1 irritate
['iriteit]1) (to annoy or make angry: The children's chatter irritated him.) dražiti, jeziti2) (to make (a part of the body) sore, red, itchy etc: Soap can irritate a baby's skin.) dražiti•- irritably
- irritability
- irritableness
- irritating
- irritation* * *I [íriteit]transitive verbdražiti, razdražiti (by s čim); iritirati, vznemirjatiirritated at — jezen na kaj, vznemirjen zaradi česaII [íriteit]transitive verbjuridically razveljaviti, anulirati -
2 commerce
['komə:s] 1. noun(the exchange of goods between nations or people; trade on a large scale: He is engaged in commerce.) trgovina2. noun(a TV or radio advertisement: I enjoyed the play but the commercials irritated me.) reklama- commercialise
- commercialism
- commercial traveller* * *[kɔmə:s]noun( with) trgovina, blagovni promet; archaic spolno občevanje -
3 provoke
[prə'vəuk]1) (to make angry or irritated: Are you trying to provoke me?) razdražiti2) (to cause: His words provoked laughter.) izzvati3) (to cause (a person etc) to react in an angry way: He was provoked into hitting her.) izzvati•- provocative
- provocatively* * *[prəvóuk]transitive verbprovocirati, izzvati, izzivati, dražiti, razdražiti, razvneti, razvnemati, razjeziti; povzročiti -
4 sore
[so:] 1. adjective1) (painful: My leg is very sore; I have a sore leg.) boleč2) (suffering pain: I am still a bit sore after my operation.) občutljiv3) ((American) irritated, annoyed or offended: He is still sore about what happened.) vznemirjen2. noun(a painful, injured or diseased spot on the skin: His hands were covered with horrible sores.) rana- sorely- soreness* * *I [sɔ:]nounrana, ranjeno mesto; vnetje; figuratively skrb, težava, jezaan open sore — odprta, nezaceljena rana (tudi figuratively)bed-sore — rana od dolgega ležanja, preležaninaeye sore figuratively grda stvar, ki žali okoto re-open the old sores figuratively zopet odpreti stare raneII [so:]1.adjective ( sorely adverb)ranjen, poln ran, ves v ranah, vnet ( with od); boleč; občutljiv; American razdražljiv, jezen, užaljen, hud ( about zaradi); velik, skrajen (stiska, sila); otožen, žalosten, vznemirjena bear with a sore head figuratively godrnjač, nergača sore subject — neprijetna (kočljiva, boleča) téma (predmet pogovora)a sore throat — vneto grlo, vnetje grlaa sight for sore eyes — lep, prijeten pogledto be sore figuratively kuhati jezoto be foot sore — imeti noge v ranah (ožuljene, zlasti od hoje)he was sore at heart — srce ga je bolelo, pretreslo ga jeto feel sore about s.th. — biti užaljen zaradi česaI touched him in a sore spot figuratively dotaknil sem se ga na ranjenem (občutljivem) mestu;2.adverbboleče, kruto, muke polno; zelo -
5 tear
I [tiə] noun(a drop of liquid coming from the eye, as a result of emotion (especially sadness) or because something (eg smoke) has irritated it: tears of joy/laughter/rage.) solza- tearful- tearfully
- tearfulness
- tear gas
- tear-stained
- in tears II 1. [teə] past tense - tore; verb1) ((sometimes with off etc) to make a split or hole in (something), intentionally or unintentionally, with a sudden or violent pulling action, or to remove (something) from its position by such an action or movement: He tore the photograph into pieces; You've torn a hole in your jacket; I tore the picture out of a magazine.) raztrgati, iztrgati2) (to become torn: Newspapers tear easily.) trgati se3) (to rush: He tore along the road.) drveti2. noun(a hole or split made by tearing: There's a tear in my dress.) raztrganina- be torn between one thing and another- be torn between
- tear oneself away
- tear away
- tear one's hair
- tear up* * *I [tíə]nounsolza; (solzi podobna) kaplja; plural skrb, žalost, bolest; (redko) tožba, tarnanjcin tears — (ves) v solzah, ihteč, jokajočtears of strong wine — kaplje, ki se naredijo v čaši vina, ki ni čisto polnato draw tears from s.o., to reduce s.o. to tears — spraviti koga vjokII [tʌ/ə]nounraztrg, razporek, raztrgano mesto; razcep; drvenje, hitra, divja naglica, hitenje; razburjenje, pobesnelost; American slang popivanje, veseljačenjeat full tear — z vso brzino, v polnem zamahu (zagonu)III [tʌ/ə]transitive verb(raz)trgati; razkosati; pretrgati, prekiniti; iztrgati, izpuliti; vleči, natezati; odtrgati ( from od)to tear open — odpreti z raztrganjem, raztrgatito tear s.th. from s.o. — iztrgati komu kajto tear to pieces — raztrgati na kose, razkosatito be torn between hope and despair — biti razdvojen (kolebati) med upanjem in obupom; intransitive verb (po)vleči (at za), močno potegniti (at za); (raz)trgati se; pretrgati se; prekiniti se, pokati; colloquially drveti, dirjati, divje hiteti, leteti ( through skozi); colloquially divjati, besnetihe tore down the hill — zdrvel je po hribu navzdol; -
6 vaguely
1) (in a vague manner: I remember him very vaguely.) nejasno2) (slightly: She felt vaguely irritated; I feel vaguely uneasy.) rahlo
См. также в других словарях:
irritated — adj. aroused to impatience or anger; as, made an irritated gesture. Syn: annoyed, nettled, peeved, pissed, stung. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
irritated — adj. 1) irritated at (irritated at being awakened so early) 2) irritated to + inf. (he was irritated to see her dancing with someone else) * * * irritated to + inf. (he was irritated to see her dancing with someone else) irritated at (irritated… … Combinatory dictionary
Irritated — Irritate Ir ri*tate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Irritated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Irritating}.] [L. irritatus, p. p. of irritare. Of doubtful origin.] [1913 Webster] 1. To increase the action or violence of; to heighten excitement in; to intensify; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
irritated — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, look, sound ▪ become, get ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly … Collocations dictionary
irritated — ir|ri|tat|ed [ˈırıteıtıd] adj 1.) feeling annoyed and impatient about something irritated about/at/with/by ▪ John was getting irritated by all her questions. see usage note ↑nervous 2.) painful and sore ▪ Her throat and eyes were irritated … Dictionary of contemporary English
irritated — adjective Date: 1595 subjected to irritation; especially roughened, reddened, or inflamed by an irritant < irritated eyes > … New Collegiate Dictionary
irritated — ir|ri|tat|ed [ ırı,teıtəd ] adjective 1. ) annoyed or impatient about something: I was beginning to get irritated at the long delay. 2. ) painful, red, or swollen … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
irritated — adjective 1 feeling annoyed and impatient about something (+ about/at/with/by): John was irritated by the necessity for polite conversation. 2 painful and sore … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
irritated — UK [ˈɪrɪˌteɪtɪd] / US [ˈɪrɪˌteɪtəd] adjective 1) annoyed or impatient about something I was beginning to get irritated. 2) painful, red, or swollen … English dictionary
irritated — [ˈɪrɪˌteɪtɪd] adj 1) annoyed or angry about something I was beginning to get irritated.[/ex] 2) painful or swollen … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
irritated — adjective aroused to impatience or anger made an irritated gesture feeling nettled from the constant teasing peeved about being left out felt really pissed at her snootiness riled no end by his lies roiled by the delay • Syn … Useful english dictionary