1 economic crime
эк., юр. экономическое [хозяйственное\] преступление (любая сделка или производственная деятельность, которая противоречит существующему законодательству)detection and investigation of economic crime — выявление и расследование экономических преступлений
Insider dealing is an economic crime in much the same way as theft is a crime of property. — Инсайдерская торговля представляет собой экономическое преступление точно так же, как кража является преступлением против права собственности.
See:illegal economy, mafia, financial crime, tax fraud, false accounting, deceptive advertising, corruption, money laundering, crime, insider dealing, insider trading, fiscal offence, blackmail* * * -
2 Guiding Principles for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development and a New International Economic Order
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Guiding Principles for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development and a New International Economic Order
3 crime
n -
4 law
1) право ( в объективном смысле)2) закон3) общее право5) юстиция; юристы•according to law — в соответствии с правом, с законом; правомерно | соответствующий праву, закону; правомерный, законный;
law and order — правопорядок;
law and usage of Parliament — парламентский обычай;
law as amended — закон в изменённой редакции;
law as fact — право как факт, право как сущее;
law as norm — право как норма, право как должное;
at law — в соответствии с правом, в силу права, в области права; в рамках общего права;
law Christian — церковное право;
contrary to law — в противоречии с правом; в противоречии с законом | противоречащий праву; противоречащий закону;
law due to expire — закон с истекающим сроком действия;
law for the time being — закон, действующий в настоящее время;
law in force — 1. действующее право 2. действующий закон;
in law — по закону;
contemplation in law — 1. юридически значимые намерения, цель 2. точка зрения закона;
law in vigour — действующий закон;
law martial — военное положение;
law merchant — торговое право; обычное торговое право;
law spiritual — церковное право;
to be in trouble with the law — вступить в конфликт с законом;
to carry law into effect — ввести закон в действие;
to clarify the law — разъяснить смысл правовой нормы, закона;
to consult the law — обратиться за разъяснением к закону; обратиться за консультацией к юристу, к адвокату;
to continue existing law — продлевать действие существующей правовой нормы, закона;
to create new law — создавать новую правовую норму; принимать (новый) закон;
to elaborate the law — разрабатывать закон;
to emerge as law — обретать силу закона;
to get into difficulty with the law — вступить в конфликт с законом;
to go to law — обратиться к правосудию;
to keep law current — модернизировать право, закон;
to make laws — законодательствовать;
to practice law — заниматься юридической [адвокатской] практикой;
to provide for by law — предусмотреть законом, узаконить;
to restate the law — переформулировать, перередактировать правовую норму, закон;
to stand to the law — предстать перед судом;
to strain the law — допустить натяжку в истолковании закона;
to teach law — преподавать право;
law unacted upon — закон, который не соблюдается;
within the law — в рамках закона, в пределах закона
- law of armslaw of international organizations — право, регулирующее деятельность международных организаций
- law of civil procedure
- law of conflict of laws
- law of conflict
- law of contract
- law of copyright
- law of corrections
- law of crimes
- law of crime
- law of criminal procedure
- law of domestical relations
- law of domestic relations
- law of employment
- law of equity
- law of evidence
- law of God
- law of honour
- law of industrial relations
- law of international trade
- law of landlord and tenant
- law of marriage
- law of master and servant
- law of merchants
- law of merchant shipping
- law of nations
- law of nature
- law of neighbouring tenements
- law of obligation
- law of outer space
- law of peace
- law of personal property
- law of persons
- law of power
- law of practice
- law of prize
- law of procedure
- law of property
- law of quasi-contract
- law of real property
- law of shipping
- law of substance
- law of succession
- law of taxation
- law of the air
- law of the case
- law of the church
- law of the Constitution
- law of the court
- law of the flag
- law of the land
- law of the sea
- law of the situs
- law of the staple
- law of torts
- law of treaties
- law of trusts
- law of war
- abnormal law
- absolute law
- actual law
- adjective law
- adjective patent law
- administrative law
- admiralty law
- admitted law
- agrarian law
- air carriage law
- ambassadorial law
- American Indian law
- American international law
- Antarctic law
- anti-corrupt practices laws
- antipollution laws
- anti-trust laws
- antiunion laws
- applicable law
- applied law
- bad law
- banking law
- basic law
- binding law
- blue law
- blue sky laws
- Brehon laws
- broken law
- business law
- canon law
- case law
- census disclosure law
- church law
- cited law
- civil law
- club law
- commercial law
- commitment law
- common law
- company law
- comparative law
- compiled laws
- congressional law
- conservation laws
- consolidated laws
- conspiracy law
- constitutional law
- consuetudinary law
- consular law
- continental law
- contract law
- conventional law
- conventional international law
- copyright law
- corporate law
- criminal law
- crown law
- current law
- customary law
- customary international law
- customs law
- decisional law
- diplomatic law
- discriminating law
- discriminatory law
- domestic law
- domiciliary law
- dormant law
- draft law
- dry law
- ecclesiastical law
- economic law
- educational law
- effective law
- efficacious law
- election law
- emergency laws
- employment law
- enacted law
- enforceable law
- enrolled law
- environmental law
- equity law
- established law
- exchange law
- exclusion laws
- executive law
- executively inspired law
- existing law
- ex post facto law
- extradition laws
- extradition law
- factory laws
- factory law
- fair employment practices law
- fair trade laws
- family law
- fecial law
- federal law
- feudal law
- finance law
- fiscal law
- foreign law
- formal law
- free law
- French Canadian law
- fundamental law
- game laws
- general law
- generally applicable law
- gibbet law
- good law
- group law
- Halifax law
- harsh law
- health laws
- highway laws
- highway traffic law
- homestead laws
- housing law
- hovering laws
- humanitarian law
- immutable law
- industrial law
- industrial property case law
- inheritance law
- inner comparative law
- insurance law
- interlocal criminal law
- internal law
- internal-revenue law
- international law
- international law of the sea
- international administrative law
- international conventional law
- international criminal law
- international fluvial law
- international public law
- interpersonal law
- interstate law
- intertemporal law
- intestate laws
- introduced law
- Jim Crow laws
- judaic law
- judge-made law
- judicial law
- judiciary law
- labour relations law
- labour law
- land law
- legislation law
- licensing law
- living law
- Lynch law
- magisterial law
- maritime law
- market law
- marriage law
- martial law
- matrimonial law
- mercantile law
- military law
- mining law
- mob law
- model law
- modern law
- Mohammedan law
- moral law
- municipal law
- national law
- nationality law
- natural law
- naval law
- naval prize law
- neutrality laws
- new law
- no-fault law
- nondiscriminating law
- nondiscriminatory law
- non-enacted law
- nuclear law
- obscenity law
- obsolete law
- occupational safety laws
- official law
- official session law volume
- old law
- organic law
- original law
- ostensible law
- outmoded law
- pamphlet laws
- parliamentary law
- pass law
- passed law
- patent law
- penal law
- permissive law
- personal law
- personal law of origin
- police law
- political law
- poor laws
- positive law
- present law
- prevailing law
- preventive martial law
- prima facie law
- primary law
- prior law
- prison laws
- privacy law
- private law
- private international law
- privilege law
- prize law
- procedural law
- procedural criminal law
- promulgated law
- proper law of the contract
- property law
- proposed law
- provincial law
- public law
- public contract law
- punitive law
- quarantine laws
- real property law
- real law
- regional international law
- relevant law
- remedial law
- retroactive law
- retrospective law
- revenue laws
- road laws
- road transport law
- Roman Civil law
- Roman law
- safety laws
- sea law
- secular law
- session law
- settled law
- slip law
- social security law
- social law
- sound law
- space law
- special law
- speed law
- standing law
- state law
- state-use law
- state-wide law
- statute law
- stringent law
- subsidiary law
- succession law
- sumptuary laws
- Sunday closing laws
- superior law
- supreme law of the land
- tacit law
- tariff law
- tax law
- territorial law
- trade laws
- traditional law
- traffic laws
- transnational law
- treaty law
- unalterable law
- unenforceable law
- unified laws
- uniform law
- ununified laws
- unwritten law
- unwritten constitutional law
- vagrancy laws
- wage and hour laws
- war law
- welfare laws
- wildlife law
- working law
- written law
- written constitutional law
- zoning law
- electoral law
- financial law
- indefeasible law
- merchant law
- statutory law -
5 corruption
сущ.1) общ. порча, гниение2) общ. развращенность, разложение ( моральное)3) общ. продажность4) эк., пол. коррупцияа) (использование должностным лицом прав, предоставленных ему по должности, в целях личного обогащения)Syn:See:б) ( подкуп должностных лиц)Magistrates are investigating corruption in the police force. — Судьи-магистраты расследуют случаи коррупции в полиции.
See:political corruption, state capture, opportunism, private-regarding, self-serving, rent-seeking, economic crime, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Transparency International, bribe, corrupt, big fix5) общ. изменение, искажение (слова, текста)By phonetic corruption not only the form, but the whole nature of language is destroyed. — Вследствие фонетических изменений не только форма, но и вся природа языка разрушается.
6 control
1. nконтроль; проверка; надзор; регулирование; руководство; управление; владениеto be in control of smth — контролировать что-л.; управлять чем-л.
to escape control — избегать / воздерживаться от контроля
to exercise / to exert control over smth — осуществлять контроль над чем-л.; держать что-л. под контролем
to get control — получать / приобретать контроль
to get beyond / out of control — выходить из-под контроля / из подчинения
to have / to hold / to implement control over smth — осуществлять контроль над чем-л.; держать что-л. под контролем
to increase control over smth — усиливать / ужесточать контроль над чем-л.
to lessen / to liberalize control — ослаблять контроль
to obtain control — получать / приобретать контроль
to place smth under smb's control — ставить что-л. под чей-л. контроль; устанавливать чей-л. контроль над чем-л.
to seize control — захватывать контроль (над чем-л.)
to step up / to strengthen control over smth — усиливать / ужесточать контроль над чем-л.
to take control of smth — получать контроль над чем-л.; овладевать чем-л.
to tighten control over smth — усиливать / ужесточать контроль над чем-л.
to win control of smth — получать контроль над чем-л.; овладевать чем-л.
- abolition of controlto wrest control from smb — лишать кого-л. господствующего положения
- absolute control
- abuse of control
- adequate control
- all-round control
- arms control
- birth control
- border control
- centralized control
- community control
- comprehensive control
- constant control
- control over Hong-Kong reverted to mainland China
- control over mass media
- control over nuclear weapons
- conventional arms control
- crime control
- cross-border controls
- crowd control
- currency control
- direct control
- disarmament control
- dismantling of control
- economic control
- effective control
- efficient control
- end of control
- ensuring of safe control
- environmental control
- exchange control
- export control
- financial control
- flood control
- government control
- gradual surrender of centralized control
- import controls
- increase in control
- integrated control
- international control
- introduction of control
- loosening of control
- loss of control
- main instrument of control
- military control
- ministerial control
- monopoly control
- mutual control
- nuclear arms control
- nuclear tests control
- on-site control
- out of government control
- parliamentary control
- partial control
- passport control
- pollution control
- price control
- progress control
- public control
- relaxation of control
- riot control
- running control
- shortage control
- slackening of control
- the situation might be getting out of control
- tight control
- under strict control
- wage control 2. vконтролировать; проверять; руководить, управлять; регулировать; сдерживать -
7 statistics
8 expert
nспециалист; знаток; эксперт- anti-terror expert
- arms expert
- associate expert
- backroom experts
- bomb disposal expert
- coding / decoding expert
- core of experts
- expert attached to a delegation
- expert on international crime
- experts on economic development
- field expert
- government expert
- government-appointed expert
- group of experts
- independent expert
- international expert
- leading expert
- marketing expert
- Middle-East expert
- military expert
- money-laundering expert
- national expert
- personnel expert
- proliferation expert
- recruitment of experts
- scientific expert
- social expert
- surveillance expert - technical expert
- Washington-based expert -
9 scene
n1) место действия; арена2) разг. скандал, сцена•to pass from the scene — перен. уходить со сцены
- developments on the international sceneto retire smb from the political scene — убирать кого-л. с политической сцены, отправив его на пенсию
- domestic political scene
- on the domestic scene
- political scene
- world political and economic scene -
10 office
управление; департамент; комитет; отдел; бюро; секретариат, канцелярия; разг. кабина экипажаJoint Service Cruise Missile Program [Project] office — объединенное управление разработки КР (для ВВС и ВМС)
office of Information, Navy — информационное управление ВМС
office of Research, Development and Evaluation — управление НИОКР ВМС
office of the Chief, Army Reserve — управление резерва СВ
office of the Comptroller, Navy — управление главного финансового инспектора ВМС
office of the Deputy COFS for Research, Development and Acquisition — управление заместителя НШ по НИОКР и закупкам (СВ)
office, Aerospace Research — управление воздушно-космических исследований
office, Analysis and Review — управление анализа и контроля потребностей
office, Armor Force Management and Standardization — управление по вопросам администрации и стандартизации бронетанковых войск
office, Assistant COFS for Force Development — управление ПНШ по строительству ВС
office, Assistant COFS for Intelligence — управление ПНШ по разведке
office, Assistant COFS — управление [отдел] ПНШ
office, Assistant Secretary of Defense — аппарат [секретариат] ПМО
office, Chief of Chaplains — управление начальника службы военных священников (СВ)
office, Chief of Civil Affairs — управление по связям с гражданской администрацией и населением
office, Chief of Engineers — управление начальника инженерных войск
office, Chief of Finance (and Accounting) — управление начальника финансовой службы (СВ)
office, Chief of Legislative Liaison — отдел связи с законодательными органами
office, Chief of Ordnance — управление начальника артиллерийско-технической службы (СВ)
office, Chief of R&D — управление НИОКР (СВ)
office, Chief of Transportation — управление [отдел] начальника транспортной службы
office, Chief, Chemical Corps — управление начальника химической службы
office, COFS for Operations — оперативное управление НШ
office, COFS, Army — аппарат НШ СВ
office, Consolidated Personnel — управление гражданских рабочих и служащих
office, Coordinator of Army Studies — управление координатора разработок СВ
office, Defense Transportation — управление военно-транспортной службы
office, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Air Warfare — управление заместителя НШ ВМС по боевому применению авиации
office, Deputy COFS for Aviation — отдел заместителя НШ по авиации (МП)
office, Deputy COFS for Installations and Logistics — управление заместителя НШ по расквартированию и тыловому обеспечению
office, Deputy COFS for Manpower — управление заместителя НШ по людским ресурсам
office, Deputy COFS for Operations and Training — управление заместителя НШ по оперативной и боевой подготовке
office, Deputy COFS for Plans and Logistics — управление заместителя НШ по планированию тылового обеспечения
office, Development and Engineering — отдел технических разработок (ЦРУ)
office, Development and Weapon Systems Analysis — управление разработки и анализа систем вооружения
office, Director of Development Planning — управление планирования строительства (ВВС)
office, Director of Foreign Intelligence — управление начальника внешней разведки
office, Distribution Services — отдел распределения и рассылки картографических изданий (МО)
office, Economic Research — отдел экономических исследований (ЦРУ)
office, Emergency Transportation — управление чрезвычайных перевозок
office, Employment Policy and Grievance Review — отдел по вопросам занятости и рассмотрению жалоб (СВ)
office, Federal Procurement Policy — управление разработки федеральной политики в области закупок
office, Force Planning and Analysis — управление планирования и анализа строительства ВС
office, General Council — управление генерального юрисконсульта
office, Geographic and Cartographic Research — отдел географических и картографических исследований (ЦРУ)
office, Imagery Analysis — отдел анализа видовой информации (ЦРУ)
office, Information and Legal Affairs — управление информации и права (МО)
office, Information for. the Armed Forces — управление информации ВС
office, JCS — аппарат КНШ
office, Judge Advocate General — управление начальника военно-юридической службы
office, Management and Budget — административно-бюджетное управление
office, Military Assistance — управление по оказанию военной помощи
office, Personnel Manager — отдел кадров (СВ)
office, Services and Information Agency — отдел управления информационного обеспечения
office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Army Aircraft — отдел специального помощника по вопросам МТО армейской авиации
office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Tactical Communications — отдел специального помощника по вопросам МТО тактических систем связи
office, the Inspector General — управление генерального инспектора
office, the Legislative Affairs — управление военного законодательства
office, Under Secretary of Navy — аппарат заместителя министра ВМС
office, Under Secretary of the Air Force — аппарат заместителя министра ВВС
Personnel, Plans and Training office — отдел по вопросам ЛС, планирования и боевой подготовки
Strategic Objectives [Targets] Planning office — управление планирования стратегических задач (КНШ)
Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Night Observation System office — управление разработки систем наблюдения, засечки целей и ПНВ
— Resources Management office
См. также в других словарях:
Crime in Russia — International comparison of homicide rates, 2004 Crime in Russia is present in various forms. Organized crime include drug trafficking, money laundering, human trafficking, extortion, murder for hire, fraud etc. Many criminal operations engage in … Wikipedia
Economic development — is the development of economic wealth of countries or regions for the well being of their inhabitants. From a policy perspective, economic development can be defined as efforts that seek to improve the economic well being and quality of life for… … Wikipedia
Crime in Portugal — is characterized by low levels of gun violence and homicide, compared to other developed countries. Crime statistics are compiled annually by the Portuguese Ministry of Internal Administration and the Polícia de Segurança Pública which represents … Wikipedia
Economic and Specialist Crime — is an Operational Command Unit of the Specialist Crime Directorate within London s Metropolitan Police Service. The units main purpouse is to both investigate and take steps to prevent fraud, along with a wide range of other fraudulent crimes… … Wikipedia
Crime in South Africa — Crime is a prominent issue in South Africa. South Africa has a high rate of murders, assaults, rapes, and other crimes compared to most countries. Many emigrants from South Africa state that crime was a big factor in their decision to leave.[1]… … Wikipedia
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
Crime of apartheid — This article is about the crime of apartheid as defined in international law. For the system of racial segregation that formerly existed in South Africa, see South Africa under apartheid. For other uses, see Apartheid (disambiguation).… … Wikipedia
International Organizations and Groups — Note: The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) has dissolved and ceases to exist. None of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, including Serbia and Montenegro, have been permitted to participate solely on the basis of the… … Universalium
International Criminal Court — Not to be confused with the International Court of Justice. International Criminal Court Cour pénale internationale (French) … Wikipedia
International Court of Justice — ICJ redirects here. For the commission, see International Commission of Jurists. World Court redirects here. For other uses, see World Court (disambiguation). Not to be confused with the International Criminal Court. International Court of… … Wikipedia
Crime, Law Enforcement, and Penology — ▪ 1995 Introduction Terrorism. Peace talks continued in 1994 between Israel and its Arab neighbours despite a series of murderous incidents, while in Northern Ireland the Irish Republican Army, one of the world s most tenacious terrorist… … Universalium