her top when he arrived home late.) ryge op i luften
    * * *
    (to become very angry: She blew her top when he arrived home late.) ryge op i luften

    English-Danish dictionary > blow one's top

  • 14 brew

    1) (to make (beer, ale etc): He brews beer at home.) brygge; fremstille
    2) (to make (tea etc): She brewed another pot of tea.) lave
    3) (to prepare: There's a storm brewing.) være ved at udvikle sig; være under opsejling
    - brewery
    * * *
    1) (to make (beer, ale etc): He brews beer at home.) brygge; fremstille
    2) (to make (tea etc): She brewed another pot of tea.) lave
    3) (to prepare: There's a storm brewing.) være ved at udvikle sig; være under opsejling
    - brewery

    English-Danish dictionary > brew

  • 15 clean up

    (to clean (a place) thoroughly: She cleaned (the room) up after they went home.) rydde op; gøre rent
    * * *
    (to clean (a place) thoroughly: She cleaned (the room) up after they went home.) rydde op; gøre rent

    English-Danish dictionary > clean up

  • 16 do a roaring trade

    (to have a very successful business; to sell a lot of something: She's doing a roaring trade in/selling home-made cakes.) sælge med dundrende succes
    * * *
    (to have a very successful business; to sell a lot of something: She's doing a roaring trade in/selling home-made cakes.) sælge med dundrende succes

    English-Danish dictionary > do a roaring trade

  • 17 dress

    [dres] 1. verb
    1) (to put clothes or a covering on: We dressed in a hurry and my wife dressed the children.) klæde sig på; klæde på
    2) (to prepare (food etc) to be eaten: She dressed a salad.) gøre i stand; hælde dressing over
    3) (to treat and bandage (wounds): He was sent home from hospital after his burns had been dressed.) forbinde
    2. noun
    1) (what one is wearing or dressed in: He has strange tastes in dress.) tøj
    2) (a piece of women's clothing with a top and skirt in one piece: Shall I wear a dress or a blouse and skirt?) kjole
    - dresser
    - dressing
    - dressing-gown
    - dressing-room
    - dressing-table
    - dressmaker
    - dress rehearsal
    - dress up
    * * *
    [dres] 1. verb
    1) (to put clothes or a covering on: We dressed in a hurry and my wife dressed the children.) klæde sig på; klæde på
    2) (to prepare (food etc) to be eaten: She dressed a salad.) gøre i stand; hælde dressing over
    3) (to treat and bandage (wounds): He was sent home from hospital after his burns had been dressed.) forbinde
    2. noun
    1) (what one is wearing or dressed in: He has strange tastes in dress.) tøj
    2) (a piece of women's clothing with a top and skirt in one piece: Shall I wear a dress or a blouse and skirt?) kjole
    - dresser
    - dressing
    - dressing-gown
    - dressing-room
    - dressing-table
    - dressmaker
    - dress rehearsal
    - dress up

    English-Danish dictionary > dress

  • 18 drink

    [driŋk] 1. past tense - drank; verb
    1) (to swallow (a liquid): She drank a pint of water; He drank from a bottle.) drikke
    2) (to take alcoholic liquids, especially in too great a quantity.) drikke
    2. noun
    1) ((an act of drinking) a liquid suitable for swallowing: He had/took a drink of water; Lemonade is a refreshing drink.) slurk; drik
    2) ((a glassful etc of) alcoholic liquor: He likes a drink when he returns home from work; Have we any drink in the house?) drink
    - drink to / drink to the health of
    - drink to / drink the health of
    - drink up
    * * *
    [driŋk] 1. past tense - drank; verb
    1) (to swallow (a liquid): She drank a pint of water; He drank from a bottle.) drikke
    2) (to take alcoholic liquids, especially in too great a quantity.) drikke
    2. noun
    1) ((an act of drinking) a liquid suitable for swallowing: He had/took a drink of water; Lemonade is a refreshing drink.) slurk; drik
    2) ((a glassful etc of) alcoholic liquor: He likes a drink when he returns home from work; Have we any drink in the house?) drink
    - drink to / drink to the health of
    - drink to / drink the health of
    - drink up

    English-Danish dictionary > drink

  • 19 dupe

    [dju:p] 1. noun
    (a person who is cheated or deceived: She had been the dupe of a dishonest rogue.) godtroende person
    2. verb
    (to deceive or trick: He duped me into thinking he had gone home.) narre; føre bag lyset
    * * *
    [dju:p] 1. noun
    (a person who is cheated or deceived: She had been the dupe of a dishonest rogue.) godtroende person
    2. verb
    (to deceive or trick: He duped me into thinking he had gone home.) narre; føre bag lyset

    English-Danish dictionary > dupe

  • 20 expect

    1) (to think of as likely to happen or come: I'm expecting a letter today; We expect her on tomorrow's train.) forvente; regne med
    2) (to think or believe (that something will happen): He expects to be home tomorrow; I expect that he will go; `Will she go too?' `I expect so' / `I don't expect so' / `I expect not.') forvente; regne med
    3) (to require: They expect high wages for their professional work; You are expected to tidy your own room.) kræve; regne med; forvente
    4) (to suppose or assume: I expect (that) you're tired.) formode
    - expectant
    - expectantly
    - expectation
    * * *
    1) (to think of as likely to happen or come: I'm expecting a letter today; We expect her on tomorrow's train.) forvente; regne med
    2) (to think or believe (that something will happen): He expects to be home tomorrow; I expect that he will go; `Will she go too?' `I expect so' / `I don't expect so' / `I expect not.') forvente; regne med
    3) (to require: They expect high wages for their professional work; You are expected to tidy your own room.) kræve; regne med; forvente
    4) (to suppose or assume: I expect (that) you're tired.) formode
    - expectant
    - expectantly
    - expectation

    English-Danish dictionary > expect

См. также в других словарях:

  • She Came Home For Christmas (song) — She Came Home For Christmas is a song by the Danish band Mew. The song originally appeared on the album titled A Triumph For Man in 1997, but was later re released on the album titled Frengers in 2003. The song was released as a single in Denmark …   Wikipedia

  • home — home1 [ houm ] noun *** ▸ 1 place where you live ▸ 2 building for living in ▸ 3 place on sports field ▸ 4 where something started ▸ 5 base for sports team ▸ 6 home page ▸ 7 of plants and animals ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count or uncount the place where… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • She's on Duty — Infobox Korean Film name = She s on Duty caption = She s on Duty poster director = Park Gwang choon producer = writer = Lee Weon jae Park Gwang choon Seol Joon seok starring = Kim Seon ah Gong Yoo music = distributor = ShowBox released =… …   Wikipedia

  • Home with Kids — (Chinese: 家有儿女; pinyin: Jiā yǒu érnǚ), is a sitcom from Mainland China. There are totally four parts of Home with Kids , i.e. Home with Kids 1 , Home with Kids 2 , Home with Kids 3 and Home with Kids 4 , which were released respectively in 2004,… …   Wikipedia

  • She’s Leaving Home — Исполнитель The Beatles Альбом Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Дата выпуска 1 июня 1967 Дата з …   Википедия

  • Home of Truth, Utah — Home of Truth is a ghost town located at Photograph Gap in Dry Valley, some convert|15|mi north of Monticello, Utah by the entrance to the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park, in San Juan County, Utah, USA. The settlement was a short… …   Wikipedia

  • She's Leaving Home — She’s Leaving Home Chanson par The Beatles extrait de l’album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Sortie 1er  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • She's Leaving Home — «She s Leaving Home» Canción de The Beatles Álbum Sgt. Pepper s Lonely Hearts Club Band Publicación 1 de junio de 1967 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Home and Away — Género Drama, telenovela Creado por Alan Bateman Reparto Ray Meagher Ada Nicodemou Lyn …   Wikipedia Español

  • Home Away From Homer — «Home Away From Homer» «Дом вдали от Гомера» Эпизод «Симпсонов» …   Википедия

  • Home sign — (or kitchen sign) is the gestural communication system developed by a deaf child who lacks input from a language model in the family. This is a common experience for deaf children with hearing parents who are isolated from a sign language… …   Wikipedia

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