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  • 1 קדר I (קדד)

    קָדַרI (קָדַד) (cmp. כָּדַר, גָּדַר, גָּדַר) to cut around, perforate, cut out. Sabb.116a; Y. ib. XVI, 15c bot. קוֹרֵר (Ar. קוֹדֵד), v. אַזְכָּרָה. Snh.103b מנשה ק׳וכ׳ (Ar. קדר) Manasseh cut the divine names out (of the Scriptures). Kidd.22b קוֹדֵד ויורדוכ׳ Ar. (ed. דוקד והולך) one must bore (through the slaves ear) until the door is reached. Ḥull.77a כל שהרופא קוֹדְרוֹ (Ar. a. Ms. M. correct. קוֹדְדוֹ, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) such flesh as the physician cuts out; a. e.Part. pass. (קָדוּד) קָדוּר. Ab. Zar.32a (expl. עור לבוב) בל שקרוע … וק׳וכ׳ a hide which is slit open opposite the heart and cut out like an air-hole; Tosef. ib. IV (V), 7 כל שק׳ כנגד לבו Var. ed. Zuck. (text שנקוב, oth. ed. שקרוע). Ukts. II, 4 קְדוּרָה (ed. Dehr. קְדוּדָה) cut into, opp. שלמה. Pi. (קִדֵּד) קִדֵּר 1) to cut through; (in measuring distances) to estimate the level distance between two places separated by mountains. Erub.V, 4 (58a) שמעתי שמְקַדְּרִין בהרים (Y. ed. Ven. שמְקַדְּדִין; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 90) I have heard a tradition that in measuring Sabbath distances elevations are considered as cut through. Ib. 58b כיצד מְקַדְּרִיןוכ׳ how is the measuring done to obtain the tunnel distance? He who stands below holds the rope against his heart, while he who stands above holds the other end of the rope against his feet. Ib. אין מקדרין אלא בחבלוכ׳ only a rope of four cubits can be used for measuring Ib. אין מקדרין לא בעגלהוכ׳ this method of measuring distances is not applied in the case of a slain body found in the field (v. עֶגְלָה), or for cities of refuge. Tosef. ib. VI (V), 11 מְקַדֵּר ועולה מק׳ ויורדוכ׳ we go up measuring the air-line and down again (on the other side), and consider the elevation as if it were cut through before us. Erub.58a מַקְדִּיר ועולהוכ׳; Tosef. l. c. 12 מקדר. Y. ib. V, 22d (repeatedly מְקַדְּדִין). Ib. מקדימין (corr. acc.). Y.Sot.V, 20b bot. מקדדין; Y.Macc.2, end, 32a מקדרין; a. fr.y. Keth.XIII, 36b top מקדר ויוצאוכ׳ he may cut his way through the vines and get out (v. פָּסַג).Pes.11b מקדרין, read: מקרדין, v. קָרַד. 2) (denom. of קָדֵר or קַדָּר) to make pots, pretend to be a potter. Ruth R. to I, l (s. 2), v. קַדָּרוּת. Hif. הִקְדִּיר to cut through; to penetrate. Erub.58a, v. supra. Nidd.56b; Tosef. ib. VI, 13 מַקְדִּיר, v. גָּלַד; (perh. fr. קָדַר II, becomes dull). Nif. נִקְדַּר to be cut out. Ḥull.77a נ׳ כמין טבעת (Ar. נִקְדַּד) if the flesh over a fracture is cut out like a ring. Ib. 57b רחל …שנ׳ קנה שלהוכ׳ a lamb … whose wind-pipe was perforated, and they inserted a tube of reed, and it recovered.

    Jewish literature > קדר I (קדד)

  • 2 קָדַר

    קָדַרI (קָדַד) (cmp. כָּדַר, גָּדַר, גָּדַר) to cut around, perforate, cut out. Sabb.116a; Y. ib. XVI, 15c bot. קוֹרֵר (Ar. קוֹדֵד), v. אַזְכָּרָה. Snh.103b מנשה ק׳וכ׳ (Ar. קדר) Manasseh cut the divine names out (of the Scriptures). Kidd.22b קוֹדֵד ויורדוכ׳ Ar. (ed. דוקד והולך) one must bore (through the slaves ear) until the door is reached. Ḥull.77a כל שהרופא קוֹדְרוֹ (Ar. a. Ms. M. correct. קוֹדְדוֹ, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) such flesh as the physician cuts out; a. e.Part. pass. (קָדוּד) קָדוּר. Ab. Zar.32a (expl. עור לבוב) בל שקרוע … וק׳וכ׳ a hide which is slit open opposite the heart and cut out like an air-hole; Tosef. ib. IV (V), 7 כל שק׳ כנגד לבו Var. ed. Zuck. (text שנקוב, oth. ed. שקרוע). Ukts. II, 4 קְדוּרָה (ed. Dehr. קְדוּדָה) cut into, opp. שלמה. Pi. (קִדֵּד) קִדֵּר 1) to cut through; (in measuring distances) to estimate the level distance between two places separated by mountains. Erub.V, 4 (58a) שמעתי שמְקַדְּרִין בהרים (Y. ed. Ven. שמְקַדְּדִין; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 90) I have heard a tradition that in measuring Sabbath distances elevations are considered as cut through. Ib. 58b כיצד מְקַדְּרִיןוכ׳ how is the measuring done to obtain the tunnel distance? He who stands below holds the rope against his heart, while he who stands above holds the other end of the rope against his feet. Ib. אין מקדרין אלא בחבלוכ׳ only a rope of four cubits can be used for measuring Ib. אין מקדרין לא בעגלהוכ׳ this method of measuring distances is not applied in the case of a slain body found in the field (v. עֶגְלָה), or for cities of refuge. Tosef. ib. VI (V), 11 מְקַדֵּר ועולה מק׳ ויורדוכ׳ we go up measuring the air-line and down again (on the other side), and consider the elevation as if it were cut through before us. Erub.58a מַקְדִּיר ועולהוכ׳; Tosef. l. c. 12 מקדר. Y. ib. V, 22d (repeatedly מְקַדְּדִין). Ib. מקדימין (corr. acc.). Y.Sot.V, 20b bot. מקדדין; Y.Macc.2, end, 32a מקדרין; a. fr.y. Keth.XIII, 36b top מקדר ויוצאוכ׳ he may cut his way through the vines and get out (v. פָּסַג).Pes.11b מקדרין, read: מקרדין, v. קָרַד. 2) (denom. of קָדֵר or קַדָּר) to make pots, pretend to be a potter. Ruth R. to I, l (s. 2), v. קַדָּרוּת. Hif. הִקְדִּיר to cut through; to penetrate. Erub.58a, v. supra. Nidd.56b; Tosef. ib. VI, 13 מַקְדִּיר, v. גָּלַד; (perh. fr. קָדַר II, becomes dull). Nif. נִקְדַּר to be cut out. Ḥull.77a נ׳ כמין טבעת (Ar. נִקְדַּד) if the flesh over a fracture is cut out like a ring. Ib. 57b רחל …שנ׳ קנה שלהוכ׳ a lamb … whose wind-pipe was perforated, and they inserted a tube of reed, and it recovered.

    Jewish literature > קָדַר

  • 3 כיף

    כֵּיף, כֵּיפָאI ch. sam( 1) ( ball, rock.Pl. כֵּיפִים, constr. כֵּיפֵי, כֵּפֵי. Y.Shek.VI, 50a; Gen. R. s. 23, v. בַּרְבַּרְיָא. arch, tuft, umbel), rock, stone, ball. Targ. Is. 32:2. Targ. Prov. 17:8; a. fr.Y.Shek.V, 48d היי דין כ׳ מקוררוכ׳ which rock (when bored) will give forth water, and which., v. שְׁרַבְרוּבֵי.Pl. כֵּיפִין, כֵּיפַיָּא, כֵּיפֵי. Targ. Y. I Deut. 32:13. Targ. 1 Kings 19:11. Targ. Ps. 104:18; a. fr. כיפי טבתא pearls, jewels. Targ. Prov. 3:15; a. e.M. Kat. 25b כ׳ דנורא (Ms. M. טיפי) fire-balls; כ׳ דברדא hail-stones. Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d דאת … אילין כ׳ thou must remove these stones. Keth.112a bot. מנשק כ׳ דעכו kissed the rocks (Rashi: corals) of the shore of Ptolemais (as sacred ground); Y.Shebi.IV, end, 35c לכֵיפָתָא. Ib. מתקל כֵּיפֵי weighed the stones (to demonstrate his appreciation of the sacred ground); a. fr.Esp. כֵּיפֵי (v. supra) precious stones, jewelry (prob. amber, v. כֵּיפָה). Erub.96b; Keth.81b כ׳ תלא לה has he jewelry suspended on it (his opinion)?, i. e. must his opinion absolutely be accepted?B. Bath.52a B. Mets.35a אפקיד כ׳וכ׳ gave jewelry in trust Ib. הב לי כֵּיפַי (Ms. M. כֵּיפַאי) give me my jewelry back; a. e. 3) also כַּפָּא (cmp. גֵּיף, כַּף) shore, border. Targ. Jud. 7:12. Targ. Is. 19:7 ככֵיפֵיה (ed. Lag. ככפיה; ed. Wil. בכיפי, corr. acc.) like its shore.Pes.4a, v. אֲסִיסְנָא. Ned.40a bot. נהרא מכֵּיפֵיהוכ׳ the Euphrates grows from (the waters coming down) its shores (not from rain); Sabb.65b; Bekh.55b. Koh. R. to XI, 1 הוה מיטמר בכיף ימא (some ed. בכֵף) was hiding himself at the sea-shore; a. e.Pl. as ab. Targ. Is. 8:7 כֵּיפוֹהִי; Targ. Josh. 3:15 (some ed. כַּפּוֹהִי).Sabb.65b מכֵּיפֵי some ed. (v. supra).M. Kat. l. c. נשוק כ׳ … אהדדי the shores of … touched each other (the waters rising to the level of the shores; Rashi: the arches of the ruined bridges, v. infra). 4) arch, vault, v. כִּיפְתָא. 5) cap, v. כִּיפָּה. 6) bundle, sheaf, v. כַּפָּא. כיפא, Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5, v. כִּיפָּה, end.

    Jewish literature > כיף

  • 4 כיפא I

    כֵּיף, כֵּיפָאI ch. sam( 1) ( ball, rock.Pl. כֵּיפִים, constr. כֵּיפֵי, כֵּפֵי. Y.Shek.VI, 50a; Gen. R. s. 23, v. בַּרְבַּרְיָא. arch, tuft, umbel), rock, stone, ball. Targ. Is. 32:2. Targ. Prov. 17:8; a. fr.Y.Shek.V, 48d היי דין כ׳ מקוררוכ׳ which rock (when bored) will give forth water, and which., v. שְׁרַבְרוּבֵי.Pl. כֵּיפִין, כֵּיפַיָּא, כֵּיפֵי. Targ. Y. I Deut. 32:13. Targ. 1 Kings 19:11. Targ. Ps. 104:18; a. fr. כיפי טבתא pearls, jewels. Targ. Prov. 3:15; a. e.M. Kat. 25b כ׳ דנורא (Ms. M. טיפי) fire-balls; כ׳ דברדא hail-stones. Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d דאת … אילין כ׳ thou must remove these stones. Keth.112a bot. מנשק כ׳ דעכו kissed the rocks (Rashi: corals) of the shore of Ptolemais (as sacred ground); Y.Shebi.IV, end, 35c לכֵיפָתָא. Ib. מתקל כֵּיפֵי weighed the stones (to demonstrate his appreciation of the sacred ground); a. fr.Esp. כֵּיפֵי (v. supra) precious stones, jewelry (prob. amber, v. כֵּיפָה). Erub.96b; Keth.81b כ׳ תלא לה has he jewelry suspended on it (his opinion)?, i. e. must his opinion absolutely be accepted?B. Bath.52a B. Mets.35a אפקיד כ׳וכ׳ gave jewelry in trust Ib. הב לי כֵּיפַי (Ms. M. כֵּיפַאי) give me my jewelry back; a. e. 3) also כַּפָּא (cmp. גֵּיף, כַּף) shore, border. Targ. Jud. 7:12. Targ. Is. 19:7 ככֵיפֵיה (ed. Lag. ככפיה; ed. Wil. בכיפי, corr. acc.) like its shore.Pes.4a, v. אֲסִיסְנָא. Ned.40a bot. נהרא מכֵּיפֵיהוכ׳ the Euphrates grows from (the waters coming down) its shores (not from rain); Sabb.65b; Bekh.55b. Koh. R. to XI, 1 הוה מיטמר בכיף ימא (some ed. בכֵף) was hiding himself at the sea-shore; a. e.Pl. as ab. Targ. Is. 8:7 כֵּיפוֹהִי; Targ. Josh. 3:15 (some ed. כַּפּוֹהִי).Sabb.65b מכֵּיפֵי some ed. (v. supra).M. Kat. l. c. נשוק כ׳ … אהדדי the shores of … touched each other (the waters rising to the level of the shores; Rashi: the arches of the ruined bridges, v. infra). 4) arch, vault, v. כִּיפְתָא. 5) cap, v. כִּיפָּה. 6) bundle, sheaf, v. כַּפָּא. כיפא, Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5, v. כִּיפָּה, end.

    Jewish literature > כיפא I

  • 5 כֵּיף

    כֵּיף, כֵּיפָאI ch. sam( 1) ( ball, rock.Pl. כֵּיפִים, constr. כֵּיפֵי, כֵּפֵי. Y.Shek.VI, 50a; Gen. R. s. 23, v. בַּרְבַּרְיָא. arch, tuft, umbel), rock, stone, ball. Targ. Is. 32:2. Targ. Prov. 17:8; a. fr.Y.Shek.V, 48d היי דין כ׳ מקוררוכ׳ which rock (when bored) will give forth water, and which., v. שְׁרַבְרוּבֵי.Pl. כֵּיפִין, כֵּיפַיָּא, כֵּיפֵי. Targ. Y. I Deut. 32:13. Targ. 1 Kings 19:11. Targ. Ps. 104:18; a. fr. כיפי טבתא pearls, jewels. Targ. Prov. 3:15; a. e.M. Kat. 25b כ׳ דנורא (Ms. M. טיפי) fire-balls; כ׳ דברדא hail-stones. Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d דאת … אילין כ׳ thou must remove these stones. Keth.112a bot. מנשק כ׳ דעכו kissed the rocks (Rashi: corals) of the shore of Ptolemais (as sacred ground); Y.Shebi.IV, end, 35c לכֵיפָתָא. Ib. מתקל כֵּיפֵי weighed the stones (to demonstrate his appreciation of the sacred ground); a. fr.Esp. כֵּיפֵי (v. supra) precious stones, jewelry (prob. amber, v. כֵּיפָה). Erub.96b; Keth.81b כ׳ תלא לה has he jewelry suspended on it (his opinion)?, i. e. must his opinion absolutely be accepted?B. Bath.52a B. Mets.35a אפקיד כ׳וכ׳ gave jewelry in trust Ib. הב לי כֵּיפַי (Ms. M. כֵּיפַאי) give me my jewelry back; a. e. 3) also כַּפָּא (cmp. גֵּיף, כַּף) shore, border. Targ. Jud. 7:12. Targ. Is. 19:7 ככֵיפֵיה (ed. Lag. ככפיה; ed. Wil. בכיפי, corr. acc.) like its shore.Pes.4a, v. אֲסִיסְנָא. Ned.40a bot. נהרא מכֵּיפֵיהוכ׳ the Euphrates grows from (the waters coming down) its shores (not from rain); Sabb.65b; Bekh.55b. Koh. R. to XI, 1 הוה מיטמר בכיף ימא (some ed. בכֵף) was hiding himself at the sea-shore; a. e.Pl. as ab. Targ. Is. 8:7 כֵּיפוֹהִי; Targ. Josh. 3:15 (some ed. כַּפּוֹהִי).Sabb.65b מכֵּיפֵי some ed. (v. supra).M. Kat. l. c. נשוק כ׳ … אהדדי the shores of … touched each other (the waters rising to the level of the shores; Rashi: the arches of the ruined bridges, v. infra). 4) arch, vault, v. כִּיפְתָא. 5) cap, v. כִּיפָּה. 6) bundle, sheaf, v. כַּפָּא. כיפא, Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5, v. כִּיפָּה, end.

    Jewish literature > כֵּיף

  • 6 כֵּיפָא

    כֵּיף, כֵּיפָאI ch. sam( 1) ( ball, rock.Pl. כֵּיפִים, constr. כֵּיפֵי, כֵּפֵי. Y.Shek.VI, 50a; Gen. R. s. 23, v. בַּרְבַּרְיָא. arch, tuft, umbel), rock, stone, ball. Targ. Is. 32:2. Targ. Prov. 17:8; a. fr.Y.Shek.V, 48d היי דין כ׳ מקוררוכ׳ which rock (when bored) will give forth water, and which., v. שְׁרַבְרוּבֵי.Pl. כֵּיפִין, כֵּיפַיָּא, כֵּיפֵי. Targ. Y. I Deut. 32:13. Targ. 1 Kings 19:11. Targ. Ps. 104:18; a. fr. כיפי טבתא pearls, jewels. Targ. Prov. 3:15; a. e.M. Kat. 25b כ׳ דנורא (Ms. M. טיפי) fire-balls; כ׳ דברדא hail-stones. Y.Ab. Zar. IV, 43d דאת … אילין כ׳ thou must remove these stones. Keth.112a bot. מנשק כ׳ דעכו kissed the rocks (Rashi: corals) of the shore of Ptolemais (as sacred ground); Y.Shebi.IV, end, 35c לכֵיפָתָא. Ib. מתקל כֵּיפֵי weighed the stones (to demonstrate his appreciation of the sacred ground); a. fr.Esp. כֵּיפֵי (v. supra) precious stones, jewelry (prob. amber, v. כֵּיפָה). Erub.96b; Keth.81b כ׳ תלא לה has he jewelry suspended on it (his opinion)?, i. e. must his opinion absolutely be accepted?B. Bath.52a B. Mets.35a אפקיד כ׳וכ׳ gave jewelry in trust Ib. הב לי כֵּיפַי (Ms. M. כֵּיפַאי) give me my jewelry back; a. e. 3) also כַּפָּא (cmp. גֵּיף, כַּף) shore, border. Targ. Jud. 7:12. Targ. Is. 19:7 ככֵיפֵיה (ed. Lag. ככפיה; ed. Wil. בכיפי, corr. acc.) like its shore.Pes.4a, v. אֲסִיסְנָא. Ned.40a bot. נהרא מכֵּיפֵיהוכ׳ the Euphrates grows from (the waters coming down) its shores (not from rain); Sabb.65b; Bekh.55b. Koh. R. to XI, 1 הוה מיטמר בכיף ימא (some ed. בכֵף) was hiding himself at the sea-shore; a. e.Pl. as ab. Targ. Is. 8:7 כֵּיפוֹהִי; Targ. Josh. 3:15 (some ed. כַּפּוֹהִי).Sabb.65b מכֵּיפֵי some ed. (v. supra).M. Kat. l. c. נשוק כ׳ … אהדדי the shores of … touched each other (the waters rising to the level of the shores; Rashi: the arches of the ruined bridges, v. infra). 4) arch, vault, v. כִּיפְתָא. 5) cap, v. כִּיפָּה. 6) bundle, sheaf, v. כַּפָּא. כיפא, Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5, v. כִּיפָּה, end.

    Jewish literature > כֵּיפָא

  • 7 גודש

    גּוֹדֶשm. ( גדש) the heap, the top over the level of a dry measure. Zeb.62b כמחק ג׳ סאה as thick as the instrument for striking off the top of a Sah. Men.IX, 5 (90a) היה גוֹדְשָׁהּ לתוכה (Var. גָדְשָׁהּ) its heap was added to the measure, i. e. the additional quantity forming the top of other measures, was contained in the Highpriests measure which was so much larger.

    Jewish literature > גודש

  • 8 גּוֹדֶש

    גּוֹדֶשm. ( גדש) the heap, the top over the level of a dry measure. Zeb.62b כמחק ג׳ סאה as thick as the instrument for striking off the top of a Sah. Men.IX, 5 (90a) היה גוֹדְשָׁהּ לתוכה (Var. גָדְשָׁהּ) its heap was added to the measure, i. e. the additional quantity forming the top of other measures, was contained in the Highpriests measure which was so much larger.

    Jewish literature > גּוֹדֶש

  • 9 גודשא

    גּוּדְשָׁאch. sam(גודש the heap, the top over the level of a dry measure). Erub.14b ההוא לג׳ this refers to heaped measure (dry quantities). Ib. ההוא ג׳ תילתא הוי that top in dry measures amounts to one third of the entire quantity; Sabb.35a.

    Jewish literature > גודשא

  • 10 גּוּדְשָׁא

    גּוּדְשָׁאch. sam(גודש the heap, the top over the level of a dry measure). Erub.14b ההוא לג׳ this refers to heaped measure (dry quantities). Ib. ההוא ג׳ תילתא הוי that top in dry measures amounts to one third of the entire quantity; Sabb.35a.

    Jewish literature > גּוּדְשָׁא

  • 11 הקו האדום

    the hot (telephone) line; critical level, dangerous level

    Hebrew-English dictionary > הקו האדום

  • 12 מפלס הכינרת

    the water level of the Kinneret, the flood table of the Kinneret

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מפלס הכינרת

  • 13 סוויטה נשיאותית

    the presidential suite, set of rooms in a hotel reserved for important people at the presidential level

    Hebrew-English dictionary > סוויטה נשיאותית

  • 14 שוי

    שוי, שָׁרָה(b. h.) (to join, combine, 1) (to be even, equal, alike. M. Kat. 9b (ref. to Prov. 3:15) כל חפצך … הא חפצי שמים יִשְׁווּ בה all thy affairs are not of equal value with her (the Torah), but heavens affairs (pious deeds) are of equal value with her (you may interrupt study for pious works); וכתיב … חפצי שמים לא ישוו בה but it is also written (ib. 8:11), ‘and all affairs (which implies that) even heavens affairs are not equal to her! Y.Peah 1, 15d bot. חפציך וחפצי לא ישוו בה I sent thee something with which thy affairs and my affairs cannot compare; a. e.Denom. שָׁוֶה, q. v. 2) (denom. of שָׁוֶה) a) to be of value. Meg.15b (ref. to Esth. 5:13) מלמד … כל זה איננו שֹׁוֶה לי this indicates that all that wicked mans treasures were engraven (registered) in the tablet on his heart, but when he saw Mordecai, he said, ‘all this is of no value to me.b) to value, weigh, consider. Ib. 16a (ref. to Esth. 7:4) צר זה אינו שוה בנזקוכ׳ this enemy has no consideration for the kings loss Hif. הִשְׁוָה 1) to place side by side. Y.Ber.I, 2c top זה … צריך להַשְׁווֹת את רגליו he that stands up to pray must set his feet together. 2) to make even, smooth, level. Tosef.B. Kam. XI, 14 אם עתיד להַשְׁוֹותוֹוכ׳ if the hatcheller has to make the web even (cut away the protruding threads), he may take even a handbreadth (they belong to him); מַשְׁוֵיהוּ לאורכווכ׳ he must shear it lengthwise, but not widthwise; B. Kam. 119b. Erub.93a ה׳ פצימיה if he made the posts even, i. e. made walls to connect them in one line. Succ.19a כשה׳ את קירויו when he made its ceiling even, i. e. extended it in a horizontal direction over the whole building; a. e. 3) to compare, make alike, place on a level standard. B. Bath.VIII, 5 וה׳ להן את חבכור and made the first-born alike with them, i. e. assigned to him an equal share with his brothers. Nidd.46b ה׳ הכתוב הקטן כגדולוכ׳ the Scriptural text places the minor on a level with the adult as regards the laws of Y.Kidd.I, 61b bot. ה׳ הכתוב מצוה … מצוהוכ׳ the Scripture puts the lightest command on a level with the most difficult (as regards reward). B. Kam.15a; a. fr. 4) to harmonize, find in harmony. Gen. R. s. 34 שה׳ דצתו לדעתוכ׳ for he found his (Antoninus) opinion in harmony with the Scriptural intimation; ib. שהִשְׁוָהּ לדעתוכ׳ for he found it in harmony Lev. R. s. 4; Yalk. Gen. 137 we are the majority מפני מה אינכם מַשְׁוִים (עצמיכם) עמנו לע״א why do you not accommodate yourselves to us with regard to idolatry? Ib. ומַשְׁוֶה אתה עמהן and dost thou create harmony among them (thy sons)? עד … להשוות עמך והַשְׁוֵה עם בניך instead of asking me to agree with thee, go and make harmony among thy sons; Lev. R. l. c. עד שאתה משוה אותנו לך והשוה את בניך; a. e. Nif. נִשְׁוָה to be compared, be equal. Yalk. Ex. 244 להִשָּׁוֹות, v. נָוָה. Pi. שִׁוָּה 1) to place. Midr. Till. to Ps. 119:9 (ref. to Ps. 16:8, sq.) ובשביל ששִׁוִּיתִיוכ׳ and because I placed the Lord before me continually, therefore my heart rejoices ; a. e. 2) (to level obstacles, overcome temptations, to achieve. Tanḥ. Naso 28 (ref. to מצליח, Gen. 39:2) שִׁוִּיתָ מה שלא ש׳וכ׳ thou hast achieved what Adam could not achieve (to resist temptation), v. שְׁוִיָּה. Nithpa. נִשְׁתַּוֶּה to be made alike; to join. Num. R. s. 1620> שאלו לא נִשְׁתַּוּוּוכ׳ for if they had not joined the spies ; Tanḥ. ed. Bub. Shlaḥ 20; (Tanḥ. ib. 11 שמעו).

    Jewish literature > שוי

  • 15 שרה

    שוי, שָׁרָה(b. h.) (to join, combine, 1) (to be even, equal, alike. M. Kat. 9b (ref. to Prov. 3:15) כל חפצך … הא חפצי שמים יִשְׁווּ בה all thy affairs are not of equal value with her (the Torah), but heavens affairs (pious deeds) are of equal value with her (you may interrupt study for pious works); וכתיב … חפצי שמים לא ישוו בה but it is also written (ib. 8:11), ‘and all affairs (which implies that) even heavens affairs are not equal to her! Y.Peah 1, 15d bot. חפציך וחפצי לא ישוו בה I sent thee something with which thy affairs and my affairs cannot compare; a. e.Denom. שָׁוֶה, q. v. 2) (denom. of שָׁוֶה) a) to be of value. Meg.15b (ref. to Esth. 5:13) מלמד … כל זה איננו שֹׁוֶה לי this indicates that all that wicked mans treasures were engraven (registered) in the tablet on his heart, but when he saw Mordecai, he said, ‘all this is of no value to me.b) to value, weigh, consider. Ib. 16a (ref. to Esth. 7:4) צר זה אינו שוה בנזקוכ׳ this enemy has no consideration for the kings loss Hif. הִשְׁוָה 1) to place side by side. Y.Ber.I, 2c top זה … צריך להַשְׁווֹת את רגליו he that stands up to pray must set his feet together. 2) to make even, smooth, level. Tosef.B. Kam. XI, 14 אם עתיד להַשְׁוֹותוֹוכ׳ if the hatcheller has to make the web even (cut away the protruding threads), he may take even a handbreadth (they belong to him); מַשְׁוֵיהוּ לאורכווכ׳ he must shear it lengthwise, but not widthwise; B. Kam. 119b. Erub.93a ה׳ פצימיה if he made the posts even, i. e. made walls to connect them in one line. Succ.19a כשה׳ את קירויו when he made its ceiling even, i. e. extended it in a horizontal direction over the whole building; a. e. 3) to compare, make alike, place on a level standard. B. Bath.VIII, 5 וה׳ להן את חבכור and made the first-born alike with them, i. e. assigned to him an equal share with his brothers. Nidd.46b ה׳ הכתוב הקטן כגדולוכ׳ the Scriptural text places the minor on a level with the adult as regards the laws of Y.Kidd.I, 61b bot. ה׳ הכתוב מצוה … מצוהוכ׳ the Scripture puts the lightest command on a level with the most difficult (as regards reward). B. Kam.15a; a. fr. 4) to harmonize, find in harmony. Gen. R. s. 34 שה׳ דצתו לדעתוכ׳ for he found his (Antoninus) opinion in harmony with the Scriptural intimation; ib. שהִשְׁוָהּ לדעתוכ׳ for he found it in harmony Lev. R. s. 4; Yalk. Gen. 137 we are the majority מפני מה אינכם מַשְׁוִים (עצמיכם) עמנו לע״א why do you not accommodate yourselves to us with regard to idolatry? Ib. ומַשְׁוֶה אתה עמהן and dost thou create harmony among them (thy sons)? עד … להשוות עמך והַשְׁוֵה עם בניך instead of asking me to agree with thee, go and make harmony among thy sons; Lev. R. l. c. עד שאתה משוה אותנו לך והשוה את בניך; a. e. Nif. נִשְׁוָה to be compared, be equal. Yalk. Ex. 244 להִשָּׁוֹות, v. נָוָה. Pi. שִׁוָּה 1) to place. Midr. Till. to Ps. 119:9 (ref. to Ps. 16:8, sq.) ובשביל ששִׁוִּיתִיוכ׳ and because I placed the Lord before me continually, therefore my heart rejoices ; a. e. 2) (to level obstacles, overcome temptations, to achieve. Tanḥ. Naso 28 (ref. to מצליח, Gen. 39:2) שִׁוִּיתָ מה שלא ש׳וכ׳ thou hast achieved what Adam could not achieve (to resist temptation), v. שְׁוִיָּה. Nithpa. נִשְׁתַּוֶּה to be made alike; to join. Num. R. s. 1620> שאלו לא נִשְׁתַּוּוּוכ׳ for if they had not joined the spies ; Tanḥ. ed. Bub. Shlaḥ 20; (Tanḥ. ib. 11 שמעו).

    Jewish literature > שרה

  • 16 שָׁרָה

    שוי, שָׁרָה(b. h.) (to join, combine, 1) (to be even, equal, alike. M. Kat. 9b (ref. to Prov. 3:15) כל חפצך … הא חפצי שמים יִשְׁווּ בה all thy affairs are not of equal value with her (the Torah), but heavens affairs (pious deeds) are of equal value with her (you may interrupt study for pious works); וכתיב … חפצי שמים לא ישוו בה but it is also written (ib. 8:11), ‘and all affairs (which implies that) even heavens affairs are not equal to her! Y.Peah 1, 15d bot. חפציך וחפצי לא ישוו בה I sent thee something with which thy affairs and my affairs cannot compare; a. e.Denom. שָׁוֶה, q. v. 2) (denom. of שָׁוֶה) a) to be of value. Meg.15b (ref. to Esth. 5:13) מלמד … כל זה איננו שֹׁוֶה לי this indicates that all that wicked mans treasures were engraven (registered) in the tablet on his heart, but when he saw Mordecai, he said, ‘all this is of no value to me.b) to value, weigh, consider. Ib. 16a (ref. to Esth. 7:4) צר זה אינו שוה בנזקוכ׳ this enemy has no consideration for the kings loss Hif. הִשְׁוָה 1) to place side by side. Y.Ber.I, 2c top זה … צריך להַשְׁווֹת את רגליו he that stands up to pray must set his feet together. 2) to make even, smooth, level. Tosef.B. Kam. XI, 14 אם עתיד להַשְׁוֹותוֹוכ׳ if the hatcheller has to make the web even (cut away the protruding threads), he may take even a handbreadth (they belong to him); מַשְׁוֵיהוּ לאורכווכ׳ he must shear it lengthwise, but not widthwise; B. Kam. 119b. Erub.93a ה׳ פצימיה if he made the posts even, i. e. made walls to connect them in one line. Succ.19a כשה׳ את קירויו when he made its ceiling even, i. e. extended it in a horizontal direction over the whole building; a. e. 3) to compare, make alike, place on a level standard. B. Bath.VIII, 5 וה׳ להן את חבכור and made the first-born alike with them, i. e. assigned to him an equal share with his brothers. Nidd.46b ה׳ הכתוב הקטן כגדולוכ׳ the Scriptural text places the minor on a level with the adult as regards the laws of Y.Kidd.I, 61b bot. ה׳ הכתוב מצוה … מצוהוכ׳ the Scripture puts the lightest command on a level with the most difficult (as regards reward). B. Kam.15a; a. fr. 4) to harmonize, find in harmony. Gen. R. s. 34 שה׳ דצתו לדעתוכ׳ for he found his (Antoninus) opinion in harmony with the Scriptural intimation; ib. שהִשְׁוָהּ לדעתוכ׳ for he found it in harmony Lev. R. s. 4; Yalk. Gen. 137 we are the majority מפני מה אינכם מַשְׁוִים (עצמיכם) עמנו לע״א why do you not accommodate yourselves to us with regard to idolatry? Ib. ומַשְׁוֶה אתה עמהן and dost thou create harmony among them (thy sons)? עד … להשוות עמך והַשְׁוֵה עם בניך instead of asking me to agree with thee, go and make harmony among thy sons; Lev. R. l. c. עד שאתה משוה אותנו לך והשוה את בניך; a. e. Nif. נִשְׁוָה to be compared, be equal. Yalk. Ex. 244 להִשָּׁוֹות, v. נָוָה. Pi. שִׁוָּה 1) to place. Midr. Till. to Ps. 119:9 (ref. to Ps. 16:8, sq.) ובשביל ששִׁוִּיתִיוכ׳ and because I placed the Lord before me continually, therefore my heart rejoices ; a. e. 2) (to level obstacles, overcome temptations, to achieve. Tanḥ. Naso 28 (ref. to מצליח, Gen. 39:2) שִׁוִּיתָ מה שלא ש׳וכ׳ thou hast achieved what Adam could not achieve (to resist temptation), v. שְׁוִיָּה. Nithpa. נִשְׁתַּוֶּה to be made alike; to join. Num. R. s. 1620> שאלו לא נִשְׁתַּוּוּוכ׳ for if they had not joined the spies ; Tanḥ. ed. Bub. Shlaḥ 20; (Tanḥ. ib. 11 שמעו).

    Jewish literature > שָׁרָה

  • 17 גדד I

    גָּדַדI (b. h.; cmp. גזו, קצץ) to cut, cut off. Par. II, 2; Bekh.44a יָגוֹד let him lop off (the black tops of the horns or hoofs).(V. גָּדַר.Trnsf. (cmp. קצץ) to fix the price. B. Bath.13a גּוֹד או אָגוֹד either fix you a price for my share, or I shall do so (and buy your share); דינא דגוד או אגוד the right of settling by god o agod. Ib. אגוד איכא גוד ליכא the offer to buy is applicable in this case (the half-freed slave can offer to buy his other half), but the offer to sell cannot be made (since there is no price for a free man).Part. pass. גָּדוּד stripped (of branches); trnsf. empty-handed. Gen. R. s. 68, beg. ג׳ שלחו (Yalk. ib. 117 גדודי) Isaac sent Jacob away without anything valuable. Pi. גִּדֵּד to cut off, level. Gen. R. s. 71 (play on בא גד, Gen. 30:11) בא מי שעתיד לגַדֵּדוכ׳ he has come who is destined to level the fastnesses of the nations (idolatry). Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 13 (play on מגדל גד, Josh. 15:37) from there the Lord יוצא ומְגַדֵּדוכ׳ will proceed and level ; Ex. R. s. 40 ומגיד (corr. acc.). Nif. נִגְדַּד to be cut off. Keth.51a כל העומד לִיגָּדֵד כְּגָדוּד דמי Ar. (ed. ליגזז, v. גָּזַז). Hithpol. הִתְגּוֹדֵד to make incisions in ones own body. Yeb.13b, v. גּוּד. Tanḥ. Shlaḥ. 15; Num. R. s. 17 קבר מת לא תִתְגּוֹדְדוּ when one buried a dead, the law says, Ye shall not (Deut. 14:1). V. גְּדִידָה. Polel גֹּדֵד same. Yeb. l. c. א״כ לימא קרא לא תְּגוֹדְדוּ if it were so (that Deut. 14:1 meant only to forbid incisions in the body) it ought to read lo tgoddu, ye shall make no incisions.

    Jewish literature > גדד I

  • 18 גָּדַד

    גָּדַדI (b. h.; cmp. גזו, קצץ) to cut, cut off. Par. II, 2; Bekh.44a יָגוֹד let him lop off (the black tops of the horns or hoofs).(V. גָּדַר.Trnsf. (cmp. קצץ) to fix the price. B. Bath.13a גּוֹד או אָגוֹד either fix you a price for my share, or I shall do so (and buy your share); דינא דגוד או אגוד the right of settling by god o agod. Ib. אגוד איכא גוד ליכא the offer to buy is applicable in this case (the half-freed slave can offer to buy his other half), but the offer to sell cannot be made (since there is no price for a free man).Part. pass. גָּדוּד stripped (of branches); trnsf. empty-handed. Gen. R. s. 68, beg. ג׳ שלחו (Yalk. ib. 117 גדודי) Isaac sent Jacob away without anything valuable. Pi. גִּדֵּד to cut off, level. Gen. R. s. 71 (play on בא גד, Gen. 30:11) בא מי שעתיד לגַדֵּדוכ׳ he has come who is destined to level the fastnesses of the nations (idolatry). Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 13 (play on מגדל גד, Josh. 15:37) from there the Lord יוצא ומְגַדֵּדוכ׳ will proceed and level ; Ex. R. s. 40 ומגיד (corr. acc.). Nif. נִגְדַּד to be cut off. Keth.51a כל העומד לִיגָּדֵד כְּגָדוּד דמי Ar. (ed. ליגזז, v. גָּזַז). Hithpol. הִתְגּוֹדֵד to make incisions in ones own body. Yeb.13b, v. גּוּד. Tanḥ. Shlaḥ. 15; Num. R. s. 17 קבר מת לא תִתְגּוֹדְדוּ when one buried a dead, the law says, Ye shall not (Deut. 14:1). V. גְּדִידָה. Polel גֹּדֵד same. Yeb. l. c. א״כ לימא קרא לא תְּגוֹדְדוּ if it were so (that Deut. 14:1 meant only to forbid incisions in the body) it ought to read lo tgoddu, ye shall make no incisions.

    Jewish literature > גָּדַד

  • 19 מישור

    מִישוֹרm. (b. h.; יָשַׁר) plain, level; common (cmp. בִּקְעָה). Yoma 75a (play on מישרים, Prov. 23:31) עריות כולן דומות עליו כמ׳ all forbidden connections appear to him like a common (to which all have access). Ib. כל העולם … כמ׳ the entire world appears to him like a common (he disregards other peoples rights); Num. R. s. 10 עושה אותן הפקר כמ׳ he considers all sins free like a common. Ib. שנוטלין … בתיהם כמ׳ they (the oppressors) carry off all that belongs to them (the Jews), and their houses are left levelled like a common. Tanḥ. Reh 3 אחת תחלתה קוצים וסופה מ׳ ואחת תחלתה מ׳וכ׳ one road full of thorns in the beginning but level in the end, and one level in the beginning ; a. e.

    Jewish literature > מישור

  • 20 מִישוֹר

    מִישוֹרm. (b. h.; יָשַׁר) plain, level; common (cmp. בִּקְעָה). Yoma 75a (play on מישרים, Prov. 23:31) עריות כולן דומות עליו כמ׳ all forbidden connections appear to him like a common (to which all have access). Ib. כל העולם … כמ׳ the entire world appears to him like a common (he disregards other peoples rights); Num. R. s. 10 עושה אותן הפקר כמ׳ he considers all sins free like a common. Ib. שנוטלין … בתיהם כמ׳ they (the oppressors) carry off all that belongs to them (the Jews), and their houses are left levelled like a common. Tanḥ. Reh 3 אחת תחלתה קוצים וסופה מ׳ ואחת תחלתה מ׳וכ׳ one road full of thorns in the beginning but level in the end, and one level in the beginning ; a. e.

    Jewish literature > מִישוֹר

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  • on the level — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest and fair; telling the whole truth. * /Our teacher respects the students who are on the level with her./ * /Joyce wondered if the fortune teller was on the level./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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